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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- X-UNIX-From: Bob.Berger@vi.ri.cmu.edu
- organization: Carnegie-Mellon University, CS/RI
- subject: v14i095: Patch to orbit3.7
- from: rwb@vi.ri.cmu.edu (Bob Berger)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 95
- Submitted-by: rwb@vi.ri.cmu.edu (Bob Berger)
- Archive-name: n3emo-orbit/patch01
- The following patch file fixes a few minor bugs in version 3.7 of my
- satellite orbit simulator, producing version 3.9.
- Just feed this message to patch.
- Bob N3EMO
- Index: orbit.c
- 4a5,11
- > 4/2/1990 v3.9 Misc bug fixes. Changed ElementSet and
- > EpochRev to unsigned longs in nasa.c. Allow
- > satellite names with spaces in mode.dat.
- >
- > 3/15/1990 v3.8 Stop assigning single character abbreviations
- > after the 62nd satellite.
- >
- 97c104
- < char VersionStr[] = "N3EMO Orbit Simulator v3.7";
- ---
- > char VersionStr[] = "N3EMO Orbit Simulator v3.9";
- 151,156c158,173
- < printf(" %c) %s",satchar,&str[11]);
- < if (satchar == 'z')
- < satchar = 'A';
- < else if (satchar == 'Z')
- < satchar = '0';
- < else satchar++;
- ---
- > printf("\t");
- > if (satchar != 0)
- > printf("%c) ",satchar);
- > else
- > printf(" ");
- > printf("%s",&str[11]);
- > if (satchar)
- > {
- > if (satchar == 'z')
- > satchar = 'A';
- > else if (satchar == 'Z')
- > satchar = '0';
- > else if (satchar == '9')
- > satchar = 0;
- > else satchar++;
- > }
- 366,367c383,384
- < if (sscanf(str,"Satellite: %s",str) == 1
- < && cstrcmp(SatName,str) == 0)
- ---
- > if (strncmp(str,"Satellite: ",11) == 0)
- > if (cstrncmp(SatName,&str[11],strlen(SatName)) == 0)
- Index: nasa.c
- 12c12,13
- < int LineNum,SatNum,ElementSet,EpochRev;
- ---
- > int LineNum,SatNum;
- > unsigned long ElementSet,EpochRev;
- 49c50
- < sscanf(line1,"%*2c%5d%*10c%2lf%12lf%10lf%*21c%5d",
- ---
- > sscanf(line1,"%*2c%5d%*10c%2lf%12lf%10lf%*21c%5lu",
- 55c56
- < sscanf(line2,"%*8c%8lf%8lf%7lf%8lf%8lf%11lf%5d",
- ---
- > sscanf(line2,"%*8c%8lf%8lf%7lf%8lf%8lf%11lf%5lu",
- 65c66
- < fprintf(OutFile,"Element set: %d\n",ElementSet);
- ---
- > fprintf(OutFile,"Element set: %lu\n",ElementSet);
- 73c74
- < fprintf(OutFile,"Epoch rev: %d\n",EpochRev);
- ---
- > fprintf(OutFile,"Epoch rev: %lu\n",EpochRev);