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- /* ***************************************************** */
- /* file rbp.h: contains definitions for the rbp program */
- /* that uses 64-bit floating point weights */
- /* */
- /* Copyright (c) 1990 by Donald R. Tveter */
- /* */
- /* *******************************************************/
- #define maxformat 21
- #define buffsize 257
- #define WTTYPE double /* 64-bit floating point */
- #define WTSIZE 8 /* reals uses 8 bytes */
- #define HCODE -32768 /* code number for a layer h (2) unit */
- #define ICODE -32767 /* code number for a layer i (3) unit */
- #define JCODE -32766 /* code number for a layer j (4) unit */
- #define KCODE -32765 /* code number for a layer k (5) unit */
- #define GT 0 /* a symbol meaning > */
- #define GE 1 /* a symbol meaning >= */
- #define scale(x) x /* scale not used in real version */
- #define unscale(x) x /* unscale not used in real version */
- #define unscaleint(x) x /* unscaleint not used in real version */
- typedef struct patnode
- {
- WTTYPE val; /* input or output pattern */
- struct patnode *next; /* pointer to next node */
- typedef struct patlist
- {
- int bypass; /* number of times to bypass pattern */
- PATNODE *pats; /* the list of patterns */
- struct patlist *next; /* the next pattern */
- typedef struct unit
- {
- short layernumber; /* layer number of the unit */
- short unitnumber; /* position within layer */
- double error; /* to sum error factors */
- WTTYPE oj; /* state of activation of node */
- WTTYPE tj;
- struct unit *wtlist; /* to list of weights to prev layer */
- struct unit *next; /* link to next unit in this layer */
- } UNIT;
- typedef struct wtnode
- {
- #ifdef SYMMETRIC
- WTTYPE *weight; /* weight from here to backunit */
- WTTYPE *olddw; /* delta wji from previous iteration */
- WTTYPE *total; /* total of changes for batch updates */
- WTTYPE *eta; /* the eta of the DBD method */
- #else
- WTTYPE weight; /* weight from here to backunit */
- WTTYPE olddw; /* delta wji from previous iterataion */
- WTTYPE total; /* total of changes for batch updates */
- WTTYPE eta; /* the eta of the DBD method */
- #endif
- struct wtnode *next; /* link to next node */
- struct UNIT *backunit; /* ptr to unit the weight comes from */
- typedef struct layer
- {
- int unitcount; /* number of units in this layer */
- struct layer *backlayer; /* pointer to previous layer */
- struct layer *next; /* pointer to next layer */
- struct UNIT *units; /* start of list of units in this layer */
- PATLIST *patstart; /* to the list of patterns */
- PATLIST *currentpat; /* the current pattern */
- } LAYER;