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- /*
- * djinfo.c -- prints information contained in an HP DeskJet soft font file.
- * Copyright (C) 1990 Vassilis Prevelakis
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation and included with this distribution in the
- * file named LICENSE.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * Bugs fixes, comments etc. to:
- * Vasilis Prevelakis
- * Centre Universitaire d'Informatique (CUI)
- * 12 Rue du Lac, Geneva, Switzerland CH-1207
- * email: vp@cui.unige.ch
- * uucp: ...!mcsun!cui!vp
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- typedef unsigned char u_char;
- typedef unsigned short u_short;
- FILE* fd;
- struct fdb {
- u_short size; /* always 72 */
- u_char format; /* DeskJet only: header format (5 or 9) */
- u_char ftype; /* zero for 7-bit font */
- short xxx1; /* RESERVED, must be zero */
- u_short baseline; /* in dots */
- u_short cell_width; /* in dots */
- u_short cell_height; /* in dots */
- u_char orientation; /* 0 portrait, 1 landscape */
- u_char spacing; /* 0 fixed, 1 proportional */
- u_short symbol;
- u_short pitch; /* in quarter dots */
- u_short height; /* in quarter dots */
- u_short xHeight; /* in quarter dots -- IGNORED */
- u_char w_type; /* IGNORED, == 0 */
- u_char style;
- char str_weight;
- u_char typeface;
- u_char slant; /* DeskJet only */
- u_char s_style;
- u_char quality; /* DeskJet only */
- u_char placement; /* DeskJet only */
- char ud_dst;
- u_char ud_height; /* IGNORED, == 3 */
- u_short t_height; /* IGNORED, == 0 */
- u_short t_width; /* IGNORED, == 0 */
- u_short firstcode; /* DeskJet only */
- u_short lastcode; /* DeskJet only */
- u_char ext_pitch; /* IGNORED by DeskJet == 0 */
- u_char ext_height; /* IGNORED by DeskJet == 0 */
- short xxx5[3]; /* RESERVED, must be zero */
- #define MAXNAME 16
- char fname[MAXNAME];
- /* following fields DeskJet only */
- u_short hres; /* horizontal resolution == 600 */
- u_short vres; /* vertical resolution == 300 */
- char ud2_dst;
- u_char ud2_height;
- char bud_dst;
- u_char bud_height;
- u_short psbs; /* number of subsequent bytes == 20 */
- u_short font_size;
- char oneway;
- char compressed;
- u_char holdtime;
- char nohalfpitch;
- char nodoublepitch;
- char nohalfheight;
- char nobold;
- char nodraft;
- char boldmethod;
- char xxx7; /* RESERVED, must be zero */
- u_short baseoff2;
- /* following fields used by DeskJet PLUS **ONLY** */
- u_short baseoff3;
- u_short baseoff4;
- } myfdb;
- void loc_char(cc)
- char cc;
- {
- int c;
- while ((c = getc(fd)) != cc)
- if (c < 0)
- exit(0);
- }
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int c;
- int i;
- struct fdb myfdb;
- u_char *vp;
- if (argc != 2)
- {
- printf("usage: xx filename\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if ((fd = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) == NULL)
- {
- printf("Couldn't open %s.\n", argv[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- do {
- do {
- loc_char(0x1b);
- } while (getc(fd) != ')');
- } while (getc(fd) != 's');
- loc_char('W');
- /* printf("now at %ld\n", ftell(fd)); */
- fread(&myfdb, sizeof(struct fdb), 1, fd);
- #define vp_swab(X) ((((u_short)X & 0xff) << 8) | (((u_short)X & 0xff00) >> 8))
- myfdb.size = vp_swab(myfdb.size);
- myfdb.baseline = vp_swab(myfdb.baseline);
- myfdb.cell_width = vp_swab(myfdb.cell_width);
- myfdb.cell_height = vp_swab(myfdb.cell_height);
- myfdb.symbol = vp_swab(myfdb.symbol);
- myfdb.pitch = vp_swab(myfdb.pitch);
- myfdb.height = vp_swab(myfdb.height);
- myfdb.xHeight = vp_swab(myfdb.xHeight);
- myfdb.t_height = vp_swab(myfdb.t_height);
- myfdb.t_width = vp_swab(myfdb.t_width);
- myfdb.firstcode = vp_swab(myfdb.firstcode);
- myfdb.lastcode = vp_swab(myfdb.lastcode);
- myfdb.hres = vp_swab(myfdb.hres);
- myfdb.vres = vp_swab(myfdb.vres);
- myfdb.psbs = vp_swab(myfdb.psbs);
- myfdb.font_size = vp_swab(myfdb.font_size);
- myfdb.baseoff2 = vp_swab(myfdb.baseoff2);
- myfdb.baseoff3 = vp_swab(myfdb.baseoff3);
- myfdb.baseoff4 = vp_swab(myfdb.baseoff4);
- myfdb.fname[MAXNAME-1] = '\0';
- printf("Font name: %s.\n", myfdb.fname);
- printf("size=%d, format=%d, ftype=%d, baseline=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n",
- (int)myfdb.size, (int)myfdb.format, (int)myfdb.ftype,
- (int)myfdb.baseline,
- (int)myfdb.cell_width, (int)myfdb.cell_height);
- printf("orien=%d, spacing=%d, pitch=%d, height=%d, xHeight=%d, w_type=%d\n",
- (int)myfdb.orientation, (int)myfdb.spacing, (int)myfdb.pitch,
- (int)myfdb.height,
- (int)myfdb.xHeight, (int)myfdb.w_type);
- printf("style=%d, str_weight=%d, typeface=%d, slant=%d, s_style=%d\n",
- (int)myfdb.style, (int)myfdb.str_weight,(int)myfdb.typeface,
- (int)myfdb.slant, (int)myfdb.s_style);
- printf("quality=%d, placement=%d, t_height=%d, t_width=%d, Fcode=%d, Lcode=%d\n",
- (int)myfdb.quality, (int)myfdb.placement, (int)myfdb.t_height,
- (int)myfdb.t_width,
- (int)myfdb.firstcode, (int)myfdb.lastcode);
- printf("hres=%d, vres=%d, psbs=%d, size=%u\n",
- (int)myfdb.hres, (int)myfdb.vres,
- (int)myfdb.psbs, (unsigned int)myfdb.font_size);
- printf("baseoff2=%d, baseoff3=%d, baseoff4=%d\n",
- (int)myfdb.baseoff2, (int)myfdb.baseoff3, (int)myfdb.baseoff4);
- }