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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- subject: v14i020: dmake version 3.5 part 10/21
- From: dvadura@watdragon.waterloo.edu (Dennis Vadura)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 20
- Submitted-by: dvadura@watdragon.waterloo.edu (Dennis Vadura)
- Archive-name: dmake/part10
- #!/bin/sh
- # this is part 10 of a multipart archive
- # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
- # file man/dmake.p continued
- #
- CurArch=10
- if test ! -r s2_seq_.tmp
- then echo "Please unpack part 1 first!"
- exit 1; fi
- ( read Scheck
- if test "$Scheck" != $CurArch
- then echo "Please unpack part $Scheck next!"
- exit 1;
- else exit 0; fi
- ) < s2_seq_.tmp || exit 1
- echo "x - Continuing file man/dmake.p"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> man/dmake.p
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 10
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X assignment allows macro values to grow:
- X
- X
- X adds the value of LINE to the previous value of MACRO
- X separating the two by a single space (LINE is not expanded).
- X The final form:
- X
- X
- X is similar to ++==, with the difference that the value of LINE
- X is expanded before being added to the previous value of
- X
- X When ddmmaakkee defines a non-environment macro it strips leading
- X and trailing white space from the macro value. Macros
- X imported from the environment via either the .IMPORT special
- X target (see the SPECIAL TARGETS section), or the --ee, or --EE
- X flags are an exception to this rule. Their values are
- X always taken literally and white space is never stripped.
- X In addition, macros defined using the .IMPORT special target
- X do not have their values expanded when they are used within
- X a makefile. In contrast, environment macros that are
- X imported due to the specification of the --ee or --EE flags are
- X subject to expansion when used.
- X
- X To specify a macro expansion enclose the name in () or {}
- X and precede it with a dollar sign $. Thus $(TEST)
- X represents an expansion of the macro variable named TEST.
- X If TEST is defined then $(TEST) is replaced by its expanded
- X value. If TEST is not defined then $(TEST) expands to the
- X NULL string (this is equivalent to defining a macro as
- X 'TEST=' ). A short form may be used for single character
- X named macros. In this case the parentheses are optional,
- X and $(I) is equivalent to $I. Macro expansion is recursive,
- X hence if the value string contains an expression represent-
- X ing a macro expansion, the expansion is performed. Circular
- X macro expansions are detected and cause an error to be
- X issued.
- X
- X When defining a macro the given macro name is first expanded
- X before being used to define the macro. Thus it is possible
- X to define macros whose names depend on values of other mac-
- X ros. For example, suppose
- X
- X CWD = $(PWD:b)
- X
- X is defined, then the value of $(CWD) is the name of the
- X current directory. This can be used to define macros
- X specific to this directory, for example:
- X
- X _$(CWD).prt = list of files to print...
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 11
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X The actual name of the defined macro is a function of the
- X current directory. A construct such as this is useful when
- X processing a hierarchy of directories using .SETDIR attri-
- X buted targets and a collection of small distributed makefile
- X stubs.
- X
- X Macro variables may be defined within the makefile, on the
- X command line, or imported from the environment.
- X
- X ddmmaakkee supports several non-standard macro expansions: The
- X first is of the form:
- X
- X _$_(_m_a_c_r_o___n_a_m_e_:_m_o_d_i_f_i_e_r___l_i_s_t_:_m_o_d_i_f_i_e_r___l_i_s_t_:_._._._)
- X
- X where _m_o_d_i_f_i_e_r___l_i_s_t is chosen from the set { D or d, F or f,
- X B or b, S or s, T or t } and
- X
- X d - directory portion of all path names
- X f - file (including suffix) portion of path names
- X b - file (not including suffix) portion of path names
- X s - simple pattern substitution
- X t - tokenization.
- X
- X Thus if we have the example:
- X
- X test = d1/d2/d3/a.out f.out d1/k.out
- X
- X The following macro expansions produce the values on the
- X right of '-->' after expansion.
- X
- X $(test:d) --> d1/d2/d3/ d1/
- X $(test:b) --> a f k
- X $(test:f) --> a.out f.out k.out
- X ${test:db} --> d1/d2/d3/a f d1/k
- X ${test:s/out/in/:f} --> a.in f.in k.in
- X $(test:f:t"+") --> a.out+f.out+k.out
- X
- X If a token ends in a string composed from the value of the
- X macro DIRBRKSTR (ie. ends in a directory separator string,
- X e.g. '/' in UNIX) and you use the ::dd modifier then the
- X expansion returns the directory name less the final direc-
- X tory separator string. Thus successive pairs of :d modif-
- X iers each remove a level of directory in the token string.
- X
- X The tokenization modifier takes all white space separated
- X tokens from the macro value and separates them by the quoted
- X separator string. The separator string may contain the fol-
- X lowing escape codes \a => <bel>, \b => <backspace>, \f =>
- X <formfeed>, \n => <nl>, \r => <cr>, \t => <tab>, \v =>
- X <vertical tab>, \" => ", and \xxx => <xxx> where xxx is the
- X octal representation of a character. Thus the expansion:
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 12
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X $(test:f:t"+\n")
- X
- X gives:
- X
- X a.out+
- X f.out+
- X k.out
- X
- X The second non-standard form of macro expansion allows for
- X recursive macros. It is possible to specify a $(_m_a_c_r_o___n_a_m_e)
- X or ${_m_a_c_r_o___n_a_m_e} expansion where _m_a_c_r_o___n_a_m_e contains more $(
- X ... ) or ${ ... } macro expansions itself.
- X
- X For example $(CC$(_HOST)$(_COMPILER)) will first expand
- X CC$(_HOST)$(_COMPILER) to get a result and use that result
- X as the name of the macro to expand. This is useful for
- X writing a makefile for more than one target environment. As
- X an example consider the following hypothetical case. Suppose
- X that _HOST and _COMPILER are imported from the environment
- X and are set to represent the host machine type and the host
- X compiler respectively.
- X
- X CFLAGS_VAX_CC = -c -O # _HOST == "_VAX", _COMPILER == "_CC"
- X CFLAGS_PC_MSC = -c -ML # _HOST == "_PC", _COMPILER == "_MSC"
- X
- X # redefine CFLAGS macro as:
- X
- X
- X This causes CFLAGS to take on a value that corresponds to
- X the environment in which the make is being invoked.
- X
- X The final non-standard macro expansion is of the form:
- X
- X string1{token_list}string2
- X
- X where string1, string2 and token_list are expanded. After
- X expansion, string1 is prepended to each token found in
- X token_list and string2 is appended to each resulting token
- X from the previous prepend. string1 and string2 are not del-
- X imited by white space whereas the tokens in token_list are.
- X A null token in the token list is specified using "". Thus
- X using another example we have:
- X
- X test/{f1 f2}.o --> test/f1.o test/f2.o
- X test/ {f1 f2}.o --> test/ f1.o f2.o
- X test/{f1 f2} .o --> test/f1 test/f2 .o
- X test/{ f1 "f2" "" }.o --> test/f1.o test/f2.o
- X test/.o
- X
- X and
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 13
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X test/{ d1 d2 }/{ f1 f2 }.o --> test/d1/f1.o
- X test/d1/f2.o
- X test/d2/f1.o
- X test/d2/f2.o
- X
- X See the SPECIAL MACROS section for a description of the spe-
- X cial macros that ddmmaakkee defines and understands.
- X
- X A makefile contains a series of entries that specify depen-
- X dencies. Such entries are called _t_a_r_g_e_t_/_p_r_e_r_e_q_u_i_s_i_t_e or
- X _r_u_l_e definitions. Each rule definition is optionally fol-
- X lowed by a set of lines that provide a recipe for updating
- X any targets defined by the rule. Whenever ddmmaakkee attempts to
- X bring a target up to date and an explicit recipe is provided
- X with a rule defining the target, that recipe is used to
- X update the target. A rule definition begins with a line
- X having the following syntax:
- X
- X _<_t_a_r_g_e_t_s_> [_<_a_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e_s_>] _<_r_u_l_e_o_p_> [_<_p_r_e_r_e_q_u_i_s_i_t_e_s_>] [;_<_r_e_c_i_p_e_>]
- X
- X _t_a_r_g_e_t_s is a non-empty list of targets. If the target is a
- X special target (see SPECIAL TARGETS section below) then it
- X must appear alone on the rule line. For example:
- X
- X .IMPORT .ERROR : ...
- X
- X is not allowed since both .IMPORT and .ERROR are special
- X targets. Special targets are not used in the construction
- X of the dependency graph and will not be made.
- X
- X _a_t_t_r_i_b_u_t_e_s is a possibly empty list of attributes. Any
- X attribute defined in the ATTRIBUTES section above may be
- X specified. All attributes will be applied to the list of
- X named targets in the rule definition. No other targets will
- X be affected.
- X
- X
- X NOTE: As stated earlier, if both the target list and
- X prerequisite list are empty but the attributes list
- X is not, then the specified attributes affect all
- X targets in the makefile.
- X
- X
- X _r_u_l_e_o_p is a separator which is used to identify the targets
- X from the prerequisites. Optionally it also provides a
- X facility for modifying the way in which ddmmaakkee handles the
- X making of the associated targets. In its simplest form the
- X operator is a single ':', and need not be separated by white
- X space from its neighboring tokens. It may additionally be
- X followed by any of the modifiers { !, ^, -, : }, where:
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 14
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X !! says execute the recipe for the associated targets once
- X for each out of date prerequisite. Ordinarily the
- X recipe is executed once for all out of date prere-
- X quisites at the same time.
- X
- X ^^ says to insert the specified prerequisites, if any,
- X before any other prerequisites already associated with
- X the specified targets. In general, it is not useful to
- X specify ^ with an empty list of prerequisites.
- X
- X -- says to clear the previous list of prerequisites before
- X adding the new prerequisites. Thus,
- X
- X .SUFFIXES : .a .b
- X
- X can be replaced by
- X
- X .SUFFIXES :- .a .b
- X
- X however the old form still works as expected. NOTE:
- X .SUFFIXES is ignored by ddmmaakkee it is used here simply as
- X an example.
- X
- X :: When the rule operator is not modified by a second ':'
- X only one set of rules may be specified for making a
- X target. Multiple definitions may be used to add to the
- X list of prerequisites that a target depends on. How-
- X ever, if a target is multiply defined only one defini-
- X tion may specify a recipe for making the target.
- X
- X When a target's rule operator is modified by a second
- X ':' (:: for example) then this definition may not be
- X the only definition with a recipe for the target.
- X There may be other :: target definition lines that
- X specify a different set of prerequisites with a dif-
- X ferent recipe for updating the target. Any such target
- X is made if any of the definitions find it to be out of
- X date with respect to the related prerequisites and uses
- X the corresponding recipe to update the target.
- X
- X In the following simple example, each rule has a `::'
- X _r_u_l_e_o_p. In such an operator we call the first `:' the
- X operator, and the second `:' the modifier.
- X
- X a.o :: a.c b.h
- X first recipe for making a.o
- X
- X a.o :: a.y b.h
- X second recipe for making a.o
- X
- X If a.o is found to be out of date with respect to a.c
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 15
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X then the first recipe is used to make a.o. If it is
- X found out of date with respect to a.y then the second
- X recipe is used. If a.o is out of date with respect to
- X b.h then both recipes are invoked to make a.o. In the
- X last case the order of invocation corresponds to the
- X order in which the rule definitions appear in the
- X makefile.
- X
- X Targets defined using a single `:' operator with a recipe
- X may be redefined again with a new recipe by using a `:'
- X operator with a `:' modifier. This is equivalent to a tar-
- X get having been initially defined with a rule using a `:'
- X modifier. Once a target is defined using a `:' modifier it
- X may not be defined again with a recipe using only the `:'
- X operator with no `:' modifier. In both cases the use of a
- X `:' modifier creates a new list of prerequisites and makes
- X it the current prerequisite list for the target. The `:'
- X operator with no recipe always modifies the current list of
- X prerequisites. Thus assuming each of the following defini-
- X tions has a recipe attached, then:
- X
- X joe : fred ... (1)
- X joe :: more ... (2)
- X
- X and
- X
- X joe :: fred ... (3)
- X joe :: more ... (4)
- X
- X are legal and mean: add the recipe associated with (2), or
- X (4) to the set of recipes for joe, placing them after exist-
- X ing recipes for making joe. The construct:
- X
- X joe :: fred ... (5)
- X joe : more ... (6)
- X
- X and
- X
- X joe : fred ... (7)
- X joe : more ... (8)
- X
- X are errors since we have two sets of perfectly good recipes
- X for making the target.
- X
- X _p_r_e_r_e_q_u_i_s_i_t_e_s is a possibly empty list of targets that must
- X be brought up to date before making the current target.
- X
- X _r_e_c_i_p_e is a short form and allows the user to specify short
- X rule definitions on a single line. It is taken to be the
- X first recipe line in a larger recipe if additional lines
- X follow the rule definition. If the semi-colon is present
- X but the recipe line is empty (ie. null string) then it is
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 16
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X taken to be an empty rule. Any target so defined causes the
- X _D_o_n_'_t _k_n_o_w _h_o_w _t_o _m_a_k_e _._._. error message to be suppressed
- X when ddmmaakkee tries to make the target and fails. This silence
- X is maintained for rules that are terminated by a semicolon
- X and have no following recipe lines, for targets listed on
- X the command line, and for the first target found in the
- X makefile.
- X
- X The traditional format used by most versions of Make defines
- X the recipe lines as arbitrary strings that may contain macro
- X expansions. They follow a rule definition line and may be
- X spaced apart by comment or blank lines. The list of recipe
- X lines defining the recipe is terminated by a new target
- X definition, a macro definition, or end-of-file. Each recipe
- X line MMUUSSTT begin with a <<TTAABB>> character which may optionally
- X be followed with one or both of the characters _'_-_@_'. The
- X _'_-_' indicates that non-zero exit values (ie. errors) are to
- X be ignored when this recipe line is executed, and the _'_@_'
- X indicates that the recipe line should NOT be echoed to the
- X terminal prior to being executed. Both switches are off by
- X default (ie. by default, errors are significant and commands
- X are echoed). Global settings activated via command line
- X options or special attribute or target names may also affect
- X these settings. An example recipe:
- X
- X target :
- X first recipe line
- X second recipe line, executed independently of the first.
- X @a recipe line that is not echoed
- X -and one that has errors ignored.
- X
- X The second and new format of the recipe block begins the
- X block with the character '[' (the open group character) in
- X the last non-white space position of a line, and terminates
- X the block with the character ']' (the close group character)
- X in the first non-white space position of a line. In this
- X form each recipe line need not have a leading TAB. This is
- X called a recipe group. Groups so defined are fed intact as
- X a single unit to a shell for execution whenever the
- X corresponding target needs to be updated. If the open group
- X character '[' is preceded by one or both of - or @ then they
- X apply to the entire group in the same way that the - and @
- X apply to single recipe lines. See the MAKING TARGETS sec-
- X tion for a description of how ddmmaakkee invokes recipes. Here
- X is an example of a group recipe:
- X
- X target :
- X [
- X first recipe line
- X second recipe line
- X all of these recipe lines are fed to a
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 17
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X single copy of a shell for execution.
- X ]
- X
- X
- X ddmmaakkee supports the notion of text diversions in recipes. If
- X a recipe line contains the character sequence <<++ it is
- X recognized and a text diversion is started. This causes
- X ddmmaakkee to open a temporary file and to copy into that file
- X all text that is found up to but not including the text
- X diversion termination sequence ++>>. Any diversions started
- X with a <<++ must be terminated with a corresponding ++>>; the
- X terminating ++>> may appear on the same or on a subsequent
- X recipe line. Nesting of diversions is not supported.
- X New-lines provided in the recipe that forms the text of a
- X diversion are inserted into the resulting temporary file at
- X the appropriate locations. The diversion text may contain
- X the same escape codes as those described in the MACROS sec-
- X tion.
- X
- X The primary use of diversions is on systems (like MSDOS)
- X that do not support long command lines. The diversion makes
- X it possible to produce a temporary file containing the argu-
- X ments which can then be supplied to a utility via the tem-
- X porary file.
- X
- X Here are some examples:
- X
- X all:
- X cat <+this is a
- X test of the text diversion+>
- X
- X The above will cause ddmmaakkee to execute the command:
- X
- X cat /tmp/mk12294AA
- X
- X and the contents of the temporary file will be the text
- X found between the <<++ and ++>> strings of the above recipe.
- X
- X OBJ = fred.obj mary.obj joe.obj
- X all : $(OBJ)
- X link @<+$(^:t"+\n")\n+>
- X
- X The result of making `all' in the second example is the com-
- X mand:
- X
- X link @/tmp/mk02394AA
- X
- X where the temporary file contains:
- X
- X fred.obj+
- X mary.obj+
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 18
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X joe.obj
- X
- X The last line of the file is terminated by a new-line which
- X is inserted due to the \n placed immediately before the ++>>
- X text diversion terminator.
- X
- X If the environment variable TMPDIR is defined then the tem-
- X porary file is created in the directory specified by that
- X variable. A makefile can change where temporary files are
- X created by defining a macro named TMPDIR and exporting it
- X using the .EXPORT special target.
- X
- X This section describes the special targets that are recog-
- X nized by ddmmaakkee. Some are affected by attributes and others
- X are not.
- X
- X ..EERRRROORR If defined then the recipe associated with
- X this target is executed whenever an error con-
- X dition is detected by ddmmaakkee. All attributes
- X that can be used with any other target may be
- X used with this target. Any prerequisites of
- X this target will be brought up to date during
- X it's processing. NOTE: errors will be
- X ignored while making this target, in extreme
- X cases this may cause some problems.
- X
- X ..EEXXPPOORRTT All prerequisites associated with this target
- X are assumed to correspond to macro names and
- X they and their values are exported to the
- X environment as environment strings at the
- X point in the makefile at which this target
- X appears. Any attributes specified with this
- X target are ignored. Only macros which have
- X been assigned a value in the makefile prior to
- X the export directive are exported, macros as
- X yet undefined are not exported.
- X
- X ..IIMMPPOORRTT Prerequisite names specified for this target
- X are searched for in the environment and
- X defined as macros with their value taken from
- X the environment. If the name cannot be found
- X in the environment an error message is issued.
- X .IMPORT accepts the .IGNORE attribute. When
- X given, it causes ddmmaakkee to ignore the above
- X error. See the MACROS section for a descrip-
- X tion of the processing of imported macro
- X values.
- X
- X ..IINNCCLLUUDDEE Parse another makefile just as if it had been
- X located at the point of the .INCLUDE in the
- X current makefile. The list of prerequisites
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 19
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X gives the list of makefiles to try to read.
- X If the list contains multiple makefiles then
- X they are read in order from left to right.
- X The following search rules are used when try-
- X ing to locate the file. If the filename is
- X surrounded by " or just by itself then it is
- X searched for in the current directory. If it
- X is not found it is then searched for in each
- X of the directories specified for the .INCLU-
- X DEDIRS special target. If the file name is
- X surrounded by < and >, (ie.
- X <my_spiffy_new_makefile>) then it is searched
- X for only in the directories given by the
- X .INCLUDEDIRS special target. In both cases if
- X the file name is a fully qualified name start-
- X ing at the root of the file system then it is
- X only searched for once, and the .INCLUDEDIRS
- X list is ignored. .INCLUDE accepts the .IGNORE
- X and .SETDIR attributes. If .IGNORE attribute
- X is given and the file cannot be found then
- X ddmmaakkee continues processing, otherwise an error
- X message is generated. The .SETDIR attribute
- X causes ddmmaakkee to change directories to the
- X specified directory prior to attempting the
- X include operation.
- X
- X ..IINNCCLLUUDDEEDDIIRRSS The list of prerequisites specified for this
- X target defines the set of directories to
- X search when trying to include a makefile.
- X
- X ..MMAAKKEEFFIILLEESS The list of prerequisites is the set of files
- X to try to read as the default makefile. By
- X default this target is defined as:
- X
- X .MAKEFILES : makefile.mk Makefile
- X makefile
- X
- X
- X ..SSOOUURRCCEE The prerequisite list of this target defines a
- X set of directories to check when trying to
- X locate a target file name. See the section on
- X BINDING of targets for more information.
- X
- X ..SSOOUURRCCEE..ssuuffff The same as .SOURCE, except that the
- X .SOURCE.suff list is searched first when try-
- X ing to locate a file matching the a target
- X whose name ends in the suffix .suff.
- X
- X ..RREEMMOOVVEE The recipe of this target is used whenever
- X ddmmaakkee needs to remove intermediate targets
- X that were made but do not need to be kept
- X around. Such targets result from the
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 20
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X application of transitive closure on the
- X dependency graph.
- X
- X In addition to the special targets above, several other
- X forms of targets are recognized and are considered special,
- X their exact form and use is defined in the sections that
- X follow.
- X
- X ddmmaakkee defines a number of special macros. They are divided
- X into two classes: control macros and run-time macros. The
- X control macros are used by ddmmaakkee to configure it's actions,
- X and are the preferred method of doing so. In the case when
- X a control macro has the same function as a special target or
- X attribute they share the same name as the special target or
- X attribute. The run-time macros are defined when ddmmaakkee makes
- X targets and may be used by the user inside recipes. We
- X first give the control macros and their meanings.
- X
- X To use the control macros simply assign them a value just
- X like any other macro. The control macros are divided into
- X three groups: string valued macros, character valued macros,
- X and boolean valued macros.
- X
- X The following are all of the string valued macros. This
- X list is also divided into three groups. The first group
- X gives the string valued macros that are defined internally
- X and cannot be directly set by the user.
- X
- X DDIIRRBBRRKKSSTTRR Contains the string of chars used to terminate
- X the name of a directory in a pathname. Under
- X UNIX it's value is "/", under MSDOS it's value
- X is "/\:".
- X
- X IINNCCDDEEPPTTHH This macro's value is a string of digits
- X representing the current depth of makefile
- X inclusion. In the first makefile level this
- X value is zero.
- X
- X MMFFLLAAGGSS Is the list of flags that were given on the
- X command line including a leading switch char-
- X acter. The -f flag is not included in this
- X list.
- X
- X MMAAKKEECCMMDD Is the name with which ddmmaakkee was invoked.
- X
- X MMAAKKEEDDIIRR Is the full path to the initial directory in
- X which ddmmaakkee was invoked.
- X
- X MMAAKKEEFFIILLEE Contains the string "-f _m_a_k_e_f_i_l_e" where,
- X _m_a_k_e_f_i_l_e is the name of initial user makefile
- X that was first read.
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 21
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X MMAAKKEEFFLLAAGGSS Is the same as $(MFLAGS) but has no leading
- X switch character. (ie. MFLAGS = -$(MAKEFLAGS))
- X
- X MMAAKKEEMMAACCRROOSS Contains the complete list of macro expres-
- X sions that were specified on the command line.
- X
- X Is a numeric string representing the maximum
- X number of processes that ddmmaakkee can use when
- X making targets in the parallel mode.
- X
- X NNUULLLL Is permanently defined to be the NULL string.
- X This is useful when comparing a conditional
- X expression to an NULL value.
- X
- X PPWWDD Is the full path to the current directory in
- X which make is executing.
- X
- X TTMMDD Stands for "To Make Dir", and is the path from
- X the present directory (value of $(PWD)) to the
- X directory that ddmmaakkee was started up in (value
- X of $(MAKEDIR)). This macro is modified when
- X .SETDIR attributes are processed.
- X
- X
- X The second group of string valued macros control ddmmaakkee
- X behavior and may be set by the user.
- X
- X ..SSEETTDDIIRR If this macro is assigned a value then ddmmaakkee
- X will change to the directory given by that
- X value before making any targets. This macro
- X is equivalent to the .SETDIR attribute.
- X Thus the two lines:
- X
- X .SETDIR=fred/hello :
- X
- X .SETDIR := fred/hello
- X
- X are completely equivalent. The difference
- X being that the first is processed as a rule
- X definition and the other as a macro.
- X
- X AAUUGGMMAAKKEE If set to a non NULL value will enable the
- X transformation of special meta targets to
- X support special AUGMAKE inferences.
- X
- X DDIIRRSSEEPPSSTTRR Contains the string that is used to separate
- X directory components when path names are
- X constructed. It is defined with a default
- X value at startup.
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 22
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X GGRROOUUPPFFLLAAGGSS This macro gives the set of flags to pass to
- X the shell when invoking it to execute a
- X group recipe. The value of the macro is the
- X list of flags with a leading switch indica-
- X tor. (ie. `-' under UNIX)
- X
- X GGRROOUUPPSSHHEELLLL This macro defines the full path to the exe-
- X cutable image to be used as the shell when
- X processing group recipes. This macro must
- X be defined if group recipes are used. It is
- X assigned a default value in the startup
- X makefile. Under UNIX this value is /bin/sh.
- X
- X GGRROOUUPPSSUUFFFFIIXX If defined, this macro gives the string to
- X use as a suffix when creating group recipe
- X files to be handed to the command inter-
- X preter. For example, if it is defined as
- X .sh, then all temporary files created by
- X ddmmaakkee will end in the suffix .sh. Under
- X MSDOS if you are using command.com as your
- X GROUPSHELL, then this suffix must be set to
- X .bat in order for group recipes to work
- X correctly.
- X
- X MMAAKKEE It is defined in the startup file by
- X default. The string $(MAKE) is recognized
- X when using the -n option for single line
- X recipes. Initially this macro is defined to
- X have the value "$(MAKECMD) $(MFLAGS)".
- X
- X MMAAKKEESSTTAARRTTUUPP This macro defines the full path to the ini-
- X tial startup makefile. Use the --VV command
- X line option to discover it's initial value.
- X
- X MMAAXXLLIINNEELLEENNGGTTHH This macro defines the maximum size of a
- X single line of makefile input text. The
- X size is specified as a number, the default
- X value is defined internally and is shown via
- X the --VV option. A buffer of this size plus 2
- X is allocated for reading makefile text. The
- X buffer is freed before any targets are made,
- X thereby allowing files containing long input
- X lines to be processed without consuming
- X memory during the actual make.
- X
- X MMAAXXPPRROOCCEESSSS Specify the maximum number of child
- X processes to use when making targets. The
- X default value of this macro is "1" and it's
- X value cannot exceed the value of the macro
- X MAXPROCESSLIMIT. Setting the value of MAX-
- X PROCESS on the command line or in the
- X makefile is equivalent to supplying a
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 23
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X corresponding value to the -P flag on the
- X command line.
- X
- X PPRREEPP This macro defines the number of iterations
- X to be expanded automatically when processing
- X % rule definitions of the form:
- X
- X % : %.suff
- X
- X See the sections on PERCENT(%) RULES for
- X details on how PREP is used.
- X
- X SSHHEELLLL This macro defines the full path to the exe-
- X cutable image to be used as the shell when
- X processing single line recipes. This macro
- X must be defined if recipes requiring the
- X shell for execution are to be used. It is
- X assigned a default value in the startup
- X makefile. Under UNIX this value is /bin/sh.
- X
- X SSHHEELLLLFFLLAAGGSS This macro gives the set of flags to pass to
- X the shell when invoking it to execute a sin-
- X gle line recipe. The value of the macro is
- X the list of flags with a leading switch
- X indicator. (ie. `-' under UNIX)
- X
- X SSHHEELLLLMMEETTAASS Each time ddmmaakkee executes a single recipe
- X line (not a group recipe) the line is
- X searched for any occurrence of a character
- X defined in the value of SHELLMETAS. If such
- X a character is found the recipe line is
- X defined to require a shell to ensure it's
- X correct execution. In such instances a
- X shell is used to invoke the recipe line. If
- X no match is found the recipe line is exe-
- X cuted without the use of a shell.
- X
- X
- X There is only one character valued macro defined by ddmmaakkee:
- X SSWWIITTCCHHAARR contains the switch character used to introduce
- X options on command lines. On UNIX it's value is '-', on
- X MSDOS it's value may be '/' or '-'. The macro is internally
- X defined and is not user setable.
- X
- X All boolean macros currently understood by ddmmaakkee correspond
- X directly to the previously defined attributes. These macros
- X provide a second way to apply global attributes, and
- X represent the preferred method of doing so. They are used
- X by assigning them a value. If the value is not a NULL
- X string then the boolean condition is set to on. If the
- X value is a NULL string then the condition is set to off.
- X There are five conditions defined and they correspond
- X
- X
- X
- XVersion 3.50 UW 24
- X
- X
- X
- X
- XDMAKE(p) Unsupported Software DMAKE(p)
- X
- X
- X
- X directly to the attributes of the same name. Their meanings
- X are defined in the ATTRIBUTES section above. The macros
- X Assigning any of these a non NULL value will turn on the
- X corresponding attribute on a global scale.
- X
- X The second class of macros is the run-time macros. These
- X macros are defined when ddmmaakkee is making targets, and may
- X take on different values for each target. $$@@ is defined to
- X be the full target name, $$?? is the list of all out of date
- X prerequisites, $$&& is the list of all prerequisites, $$>> is
- X the name of the library if the current target is a library
- X member, $$<< is the list of prerequisites specified in the
- X current rule (this includes any inferred prerequisites), $$**
- X is defined as $$((@@::ddbb)) when making targets with explicit
- X recipes and is defined as the value of % when making targets
- X whose recipe is the result of an inference. In the first
- X case $$** is the target name with no suffix, and in the latter
- X is the value of the matched % pattern from the associated
- X %-rule. $$^^ expands to the set of out of date prerequisites
- X taken from the current value of $$<<. In addition to these,
- echo "End of part 10"
- echo "File man/dmake.p is continued in part 11"
- echo "11" > s2_seq_.tmp
- exit 0