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- From: powell@ole.UUCP (Gary Powell)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v02i071: shell script to manage personal dictionary and correct text
- Message-ID: <7474@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 5 Mar 88 23:52:35 GMT
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Comp.sources.misc: Volume 2, Issue 71
- Submitted-By: "Gary Powell" <powell@ole.UUCP>
- Archive-Name: correct
- #--------------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------------
- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # This is a shell archive. Save this into a file, edit it
- # and delete all lines above this comment. Then give this
- # file to sh by executing the command "sh file". The files
- # will be extracted into the current directory owned by
- # you with default permissions.
- #
- # The files contained herein are:
- #
- # -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 5303 Mar 5 18:32 correct.csh
- # -rw-rw-rw- 1 allbery uucp 829 Mar 5 18:33 correct.l
- #
- echo 'x - correct.csh'
- if test -f correct.csh; then echo 'shar: not overwriting correct.csh'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > correct.csh
- X#! /bin/csh -f
- X
- X#
- X# This script takes a file name as an argument and looks for misspellings.
- X# If you want to change the file, a sed script is provided, or you
- X# can change your personal dictionary. It will add one if you need it.
- X#
- X# Author : G. Powell Seattle Silicon Co. 11/3/87
- X#
- X
- X# extract the file name from the command line.
- Xset text = $1
- X
- X# Your personal dictionary, and lookup table file names.
- Xset mylist = ~/.myhdict
- Xset mylook = ~/.mylook
- X
- X# Temp files for use while this script is running
- Xset temptext = /tmp/$1.$$
- Xset tempfile = /tmp/tmp_file.$$
- Xset tmplist = /tmp/myhdict_tmp.$$
- Xset tmplook = /tmp/mylook_tmp.$$
- Xset sedfile = /tmp/sed_spell.$$
- X
- X# Delilimaters of a "word"
- Xset delim = '\([\.,?\!(){}\[\]""";: ]\)'
- X
- Xecho "Checking spelling in $text."
- X
- X#
- X# if you have a personal dictionary use it.
- X#
- Xif (-e $mylist) then
- X set list = $mylist
- Xelse
- X set list = /usr/dict/hlista
- Xendif
- X
- Xset llook = $mylook
- X
- Xecho "Type h for help"
- X
- Xforeach i (`spell -d $list $text`)
- X set word = $i
- X Query:
- X echo -n "< $word > ? "
- X switch ($<)
- X case 'a':
- X Addword:
- X echo "Adding $word to list $mylist."
- X#
- X# Add word to your personal dictionary
- X#
- X if (! -e $tmplist) then
- X cp $list $tmplist
- X set list = $tmplist
- X endif
- X echo $word | spellin $list > $tempfile
- X mv -f $tempfile $list
- X#
- X# Add word to your personal lookup list
- X#
- X if (! -e $tmplook && -e $mylook) then
- X cp $mylook $tmplook
- X endif
- X set llook = $tmplook
- X echo $word >> $tmplook
- X cat $tmplook | sort | uniq > $tempfile
- X mv -f $tempfile $tmplook
- X breaksw
- X case 'c':
- X echo -n "New spelling? "
- X set neword = ($<)
- X echo "-> Changing occurances of $word to $neword in $text."
- X#
- X# Look for new word word in dictionary
- X#
- X @ change = 0
- X set foundword = `echo $neword | spellout $list`
- X if ($foundword == $neword) then
- X echo "$neword was not found in your dictionary."
- X echo -n "Do you still want to change it? [y/n] "
- X if ('y' != $<) then
- X goto Query
- X endif
- X @ change = 1
- X endif
- X
- X if (! -e $temptext) then
- X cp $text $temptext
- X endif
- X echo /$word/s/'^'$word"$delim"/$neword'\1'/g > sedfile
- X echo /$word/s/"$delim"$word'$'/'\1'$neword/g >> sedfile
- X echo /$word/s/"$delim"$word"$delim"/'\1'$neword'\2'/g >> sedfile
- X mv $temptext $tempfile
- X sed -f sedfile $tempfile > $temptext
- X /bin/rm sedfile
- X /bin/rm $tempfile
- X
- X if ( $change == 1) then
- X echo -n "Do you want add $neword to your dictionary? [y/n] "
- X if ('y' == $<) then
- X set word = $neword
- X goto Addword
- X endif
- X endif
- X breaksw
- X case 'd':
- X if (-e $temptext) then
- X diff $text $temptext | less -emQ
- X else
- X echo "You haven't made any changes yet."
- X endif
- X goto Query
- X breaksw
- X case 'h':
- X echo " a - add this word to your personal directory $mylist"
- X echo " c - change all occurances of this word in the file $text"
- X echo " d - diff file $text and the tempfile changes."
- X echo " h - help (this command)"
- X echo " l - look up the word for near spellings"
- X echo " p - print the context of the words."
- X echo " q - quit (you can save current changes.)"
- X echo " r - remove a word from your dictionary, $mylist."
- X echo " s - look up an entered word for near spellings"
- X echo "<cr> - skip to the next word."
- X goto Query
- X breaksw
- X case 'l':
- X set lookup = $word
- X Lookup:
- X @ ccount = `echo $lookup | wc -c`
- X Lookagain:
- X look $lookup > $tempfile
- X if (-e $llook) then
- X look $lookup $llook >> $tempfile
- X endif
- X @ wcount = `cat $tempfile | wc -l`
- X if ( $wcount <= 0 ) then
- X if ($ccount > 3) then
- X @ ccount --
- X set lookup = `echo $lookup | colrm $ccount`
- X echo "Nothing found yet, trying...$lookup"
- X goto Lookagain
- X else
- X echo "No words found."
- X /bin/rm $tempfile
- X goto Query
- X endif
- X endif
- X cat $tempfile | sort | uniq | less -emQ
- X /bin/rm $tempfile
- X goto Query
- X breaksw
- X case 'p':
- X set search = '\<'$word'\>'
- X if (-e $temptext) then
- X grep "$search" $temptext | less -emQ
- X else
- X grep "$search" $text | less -emQ
- X endif
- X goto Query
- X breaksw
- X case 'q':
- X echo "quit."
- X goto Done
- X breaksw
- X case 'r':
- X if (-e $tmplook) then
- X /bin/rm $list
- X cp $mylist $list
- X else
- X if (-e $mylook && -e $mydict) then
- X cp $mylook $tmplook
- X set llook = $tmplook
- X cp /usr/dict/hlista $tmplist
- X set list = $tmplist
- X else
- X echo "You don't have a personal word list."
- X goto Query
- X endif
- X endif
- X echo -n "Enter word to remove : "
- X sed -e "/$</d" $llook > $tempfile
- X mv -f $tempfile $llook
- X foreach k (`cat $llook`)
- X echo $k | spellin $list > $tempfile
- X mv -f $tempfile $list
- X end
- X goto Query
- X breaksw
- X case 's':
- X echo -n "Enter word to find near derivations : "
- X set lookup = $<
- X goto Lookup
- X breaksw
- X endsw
- Xend
- X
- X#
- X# Save changes
- X#
- XDone:
- Xset answer = y
- Xif (-e $temptext) then
- X echo -n "Would you like to see your changes? "
- X if ('y' == $<) then
- X diff $text $temptext | less -emQ
- X endif
- X echo -n "Do you want to keep your changes? "
- X set answer = $<
- X if ('y' == $answer) then
- X mv -f $temptext $text
- X else
- X /bin/rm $temptext
- X endif
- Xendif
- X
- X#
- X# Save new Dictionary
- X#
- Xif (-e $tmplist && $answer == 'y') then
- X echo -n "Do You want to save your updated dictionary? [y/n] "
- X if ('n' == $<) then
- X /bin/rm $tmplist
- X /bin/rm $tmplook
- X else
- X mv -f $tmplist $mylist
- X mv -f $tmplook $mylook
- X endif
- Xendif
- X
- Xecho "Done."
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -c < correct.csh` -ne 5303; then
- echo 'shar: correct.csh was damaged during transit (should have been 5303 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- echo 'x - correct.l'
- if test -f correct.l; then echo 'shar: not overwriting correct.l'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > correct.l
- X.UC 4
- Xcorrect - Correct the spelling in a ascii text file.
- X.LP
- X.nf
- Xcorrect filename
- X.fi
- X.PP
- Xcorrect is a shell script which runs interactively to
- Xhelp you correct your spelling and manage a personal dictionary
- Xand word list. It uses the UNIX calls to spell, list, and grep
- Xto perform the work.
- X.PP
- X.nf
- X /usr/local/bin/correct shell script
- X
- X ~/.myhdict personal dictionary
- X ~/.mylook personal word list
- X
- XTemp files for use while this script is runs
- X /tmp/$1.$$
- X /tmp/tmp_file.$$
- X /tmp/myhdict_tmp.$$
- X /tmp/mylook_tmp.$$
- X /tmp/sed_spell.$$
- X
- X.fi
- X.nf
- X Gary Powell
- X.fi
- X.PP
- XIf you attempt to substitute two words for one the script dies.
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -c < correct.l` -ne 829; then
- echo 'shar: correct.l was damaged during transit (should have been 829 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- exit 0
- --
- _Q _Q _Q _Q _Q_Q _Q _Q _Q
- /_\) /_\) /_\) /_\)/_/\\) /_\) /_\) Gary Powell /_\)
- _O|/O_O|/O__O|/O___O|/O_OO|/O__O|/O__O|/O__________________________________O|/O_
- UUCP!uw-beaver!tikal!ole!powell Seattle Silicon Corp. (206) 828-4422