home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* main "ephem" program.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Copyright (c) 1990 by Elwood Charles Downey
- *
- * Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this program
- * free of charge, provided the copyright notice and this permission
- * notice are preserved on all copies. All other rights reserved.
- * -------------------------------------------------------------------
- * set options.
- * init screen and circumstances.
- * enter infinite loop updating screen and allowing operator input.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #ifdef VMS
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
- #include "astro.h"
- #include "circum.h"
- #include "screen.h"
- extern char *strncpy();
- extern char *getenv();
- /* shorthands for fields of a Now structure, now.
- * first undo the ones for a Now pointer from circum.h.
- */
- #undef mjd
- #undef lat
- #undef lng
- #undef tz
- #undef temp
- #undef pressure
- #undef height
- #undef epoch
- #undef tznm
- #define mjd now.n_mjd
- #define lat now.n_lat
- #define lng now.n_lng
- #define tz now.n_tz
- #define temp now.n_temp
- #define pressure now.n_pressure
- #define height now.n_height
- #define epoch now.n_epoch
- #define tznm now.n_tznm
- static jmp_buf fpe_err_jmp; /* used to recover from SIGFPE */
- static char *cfgfile; /* !0 if -c used */
- static char cfgdef[] = "ephem.cfg"; /* default configuration file name */
- static Now now; /* where when and how, right now */
- static double tminc; /* hrs to inc time by each loop; RTC means use clock */
- static int nstep; /* steps to go before stopping */
- static int spause; /* secs to pause between steps */
- static int optwi; /* set when want to display dawn/dusk/len-of-night */
- static int oppl; /* mask of (1<<planet) bits; set when want to show it */
- main (ac, av)
- int ac;
- char *av[];
- {
- void bye();
- void on_fpe();
- static char freerun[] =
- "Running... press any key to stop to make changes.";
- static char prmpt[] =
- "Move to another field, RETURN to change this field, ? for help, or q to run";
- static char hlp[] =
- "arrow keys move to field; any key stops running; ^d exits; ^l redraws";
- int curr = R_NSTEP, curc = C_NSTEPV; /* must start somewhere */
- int sflag = 0; /* not silent, by default */
- int one = 1; /* use a variable so optimizer doesn't get disabled */
- int srchdone = 0; /* true when search funcs say so */
- int newcir = 2; /* set when circumstances change - means don't tminc */
- while ((--ac > 0) && (**++av == '-')) {
- char *s;
- for (s = *av+1; *s != '\0'; s++)
- switch (*s) {
- case 's': /* no credits "silent" (don't publish this) */
- sflag++;
- break;
- case 'c': /* set name of config file to use */
- if (--ac <= 0) usage("-c but no config file");
- cfgfile = *++av;
- break;
- case 'd': /* set alternate database file name */
- if (--ac <= 0) usage("-d but no database file");
- obj_setdbfilename (*++av);
- break;
- default:
- usage("Bad - option");
- }
- }
- if (!sflag)
- credits();
- /* fresh screen.
- * crack config file, THEN args so args may override.
- */
- c_erase();
- read_cfgfile ();
- read_fieldargs (ac, av);
- /* set up to clean up screen and tty if interrupted.
- * also set up to stop if get floating error.
- */
- (void) signal (SIGINT, bye);
- (void) signal (SIGFPE, on_fpe);
- /* update screen forever (until QUIT) */
- while (one) {
- /* if get a floating error, longjmp() here and stop looping */
- if (setjmp (fpe_err_jmp))
- nstep = 0;
- else {
- nstep -= 1;
- /* recalculate everything and update all the fields */
- redraw_screen (newcir);
- mm_newcir (0);
- /* let searching functions change tminc and check for done */
- srchdone = srch_eval (mjd, &tminc) < 0;
- print_tminc(0); /* to show possibly new search increment */
- /* update plot and listing files, now that all fields are up
- * to date and search function has been evaluated.
- */
- plot();
- listing();
- /* handle spause if we are really looping */
- if (nstep > 0)
- slp_sync();
- }
- /* stop loop to allow op to change parameters:
- * if a search evaluation converges (or errors out),
- * or if steps are done,
- * or if op hits any key.
- */
- newcir = 0;
- if (srchdone || nstep <= 0 || (chk_char()==0 && read_char()!=0)) {
- int fld;
- /* update screen with the current stuff if stopped during
- * unattended plotting or listing since last redraw_screen()
- * didn't.
- */
- if ((plot_ison() || listing_ison()) && nstep > 0)
- redraw_screen (1);
- /* return nstep to default of 1 */
- if (nstep <= 0) {
- nstep = 1;
- print_nstep (0);
- }
- /* change fields until END.
- * update all time fields if any are changed
- * and print NEW CIRCUMSTANCES if any have changed.
- * QUIT causes bye() to be called and we never return.
- */
- while(fld = sel_fld(curr,curc,alt_menumask()|F_CHG,prmpt,hlp)) {
- if (chg_fld ((char *)0, fld)) {
- mm_now (&now, 1);
- mm_newcir(1);
- newcir = 1;
- }
- curr = unpackr (fld);
- curc = unpackc (fld);
- }
- if (nstep > 1)
- f_prompt (freerun);
- }
- /* increment time only if op didn't change cirumstances */
- if (!newcir)
- inc_mjd (&now, tminc);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- /* read in ephem's configuration file, if any.
- * if errors in file, call usage() (which exits).
- * if use -d, require it; else try $EPHEMCFG and ephem.cfg but don't
- * complain if can't find these since, after all, one is not required.
- * skip blank lines and lines that begin with '#', '*', ' ' or '\t'.
- */
- static
- read_cfgfile()
- {
- char buf[128];
- FILE *fp;
- char *fn;
- /* open the config file.
- * only REQUIRED if used -d option.
- * if succcessful, fn points to file name.
- */
- if (cfgfile) {
- fn = cfgfile;
- fp = fopen (fn, "r");
- if (!fp) {
- (void) sprintf (buf, "Can not open %s", fn);
- usage (buf); /* does not return */
- }
- } else {
- fn = getenv ("EPHEMCFG");
- if (!fn)
- fn = cfgdef;
- }
- fp = fopen (fn, "r");
- if (!fp)
- return; /* oh well; after all, it's not required */
- while (fgets (buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
- switch (buf[0]) {
- case '#': case '*': case ' ': case '\t': case '\n':
- continue;
- }
- buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; /* discard trailing \n */
- if (crack_fieldset (buf) < 0) {
- char why[NC];
- (void) sprintf (why, "Bad field spec in %s: %s\n", fn, buf);
- usage (why);
- }
- }
- (void) fclose (fp);
- }
- /* draw all the stuff on the screen, using the current menu.
- * if how_much == 0 then just update fields that need it;
- * if how_much == 1 then redraw all fields;
- * if how_much == 2 then erase the screen and redraw EVERYTHING.
- */
- redraw_screen (how_much)
- int how_much;
- {
- if (how_much == 2)
- c_erase();
- /* print the single-step message if this is the last loop */
- if (nstep < 1)
- print_updating();
- if (how_much == 2) {
- mm_borders();
- mm_labels();
- srch_prstate(1);
- plot_prstate(1);
- listing_prstate(1);
- alt_labels();
- }
- /* if just updating changed fields while plotting or listing
- * unattended then suppress most screen updates except
- * always show nstep to show plot loops to go and
- * always show tminc to show search convergence progress.
- */
- print_nstep(how_much);
- print_tminc(how_much);
- print_spause(how_much);
- if (how_much == 0 && (plot_ison() || listing_ison()) && nstep > 0)
- f_off();
- /* print all the time-related fields */
- mm_now (&now, how_much);
- if (optwi)
- mm_twilight (&now, how_much);
- /* print solar system body info */
- print_bodies (how_much);
- f_on();
- }
- /* clean up and exit.
- */
- void
- bye()
- {
- c_erase();
- byetty();
- exit (0);
- }
- /* this gets called when a floating point error occurs.
- * we force a jump back into main() with looping terminated.
- */
- static
- void
- on_fpe()
- {
- (void) signal (SIGFPE, on_fpe);
- f_msg ("Floating point error has occurred - computations aborted.");
- longjmp (fpe_err_jmp, 1);
- }
- usage(why)
- char *why;
- {
- /* don't advertise -s (silent) option */
- c_erase();
- f_string (1, 1, why);
- f_string (2, 1,
- "usage: [-c <configfile>] [-d <database>] [field=value ...]\r\n");
- byetty();
- exit (1);
- }
- /* process the field specs from the command line.
- * if trouble call usage() (which exits).
- */
- static
- read_fieldargs (ac, av)
- int ac; /* number of such specs */
- char *av[]; /* array of strings in form <field_name value> */
- {
- while (--ac >= 0) {
- char *fs = *av++;
- if (crack_fieldset (fs) < 0) {
- char why[NC];
- (void) sprintf (why, "Bad command line spec: %.*s",
- sizeof(why)-26, fs);
- usage (why);
- }
- }
- }
- /* process a field spec in buf, either from config file or argv.
- * return 0 if recognized ok, else -1.
- */
- static
- crack_fieldset (buf)
- char *buf;
- {
- if (strncmp ("LAT", buf, 3) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+4, rcfpack (R_LAT,C_LATV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("LONG", buf, 4) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+5, rcfpack (R_LONG,C_LONGV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("UT", buf, 2) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+3, rcfpack (R_UT,C_UTV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("UD", buf, 2) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+3, rcfpack (R_UD,C_UD,0));
- else if (strncmp ("TZONE", buf, 5) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+6, rcfpack (R_TZONE,C_TZONEV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("TZNAME", buf, 6) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+7, rcfpack (R_TZN,C_TZN,0));
- else if (strncmp ("HEIGHT", buf, 6) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+7, rcfpack (R_HEIGHT,C_HEIGHTV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("NSTEP", buf, 5) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+6, rcfpack (R_NSTEP,C_NSTEPV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("PAUSE", buf, 5) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+6, rcfpack (R_PAUSE,C_PAUSEV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("STPSZ", buf, 5) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+6, rcfpack (R_STPSZ,C_STPSZV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("TEMP", buf, 4) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+5, rcfpack (R_TEMP,C_TEMPV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("PRES", buf, 4) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+5, rcfpack (R_PRES,C_PRESV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("EPOCH", buf, 5) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+6, rcfpack (R_EPOCH,C_EPOCHV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("JD", buf, 2) == 0)
- (void) chg_fld (buf+3, rcfpack (R_JD,C_JDV,0));
- else if (strncmp ("OBJX", buf, 4) == 0)
- obj_filelookup (OBJX, buf+5);
- else if (strncmp ("OBJY", buf, 4) == 0)
- obj_filelookup (OBJY, buf+5);
- else if (strncmp ("PROPTS", buf, 6) == 0) {
- char *bp = buf+7;
- if (buf[6] != '+')
- optwi = oppl = 0;
- while (*bp)
- switch (*bp++) {
- case 'T': optwi = 1; break;
- case 'S': oppl |= (1<<SUN); break;
- case 'M': oppl |= (1<<MOON); break;
- case 'e': oppl |= (1<<MERCURY); break;
- case 'v': oppl |= (1<<VENUS); break;
- case 'm': oppl |= (1<<MARS); break;
- case 'j': oppl |= (1<<JUPITER); break;
- case 's': oppl |= (1<<SATURN); break;
- case 'u': oppl |= (1<<URANUS); break;
- case 'n': oppl |= (1<<NEPTUNE); break;
- case 'p': oppl |= (1<<PLUTO); break;
- case 'x': oppl |= (1<<OBJX); obj_on(OBJX); break;
- case 'y': oppl |= (1<<OBJY); obj_on(OBJY); break;
- }
- } else if (strncmp ("MENU", buf, 4) == 0) {
- if (strncmp (buf+5, "DATA", 4) == 0)
- altmenu_init (F_MNU1);
- else if (strncmp (buf+5, "RISET", 5) == 0)
- altmenu_init (F_MNU2);
- else if (strncmp (buf+5, "SEP", 3) == 0)
- altmenu_init (F_MNU3);
- } else
- return (-1);
- return (0);
- }
- /* change the field at rcpk according to the optional string input at bp.
- * if bp is != 0 use it, else issue read_line() and use buffer.
- * then sscanf the buffer and update the corresponding (global) variable(s)
- * or do whatever a pick at that field should do.
- * return 1 if we change a field that invalidates any of the times or
- * to update all related fields.
- */
- static
- chg_fld (bp, rcpk)
- char *bp;
- int rcpk;
- {
- char buf[NC];
- int deghrs = 0, mins = 0, secs = 0;
- int new = 0;
- /* switch on just the row/col portion */
- switch (unpackrc(rcpk)) {
- case rcfpack (R_ALTM, C_ALTM, 0):
- if (altmenu_setup() == 0) {
- print_updating();
- alt_nolabels();
- clrall_bodies();
- alt_labels();
- print_bodies(1);
- }
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_JD, C_JDV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "Julian Date (or n for Now): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- if (bp[0] == 'n' || bp[0] == 'N')
- time_fromsys (&now);
- else
- mjd = atof(bp) - 2415020L;
- set_t0 (&now);
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_UD, C_UD, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "utc date (m/d/y, or year.d, or n for Now): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- if (bp[0] == 'n' || bp[0] == 'N')
- time_fromsys (&now);
- else {
- if (decimal_year(bp)) {
- double y = atof (bp);
- year_mjd (y, &mjd);
- } else {
- double day, newmjd0;
- int month, year;
- mjd_cal (mjd, &month, &day, &year); /* init with now */
- f_sscandate (bp, &month, &day, &year);
- cal_mjd (month, day, year, &newmjd0);
- /* if don't give a fractional part to days
- * then retain current hours.
- */
- if ((long)day == day)
- mjd = newmjd0 + mjd_hr(mjd)/24.0;
- else
- mjd = newmjd0;
- }
- }
- set_t0 (&now);
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_UT, C_UTV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "utc time (h:m:s, or n for Now): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- if (bp[0] == 'n' || bp[0] == 'N')
- time_fromsys (&now);
- else {
- double newutc = (mjd-mjd_day(mjd)) * 24.0;
- f_dec_sexsign (newutc, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- f_sscansex (bp, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- sex_dec (deghrs, mins, secs, &newutc);
- mjd = mjd_day(mjd) + newutc/24.0;
- }
- set_t0 (&now);
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_LD, C_LD, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "local date (m/d/y, or year.d, n for Now): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- if (bp[0] == 'n' || bp[0] == 'N')
- time_fromsys (&now);
- else {
- if (decimal_year(bp)) {
- double y = atof (bp);
- year_mjd (y, &mjd);
- mjd += tz/24.0;
- } else {
- double day, newlmjd0;
- int month, year;
- mjd_cal (mjd-tz/24.0, &month, &day, &year); /* now */
- f_sscandate (bp, &month, &day, &year);
- cal_mjd (month, day, year, &newlmjd0);
- /* if don't give a fractional part to days
- * then retain current hours.
- */
- if ((long)day == day)
- mjd = newlmjd0 + mjd_hr(mjd-tz/24.0)/24.0;
- else
- mjd = newlmjd0;
- mjd += tz/24.0;
- }
- }
- set_t0 (&now);
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_LT, C_LT, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "local time (h:m:s, or n for Now): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- if (bp[0] == 'n' || bp[0] == 'N')
- time_fromsys (&now);
- else {
- double newlt = (mjd-mjd_day(mjd)) * 24.0 - tz;
- range (&newlt, 24.0);
- f_dec_sexsign (newlt, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- f_sscansex (bp, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- sex_dec (deghrs, mins, secs, &newlt);
- mjd = mjd_day(mjd-tz/24.0) + (newlt + tz)/24.0;
- }
- set_t0 (&now);
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_LST, C_LSTV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "local sidereal time (h:m:s, or n for Now): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- if (bp[0] == 'n' || bp[0] == 'N')
- time_fromsys (&now);
- else {
- double lst, utc;
- now_lst (&now, &lst);
- f_dec_sexsign (lst, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- f_sscansex (bp, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- sex_dec (deghrs, mins, secs, &lst);
- lst -= radhr(lng); /* convert to gst */
- range (&lst, 24.0);
- gst_utc (mjd_day(mjd), lst, &utc);
- mjd = mjd_day(mjd) + utc/24.0;
- }
- set_t0 (&now);
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_TZN, C_TZN, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "timezone abbreviation (3 char max): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, 3) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- (void) strncpy (tznm, bp, sizeof(tznm)-1);
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_TZONE, C_TZONEV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "hours behind utc: ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- f_dec_sexsign (tz, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- f_sscansex (bp, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- sex_dec (deghrs, mins, secs, &tz);
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_LONG, C_LONGV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "longitude (+ west) (d:m:s): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- f_dec_sexsign (-raddeg(lng), °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- f_sscansex (bp, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- sex_dec (deghrs, mins, secs, &lng);
- lng = degrad (-lng); /* want - radians west */
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_LAT, C_LATV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "latitude (+ north) (d:m:s): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- f_dec_sexsign (raddeg(lat), °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- f_sscansex (bp, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- sex_dec (deghrs, mins, secs, &lat);
- lat = degrad (lat);
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_HEIGHT, C_HEIGHTV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "height above sea level (ft): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- (void) sscanf (bp, "%lf", &height);
- height /= 2.093e7; /* convert ft to earth radii above sea level */
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_NSTEP, C_NSTEPV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "number of steps to run: ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, 8) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- (void) sscanf (bp, "%d", &nstep);
- print_nstep (0);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_PAUSE, C_PAUSEV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "seconds to pause between steps: ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, 8) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- (void) sscanf (bp, "%d", &spause);
- print_spause (0);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_TEMP, C_TEMPV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "temperature (deg.F): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- (void) sscanf (bp, "%lf", &temp);
- temp = 5./9.*(temp - 32.0); /* want degs C */
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_PRES, C_PRESV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] =
- "atmos pressure (in. Hg; 0 for no refraction correction): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- (void) sscanf (bp, "%lf", &pressure);
- pressure *= 33.86; /* want mBar */
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_EPOCH, C_EPOCHV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] = "epoch (year, or e for Equinox of Date): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-strlen(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- if (bp[0] == 'e' || bp[0] == 'E')
- epoch = EOD;
- else {
- double e;
- e = atof(bp);
- year_mjd (e, &epoch);
- }
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_STPSZ, C_STPSZV, 0):
- if (!bp) {
- static char p[] =
- "step size increment (h:m:s, or <x>d for x days, or r for RTC): ";
- f_prompt (p);
- if (read_line (buf, PW-sizeof(p)) <= 0)
- break;
- bp = buf;
- }
- if (bp[0] == 'r' || bp[0] == 'R')
- tminc = RTC;
- else {
- int last = strlen (bp) - 1;
- if (bp[last] == 'd') {
- /* ends in d so treat as a number of days */
- double x;
- (void) sscanf (bp, "%lf", &x);
- tminc = x * 24.0;
- } else {
- if (tminc == RTC)
- deghrs = mins = secs = 0;
- else
- f_dec_sexsign (tminc, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- f_sscansex (bp, °hrs, &mins, &secs);
- sex_dec (deghrs, mins, secs, &tminc);
- }
- }
- print_tminc(0);
- set_t0 (&now);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_PLOT, C_PLOT, 0):
- plot_setup();
- if (plot_ison())
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_LISTING, C_LISTING, 0):
- listing_setup();
- if (listing_ison())
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_WATCH, C_WATCH, 0):
- watch (&now, tminc, oppl);
- /* set new reference time to what watch left it.
- * no need to set new since watch just did a redraw.
- */
- set_t0 (&now);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_DAWN, C_DAWN, 0):
- case rcfpack (R_DUSK, C_DUSK, 0):
- case rcfpack (R_LON, C_LON, 0):
- if (optwi ^= 1) {
- print_updating();
- mm_twilight (&now, 1);
- } else {
- f_blanks (R_DAWN, C_DAWNV, 5);
- f_blanks (R_DUSK, C_DUSKV, 5);
- f_blanks (R_LON, C_LONV, 5);
- }
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_SRCH, C_SRCH, 0):
- srch_setup();
- if (srch_ison())
- new = 1;
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_SUN, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<SUN)) & (1<<SUN)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (SUN, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (SUN);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_MOON, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<MOON)) & (1<<MOON)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (MOON, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (MOON);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_MERCURY, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<MERCURY)) & (1<<MERCURY)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (MERCURY, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (MERCURY);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_VENUS, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<VENUS)) & (1<<VENUS)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (VENUS, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (VENUS);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_MARS, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<MARS)) & (1<<MARS)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (MARS, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (MARS);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_JUPITER, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<JUPITER)) & (1<<JUPITER)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (JUPITER, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (JUPITER);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_SATURN, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<SATURN)) & (1<<SATURN)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (SATURN, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (SATURN);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_URANUS, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<URANUS)) & (1<<URANUS)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (URANUS, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (URANUS);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_NEPTUNE, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<NEPTUNE)) & (1<<NEPTUNE)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (NEPTUNE, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (NEPTUNE);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_PLUTO, C_OBJ, 0):
- if ((oppl ^= (1<<PLUTO)) & (1<<PLUTO)) {
- print_updating();
- alt_body (PLUTO, 1, &now);
- } else
- alt_nobody (PLUTO);
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_OBJX, C_OBJ, 0):
- /* this might change which columns are used so erase all when
- * returns and redraw if still on.
- */
- obj_setup (OBJX);
- alt_nobody (OBJX);
- if (obj_ison (OBJX)) {
- oppl |= 1 << OBJX;
- print_updating();
- alt_body (OBJX, 1, &now);
- } else
- oppl &= ~(1 << OBJX); /* already erased; just clear flag */
- break;
- case rcfpack (R_OBJY, C_OBJ, 0):
- /* this might change which columns are used so erase all when
- * returns and redraw if still on.
- */
- obj_setup (OBJY);
- alt_nobody (OBJY);
- if (obj_ison (OBJY)) {
- oppl |= 1 << OBJY;
- print_updating();
- alt_body (OBJY, 1, &now);
- } else
- oppl &= ~(1 << OBJY); /* already erased; just clear flag */
- break;
- }
- return (new);
- }
- static
- print_tminc(force)
- int force;
- {
- static double last = -123.456; /* anything unlikely */
- if (force || tminc != last) {
- if (tminc == RTC)
- f_string (R_STPSZ, C_STPSZV, " RT CLOCK");
- else if (fabs(tminc) >= 24.0)
- f_double (R_STPSZ, C_STPSZV, "%6.4g dy", tminc/24.0);
- else
- f_signtime (R_STPSZ, C_STPSZV, tminc);
- last = tminc;
- }
- }
- static
- print_bodies (force)
- int force;
- {
- int p;
- for (p = nxtbody(-1); p != -1; p = nxtbody(p))
- if (oppl & (1<<p))
- alt_body (p, force, &now);
- }
- static
- clrall_bodies ()
- {
- int p;
- for (p = nxtbody(-1); p != -1; p = nxtbody(p))
- if (oppl & (1<<p))
- alt_nobody (p);
- }
- print_updating()
- {
- f_prompt ("Updating...");
- }
- static
- print_nstep(force)
- int force;
- {
- static int last;
- if (force || nstep != last) {
- char buf[16];
- (void) sprintf (buf, "%8d", nstep);
- f_string (R_NSTEP, C_NSTEPV, buf);
- last = nstep;
- }
- }
- static
- print_spause(force)
- int force;
- {
- static int last;
- if (force || spause != last) {
- char buf[16];
- (void) sprintf (buf, "%8d", spause);
- f_string (R_PAUSE, C_PAUSEV, buf);
- last = spause;
- }
- }
- /* if not plotting or searching then sleep spause seconds.
- * if time is being based on the real-time clock, sync on the next
- * integral multiple of spause seconds after the minute.
- * check for keyboard action once each second to let it break out early.
- */
- slp_sync()
- {
- if (spause > 0 && !plot_ison() && !srch_ison()) {
- extern long time();
- int n= (tminc == RTC) ? spause - (time((long *)0)%spause) : spause;
- while (--n >= 0)
- if (chk_char() == 0)
- break;
- else
- (void) sleep (1);
- }
- }