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- From: allbery@ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v02INF5: comp.sources.misc Administrivia: Welcome!
- Message-ID: <7593@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 5 Apr 88 23:10:17 GMT
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- comp.sources.misc: Volume 2, Administrivia 5
- Submitted-By: "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery@ncoast.UUCP>
- Archive-Name: admin.5
- [One change: aeras!nyles is no longer archiving, although aeras!jason is.]
- This is the first of three messages comprising the monthly Info posting for
- comp.sources.misc. Hopefully, any questions you have will be answered here;
- if they are not, send mail to me (allbery@ncoast.UUCP), the moderator.
- This message is the Welcome! document, which describes my policies and
- commitments. The second part of this posting is the Index for the newsgroup;
- archive requests are best handled by specifying the Archive-Name or
- volume/issue number for the posting, or alternatively my Message-ID. Please
- do NOT use the article number within the newsgroup: this varies based on lost
- messages or articles received out of sequence, and is purely local.
- Note that starting last month the Administrivia (what there is of it) is
- posted to its correct newsgroup. On the other hand, I use the standard
- Info notation now, so people who archive the other moderated sources groups
- should already be able to deal with this. I *did* give you two months'
- warning!
- > Introduction <
- This newsgroup is not for large programs which belong in other sources groups;
- it is for sources which do not fit elsewhere (for example, MS-DOS and VMS
- non-game sources) and for the small stuff -- for example, your favorite shell
- script to set your prompt or etc. -- the little stuff that just doesn't
- warrant submission to comp.sources.unix, where it'd look a bit silly next to
- the latest version of Xterm....
- As a result, the group will be run in an informal fashion. In general,
- *anything* will be accepted, but discussion will be routed to comp.sources.d
- rather than cluttering this newsgroup.
- This newsgroup isn't expected to be a high-volume one, since the "big" stuff
- should be sent elsewhere. However, it is to be hoped that people still have
- the desire to post their favorite prompt generators, integer square root
- algorithms, etc. (If the last days of net.sources are any indication, they
- do.)
- > Why moderated? <
- The moderated comp.sources.misc replaced the unmoderated net.sources in May
- 1987. This was done by the Usenet backbone in response to the observed fact
- that net.sources was largely NON-sources by number of articles. Mail I
- have received indicates that the majority of people are willing to trade the
- small delays (mainly caused by network delays in mail; I send stuff out as
- fast as I get it) for having a source group that isn't full of noise.
- As stated above, the only reason a submission will be rejected is if it is
- a non-source. I, as the moderator, am striving to get things out as quickly
- as possible while not posting non-sources; testing is not done. If it's
- something that's worth testing, it probably belongs in comp.sources.unix
- instead. (Send submissions to rs@uunet.UU.NET in that case.)
- > What sources are posted here? <
- I will post directly any sources: little stuff like "my favorite dice-roll
- program" or etc., non-Unix(R) sources, as well as the standard stuff.
- [Disclaimer: Unix is a registered trademark of AT&T.] In particular, I have
- made arrangements to handle VMS sources, and I have a program to create VMS
- DCL "shar" files.
- Please consider sending larger postings to comp.sources.unix, and games
- to comp.sources.games. *** EXCEPTION *** Since Rich $alz has decided to
- reject editor sources, I am more than happy to accept them. (This does not
- mean that you should post fifteen versions of Emacs clones within a week.
- For that matter, posting Gnu Emacs is probably a bad idea unless you want
- to pay some hefty phone bills for backbone sites, not to mention ncoast's
- mail feeds.)
- > Guidelines for fast processing of submissions <
- The readers of this newsgroup would prefer that posters follow certain
- guidelines. Not following these guidelines may result in long delays, since
- some things *must* be fixed for news to accept the submission, and others fixed
- so that I can spend time processing submissions rather than responding to
- flames. ;-)
- * Do NOT send me uuencoded "arc" files, even of sources.
- * Please use "shar", "cshar", "bundle", etc. to package files.
- * PLEASE INCLUDE A Subject: HEADER!!! Certain large postings (e.g. uEmacs)
- arrived at ncoast sans Subject: line; this requires me to edit the messages
- and add subject lines for both inews and the archive list.
- * Please do not address submissions to ncoast!allbery; this has a more
- direct slowdown effect, as ncoast's mailer takes up to 15 minutes to start
- up when the mailbox is large. It also requires me to manually edit the
- headers of the message; the official address "ncoast!sources-misc" uses
- a filter which does the hard work automatically.
- * Please do not package binaries and sources in the same submission. Since
- I must send out the binaries separately, this results in a delay while I
- break apart the shar and rebuild it, then resubmit the binaries separately.
- * One way to solve the problem of an announcement not going out the same day
- as the posting it announces: send the announcement to me UNDER SEPARATE
- COVER (see the previous guideline) with instructions as to where it should
- be posted, and I will insure that both go out the same day. The same goes
- for binaries and/or other material associated with a source; send it under
- separate cover and tell me what to do with it.
- > Archiving <
- Alas, ncoast is cramped for space, so I cannot do archiving. I do, however,
- add archive headers to posted submissions, suitable for manual or automatic
- archiving and archive retrieval. The archive Index is posted each month
- as part of the Welcome! posting.
- The format of the archive header is:
- Comp.sources.misc: Volume 2, Issue 45 for submissions, and
- Comp.sources.misc: Volume 2, Administrivia 2 for administrivia.
- Each posting also has an Archive-Name, which is a single word of (generally)
- 6-8 letters which tries to be somewhat descriptive. You may want to use this
- instead of the volume/issue number.
- > The Oz Connection <
- As with the other moderated sources groups, Australia has a sub-moderator to
- handle the local load; this reduces bills and increases both speed and the
- chances of your submission actually making it out onto the net. The sub-
- moderator is john@basser.cs.su.oz.au.
- > Archive sites <
- Rick Perry (perry@vu-vlsi.UUCP, perry@vuvaxcom.BITNET) is archiving all of
- comp.sources.misc and is willing to distribute sources via UUCP or BITNET
- mail, or via a direct UUCP connection. He is also willing to make tar or cpio
- tapes. Contact perry@vu-vlsi.UUCP for more information.
- Jason Winters at Arete Systems (sun!aeras!jason) is archiving
- comp.sources.misc, as well as the .games and .unix groups. Send mail to
- sun!aeras!jason for more information.
- Mike Squires ({ncoast!peng,pitt}!sir-alan!mikes) is archiving both the .misc
- and .unix groups. Access is via anonymous UUCP, phone number +01 814 333 6728;
- the login is "pdsrc" and there is no password. An index of archived postings
- is available in the file /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects. Contact Mike at
- {ncoast!peng,pitt}!sir-alan!mikes for more information.
- Rob Marchand is also archiving comp.sources.misc; he will mail sources out,
- or (last resort) provide UUCP access. He is also archiving sources which
- appear in comp.os.vms, making him the only "official" VMS archive site.
- Contact rob@array.UUCP ({utzoo,watmath}!lsuc!array!rob).
- For European sites, Jamie Watson (mcvax!cernvax!paninfo!jw) is archiving the
- comp.sources groups; as usual, send email to him for information.
- Joe Carlson (carlson@llnl-winken.llnl.gov) has set up an archive that is
- available via anonymous FTP. Only articles from 9/87 on are archived. The
- archives are stored in subdirectories of /pub/comp.sources.misc by X-Archive
- header. Also available are comp.sources.unix and comp.sources.games archives,
- as well as some useful programs like nntp and rn. Contact Joe Carlson for
- details. (Oh -- for those who don't believe in nameservers, []
- is another name for the site.)
- Of course, UUNET provides ftp and UUCP (for subscribers) access to archives
- of all the sources groups.
- ++Brandon, your friendly neighborhood comp.sources.misc moderator.