home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* **************************************************** */
- /* file misc.c: contains pattern manipulation routines */
- /* and miscellaneous other functions. */
- /* */
- /* Copyright (c) 1990 by Donald R. Tveter */
- /* */
- /* **************************************************** */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #ifdef INTEGER
- #include "ibp.h"
- #else
- #include "rbp.h"
- #endif
- extern short backoutput();
- extern void backinner();
- extern short cbackoutput();
- extern void cbackinner();
- extern WTTYPE rdr();
- extern WTTYPE readchar();
- extern void saveweights();
- extern WTTYPE scale();
- extern double unscaleint();
- extern void updatej();
- extern void updateo();
- extern char backprop;
- extern FILE *data;
- extern char datafilename[50];
- extern UNIT *hlayer;
- extern UNIT *ilayer;
- extern char informat;
- extern UNIT *jlayer;
- extern UNIT *klayer;
- extern LAYER *last;
- extern int lastprint;
- extern int npats;
- extern int prevnpats;
- extern int readerror;
- extern int saverate;
- extern int skiprate;
- extern LAYER *start;
- extern char summary;
- extern WTTYPE toler;
- #ifdef INTEGER
- extern int totaldiff;
- #else
- extern double totaldiff;
- #endif
- extern int totaliter;
- extern int unlearnedpats;
- extern char update;
- extern WTTYPE wtlimit;
- extern char wtlimithit;
- extern int wttotal;
- void nullpatterns() /* dispose of any patterns before reading more */
- {
- PATLIST *pl, *nextpl;
- PATNODE *pn, *nextpn;
- if (start->patstart != NULL)
- {
- pl = start->patstart;
- nextpl = pl->next;
- while (pl != NULL)
- {
- pn = pl->pats;
- nextpn = pn->next;
- while (pn != NULL)
- {
- free(pn);
- pn = nextpn;
- nextpn = pn->next;
- };
- free(pl);
- pl = nextpl;
- nextpl = pl->next;
- };
- pl = last->patstart;
- nextpl = pl->next;
- while (pl != NULL)
- {
- pn = pl->pats;
- nextpn = pn->next;
- while (pn != NULL)
- {
- free(pn);
- pn = nextpn;
- nextpn = pn->next;
- };
- free(pl);
- pl = nextpl;
- nextpl = pl->next;
- };
- };
- start->patstart = NULL;
- last->patstart = NULL;
- npats = 0;
- prevnpats = 0;
- }
- void resetpats()
- {
- start->currentpat = NULL;
- last->currentpat = NULL;
- }
- void findendofpats(layer) /* purpose is to set all layer->currentpat */
- LAYER *layer; /* fields to end of pattern list so more */
- /* patterns can be added at the end. */
- {
- PATLIST *pl;
- pl = (PATLIST *) layer->patstart;
- while (pl->next != NULL) pl = pl->next;
- layer->currentpat = pl;
- }
- int copyhidden(input,hidden,l)
- UNIT *input, **hidden;
- int l;
- {
- if (hidden == NULL)
- {
- printf("ran out of hidden units in layer %d\n",l);
- return(1);
- }
- input->oj = (*hidden)->oj;
- *hidden = (*hidden)->next;
- return(0);
- }
- void nextpat()
- {
- if (start->currentpat == NULL)
- {
- start->currentpat = start->patstart;
- last->currentpat = last->patstart;
- }
- else
- {
- start->currentpat = (start->currentpat)->next;
- last->currentpat = (last->currentpat)->next;
- };
- }
- void setonepat() /* sets up patterns on input units */
- {
- register PATNODE *p;
- register UNIT *u;
- register LAYER *innerlayers;
- UNIT *hunit, *iunit, *junit, *kunit;
- PATLIST *pl;
- hunit = hlayer;
- iunit = ilayer;
- junit = jlayer;
- kunit = klayer;
- pl = start->currentpat;
- p = (PATNODE *) pl->pats;
- u = (UNIT *) start->units;
- while (p != NULL)
- {
- if (p->val > KCODE) u->oj = p->val;
- else if (p->val == HCODE)
- {if (copyhidden(u,&hunit,2) == 1) return;}
- else if (p->val == ICODE)
- {if (copyhidden(u,&iunit,3) == 1) return;}
- else if (p->val == JCODE)
- {if (copyhidden(u,&junit,4) == 1) return;}
- else if (copyhidden(u,&kunit,5) == 1) return;
- u = u->next;
- p = p->next;
- };
- innerlayers = start->next;
- while (innerlayers->next != NULL)
- { /* set errors on the inner layer units to 0 */
- u = (UNIT *) innerlayers->units;
- while (u != NULL)
- {
- u->error = 0;
- u = u->next;
- };
- innerlayers = innerlayers->next;
- };
- }
- void limitwts()
- {
- register LAYER *layer;
- register UNIT *u;
- register WTNODE *w;
- layer = start->next;
- while (layer != NULL)
- {
- u = (UNIT *) layer->units;
- while (u != NULL)
- {
- w = (WTNODE *) u->wtlist;
- while (w != NULL)
- {
- #ifdef SYMMETRIC
- if (*(w->weight) > wtlimit)
- {
- *(w->weight) = wtlimit;
- wtlimithit = 1;
- }
- else if (*(w->weight) < -wtlimit)
- {
- *(w->weight) = -wtlimit;
- wtlimithit = 1;
- };
- #else
- if (w->weight > wtlimit)
- {
- w->weight = wtlimit;
- wtlimithit = 1;
- }
- else if (w->weight < -wtlimit)
- {
- w->weight = -wtlimit;
- wtlimithit = 1;
- };
- #endif
- w = w->next;
- };
- u = u->next;
- };
- layer = layer->next;
- };
- }
- #ifndef SYMMETRIC
- void whittle(amount) /* removes weights whose absolute */
- WTTYPE amount; /* value is less than amount */
- {LAYER *layer;
- UNIT *u;
- WTNODE *w, *wprev;
- layer = start->next;
- while (layer != NULL)
- {
- u = (UNIT *) layer->units;
- while (u != NULL)
- {
- w = (WTNODE *) u->wtlist;
- wprev = (WTNODE *) NULL;
- while (w->next != (WTNODE *) NULL)
- {
- if ((w->weight) < amount && (w->weight) > -amount)
- {
- if (wprev == NULL) (WTNODE *) u->wtlist = w->next;
- else (WTNODE *) wprev->next = w->next;
- wttotal = wttotal - 1;
- }
- else wprev = w;
- w = w->next;
- }
- u = u->next;
- }
- layer = layer->next;
- }
- }
- #endif
- void oneset() /* go through the patterns once and update weights */
- { int i;
- LAYER *layer;
- register UNIT *u;
- register WTNODE *w;
- short numbernotclose, attempted, passed;
- begin:
- layer = last; /* make all b->totals = 0 */
- while (layer->backlayer != NULL)
- {
- u = (UNIT *) layer->units;
- while (u != NULL)
- {
- w = (WTNODE *) u->wtlist;
- while (w != NULL)
- {
- #ifdef SYMMETRIC
- *(w->total) = 0;
- #else
- w->total = 0;
- #endif
- w = w->next;
- };
- u = u->next;
- };
- layer = layer->backlayer;
- };
- attempted = 0;
- passed = 0;
- unlearnedpats = npats;
- resetpats();
- for(i=1;i<=npats;i++)
- {
- nextpat();
- if (last->currentpat->bypass <= 0)
- {
- setonepat();
- forward();
- attempted = attempted + 1;
- if (update == 'c' || update == 'C')
- numbernotclose = cbackoutput();
- else numbernotclose = backoutput();
- if (numbernotclose != 0)
- {
- #ifndef SYMMETRIC
- if (update == 'c' || update == 'C') cbackinner();
- else backinner();
- #endif
- }
- else /* this one pattern has been learned */
- {
- passed = passed + 1;
- unlearnedpats = unlearnedpats - 1;
- last->currentpat->bypass = skiprate;
- #ifndef SYMMETRIC
- if (backprop)
- {
- if (update == 'c' || update == 'C') cbackinner();
- else backinner();
- };
- #endif
- }
- }
- else last->currentpat->bypass = last->currentpat->bypass - 1;
- };
- if (unlearnedpats == 0) return;
- if (attempted == passed)
- {
- resetpats();
- for (i=1;i<=npats;i++)
- {
- nextpat();
- last->currentpat->bypass = 0;
- };
- goto begin;
- };
- if (update == 'j') updatej();
- else if (update == 'o' || update == 'd') updateo();
- if (wtlimit != 0) limitwts();
- }
- void kick(size,amount) /* give the network a kick */
- WTTYPE size;
- WTTYPE amount;
- { LAYER *layer;
- UNIT *u;
- WTNODE *w;
- WTTYPE value;
- WTTYPE delta;
- int sign;
- layer = start->next;
- while (layer != NULL)
- {
- u = (UNIT *) layer->units;
- while (u != NULL)
- {
- w = (WTNODE *) u->wtlist;
- while (w != NULL)
- {
- #ifdef SYMMETRIC
- value = *(w->weight);
- #else
- value = w->weight;
- #endif
- if (value != 0) sign = 1;
- else if (rand() > 16383) sign = -1;
- else sign = 1;
- delta = (sign * amount * rand()) / 32768;
- if (value >= size) value = value - delta;
- else if (value < -size) value = value + delta;
- #ifdef SYMMETRIC
- if (((UNIT *) w->backunit)->unitnumber != u->unitnumber)
- *(w->weight) = value;
- #else
- w->weight = value;
- #endif
- w = w->next;
- }
- u = u->next;
- }
- layer = layer->next;
- }
- }
- void printpats(first,finish,printheader,printerrors,callfromrun)
- int first,finish,printheader,printerrors,callfromrun;
- {
- int i;
- double err;
- if (summary == '+' && callfromrun)
- {
- printf("%6d ",totaliter);
- printf("%6d learned ",npats-unlearnedpats);
- printf("%6d unlearned ",unlearnedpats);
- err = unscaleint(totaldiff) / (npats * last->unitcount);
- printf("%7.5lf error/unit\n",err);
- return;
- };
- lastprint = totaliter;
- if (printheader == 1)
- printf("%d iterations, file = %s\n",totaliter,datafilename);
- resetpats();
- for (i=2;i<=first;i++) nextpat();
- for (i=first;i<=finish;i++)
- {
- nextpat();
- setonepat();
- printf("%3d ",i);
- forward();
- printoutunits(last,printerrors);
- };
- }
- void run(n,prpatsrate)
- int n; /* the number of iterations to run */
- int prpatsrate; /* rate at which to print output patterns */
- { int i;
- char wtlimitbefore;
- printf("running . . .\n");
- for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
- {
- totaldiff = 0;
- wtlimitbefore = wtlimithit;
- oneset();
- totaliter = totaliter + 1;
- if (wtlimitbefore == 0 && wtlimithit == 1)
- printf(">>>>> WEIGHT LIMIT HIT <<<<< at %d\n",totaliter);
- if (unlearnedpats == 0)
- {
- if (update != 'c' && update != 'C') totaliter = totaliter - 1;
- if ((prpatsrate > 0) && (lastprint != totaliter))
- printpats(1,npats,1,1,1);
- printf("patterns learned to within %4.2lf",unscale(toler));
- printf(" at iteration %d\n",totaliter);
- return;
- };
- if (totaliter % saverate == 0) saveweights();
- if ((prpatsrate > 0) && ((i % prpatsrate == 0) || (i == n)))
- printpats(1,npats,1,1,1);
- };
- }