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Text File | 1990-07-15 | 48.2 KB | 1,742 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- subject: v14i003: u386mon 2.0 part 03/04
- From: wht@n4hgf.UUCP (Warren Tucker)
- Sender: allbery@uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
- Posting-number: Volume 14, Issue 3
- Submitted-by: wht@n4hgf.UUCP (Warren Tucker)
- Archive-name: u386mon-2.0/part03
- #!/bin/sh
- # This is part 03 of u386mon.2.0
- if touch 2>&1 | fgrep 'amc' > /dev/null
- then TOUCH=touch
- else TOUCH=true
- fi
- # ============= proc.c ==============
- echo "x - extracting proc.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > proc.c &&
- X/* CHK=0x9B13 */
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X proc.c - u386mon proc table functions
- X
- X Defined functions:
- X display_proc(win,y,x)
- X grok_proc()
- X pstat_text(pstat)
- X
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:07-11-1990-03:45-root@n4hgf-faster proc table manipulation */
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-21-1990-14:26-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free */
- X/*:06-17-1990-16:46-wht-creation */
- X
- X#define M_TERMINFO
- X
- X#include <curses.h>
- X#include <panel.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#undef NULL
- X#include <sys/param.h>
- X#include <sys/immu.h>
- X#include <sys/region.h>
- X#include <sys/proc.h>
- X#include <sys/var.h>
- X#include <nlist.h>
- X#include "nlsym.h"
- X#include "libkmem.h"
- X#include "libnlsym.h"
- X#include "u386mon.h"
- X
- Xextern struct var v;
- X
- Xstruct proc *procs = (struct proc *)0;
- Xstruct proc *oldprocs = (struct proc *)0;
- Xstruct proc **pprocs = (struct proc **)0;
- Xstruct proc **poldprocs = (struct proc **)0;
- X
- Xint procs_per_pstat[SXBRK + 1];
- Xint procs_in_core;
- Xint procs_alive;
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X pstat_text(pstat)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xchar *
- Xpstat_text(pstat)
- Xchar pstat;
- X{
- Xstatic char errant[10];
- X
- X switch(pstat)
- X {
- X case SSLEEP: return("sleep ");
- X case SRUN: return("run ");
- X case SZOMB: return("zombie");
- X case SSTOP: return("stop ");
- X case SIDL: return("idle ");
- X case SONPROC: return("onproc");
- X case SXBRK: return("xbrk ");
- X }
- X (void)sprintf(errant,"%06u?",(unsigned char)pstat);
- X return(errant);
- X
- X} /* end of pstat_text */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X grok_proc() - read and examine kernel process table
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xgrok_proc()
- X{
- Xregister iproc;
- Xregister struct proc *tproc;
- Xstatic char *memfail = "cannot alloc memory for proc table";
- X
- X if(!procs)
- X {
- X if(!(procs = (struct proc *)malloc(sizeof(struct proc) * v.v_proc)))
- X leave_text(memfail,1);
- X if(!(oldprocs = (struct proc *)malloc(sizeof(struct proc) * v.v_proc)))
- X leave_text(memfail,1);
- X if(!(pprocs = (struct proc **)malloc(sizeof(struct proc *) * v.v_proc)))
- X leave_text(memfail,1);
- X if(!(poldprocs=(struct proc **)malloc(sizeof(struct proc *)*v.v_proc)))
- X leave_text(memfail,1);
- X }
- X kread((caddr_t)procs,procaddr,sizeof(struct proc) * v.v_proc);
- X for(iproc = 0; iproc < SXBRK + 1; iproc++)
- X procs_per_pstat[iproc] = 0;
- X procs_in_core = 0;
- X procs_alive = 0;
- X
- X for(iproc = 0; iproc < v.v_proc; iproc++)
- X {
- X tproc = pprocs[iproc] = (procs + iproc);
- X
- X if(tproc->p_stat)
- X procs_alive++;
- X
- X procs_per_pstat[tproc->p_stat]++; /* count # procs in each state */
- X
- X if(tproc->p_flag & SLOAD) /* count # procs in memory */
- X procs_in_core++;
- X }
- X
- X} /* end of grok_proc */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X display_proc(win,y,x)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdisplay_proc(win,y,x)
- XWINDOW *win;
- Xint y;
- Xint x;
- X{
- Xregister istat;
- X
- X grok_proc();
- X
- X use_cp(win,cpBANNER);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X waddstr(win,"-- Proc ---");
- X for(istat = SSLEEP; istat <= SXBRK; istat++)
- X {
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_info_int(win,pstat_text(istat)," %3d",procs_per_pstat[istat]);
- X }
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_info_int(win,"total "," %3d",procs_alive);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_info_int(win,"in mem"," %3d",procs_in_core);
- X} /* end of display_proc */
- X
- X/* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
- X/* end of proc.c */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025190 proc.c &&
- chmod 0644 proc.c ||
- echo "restore of proc.c failed"
- set `wc -c proc.c`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "3815"; then
- echo original size 3815, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= tune.c ==============
- echo "x - extracting tune.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > tune.c &&
- X/* CHK=0xECB8 */
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X tune.c - u386mon tune struct display
- X
- X Defined functions:
- X display_tune(win,y,x)
- X
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-17:33-wht@n4hgf-alpha sort identifiers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-21-1990-14:26-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free */
- X/*:06-17-1990-14:59-wht-creation */
- X
- X#define M_TERMINFO
- X
- X#include <curses.h>
- X#include <panel.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/tuneable.h>
- X#include "u386mon.h"
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X display_tune(win,y,x)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdisplay_tune(win,y,x)
- XWINDOW *win;
- Xint y;
- Xint x;
- X{
- X
- X use_cp(win,cpBANNER);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X waddstr(win,"-- Tune ---------");
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_ageintvl ","%5d",tune.t_ageinterval);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_bdflushr ","%5d",tune.t_bdflushr);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_gpgshi ","%5d",tune.t_gpgshi);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_gpgslo ","%5d",tune.t_gpgslo);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_gpgsmsk ","0x%03lx",tune.t_gpgsmsk);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_maxfc ","%5d",tune.t_maxfc);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_maxsc ","%5d",tune.t_maxsc);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_maxumem ","%5d",tune.t_maxumem);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_minarmem ","%5d",tune.t_minarmem);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"t_minasmem ","%5d",tune.t_minasmem);
- X
- X} /* end of display_tune */
- X
- X/* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
- X/* end of tune.c */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025190 tune.c &&
- chmod 0644 tune.c ||
- echo "restore of tune.c failed"
- set `wc -c tune.c`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "1956"; then
- echo original size 1956, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= u386mon.c ==============
- echo "x - extracting u386mon.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > u386mon.c &&
- X/* CHK=0x0852 */
- Xchar *revision = "2.00";
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X u386mon.c - UNIX 386 system monitor
- X
- X Defined functions:
- X adb_trap()
- X calc_cpu_avg(per_state)
- X calc_wait_avg(per_state)
- X caught_signal(sig)
- X draw_cpuscale_literals(win,y,x)
- X draw_per_sec_literals(win,y,x)
- X draw_waitscale_literals(win,y,x)
- X extra_info_stuff()
- X extra_static_stuff()
- X get_cpu_avg(cpu_ticks,period)
- X get_elapsed_time(elapsed_seconds)
- X get_wait_avg(wait_ticks,period)
- X leave(exit_code)
- X leave_text(text,exit_code)
- X leaving(exit_code)
- X main(argc,argv,envp)
- X update_cpuscale(win,y,x,width,per_state)
- X update_waitscale(win,y,x,width,per_state,total_ticks)
- X
- X00000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777
- X01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789
- X u386mon xxx.xxx PLOCK INVALID hh:mm:ss wht@n4hgf
- X
- X---- CPU --- tot usr ker brk ---------------------------------------------------
- X Instant % ### ### ### ### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- X 5 Sec Avg % ### ### ### ### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- X10 Sec Avg % ### ### ### ### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- X---- Wait -- tot io pio swp ---------------------------------------------------
- X Instant % ### ### ### ### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- X 5 Sec Avg % ### ### ### ### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- X10 Sec Avg % ### ### ### ### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- X
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:07-11-1990-03:45-root@n4hgf-faster proc table manipulation */
- X/*:07-10-1990-19:06-root@n4hgf-redesign attributes/color pairs */
- X/*:07-10-1990-18:33-root@n4hgf-move pio wait to medium alert */
- X/*:07-10-1990-18:01-root@n4hgf-"improvement" didnt do much, but leave for now */
- X/*:07-10-1990-13:54-root@n4hgf-improve nap heuristics and catch signals */
- X/*:07-08-1990-20:31-root@n4hgf-make room for phread/phwrite */
- X/*:07-03-1990-02:48-root@n4hgf-more accurate timing using ftime calculations */
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:07-wht@n4hgf-add ^R and ^L refresh */
- X/*:06-25-1990-17:34-wht@n4hgf-add detail extra for 25 line tubes */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-21-1990-14:26-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free */
- X/*:06-15-1990-18:32-wht@n4hgf-creation */
- X
- X#define M_TERMINFO
- X
- X#include <curses.h>
- X#undef timeout /* conflict in curses.h and bootinfo.h per trb@ima.ima.isc.com */
- X#include <panel.h>
- X#include <signal.h>
- X#include <string.h>
- X#include <fcntl.h>
- X#include <nlist.h>
- X#include <errno.h>
- X#include <time.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/timeb.h>
- X#include <sys/lock.h>
- X#include <sys/utsname.h>
- X#include <sys/stat.h>
- X#include <sys/ascii.h>
- X#undef NULL
- X#include <sys/param.h>
- X#include <sys/bootinfo.h>
- X#include <sys/tuneable.h>
- X#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
- X#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
- X#include <sys/immu.h>
- X#include <sys/region.h>
- X#include <sys/proc.h>
- X#include <sys/var.h>
- X#include "nlsym.h"
- X#include "libkmem.h"
- X#include "libmem.h"
- X#include "libswap.h"
- X#include "libnlsym.h"
- X#include "u386mon.h"
- X
- Xlong nap();
- XPANEL *mkpanel();
- X
- X#define delta_msec(t,t0) ((( t.time * 1000L) + t.millitm) - \
- X ((t0.time * 1000L) + t0.millitm))
- X
- Xstruct sysinfo sysinfo;
- Xstruct sysinfo sysinfo_last;
- X#define sysidelta(x) (sysinfo.x - sysinfo_last.x)
- X
- Xstruct minfo minfo;
- Xstruct minfo minfo_last;
- X#define midelta(x) (minfo.x - minfo_last.x)
- X
- Xstruct bootinfo bootinfo;
- Xstruct tune tune;
- Xstruct utsname utsname;
- Xstruct var v;
- Xstruct timeb timeb_cycle_start;
- Xstruct timeb timeb_cycle_end;
- Xstruct timeb timeb_info_read;
- Xstruct timeb timeb_last_info_read;
- Xint hz;
- Xint nswap;
- Xint maxmem;
- Xint freemem;
- Xdaddr_t myreadcnt = 0L;
- Xint stat_period_msec_y = -1;
- Xint stat_period_msec_x = -1;
- Xint color_avail;
- X
- XPANEL *pscr;
- XWINDOW *wscr;
- Xextern WINDOW *wdet;
- X
- X#define CPU_AVG_MAX 10
- Xint cpu_avg_init = 0;
- Xtime_t *cpu_avg[CPU_AVG_MAX];
- Xtime_t cpu_ticks[5];
- X
- X#define WAIT_AVG_MAX 10
- Xint wait_avg_init = 0;
- Xtime_t *wait_avg[WAIT_AVG_MAX];
- Xtime_t wait_ticks[5];
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X leaving() - perform leave() basic processing and return
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xleaving()
- X{
- X wmove(wscr,CMD_TLY,0);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpLIT);
- X wclrtoeol(wscr);
- X pflush();
- X endwin();
- X} /* end of leaving */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X leave(exit_code) - leave program with exit code
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xleave(exit_code)
- Xint exit_code;
- X{
- X leaving();
- X exit(exit_code);
- X} /* end of leave */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X leave_text(text,exit_code) - leave program with message and exit code
- XIf exit_code == 255, do wperror
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xleave_text(text,exit_code)
- Xchar *text;
- Xint exit_code;
- X{
- X if(exit_code == 255)
- X {
- X int y;
- X register x;
- X extern int errno;
- X extern int sys_nerr;
- X extern char *sys_errlist[];
- X
- X top_panel(pscr);
- X wmove(wscr,MSG_TLY - 2,0);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpHIGH);
- X x = 0;
- X while(x++ < COLS)
- X waddch(wscr,(chtype)' ');
- X wmove(wscr,MSG_TLY - 1,0);
- X wprintw(wscr,"errno %d",errno);
- X if(errno < sys_nerr)
- X wprintw(wscr,": %s",sys_errlist[errno]);
- X getyx(wscr,y,x);
- X while(x++ < COLS)
- X waddch(wscr,(chtype)' ');
- X }
- X disp_msg(cpHIGH,text);
- X leave(exit_code);
- X} /* end of leave_text */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X adb_trap() - convenient trap for catching abort
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- Xvoid
- Xadb_trap()
- X{
- X printf("too bad .... goodbye\n");
- X} /* end of adb_trap */
- X#endif
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X caught_signal(sig) - SIGHUP thru SIGSYS: leave with possible abort
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xcaught_signal(sig)
- Xint sig;
- X{
- X leaving();
- X switch(sig)
- X {
- X case SIGQUIT:
- X case SIGILL:
- X case SIGTRAP:
- X case SIGIOT:
- X case SIGEMT:
- X case SIGFPE:
- X case SIGBUS:
- X case SIGSEGV:
- X case SIGSYS:
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X adb_trap(); /* if debugging, stop at convenient breakpoint */
- X#endif
- X abort();
- X }
- X exit(200);
- X} /* end of caught_signal */
- X
- X/*+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X char *get_elapsed_time(elapsed_seconds) - "ddd+hh:mm:ss" returned
- X static string address is returned
- X------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xchar *
- Xget_elapsed_time(elapsed_seconds)
- Xtime_t elapsed_seconds;
- X{
- Xstatic char elapsed_time_str[32];
- Xtime_t dd,hh,mm,ss;
- X
- X dd = 0;
- X hh = elapsed_seconds / 3600;
- X if(hh > 24)
- X {
- X dd = hh / 24;
- X elapsed_seconds -= dd * 3600 * 24;
- X hh %= 24;
- X }
- X elapsed_seconds -= hh * 3600;
- X mm = elapsed_seconds / 60L;
- X elapsed_seconds -= mm * 60L;
- X ss = elapsed_seconds;
- X
- X if(dd)
- X (void)sprintf(elapsed_time_str,"%3ld+%02ld:%02ld:%02ld",dd,hh,mm,ss);
- X else
- X (void)sprintf(elapsed_time_str," %2ld:%02ld:%02ld",hh,mm,ss);
- X return(elapsed_time_str);
- X} /* end of get_elapsed_time */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X draw_cpuscale_literals(win)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdraw_cpuscale_literals(win,y,x)
- XWINDOW *win;
- Xint y;
- Xint x;
- X{
- Xint x2 = x;
- X
- X wmove(win,y,x);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANNER);
- X waddstr(win,"---- CPU --- tot usr ker brk ");
- X getyx(win,y,x2);
- X while(x2 < COLS)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'-'),x2++;
- X use_cp(wscr,cpLIT);
- X wmove(win,y + 1,x);
- X waddstr(win," Instant % ");
- X wmove(win,y + 2,x);
- X waddstr(win," 5 Sec Avg %");
- X wmove(win,y + 3,x);
- X waddstr(win,"10 Sec Avg %");
- X
- X} /* end of draw_cpuscale_literals */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X update_cpuscale(win,y,width,per_state)
- X
- X000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666
- X012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
- Xtot usr ker misc
- X### ### ### ### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X#define _CPUSCALE_TX 0
- X#define _CPUSCALE_UX 4
- X#define _CPUSCALE_KX 8
- X#define _CPUSCALE_BX 12
- X#define _CPUSCALE_SX 16
- X
- Xtime_t
- Xupdate_cpuscale(win,y,x,width,per_state)
- XWINDOW *win;
- Xint y;
- Xint x;
- Xregister width;
- Xtime_t *per_state;
- X{
- Xregister itmp;
- Xint accum = 0;
- Xtime_t idle = per_state[CPU_IDLE] + per_state[CPU_WAIT];
- Xtime_t cpu_ticks_total = idle + per_state[CPU_SXBRK] +
- X per_state[CPU_IDLE] + per_state[CPU_KERNEL] + per_state[CPU_USER];
- Xtime_t percent_user = (per_state[CPU_USER] * 100) / cpu_ticks_total;
- Xtime_t percent_kernel = (per_state[CPU_KERNEL] * 100) / cpu_ticks_total;
- Xtime_t percent_break = (per_state[CPU_SXBRK] * 100) / cpu_ticks_total;
- Xtime_t percent_busy = percent_user + percent_kernel + percent_break;
- X
- X if(!idle) /* take care of integer div truncation */
- X percent_busy = 100;
- X
- X wmove(win,y, x + _CPUSCALE_TX);
- X if(percent_busy < 70)
- X use_cp(wscr,cpLOW);
- X else if(percent_busy < 90)
- X use_cp(wscr,cpMED);
- X else
- X use_cp(wscr,cpHIGH);
- X wprintw(win,"%3ld",percent_busy);
- X
- X wmove(win,y, x + _CPUSCALE_UX);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpINFO);
- X wprintw(win,"%3ld",percent_user);
- X
- X wmove(win,y, x + _CPUSCALE_KX);
- X wprintw(win,"%3ld",percent_kernel);
- X
- X wmove(win,y, x + _CPUSCALE_BX);
- X wprintw(win,"%3ld",percent_break);
- X
- X wmove(win,y, x + _CPUSCALE_SX);
- X
- X use_cp(wscr,cpLOW);
- X itmp = (width * percent_user) / 100;
- X accum += itmp;
- X while(itmp--)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'u');
- X
- X use_cp(wscr,cpMED);
- X itmp = (width * percent_kernel) / 100;
- X accum += itmp;
- X while(itmp--)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'k');
- X
- X use_cp(wscr,cpHIGH);
- X itmp = (width * percent_break) / 100;
- X accum += itmp;
- X while(itmp--)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'b');
- X
- X if((percent_busy > 98) && ((width - accum) > 0))
- X {
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'*');
- X accum++;
- X }
- X
- X if((itmp = (width - accum)) > 0)
- X {
- X while(itmp--)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)' ');
- X }
- X return(cpu_ticks_total);
- X} /* end of update_cpuscale */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X calc_cpu_avg(per_state) - add per_state array to avg array
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xcalc_cpu_avg(per_state)
- Xtime_t per_state[];
- X{
- Xregister itmp;
- X
- X if(!cpu_avg_init)
- X {
- X for(itmp = 0; itmp < CPU_AVG_MAX; itmp++)
- X (void)memcpy(cpu_avg[itmp],per_state,sizeof(time_t) * 5);
- X cpu_avg_init = 1;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X for(itmp = 0; itmp < CPU_AVG_MAX - 1; itmp++)
- X (void)memcpy(cpu_avg[itmp],cpu_avg[itmp + 1],sizeof(time_t) * 5);
- X (void)memcpy(cpu_avg[itmp],per_state,sizeof(time_t) * 5);
- X }
- X
- X} /* end of calc_cpu_avg */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X get_cpu_avg(cpu_ticks,period)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xget_cpu_avg(cpu_ticks,period)
- Xtime_t cpu_ticks[];
- Xint period;
- X{
- Xregister iperiod = CPU_AVG_MAX;
- Xregister istate;
- Xregister count = period;
- X
- X for(istate = 0; istate < 5; istate++)
- X cpu_ticks[istate] = 0;
- X
- X while(count--)
- X {
- X iperiod--;
- X for(istate = 0; istate < 5; istate++)
- X {
- X cpu_ticks[istate] += (cpu_avg[iperiod])[istate];
- X }
- X }
- X
- X for(istate = 0; istate < 5; istate++)
- X cpu_ticks[istate] /= period;
- X
- X} /* end of get_cpu_avg */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X draw_waitscale_literals(win)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdraw_waitscale_literals(win,y,x)
- XWINDOW *win;
- Xint y;
- Xint x;
- X{
- Xint x2 = x;
- X
- X wmove(win,y,x);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANNER);
- X waddstr(win,"---- Wait -- tot io pio swp -- (% of real time) ");
- X getyx(win,y,x2);
- X while(x2 < COLS)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'-'),x2++;
- X use_cp(wscr,cpLIT);
- X wmove(win,y + 1,x);
- X waddstr(win," Instant % ");
- X wmove(win,y + 2,x);
- X waddstr(win," 5 Sec Avg %");
- X wmove(win,y + 3,x);
- X waddstr(win,"10 Sec Avg %");
- X
- X} /* end of draw_waitscale_literals */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X draw_per_sec_literals(win)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdraw_per_sec_literals(win,y,x)
- XWINDOW *win;
- Xint y;
- Xint x;
- X{
- X
- X wmove(win,y,x);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANNER);
- X waddstr(win,"---- Sysinfo/Minfo --- (last ");
- X getyx(win,stat_period_msec_y,stat_period_msec_x);
- X waddstr(win," 1000 msec activity) ");
- X getyx(win,y,x);
- X while(x < getmaxx(win))
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'-'),x++;
- X
- X} /* end of draw_per_sec_literals */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X update_waitscale(win,y,width,per_state)
- X
- X000000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666
- X012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
- Xtot io pio swp
- X### ### ### ### xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X#define _WAITSCALE_TX 0
- X#define _WAITSCALE_IX 4
- X#define _WAITSCALE_PX 8
- X#define _WAITSCALE_WX 12
- X#define _WAITSCALE_SX 16
- X
- Xtime_t
- Xupdate_waitscale(win,y,x,width,per_state,total_ticks)
- XWINDOW *win;
- Xint y;
- Xint x;
- Xregister width;
- Xtime_t *per_state;
- Xtime_t total_ticks;
- X{
- Xregister itmp;
- Xint accum = 0;
- Xtime_t percent_io = 0L;
- Xtime_t percent_swap = 0L;
- Xtime_t percent_pio = 0L;
- Xtime_t percent_total_wait;
- Xtime_t total_wait;
- X
- X/* crock: because of latency, total_ticks < all wait ticks sometimes */
- X total_wait = per_state[W_IO] + per_state[W_SWAP] + per_state[W_PIO];
- X if(total_ticks < total_wait)
- X total_ticks = total_wait;
- X
- X if(total_ticks)
- X {
- X percent_io = (per_state[W_IO] * 100) / total_ticks;
- X percent_pio = (per_state[W_PIO] * 100) / total_ticks;
- X percent_swap = (per_state[W_SWAP] * 100) / total_ticks;
- X }
- X
- X percent_total_wait = percent_io + percent_swap + percent_pio;
- X wmove(win,y, x + _WAITSCALE_TX);
- X if(percent_total_wait < 30)
- X use_cp(wscr,cpLOW);
- X else if(percent_total_wait < 50)
- X use_cp(wscr,cpMED);
- X else
- X use_cp(wscr,cpHIGH);
- X wprintw(win,"%3ld",percent_total_wait);
- X
- X use_cp(wscr,cpINFO);
- X wmove(win,y, x + _WAITSCALE_IX);
- X wprintw(win,"%3ld",percent_io);
- X
- X wmove(win,y, x + _WAITSCALE_PX);
- X wprintw(win,"%3ld",percent_pio);
- X
- X wmove(win,y, x + _WAITSCALE_WX);
- X wprintw(win,"%3ld",percent_swap);
- X
- X wmove(win,y, x + _WAITSCALE_SX);
- X
- X use_cp(wscr,cpLOW);
- X itmp = (width * percent_io) / 100;
- X accum += itmp;
- X while(itmp--)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'i');
- X
- X use_cp(wscr,cpMED);
- X itmp = (width * percent_pio) / 100;
- X accum += itmp;
- X while(itmp--)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'p');
- X
- X use_cp(wscr,cpHIGH);
- X itmp = (width * percent_swap) / 100;
- X accum += itmp;
- X while(itmp--)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)'s');
- X
- X if((itmp = (width - accum)) > 0)
- X {
- X while(itmp--)
- X waddch(win,(chtype)' ');
- X }
- X
- X} /* end of update_waitscale */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X calc_wait_avg(per_state) - add per_state array to avg array
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xcalc_wait_avg(per_state)
- Xtime_t per_state[];
- X{
- Xregister itmp;
- X
- X if(!wait_avg_init)
- X {
- X for(itmp = 0; itmp < WAIT_AVG_MAX; itmp++)
- X (void)memcpy(wait_avg[itmp],per_state,sizeof(time_t) * 3);
- X wait_avg_init = 1;
- X }
- X else
- X {
- X for(itmp = 0; itmp < WAIT_AVG_MAX - 1; itmp++)
- X (void)memcpy(wait_avg[itmp],wait_avg[itmp + 1],sizeof(time_t) * 3);
- X (void)memcpy(wait_avg[itmp],per_state,sizeof(time_t) * 3);
- X }
- X
- X} /* end of calc_wait_avg */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X get_wait_avg(wait_ticks,period)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xget_wait_avg(wait_ticks,period)
- Xtime_t wait_ticks[];
- Xint period;
- X{
- Xregister iperiod = WAIT_AVG_MAX;
- Xregister istate;
- Xregister count = period;
- X
- X for(istate = 0; istate < 3; istate++)
- X wait_ticks[istate] = 0;
- X
- X while(count--)
- X {
- X iperiod--;
- X for(istate = 0; istate < 3; istate++)
- X {
- X wait_ticks[istate] += (wait_avg[iperiod])[istate];
- X }
- X }
- X
- X for(istate = 0; istate < 3; istate++)
- X wait_ticks[istate] /= period;
- X
- X} /* end of get_wait_avg */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X extra_static_stuff()/extra_info_stuff() - for 43 line display
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xextra_static_stuff()
- X{
- X display_var(wscr,EXTRA_TLY,EXTRA1_TLX);
- X display_bootinfo(wscr,EXTRA_TLY,EXTRA2_TLX);
- X display_tune(wscr,EXTRA_TLY,EXTRA3_TLX);
- X} /* end of extra_static_stuff */
- Xvoid
- Xextra_info_stuff()
- X{
- X display_proc(wscr,EXTRA_TLY,EXTRA4_TLX);
- X} /* end of extra_info_stuff */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X read_sysinfo_and_minfo()
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xread_sysinfo_and_minfo()
- X{
- X timeb_last_info_read = timeb_info_read;
- X (void)ftime(&timeb_info_read);
- X kread((caddr_t)&sysinfo,sysinfoaddr,sizeof(sysinfo));
- X kread((caddr_t)&minfo,minfoaddr,sizeof(minfo));
- X} /* end of read_sysinfo_and_minfo */
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X main(argc,argv,envp)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xmain(argc,argv,envp)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar **argv;
- Xchar **envp;
- X{
- Xregister itmp;
- Xregister char *cptr;
- Xregister chtype cmd;
- Xregister chtype initial_cmd = 0;
- Xint errflg = 0;
- Xint plock_indicator = 0;
- Xtime_t total_ticks;
- Xlong stat_period_msec;
- Xlong nap_msec;
- Xint y,x;
- Xint invalidity = 0;
- Xlong ltmp;
- Xstruct tm *lt;
- Xstatic char stdoutbuf[2048];
- Xchar s80[80];
- Xextern char *optarg;
- Xextern int optind;
- X
- X/*
- X * curses works better if standard output is fully buffered
- X */
- X (void)setvbuf(stdout,stdoutbuf,_IOFBF,sizeof(stdoutbuf));
- X
- X/*
- X * check out command line
- X */
- X while((itmp = getopt(argc,argv,"lPps")) != -1)
- X {
- X switch(itmp)
- X {
- X case 'P':
- X case 'p':
- X#ifdef M_UNIX
- X case 's':
- X#endif
- X initial_cmd = (chtype) itmp;
- X break;
- X case 'l':
- X plock_indicator = 1;
- X break;
- X case '?':
- X errflg++;
- X }
- X }
- X if(errflg || (optind != argc))
- X {
- X static char *usage_str[]=
- X {
- X "usage: u386mon [-l] [-p | -P]",
- X "-l lock process into memory (if root)",
- X "-p begin with short ps display",
- X "-P begin with long ps display (if 43 line screen)",
- X (char *)0
- X };
- X char **cpptr = usage_str;
- X while(*cpptr)
- X (void)fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",*(cpptr++));
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X * if man wants to plock() try it; fail silently if non-root
- X */
- X if(plock_indicator && plock(PROCLOCK))
- X {
- X nice(-5);
- X plock_indicator = 0;
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X * Real(tm) performance monitor users will have done a kernel link
- X * and won't need to rely on /etc/systemid
- X */
- X if(uname(&utsname))
- X {
- X leave_text("uname failed",255);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X * allocate memory for cpu time array averaging buckets
- X */
- X for(itmp = 0; itmp < CPU_AVG_MAX; itmp++)
- X {
- X if(!(cpu_avg[itmp] = (time_t *)malloc(sizeof(time_t) * 5)))
- X leave_text("cannot alloc memory for cpu avg arrays",1);
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X * allocate memory for wait time array averaging buckets
- X */
- X for(itmp = 0; itmp < WAIT_AVG_MAX; itmp++)
- X {
- X if(!(wait_avg[itmp] = (time_t *)malloc(sizeof(time_t) * 3)))
- X leave_text("cannot alloc memory for wait avg arrays",1);
- X }
- X
- X/*
- X * initialize curses environment
- X */
- X if(!initscr())
- X {
- X (void)printf("curses init failed\n");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X color_avail = has_colors();
- X clear();
- X refresh();
- X
- X if((LINES < 24) || (COLS < 80))
- X {
- X waddstr(stdscr,"\n\n\nNeed at least 80x24 screen\n\n");
- X refresh();
- X endwin();
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X
- X noecho();
- X keypad(stdscr,1);
- X typeahead(-1);
- X
- X/*
- X * see u386mon.h cXXX definitons for A_BOLD requirements for bright colors
- X */
- X if(color_avail)
- X {
- X start_color();
- X init_pair(cpLIT,cBLU,cBLK);
- X init_pair(cpINFO,cGRN,cBLK);
- X init_pair(cpLOW,cLTG,cBLK);
- X init_pair(cpMED,cYEL,cBLK);
- X init_pair(cpHIGH,cRED,cBLK);
- X init_pair(cpBANNER,cBLK,cWHT);
- X init_pair(cpREVERSE,cRED,cWHT);
- X init_pair(cpBANWARN,cBLU,cWHT);
- X }
- X
- X /* a hack for now -- assuming AT char set */
- X acs_map['l'] = A_ALTCHARSET | sTL;
- X acs_map['m'] = A_ALTCHARSET | sTR;
- X acs_map['j'] = A_ALTCHARSET | sBL;
- X acs_map['k'] = A_ALTCHARSET | sBR;
- X acs_map['x'] = A_ALTCHARSET | sVR; /* vertical rule */
- X acs_map['q'] = A_ALTCHARSET | sHR; /* horizontal rule */
- X acs_map['t'] = A_ALTCHARSET | sLT; /* left hand T */
- X acs_map['u'] = A_ALTCHARSET | sRT; /* right hand T */
- X#endif
- X
- X if(!(pscr = mkpanel(LINES,COLS,0,0)))
- X {
- X addstr("cannot make screen panel");
- X refresh();
- X endwin();
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X wscr = panel_window(pscr);
- X top_panel(pscr);
- X
- X/*
- X * catch signals that can leave our tty in disarray
- X */
- X for(itmp = SIGHUP; itmp < SIGSYS; itmp++)
- X signal(itmp,caught_signal);
- X
- X/*
- X * read nlist symbols, open /dev/kmem, /dev/mem, /dev/swap,
- X * initialize detail environment
- X * (all of these must occur after curses init)
- X * drop euid and egid (after opening privileged mem/devices)
- X * initialize process status uid->name hasher
- X */
- X nlsym_read();
- X kinit(0); /* /dev/kmem, read access only */
- X minit(0); /* /dev/mem, read access only */
- X sinit(); /* /dev/swap, only read access available */
- X (void)setuid(getuid()); /* some people run us setuid, so clen that up */
- X (void)setgid(getgid()); /* now that we have the fds open, drop egid */
- X kread((caddr_t)&v,vaddr,sizeof(v));
- X detail_init();
- X
- X/*
- X * start fireworks
- X */
- X wmove(wscr,0,0);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANNER);
- X wprintw(wscr," u386mon %s ",revision);
- X#ifdef M_UNIX
- X cptr = "SCO";
- X#else
- X cptr = "ISC";
- X#endif
- X wprintw(wscr,"%s - %s %s ",utsname.nodename,
- X cptr,utsname.release);
- X getyx(wscr,y,x);
- X while(x < getmaxx(wscr))
- X waddch(wscr,(chtype)' '),x++;
- X wmove(wscr,0,71);
- X waddstr(wscr,"wht@n4hgf");
- X if(plock_indicator)
- X {
- X wmove(wscr,0,38);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpMED);
- X waddstr(wscr," PLOCK ");
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANNER);
- X }
- X wmove(wscr,CMD_TLY,0);
- X if(LINES >= 43)
- X waddstr(wscr," ESC=quit P=long ps p=short ps m=main ");
- X else
- X waddstr(wscr," ESC=quit p=ps e=extra m=main ");
- X#ifdef M_UNIX
- X waddstr(wscr," s=sio ");
- X#endif
- X if(getuid() == 0) /* root can launch fireworks very predictably */
- X waddstr(wscr," l=plock on u=plock off ");
- X getyx(wscr,y,x);
- X while(x < getmaxx(wscr))
- X waddch(wscr,(chtype)' '),x++;
- X use_cp(wscr,cpLIT);
- X
- X/*
- X * make initial kmem readings
- X */
- X hz = (cptr = getenv("HZ")) ? atoi(cptr) : HZ;
- X kread((caddr_t)&maxmem,maxmemaddr,sizeof(maxmem));
- X kread((caddr_t)&nswap,nswapaddr,sizeof(nswap));
- X kread((caddr_t)&tune,tuneaddr,sizeof(tune));
- X kread((caddr_t)&bootinfo,bootinfoaddr,sizeof(bootinfo));
- X read_sysinfo_and_minfo();
- X sysinfo_last = sysinfo;
- X minfo_last = minfo;
- X timeb_last_info_read = timeb_info_read;
- X
- X/*
- X * initialize static display (literals)
- X */
- X draw_cpuscale_literals(wscr,CPUSCALE_TLY,0);
- X draw_waitscale_literals(wscr,WAITSCALE_TLY,0);
- X draw_per_sec_literals(wscr,PER_SEC_TLY,0);
- X
- X if(LINES >= 43)
- X extra_static_stuff();
- X
- X/*
- X * while(user_not_bored) entertain_and_inform_user();
- X */
- X while(1)
- X {
- X ftime(&timeb_cycle_start);
- X stat_period_msec = delta_msec(timeb_info_read,timeb_last_info_read);
- X (void)time(<mp);
- X lt = localtime(<mp);
- X wmove(wscr,0,62);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANNER);
- X wprintw(wscr,"%02d:%02d:%02d",lt->tm_hour,lt->tm_min,lt->tm_sec);
- X
- X /* heuristic validity determination */
- X wmove(wscr,0,48);
- X if((itmp = stat_period_msec > 4000L) || (invalidity > 5))
- X {
- X use_cp(wscr,cpHIGH);
- X waddstr(wscr," INVALID ");
- X if(itmp)
- X {
- X invalidity += (stat_period_msec >= 8000L)
- X ? 8
- X : ((stat_period_msec / 1000) - 2);
- X }
- X }
- X else if((itmp = (stat_period_msec > 2500L)) || (invalidity > 2))
- X {
- X use_cp(wscr,cpMED);
- X waddstr(wscr," INEXACT ");
- X if(itmp)
- X invalidity += 2;
- X }
- X if(invalidity && !(--invalidity))
- X {
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANNER);
- X waddstr(wscr," ");
- X }
- X if(stat_period_msec > 2000L)
- X use_cp(wscr,cpREVERSE);
- X else if(stat_period_msec > 1500L)
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANWARN);
- X else
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANNER);
- X wmove(wscr,stat_period_msec_y,stat_period_msec_x);
- X wprintw(wscr,"%5ld",stat_period_msec);
- X
- X kread((caddr_t)&freemem,freememaddr,sizeof(freemem));
- X read_sysinfo_and_minfo();
- X
- X#ifdef FIRST_TRY /* going this way seems to get cpu+wait ticks > real time */
- X for (itmp = 0; itmp < 5; itmp++)
- X cpu_ticks[itmp] = sysidelta(cpu[itmp]);
- X for (itmp = 0; itmp < 3; itmp++)
- X wait_ticks[itmp] = sysidelta(wait[itmp]);
- X#else
- X for (itmp = 0; itmp < 5; itmp++)
- X {
- X if(itmp != CPU_WAIT)
- X cpu_ticks[itmp] = sysidelta(cpu[itmp]);
- X }
- X cpu_ticks[CPU_WAIT] = 0;
- X for (itmp = 0; itmp < 3; itmp++)
- X cpu_ticks[CPU_WAIT] += (wait_ticks[itmp] = sysidelta(wait[itmp]));
- X#endif
- X
- X total_ticks = update_cpuscale(wscr,CPUSCALE_TLY + 1,CPUSCALE_SX,
- X CPUSCALE_WIDTH,cpu_ticks);
- X
- X update_waitscale(wscr,WAITSCALE_TLY + 1,WAITSCALE_SX,
- X WAITSCALE_WIDTH,wait_ticks,total_ticks);
- X
- X calc_cpu_avg(cpu_ticks);
- X calc_wait_avg(wait_ticks);
- X
- X get_cpu_avg(cpu_ticks,5);
- X total_ticks = update_cpuscale(wscr,CPUSCALE_TLY + 2,CPUSCALE_SX,
- X CPUSCALE_WIDTH,cpu_ticks);
- X
- X get_wait_avg(wait_ticks,5);
- X update_waitscale(wscr,WAITSCALE_TLY + 2,WAITSCALE_SX,
- X WAITSCALE_WIDTH,wait_ticks,total_ticks);
- X
- X get_cpu_avg(cpu_ticks,10);
- X total_ticks = update_cpuscale(wscr,CPUSCALE_TLY + 3,CPUSCALE_SX,
- X CPUSCALE_WIDTH,cpu_ticks);
- X
- X get_wait_avg(wait_ticks,10);
- X update_waitscale(wscr,WAITSCALE_TLY + 3,WAITSCALE_SX,
- X WAITSCALE_WIDTH,wait_ticks,total_ticks);
- X
- X
- X use_cp(wscr,cpINFO);
- X y = PER_SEC_TLY + 1;
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"bread ","%7ld",sysidelta(bread));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"bwrite ","%7ld",sysidelta(bwrite));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"lread ","%7ld",sysidelta(lread));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"lwrite ","%7ld",sysidelta(lwrite));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"phread ","%7ld",sysidelta(phread));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"phwrite ","%7ld",sysidelta(phwrite));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"swapin ","%7ld",sysidelta(swapin));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"swapout ","%7ld",sysidelta(swapout));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"bswapin ","%7ld",sysidelta(bswapin));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"bswapout ","%7ld",sysidelta(bswapout));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"iget ","%7ld",sysidelta(iget));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"namei ","%7ld",sysidelta(namei));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC1_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"dirblk ","%7ld",sysidelta(dirblk));
- X
- X y = PER_SEC_TLY + 1;
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X if((ltmp = sysidelta(readch) - myreadcnt) < 0)
- X ltmp = 0;
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"readch ","%7ld",ltmp);
- X myreadcnt = 0; /* reset /dev/{mem,kmem,swap} read count */
- X
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"writch ","%7ld",sysidelta(writech));
- X
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"rawch ","%7ld",sysidelta(rawch));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"canch ","%7ld",sysidelta(canch));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"outch ","%7ld",sysidelta(outch));
- X
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"msg ","%7ld",sysidelta(msg));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"sema ","%7ld",sysidelta(sema));
- X
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_static_long(wscr, "maxmem ","%6ldk",(long)maxmem * NBPP / 1024);
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr, "frmem ","%6ldk",(long)freemem * NBPP / 1024);
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_int (wscr, "mem used","%6d%%",
- X 100 - (int)((freemem * 100) / maxmem));
- X
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_static_int(wscr, "nswap ","%6ldk",nswap/2);
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr, "frswp ","%6ldk",minfo.freeswap/2);
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC2_TLX);
- X disp_info_int(wscr, "swp used","%6d%%",
- X 100 - (int)((minfo.freeswap * 100) / nswap));
- X
- X y = PER_SEC_TLY + 1;
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"pswitch ","%5ld",sysidelta(pswitch));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"syscall ","%5ld",sysidelta(syscall));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"sysread ","%5ld",sysidelta(sysread));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"syswrit ","%5ld",sysidelta(syswrite));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"sysfork ","%5ld",sysidelta(sysfork));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"sysexec ","%5ld",sysidelta(sysexec));
- X
- X y++;
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"runque ","%5ld",sysidelta(runque));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"runocc ","%5ld",sysidelta(runocc));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"swpque ","%5ld",sysidelta(swpque));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC3_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"swpocc ","%5ld",sysidelta(swpocc));
- X
- X y = PER_SEC_TLY + 1;
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"vfault ","%3ld",midelta(vfault));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"demand ","%3ld",midelta(demand));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"pfault ","%3ld",midelta(pfault));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"cw ","%3ld",midelta(cw));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"steal ","%3ld",midelta(steal));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"frdpgs ","%3ld",midelta(freedpgs));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"vfpg ","%3ld",midelta(vfpg));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"sfpg ","%3ld",midelta(sfpg));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"vspg ","%3ld",midelta(vspg));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"sspg ","%3ld",midelta(sspg));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"pnpfault","%3ld",sysidelta(pnpfault));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC4_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"wrtfault","%3ld",sysidelta(wrtfault));
- X
- X y = PER_SEC_TLY + 1;
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"unmodsw ","%3ld",midelta(unmodsw));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"unmodfl ","%3ld",midelta(unmodfl));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"psoutok ","%3ld",midelta(psoutok));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"psinfai ","%3ld",midelta(psinfail));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"psinok ","%3ld",midelta(psinok));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"rsout ","%3ld",midelta(rsout));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"rsin ","%3ld",midelta(rsin));
- X
- X y++;
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpLIT);
- X waddstr(wscr,"pages on ");
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"swap ","%5ld",midelta(swap));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"cache ","%5ld",midelta(cache));
- X wmove(wscr,y++,PER_SEC5_TLX);
- X disp_info_long(wscr,"file ","%5ld",midelta(file));
- X
- X if(LINES >= 43)
- X extra_info_stuff();
- X
- X
- X detail_panel_update();
- X
- X if(initial_cmd)
- X {
- X detail_panel_cmd(initial_cmd);
- X initial_cmd = 0;
- X }
- X
- X pflush();
- X
- X if(rdchk(0))
- X {
- X switch(cmd = wgetch(wscr))
- X {
- X case 'L' & 0x1F: /* ^L */
- X case 'R' & 0x1F: /* ^R */
- X touchwin(wscr);
- X wrefresh(wscr);
- X if(wdet)
- X {
- X touchwin(wdet);
- X wrefresh(wscr);
- X }
- X break;
- X
- X case 'q':
- X case A_ESC:
- X goto GOOD_BYE;
- X#ifdef M_UNIX
- X case 'b':
- X if(bootinfo.bootstrlen > 79)
- X itmp = 79;
- X else
- X itmp = bootinfo.bootstrlen;
- X kread(s80,bootinfoaddr +
- X (bootinfo.bootstr - (caddr_t)&bootinfo),itmp);
- X s80[itmp] = 0;
- X disp_msg(cpMED,s80);
- X break;
- X#endif
- X case 'e':
- X case 'P':
- X case 'p':
- X case 'm':
- X#ifdef M_UNIX
- X case 's':
- X#endif
- X detail_panel_cmd(cmd);
- X break;
- X case 'l':
- X if(!plock_indicator)
- X {
- X if(!plock(PROCLOCK))
- X {
- X plock_indicator = 1;
- X wmove(wscr,0,38);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpMED);
- X waddstr(wscr," PLOCK ");
- X nice(-5);
- X }
- X }
- X break;
- X case 'u':
- X if(plock_indicator)
- X {
- X if(!plock(UNLOCK))
- X {
- X plock_indicator = 0;
- X wmove(wscr,0,38);
- X use_cp(wscr,cpBANNER);
- X waddstr(wscr," ");
- X nice(5);
- X }
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X /* remember previous statistics for next delta */
- X sysinfo_last = sysinfo;
- X minfo_last = minfo;
- X
- X /* ex-lax: all in the name of regularity */
- X ftime(&timeb_cycle_end);
- X nap_msec = 1000L - delta_msec(timeb_cycle_end,timeb_cycle_start);
- X if(nap_msec < 700L)
- X nap_msec = 700L;
- X (void)nap(nap_msec);
- X }
- X
- X leave_text("",0);
- X} /* end of main */
- X
- X/* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
- X/* end of u386mon.c */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025290 u386mon.c &&
- chmod 0644 u386mon.c ||
- echo "restore of u386mon.c failed"
- set `wc -c u386mon.c`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "33152"; then
- echo original size 33152, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= var.c ==============
- echo "x - extracting var.c (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > var.c &&
- X/* CHK=0xE896 */
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X var.c - u386mon var struct display
- X
- X Defined functions:
- X display_var(win,y,x)
- X
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-17:33-wht@n4hgf-alpha sort identifiers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-21-1990-14:27-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free */
- X/*:06-17-1990-14:59-wht-creation */
- X
- X#define M_TERMINFO
- X
- X#include <curses.h>
- X#include <panel.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/var.h>
- X#include "u386mon.h"
- X
- X/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X display_var(win,y,x)
- X--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- Xvoid
- Xdisplay_var(win,y,x)
- XWINDOW *win;
- Xint y;
- Xint x;
- X{
- X use_cp(win,cpBANNER);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X waddstr(win,"-- Var ---------");
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_autoup ","%5d",v.v_autoup);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_buf ","%5d",v.v_buf);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_clist ","%5d",v.v_clist);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_file ","%5d",v.v_file);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_hbuf ","%5d",v.v_hbuf);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_inode ","%5d",v.v_inode);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_maxpmem ","%5d",v.v_maxpmem);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_maxup ","%5d",v.v_maxup);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_mount ","%5d",v.v_mount);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_pbuf ","%5d",v.v_pbuf);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_proc ","%5d",v.v_proc);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_region ","%5d",v.v_region);
- X wmove(win,y++,x);
- X disp_static_int(win,"v_vhndfrac ","%5d",v.v_vhndfrac);
- X
- X} /* end of display_var */
- X
- X/* vi: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
- X/* end of var.c */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025190 var.c &&
- chmod 0644 var.c ||
- echo "restore of var.c failed"
- set `wc -c var.c`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "2094"; then
- echo original size 2094, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= libkmem.h ==============
- echo "x - extracting libkmem.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > libkmem.h &&
- X/* CHK=0x635C */
- X/*+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X libkmem.h
- X ...!emory!n4hgf!wht
- X------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-21-1990-14:26-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free */
- X/*:10-28-1988-14:46-afterlint-creation */
- X
- X#ifdef LINT_ARGS
- X
- X/* libkmem.c */
- Xvoid kinit(int );
- Xvoid kread(char *,long ,int );
- Xvoid kwrite(long ,char *,int );
- X
- X#else /* compiler doesn't know about prototyping */
- X
- X/* libkmem.c */
- Xvoid kinit();
- Xvoid kread();
- Xvoid kwrite();
- X
- X#endif /* LINT_ARGS */
- X#endif /* BUILDING_LINT_ARGS */
- X
- X/* end of libkmem.h */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025090 libkmem.h &&
- chmod 0644 libkmem.h ||
- echo "restore of libkmem.h failed"
- set `wc -c libkmem.h`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "874"; then
- echo original size 874, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= libmem.h ==============
- echo "x - extracting libmem.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > libmem.h &&
- X/* CHK=0xDACD */
- X/*+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X libmem.h
- X ...!emory!n4hgf!wht
- X------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-21-1990-14:26-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free */
- X/*:10-28-1988-14:46-afterlint-creation */
- X
- X#ifdef LINT_ARGS
- X
- X/* libmem.c */
- Xvoid minit(int );
- Xvoid mread(char *,long ,int );
- Xvoid mwrite(long ,char *,int );
- X
- X#else /* compiler doesn't mnow about prototyping */
- X
- X/* libmem.c */
- Xvoid minit();
- Xvoid mread();
- Xvoid mwrite();
- X
- X#endif /* LINT_ARGS */
- X#endif /* BUILDING_LINT_ARGS */
- X
- X/* end of libmem.h */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025090 libmem.h &&
- chmod 0644 libmem.h ||
- echo "restore of libmem.h failed"
- set `wc -c libmem.h`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "870"; then
- echo original size 870, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= libswap.h ==============
- echo "x - extracting libswap.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > libswap.h &&
- X/* CHK=0xF21C */
- X/*+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X libswap.h
- X ...!emory!n4hgf!wht
- X------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-22-1990-02:03-root@n4hgf-creation from libmem */
- X
- X#ifdef LINT_ARGS
- X
- X/* libswap.c */
- Xvoid sinit(void );
- Xvoid sread(char *,long ,int );
- X
- X#else /* compiler doesn't mnow about prototyping */
- X
- X/* libswap.c */
- Xvoid sinit();
- Xvoid sread();
- Xvoid swrite();
- X
- X#endif /* LINT_ARGS */
- X#endif /* BUILDING_LINT_ARGS */
- X
- X/* end of libswap.h */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025190 libswap.h &&
- chmod 0644 libswap.h ||
- echo "restore of libswap.h failed"
- set `wc -c libswap.h`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "795"; then
- echo original size 795, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- # ============= libnlsym.h ==============
- echo "x - extracting libnlsym.h (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > libnlsym.h &&
- X/* CHK=0x6491 */
- X/*+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- X libnlsym.h
- X ...!emory!n4hgf!wht
- X------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- X/*+:EDITS:*/
- X/*:06-27-1990-01:57-wht@n4hgf-1.10-incorporate suggestions from alpha testers */
- X/*:06-25-1990-04:14-wht@n4hgf-1.02-better error handling */
- X/*:06-24-1990-20:53-wht@n4hgf-v1.01-add ISC support thanks to peter@radig.de */
- X/*:06-21-1990-14:26-r@n4hgf-version x0.12 seems bug free */
- X/*:10-28-1988-14:47-afterlint-creation */
- X
- X#ifdef LINT_ARGS
- X
- X/* libnlsym.c */
- Xvoid nlsym_error(char * );
- Xvoid nlsym_read(void);
- X
- X#else /* compiler doesn't know about prototyping */
- X
- X/* libnlsym.c */
- Xvoid nlsym_error();
- Xvoid nlsym_read();
- X
- X#endif /* LINT_ARGS */
- X#endif /* BUILDING_LINT_ARGS */
- X
- X/* end of libnlsym.h */
- $TOUCH -am 0715025190 libnlsym.h &&
- chmod 0644 libnlsym.h ||
- echo "restore of libnlsym.h failed"
- set `wc -c libnlsym.h`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "841"; then
- echo original size 841, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- echo "End of part 3, continue with part 4"
- exit 0
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Warren Tucker, TuckerWare emory!n4hgf!wht or wht@n4hgf.Mt-Park.GA.US
- Sforzando (It., sfohr-tsahn'-doh). A direction to perform the tone
- or chord with special stress, or marked and sudden emphasis.