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Text File | 1990-07-15 | 51.9 KB | 1,715 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- subject: v14i001: u386mon 2.0 part 01/04
- From: wht@n4hgf.UUCP (Warren Tucker)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 1
- Submitted-by: wht@n4hgf.UUCP (Warren Tucker)
- Archive-name: u386mon-2.0/part01
- [I got a great number of requests for this, so I am posting it here. -wht]
- This is u386mon, a "performance" monitor for SCO UNIX V/386 and
- ISC 386/ix. Also, a renice is included as an example of alternate uses
- of the kmem/mem/swap utility objects. A set of uucp utilites, called
- uutool, is also bundled in (same reason: libkmem).
- U386mon and renice have been tested on SCO 3.2.0 and 3.2.1
- and ISC 2.0.1 and 2.0.2.
- Uutool surely works on most i386 systems with HDB, but has been tested in
- SCO UNIX environments.
- These may work with other UNIX systems with a little work.
- XENIX systems have greatly different kernel implementations and
- use xlist instead of nlist. These programs will not work there; sorry.
- It requires terminfo style curses and will use color if you have it. It
- works best with a 43 line (or greater) screen, but will work with a 25
- line screen with some limitations. It has been tested with 25 and 43
- line screens on the multiscreen console and on a Wyse 60 (under SCO,
- using terminfo wy60, using interesting "color" mappings). On ISC,
- 43-line xterms are reported to work nicely.
- On a 20Mhz Compaq 386 running SCO UNIX 3.2.0, u386mon on a 43-line VGA
- appears to consume 2 to 3% of the cpu when in the "main" display and
- about 5 to 7% when displaying process status (NPROC, v.v_proc == 100).
- This little light show has already helped me diagnose the traditional
- "stop-the-world-and-beat-disk-continually-for-15-seconds" problem as
- memory exhaustion. It has also been a good learning experience.
- Thanks to peter@radig.de (Peter Radig), dug@kd4nc (Doug Drye),
- jdc@uudell.dell.com (Jeremy Chatfield), andy@rbdc (Andy Pitts),
- trb@ima.ima.isc.com (Andrew Tannenbaum)
- for the help with ISC 386/ix.
- #!/bin/sh
- # This is u386mon.2.0, a shell archive (shar 3.32)
- # made 07/15/1990 07:04 UTC by wht@n4hgf.Mt-Park.GA.US
- # Source directory /u1/src/u386mon
- #
- # existing files WILL be overwritten
- #
- # This shar contains:
- # length mode name
- # ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------
- # 14604 -rw-r--r-- README
- # 1393 -rw-r--r-- EXPLAIN
- # 8264 -rw-r--r-- Makefile.sco
- # 7951 -rw-r--r-- Makefile.isc
- # 6342 -rw-r--r-- bootinfo.c
- # 7352 -rw-r--r-- detail.c
- # 18031 -rw-r--r-- det_proc.c
- # 12628 -rw-r--r-- det_sio.c
- # 5521 -rw-r--r-- disputil.c
- # 2795 -rw-r--r-- libkmem.c
- # 2793 -rw-r--r-- libmem.c
- # 1979 -rw-r--r-- libswap.c
- # 2881 -rw-r--r-- libnlsym.c
- # 2948 -rw-r--r-- nlsym.c
- # 3815 -rw-r--r-- proc.c
- # 1956 -rw-r--r-- tune.c
- # 33152 -rw-r--r-- u386mon.c
- # 2094 -rw-r--r-- var.c
- # 874 -rw-r--r-- libkmem.h
- # 870 -rw-r--r-- libmem.h
- # 795 -rw-r--r-- libswap.h
- # 841 -rw-r--r-- libnlsym.h
- # 7313 -rw-r--r-- lint_args.h
- # 5472 -rw-r--r-- nlsym.h
- # 3631 -rw-r--r-- u386mon.h
- # 1200 -rw-r--r-- renice/Makefile
- # 4399 -rw-r--r-- renice/renice.c
- # 2027 -rw-r--r-- uutool/README
- # 1344 -rw-r--r-- uutool/Makefile
- # 3354 -rw-r--r-- uutool/killpc.c
- # 17805 -rw-r--r-- uutool/uutool.c
- # 2504 -rw-r--r-- uutool/wstext.c
- #
- if touch 2>&1 | fgrep 'amc' > /dev/null
- then TOUCH=touch
- else TOUCH=true
- fi
- # ============= README ==============
- echo "x - extracting README (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > README &&
- Xu386mon README - last updated Tue Jul 10 19:14:28 EDT 1990
- X
- XThis is u386mon, a "performance" monitor for SCO UNIX V/386 and
- XISC 386/ix. Also, a renice is included as an example of alternate uses
- Xof the kmem/mem/swap utility objects. A set of uucp utilites, called
- Xuutool, is also bundled in (same reason: libkmem).
- X
- XU386mon and renice have been tested on SCO 3.2.0 and 3.2.1
- Xand ISC 2.0.1 and 2.0.2.
- XUutool surely works on most i386 systems with HDB, but has been tested in
- XSCO UNIX environments.
- XThese may work with other UNIX systems with a little work.
- XXENIX systems have greatly different kernel implementations and
- Xuse xlist instead of nlist. These programs will not work there; sorry.
- X
- XIt requires terminfo style curses and will use color if you have it. It
- Xworks best with a 43 line (or greater) screen, but will work with a 25
- Xline screen with some limitations. It has been tested with 25 and 43
- Xline screens on the multiscreen console and on a Wyse 60 (under SCO,
- Xusing terminfo wy60, using interesting "color" mappings). On ISC,
- X43-line xterms are reported to work nicely.
- X
- XOn a 20Mhz Compaq 386 running SCO UNIX 3.2.0, u386mon on a 43-line VGA
- Xappears to consume 2 to 3% of the cpu when in the "main" display and
- Xabout 5 to 7% when displaying process status (NPROC, v.v_proc == 100).
- X
- XThis little light show has already helped me diagnose the traditional
- X"stop-the-world-and-beat-disk-continually-for-15-seconds" problem as
- Xmemory exhaustion. It has also been a good learning experience.
- X
- XThanks to peter@radig.de (Peter Radig), dug@kd4nc (Doug Drye),
- Xjdc@uudell.dell.com (Jeremy Chatfield), andy@rbdc (Andy Pitts),
- Xtrb@ima.ima.isc.com (Andrew Tannenbaum)
- Xfor the help with ISC 386/ix.
- X
- XRead through this and you will finally reach "How to get going" below.
- X
- XSample output (somewhat obsolete)
- X=================================
- X(with 43-line screen; a 25 line screen will be missing Var/Bootinfo/Tune/Proc
- Xon the 'main' display)
- X
- X u386mon x1.152 n4hgf - SCO 3.2 04:39:36 wht@n4hgf
- X---- CPU --- tot usr ker brk ---------------------------------------------------
- X Instant % 93 54 39 0 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
- X 5 Sec Avg % 87 26 61 0 uuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
- X10 Sec Avg % 89 45 44 0 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
- X---- Wait -- tot io pio swp -- (% of real time) -------------------------------
- X Instant % 5 5 0 0 ii
- X 5 Sec Avg % 12 12 0 0 iiiiii
- X10 Sec Avg % 9 9 0 0 iiii
- X---- Sysinfo/Minfo --- (last 1000 msec activity) ------------------------------
- Xbread 5 readch 60416 pswitch 21 vfault 1 unmodsw 0
- Xbwrite 9 writch 2507 syscall 261 demand 1 unmodfl 0
- Xlread 331 rawch 2 sysread 100 pfault 15 psoutok 0
- Xlwrite 42 canch 0 syswrit 4 cw 0 psinfai 0
- Xphread 0 outch 2508 sysfork 1 steal 15 psinok 0
- Xphwrite 0 msg 0 sysexec 0 frdpgs 0 rsout 0
- Xswapin 0 sema 0 vfpg 0 rsin 0
- Xswapout 0 maxmem 5724k runque 0 sfpg 0
- Xbswapin 0 frmem 3284k runocc 0 vspg 0 pages on
- Xbswapout 0 mem used 43% swpque 0 sspg 0 swap 0
- Xiget 72 nswap 10000k swpocc 0 pnpfault 0 cache 0
- Xnamei 71 frswp 10000k wrtfault 0 file 0
- Xdirblk 92 swp used 0%
- X
- X
- X
- X-- Var --------- -- Bootinfo ---------- -- Tune --------- -- Proc ---
- Xv_autoup 10 basemem 640k t_ageintvl 9 sleep 22
- Xv_buf 600 extmem 6144k t_bdflushr 1 run 1
- Xv_clist 200 bflags 00000000 t_gpgshi 40 zombie 0
- Xv_file 200 memory available t_gpgslo 25 stop 0
- Xv_hbuf 64 00000000 000a0000 t_gpgsmsk 0x420 idle 0
- Xv_inode 200 00100000 00600000 t_maxfc 1 onproc 1
- Xv_maxpmem 0 00f40000 00060000 NODM t_maxsc 1 xbrk 0
- Xv_maxup 60 memory used t_maxumem 2560 total 24
- Xv_mount 5 00000000 00004000 RSVD t_minarmem 25 in mem 24
- Xv_pbuf 20 006bb000 00037000 KBSS t_minasmem 25
- Xv_proc 100 006f2000 0000e000 KDTA
- Xv_region 210 00fa9000 00057000 KTXT
- Xv_vhndfrac 16
- X
- XThe main display
- X================
- X
- XA brief description of reported information:
- X
- X1. The CPU utilization is shown with smoothing of 1 ("instant"),
- X 5 and 10 seconds. Total CPU usage is shown, with user, kernel
- X and "break" subdivided. Most performance utilities (vmstat)
- X lump kernel (CPU_KERNEL) and wait (CPU_WAIT) times together
- X as kernel time. u386mon considers CPU_WAIT time as idle (the
- X CPU could have been doing something if an otherwise ready process
- X wasn't waited).
- X
- X On a color display, total cpu utilization is displayed in
- X green if the cpu utilization is below 70%, yellow if utilization
- X is between 70% and 89% and red if 90% or above.
- X
- X2. The Wait display shows the 1 ("instant"), 5 and 10 second smoothed
- X percentages of real time no process could be run because otherwise
- X ready to run processes were waiting on logical, swap or physical I/O.
- X
- X On a color display, total wait time is displayed in green if it is
- X below 30%, yellow if utilization is between 30% and 49% and red if
- X 50% or above.
- X
- X3. Sysinfo/Minfo display shows, generally, the number of events for a
- X measured value since the last display update. For example, runque
- X shows the number of times a process was placed on the run queue.
- X An exception is the memory and swap space fields: These numbers
- X reflect absolute current utilization over the period shown in
- X the "last XXXXX msec" value in the banner. Periods of 4000
- X milliseconds are shown in red, 1500 to 3990 milliseconds in
- X blue and less than 1500 milliseconds in the normal banner color.
- X
- X My guess as to the meaning of the sysinfo and minfo values
- X is in the file EXPLAIN. I am not familiar with the meanings
- X of all the items, having looked through the header files, sar
- X man pages and the other UNIX hacker-ganda I could find. Comments
- X are appreciated.
- X
- X4. If you run u386mon on a 43 line display, extra information is displayed
- X on the bottom of the screen (from the struct var v, bootinfo
- X and proc kernel databases).
- X
- X5. On a color display, static numeric values, such as maxmem appear
- X in blue (the same color as screen literals/labels). Dynamic
- X numeric values are displayed in green, with the exception of
- X total cpu and wait percentages, which appear in light green,
- X red or yellow.
- X
- X6. An "INEXACT" indication on the top line means that u386mon was
- X not scheduled quickly enough to capture accurate 1 second (nominal)
- X values. Continued INEXACT indication suggests the 5 and 10
- X second smoothed values are also wrong.
- X
- X An "INVALID" indication means u386mon was not scheduled for 4
- X seconds or more; all dynamic values are suspect.
- X IN GENERAL, if you see any red characters on the display,
- X immediately take grain of salt. If you have no color screen
- X and still see red, add tequila to salt.
- X
- X7. If you are running as root, you may use the -l switch or the
- X 'l' command to lock u386mon into memory. If you do this, PLOCK
- X will appear at the top of the screen to remind you of this hoggy
- X behavior. The u386mon process will not be listed in a process
- X status display since SSYS (locked, resident) processes are not
- X shown.
- X
- X8. The ISC bootinfo field will have different information due to
- X different porting by ISC and SCO.
- X
- X9. The 'e' command accesses the Var/Bootinfo/Tune/Proc display,
- X overlaying the Sysinfo/Minfo display.
- X
- XProcess Status Display
- X======================
- X
- X1. Pressing 'p' causes a process status display of sorts to be
- X shown, overlaying Sysinfo/Minfo on a 25 line screen or
- X Var/Bootinfo/Tune/Proc on a 43 line screen. On a 43 line screen, 'P'
- X causes a larger ps display to be shown, overlaying Sysinfo/Minfo and
- X Var/Bootinfo/Tune/Proc.
- X
- X Sample output:
- X
- Xs root 148 0 26 20 0:00 0:05 108 ?? /etc/cron
- Xs wht 14946 2 39 20 0:02 0:11 224 05 TMR 01000a12
- Xs wht 14947 2 39 20 0:02 0:11 220 05 TMR 01011101
- Xs wht 14950 0 27 20 0:00 0:02 228 05 IP 01000a12
- Xs wht 14951 1 27 20 0:00 0:02 224 05 IP 01011101
- Xs wht 14952 0 27 20 0:01 0:02 228 05 TP4 01000a12
- Xs wht 14953 1 27 20 0:01 0:03 224 05 TP4 01011101
- Xs wht 14957 0 27 20 0:00 0:04 200 05 smpad.x
- Xs wht 14960 1 27 20 0:00 0:04 204 05 mmpad.x
- Xs root 15044 0 28 20 0:01 0:01 296 12 vi README
- Xs uucp 15053 0 30 26 0:00 0:00 696 ?? /usr/lib/uucp/uusched
- Xs uucp 15055 0 30 26 0:00 0:00 748 ?? UUCICO -r1 -sgatech
- Xs uucp 15060 0 28 26 0:00 0:00 768 ?? dialTBIT tty2E 2222222UC 192
- X
- X a. S - two character status
- X 1st character - process status
- X s - sleeping
- X R - ready to run (might be running if u386mon were not)
- X z - zombie
- X d - stopped by debugger
- X i - idle (in creation?)
- X p - running on processor (on single CPU systems, only u386mon
- X will show this)
- X x - XBREAK - process growing or shrinking
- X 2nd character - process swap status
- X S - process is swapped
- X blank - process is in memory
- X
- X b. If the process is running with setuid, a '#' appears to
- X the right of the username.
- X
- X c. On color systems, processes ready to run are shown in yellow
- X unless they are ready, but swapped out, in which case they
- X are shown in red.
- X
- X3. Since a limited space is available for displaying process
- X status, particularly on a 25-line screen, a selective elimination
- X algorithm is used to whittle the list when insufficient room
- X is available. init (pid 1) and system/resident (SSYS)
- X processes are never displayed. When a display cycle is to begin
- X and there is not room for all of the processes to be shown,
- X processes are eliminated in the following order:
- X
- X a. 'getty', 'uugetty', 'sh', 'csh', and 'ksh'
- X b. swapped and zombie processes
- X c. sleeping processes
- X
- X If there is still insufficient room, an indication to the effect
- X is displayed (tough cookies).
- X
- X
- XA $0.0002 tour: why nlsym and /unix.nlsym?
- X==========================================
- X
- XAccess to kernel (/dev/kmem) and physical (/dev/mem) memory and
- Xswap (/dev/swap) is required for u386mon to do its thing.
- XTo find kmem addresses of interest, an nlist(S) call must be made
- Xagainst /unix. This can be quite expensive.
- X
- XThe 'nlist' procedure is performed by a separate program (nlsym)
- Xand the resulting nlist structure array is stored in /unix.nlsym.
- Xu386mon thus may obtain nlist information rapidly without nlist(S) each
- Xtime it is executed. Also stored in /unix.nlsym is a stat structure of
- X/unix at the time of nlsym execution. A unique word is stored at the
- Xend of the file in case /unix.nlsym's nlist structure is expanded for
- Xother applications. The u386mon program reads /unix.nlsym by means
- Xof facilities in libnlsym.c. If the stat structure in /unix.nlsym
- Xdoes not match a dynamic stat of /unix or if the unique word does
- Xnot match, the nlist information is not trusted and u386mon prompts
- Xthe user to run (or have run) the nlsym program to update /unix.nlsym.
- X
- XMany symbols are nlist'ed by nlsym which are not used by u386mon.
- XYou may find other uses for libnlsym/libkmem which make use of them.
- X
- XHow to get going
- X================
- X
- X1. Copy Makefile.sco or Makefile.isc to Makefile, depending on
- X your system.
- X
- X2. Edit Makefile to change BINDIR to match your local requirements.
- X If you have a kernel that knows about MERGE386 as with SCO ODT,
- X add -DMERGE386 to CFLAGS. Likewise, if you have VPIX, add -DVPIX.
- X
- X3. make all.
- X
- X4. you must run make install as root since u386mon must be setuid to
- X 'mem' ('sys' for ISC) and nlsym must produce /unix.nlsym.
- X
- X5. Sources are in 4-spaced tab format (please don't flame :-)).
- X
- X6. Under SCO, you may have to chgrp mem /dev/swap; I did. For some reason,
- X I found the group name for /dev/swap on my system to be 'network'.
- X I guess something may have been broken by my changing the group,
- X but it hasn't bit me yet.
- X
- X The ISC Makefile unconditionally sets g+r on /dev/swap, since this
- X necessary permission is not ordinarily present.
- X
- X7. usage: u386mon [-l] [-p | -P]
- X -l lock process into memory (if root)
- X -p begin with short ps display
- X -P begin with long ps display (if 43 line screen)
- X
- X8. If you are getting 4 as the size of most or all processes,
- X try adding -DUTIME_FIXED. SCO 3.2.0 had this info in the
- X struct user fields u_tsize, u_dsize, u_ssize wrong, IMHO,
- X and fixed it in ODT/3.2.1. See det_proc.c for more detail.
- X Your port may/WILL vary.
- X
- X9. The renice program by Ford Ditto, from which the kmem routines
- X came, with this release.
- X
- X usage: renice -# pid decrease nice by #
- X renice +# pid increase nice by #
- X renice =# pid set nice to #
- X
- X The traditional privileges for root and non-root are supported.
- X
- XComments are appreciated, especially bug fixes and information
- Xhelping to port the program to another 386 S5R3.2 system.
- XSomebody was purported to be working on a XENIX/386 lookalike.
- X
- XNO FSF, LPF, FOO or LSD -- just free.
- X
- XWarren Tucker N4HGF
- X{gatech,emory}!n4hgf!wht -or- wht@n4hgf.Mt-Park.GA.US
- $TOUCH -am 0715030490 README &&
- chmod 0644 README ||
- echo "restore of README failed"
- set `wc -c README`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "14604"; then
- echo original size 14604, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= EXPLAIN ==============
- echo "x - extracting EXPLAIN (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > EXPLAIN &&
- XThis is a very cursor description of some of the fields as I understand
- Xthem. Corrections/additions appreciated.
- X
- X---- Sysinfo/Minfo --- (last 1 second activity) --------------------------------
- Xbread actual buffers (disk or tape blocks) read
- Xbwrite actual buffers (disk or tape blocks) written
- Xlread logical buffers (disk or tape blocks) read
- Xlwrite logical buffers (disk or tape blocks) written
- Xswapin logical blocks swapped in
- Xswapout logical blocks swapped out
- Xbswapin actual blocks swapped in
- Xbswapout actual blocks swapped in
- Xiget get inode
- Xnamei lookup inode for pathname
- Xdirblk directory blocks read
- Xreadch chars read by read() system call
- Xwritch chars written by write() system call
- Xrawch raw tty character read
- Xcanch raw tty character put onto canonical queue
- Xoutch tty characters written
- Xmsg message operations (msgsnd())
- Xsema semaphore operations (semop())
- Xpswitch process context switches
- Xsyscall system calls
- Xsysread read() calls
- Xsyswrit write() calls
- Xsysfork fork() calls
- Xsysexec exec[,l,le,etc.]() calls
- Xrunque number of processes placed on run queue
- Xrunocc number of processes -now- on queue
- Xswpque number of processes placed on swap queue
- Xswpocc number of processes -now- on queue
- Xvfault
- Xdemand
- Xpfault
- Xsteal number of pages stolen
- Xfrdpgs pages freed
- Xvfpg
- Xsfpg
- Xvspg
- Xsspg
- Xpnpfault
- Xwrtfault
- $TOUCH -am 0710191890 EXPLAIN &&
- chmod 0644 EXPLAIN ||
- echo "restore of EXPLAIN failed"
- set `wc -c EXPLAIN`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "1393"; then
- echo original size 1393, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= Makefile.sco ==============
- echo "x - extracting Makefile.sco (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > Makefile.sco &&
- X# CHK=0x56F7
- X#+-------------------------------------------------------------------
- X# Makefile for u386mon for SCO UNIX V/386
- X# ...!emory!n4hgf!wht
- X#--------------------------------------------------------------------
- X#+:EDITS:*/
- X#:06-30-1990-19:06-wht@n4hgf-run nlsym using full pathname
- X#:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10 - incorporate suggestions from alpha testers
- X#:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.03-better error handling
- X#:06-21-1990-14:27-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free
- X#:06-19-1990-21:37-wht@n4hgf-get ready for 0.08 release
- X
- X#------------> CFLAGS
- X# Add -DVPIX if you have VP/ix
- X# Add -DMERGE386 if you have Merge/386
- X#CFLAGS = -c -Octl -DVPIX
- X#CFLAGS = -c -Octl -DMERGE386
- X
- X#------------> LIB
- XLIB = -lpanel -ltinfo -lx
- X#LIB = -lpanel -lcurses -lx
- X
- X#------------> KMEMGRP
- XKMEMGRP = mem
- X#KMEMGRP = sys
- X
- X#------------> BINDIR
- XBINDIR = /usr/local/bin
- X
- X
- XVERSION = 2.00
- X
- X#handle Sys V make "feature" of using SHELL
- XSHELL = /bin/sh
- X
- X#FCRC = fcrc -u $*.c ;
- X.c.o:; $(FCRC) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
- X
- XSRC = \
- X bootinfo.c\
- X detail.c\
- X det_proc.c\
- X det_sio.c\
- X disputil.c\
- X libkmem.c\
- X libmem.c\
- X libswap.c\
- X libnlsym.c\
- X nlsym.c\
- X proc.c\
- X tune.c\
- X u386mon.c\
- X var.c
- X
- XHDR = \
- X libkmem.h\
- X libmem.h\
- X libswap.h\
- X libnlsym.h\
- X lint_args.h\
- X nlsym.h\
- X u386mon.h
- X
- X nlsym.o
- X
- XU386MON_OBJ =\
- X u386mon.o\
- X detail.o\
- X det_proc.o\
- X det_sio.o\
- X bootinfo.o\
- X proc.o\
- X tune.o\
- X var.o\
- X disputil.o\
- X libkmem.o\
- X libmem.o\
- X libswap.o\
- X libnlsym.o
- X
- X Makefile.sco\
- X Makefile.isc\
- X $(SRC)\
- X $(HDR)\
- X renice/Makefile\
- X renice/renice.c\
- X uutool/README\
- X uutool/Makefile\
- X uutool/*.c
- X
- Xall: nlsym u386mon
- X
- X#must run as root
- Xinstall: all
- X cp nlsym $(BINDIR)
- X chown bin $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X chgrp bin $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X chmod 711 $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X mv u386mon $(BINDIR)
- X chown bin $(BINDIR)/u386mon
- X chgrp $(KMEMGRP) $(BINDIR)/u386mon
- X chmod 2711 $(BINDIR)/u386mon
- X $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X @echo ' ';echo 'csh users rehash before executing'
- X
- Xnlsym: $(NLSYM_OBJ)
- X $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(NLSYM_OBJ) $(LIB)
- X
- Xu386mon: $(U386MON_OBJ)
- X $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(U386MON_OBJ) $(LIB)
- X
- X/unix.nlsym: nlsym /unix
- X $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X chmod 644 /unix.nlsym
- X
- X#not delivered
- Xsrc.fls: $(SRC) Makefile
- X ls $(SRC) > src.fls
- Xlint_args: src.fls
- X echo ' ' > lint_args.h
- X csh zgcc src.fls lint_args.h $(CFLAGS)
- X
- Xclean:
- X rm -f $(U386MON_OBJ) $(NLSYM_OBJ) \
- X core u386mon.lint Makefile.bak src.fls mkdep.*
- X
- Xclobber: clean
- X rm -f nlsym u386mon
- X
- Xlint:
- X lint -ux *.c > u386mon.lint
- X
- X#for shar 3.27 or later
- Xshar:
- X shar -a -n u386mon.$(VERSION) -l 55 -o $(VERSION).sh $(SHARFLS)
- X
- X# MAKE DEPEND: regenerate .c:.h, .ol:.c, .ol:.asm dependencies automatically
- X#
- Xdepend:
- X rm -f mkdep.rule.tmp
- X if test '$(SRC)' ;\
- X then (grep '^#include' $(SRC) \
- X | sed -e 's?:[^<]*<\([^>]*\)>.*?: /usr/include/\1?'\
- X -e 's?:[^"]*"\([^"]*\)".*?: \1?'\
- X -e 's?\(.*\)\.c?\1.o?'\
- X >> mkdep.rule.tmp) ;\
- X fi
- X
- X echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE' >mkdep.ex.tmp
- X echo '.+1,$$d' >>mkdep.ex.tmp
- X echo 'r mkdep.rule.tmp' >> mkdep.ex.tmp
- X echo 'w' >> mkdep.ex.tmp
- X cp Makefile Makefile.new
- X ex Makefile.new < mkdep.ex.tmp
- X rm mkdep.ex.tmp mkdep.rule.tmp
- X echo '# DEPENDENCIES MUST END AT END OF FILE' >>Makefile.new
- X echo '# IF YOU PUT STUFF HERE IT WILL GO AWAY'>>Makefile.new
- X echo '# see make depend above'>>Makefile.new
- X mv Makefile Makefile.bak
- X mv Makefile.new Makefile
- X
- Xbootinfo.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xbootinfo.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xbootinfo.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xbootinfo.o: /usr/include/sys/bootinfo.h
- Xbootinfo.o: u386mon.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/signal.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/string.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/errno.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/time.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/pwd.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/utmp.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/utsname.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/ascii.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/bootinfo.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/tuneable.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/sysinfo.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/immu.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/region.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/proc.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xdetail.o: nlsym.h
- Xdetail.o: libkmem.h
- Xdetail.o: libnlsym.h
- Xdetail.o: u386mon.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/signal.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/string.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/errno.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/time.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/pwd.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/utmp.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/ascii.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/bootinfo.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/tuneable.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/sysinfo.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/immu.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/region.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/proc.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/fs/s5dir.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/user.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xdet_proc.o: nlsym.h
- Xdet_proc.o: libkmem.h
- Xdet_proc.o: libmem.h
- Xdet_proc.o: libswap.h
- Xdet_proc.o: libnlsym.h
- Xdet_proc.o: u386mon.h
- Xdet_sio.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xdet_sio.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xdet_sio.o: /usr/include/string.h
- Xdet_sio.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xdet_sio.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xdet_sio.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xdet_sio.o: /usr/include/sys/ascii.h
- Xdet_sio.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h
- Xdet_sio.o: /usr/include/sys/tty.h
- Xdet_sio.o: nlsym.h
- Xdet_sio.o: libkmem.h
- Xdet_sio.o: libmem.h
- Xdet_sio.o: libswap.h
- Xdet_sio.o: libnlsym.h
- Xdet_sio.o: u386mon.h
- Xdisputil.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xdisputil.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xdisputil.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xdisputil.o: u386mon.h
- Xlibkmem.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xlibkmem.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xlibkmem.o: libkmem.h
- Xlibmem.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xlibmem.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xlibmem.o: libmem.h
- Xlibswap.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xlibswap.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xlibswap.o: libswap.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/stdio.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: nlsym.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: libnlsym.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/stdio.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xnlsym.o: nlsym.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/immu.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/region.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/proc.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xproc.o: nlsym.h
- Xproc.o: libkmem.h
- Xproc.o: libnlsym.h
- Xproc.o: u386mon.h
- Xtune.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xtune.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xtune.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xtune.o: /usr/include/sys/tuneable.h
- Xtune.o: u386mon.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/signal.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/string.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/errno.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/time.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/lock.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/utsname.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/ascii.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/bootinfo.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/tuneable.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/sysinfo.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/immu.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/region.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/proc.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xu386mon.o: nlsym.h
- Xu386mon.o: libkmem.h
- Xu386mon.o: libmem.h
- Xu386mon.o: libswap.h
- Xu386mon.o: libnlsym.h
- Xu386mon.o: u386mon.h
- Xvar.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xvar.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xvar.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xvar.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xvar.o: u386mon.h
- X# see make depend above
- $TOUCH -am 0715025090 Makefile.sco &&
- chmod 0644 Makefile.sco ||
- echo "restore of Makefile.sco failed"
- set `wc -c Makefile.sco`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "8264"; then
- echo original size 8264, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= Makefile.isc ==============
- echo "x - extracting Makefile.isc (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > Makefile.isc &&
- X# CHK=0xF36B
- X#+-------------------------------------------------------------------
- X# Makefile for u386mon for ISC 386/ix
- X# ...!emory!n4hgf!wht
- X#--------------------------------------------------------------------
- X#+:EDITS:*/
- X#:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10 - incorporate suggestions from alpha testers
- X#:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.03-better error handling
- X#:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de
- X#:06-21-1990-14:27-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free
- X#:06-19-1990-21:37-wht@n4hgf-get ready for 0.08 release
- X
- X#------------> CFLAGS
- X# Add -DVPIX if you have VP/ix
- X# Add -DMERGE386 if you have Merge/386
- X
- X#------------> LIB
- X#LIB = -lpanel -ltinfo -lx
- XLIB = -lpanel -lcurses -lx -lmalloc -lc_s
- X
- X#------------> KMEMGRP
- X#KMEMGRP = mem
- XKMEMGRP = sys
- X
- X#------------> BINDIR
- XBINDIR = /usr/local/bin
- X
- X
- XVERSION = 2.00
- X
- X#handle Sys V make "feature" of using SHELL
- XSHELL = /bin/sh
- X
- X#FCRC = fcrc -u $*.c ;
- X.c.o:; $(FCRC) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
- X
- XSRC = \
- X bootinfo.c\
- X detail.c\
- X det_proc.c\
- X det_sio.c\
- X disputil.c\
- X libkmem.c\
- X libmem.c\
- X libswap.c\
- X libnlsym.c\
- X nlsym.c\
- X proc.c\
- X tune.c\
- X u386mon.c\
- X var.c
- X
- XHDR = \
- X libkmem.h\
- X libmem.h\
- X libswap.h\
- X libnlsym.h\
- X lint_args.h\
- X nlsym.h\
- X u386mon.h
- X
- X nlsym.o
- X
- XU386MON_OBJ =\
- X u386mon.o\
- X detail.o\
- X det_proc.o\
- X bootinfo.o\
- X proc.o\
- X tune.o\
- X var.o\
- X disputil.o\
- X libkmem.o\
- X libmem.o\
- X libswap.o\
- X libnlsym.o
- X
- X Makefile.sco\
- X Makefile.isc\
- X $(SRC)\
- X $(HDR)\
- X renice/Makefile\
- X renice/renice.c\
- X uutool/README\
- X uutool/Makefile\
- X uutool/*.c
- X
- Xall: nlsym u386mon
- X
- X#must run as root
- Xinstall: all
- X mv $(BINDIR)/nlsym $(BINDIR)/nlsym.old
- X cp nlsym $(BINDIR)
- X chown bin $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X chgrp bin $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X chmod 711 $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X mv $(BINDIR)/u386mon $(BINDIR)/u386mon.old
- X cp u386mon $(BINDIR)
- X chown bin $(BINDIR)/u386mon
- X chgrp $(KMEMGRP) $(BINDIR)/u386mon
- X chmod 2711 $(BINDIR)/u386mon
- X chmod g+r /dev/swap
- X $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X @echo ' ';echo 'csh users rehash before executing'
- X
- Xnlsym: $(NLSYM_OBJ)
- X $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(NLSYM_OBJ) $(LIB)
- X
- Xu386mon: $(U386MON_OBJ)
- X $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(U386MON_OBJ) $(LIB)
- X
- X/unix.nlsym: nlsym /unix
- X $(BINDIR)/nlsym
- X chmod 644 /unix.nlsym
- X
- X#not delivered
- Xsrc.fls: $(SRC) Makefile
- X ls $(SRC) > src.fls
- Xlint_args: src.fls
- X echo ' ' > lint_args.h
- X csh zgcc src.fls lint_args.h $(CFLAGS)
- X
- Xclean:
- X rm -f $(U386MON_OBJ) $(NLSYM_OBJ) \
- X core u386mon.lint Makefile.bak src.fls mkdep.*
- X
- Xclobber: clean
- X rm -f nlsym u386mon
- X
- Xlint:
- X lint -ux *.c > u386mon.lint
- X
- X#for shar 3.27 or later
- Xshar:
- X shar -a -n u386mon.$(VERSION) -l 55 -o $(VERSION).sh $(SHARFLS)
- X
- X# MAKE DEPEND: regenerate .c:.h, .ol:.c, .ol:.asm dependencies automatically
- X#
- Xdepend:
- X rm -f mkdep.rule.tmp
- X if test '$(SRC)' ;\
- X then (grep '^#include' $(SRC) \
- X | sed -e 's?:[^<]*<\([^>]*\)>.*?: /usr/include/\1?'\
- X -e 's?:[^"]*"\([^"]*\)".*?: \1?'\
- X -e 's?\(.*\)\.c?\1.o?'\
- X >> mkdep.rule.tmp) ;\
- X fi
- X
- X echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE' >mkdep.ex.tmp
- X echo '.+1,$$d' >>mkdep.ex.tmp
- X echo 'r mkdep.rule.tmp' >> mkdep.ex.tmp
- X echo 'w' >> mkdep.ex.tmp
- X cp Makefile Makefile.new
- X ex Makefile.new < mkdep.ex.tmp
- X rm mkdep.ex.tmp mkdep.rule.tmp
- X echo '# DEPENDENCIES MUST END AT END OF FILE' >>Makefile.new
- X echo '# IF YOU PUT STUFF HERE IT WILL GO AWAY'>>Makefile.new
- X echo '# see make depend above'>>Makefile.new
- X mv Makefile Makefile.bak
- X mv Makefile.new Makefile
- X
- Xbootinfo.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xbootinfo.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xbootinfo.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xbootinfo.o: /usr/include/sys/bootinfo.h
- Xbootinfo.o: u386mon.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/signal.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/string.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/errno.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/time.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/pwd.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/utmp.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/utsname.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/ascii.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/bootinfo.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/tuneable.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/sysinfo.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/immu.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/region.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/proc.h
- Xdetail.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xdetail.o: nlsym.h
- Xdetail.o: libkmem.h
- Xdetail.o: libnlsym.h
- Xdetail.o: u386mon.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/signal.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/string.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/errno.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/time.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/pwd.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/utmp.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/ascii.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/bootinfo.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/tuneable.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/sysinfo.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/immu.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/region.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/proc.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/fs/s5dir.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/user.h
- Xdet_proc.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xdet_proc.o: nlsym.h
- Xdet_proc.o: libkmem.h
- Xdet_proc.o: libmem.h
- Xdet_proc.o: libswap.h
- Xdet_proc.o: libnlsym.h
- Xdet_proc.o: u386mon.h
- Xdisputil.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xdisputil.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xdisputil.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xdisputil.o: u386mon.h
- Xlibkmem.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xlibkmem.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xlibkmem.o: libkmem.h
- Xlibmem.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xlibmem.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xlibmem.o: libmem.h
- Xlibswap.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xlibswap.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xlibswap.o: libswap.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/stdio.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: nlsym.h
- Xlibnlsym.o: libnlsym.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/stdio.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xnlsym.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xnlsym.o: nlsym.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/immu.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/region.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/proc.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xproc.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xproc.o: nlsym.h
- Xproc.o: libkmem.h
- Xproc.o: libnlsym.h
- Xproc.o: u386mon.h
- Xtune.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xtune.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xtune.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xtune.o: /usr/include/sys/tuneable.h
- Xtune.o: u386mon.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/signal.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/string.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/fcntl.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/nlist.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/errno.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/time.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/lock.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/utsname.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/stat.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/ascii.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/param.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/bootinfo.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/tuneable.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/sysinfo.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/immu.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/region.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/proc.h
- Xu386mon.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xu386mon.o: nlsym.h
- Xu386mon.o: libkmem.h
- Xu386mon.o: libmem.h
- Xu386mon.o: libswap.h
- Xu386mon.o: libnlsym.h
- Xu386mon.o: u386mon.h
- Xvar.o: /usr/include/curses.h
- Xvar.o: /usr/include/panel.h
- Xvar.o: /usr/include/sys/types.h
- Xvar.o: /usr/include/sys/var.h
- Xvar.o: u386mon.h
- X# see make depend above
- $TOUCH -am 0715025090 Makefile.isc &&
- chmod 0644 Makefile.isc ||
- echo "restore of Makefile.isc failed"
- set `wc -c Makefile.isc`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "7951"; then
- echo original size 7951, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= bootinfo.c ==============
- echo "x - extracting bootinfo.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > bootinfo.c &&
- X/* CHK=0xE205 */
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X bootinfo.c - u386mon bootinfo struct display
- X
- X Defined functions:
- X bmemf_text(flags)
- X display_bootinfo(win,y,x)
- X
- XWe try to be dynamic with memory block counts, but if the sum of
- Xmemavailcnt and memusedcnt ever exceeds 7, we will lose in 24 line
- Xsessions (8 in 25 line, 9 in 43 line)
- X
- X
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:07-11-1990-17:19-root@n4hgf-more input from trb@ima.ima.isc.com */
- X/*:07-04-1990-01:28-root@n4hgf-alan@cms2.lonestar.org reported missing M_ */
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-25-1990-03:18-wht@n4hgf-ODT/3.2.1 has B_MEM_CANTDMA not B_MEM_NODMA */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-21-1990-14:26-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free */
- X/*:06-17-1990-14:59-wht-creation */
- X
- X#define M_TERMINFO
- X
- X#include <curses.h>
- X#undef timeout /* conflict in curses.h and bootinfo.h per trb@ima.ima.isc.com */
- X#include <panel.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/bootinfo.h>
- X#include "u386mon.h"
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X bmemf_text(flags)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xchar *
- Xbmemf_text(flags)
- Xulong flags;
- X{
- Xstatic char hex_errant[16];
- Xulong orig_flags = flags;
- X
- X#ifdef B_MEM_DOWN /* SCO only */
- X flags &= ~B_MEM_DOWN;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef B_MEM_BASE /* ISC only (or is it S5R3.2.2?) */
- X flags &= ~B_MEM_BASE;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef B_MEM_EXPANS /* ISC */
- X flags &= ~B_MEM_EXPANS;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef B_MEM_SHADOW /* ISC */
- X flags &= ~B_MEM_SHADOW;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef B_MEM_TREV /* ISC */
- X flags &= ~B_MEM_TREV;
- X#endif
- X
- X if(!flags)
- X return(" ");
- X switch(flags)
- X {
- X#ifdef B_MEM_RSRVD
- X case B_MEM_RSRVD: return("RSVD");
- X#endif
- X#ifdef B_MEM_KBSS
- X case B_MEM_KBSS: return("KBSS");
- X#endif
- X#ifdef B_MEM_KTEXT
- X case B_MEM_KTEXT: return("KTXT");
- X#endif
- X#ifdef B_MEM_KDATA
- X case B_MEM_KDATA: return("KDTA");
- X#endif
- X#ifdef B_MEM_NODMA
- X case B_MEM_NODMA: return("NODM");
- X#endif
- X case B_MEM_CANTDMA: return("NODM");
- X#endif
- X }
- X sprintf(hex_errant,"%04x",(ushort)orig_flags);
- X return(hex_errant);
- X} /* end of bmemf_text */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X ISC_machinetype_text(machine)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X#ifdef ME_COMPAQVGA /* ISC machdep.h */
- Xchar *
- XISC_machinetype_text(machine)
- Xunsigned char machine;
- X{
- X
- X switch(machine)
- X {
- X#ifdef M_UNKNOWN /* some ISC bootinfo.h do not have these */
- X case M_UNKNOWN:
- X return("");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_COMPAQ
- X case M_COMPAQ:
- X return("Compaq");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_PS2
- X case M_PS2:
- X return("PS/2");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_AT
- X case M_AT:
- X return("Generic 386");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_ATT
- X case M_ATT:
- X return("AT&T 6386");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_ATT5
- X case M_ATT5:
- X return("AT&T 6386");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_M380
- X case M_M380:
- X return("Olivetti M380");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_DELL
- X case M_DELL:
- X return("Dell 386");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_D325
- X case M_D325:
- X return("Dell 325");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_ALR
- X case M_ALR:
- X return("Adv Logic Res");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X#ifdef M_ZDS
- X case M_ZDS:
- X return("Zenith Data");
- X break;
- X#endif
- X }
- X return("i386");
- X} /* end of ISC_machinetype_text */
- X#endif
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X ISC_displaytype_text(adapter)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X#ifdef ME_COMPAQVGA /* ISC machdep.h */
- Xchar *
- XISC_displaytype_text(adapter)
- Xunsigned char adapter;
- X{
- X
- X switch(adapter)
- X {
- X case ME_UNKNOWN:
- X return("unknown to sys");
- X break;
- X case ME_EGA:
- X return("EGA");
- X break;
- X case ME_CGA80:
- X return("CGA");
- X break;
- X case ME_MONO:
- X return("MONO");
- X break;
- X return("Compaq mono");
- X break;
- X case ME_Z449:
- X return("Zenith Z449");
- X break;
- X case ME_T5100:
- X return("Toshiba T5100");
- X break;
- X return("Compaq VGA");
- X break;
- X return("VGA");
- X break;
- X#ifdef ME_PVGA1
- X case ME_PVGA1:
- X return("Paradise VGA1");
- X break;
- X#endif /*ME_PVGA1*/
- X#ifdef ME_V7VGA
- X case ME_V7VGA:
- X return("Video 7 VGA");
- X break;
- X#endif /*ME_V7VGA*/
- X }
- X return("???");
- X} /* end of ISC_displaytype_text */
- X#endif
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X display_bootinfo(win,y,x)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdisplay_bootinfo(win,y,x)
- XWINDOW *win;
- Xint y;
- Xint x;
- X{
- Xregister itmp;
- Xregister struct bootmem *bmem;
- X
- X use_cp(win,cpBANNER);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X waddstr(win,"-- Bootinfo ----------");
- X#ifdef M_UNIX /* ISC doesn't have this in struct */
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_long(win,"basemem ","%7ldk ",bootinfo.basemem / 1024);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_long(win,"extmem ","%7ldk ",bootinfo.extmem / 1024);
- X#endif
- X#ifdef ME_COMPAQVGA /* ISC machdep.h */
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X wprintw(win,"machine %14.14s",
- X ISC_machinetype_text(bootinfo.machenv.machine));
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X wprintw(win,"disp %17.17s",
- X ISC_displaytype_text(bootinfo.machenv.adapter));
- X#endif
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_long(win,"bflags ","%08lx ",bootinfo.bootflags);
- X
- X wmove(win,y++,x); waddstr(win,"memory available ");
- X for(itmp = 0; itmp < bootinfo.memavailcnt; itmp++)
- X {
- X bmem = &bootinfo.memavail[itmp];
- X#ifdef B_MEM_DOWN
- X if(bmem->flags & B_MEM_DOWN)
- X {
- X bmem->base -= bmem->extent;
- X bmem->flags &= ~B_MEM_DOWN;
- X }
- X#endif
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X wprintw(win,"%08lx %08lx %s",bmem->base,bmem->extent,
- X bmemf_text(bmem->flags));
- X }
- X
- X wmove(win,y++,x); waddstr(win,"memory used ");
- X for(itmp = 0; itmp < bootinfo.memusedcnt; itmp++)
- X {
- X bmem = &bootinfo.memused[itmp];
- X#ifdef B_MEM_DOWN
- X if(bmem->flags & B_MEM_DOWN)
- X {
- X bmem->base -= bmem->extent;
- X bmem->flags &= ~B_MEM_DOWN;
- X }
- X#endif
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X wprintw(win,"%08lx %08lx %s",bmem->base,bmem->extent,
- X bmemf_text(bmem->flags));
- X }
- X
- X} /* end of display_bootinfo */
- X
- X/* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
- X/* end of bootinfo.c */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025090 bootinfo.c &&
- chmod 0644 bootinfo.c ||
- echo "restore of bootinfo.c failed"
- set `wc -c bootinfo.c`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "6342"; then
- echo original size 6342, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= detail.c ==============
- echo "x - extracting detail.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > detail.c &&
- X/* CHK=0xCDFD */
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detail.c - UNIX 386 system monitor detail window
- X
- X Defined functions:
- X detail_init()
- X detail_panel_cmd(cmd)
- X detail_panel_update()
- X detpanel_destroy()
- X detpanel_extra_init()
- X detpanel_extra_update()
- X detpanel_ps_init(full43)
- X detpanel_ps_update()
- X detpanel_sio_init()
- X detpanel_sio_update()
- X
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:07-10-1990-14:53-root@n4hgf-clear msg line on detail cmd - fix 24-line bug */
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-17:34-wht@n4hgf-add detail extra for 25 line tubes */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-21-1990-14:26-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free */
- X/*:06-15-1990-18:32-wht@n4hgf-creation */
- X
- X#define M_TERMINFO
- X
- X#include <curses.h>
- X#undef timeout /* conflict in curses.h and bootinfo.h per trb@ima.ima.isc.com */
- X#include <panel.h>
- X#include <signal.h>
- X#include <string.h>
- X#include <fcntl.h>
- X#include <nlist.h>
- X#include <errno.h>
- X#include <time.h>
- X#include <pwd.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <utmp.h>
- X#include <sys/utsname.h>
- X#include <sys/stat.h>
- X#include <sys/ascii.h>
- X#undef NULL
- X#include <sys/param.h>
- X#include <sys/bootinfo.h>
- X#include <sys/tuneable.h>
- X#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
- X#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
- X#include <sys/immu.h>
- X#include <sys/region.h>
- X#include <sys/proc.h>
- X#include <sys/var.h>
- X
- X#include "nlsym.h"
- X#include "libkmem.h"
- X#include "libnlsym.h"
- X#include "u386mon.h"
- X
- X#define DPT_NONE 0
- X#define DPT_PS 1
- X#define DPT_PS_LONG 2
- X#define DPT_EXTRA 3
- X#define DPT_SIO 4
- X
- XPANEL *mkpanel();
- X
- Xextern PANEL *pscr;
- Xextern WINDOW *wscr;
- X
- XPANEL *pdet;
- XWINDOW *wdet = (WINDOW *)0;
- Xu_char detpanel_type = DPT_NONE;
- Xint detpanel_length;
- Xint detpanel_cols;
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detpanel_ps_init(full43)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdetpanel_ps_init(full43)
- Xint full43;
- X{
- X/*
- X#define DETAIL_PS_COLS ((LINES >= 43) ? EXTRA4_TLX - 1 : PER_SEC4_TLX)
- Xdetpanel_cols = DETAIL_PS_COLS;
- X*/
- X
- X#define DETAIL_PS_TLY ((LINES >= 43) ? ((full43)?PER_SEC_TLY:PER_SEC_TLY+14)\
- X
- X
- X detpanel_length = DETAIL_PS_LENGTH;
- X detpanel_cols = COLS;
- X if(!(pdet = mkpanel(detpanel_length,detpanel_cols,DETAIL_PS_TLY,0)))
- X {
- X leave_text("cannot make detail panel",1);
- X }
- X show_panel(pdet);
- X top_panel(pdet);
- X wdet = panel_window(pdet);
- X display_proc_stats(wdet,1);
- X
- X} /* end of detpanel_ps_init */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detpanel_ps_update()
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdetpanel_ps_update()
- X{
- X display_proc_stats(wdet,0);
- X} /* end of detpanel_ps_update */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detpanel_extra_init()
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdetpanel_extra_init()
- X{
- X
- X detpanel_length = DETAIL_EXTRA_LENGTH;
- X detpanel_cols = COLS;
- X if(!(pdet = mkpanel(detpanel_length,detpanel_cols,DETAIL_EXTRA_TLY,0)))
- X {
- X leave_text("cannot make detail panel",1);
- X }
- X show_panel(pdet);
- X top_panel(pdet);
- X wdet = panel_window(pdet);
- X display_var(wdet,0,EXTRA1_TLX);
- X display_bootinfo(wdet,0,EXTRA2_TLX);
- X display_tune(wdet,0,EXTRA3_TLX);
- X display_proc(wdet,0,EXTRA4_TLX);
- X
- X} /* end of detpanel_extra_init */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detpanel_extra_update()
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdetpanel_extra_update()
- X{
- X display_proc(wdet,0,EXTRA4_TLX);
- X} /* end of detpanel_extra_update */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detpanel_sio_init()
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X#ifdef M_UNIX
- Xvoid
- Xdetpanel_sio_init()
- X{
- X#define DETAIL_SIO_TLY ((LINES >= 43) ? (PER_SEC_TLY+14) : PER_SEC_TLY)
- X
- X detpanel_length = DETAIL_SIO_LENGTH;
- X detpanel_cols = COLS;
- X if(!(pdet = mkpanel(detpanel_length,detpanel_cols,DETAIL_SIO_TLY,0)))
- X {
- X leave_text("cannot make detail panel",1);
- X }
- X show_panel(pdet);
- X top_panel(pdet);
- X wdet = panel_window(pdet);
- X display_sio_summary(wdet,1);
- X} /* end of detpanel_sio_init */
- X#endif
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detpanel_sio_update()
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X#ifdef M_UNIX
- Xvoid
- Xdetpanel_sio_update()
- X{
- X display_sio_summary(wdet,0);
- X} /* end of detpanel_sio_update */
- X#endif
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detpanel_destroy()
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdetpanel_destroy()
- X{
- X hide_panel(pdet);
- X delwin(wdet);
- X wdet = (WINDOW *)0;
- X del_panel(pdet);
- X top_panel(pscr);
- X disp_msg(cpINFO,"");
- X detpanel_type = DPT_NONE;
- X} /* end of detpanel_destroy */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detail_panel_cmd(cmd)
- X
- X command: m main screen
- X p proc status
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdetail_panel_cmd(cmd)
- Xchtype cmd;
- X{
- X disp_msg(cpINFO,"");
- X switch(cmd)
- X {
- X case 'm':
- X if(detpanel_type != DPT_NONE)
- X detpanel_destroy();
- X break;
- X
- X case 'P':
- X if(detpanel_type == DPT_PS_LONG)
- X break;
- X if(detpanel_type != DPT_NONE)
- X detpanel_destroy();
- X detpanel_ps_init(1);
- X detpanel_type = DPT_PS_LONG;
- X break;
- X
- X case 'p':
- X if(detpanel_type == DPT_PS)
- X break;
- X if(detpanel_type != DPT_NONE)
- X detpanel_destroy();
- X detpanel_ps_init(0);
- X detpanel_type = DPT_PS;
- X break;
- X
- X case 'e':
- X if(LINES >= 43)
- X break;
- X if(detpanel_type == DPT_EXTRA)
- X break;
- X if(detpanel_type != DPT_NONE)
- X detpanel_destroy();
- X detpanel_extra_init();
- X detpanel_type = DPT_EXTRA;
- X break;
- X
- X#ifdef M_UNIX
- X case 's':
- X if(detpanel_type == DPT_SIO)
- X break;
- X if(detpanel_type != DPT_NONE)
- X detpanel_destroy();
- X detpanel_sio_init();
- X detpanel_type = DPT_SIO;
- X break;
- X#endif
- X
- X }
- X} /* end of detail_panel_cmd */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detail_panel_update()
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdetail_panel_update()
- X{
- X switch(detpanel_type)
- X {
- X case DPT_PS:
- X case DPT_PS_LONG:
- X detpanel_ps_update();
- X break;
- X case DPT_EXTRA:
- X detpanel_extra_update();
- X break;
- X#ifdef M_UNIX
- X case DPT_SIO:
- X detpanel_sio_update();
- X break;
- X#endif
- X }
- X} /* end of detail_panel_update */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X detail_init()
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdetail_init()
- X{
- X det_proc_init(); /* see det_proc.c */
- X} /* end of detail_init */
- X
- X/* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
- X/* end of detail.c */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025090 detail.c &&
- chmod 0644 detail.c ||
- echo "restore of detail.c failed"
- set `wc -c detail.c`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "7352"; then
- echo original size 7352, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- echo "End of part 1, continue with part 2"
- exit 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Warren Tucker, TuckerWare emory!n4hgf!wht or wht@n4hgf.Mt-Park.GA.US
- Sforzando (It., sfohr-tsahn'-doh). A direction to perform the tone
- or chord with special stress, or marked and sudden emphasis.