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Text File | 1990-07-26 | 39.5 KB | 1,502 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- subject: v14i030: dmake version 3.5 part 20/21
- From: dvadura@watdragon.waterloo.edu (Dennis Vadura)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 30
- Submitted-by: dvadura@watdragon.waterloo.edu (Dennis Vadura)
- Archive-name: dmake/part20
- #!/bin/sh
- # this is part 20 of a multipart archive
- # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
- # file common/dbug.c continued
- #
- CurArch=20
- if test ! -r s2_seq_.tmp
- then echo "Please unpack part 1 first!"
- exit 1; fi
- ( read Scheck
- if test "$Scheck" != $CurArch
- then echo "Please unpack part $Scheck next!"
- exit 1;
- else exit 0; fi
- ) < s2_seq_.tmp || exit 1
- echo "x - Continuing file common/dbug.c"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> common/dbug.c
- X while (*ctlp != EOS) {
- X start = ctlp;
- X while (*ctlp != EOS && *ctlp != ',') {
- X ctlp++;
- X }
- X if (*ctlp == ',') {
- X *ctlp++ = EOS;
- X }
- X new = (struct link *) DbugMalloc (sizeof (struct link));
- X new -> string = StrDup (start);
- X new -> next_link = head;
- X head = new;
- X }
- X return (head);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * InList test a given string for member of a given list
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL BOOLEAN InList (linkp, cp)
- X * struct link *linkp;
- X * char *cp;
- X *
- X *
- X * Tests the string pointed to by "cp" to determine if it is in
- X * the list pointed to by "linkp". Linkp points to the first
- X * link in the list. If linkp is NULL then the string is treated
- X * as if it is in the list (I.E all strings are in the null list).
- X * This may seem rather strange at first but leads to the desired
- X * operation if no list is given. The net effect is that all
- X * strings will be accepted when there is no list, and when there
- X * is a list, only those strings in the list will be accepted.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL BOOLEAN InList (linkp, cp)
- Xstruct link *linkp;
- Xchar *cp;
- X{
- X REGISTER struct link *scan;
- X
- X if (linkp == NULL) {
- X accept = TRUE;
- X } else {
- X accept = FALSE;
- X for (scan = linkp; scan != NULL; scan = scan -> next_link) {
- X if (STREQ (scan -> string, cp)) {
- X accept = TRUE;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X return (accept);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * PushState push current state onto stack and set up new one
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID PushState ()
- X *
- X *
- X * Pushes the current state on the state stack, and initializes
- X * a new state. The only parameter inherited from the previous
- X * state is the function nesting level. This action can be
- X * inhibited if desired, via the "r" flag.
- X *
- X * The state stack is a linked list of states, with the new
- X * state added at the head. This allows the stack to grow
- X * to the limits of memory if necessary.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL VOID PushState ()
- X{
- X REGISTER struct state *new;
- X
- X new = (struct state *) DbugMalloc (sizeof (struct state));
- X new -> flags = 0;
- X new -> delay = 0;
- X new -> maxdepth = MAXDEPTH;
- X if (stack != NULL) {
- X new -> level = stack -> level;
- X } else {
- X new -> level = 0;
- X }
- X new -> out_file = stderr;
- X new -> functions = NULL;
- X new -> p_functions = NULL;
- X new -> keywords = NULL;
- X new -> processes = NULL;
- X new -> next_state = stack;
- X stack = new;
- X init_done = TRUE;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * DoTrace check to see if tracing is current enabled
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL BOOLEAN DoTrace ()
- X *
- X *
- X * Checks to see if tracing is enabled based on whether the
- X * user has specified tracing, the maximum trace depth has
- X * not yet been reached, the current function is selected,
- X * and the current process is selected. Returns TRUE if
- X * tracing is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X{
- X
- X trace = FALSE;
- X if (TRACING) {
- X if (stack -> level <= stack -> maxdepth) {
- X if (InList (stack -> functions, func)) {
- X if (InList (stack -> processes, _db_process_)) {
- X trace = TRUE;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X return (trace);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * DoProfile check to see if profiling is current enabled
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL BOOLEAN DoProfile ()
- X *
- X *
- X * Checks to see if profiling is enabled based on whether the
- X * user has specified profiling, the maximum trace depth has
- X * not yet been reached, the current function is selected,
- X * and the current process is selected. Returns TRUE if
- X * profiling is enabled, FALSE otherwise.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X{
- X
- X profile = FALSE;
- X if (PROFILING) {
- X if (stack -> level <= stack -> maxdepth) {
- X if (InList (stack -> p_functions, func)) {
- X if (InList (stack -> processes, _db_process_)) {
- X profile = TRUE;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X return (profile);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * _db_keyword_ test keyword for member of keyword list
- X *
- X *
- X * BOOLEAN _db_keyword_ (keyword)
- X * char *keyword;
- X *
- X *
- X * Test a keyword to determine if it is in the currently active
- X * keyword list. As with the function list, a keyword is accepted
- X * if the list is null, otherwise it must match one of the list
- X * members. When debugging is not on, no keywords are accepted.
- X * After the maximum trace level is exceeded, no keywords are
- X * accepted (this behavior subject to change). Additionally,
- X * the current function and process must be accepted based on
- X * their respective lists.
- X *
- X * Returns TRUE if keyword accepted, FALSE otherwise.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XBOOLEAN _db_keyword_ (keyword)
- Xchar *keyword;
- X{
- X
- X if (!init_done) {
- X _db_push_ ("");
- X }
- X accept = FALSE;
- X if (DEBUGGING) {
- X if (stack -> level <= stack -> maxdepth) {
- X if (InList (stack -> functions, func)) {
- X if (InList (stack -> keywords, keyword)) {
- X if (InList (stack -> processes, _db_process_)) {
- X accept = TRUE;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X return (accept);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * Indent indent a line to the given indentation level
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID Indent (indent)
- X * int indent;
- X *
- X *
- X * Indent a line to the given level. Note that this is
- X * a simple minded but portable implementation.
- X * There are better ways.
- X *
- X * Also, the indent must be scaled by the compile time option
- X * of character positions per nesting level.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL VOID Indent (indent)
- Xint indent;
- X{
- X REGISTER int count;
- X AUTO char buffer[PRINTBUF];
- X
- X indent *= INDENT;
- X for (count = 0; (count < (indent - INDENT)) && (count < (PRINTBUF - 1)); count++) {
- X if ((count % INDENT) == 0) {
- X buffer[count] = '|';
- X } else {
- X buffer[count] = ' ';
- X }
- X }
- X buffer[count] = EOS;
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, buffer);
- X (VOID) fflush (_db_fp_);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * FreeList free all memory associated with a linked list
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID FreeList (linkp)
- X * struct link *linkp;
- X *
- X *
- X * Given pointer to the head of a linked list, frees all
- X * memory held by the list and the members of the list.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL VOID FreeList (linkp)
- Xstruct link *linkp;
- X{
- X REGISTER struct link *old;
- X
- X while (linkp != NULL) {
- X old = linkp;
- X linkp = linkp -> next_link;
- X if (old -> string != NULL) {
- X free (old -> string);
- X }
- X free ((char *) old);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * StrDup make a duplicate of a string in new memory
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL char *StrDup (string)
- X * char *string;
- X *
- X *
- X * Given pointer to a string, allocates sufficient memory to make
- X * a duplicate copy, and copies the string to the newly allocated
- X * memory. Failure to allocated sufficient memory is immediately
- X * fatal.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X
- XLOCAL char *StrDup (string)
- Xchar *string;
- X{
- X REGISTER char *new;
- X
- X new = DbugMalloc (strlen (string) + 1);
- X (VOID) strcpy (new, string);
- X return (new);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * DoPrefix print debugger line prefix prior to indentation
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID DoPrefix (_line_)
- X * int _line_;
- X *
- X *
- X * Print prefix common to all debugger output lines, prior to
- X * doing indentation if necessary. Print such information as
- X * current process name, current source file name and line number,
- X * and current function nesting depth.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X
- XLOCAL VOID DoPrefix (_line_)
- Xint _line_;
- X{
- X lineno++;
- X if (stack -> flags & NUMBER_ON) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, "%5d: ", lineno);
- X }
- X if (stack -> flags & PROCESS_ON) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, "%s: ", _db_process_);
- X }
- X if (stack -> flags & FILE_ON) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, "%14s: ", file);
- X }
- X if (stack -> flags & LINE_ON) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, "%5d: ", _line_);
- X }
- X if (stack -> flags & DEPTH_ON) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, "%4d: ", stack -> level);
- X }
- X (VOID) fflush (_db_fp_);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * OpenFile open new output stream for debugger output
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID OpenFile (name)
- X * char *name;
- X *
- X *
- X * Given name of a new file (or "-" for stdout) opens the file
- X * and sets the output stream to the new file.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL VOID OpenFile (name)
- Xchar *name;
- X{
- X
- X if (name != NULL) {
- X if (strcmp (name, "-") == 0) {
- X _db_fp_ = stdout;
- X stack -> out_file = _db_fp_;
- X } else {
- X if (!Writable (name)) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, ERR_OPEN, _db_process_, name);
- X perror ("");
- X (VOID) fflush (_db_fp_);
- X (VOID) XDelay (stack -> delay);
- X } else {
- X if (EXISTS (name)) {
- X newfile = FALSE;
- X } else {
- X newfile = TRUE;
- X }
- X fp = fopen (name, "a");
- X if (fp == NULL) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, ERR_OPEN, _db_process_, name);
- X perror ("");
- X (VOID) fflush (_db_fp_);
- X (VOID) XDelay (stack -> delay);
- X } else {
- X _db_fp_ = fp;
- X stack -> out_file = fp;
- X if (newfile) {
- X ChangeOwner (name);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * OpenProfile open new output stream for profiler output
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID OpenProfile (name)
- X * char *name;
- X *
- X *
- X * Given name of a new file, opens the file
- X * and sets the profiler output stream to the new file.
- X *
- X * It is currently unclear whether the prefered behavior is
- X * to truncate any existing file, or simply append to it.
- X * The latter behavior would be desirable for collecting
- X * accumulated runtime history over a number of separate
- X * runs. It might take some changes to the analyzer program
- X * though, and the notes that Binayak sent with the profiling
- X * diffs indicated that append was the normal mode, but this
- X * does not appear to agree with the actual code. I haven't
- X * investigated at this time [fnf; 24-Jul-87].
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL VOID OpenProfile (name)
- Xchar *name;
- X{
- X
- X if (name != NULL) {
- X if (!Writable (name)) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, ERR_OPEN, _db_process_, name);
- X perror ("");
- X (VOID) fflush (_db_fp_);
- X (VOID) XDelay (stack -> delay);
- X } else {
- X if (EXISTS (name)) {
- X newfile = FALSE;
- X } else {
- X newfile = TRUE;
- X }
- X fp = fopen (name, "w");
- X if (fp == NULL) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (_db_fp_, ERR_OPEN, _db_process_, name);
- X perror ("");
- X (VOID) fflush (_db_fp_);
- X (VOID) XDelay (stack -> delay);
- X } else {
- X _db_pfp_ = fp;
- X stack -> prof_file = fp;
- X if (newfile) {
- X ChangeOwner (name);
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * CloseFile close the debug output stream
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID CloseFile (fp)
- X * FILE *fp;
- X *
- X *
- X * Closes the debug output stream unless it is standard output
- X * or standard error.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL VOID CloseFile (fp)
- XFILE *fp;
- X{
- X if (fp != stderr && fp != stdout) {
- X if (fclose (fp) == EOF) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (stderr, ERR_CLOSE, _db_process_);
- X perror ("");
- X (VOID) fflush (stderr);
- X (VOID) XDelay (stack -> delay);
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * DbugExit print error message and exit
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID DbugExit (why)
- X * char *why;
- X *
- X *
- X * Prints error message using current process name, the reason for
- X * aborting (typically out of memory), and exits with status 1.
- X * This should probably be changed to use a status code
- X * defined in the user's debugger include file.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL VOID DbugExit (why)
- Xchar *why;
- X{
- X (VOID) fprintf (stderr, ERR_ABORT, _db_process_, why);
- X (VOID) fflush (stderr);
- X (VOID) XDelay (stack -> delay);
- X exit (1);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * DbugMalloc allocate memory for debugger runtime support
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL char *DbugMalloc (size)
- X * int size;
- X *
- X *
- X * Allocate more memory for debugger runtime support functions.
- X * Failure to to allocate the requested number of bytes is
- X * immediately fatal to the current process. This may be
- X * rather unfriendly behavior. It might be better to simply
- X * print a warning message, freeze the current debugger state,
- X * and continue execution.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL char *DbugMalloc (size)
- Xint size;
- X{
- X register char *new;
- X
- X new = malloc ( size );
- X if (new == NULL) {
- X DbugExit ("out of memory");
- X }
- X return (new);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * This function may be eliminated when strtok is available
- X * in the runtime environment (missing from BSD4.1).
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL char *strtok (s1, s2)
- Xchar *s1, *s2;
- X{
- X static char *end = NULL;
- X REGISTER char *rtnval;
- X
- X rtnval = NULL;
- X if (s2 != NULL) {
- X if (s1 != NULL) {
- X end = s1;
- X rtnval = strtok ((char *) NULL, s2);
- X } else if (end != NULL) {
- X if (*end != EOS) {
- X rtnval = end;
- X while (*end != *s2 && *end != EOS) {end++;}
- X if (*end != EOS) {
- X *end++ = EOS;
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X return (rtnval);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * BaseName strip leading pathname components from name
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL char *BaseName (pathname)
- X * char *pathname;
- X *
- X *
- X * Given pointer to a complete pathname, locates the base file
- X * name at the end of the pathname and returns a pointer to
- X * it.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL char *BaseName (pathname)
- Xchar *pathname;
- X{
- X register char *base;
- X
- X base = strrchr (pathname, '/');
- X if (base++ == NULL) {
- X base = pathname;
- X }
- X return (base);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * Writable test to see if a pathname is writable/creatable
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL BOOLEAN Writable (pathname)
- X * char *pathname;
- X *
- X *
- X * Because the debugger might be linked in with a program that
- X * runs with the set-uid-bit (suid) set, we have to be careful
- X * about opening a user named file for debug output. This consists
- X * of checking the file for write access with the real user id,
- X * or checking the directory where the file will be created.
- X *
- X * Returns TRUE if the user would normally be allowed write or
- X * create access to the named file. Returns FALSE otherwise.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL BOOLEAN Writable (pathname)
- Xchar *pathname;
- X{
- X#ifdef unix
- X REGISTER char *lastslash;
- X#endif
- X
- X#ifndef unix
- X granted = TRUE;
- X#else
- X granted = FALSE;
- X if (EXISTS (pathname)) {
- X if (WRITABLE (pathname)) {
- X granted = TRUE;
- X }
- X } else {
- X lastslash = strrchr (pathname, '/');
- X if (lastslash != NULL) {
- X *lastslash = EOS;
- X } else {
- X pathname = ".";
- X }
- X if (WRITABLE (pathname)) {
- X granted = TRUE;
- X }
- X if (lastslash != NULL) {
- X *lastslash = '/';
- X }
- X }
- X#endif
- X return (granted);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * This function may be eliminated when strrchr is available
- X * in the runtime environment (missing from BSD4.1).
- X * Alternately, you can use rindex() on BSD systems.
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL char *strrchr (s, c)
- Xchar *s;
- Xchar c;
- X{
- X REGISTER char *scan;
- X
- X for (scan = s; *scan != EOS; scan++) {;}
- X while (scan > s && *--scan != c) {;}
- X if (*scan != c) {
- X scan = NULL;
- X }
- X return (scan);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * ChangeOwner change owner to real user for suid programs
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID ChangeOwner (pathname)
- X *
- X *
- X * For unix systems, change the owner of the newly created debug
- X * file to the real owner. This is strictly for the benefit of
- X * programs that are running with the set-user-id bit set.
- X *
- X * Note that at this point, the fact that pathname represents
- X * a newly created file has already been established. If the
- X * program that the debugger is linked to is not running with
- X * the suid bit set, then this operation is redundant (but
- X * harmless).
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL VOID ChangeOwner (pathname)
- Xchar *pathname;
- X{
- X#ifdef unix
- X if (chown (pathname, getuid (), getgid ()) == -1) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (stderr, ERR_CHOWN, _db_process_, pathname);
- X perror ("");
- X (VOID) fflush (stderr);
- X (VOID) XDelay (stack -> delay);
- X }
- X#endif
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * _db_setjmp_ save debugger environment
- X *
- X *
- X * VOID _db_setjmp_ ()
- X *
- X *
- X * Invoked as part of the user's DBUG_SETJMP macro to save
- X * the debugger environment in parallel with saving the user's
- X * environment.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XVOID _db_setjmp_ ()
- X{
- X jmplevel = stack -> level;
- X jmpfunc = func;
- X jmpfile = file;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * _db_longjmp_ restore previously saved debugger environment
- X *
- X *
- X * VOID _db_longjmp_ ()
- X *
- X *
- X * Invoked as part of the user's DBUG_LONGJMP macro to restore
- X * the debugger environment in parallel with restoring the user's
- X * previously saved environment.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XVOID _db_longjmp_ ()
- X{
- X stack -> level = jmplevel;
- X if (jmpfunc) {
- X func = jmpfunc;
- X }
- X if (jmpfile) {
- X file = jmpfile;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * DelayArg convert D flag argument to appropriate value
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL int DelayArg (value)
- X * int value;
- X *
- X *
- X * Converts delay argument, given in tenths of a second, to the
- X * appropriate numerical argument used by the system to delay
- X * that that many tenths of a second. For example, on the
- X * AMIGA, there is a system call "Delay()" which takes an
- X * argument in ticks (50 per second). On unix, the sleep
- X * command takes seconds. Thus a value of "10", for one
- X * second of delay, gets converted to 50 on the amiga, and 1
- X * on unix. Other systems will need to use a timing loop.
- X *
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL int DelayArg (value)
- Xint value;
- X{
- X int delayarg = 0;
- X
- X#ifdef unix
- X delayarg = value / 10; /* Delay is in seconds for sleep () */
- X#endif
- X#ifdef AMIGA
- X delayarg = (HZ * value) / 10; /* Delay in ticks for XDelay () */
- X#endif
- X return (delayarg);
- X}
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * A dummy delay stub for systems that do not support delays.
- X * With a little work, this can be turned into a timing loop.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef unix
- X#ifndef AMIGA
- XXDelay ()
- X{
- X}
- X#endif
- X#endif
- X
- X
- X/*
- X *
- X * perror perror simulation for systems that don't have it
- X *
- X *
- X * LOCAL VOID perror (s)
- X * char *s;
- X *
- X *
- X * Perror produces a message on the standard error stream which
- X * provides more information about the library or system error
- X * just encountered. The argument string s is printed, followed
- X * by a ':', a blank, and then a message and a newline.
- X *
- X * An undocumented feature of the unix perror is that if the string
- X * 's' is a null string (NOT a NULL pointer!), then the ':' and
- X * blank are not printed.
- X *
- X * This version just complains about an "unknown system error".
- X *
- X */
- X
- X#if !unix && !(AMIGA && LATTICE)
- XLOCAL VOID perror (s)
- X#ifdef __STDC__
- Xconst char *s;
- X#else
- Xchar *s;
- X#endif
- X{
- X if (s && *s != EOS) {
- X (VOID) fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", s);
- X }
- X (VOID) fprintf (stderr, "<unknown system error>\n");
- X}
- X#endif /* !unix && !(AMIGA && LATTICE) */
- X
- X/*
- X * Here we need the definitions of the clock routine. Add your
- X * own for whatever system that you have.
- X */
- X
- X#if unix
- X
- X# include <sys/param.h>
- X# if BSD4_3 || sun
- X
- X/*
- X * Definition of the Clock() routine for 4.3 BSD.
- X */
- X
- X#include <sys/time.h>
- X#include <sys/resource.h>
- X
- X/*
- X * Returns the user time in milliseconds used by this process so
- X * far.
- X */
- X
- XLOCAL unsigned long Clock ()
- X{
- X struct rusage ru;
- X
- X (VOID) getrusage (RUSAGE_SELF, &ru);
- X return ((ru.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000) + (ru.ru_utime.tv_usec / 1000));
- X}
- X
- X#else
- X
- XLOCAL unsigned long Clock ()
- X{
- X return (0);
- X}
- X
- X# endif
- X
- X#else
- X
- X#if AMIGA
- X
- Xstruct DateStamp { /* Yes, this is a hack, but doing it right */
- X long ds_Days; /* is incredibly ugly without splitting this */
- X long ds_Minute; /* off into a separate file */
- X long ds_Tick;
- X};
- X
- Xstatic int first_clock = TRUE;
- Xstatic struct DateStamp begin;
- Xstatic struct DateStamp elapsed;
- X
- XLOCAL unsigned long Clock ()
- X{
- X register struct DateStamp *now;
- X register unsigned long millisec = 0;
- X extern VOID *AllocMem ();
- X
- X now = (struct DateStamp *) AllocMem ((long) sizeof (struct DateStamp), 0L);
- X if (now != NULL) {
- X if (first_clock == TRUE) {
- X first_clock = FALSE;
- X (VOID) DateStamp (now);
- X begin = *now;
- X }
- X (VOID) DateStamp (now);
- X millisec = 24 * 3600 * (1000 / HZ) * (now -> ds_Days - begin.ds_Days);
- X millisec += 60 * (1000 / HZ) * (now -> ds_Minute - begin.ds_Minute);
- X millisec += (1000 / HZ) * (now -> ds_Tick - begin.ds_Tick);
- X (VOID) FreeMem (now, (long) sizeof (struct DateStamp));
- X }
- X return (millisec);
- X}
- X
- X#else
- X
- XLOCAL unsigned long Clock ()
- X{
- X return (0);
- X}
- X
- X#endif /* AMIGA */
- X
- X#endif /* unix */
- X
- X#ifdef AMIGA
- XXDelay(x)
- Xint x;
- X{
- X if (x) Delay(x); /* fix Delay bug in AmigaDOS */
- X}
- X#endif
- X
- echo "File common/dbug.c is complete"
- chmod 0440 common/dbug.c || echo "restore of common/dbug.c fails"
- echo "x - extracting common/db.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > common/db.h &&
- X/* RCS -- $Header: /u2/dvadura/src/generic/dmake/src/common/RCS/db.h,v 1.1 90/07/19 13:30:43 dvadura Exp $
- X-- SYNOPSIS -- front end to DBUG macros.
- X--
- X-- This is a front end to Fred Fish's DBUG macros. The intent was
- X-- to provide an interface so that if you don't have the DBUG code
- X-- you can still compile dmake, by undefining DBUG, if you do have
- X-- the code then you can use Fred Fish's DBUG package. Originally
- X-- the DBUG stuff was copyrighted, it is now in the public domain
- X-- so the need for this is not as apparent.
- X--
- X-- Dennis Vadura, dvadura@watdragon.uwaterloo.ca
- X-- CS DEPT, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada
- X--
- X-- Copyright (c) 1990 by Dennis Vadura. All rights reserved.
- X--
- X-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- X-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- X-- (version 1), as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
- X-- found in the file 'LICENSE' included with this distribution.
- X--
- X-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant of
- X-- GNU General Public License for more details.
- X--
- X-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X-- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X--
- X-- LOG
- X-- $Log: db.h,v $
- X * Revision 1.1 90/07/19 13:30:43 dvadura
- X * Initial Revision of Version 3.5
- X *
- X*/
- X
- X#ifndef DB_h
- X#define DB_h
- X
- X#ifdef DBUG
- X
- X# include <stdio.h>
- X# include <dbug.h>
- X
- X# define DB_ENTER(a1) DBUG_ENTER(a1)
- X# define DB_RETURN(a1) DBUG_RETURN(a1)
- X# define DB_EXECUTE(keyword, a1) DBUG_EXECUTE(keyword,a1)
- X# define DB_PRINT(keyword,arglist) DBUG_PRINT(keyword,arglist)
- X# define DB_PUSH(a1) DBUG_PUSH(a1)
- X# define DB_POP() DBUG_POP()
- X# define DB_PROCESS(a1) DBUG_PROCESS(a1)
- X# define DB_FILE (stderr) DBUG_FILE(stderr)
- X
- X#else
- X
- X# define DB_ENTER(a1)
- X# define DB_RETURN(a1) return (a1)
- X# define DB_VOID_RETURN return
- X# define DB_EXECUTE(keyword, a1)
- X# define DB_PRINT(keyword,arglist)
- X# define DB_PUSH(a1)
- X# define DB_POP()
- X# define DB_PROCESS(a1)
- X# define DB_FILE(stderr)
- X# define DB_SETJMP setjmp
- X# define DB_LONGJMP longjmp
- X
- X#endif
- X#endif
- X
- chmod 0440 common/db.h || echo "restore of common/db.h fails"
- echo "x - extracting common/alloc.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > common/alloc.h &&
- X/* RCS -- $Header: /u2/dvadura/src/generic/dmake/src/common/RCS/alloc.h,v 1.1 90/07/19 13:30:39 dvadura Exp $
- X-- SYNOPSIS -- macros for allocating memory.
- X--
- X-- A somewhat nicer interface to malloc and calloc.
- X-- Here we standardise the calling convention with a common macro
- X-- interface.
- X--
- X-- Dennis Vadura, dvadura@watdragon.uwaterloo.ca
- X-- CS DEPT, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada
- X--
- X-- Copyright (c) 1990 by Dennis Vadura. All rights reserved.
- X--
- X-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- X-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- X-- (version 1), as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
- X-- found in the file 'LICENSE' included with this distribution.
- X--
- X-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant of
- X-- GNU General Public License for more details.
- X--
- X-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X-- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X--
- X-- LOG
- X-- $Log: alloc.h,v $
- X * Revision 1.1 90/07/19 13:30:39 dvadura
- X * Initial Revision of Version 3.5
- X *
- X*/
- X
- X#ifndef ALLOC_h
- X#define ALLOC_h
- X
- X/* DO NOT CHANGE these! These are the definitions that the make source
- X * uses for allocating memory. They must be defined for make to compile
- X * properly.
- X */
- X
- X#ifndef _TYPES_
- Xtypedef long size_t;
- X#endif
- X
- X#define usizeof(t) (size_t)sizeof(t)
- X
- X#ifdef DBUG
- X#define FREE(p) My_free((char*)(p), __FILE__, __LINE__)
- X#define MALLOC(n, t) (t*) My_malloc((n)*usizeof(t), __FILE__, __LINE__)
- X#define CALLOC(n, t) (t*) My_calloc((n), usizeof(t), __FILE__, __LINE__)
- X#else
- X#define FREE(p) free((char*)(p))
- X#define MALLOC(n, t) (t*) malloc((unsigned int)(n)*usizeof(t))
- X#define CALLOC(n, t) (t*) calloc((unsigned int)(n), usizeof(t))
- X#endif
- X
- X#define TALLOC(p, n, t) if ((p = CALLOC(n, t)) == (t*)0) {No_ram();}
- X
- X#endif
- X
- chmod 0440 common/alloc.h || echo "restore of common/alloc.h fails"
- echo "x - extracting basename.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > basename.c &&
- X/* RCS -- $Header: /u2/dvadura/src/generic/dmake/src/RCS/basename.c,v 1.1 90/07/19 13:53:01 dvadura Exp $
- X-- SYNOPSIS -- return pointer to last pathname component
- X--
- X-- take a file name like /fred/foo/hoe/mary.k, and return the 'mary.k'
- X-- portion
- X--
- X-- Dennis Vadura, dvadura@watdragon.uwaterloo.ca
- X-- CS DEPT, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada
- X--
- X-- Copyright (c) 1990 by Dennis Vadura. All rights reserved.
- X--
- X-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- X-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- X-- (version 1), as published by the Free Software Foundation, and
- X-- found in the file 'LICENSE' included with this distribution.
- X--
- X-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- X-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrant of
- X-- GNU General Public License for more details.
- X--
- X-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- X-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- X-- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- X--
- X-- LOG
- X-- $Log: basename.c,v $
- X * Revision 1.1 90/07/19 13:53:01 dvadura
- X * Initial Revision of Version 3.5
- X *
- X*/
- X
- X#include <string.h>
- X#include "extern.h"
- X
- Xchar*
- Xbasename( path )
- Xchar *path;
- X{
- X char *p;
- X char *q;
- X
- X if( *(q = path) ) {
- X for(; *(p=_strpbrk(q, DirBrkStr)) != '\0'; q = p+1 );
- X if( !*q ) {
- X for( p=q-1; p != path; --p )
- X if( strchr( DirBrkStr, *p ) == NIL(char) ) return( p+1 );
- X return( strchr(DirBrkStr, *p)?path:(p+1) );
- X }
- X path = q;
- X }
- X return( path );
- X}
- chmod 0440 basename.c || echo "restore of basename.c fails"
- echo "x - extracting _updctl (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > _updctl &&
- chmod 0640 _updctl || echo "restore of _updctl fails"
- echo "x - extracting _todo (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > _todo &&
- X- Finish and test the unix dmaked remote daemon, and allow remote makes to
- X span NFS'ed file systems.
- X
- X- See if I can find spawnvp.c source someplace so I can hack the environment
- X to better support the MKS argument passing convention in the DOS version.
- chmod 0640 _todo || echo "restore of _todo fails"
- echo "x - extracting _readme (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > _readme &&
- XThis is the first distribution of dmake version 3.5. dmake is a
- Xmake like tool that has been written by me and has been used by individuals at
- Xthe University of Waterloo for about a year and a half now. I feel it has
- Xmatured enough to be made available on a wider scale.
- X
- Xdmake is available for anonymous ftp from watmsg.uwaterloo.ca address is
- X129.97.129.9. It is in the pub/src directory, set your mode to binary,
- Xand copy either:
- X
- X dmake-3.5.tar.Z - compressed tar format
- X dmake-3.5.zoo - zoo archive
- X
- Xdmake is different from other versions of make in that it supports significant
- Xenhancements (See the man page). A short summary of the more important
- Xones follows:
- X
- X . support for portable makefiles
- X . runs on many platforms (DOS, generic unix [sysv and bsd4.3],
- X apollo, and others)
- X . significantly enhanced macro facilities
- X . transitive closure on inference graph
- X . sofisticated inference algorithm
- X . support for traversing the file sytem both during making of targets
- X and during inference
- X . %-meta rules for specifying rules to be used for inferring
- X prerequisites
- X . highly configurable
- X . support for libraries
- X . parallel making of targets on architectures that support it
- X . attributed targets
- X . text diversions
- X
- XAll code found in this distribution is original and writen by me except where
- Xnoted in the source and the following:
- X
- X- dbug package from Fred Fish (dmake DEBUG=1, to make a debugging version
- X of dmake)
- X
- X- malloc.c package, came from the net originally, author name wasn't
- X on it when I found it, I can't even remember where I got it.
- X
- X-dennis
- chmod 0640 _readme || echo "restore of _readme fails"
- echo "x - extracting _readme.dos (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > _readme.dos &&
- XSome notes on the MSDOS implementation of dmake.
- X
- Xdmake does not care if you are running command.com or some other command
- Xinterpretter, you must however specify the proper values of the environment
- Xvariables SHELL, SHELLFLAGS, GROUPSHELL, and GROUPFLAGS in order for things
- Xto work correctly. Read the man page first.
- X
- XGroup recipes under DOS require you to set the GROUPSUFFIX macro.
- X
- XAs shipped the startup.mk files for the DOS version try to figure out what
- Xcommand interpretter you are using and set things up appropriately.
- XTwo command interpretters are supported in the shipped startup.mk file,
- Xcommand.com, and the MKS Korn shell.
- X
- Xdmake does not contain any builtin commands. It gets all commands it executes
- Xfrom an external environment. It is therefore most useful if it is used in
- Xconjunction with an environment such as is provided by the the MKS Tool kit,
- Xor equivalent.
- X
- XIf running under the MKS toolkit, dmake does not currently support their
- Xextended length argument passing conventions. I need a working version of
- Xspawnvp source in order to modify it so that it puts the right magic cookies
- Xin the right places so that an invoked MKS command knows to look into the
- Xenvironment for its command line arguments rather than in the DOS command
- Xtail.
- chmod 0640 _readme.dos || echo "restore of _readme.dos fails"
- echo "x - extracting _install (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > _install &&
- X
- XThis file contains the instructions required to install and create the
- Xappropriate version of dmake.
- X
- X
- X
- XIn order to use dmake you must first make the correct version. As shipped
- Xthere exist several versions that you can make:
- X
- X bsd43uw - Generic BSD 4.3 at U of Waterloo
- X bsd43 - Generic BSD 4.3 (eg, true BSD, apollo, sun OS4, SGI etc)
- X sysvr3 - Generic SysV R3 UNIX (NCR tower, ....etc)
- X tccdos - DOS with tcc 2.0
- X dynix - Sequent symmetry dynix
- X mscdos - DOS with MSC 4.0 or > not tested
- X 386ix - 386/ix (SysV R3), not tested
- X
- XThe source code is organized as follows:
- X
- X dmake [source for all common functions]
- X |
- X |
- X -----------
- X | |
- X unix msdos [source for OS specific functions]
- X | |
- X ---------------------- -------------
- X | | | | |
- X386ix bsd43 sysvr3 tccdos mscdos [source for OSRELEASE specific
- X | functions]
- X --------
- X | |
- X uw dynix
- X
- X
- XEach of the directories (eg. bsd43, mscdos, tccdos, and sysvr3) contain source
- Xthat is specific to that release of the OS (and possibly C-library)
- XTo make the apropriate versions of dmake, simply type the command
- X
- X 'make system'
- X
- Xwhere system is one of the supplied possibilities. For a complete list
- Xof the versions you can make, see the comments in the file 'makefile'.
- X
- XThe bootstrapping of dmake is accomplished by running a shell script with the
- Xappropriate compile commands hard coded.
- X
- X(NOTE: If you are using MSDOS then, you will actually be using the make.bat
- X scriptfile to make the correct version of dmake for MSDOS. If you
- X are running a SHELL other than command.com, you may have to perform
- X some extra work to invoke the batch file.)
- X
- XThe making of dmake, echoes the commands being executed, and should proceed
- Xrelatively error free. Ignore any warnings that concerned unused arguments
- Xto functions, these are normal in some configurations (esp the MSDOS)
- Xconfiguration.
- X
- X
- X
- Xdmake requires the loading of a startup file when it is first invoked. The
- Xpath for the startup file is set in the file 'startup.h' found in the unix
- Xand msdos directories. You may override the value of the path variable
- Xcompiled-in by creating a file at the root source directory called startup.h
- Xand inserting into that file a definition that is like the definition found
- Xin the supplied startup.h files.
- X
- X
- X
- XTo install dmake you must copy the executable to where your system
- Xlocates executables, and you must place a copy of startup.mk (found in the
- Xdirectory corresponding to the version you just made) into a location
- Xcorresponding to the value of the MAKESTARTUP macro or environment variable.
- XYou are free to customize the contents of startup.mk.
- X
- XTo make dmake again, (using itself), you will have to set three environment
- Xvariables. See the file makefile.mk for their names and their legal values.
- XOnce set you can invoke dmake to make itself.
- X
- X
- X
- XAll documentation for dmake appears under the man directory.
- XThe file dmake.tf included in this distribution contains the troff
- Xsource for the man page. You must typeset it using the -man macros.
- XIf you cannot typeset it, the file dmake.p is a version that has been
- Xtypeset for a normal dumb terminal. The file dmake.p contains control
- Xcharacters. The file dmake.nc is a version of the man page that has
- Xall of the control characters stripped.
- X
- X
- X
- XTo create yet another version of dmake you should follow the following steps.
- X
- XThe sysvr3 version as sent is the base version, all dmake versions must provide
- Xthe equivalent of the functions defined in the sysvr3 directory, and MUST
- Xprovide the same semantics (MSDOS archive lib searches are an exception since
- Xwe cannot search libraries for timestamps in MSDOS, Actually the MKS version
- Xof dmake does this, I don't have the time to add this code though).
- X eg. vms for VMS, or amiga for AMIGA.
- X
- X2. copy the files from unix and sysvr3 directories to the new dir.
- X
- X3. modify dmake.sh to contain the appropriate C compiler flags and link command
- X and to include any specific C files that you have had to add for this
- X version of dmake, and run the result through the shell.
- X (Also make the changes to config.mk once you have a working copy of
- X dmake)
- X
- X4. Not all OS/OSRELEASE combinations are compatible so in order to make
- X dmake on each, the particular directory may contain C-source for functions
- X present in the SVID SysV R3 distribution which are used by dmake but are
- X not supplied by the C-library in current use. For example the bsd43
- X directory contains source for tempnam.c since it is not provided with
- X the BSD C-library. Before writing a new version of the source file
- X check the other directories to see if one already exists.
- X
- X5. Under some systems the standard include files may be missing or incorrect.
- X eg. under BSD stdarg.h and string.h. If this is the case
- X you should create the proper .h file in the proper directory.
- X This works as expected as the compile line includes the flag -Idir
- X where dir is the configuration dir, (bsd43 for example) and any
- X standard include files will be searched for in dir before the compiler
- X looks in the normal places.
- X
- X6. This should be all you require to create a new version of dmake.
- X If you have any questions send e-mail to dvadura@watdragon.uwaterloo.ca
- chmod 0640 _install || echo "restore of _install fails"
- echo "x - extracting LICENSE (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > LICENSE &&
- X Version 1, February 1989
- X
- X Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- X 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
- X Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- X of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- X
- X Preamble
- X
- X The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
- Xat the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our General Public
- XLicense is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
- Xsoftware--to make sure the software is free for all its users. The
- XGeneral Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
- Xsoftware and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
- XYou can use it for your programs, too.
- X
- X When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
- Xprice. Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
- Xsure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
- Xsoftware, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
- echo "End of part 20"
- echo "File LICENSE is continued in part 21"
- echo "21" > s2_seq_.tmp
- exit 0