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Text File | 1990-08-16 | 55.5 KB | 1,726 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- subject: v14i052: Official patch #7 for faces v1.4 (part 1 of 2).
- from: rburridge@Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 52
- Submitted-by: rburridge@Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
- Archive-name: faces-1.4.5/patch02
- [Please don't include this part with the posting].
- Brandon, could you please post this (and the next message) to
- comp.sources.misc ? I've sent a copy to comp.sources.bugs, but I'd like
- the patch to be archived. I apologise for the awful format; I'll do it
- the Larry Wall way next time.
- Thanks.
- ------CUT HERE------Start of first message------CUT HERE------
- /** IMPORTANT NOTE: This patch and the new file (mush.xface.patch)
- ** comes in two parts. You should save these two parts, strip off the
- ** initial header (down to and including the CUT HERE lines), and
- ** anything below (and including) the CUT HERE line at the end of each
- ** file. cat the two files together, and unpack with sh. Use Larry Wall's
- ** patch program to apply, and recompile and reinstall.
- **
- ** I apologise for this; I didn't realise the patch was going to be so
- ** big.
- **/
- This is official patch #7 for faces v1.4; please apply it.
- It has also been sent to comp.sources.misc for posting there, and
- subsequent archiving.
- Faces v1.4 was posted to comp.sources.misc about the end of June 1990,
- and was already at patchlevel #5. Patch #6 can be obtained via the mail
- archive server, by sending a message to rb-archive-server@Aus.Sun.COM
- containing the line:
- send faces patch6
- Note you might need to include a valid path line in this message, in
- order for the mail server to get the patch back to you. Such a line might
- be:
- path uunet.uu.net!hostname!username
- Rich Burridge, DOMAIN: richb@Aus.Sun.COM
- Sun Microsystems. ACSNET: richb@sunaus.sun.oz
- PHONE: +61 2 413 2666 UUCP: {uunet,mcvax,ukc}!munnari!sunaus.oz!richb
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Faces v1.4 patch #7 makes the following changes:
- * From Chris Steinbroner <hesh@lll-crg.llnl.gov>
- From Bob Posert <psitech.psitech!bob@uunet.UU.NET>
- Incoming mail is not always stored in /usr/spool/mail/username.
- HP-UX and Dell Unix (Interactive 386/ix) store it in
- /usr/mail/username. Another definition (SPOOLDIR), has been added
- to the Makefile. The README file has also been updated.
- * From Hugues Leroy <Hugues.Leroy@irisa.fr>
- From Graham Dumpleton <grahamd@otc.otca.oz.au>
- From Peter Chubb <peterc@softway.oz.au>
- From Robert Adams <adams@trim.intel.com>
- The parsefrom() function was not replacing a '\n' at the end of
- a line with '\0' before preceding.
- * From Michael Schmidt <michael@uni-paderborn.de>
- The faces window now accepts two more keyboard characters:
- q - to terminate the faces program.
- ^L - to refresh the faces window.
- * From Michael Schmidt <michael@uni-paderborn.de>
- Added support for printer monitoring with the PLP printer
- spooling system. Another definition (PLP) has been added to
- the Makefile. The README file has been updated.
- * From Chris Steinbroner <hesh@lll-crg.llnl.gov>
- Diffs included to allow faces to run under HP-UX.
- * From Robert Adams <adams@trim.intel.com>
- Changed the SYSV definition to SYSV32 because I work with both
- System V.3.2.2 and System V.4.0 from AT&T and they need different
- defines.
- * From Robert Adams <adams@trim.intel.com>
- Added -bg and -fg to the parameter string and modified x11.c
- to set the background and foreground colors. Currently this is
- only available with the X11 graphics driver.
- * From Robert Adams <adams@trim.intel.com>
- people.tab now accepts the syntax "aliascomm/alias=comm/name"
- to map a whole name (this is one of the TODO points).
- It still accepts the old syntax. As a side effect, the
- people.tab and machine.tab routines were re-written to be
- better parsers and are now forgiving of white space.
- * From Robert Adams <adams@trim.intel.com>
- make_iconname was rewritten to get rid of the cut and paste
- code and now is a gaggle of 'for' loops.
- * From Robert Adams <adams@trim.intel.com>
- From Michael Schmidt <michael@uni-paderborn.de>
- The domain name parsing code in make_iconname was not working.
- The problem was that the 'old_style' code 'goto'ed out of the
- middle of the domain breakdown loop thus defeating same.
- * From Robert Adams <adams@trim.intel.com>
- The code for building the name for people.tab and machine.tab was
- broken if an alternate directory ("-f") was specified (changes
- in rec.c in read_alias and read_machines).
- * From Robert Adams <adams@trim.intel.com>
- If 'host' does not appear in an RFC822 address, the code would
- assume "LOCAL". The code has been fixed to assume 'hostname'
- instead (fix to parsefrom.c).
- * From Robert Adams <adams@trim.intel.com>
- There was a strange bug that would cause icons on the end of the
- list (after entries were deleted) to get mangled. This usually
- showed up as the NOMAIL icon not being shown but garbage being
- shown instead. The problem was that in 'garbage_collect', there
- was a local variable 'last' that was hidding the global variable
- of the same name and thus the global was not getting updated
- * From Pat Lashley <patl@Sun.COM>
- Added code to use the Domain Name Service to attempt to convert
- unqualified hostnames, or hostnames with partial domains to fully
- qualified domain names. Another definition (DNSLOOKUP) has been
- added to the Makefile. The README file has been updated.
- * From Pat Lashley <patl@Sun.COM>
- When no icon is found for a given user, the unknown icon may be
- displayed either with the user name, or labeled as `unknown'.
- The former case provides the most information, the latter allows
- all unknown users within a given community to be lumped into a
- single image. Another definition (NAMEUNKNOWN) has been added to
- the Makefile. The README file has been updated.
- * From Pat Lashley <patl@Sun.COM>
- Support is now included for multiple face directories. Faces
- will search for the environment variable FACEPATH, and use this
- as a list of colon separated face directories. See the manual
- page for more details.
- * Official support for X-Face lines was not included with patch #2
- to mush v7.1. Dan and Bart suggested that instead, a new file
- (mush.xface.patch) should be included with the faces distribution
- which in an unofficial patch to mush v7.1.2, to allow that X-Face
- support. The README, MANIFEST and FILES files have been updated.
- * From Rod Whitby <rwhitby@austek.oz.au>
- faces v.1.4.6 dumps core when the following message (cut down to the
- smallest case) is in my mail box. This was a case of a valid X-Face:
- being followed by a line starting with the word "X-Face ". Faces now
- searches for "X-Face:" rather than "X-Face". This really needs to be
- tightened up some more.
- It introduces the following file:
- * mush.xface.patch - unofficial patch to apply to Mush v7.1.2 to get
- X-Face: support.
- ------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------
- #! /bin/sh
- # this is a shell archive, meaning:
- # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line
- # 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
- # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh to create the files:
- # mush.xface.patch
- # patch.7
- # This archive created: Tue Aug 14 07:22:29 EST 1990
- #
- #
- export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
- #
- if [ -f mush.xface.patch ]
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file mush.xface.patch
- else
- echo shar: extracting 'mush.xface.patch', 3336 characters
- cat > mush.xface.patch <<'Funky_Stuff'
- *** Mushrc.orig Mon Aug 6 11:32:57 1990
- --- Mushrc Mon Aug 6 11:33:22 1990
- ***************
- *** 29,35 ****
- set newline
- # When reading messages, don't bother looking at lengthy, boring headers.
- ! ignore message-id received via status
- # Since mush has csh-like history, you might find it annoying to type
- # things like "mail host\!host1\!host2\!user" from within the mush shell.
- --- 29,35 ----
- set newline
- # When reading messages, don't bother looking at lengthy, boring headers.
- ! ignore message-id received via status X-Face
- # Since mush has csh-like history, you might find it annoying to type
- # things like "mail host\!host1\!host2\!user" from within the mush shell.
- *** init.c.orig Mon Aug 6 07:57:54 1990
- --- init.c Mon Aug 6 08:01:10 1990
- ***************
- *** 12,20 ****
- --- 12,23 ----
- #include <sys/utsname.h>
- #endif /* SYSV */
- + char facebuf[1024]; /* For possible compressed X-Face: image. */
- +
- void
- init()
- {
- + FILE *fp;
- char *home, *realname, *argv[4];
- extern char *getlogin();
- char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
- ***************
- *** 135,140 ****
- --- 138,153 ----
- argv[0] = "hostname";
- argv[2] = buf;
- (void) add_option(&set_options, argv);
- + }
- +
- + (void) sprintf(buf, "%s/.face", home);
- + if (fp = fopen(buf, "r")) {
- + facebuf[0] = '\0';
- + while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, fp) != NULL) {
- + if (facebuf[0] != '\0')
- + (void) strcat(facebuf, "\t");
- + (void) strcat(facebuf, buf);
- + }
- }
- init_bindings();
- *** config.h-dist.orig Mon Aug 6 11:38:03 1990
- --- config.h-dist Mon Aug 6 11:39:53 1990
- ***************
- *** 104,110 ****
- /* #define PICKY_MAILER /**/
- /* Headers that will NOT be included when forwarding mail */
- ! #define IGNORE_ON_FWD "status" /* comma or space separated list */
- #define MAXMSGS 1000 /* maximum number of messages we can read */
- #define HDRSIZ BUFSIZ /* This should not be < BUFSIZ! (but can be >) */
- --- 104,110 ----
- /* #define PICKY_MAILER /**/
- /* Headers that will NOT be included when forwarding mail */
- ! #define IGNORE_ON_FWD "status,X-Face" /* comma or space separated list */
- #define MAXMSGS 1000 /* maximum number of messages we can read */
- #define HDRSIZ BUFSIZ /* This should not be < BUFSIZ! (but can be >) */
- *** mail.c.orig Mon Aug 6 07:58:05 1990
- --- mail.c Mon Aug 6 09:02:27 1990
- ***************
- *** 1491,1496 ****
- --- 1491,1497 ----
- int i, for_editor = (fp == NULL_FILE);
- int got_date = for_editor, got_from = for_editor;
- struct options *opts;
- + extern char facebuf[];
- if (for_editor && hfile) {
- i = file_to_fp(hfile, files[0], "r");
- ***************
- *** 1654,1659 ****
- --- 1655,1661 ----
- !lcase_strncmp(p, "bcc:", 4) ||
- !lcase_strncmp(p, "fcc:", 4) ||
- !lcase_strncmp(p, "x-mailer:", 9) ||
- + !lcase_strncmp(p, "x-face:", 7) ||
- !lcase_strncmp(p, "status:", 7))
- print_hdr = FALSE;
- else if (!lcase_strncmp(p, "date:", 5))
- ***************
- *** 1720,1725 ****
- --- 1722,1729 ----
- }
- #endif /* PICKY_MAILER */
- + if (facebuf != NULL)
- + (void) fprintf(files[i], "X-Face: %s", facebuf);
- (void) fprintf(files[i], "X-Mailer: %s\n", check_internal("version"));
- (void) fprintf(files[i], "%sTo: %s\n",
- ison(flags, FORWARD) ? "Resent-" : "", To);
- Funky_Stuff
- len=`wc -c < mush.xface.patch`
- if [ $len != 3336 ] ; then
- echo error: mush.xface.patch was $len bytes long, should have been 3336
- fi
- fi # end of overwriting check
- if [ -f patch.7 ]
- then
- echo shar: will not over-write existing file patch.7
- else
- echo shar: extracting 'patch.7', 101860 characters
- cat > patch.7 <<'Funky_Stuff'
- ------- get.c -------
- *** /tmp/da09664 Tue Aug 14 07:20:14 1990
- --- get.c Wed Aug 8 17:45:12 1990
- ***************
- *** 15,21 ****
- --- 15,25 ----
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- + #ifdef SYSV32 || hpux
- + #include <string.h>
- + #else
- #include <strings.h>
- + #endif /* SYSV32 || hpux */
- #include <pwd.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "faces.h"
- ***************
- *** 136,143 ****
- --- 140,154 ----
- int argc ;
- char *argv[] ;
- {
- + char *faceenv ;
- char next[MAXLINE] ; /* The next command line parameter. */
- + char *pptr ;
- + int i ;
- + faceenv = getenv("FACEPATH") ;
- + if (faceenv) STRCPY(facedirs, faceenv) ;
- + else facedirs[0] = (char) NULL ;
- +
- INC ;
- while (argc > 0)
- {
- ***************
- *** 159,165 ****
- break ;
- case 'a' : mtype = MONALL ; /* Monitor all of the spoolfile. */
- break ;
- ! case 'b' : INC ; /* Alternate background pattern. */
- getparam(bgicon, argv, "-b needs background icon") ;
- break ;
- case 'c' : INC ; /* Number of columns. */
- --- 170,182 ----
- break ;
- case 'a' : mtype = MONALL ; /* Monitor all of the spoolfile. */
- break ;
- ! case 'b' : if (argv[0][2] == 'g')
- ! {
- ! INC ; /* Background color. */
- ! getparam(bgcolor, argv, "-bg specifies background color") ;
- ! break ;
- ! }
- ! INC ; /* Alternate background pattern. */
- getparam(bgicon, argv, "-b needs background icon") ;
- break ;
- case 'c' : INC ; /* Number of columns. */
- ***************
- *** 177,184 ****
- INC ;
- getparam(userprog, argv, "-e needs user program") ;
- break ;
- ! case 'f' : INC ; /* New directory for face icons. */
- ! getparam(facedir, argv, "-f needs face directory") ;
- break ;
- case 'g' : INC ; /* X11 geometry information. */
- getparam(geometry, argv,
- --- 194,207 ----
- INC ;
- getparam(userprog, argv, "-e needs user program") ;
- break ;
- ! case 'f' : if (argv[0][2] == 'g')
- ! {
- ! INC ; /* Background color. */
- ! getparam(fgcolor, argv, "-fg specifies foreground color") ;
- ! break ;
- ! }
- ! INC ; /* New directory for face icons. */
- ! getparam(facedirs, argv, "-f needs face directory path") ;
- break ;
- case 'g' : INC ; /* X11 geometry information. */
- getparam(geometry, argv,
- ***************
- *** 276,281 ****
- --- 299,324 ----
- }
- INC ;
- }
- +
- + /* Parse the face path from the parameter line... */
- +
- + for (i = 0, pptr = facedirs; pptr && (i <= MAXPATHS); i++)
- + {
- + if ((*pptr == ':') || (*pptr == (char) NULL))
- + {
- +
- + /* Null entry in face path means insert compiled-in default. */
- +
- + facepath[i] = FACEDIR ;
- + if (*(pptr++) == (char) NULL) break ;
- + }
- + else
- + {
- + facepath[i] = pptr ;
- + pptr = index(pptr, ':') ;
- + if (pptr) *(pptr++) = (char) NULL ;
- + }
- + }
- }
- ***************
- *** 492,498 ****
- usage() /* Print faces usage message. */
- {
- FPRINTF(stderr, "Usage: %s [-MH] [-P printer] [-Wi] [-Wp x y] ", progname) ;
- ! FPRINTF(stderr, "[-WP x y] [-b background] [-d display] [-f facedir] ") ;
- FPRINTF(stderr, "[-g geometry] [-i] [-n] [-p period] [-s spoolfile] [-u] ") ;
- FPRINTF(stderr, "[-t] [-v]\n") ;
- }
- --- 535,542 ----
- usage() /* Print faces usage message. */
- {
- FPRINTF(stderr, "Usage: %s [-MH] [-P printer] [-Wi] [-Wp x y] ", progname) ;
- ! FPRINTF(stderr, "[-WP x y] [-b background] [-bg background_color] ") ;
- ! FPRINTF(stderr, "[-d display] [-f facepath] [-fg foreground_color] ") ;
- FPRINTF(stderr, "[-g geometry] [-i] [-n] [-p period] [-s spoolfile] [-u] ") ;
- FPRINTF(stderr, "[-t] [-v]\n") ;
- }
- ------- main.c -------
- *** /tmp/da09667 Tue Aug 14 07:20:15 1990
- --- main.c Sat Aug 4 23:35:02 1990
- ***************
- *** 17,31 ****
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- ! #ifdef SYSV
- #include <string.h>
- #else
- #include <strings.h>
- ! #endif /*SYSV*/
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #ifdef NISLOOKUP
- #include <rpcsvc/ypclnt.h>
- #endif /*NISLOOKUP*/
- --- 17,37 ----
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- ! #ifdef SYSV32 || hpux
- #include <string.h>
- #else
- #include <strings.h>
- ! #endif /* SYSV32 || hpux */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- + #include <ctype.h>
- + #ifdef DNSLOOKUP
- + #include <sys/socket.h>
- + #include <netdb.h>
- + #endif /*DNSLOOKUP*/
- +
- #ifdef NISLOOKUP
- #include <rpcsvc/ypclnt.h>
- #endif /*NISLOOKUP*/
- ***************
- *** 72,77 ****
- --- 78,84 ----
- enum gr_type gtype ; /* Which graphics system is being used. */
- enum mon_type mtype = MONNEW ; /* Type of monitoring operation to do. */
- + char bgcolor[MAXLINE] ; /* X11 background color. */
- char bgicon[MAXLINE] ; /* Alternate background pattern. */
- char community[MAXLINE] ; /* Community name ("real" host name). */
- char defdir[MAXLINE] ; /* The default face directory. */
- ***************
- *** 81,87 ****
- char face_host[MAXLINE] ; /* Pointer to host name from the "From" line. */
- char face_ts[MAXLINE] ; /* Pointer to time stamp from the "From" line. */
- char face_user[MAXLINE] ; /* Pointer to user name from the "From" line. */
- ! char facedir[MAXLINE] ; /* Alternate face image directory. */
- char fname[MAXTYPES][MAXLINE] ; /* Array of various face name types. */
- char geometry[MAXLINE] ; /* X11 geometry information. */
- char hostcommunity[MAXLINE] ; /* The community of the host machine */
- --- 88,96 ----
- char face_host[MAXLINE] ; /* Pointer to host name from the "From" line. */
- char face_ts[MAXLINE] ; /* Pointer to time stamp from the "From" line. */
- char face_user[MAXLINE] ; /* Pointer to user name from the "From" line. */
- ! char facedirs[MAXLINE] ; /* Colon separated list of face directories. */
- ! char *facepath[MAXPATHS+1] ; /* Array of face image directories. */
- ! char fgcolor[MAXLINE] ; /* X11 foreground color. */
- char fname[MAXTYPES][MAXLINE] ; /* Array of various face name types. */
- char geometry[MAXLINE] ; /* X11 geometry information. */
- char hostcommunity[MAXLINE] ; /* The community of the host machine */
- ***************
- *** 93,98 ****
- --- 102,108 ----
- char peopfile[MAXLINE] ; /* Name of the people/username file. */
- char printer[MAXLINE] ; /* Printer name to monitor. */
- char progname[MAXLINE] ; /* Name of this program. */
- + char realcomm[MAXLINE] ; /* Real community for this user. */
- char realname[MAXLINE] ; /* Real username for this user. */
- char spoolfile[MAXLINE] ; /* Full pathname of users current mail. */
- char update_alias[MAXLINE] ; /* Name of mail alias for database updates. */
- ***************
- *** 137,142 ****
- --- 147,153 ----
- int period = 60 ; /* Period in seconds for new mail check. */
- int posspec = 0 ; /* Set if -Wp or -g option is present (for X11) */
- int row ; /* Row number for next icon. */
- + int toclear = 0 ; /* Set if faces memory area needs clearing. */
- int update = 0 ; /* If set, send mail to update faces database. */
- int width ; /* Width in pixels of faces display. */
- int wx = 0 ; /* Initial X position of the window. */
- ***************
- *** 220,230 ****
- */
- {
- ! struct hostent *hp ;
- char hostname[MAXLINE] ;
- ! hp = gethostbyname (hostname) ;
- if (hp != NULL) STRCPY(hostname, hp->h_name) ;
- h_to_c(hostname, hostcommunity) ;
- }
- --- 231,243 ----
- */
- {
- ! struct hostent *hp = NULL ;
- char hostname[MAXLINE] ;
- ! #ifndef SYSV32
- ! hp = gethostbyname(hostname) ;
- ! #endif /*SYSV32*/
- if (hp != NULL) STRCPY(hostname, hp->h_name) ;
- h_to_c(hostname, hostcommunity) ;
- }
- ***************
- *** 233,241 ****
- {
- struct machinfo *temp ;
- ! yp_get_default_domain (&hostdomain) ;
- STRCPY(domaincommunity, hostdomain) ;
- /* We can't call h_to_c() to setup the default because it expects
- * it to be set already; so we grovel through the machine/community
- * association list directly.
- --- 246,257 ----
- {
- struct machinfo *temp ;
- ! yp_get_default_domain(&hostdomain) ;
- STRCPY(domaincommunity, hostdomain) ;
- + IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "main: NIS community is `%s`\n",
- + domaincommunity) ) ;
- +
- /* We can't call h_to_c() to setup the default because it expects
- * it to be set already; so we grovel through the machine/community
- * association list directly.
- ***************
- *** 242,253 ****
- */
- for (temp = machines; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
- ! if (strcmp(temp->machine, domaincommunity) == 0)
- ! {
- ! STRCPY(domaincommunity, temp->community) ;
- ! break ;
- ! }
- IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "main: domain community is `%s`\n",
- domaincommunity) ; )
- }
- --- 258,273 ----
- */
- for (temp = machines; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
- ! if (!strcmp(temp->machine, domaincommunity))
- ! {
- ! char *str ;
- + STRCPY(domaincommunity, temp->community) ;
- + for (str = community; *str; str++)
- + if (isascii(*str) && isupper(*str)) *str = tolower(*str) ;
- + break ;
- + }
- +
- IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "main: domain community is `%s`\n",
- domaincommunity) ; )
- }
- ***************
- *** 260,273 ****
- }
- ! a_to_u(community, user, realname) /* Turn possible alias into username. */
- ! char *community, *user, *realname ;
- {
- struct comminfo *ctemp ;
- struct peopinfo *ptemp ;
- ! STRCPY(realname, user) ; /* In case alias not found. */
- ! ctemp = communities ; /* Point to chain of communities. */
- while (ctemp != NULL)
- if (!strcmp(ctemp->community, community))
- {
- --- 280,296 ----
- }
- ! /* Turn possible alias into username. */
- !
- ! a_to_u(community, user, realcomm, realname)
- ! char *community, *user, *realcomm, *realname ;
- {
- struct comminfo *ctemp ;
- struct peopinfo *ptemp ;
- ! STRCPY(realname, user) ; /* In case alias not found. */
- ! STRCPY(realcomm, community) ; /* In case alias not found. */
- ! ctemp = communities ; /* Point to chain of communities. */
- while (ctemp != NULL)
- if (!strcmp(ctemp->community, community))
- {
- ***************
- *** 276,281 ****
- --- 299,305 ----
- if (!strcmp(ptemp->alias, user))
- {
- STRCPY(realname, ptemp->username) ;
- + STRCPY(realcomm, ptemp->community) ;
- return ;
- }
- else ptemp = ptemp->next ;
- ***************
- *** 287,295 ****
- initialise()
- {
- ! STRCPY(facedir, "") ; /* No alternate face directory by default. */
- STRCPY(display, "") ; /* X11 display type. */
- STRCPY(geometry, "") ; /* X11 geometry information. */
- #ifdef FBMONTYPE
- mtype = FBMONTYPE ; /* Type of monitoring to do. */
- --- 311,325 ----
- initialise()
- {
- ! int i ;
- !
- ! facepath[0] = FACEDIR ; /* Default path is single built-in directory. */
- ! for (i = 1; i <= MAXPATHS; i++) facepath[i] = (char *) NULL ;
- !
- STRCPY(display, "") ; /* X11 display type. */
- STRCPY(geometry, "") ; /* X11 geometry information. */
- + STRCPY(fgcolor, "") ; /* X11 foreground information. */
- + STRCPY(bgcolor, "") ; /* X11 background information. */
- #ifdef FBMONTYPE
- mtype = FBMONTYPE ; /* Type of monitoring to do. */
- ***************
- *** 301,315 ****
- STRCPY(bgicon, "") ; /* Default is to use root gray. */
- #endif /*BACKGROUND*/
- - #ifdef FACEDIR
- - STRCPY(defdir, FACEDIR) ; /* Different directory for face icons. */
- - #else
- - STRCPY(defdir,"/usr/local/faces") ; /* Directory for face icons. */
- - #endif /*FACEDIR*/
- -
- - SPRINTF(machfile, "%s/%s", defdir, MACHINETAB) ;
- - SPRINTF(peopfile, "%s/%s", defdir, PEOPLETAB) ;
- -
- #ifdef INVERT
- invert = 1 ; /* Display in reverse video. */
- #endif /*INVERT*/
- --- 331,336 ----
- ***************
- *** 329,335 ****
- --- 350,360 ----
- else
- {
- username = getname() ; /* Get users name from passwd entry. */
- + #ifdef SPOOLDIR
- + SPRINTF(spoolfile, "%s/%s", SPOOLDIR, username) ;
- + #else
- SPRINTF(spoolfile, "/usr/spool/mail/%s", username) ;
- + #endif /*SPOOLDIR*/
- }
- #endif /*SPOOLFILE*/
- ***************
- *** 380,385 ****
- --- 405,442 ----
- return ;
- }
- + #ifdef DNSLOOKUP
- + {
- + char *str ;
- + struct hostent *found = gethostbyname(community) ;
- +
- + if (found)
- + {
- + IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "DNSLOOKUP found %s as %s\n",
- + community, found->h_name) ) ;
- + STRCPY(community, found->h_name) ;
- +
- + for (str = community; *str; str++)
- + if (isascii(*str) && isupper(*str)) *str = tolower(*str) ;
- +
- + /* Grovel through the machine/community association list again
- + * to allow domains to be aliases.
- + */
- +
- + for (temp = machines; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
- + if (!strcmp(temp->machine, community))
- + {
- + STRCPY(community, temp->community) ;
- + IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr,
- + "h_to_c(): machine `%s` found in community '%s'\n",
- + temp->machine, community) ; )
- + return ;
- + }
- + return ;
- + }
- + }
- + #endif /*DNSLOOKUP*/
- +
- #ifdef NISLOOKUP
- /* yp_match() returns zero on success. We will treat any failure as
- ***************
- *** 389,412 ****
- yp_err = yp_match(hostdomain, "hosts.byname",
- host, strlen(host), &hostinfo, &len) ;
- - if (yp_err == 0)
- - {
- -
- /* We aren't interested in the value returned, only whether the key
- * was found...
- */
- STRCPY(community, domaincommunity) ;
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "NISlookup: found %s\n", host) ; )
- }
- ! IF_DEBUG( else FPRINTF(stderr, "NISlookup: Error %d\n", yp_err) ; )
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "h_to_c(): community = '%s'\n", community) ; )
- #endif /*NISLOOKUP*/
- }
- ! make_iconname(facedir, community, user) /* Construct the icon name. */
- ! char *facedir, *community, *user ;
- {
- /* Sets up community and user based on the first successful
- --- 446,478 ----
- yp_err = yp_match(hostdomain, "hosts.byname",
- host, strlen(host), &hostinfo, &len) ;
- /* We aren't interested in the value returned, only whether the key
- * was found...
- */
- + if (yp_err == 0)
- + {
- + char *str ;
- +
- STRCPY(community, domaincommunity) ;
- ! for (str = community; *str; str++)
- ! if (isascii(*str) && isupper(*str)) *str = tolower(*str) ;
- !
- ! /* Don't bother checking for domaincommunity in the machines
- ! * alias list - that should have been done when the variable
- ! * was initialized.
- ! */
- !
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "NISlookup: found %s\n", host) ) ;
- }
- ! IF_DEBUG( else FPRINTF(stderr, "NISlookup: Error %d\n", yp_err) ) ;
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "h_to_c(): community = '%s'\n", community) ) ;
- #endif /*NISLOOKUP*/
- }
- ! make_iconname(facepath, community, user) /* Construct the icon name. */
- ! char *facepath[MAXPATHS+1], *community, *user ;
- {
- /* Sets up community and user based on the first successful
- ***************
- *** 417,647 ****
- * $(FACEDIR)/community/unknown/[face.ps, sun.icon, 48x48x1, face.xbm]
- * $(FACEDIR)/misc./unknown/[face.ps, sun.icon, 48x48x1, face.xbm]
- *
- ! * Firstly a check is made for the "old" style; first in a possible
- ! * alternate face directory, then in the default directory. This is
- ! * where the username is not a directory but the ikon in 48x48x1
- ! * format.
- *
- * If none of these are found, the "blank face" is returned.
- */
- ! char *cptr ;
- ! int i ;
- old_style = 0 ; /* Reset before checking this face. */
- IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "make_iconname: %s[%s] ", community, user) ; )
- ! if (strlen(facedir))
- ! for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
- ! for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
- ! {
- ! if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
- ! if (i < 0)
- ! {
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s", facedir, cptr, user) ;
- ! if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi1 ;
- ! if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- ! {
- ! old_style = 1 ;
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- ! return 1 ;
- ! }
- ! }
- ! else
- ! {
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/%s", facedir, cptr, user, fname[i]) ;
- ! if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- ! {
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- ! return 1 ;
- ! }
- ! }
- ! }
- !
- ! mi1:
- ! for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
- ! for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
- ! {
- ! if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
- ! if (i < 0)
- {
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s", defdir, cptr, user) ;
- ! if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi2 ;
- ! if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- ! {
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- ! old_style = 1 ;
- ! return 1 ;
- ! }
- ! }
- ! else
- ! {
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/%s", defdir, cptr, user, fname[i]) ;
- if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- - {
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- - }
- -
- - mi2:
- - if (strlen(facedir))
- - for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
- - if (i < 0)
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./%s", facedir, user) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi3 ;
- - if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- - {
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - old_style = 1 ;
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- - else
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./%s/%s", facedir, user, fname[i]) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- - {
- - if (!x_face) STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- -
- - mi3:
- - for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
- - if (i < 0)
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./%s", defdir, user) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi4 ;
- - if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- - {
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - old_style = 1 ;
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- - else
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./%s/%s", defdir, user, fname[i]) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- - {
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - if (!x_face) STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- -
- - mi4:
- - if (strlen(facedir))
- - for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
- - for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
- - {
- - if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
- - if (i < 0)
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/unknown", facedir, cptr) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi5 ;
- if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- - {
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - old_style = 1 ;
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- - else
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/unknown/%s", facedir, cptr, fname[i]) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- {
- IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - if (mtype == MONALL && !x_face) STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
- return 1 ;
- }
- ! }
- ! }
- !
- ! mi5:
- ! for (cptr = community; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
- ! for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
- ! {
- ! if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
- ! if (i < 0)
- ! {
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/unknown", defdir, cptr) ;
- ! if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi6 ;
- ! if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- ! {
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- ! old_style = 1 ;
- ! return 1 ;
- ! }
- ! }
- ! else
- ! {
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/unknown/%s", defdir, cptr, fname[i]) ;
- ! if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- {
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- ! if (mtype == MONALL && !x_face) STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
- ! return 1 ;
- }
- }
- - }
- -
- - mi6:
- - if (strlen(facedir))
- - for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
- - if (i < 0)
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./unknown", facedir) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) goto mi7 ;
- - if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- - {
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - old_style = 1 ;
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- - else
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./unknown/%s", facedir, fname[i]) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- - {
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - if (!x_face) STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
- - if (mtype == MONALL && !x_face) STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- -
- - mi7:
- - for (i = -1; i < maxtypes; i++)
- - if (i < 0)
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./unknown", defdir) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) == -1) return 0 ;
- - if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- - {
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - old_style = 1 ;
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- - else
- - {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/misc./unknown/%s", defdir, fname[i]) ;
- - if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- - {
- - IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- - if (!x_face) STRCPY(community, "misc.") ;
- - if (mtype == MONALL && !x_face) STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
- - return 1 ;
- - }
- - }
- /* Face icon not found, so the "blank face" should be used. */
- --- 483,538 ----
- * $(FACEDIR)/community/unknown/[face.ps, sun.icon, 48x48x1, face.xbm]
- * $(FACEDIR)/misc./unknown/[face.ps, sun.icon, 48x48x1, face.xbm]
- *
- ! * Firstly a check is made for the "old" style. This is where the username
- ! * is not a directory but the ikon in 48x48x1 format. $(FACEDIR) is
- ! * replaced by all the face directories given.
- *
- * If none of these are found, the "blank face" is returned.
- */
- ! char *cptr, *icomm[3], *iuser[3] ;
- ! int i, ic, id, iu ;
- + icomm[0] = community ;
- + icomm[1] = "misc." ;
- + icomm[2] = "" ;
- +
- + iuser[0] = user ;
- + iuser[1] = "unknown" ;
- + iuser[2] = "" ;
- +
- old_style = 0 ; /* Reset before checking this face. */
- IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "make_iconname: %s[%s] ", community, user) ; )
- ! for (id = 0; strlen(facepath[id]) != 0; id++)
- ! for (iu = 0; strlen(iuser[iu]) != 0; iu++)
- ! for (ic = 0; strlen(icomm[ic]) != 0; ic++)
- ! for (cptr = icomm[ic]; cptr != NULL; cptr = index(cptr, '.'))
- {
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s", facepath[id], cptr, iuser[iu]) ;
- if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG)
- {
- + old_style = 1 ;
- IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- return 1 ;
- }
- ! for (i = 0; i < maxtypes; i++)
- {
- ! if (*cptr == '.') cptr++ ;
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/%s",
- ! facepath[id], cptr, iuser[iu], fname[i]) ;
- ! if (stat(iconname, &buf) != -1)
- ! {
- ! IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "found as %s\n", iconname) ; )
- ! #ifdef NAMEUNKNOWN
- ! if (EQUAL(iser[iu], "unknown")) STRCPY(user, "unknown") ;
- ! #endif /*NAMEUNKNOWN*/
- ! return 1 ;
- ! }
- }
- }
- /* Face icon not found, so the "blank face" should be used. */
- ------- mon.c -------
- *** /tmp/da09670 Tue Aug 14 07:20:16 1990
- --- mon.c Tue Aug 14 06:58:10 1990
- ***************
- *** 15,25 ****
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- ! #ifdef SYSV
- #include <string.h>
- #else
- #include <strings.h>
- ! #endif /*SYSV*/
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- --- 15,25 ----
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- ! #ifdef SYSV32 || hpux
- #include <string.h>
- #else
- #include <strings.h>
- ! #endif /* SYSV32 || hpux */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- ***************
- *** 130,135 ****
- --- 130,155 ----
- }
- + do_key(val) /* Handle various keyboard options. */
- + int val ;
- + {
- + switch (val)
- + {
- + case KEY_CLEAR : if (mtype == MONNEW)
- + {
- + repl_image(DISP_NAME, CUROFF, width, height) ;
- + repl_image(DISP_OTHER, CUROFF, width, height) ;
- + toclear = 1 ;
- + do_check() ;
- + }
- + break ;
- + case KEY_REFRESH : draw_screen(wdtype) ;
- + break ;
- + case KEY_QUIT : exit(0) ;
- + }
- + }
- +
- +
- do_mail(mtype) /* Monitor a mail file for new or all mail. */
- enum mon_type mtype ;
- {
- ***************
- *** 184,192 ****
- if (froms_found) process_info() ; /* Process previous mail. */
- process_from() ; /* Save new from details. */
- }
- ! else if (EQUAL(line, "From:")) process_from() ;
- ! else if (EQUAL(line, "X-Face")) process_face() ;
- ! else if (doing_xface) process_face() ;
- }
- FCLOSE(fp) ;
- --- 204,212 ----
- if (froms_found) process_info() ; /* Process previous mail. */
- process_from() ; /* Save new from details. */
- }
- ! else if (EQUAL(line, "From:")) process_from() ;
- ! else if (EQUAL(line, "X-Face:")) process_face() ;
- ! else if (doing_xface) process_face() ;
- }
- FCLOSE(fp) ;
- ***************
- *** 216,221 ****
- --- 236,243 ----
- return ;
- }
- column = row = 0 ; /* Start in top left corner of pixrect. */
- +
- + #ifndef PLP
- FGETS(nextline, MAXLINE, fp) ;
- if (EQUAL(nextline, "no entries"))
- {
- ***************
- *** 230,245 ****
- text(DISP_ALL, LEFT, printer) ; /* Output printer name. */
- }
- else
- {
- FGETS(nextline, MAXLINE, fp) ; /* Skip the next line. */
- while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL)
- {
- SSCANF(&nextline[7], "%s", owner) ;
- SSCANF(&nextline[60], "%d", &size) ;
- h_to_c("", community) ;
- ! found = make_iconname(facedir, community, owner) ;
- add_record("", owner, "", size) ;
- }
- make_pixrect(noicons) ;
- this = recs ;
- while (this != NULL)
- --- 252,302 ----
- text(DISP_ALL, LEFT, printer) ; /* Output printer name. */
- }
- else
- + #endif /*PLP*/
- {
- FGETS(nextline, MAXLINE, fp) ; /* Skip the next line. */
- while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL)
- {
- + #ifdef PLP
- + if ((nextline[0] == '\n') ||
- + (EQUAL(nextline, " work done")) ||
- + (EQUAL(nextline, " processing")) ||
- + (EQUAL(nextline, "Printer ")) ||
- + (EQUAL(nextline, "Remote printer "))) continue ;
- +
- + if ((EQUAL(nextline, " Printer Error: may need attention!")) ||
- + (EQUAL(nextline, "Remote connect to "))) /* for the time being */
- + {
- + make_pixrect(1) ; /* Just the "no paper" icon. */
- + add_face(DISP_ALL, NOPAPER, "") ; /* Set to "no paper" icon. */
- + text(DISP_ALL, LEFT, printer) ; /* Output printer name. */
- + PCLOSE(fp) ;
- + show_display() ;
- + return ;
- + }
- + #endif /*PLP*/
- SSCANF(&nextline[7], "%s", owner) ;
- + #ifdef PLP
- + if (EQUAL(owner, "Owner")) continue ;
- + SSCANF(&nextline[59], "%d", &size) ;
- + #else
- SSCANF(&nextline[60], "%d", &size) ;
- + #endif /*PLP*/
- h_to_c("", community) ;
- ! found = make_iconname(facepath, community, owner) ;
- add_record("", owner, "", size) ;
- }
- + #ifdef PLP
- + if (recs == NULL)
- + {
- + make_pixrect(1) ; /* Just the "no print" icon. */
- + add_face(DISP_ALL, NOPRINT, "") ; /* Set to "no print" icon. */
- + text(DISP_ALL, LEFT, printer) ; /* Output printer name. */
- + PCLOSE(fp) ;
- + show_display() ;
- + return ;
- + }
- + #endif /*PLP*/
- make_pixrect(noicons) ;
- this = recs ;
- while (this != NULL)
- ***************
- *** 319,326 ****
- EQUAL(user, "NOPRINT") || EQUAL(user, "NOUSERS")))
- {
- h_to_c(host, community) ; /* Turn hostname into community name. */
- ! a_to_u(community, user, realname) ;
- ! found = make_iconname(facedir, community, realname) ;
- }
- if (EQUAL(user, "NOMAIL")) ftype = NOMAIL ;
- else if (EQUAL(user, "NOPAPER")) ftype = NOPAPER ;
- --- 376,383 ----
- EQUAL(user, "NOPRINT") || EQUAL(user, "NOUSERS")))
- {
- h_to_c(host, community) ; /* Turn hostname into community name. */
- ! a_to_u(community, user, realcomm, realname) ;
- ! found = make_iconname(facepath, realcomm, realname) ;
- }
- if (EQUAL(user, "NOMAIL")) ftype = NOMAIL ;
- else if (EQUAL(user, "NOPAPER")) ftype = NOPAPER ;
- ***************
- *** 360,366 ****
- SSCANF(&nextline[0], "%s", username) ;
- SSCANF(&nextline[38], "%s", ts) ;
- h_to_c("", community) ;
- ! found = make_iconname(facedir, community, username) ;
- add_record("", username, ts, 0) ;
- }
- if (!noicons)
- --- 417,423 ----
- SSCANF(&nextline[0], "%s", username) ;
- SSCANF(&nextline[38], "%s", ts) ;
- h_to_c("", community) ;
- ! found = make_iconname(facepath, community, username) ;
- add_record("", username, ts, 0) ;
- }
- if (!noicons)
- ***************
- *** 557,576 ****
- struct recinfo *crec ; /* Pointer to current mail record for updating. */
- h_to_c(face_host, community) ; /* Turn hostname into community name. */
- ! a_to_u(community, face_user, realname) ;
- if (mtype == MONNEW)
- {
- if (x_face)
- {
- - SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/48x48x1",
- - strlen(facedir) ? facedir : defdir, community, realname) ;
- add_face(DISP_ALL, XFACE, iconname) ;
- if (update) do_face_update(iconname, face_buf) ;
- }
- else
- {
- ! if (!(found = make_iconname(facedir, community, realname)))
- ! add_face(DISP_ALL, NOFACE, (char *) NULL) ;
- else add_face(DISP_ALL, ORDINARY, iconname) ;
- }
- --- 614,635 ----
- struct recinfo *crec ; /* Pointer to current mail record for updating. */
- h_to_c(face_host, community) ; /* Turn hostname into community name. */
- ! a_to_u(community, face_user, realcomm, realname) ;
- !
- ! found = make_iconname (facepath, community, realname) ;
- ! if (x_face && !found)
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/48x48x1", facepath[0], community, realname) ;
- !
- if (mtype == MONNEW)
- {
- if (x_face)
- {
- add_face(DISP_ALL, XFACE, iconname) ;
- if (update) do_face_update(iconname, face_buf) ;
- }
- else
- {
- ! if (!found) add_face(DISP_ALL, NOFACE, (char *) NULL) ;
- else add_face(DISP_ALL, ORDINARY, iconname) ;
- }
- ***************
- *** 584,600 ****
- }
- else
- {
- ! found = make_iconname(facedir, community, realname) ;
- ! if (x_face)
- ! SPRINTF(iconname, "%s/%s/%s/48x48x1",
- ! strlen(facedir) ? facedir : defdir, community, realname) ;
- ! if ((crec = rec_exists(community, realname)) != NULL)
- {
- STRCPY(crec->ts, face_ts) ;
- if (!crec->total) noicons++ ;
- crec->total++ ;
- }
- ! else add_record(community, realname, face_ts, 0) ;
- }
- fromc_found = froms_found = x_face = 0 ; /* Reset for the next message. */
- }
- --- 643,655 ----
- }
- else
- {
- ! if ((crec = rec_exists(realcomm, realname)) != NULL)
- {
- STRCPY(crec->ts, face_ts) ;
- if (!crec->total) noicons++ ;
- crec->total++ ;
- }
- ! else add_record(realcomm, realname, face_ts, 0) ;
- }
- fromc_found = froms_found = x_face = 0 ; /* Reset for the next message. */
- }
- ------- rec.c -------
- *** /tmp/da09673 Tue Aug 14 07:20:17 1990
- --- rec.c Wed Aug 8 18:02:52 1990
- ***************
- *** 15,25 ****
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- ! #ifdef SYSV
- #include <string.h>
- #else
- #include <strings.h>
- ! #endif /*SYSV*/
- #include "faces.h"
- #include "extern.h"
- --- 15,25 ----
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- ! #ifdef SYSV32 || hpux
- #include <string.h>
- #else
- #include <strings.h>
- ! #endif /* SYSV32 || hpux */
- #include "faces.h"
- #include "extern.h"
- ***************
- *** 36,44 ****
- }
- ! add_alias(crec, username, alias) /* Add new alias to hostnames' list. */
- struct comminfo *crec ;
- ! char *username, *alias ;
- {
- struct peopinfo *cptemp, *ptemp ;
- --- 36,46 ----
- }
- ! /* Add new alias to hostnames' list. */
- !
- ! add_alias(crec, username, realcomm, alias)
- struct comminfo *crec ;
- ! char *username, *realcomm, *alias ;
- {
- struct peopinfo *cptemp, *ptemp ;
- ***************
- *** 47,52 ****
- --- 49,56 ----
- STRCPY(ptemp->alias, alias) ;
- ptemp->username = (char *) Malloc(strlen(username)+1) ;
- STRCPY(ptemp->username, username) ;
- + ptemp->community = (char *) Malloc(strlen(realcomm)+1) ;
- + STRCPY(ptemp->community, realcomm) ;
- ptemp->next = NULL ;
- if (crec->people == NULL) crec->people = ptemp ;
- ***************
- *** 82,87 ****
- --- 86,94 ----
- mlast->next = temp ; /* Add record to existing chain. */
- mlast = temp ; /* Point to end of chain. */
- }
- +
- + IF_DEBUG( FPRINTF(stderr, "add_machine: Added %s ==> %s\n",
- + temp->machine, temp->community) ) ;
- }
- ***************
- *** 141,163 ****
- }
- ! check_comm(hostname, username, alias) /* Check community list. */
- ! char *hostname, *username, *alias ;
- {
- struct comminfo *ctemp ;
- ctemp = communities ; /* Try and find machine record for hostname. */
- while (ctemp != NULL)
- ! if (!strcmp(ctemp->community, hostname))
- {
- ! add_alias(ctemp, username, alias) ;
- return ;
- }
- else ctemp = ctemp->next ;
- ctemp = (struct comminfo *) LINT_CAST(Malloc(sizeof(struct comminfo))) ;
- ! ctemp->community = (char *) Malloc(strlen(hostname)+1) ;
- ! STRCPY(ctemp->community, hostname) ;
- ctemp->people = NULL ;
- ctemp->next = NULL ;
- --- 148,172 ----
- }
- ! /* Check community list. */
- !
- ! check_comm(hostname, username, aliascomm, alias)
- ! char *hostname, *username, *aliascomm, *alias ;
- {
- struct comminfo *ctemp ;
- ctemp = communities ; /* Try and find machine record for hostname. */
- while (ctemp != NULL)
- ! if (!strcmp(ctemp->community, aliascomm))
- {
- ! add_alias(ctemp, username, hostname, alias) ;
- return ;
- }
- else ctemp = ctemp->next ;
- ctemp = (struct comminfo *) LINT_CAST(Malloc(sizeof(struct comminfo))) ;
- ! ctemp->community = (char *) Malloc(strlen(aliascomm)+1) ;
- ! STRCPY(ctemp->community, aliascomm) ;
- ctemp->people = NULL ;
- ctemp->next = NULL ;
- ***************
- *** 167,173 ****
- clast->next = ctemp ; /* Add record to existing chain. */
- clast = ctemp ; /* Point to end of chain. */
- }
- ! add_alias(ctemp, username, alias) ;
- }
- --- 176,182 ----
- clast->next = ctemp ; /* Add record to existing chain. */
- clast = ctemp ; /* Point to end of chain. */
- }
- ! add_alias(ctemp, username, hostname, alias) ;
- }
- ***************
- *** 175,181 ****
- garbage_collect()
- {
- ! struct recinfo *last, *this, *next ;
- last = NULL ;
- this = recs ;
- --- 184,190 ----
- garbage_collect()
- {
- ! struct recinfo *this, *next ;
- last = NULL ;
- this = recs ;
- ***************
- *** 198,242 ****
- }
- read_aliases() /* Setup the hostname aliases subchains. */
- {
- char alias[MAXLINE] ; /* Alias for this community/username. */
- char hostname[MAXLINE] ; /* This records' hostname. */
- char username[MAXLINE] ; /* This records real username. */
- char *ptr1, *ptr2 ;
- FILE *fd ;
- ! if (strlen(facedir)) SPRINTF(peopfile, "%s/PEOPLETAB", facedir) ;
- ! if ((fd = fopen(peopfile, "r")) == NULL) /* Open people file. */
- {
- ! if (strlen(facedir))
- {
- ! SPRINTF(peopfile, "%s/machine.tab", defdir) ;
- ! fd = fopen(peopfile, "r") ;
- }
- ! if (fd == NULL)
- ! {
- ! FPRINTF(stderr,"%s: cannot open %s\n", progname, peopfile) ;
- ! return ;
- ! }
- }
- - while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, fd) != NULL)
- - {
- - if (nextline[0] == '\n' || nextline[0] == '#') continue ;
- - ptr1 = index(nextline, '/') ;
- - if (((int) (ptr1-nextline)) <= 0) continue ; /* Ignore if no length. */
- - STRNCPY(hostname, nextline, (int) (ptr1-nextline)) ;
- - hostname[(int) (ptr1-nextline)] = '\0' ;
- - ptr2 = index(nextline, '=') ;
- - if (((int) (ptr2-ptr1-1)) <= 0) continue ; /* Ignore if no length. */
- - STRNCPY(alias, ptr1+1, (int) (ptr2-ptr1-1)) ;
- - alias[(int) (ptr2-ptr1-1)] = '\0' ;
- - if ((strlen(ptr2)-2) <= 0) continue ; /* Ignore if no length. */
- - STRNCPY(username, ptr2+1, strlen(ptr2)-2) ;
- - username[strlen(ptr2)-2] = '\0' ;
- - check_comm(hostname, username, alias) ;
- - }
- - FCLOSE(fd) ;
- }
- --- 207,273 ----
- }
- + #define MAXTOKENLEN 100
- + static char ptoken[MAXTOKENLEN] ;
- +
- + char *
- + get_token(pntr)
- + char *pntr ;
- + {
- + int i = 0 ;
- +
- + while (*pntr=='\t' || *pntr == ' ') pntr++ ;
- + while ((i < MAXTOKENLEN) && (!strchr("/= \t#",*pntr)))
- + ptoken[i++] = *(pntr++) ;
- + while (*pntr=='\t' || *pntr == ' ') pntr++ ;
- + ptoken[i] = '\0' ;
- + return(pntr) ;
- + }
- +
- +
- read_aliases() /* Setup the hostname aliases subchains. */
- {
- char alias[MAXLINE] ; /* Alias for this community/username. */
- + char aliascomm[MAXLINE] ; /* Alias for this community/username. */
- char hostname[MAXLINE] ; /* This records' hostname. */
- char username[MAXLINE] ; /* This records real username. */
- char *ptr1, *ptr2 ;
- + int i ;
- FILE *fd ;
- ! for (i = 0; facepath[i] != NULL; i++)
- {
- ! SPRINTF(peopfile, "%s/%s", facepath[i], PEOPLETAB) ;
- ! if ((fd = fopen(peopfile, "r")) == NULL) continue ;
- !
- ! while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, fd) != NULL)
- {
- ! if (nextline[0] == '\n' || nextline[0] == '#') continue ;
- ! nextline[strlen(nextline)-1] = '\0' ;
- ! ptr1 = get_token(nextline) ;
- ! if (!strlen(ptoken) || *ptr1 != '/') continue ;
- ! STRCPY(aliascomm, ptoken) ;
- ! ptr1 = get_token(++ptr1) ;
- ! if (!strlen(ptoken) || *ptr1 != '=') continue ;
- ! STRCPY(alias, ptoken) ;
- ! ptr1 = get_token(++ptr1) ;
- ! if (!strlen(ptoken)) continue ;
- ! if (*ptr1 == '/')
- ! {
- ! STRCPY(hostname, ptoken) ;
- ! ptr1 = get_token(++ptr1) ;
- ! if (!strlen(ptoken)) continue ;
- ! STRCPY(username, ptoken) ;
- ! }
- ! else
- ! {
- ! STRCPY(hostname, aliascomm) ;
- ! STRCPY(username, ptoken) ;
- ! }
- ! check_comm(hostname, username, aliascomm, alias) ;
- }
- ! FCLOSE(fd) ;
- }
- }
- ***************
- *** 245,279 ****
- char community[MAXLINE] ; /* This records' community. */
- char machine[MAXLINE] ; /* This records' machine name. */
- char *ptr ;
- FILE *fd ;
- ! if (strlen(facedir)) SPRINTF(machfile, "%s/MACHINETAB", facedir) ;
- ! if ((fd = fopen(machfile, "r")) == NULL) /* Open machine file. */
- {
- ! if (strlen(facedir))
- {
- ! SPRINTF(machfile, "%s/machine.tab", defdir) ;
- ! fd = fopen(machfile, "r") ;
- }
- ! if (fd == NULL)
- ! {
- ! FPRINTF(stderr,"%s: cannot open %s\n", progname, machfile) ;
- ! return ;
- ! }
- }
- - while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, fd) != NULL)
- - {
- - if (nextline[0] == '\n' || nextline[0] == '#') continue ;
- - ptr = index(nextline, '=') ;
- - if (((int) (ptr-nextline)) <= 0) continue ; /* Ignore if no length. */
- - STRNCPY(machine, nextline, (int) (ptr-nextline)) ;
- - machine[(int) (ptr-nextline)] = '\0' ;
- - if (strlen(ptr)-2 <= 0) continue ; /* Ignore if no length. */
- - STRNCPY(community, ptr+1, strlen(ptr)-2) ;
- - community[strlen(ptr)-2] = '\0' ;
- - add_machine(machine, community) ;
- - }
- - FCLOSE(fd) ;
- }
- --- 276,303 ----
- char community[MAXLINE] ; /* This records' community. */
- char machine[MAXLINE] ; /* This records' machine name. */
- char *ptr ;
- + int i ;
- FILE *fd ;
- ! for (i = 0; facepath[i] != NULL; i++)
- {
- ! SPRINTF(machfile, "%s/%s", facepath[i], MACHINETAB) ;
- ! if ((fd = fopen(machfile, "r")) == NULL) continue ;
- !
- ! while (fgets(nextline, MAXLINE, fd) != NULL)
- {
- ! if (nextline[0] == '\n' || nextline[0] == '#') continue ;
- ! nextline[strlen(nextline)-1] = '\0' ;
- ! ptr = get_token(nextline) ;
- ! if (!strlen(ptoken) || *ptr != '=') continue ;
- ! STRCPY(machine, ptoken) ;
- ! ptr = get_token(++ptr) ;
- ! if (!strlen(ptoken)) continue ;
- ! STRCPY(community, ptoken) ;
- ! add_machine(machine, community) ;
- }
- ! FCLOSE(fd) ;
- }
- }
- ------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------CUT HERE------
- Rich Burridge, DOMAIN: richb@Aus.Sun.COM
- Sun Microsystems. ACSNET: richb@sunaus.sun.oz
- PHONE: +61 2 413 2666 UUCP: {uunet,mcvax,ukc}!munnari!sunaus.oz!richb