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- From: everson@compsci.bristol.ac.uk (Phill Everson)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v02i019: Image processing programs
- Message-ID: <7130@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 26 Jan 88 04:07:33 GMT
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Comp.sources.misc: Volume 2, Issue 19
- Submitted-By: Phill Everson <everson@compsci.bristol.ac.uk>
- Archive-Name: image
- # To unbundle, sh this file
- echo README 1>&2
- cat >README <<'End of README'
- In response to a plea on the net:
- This is a family of image processing programs written by
- Phill Everson <everson@uk.aucc.bristol.cs: JANET
- everson%uk.aucc.bristol.cs@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk: ARPA ? >
- with help from Gareth Waddell (notably for the dynamic array library)
- at Bristol University in the UK for SUN workstations, both colour and
- black/white. It includes tools to display images on Colour monitors,
- B/W monitors, to convolve a filter over an image, to create a histogram
- of the greylevels in an image, to normalise an image, to threshold an image,
- to convert an image to Postscript and ... (read the manual page alv(1)
- for other features).
- Alv stands for Autonomous Land Vehicle, the research project that these
- were originally developed for. Some of the tools have been used MUCH
- more than others and so can be regarded as being pretty much correct
- (dsp, cdsp, convolve, pixval, imagelw, subarea, subsample, coltable, hist
- & invert).
- If any of the others seem to be playing up it is possible that
- there is a bug in there somewhere -- some tools were added at the
- request of others who promised to test them and have never been heard
- of since! Please send me any bug reports (&fixes?) to me.
- *************************************************************************
- To get this system up and on the road:
- 1. Edit the Makefile, changing the directory paths for
- BINDIR, LIBDIR, INCDIR, MANDIR & FILDIR to suit your system.
- 2. Type 'make' and everything will be compiled and installed.
- 3. Read the manual page alv(1). It can be formatted from this
- directory by typing 'nroff -man alv.1 | more'.
- *************************************************************************
- This family of programs has 3 manual pages; alv(1), alv(3) & alv(5).
- alv(1) has a general description of each of the programs and what each
- of them should do. alv(3) is a description of the library created
- and alv(5) is a description of the file format used for an image.
- (I've also included the manual page dynamem(3) for a dynamic memory
- allocation library which is used by the alv library and which someone may
- find useful.)
- The method that we have found works best is that everyone working
- on vision-type programs uses the same file format (see alv(5)) and
- most people will use the core tools to display images etc and the
- library functions for their own programs.
- These are and will be used a lot here, so if anybody adds or modifies them,
- please send me details and I'll collect, collate and possibly post notable
- additions at a later date. Thanks.
- I hope they're of some use.
- Phill Everson
- End of README
- echo Makefile 1>&2
- cat >Makefile <<'End of Makefile'
- #
- # ALV image processing programs
- # written by Phill Everson
- # Computer Science Dept.
- # Bristol University UK
- # 21st January, 1988
- #
- # <everson@uk.aucc.bristol.cs: JANET
- # everson%uk.aucc.bristol.cs@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk: ARPA ? >
- #
- # BINDIR - location of compiled binaries
- # LIBDIR - location of compiled libraries
- # INCDIR - location of include files
- # MANDIR - location of top level of manual
- # FILDIR - location of filters (for convolve)
- BINDIR = /usr/kukini/alv/vision/bin
- LIBDIR = /usr/kukini/alv/vision/lib
- INCDIR = /usr/kukini/alv/vision/include
- MANDIR = /usr/kukini/alv/vision/man
- FILDIR = /usr/kukini/alv/vision/usr/filters
- ARC = vision.a
- DLIBS = -lsuntool -lsunwindow -lpixrect -L$(LIBDIR) -lalv
- OLIBS = -L$(LIBDIR) -lalv
- PROGS = cdsp dsp convert addhead hist imagelw invert pixval retitle \
- subarea subsample thresh normalise ffill convolve range striphead
- install: setup all docs filters
- mv $(PROGS) $(BINDIR)
- setup:
- cp image.h $(INCDIR)
- all: lib cdsp dsp convert addhead hist imagelw invert pixval retitle \
- subarea subsample thresh normalise ffill convolve range striphead
- filters:
- @cp avg1 lap1 sobel1 xdiff1 $(FILDIR)
- archive: clean
- @ar crv $(ARC) *
- @compress $(ARC)
- @mv $(ARC).Z $(ARCHIVE_DIR)
- docs:
- @cp alv.1 $(MANDIR)/man1
- @cp alv.3 $(MANDIR)/man3
- @cp alv.5 $(MANDIR)/man5
- @cp dynamem.3 $(MANDIR)/man3
- cdsp: cdsp.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) cdsp.o -o cdsp $(DLIBS)
- dsp: dsp.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) dsp.o -o dsp $(DLIBS)
- hist: hist.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) hist.o -o hist $(DLIBS) -lm
- convert: convert.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) convert.o -o convert -L$(LIBDIR) -ldynamem
- addhead: addhead.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) addhead.o -o addhead -L$(LIBDIR) -ldynamem
- striphead: striphead.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) striphead.o -o striphead $(OLIBS)
- convolve.o: convolve.c
- cc $(CFLAGS) -DFILTERS_DIR=$(FILDIR) -c convolve.c
- convolve: convolve.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) convolve.o -o convolve $(OLIBS)
- invert: invert.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) invert.o -o invert $(OLIBS)
- pixval: pixval.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) pixval.o -o pixval $(OLIBS)
- retitle: retitle.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) retitle.o -o retitle $(OLIBS)
- range: range.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) range.o -o range $(OLIBS)
- imagelw: imagelw.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) imagelw.o -o imagelw $(OLIBS)
- subsample: subsample.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) subsample.o -o subsample $(OLIBS)
- subarea: subarea.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) subarea.o -o subarea $(OLIBS)
- thresh: thresh.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) thresh.o -o thresh $(OLIBS) -lm
- normalise: normalise.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) normalise.o -o normalise $(OLIBS)
- ffill: ffill.o
- cc $(CFLAGS) ffill.o -o ffill $(OLIBS)
- lib: alvlib.o dynamem.o
- ar rc libalv.a alvlib.o dynamem.o
- ranlib libalv.a
- ar rc libdynamem.a dynamem.o
- ranlib libdynamem.a
- mv libalv.a libdynamem.a $(LIBDIR)
- touch lib
- wc:
- @wc *.c | sort -n
- clean:
- @touch dummy.o
- @/bin/rm *.o
- troff:
- troff -t -man alv.1 | thack | pspr
- troff -t -man alv.3 | thack | pspr
- troff -t -man alv.5 | thack | pspr
- End of Makefile
- echo addhead.c 1>&2
- cat >addhead.c <<'End of addhead.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int i,j;
- int xsize,ysize;
- unsigned char **pic;
- char *file, *title;
- FILE *fp;
- if (argc!=5) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s: x y filename title\n",argv[0]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- xsize=atoi(argv[1]);
- ysize=atoi(argv[2]);
- file =argv[3];
- title =argv[4];
- if (!(fp=fopen(file,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- pic = (unsigned char **) dynamem (&pic, sizeof(unsigned char), 2, ysize, xsize);
- putw(xsize<<16|ysize,stdout);
- for (i=0;i<252;i++,*title?title++:0)
- putchar(*title?*title:0);
- for (j=0;j<ysize;j++)
- for (i=0;i<xsize;i++)
- pic[j][i]=getc(fp);
- for (j=0;j<ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<xsize;i++)
- putchar(pic[j][i]);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- End of addhead.c
- echo alv.1 1>&2
- cat >alv.1 <<'End of alv.1'
- .\" .TH name section cent-foot
- .TH ALV 1 "4th December 1987"
- .\" name \- function
- alv \- standard ALV tools
- .\" Bold keywords, Italic variables, [] options, | alternatives.
- wind_opts = [
- .BI -X n
- ] [
- .BI -Y n
- ] [
- .BI -x n
- ] [
- .BI -y n
- ]
- .br
- std_opts =
- .RB [ -H ]
- [
- .BI -T title
- ]
- .RI [ filename ]
- .br
- .B dsp
- .RB [ -m ]
- .RB [ wind_opts ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B cdsp
- .RB [ -m ]
- .RB [ wind_opts ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B imagelw
- .RB [ wind_opts ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .RB [ -t ]
- .RB [ -m ]
- .RB [ -c ]
- .RB [ - ]
- .br
- .B hist
- .RB [ -l ]
- .RB [ -v ]
- .RB [ wind_opts ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B thresh
- [
- .BI -t n
- ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B invert
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B normalise
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B range
- [
- .BI -l n
- ]
- [
- .BI -h n
- ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B convolve
- [
- .BI -f filtername
- ]
- .RB [ -e ]
- .RB [ -F ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B subsample
- .I xsize
- .I ysize
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B subarea
- [
- .BI -x n
- ]
- [
- .BI -y n
- ]
- [
- .BI -X n
- ]
- [
- .BI -Y n
- ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B pixval
- [
- .BI -x n
- ]
- [
- .BI -y n
- ]
- [
- .BI -X n
- ]
- [
- .BI -Y n
- ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B ffill
- .I "xpos ypos"
- [
- .BI -b n
- ]
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B retitle
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .B convert
- .I xsize
- .I ysize
- .I filename
- .I title
- .br
- .B addhead
- .I xsize
- .I ysize
- .I filename
- .I title
- .br
- .B striphead
- .RB [ std_opts ]
- .br
- .\" Italic files, commands, IR manual-entry (manual-section)
- These tools comprise
- the majority of those
- needed for work on the
- .I ALV
- and
- .I Bubble
- projects.
- They use a standard
- file format, see
- .IR alv (5).
- .I Dsp
- and
- .I cdsp
- display pictures
- on a monochrome
- and colour display
- respectively. (Place the mouse in the window
- created by
- .I coltable
- on a Colour Sun to see
- the image in false colour).
- .I Imagelw
- displays the picture on the
- Apple Laserwriter in
- The Sun Lounge.
- .I Hist
- displays histogram
- displays, either
- linearly or logorithmically.
- .I Thresh
- thresholds data on a
- picture using either
- a specified threshold
- value or an automatically
- generated one.
- .I Invert
- inverts all the data in
- an image.
- .I Normalise
- normalises the histogram
- of an image.
- .I Range
- stretches the grey level distribution
- of an image.
- .I Convolve
- performs a convolution
- on an image using
- a specified filter.
- .I Subsample
- reduces the picture
- size by subsampling
- the original picture
- (but can also be used
- to enlarge).
- .I Subarea
- creates a new picture
- which is a part of the
- original picture.
- .I Pixval
- enables a decimal valued
- print of an area of an
- image to be generated.
- .I Ffill
- flood fills an image based
- around a small point, with
- a specified boundary colour.
- .I Retitle
- gives a picture a new title.
- .I Convert
- converts a file stored in the old
- alv file format to the new.
- .I Addhead
- adds a header, thus converting
- it to the standard file format,
- to a file produced
- by, for example, the
- .I "ALV Framegrabber."
- .I Striphead
- removes a header from an image.
- .\" Itemised list of options
- .TP 4
- Window Options
- -Xn window x size is n
- .br
- -Yn window y size is n
- .br
- -xn window x offset is n
- .br
- -yn window y offset is n
- .br
- .TP 4
- Standard Options
- -H give help list
- .br
- -Ttitle output-image title
- .br
- filename read from filename
- .br
- .TP 4
- Dsp/Cdsp Options
- -m use backing pixrect
- .br
- .TP 4
- Imagelw Options
- -T produce TeX special file
- .br
- -m send mail on completion of print
- .br
- -c automatically scale picture to fit page
- .br
- - write Postscript program to standard output
- .br
- .TP 4
- Hist Options
- -l logarithmic scaling
- .br
- -v vertical lines off
- .br
- .TP 4
- Thresh Options
- -tn threshold value
- .br
- .TP 4
- Normalise Options
- -ln least normalise value
- .br
- -hn highest normalise value
- .br
- .TP 4
- Convolve Options
- -ffiltername use filter filtername
- .br
- -e enhanced scaling
- .br
- -F list all filters
- .br
- .TP 4
- Pixval Options
- -Xn x size
- .br
- -Yn y size
- .br
- -xn x offset
- .br
- -yn y offset
- .br
- .TP 4
- Ffill Options
- -bn boundary grey level
- .br
- .\".SH FILES
- .\" List of all files used by the program
- .\" List of references, textual, and MAN pages.
- alv(3), alv(5).
- .\" List of error messages and return codes the user may expect
- .\" Known Limitations or Desirable additions to the command
- The code to pick out the filename from the command arguments
- list is unreliable in some cases. (It will core dump).
- This can be avoided by using cat to pipe the file into the
- command.
- End of alv.1
- echo alv.3 1>&2
- cat >alv.3 <<'End of alv.3'
- .\" .TH name section cent-foot left-foot cent-head
- .TH ALV 3 "4th December 1987"
- .\" name \- function
- alv \- standard library functions
- .\" Bold keywords, Italic variables, [] options, | alternatives.
- typedef struct img {
- .br
- unsigned char **image;
- .br
- short xsize, ysize;
- .br
- char title[252];
- .br
- } IMAGE;
- .sp
- int winxsize, winysize,
- .br
- winxoff, winyoff;
- .br
- int helpflag;
- .br
- char *newtitle;
- .sp
- IMAGE *readimage(fp)
- .br
- FILE *fp;
- .sp
- writeimage(fp,image)
- .br
- FILE *fp;
- .br
- IMAGE *image;
- .sp
- IMAGE *newimage(xsize,ysize,title)
- .br
- int xsize,ysize;
- .br
- char *title
- .sp
- subsample(image1,image2)
- .br
- IMAGE *image1,*image2;
- .sp
- subarea(image1,image2,xoff,yoff)
- .br
- IMAGE *image1,*image2;
- .br
- int xoff,yoff;
- .sp
- stdopts(argc,argv)
- .br
- int *argc;
- .br
- char **argv;
- .sp
- windopts(argc,argv)
- .br
- int *argc;
- .br
- char **argv;
- .\" Italic files, commands, IR manual-entry (manual-section)
- .I Readin
- reads in an image from
- the specified file, and
- creates an image structure
- with all the relevant
- data contained in it.
- .I Writeout
- writes the specified
- image to the specified
- file.
- .I Newimage
- creates a new
- image of the specified
- dimensions.
- .I Subsample
- reproduces the whole
- of
- .I image1
- in
- .I image2
- suitably scaled (up or
- down) so as to make
- it fit into the available
- room in
- .IR image2 .
- .I Subarea
- reproduces the relevant
- part of
- .I image1
- in
- .I image2
- so that
- .I image2
- has the same resolution as
- .I image1
- and is as full as possible
- (note that it is possible
- to use this also to increase
- the size of an image).
- .I Stdopts
- parses the
- .B -t
- and
- .B -h options
- setting
- .I helpflag
- and
- .IR newtitle .
- .I Windopts
- parses the
- .BR -x , -y , -X ,
- .B -Y
- options setting
- the variables
- .IR winxsize , winysize , winxoff ,
- .IR winyoff .
- .\".SH FILES
- .\" List of all files used by the program
- .\" List of references, textual, and MAN pages.
- alv(1),alv(3).
- .\" List of error messages and return codes the user may expect
- .\".SH BUGS
- .\" Known Limitations or Desirable additions to the command
- End of alv.3
- echo alv.5 1>&2
- cat >alv.5 <<'End of alv.5'
- .\" .TH name section cent-foot left-foot cent-head
- .TH ALV 5 "4th December 1987"
- .\" name \- function
- alv \- common file format
- .\" Bold keywords, Italic variables, [] options, | alternatives.
- typedef struct img {
- .br
- unsigned char **image;
- .br
- short xsize, ysize;
- .br
- char title[252];
- .br
- } IMAGE;
- .\" Italic files, commands, IR manual-entry (manual-section)
- This is the newly approved
- "standard" file format for
- image processing work
- done by the
- .I alv
- group at Bristol University.
- The file consists of a 256-byte
- header followed by
- .I ysize
- rows each
- .I xsize
- in length.
- The header consists of a
- two-byte value for
- .IR xsize ,
- a two-byte value for
- .IR ysize ,
- and a 252-byte title,
- which may be interpreted
- as appropriate by any tool.
- .\" Itemised list of options
- .\".SH FILES
- .\" List of all files used by the program
- .\" List of references, textual, and MAN pages.
- alv(1),alv(3)
- .\" List of error messages and return codes the user may expect
- .\".SH BUGS
- .\" Known Limitations or Desirable additions to the command
- End of alv.5
- echo alvlib.c 1>&2
- cat >alvlib.c <<'End of alvlib.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- int winxsize=0,winysize=0,
- winxoff=0, winyoff=0;
- int helpflag;
- char *newtitle=0;
- IMAGE *readimage(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- int i, j, xsize, ysize;
- char title[252];
- IMAGE *img, *newimage();
- i=getw(fp);
- for(j=0;j<252;j++)
- title[j]=getc(fp);
- img = newimage(xsize=(i>>16),ysize=(i&65535),title);
- for(j=0;j<ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<xsize;i++)
- (img->image[j][i])=getc(fp); /* UGH! */
- return img;
- }
- writeimage(fp,image)
- FILE *fp;
- IMAGE *image;
- {
- int i,j;
- putw(image->xsize<<16|image->ysize,fp);
- for(j=0;j<252;j++)
- putc(image->title[j],fp);
- for(j=0;j<image->ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<image->xsize;i++)
- putc(image->image[j][i],fp);
- }
- IMAGE *newimage(xsize,ysize,title)
- int xsize,ysize;
- char *title;
- {
- IMAGE *img;
- int i;
- if ((img=(IMAGE *)malloc(sizeof(IMAGE)))==NULL)
- return 0;
- if ((img->image = (unsigned char **) dynamem (&(img->image), sizeof(unsigned char), 2, ysize, xsize))==NULL)
- return 0;
- img->xsize=xsize;
- img->ysize=ysize;
- for (i=0;i<252;i++)
- img->title[i]=0;
- strcpy(img->title,title);
- return img;
- }
- subsample(image1,image2)
- IMAGE *image1,*image2;
- {
- int cvx,cvy,lcx,lcy,hcx,hcy;
- register int i,j,i1,j1;
- int total;
- cvx=(100*image1->xsize)/image2->xsize;
- cvy=(100*image1->ysize)/image2->ysize;
- for (j=0;j<image2->ysize;j++)
- for (i=0;i<image2->xsize;i++)
- {
- hcx=i*cvx/100;
- hcy=j*cvy/100;
- lcx=(i-1)*cvx/100+1;
- lcy=(j-1)*cvy/100+1;
- lcx=(lcx<0)?0:(lcx>hcx)?hcx:lcx;
- lcy=(lcy<0)?0:(lcy>hcy)?hcy:lcy;
- total=0;
- for (j1=lcy;j1<=hcy;j1++)
- for (i1=lcx;i1<=hcx;i1++)
- total+=image1->image[j1][i1];
- image2->image[j][i]=total/((hcx+1-lcx)*(hcy+1-lcy));
- }
- }
- subarea(image1,image2,xoff,yoff)
- IMAGE *image1,*image2;
- int xoff,yoff;
- {
- int xmin,ymin,
- xmax,ymax;
- int i,j;
- xmin=(xoff<0)?0:xoff;
- ymin=(yoff<0)?0:yoff;
- xmax=image2->xsize+xoff;
- ymax=image2->ysize+yoff;
- xmax=(xmax>image1->xsize)?image1->xsize:xmax;
- ymax=(ymax>image1->ysize)?image1->ysize:ymax;
- for (j=ymin;j<ymax;j++)
- for (i=xmin;i<xmax;i++)
- image2->image[j-yoff][i-xoff]=image1->image[j][i];
- }
- stdopts(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- int *argc;
- {
- int testflag;
- char **p;
- helpflag=0;
- for (argv++;*argv;argv++)
- if (**argv=='-') {
- testflag=1;
- switch ((*argv)[1]) {
- case 'H': helpflag = 1;
- break;
- case 'T': newtitle= *argv+2;
- break;
- default:
- testflag=0;
- }
- if (testflag)
- {
- for (p=argv;*p;p++)
- p[0] = p[1];
- (*argc)--;
- argv--;
- }
- }
- }
- windopts(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- int *argc;
- {
- int testflag;
- char **p;
- for (argv++;*argv;argv++)
- if (**argv=='-') {
- testflag=1;
- switch ((*argv)[1]) {
- case 'X': winxsize=atoi(*argv+2);
- break;
- case 'Y': winysize=atoi(*argv+2);
- break;
- case 'x': winxoff=atoi(*argv+2);
- break;
- case 'y': winyoff=atoi(*argv+2);
- break;
- default:
- testflag=0;
- }
- if (testflag)
- {
- for (p=argv;*p;p++)
- p[0] = p[1];
- (*argc)--;
- argv--;
- }
- }
- }
- End of alvlib.c
- echo avg1 1>&2
- cat >avg1 <<'End of avg1'
- 7 7
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- End of avg1
- echo cdsp.c 1>&2
- cat >cdsp.c <<'End of cdsp.c'
- #include <suntool/sunview.h>
- #include <suntool/canvas.h>
- #include "image.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- int boxsize = 1, mflag = 0;
- static void getcoords();
- static void repaint_canvas();
- IMAGE *image;
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- Frame frame;
- Canvas canvas;
- Pixwin *pw;
- Cursor cursor;
- char cmsname[CMS_NAMESIZE];
- u_char red[256], green[256], blue[256];
- int i, j, x, y;
- FILE *fp, *fopen();
- u_char *pi;
- char *imagefile=NULL;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- windopts(&argc,argv);
- for (argv++;*argv;*argv++)
- if (**argv=='-' && (*argv)[1]=='m')
- mflag = 1;
- else imagefile= *argv;
- if (imagefile==NULL)
- fp=stdin;
- else if (!(fp = fopen(imagefile,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image = readimage(fp);
- /* Initialise variables used to set colour map segment */
- for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
- red[i] = i;
- green[i] = i;
- blue[i] = i;
- }
- cursor = cursor_create(CURSOR_CROSSHAIR_COLOR, 255,
- 0);
- /* create frame and canvas */
- frame = window_create(NULL, FRAME,
- FRAME_LABEL, (newtitle)?newtitle:image->title,
- WIN_X, winxoff,
- WIN_Y, winyoff,
- WIN_HEIGHT, (winxsize)?winxsize:image->ysize * boxsize + 22,
- WIN_WIDTH, (winysize)?winysize:image->xsize * boxsize + 10,
- 0);
- if (mflag)
- canvas = window_create(frame, CANVAS,
- CANVAS_HEIGHT, image->ysize * boxsize,
- CANVAS_WIDTH, image->xsize * boxsize,
- WIN_CURSOR, cursor,
- WIN_EVENT_PROC, getcoords,
- 0);
- else
- canvas = window_create(frame, CANVAS,
- CANVAS_HEIGHT, image->ysize * boxsize,
- CANVAS_WIDTH, image->xsize * boxsize,
- WIN_CURSOR, cursor,
- WIN_EVENT_PROC, getcoords,
- CANVAS_REPAINT_PROC, repaint_canvas,
- 0);
- /* get the canvas pixwin to draw into */
- pw = canvas_pixwin(canvas);
- /* Set colour map segment */
- pw_setcmsname(pw, "grays");
- pw_putcolormap(pw, 0, 256, red, green, blue);
- if (mflag) {
- /* Enable batching for efficiency */
- pw_batch_on(pw);
- /* Draw gray boxes */
- pi = image->image[0];
- for (y = 0; y < image->ysize; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < image->xsize; x++) {
- pw_put(pw, x, y, *pi);
- pi++;
- }
- pw_batch_off(pw);
- }
- window_main_loop(frame);
- }
- static void
- repaint_canvas(canvas, pw, repaint_area)
- Canvas canvas;
- Pixwin *pw;
- Rectlist *repaint_area;
- {
- u_char *pi;
- int x, y;
- int xstart, ystart, xstop, ystop;
- xstart = repaint_area->rl_bound.r_left / boxsize;
- ystart = repaint_area->rl_bound.r_top / boxsize;
- xstop = xstart + 1 + repaint_area->rl_bound.r_width / boxsize;
- ystop = ystart + 1 + repaint_area->rl_bound.r_height / boxsize;
- xstop = (xstop > image->xsize) ? image->xsize : xstop;
- ystop = (ystop > image->ysize) ? image->ysize : ystop;
- /* Enable locking for efficiency */
- /* Draw gray boxes */
- for (y = ystart; y < ystop; y++) {
- pi = &(image->image[y][xstart]);
- pw_lock(pw, &(repaint_area->rl_bound));
- for (x = xstart; x < xstop; x++) {
- /* Fill in a square box */
- pw_put(pw, x, y, *pi);
- pi++;
- }
- pw_unlock(pw);
- }
- }
- static void
- getcoords(canvas, event, arg)
- Canvas canvas;
- Event *event;
- caddr_t arg;
- {
- if ((event_id(event) == MS_LEFT) && event_is_down(event)) {
- printf("%s: locator x,y : %d %d \n", (newtitle)?newtitle:image->title,
- event_x(event) / boxsize, event_y(event) / boxsize);
- }
- }
- End of cdsp.c
- echo coltable.c 1>&2
- cat >coltable.c <<'End of coltable.c'
- #include <suntool/sunview.h>
- #include <suntool/canvas.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #define MINC 0
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char ** argv;
- {
- Frame frame;
- Canvas canvas;
- Pixwin *pw;
- char cmsname[CMS_NAMESIZE];
- u_char red[256], green[256], blue[256];
- int i,ii,j,x,y;
- int delt,rem,region;
- int range ;
- float factor;
- char *tabname;
- range = 255 - MINC;
- delt = 43;
- factor = ((double)range)/(delt-1);
- tabname = (argv[0][0] == 'i') ? "icols" : "cols";
- /* Initialise variables used to set colour map segment */
- for (ii=0 ; ii<256 ; ii++)
- {
- i = (argv[0][0] == 'i') ? 255 - ii : ii ;
- region = ii/delt;
- rem = ii % delt;
- switch (region) {
- case 0 :
- red[i] = range +MINC ;
- green[i] = range - rem* factor +MINC ;
- blue[i] = range - rem* factor +MINC;
- break;
- case 1 :
- red[i] = range +MINC;
- green[i] = rem * factor +MINC ;
- blue[i] = 0 +MINC ;
- break;
- case 2:
- red[i] = range - rem* factor +MINC ;
- green[i] = range +MINC ;
- blue[i] = 0 +MINC ;
- break;
- case 3:
- red[i] = 0 +MINC ;
- green[i] = range +MINC ;
- blue[i] = rem * factor +MINC ;
- break;
- case 4:
- red[i] = 0 +MINC ;
- green[i] = range - rem * factor +MINC ;
- blue[i] = range +MINC ;
- break;
- case 5:
- default:
- red[i] = rem * factor +MINC ;
- blue[i] = range +MINC ;
- green[i] = 0 +MINC ;
- break;
- } /* end switch */
- /* cludge to give more yellow etc */
- red[i] = sqrt((double)(red[i]-MINC))*sqrt((double)range) +MINC;
- blue[i] = sqrt((double)(blue[i]-MINC))*sqrt((double)range) +MINC;
- green[i] = sqrt((double)(green[i]-MINC))*sqrt((double)range) +MINC;
- }
- /* create frame and canvas */
- frame = window_create(NULL, FRAME,
- WIN_WIDTH, 100,
- 0);
- canvas = window_create(frame,CANVAS, 0);
- /* get the cancas pixwin to draw into */
- pw = canvas_pixwin(canvas);
- /* Set colour map segment */
- pw_setcmsname(pw, tabname);
- pw_putcolormap(pw, 0, 256, red, green, blue);
- pw_batch_on(pw);
- window_main_loop(frame);
- exit(0);
- }
- End of coltable.c
- echo convert.c 1>&2
- cat >convert.c <<'End of convert.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int i,j;
- int xsize,ysize;
- unsigned char **pic;
- char *file, *title;
- FILE *fp;
- if (argc!=5) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s: x y filename title\n",argv[0]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- xsize=atoi(argv[1]);
- ysize=atoi(argv[2]);
- file =argv[3];
- title =argv[4];
- if (!(fp=fopen(file,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- pic = (unsigned char **) dynamem (&pic, sizeof(unsigned char), 2, ysize, xsize);
- putw(xsize<<16|ysize,stdout);
- for (i=0;i<252;i++,*title?title++:0)
- putchar(*title?*title:0);
- for (i=0;i<xsize;i++)
- for (j=0;j<ysize;j++)
- pic[j][i]=getc(fp);
- for (j=0;j<ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<xsize;i++)
- putchar(pic[j][i]);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- End of convert.c
- echo convolve.c 1>&2
- cat >convolve.c <<'End of convolve.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- char *filtername=NULL;
- int eflag = 0,
- fflag = 0;
- typedef struct {
- char **image;
- short xsize,ysize;
- char title[252];
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- char *imagefile=NULL;
- FILE *fp;
- IMAGE *image, *outimage;
- FILTER *filter, *loadfilter();
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- if (helpflag) {
- help(*argv);
- exit(0);
- }
- for(argv++;*argv;argv++)
- if ((**argv)=='-')
- switch ((*argv)[1]) {
- case 'e':
- eflag=1;
- break;
- case 'f':
- filtername=argv[0]+2;
- break;
- case 'F':
- fflag=1;
- break;
- }
- else imagefile= *argv;
- if (fflag)
- execlp("ls","ls","-C","FILTERS_DIR");
- if (filtername)
- filter=loadfilter(filtername);
- if (imagefile) {
- if (!(fp=fopen(imagefile,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open %s\n",imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- else fp = stdin;
- image=readimage(fp);
- outimage=newimage(image->xsize,image->ysize,(newtitle)?newtitle:image->title);
- if (filtername) {
- strcat(outimage->title," | ");
- strcat(outimage->title,filtername);
- }
- runfilter(filter,image,outimage);
- writeimage(stdout,outimage);
- }
- loadfilter(name)
- char *name;
- {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- FILE *fp;
- FILTER *filter;
- int xsize,ysize,ival;
- register int i,j;
- strcpy(buf,"FILTERS_DIR");
- strcat(buf,"/");
- strcat(buf,name);
- if (!(fp=fopen(buf,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't open filter %s\n",name);
- exit(-1);
- }
- fscanf(fp,"%d %d",&xsize,&ysize);
- filter=(FILTER *)newimage(xsize,ysize,name);
- for(j=0;j<ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<xsize;i++) {
- fscanf(fp,"%d",&ival);
- filter->image[j][i]=ival;
- }
- return filter;
- }
- runfilter(filter,image,outimage)
- IMAGE *image, *outimage;
- FILTER *filter;
- {
- int nflag = 0,
- scale,
- total;
- short max= -32768,
- min= 32767,
- **tempimage;
- int mfy = filter->ysize>>1,
- mfx = filter->xsize>>1;
- register int fi,fj,i,j;
- int sneg=0,
- spos=0,
- fred;
- for(j=0;j<filter->ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<filter->xsize;i++)
- if (filter->image[j][i]<0) {
- nflag=1;
- sneg -= filter->image[j][i];
- }
- else spos += filter->image[j][i];
- scale = (sneg > spos) ? sneg : spos;
- scale = (nflag) ? scale*2 : scale;
- if (!eflag)
- for(j=0;j<image->ysize-filter->ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<image->xsize-filter->ysize;i++) {
- total=0;
- for(fj=0;fj<filter->ysize;fj++)
- for(fi=0;fi<filter->xsize;fi++) {
- fred = image->image[j+fj][i+fi];
- total += fred * filter->image[fj][fi];
- }
- outimage->image[j+mfy][i+mfx] = total / scale + ((nflag) ? 128 : 0);
- }
- else {
- if (!(tempimage=(short **)
- dynamem(&tempimage,sizeof(short),2,image->ysize,image->xsize))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Get some more VM !!!\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- for(j=0;j<image->ysize-filter->ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<image->xsize-filter->ysize;i++) {
- total=0;
- for(fj=0;fj<filter->ysize;fj++)
- for(fi=0;fi<filter->xsize;fi++) {
- fred = image->image[j+fj][i+fi];
- total += filter->image[fj][fi] * fred;
- }
- tempimage[j+mfy][i+mfx] = total;
- max=(max>total)?max:total;
- min=(min<total)?min:total;
- }
- scale=(max>-min)?max:-min;
- scale=(nflag)?scale*2:scale;
- for (j=0; j< image->ysize; j++)
- for (i=0; i<image->xsize;i++)
- outimage->image[j][i]=tempimage[j][i]*256/scale+((nflag)?128:0);
- }
- }
- help(name)
- char *name;
- {
- printf("Convolution Filter\n");
- printf("------------------\n");
- printf("\nUsage: %s [file]\n",name);
- printf("\nOptions:\n");
- printf(" -F list filters\n");
- printf(" -ffilter use filter\n");
- printf(" -e enhanced scaling\n");
- printf(" -h help\n");
- }
- End of convolve.c
- echo defs.h 1>&2
- cat >defs.h <<'End of defs.h'
- #define YES 1
- #define NO 0
- #define FILTERS_DIR "/usr/aloha/alv/everson/usr/filters"
- #define ERROR(S) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",progname,S); exit(1); }
- #define FIL_MAX 31 /* max dimension of a filter */
- #define XSIZE 256
- #define YSIZE 240
- int filter[FIL_MAX][FIL_MAX]; /* filter array */
- char progname[10]; /* program name */
- short old_maxch, /* max pixel value in the picture */
- old_minch, /* min pixel value in the picture */
- maxch, /* max pixel value in image */
- minch, /* min pixel value in image */
- abs_minch; /* min absolute pixel value in image */
- unsigned char **pic,
- **image;;
- short **eimage;
- int pic_trunc; /* truncation value */
- int xsize,
- ysize,
- m_fil, /* height of filter */
- n_fil, /* width of filter */
- fil_scale; /* scaling factor used to scale image to character
- values after running the filter */
- extern int negfilter,
- enhanced;
- End of defs.h
- echo dsp.c 1>&2
- cat >dsp.c <<'End of dsp.c'
- #include <suntool/sunview.h>
- #include <suntool/canvas.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- #include "pattern3.h"
- int boxsize = 3;
- static void getcoords();
- static void repaint_canvas();
- IMAGE *image;
- int *p_pat;
- int mflag = 0;
- Pixrect *pattern;
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- Frame frame;
- Canvas canvas;
- Pixwin *pw;
- char cmsname[CMS_NAMESIZE];
- int i, j, x, y;
- FILE *fp, *fopen();
- u_char *pi;
- char *imagefile=NULL;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- windopts(&argc,argv);
- for (argv++;*argv;*argv++)
- if (*argv[0]=='-' && (*argv)[1]=='m')
- mflag = 1;
- else imagefile= *argv;
- if (imagefile==NULL)
- fp=stdin;
- else if (!(fp = fopen(imagefile,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image = readimage(fp);
- /* create frame and canvas */
- frame = window_create(NULL, FRAME,
- FRAME_LABEL, (newtitle)?newtitle:image->title,
- WIN_X, winxoff,
- WIN_Y, winyoff,
- WIN_HEIGHT, (winxsize)?winxsize:image->ysize * boxsize + 22,
- WIN_WIDTH, (winysize)?winysize:image->xsize * boxsize + 10,
- 0);
- if (mflag)
- canvas = window_create(frame, CANVAS,
- CANVAS_HEIGHT, image->ysize * boxsize,
- CANVAS_WIDTH, image->xsize * boxsize,
- WIN_EVENT_PROC, getcoords,
- 0);
- else
- canvas = window_create(frame, CANVAS,
- CANVAS_HEIGHT, image->ysize * boxsize,
- CANVAS_WIDTH, image->xsize * boxsize,
- WIN_EVENT_PROC, getcoords,
- CANVAS_REPAINT_PROC, repaint_canvas,
- 0);
- /* get the canvas pixwin to draw into */
- pw = canvas_pixwin(canvas);
- /* create dot pattern */
- pattern = mem_create(boxsize, boxsize * 50, 1);
- p_pat = &pat[0];
- for (y = 0; y < boxsize * 10; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < boxsize; x++, p_pat++)
- pr_rop(pattern, x, y, 1, 1,
- (*p_pat) ? PIX_CLR : PIX_SET,
- (Pixrect *) 0, 0, 0);
- if (mflag) {
- /* Draw gray boxes */
- for (y = 0; y < image->ysize; y++) {
- pi = image->image[y];
- for (x = 0; x < image->xsize; x++) {
- /* Fill in a square box */
- pw_rop(pw, x * boxsize, y * boxsize,
- boxsize, boxsize,
- PIX_SRC, pattern, 0, boxsize * ((*pi + 26) / 27));
- pi++;
- }
- }
- }
- window_main_loop(frame);
- }
- static void
- repaint_canvas(canvas, pw, repaint_area)
- Canvas canvas;
- Pixwin *pw;
- Rectlist *repaint_area;
- {
- u_char *pi;
- int x, y;
- int xstart, ystart, xstop, ystop;
- xstart = repaint_area->rl_bound.r_left / boxsize;
- ystart = repaint_area->rl_bound.r_top / boxsize;
- xstop = xstart + 1 + repaint_area->rl_bound.r_width / boxsize;
- ystop = ystart + 1 + repaint_area->rl_bound.r_height / boxsize;
- xstop = (xstop > image->xsize) ? image->xsize : xstop;
- ystop = (ystop > image->ysize) ? image->ysize : ystop;
- /* Enable locking for efficiency */
- /* Draw gray boxes */
- for (y = ystart; y < ystop; y++) {
- pi = &(image->image[y][xstart]);
- pw_lock(pw, &(repaint_area->rl_bound));
- for (x = xstart; x < xstop; x++) {
- /* Fill in a square box */
- pw_rop(pw, x * boxsize, y * boxsize,
- boxsize, boxsize,
- PIX_SRC, pattern, 0, boxsize * ((*pi + 26) / 27));
- pi++;
- }
- pw_unlock(pw);
- }
- }
- static void
- getcoords(canvas, event, arg)
- Canvas canvas;
- Event *event;
- caddr_t arg;
- {
- if ((event_id(event) == MS_LEFT) && event_is_down(event)) {
- printf("%s: locator x,y : %d %d greylevel = %d\n", (newtitle)?newtitle:image->title,
- event_x(event) / boxsize, event_y(event) / boxsize,
- image->image[event_y(event) / boxsize][event_x(event) / boxsize]);
- }
- }
- End of dsp.c
- echo dynamem.3 1>&2
- cat >dynamem.3 <<'End of dynamem.3'
- .\" .TH name section cent-foot left-foot cent-head
- .TH DYNAMEM 3 "28 August 1987"
- .\" name \- function
- dynamem, freeup \- multidimensional dynamic array handling
- .\" Bold keywords, Italic variables, [] options, | alternatives.
- .br
- .B char *dynamem(pointer,element_size,
- .br
- .B number_dimensions,dimensions ...)
- .br
- .B char **pointer;
- .br
- .B freeup(pointer)
- .br
- .B char *pointer;
- .\" Italic files, commands, IR manual-entry (manual-section)
- .I dynamem
- is the multidimensional analogue to malloc().
- It is passed a number of arguments: a pointer which on
- exiting the procedure will point to the begining of the
- array, the element size, the number of dimensions
- required, followed by a list of the dimension sizes.
- To declare a 4 dimensional array normally one would code:
- .DS L
- int array[10][11][12][13];
- .DE
- however, this array is then fixed at compile time. This
- same array can be declared dynamically at run time
- using the following code:
- .DS L
- int ****array;
- array = (int ****) dynamem(&array, sizeof(int), 4, 10, 11, 12, 13);
- .DE
- (Note that the number of levels of indirection in the cast
- is equal to the number of dimensions in the array.)
- This enables array sizes to be fixed via, for example,
- command line arguments.
- .PP
- .I freeup
- is the
- .I dynamem
- analogue to free(). When passed an array previously
- dynamically declared by
- .I dynamem
- the function returns this memory to the system.
- .PP
- .I dynamem
- attempts to set up the array required in the same way that
- it would be set up by the compiler at compile time. Thus
- a multidimensional dynamically array declared using
- .I dynamem
- can be used in exactly the same way as a fixed array declared
- by the compiler. There is obviously some overhead in the actual
- setting up of the array; however, this is minimal:
- when dynamically allocating 2 arrays of 346000
- unsigned characters and one of the same number of shorts all in
- two dimensions, the run time of a convolution of a 7x7 Lapacian-
- Marr filter over an image of size 720 by 480 varied as follows:
- .sp 1
- time convolve -fbfilt -X720 -Y480 -e < bubble2 > test.1
- .br
- 222.0 real 213.4 user 1.6 sys
- .sp 1
- time convolve -fbfilt -e < bubble2 > test.2
- .br
- 225.2 real 212.5 user 2.7 sys
- .sp 1
- which is probably adequate. From this we can see that
- it takes 1.1 secs for the fixed array to be set up
- and zeroed and only 0.9 secs for the array to be
- dynamically declared using
- .IR dynamem ;
- however, using dynamem the array is not initialized to
- 0 and this is the reason for the 0.2 speed increase.
- .\" List of all files used by the program
- /users/alv/everson/usr/lib/dynamem.a
- .\" List of references, textual, and MAN pages.
- malloc(3), convolve(1)
- .\" List of error messages and return codes the user may expect
- .br
- .I dynamem
- returns NULL if it is unable to allocate sufficient
- memory for the array.
- End of dynamem.3
- echo dynamem.c 1>&2
- cat >dynamem.c <<'End of dynamem.c'
- /*
- * dynamem allocates a d dimensional array, whose dimensions are stored in a
- * list starting at d1. Each array element is of size s. p is a pointer with
- * d levels of indirection to the memory area
- */
- char *
- dynamem(p, s, d, d1)
- char **p;
- int s, d, d1;
- {
- int max, /* size of array to be declared */
- *q; /* pointer to dimension list */
- char **r, /* pointer to begining of the array of the
- * pointers for a dimension */
- **s1, *t, *tree; /* base pointer to begining of first array */
- int i, /* loop counters */
- j;
- r = &tree;
- q = &d1; /* first dimension */
- max = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < d - 1; i++, q++) { /* for each of the dimensions
- * but the last */
- max *= (*q);
- if ((r[0] = (char *) malloc((unsigned) max * sizeof (char **))) == 0) {
- freeup(tree);
- return 0;
- }
- r = (char **) r[0]; /* step through to begining of next
- * dimension array */
- }
- max *= s * (*q); /* grab actual array memory */
- if ((r[0] = (char *) malloc((unsigned) max)) == 0) {
- freeup(tree);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * r is now set to point to the begining of each array so that we can
- * use it to scan down each array rather than having to go across and
- * then down
- */
- r = (char **) tree; /* back to the begining of list of arrays */
- q = &d1; /* back to the first dimension */
- max = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < d - 2; i++, q++) { /* we deal with the last
- * array of pointers later on */
- max *= (*q); /* number of elements in this dimension */
- for (j = 1, s1 = r + 1, t = r[0]; j < max; j++) /* scans down array for
- * first and subsequent
- * elements */
- /*
- * modify each of the pointers so that it points to
- * the correct position (sub-array) of the next
- * dimension array. s1 is the current position in the
- * current array. t is the current position in the
- * next array. t is incremented before s is, but it
- * starts off one behind. *(q+1) is the dimension of
- * the next array.
- */
- *s1++ = (t += sizeof (char **) * *(q + 1));
- r = (char **) r[0]; /* step through to begining of next
- * dimension array */
- }
- max *= (*q); /* max is total number of elements in the
- * last pointer array */
- for (j = 1, s1 = r + 1, t = r[0]; j < max; j++) /* same as previous
- * loop, but different
- * size factor */
- *s1++ = (t += s * *(q + 1));
- return tree; /* return base pointer */
- }
- /*
- * freeup releases all memory that we have already declared analogous to
- * free() when using malloc()
- */
- freeup(r)
- char *r;
- {
- char **p;
- for (p = &r; p; p = (char **) *p)
- free(*p);
- }
- End of dynamem.c
- echo ffill.c 1>&2
- cat >ffill.c <<'End of ffill.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- IMAGE *image;
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- FILE *fp;
- int xpos = -1, ypos = -1;
- int boundary = 0;
- char *imagefile=NULL;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- for (argv++;*argv;*argv++)
- if (**argv=='-')
- switch ((*argv)[1]) {
- case 'b':
- boundary=atoi(argv[0]+2);
- break;
- }
- else if (xpos<0)
- xpos=atoi(*argv+2);
- else if (ypos<0)
- ypos=atoi(*argv+2);
- else
- imagefile = *argv;
- if (imagefile==NULL)
- fp=stdin;
- else if (!(fp=fopen(imagefile,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image=readimage(fp);
- if (!newtitle)
- sprintf(image->title,"%s | ffill %d %d %d\n",image->title,xpos,ypos,boundary);
- else
- strcpy(image->title,newtitle);
- ffill(xpos,ypos,boundary);
- writeimage(stdout,image);
- }
- ffill(x,y,n)
- {
- int i,j,k;
- if (x<0 || x>=image->xsize || y<0 || y>=image->ysize|| ftest(x,y)==n)
- return;
- fset (x,y,n);
- for (i=x-1;i>=0;i--) {
- if (ftest(i,y)!=n)
- fset(i,y,n);
- else
- break;
- }
- for (j=x+1;j<image->xsize;j++)
- if (ftest(j,y)!=n)
- fset(j,y,n);
- else
- break;
- for (k=i+1;k<j;k++)
- {
- if (y>0 && ftest(k,y-1)!=n)
- ffill(k,y-1,n);
- if (y<image->ysize-1 && ftest(k,y+1)!=n)
- ffill(k,y+1,n);
- }
- }
- ftest(x,y)
- {
- return image->image[y][x];
- }
- fset(x,y,n)
- {
- image->image[y][x]=n;
- }
- End of ffill.c
- echo hist.c 1>&2
- cat >hist.c <<'End of hist.c'
- #include <suntool/sunview.h>
- #include <suntool/canvas.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "image.h"
- static short histicon[] =
- {
- #include "hist.icon"
- };
- DEFINE_ICON_FROM_IMAGE(icon,histicon);
- #define GREYLEVELS 256
- #define HSIZE 128
- #define HEADER 10
- #define BOTTOM 20
- #define BOXSIZE 3
- #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
- #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
- IMAGE *image;
- int vflag=1,
- lflag=0;
- Frame frame;
- Canvas canvas;
- Menu menu;
- Pixwin *pw;
- int hist[GREYLEVELS],
- n=0;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- double mean(),
- lhist[GREYLEVELS],
- ldummy,
- lmaxh= -10000.0;
- register short i,j;
- int c,
- mo,
- len,
- dummy,
- maxh=0,
- maxc=0,
- Pixrect *pattern;
- char *imagefile=NULL;
- char message[BUFSIZ];
- FILE *fp;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- windopts(&argc,argv);
- for (argv++;*argv;*argv++)
- if (**argv=='-')
- switch ((*argv)[1]) {
- case 'l':
- lflag=1;
- break;
- case 'v':
- vflag=0;
- break;
- }
- else imagefile = *argv;
- if (imagefile==NULL)
- fp=stdin;
- else if (!(fp=fopen(imagefile,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image=readimage(fp);
- for (i=0;i<GREYLEVELS;i++)
- hist[i]=0;
- for(j=0;j<image->ysize;j++)
- for (i=0;i<image->xsize;i++) {
- c = MAX(image->image[j][i],0);
- if (c>maxc)
- maxc = c;
- else if (c<minc)
- minc = c;
- hist[c]++;
- if (maxh<hist[c])
- maxh=hist[c];
- n++;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"mean pixel = %3g\n",mean());
- fprintf(stderr,"median pixel = %d\n",median());
- fprintf(stderr,"mode pixel = %d\n",mo=mode());
- fprintf(stderr,"max pixel = %d\nmin pixel = %d\n",maxc,minc);
- strcpy(message,(lflag==1)?"logarithmic histogram" : "histogram");
- strcat(message,": ");
- strcat(message,image->title);
- /* create frame and canvas */
- frame = window_create(NULL, FRAME,
- FRAME_LABEL, message,
- WIN_X, winxoff,
- WIN_Y, winyoff,
- WIN_HEIGHT, (winxsize)?winxsize:HSIZE+28+HEADER+BOTTOM,
- WIN_WIDTH, (winysize)?winysize:(GREYLEVELS*BOXSIZE)+10,
- FRAME_ICON,&icon,
- 0);
- canvas = window_create(frame, CANVAS,
- 0);
- /* get the cancas pixwin to draw into */
- pw = canvas_pixwin(canvas);
- /* Enable batching for efficiency */
- pw_batch_on(pw);
- if (!lflag) {
- for (i = 0; i < GREYLEVELS; i++) {
- dummy = hist[i]*HSIZE/maxh;
- if (!dummy && hist[i])
- dummy = 1;
- if (vflag) {
- }
- pw_rop(pw,i*BOXSIZE,HSIZE+HEADER-dummy,BOXSIZE,1,PIX_SET,(Pixrect *)0,0,0);
- }
- }
- else {
- for (i=0;i<GREYLEVELS;i++) {
- lhist[i] = log((double)hist[i]+1.0); /* add 1 to avoid log(0) */
- if (lmaxh<lhist[i])
- lmaxh=lhist[i];
- }
- for (i=0;i<GREYLEVELS;i++) {
- ldummy = lhist[i]*HSIZE /lmaxh;
- if (dummy!=0.0 && lhist[i]==0.0)
- ldummy = 1.0;
- if (vflag) {
- pw_vector(pw,i*BOXSIZE,HSIZE+HEADER-(int)ldummy,i*BOXSIZE,HSIZE+HEADER,PIX_SET,1);
- }
- pw_rop(pw,i*BOXSIZE,HSIZE+HEADER-(int)ldummy,BOXSIZE,1,
- PIX_SET,(Pixrect *)0,0,0);
- }
- }
- /* print bottom axis */
- pw_vector(pw,0,HSIZE+HEADER,image->xsize*BOXSIZE,HSIZE+HEADER,PIX_SET,1);
- for(i=0;i<GREYLEVELS;i++) {
- len = (i%100==0) ? 10 :
- (i%50==0) ? 8 :
- (i%10==0) ? 6 :
- (i%2==0) ? 5 : 0;
- if (len)
- }
- pw_batch_off(pw);
- window_main_loop(frame);
- exit(0);
- }
- double mean()
- {
- int i;
- double m=0;
- for (i=0;i<GREYLEVELS;i++) {
- m += hist[i]*i;
- }
- return m/n;
- }
- median()
- {
- int i=0,
- count=0;
- while (count<n/2)
- count += hist[i++];
- return i-1;
- }
- mode()
- {
- int i=0;
- int mo=0,
- m=0;
- for(i=0;i<GREYLEVELS;i++)
- if (hist[i]>m) {
- m=hist[i];
- mo=i;
- }
- return mo;
- }
- End of hist.c
- echo hist.icon 1>&2
- cat >hist.icon <<'End of hist.icon'
- /* Format_version=1, Width=64, Height=64, Depth=1, Valid_bits_per_item=16
- */
- 0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x2000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x2000,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x2000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x2000,0x0001,
- 0x8002,0x0800,0x2008,0x0001,0x8002,0x0800,0x2008,0x0001,
- 0x8002,0x0800,0x2008,0x0001,0x8002,0x0800,0x2008,0x0001,
- 0x800A,0x0A00,0x2008,0x8081,0x800A,0x0A00,0x2008,0x8081,
- 0x800A,0x0A00,0x2008,0x8081,0x800A,0x0A00,0x2008,0x8081,
- 0x800A,0x0A00,0x2808,0x8081,0x800A,0x0A00,0x2808,0x8081,
- 0x800A,0x0A00,0x2808,0x8081,0x800A,0x0A00,0x2808,0x8081,
- 0x800A,0x8A00,0x2888,0x8281,0x800A,0x8A00,0x2888,0x8281,
- 0x800A,0x8A00,0x2888,0x8281,0x800A,0x8A00,0x2888,0x8281,
- 0x800A,0x8A00,0xA8A8,0x8281,0x800A,0x8A00,0xA8A8,0x8281,
- 0x800A,0x8A00,0xA8A8,0x8281,0x800A,0x8A02,0xA8A8,0x8A81,
- 0x802A,0x8A8A,0xAAAA,0x8A81,0x802A,0x8A8A,0xAAAA,0x8A81,
- 0x802A,0x8A8A,0xAAAA,0x8A81,0x802A,0x8A8A,0xAAAA,0x8A81,
- 0x80AA,0xAAAA,0xAAAA,0xAA81,0x80AA,0xAAAA,0xAAAA,0xAA81,
- 0x80AA,0xAAAA,0xAAAA,0xAA81,0x80FF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFF81,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0xA010,0x0040,0x0000,0x0001,0xA000,0x0040,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0xAC70,0x71F1,0xC34B,0x0E35,0xB210,0x8842,0x24CC,0x912B,
- 0xA210,0x8042,0x2448,0x012B,0xA210,0x7042,0x2448,0x0F2B,
- 0xA210,0x0842,0x2448,0x112B,0xA210,0x8842,0x24C8,0x112B,
- 0xA210,0x7031,0xC348,0x0F2B,0x8000,0x0000,0x0040,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0440,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x0380,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,
- 0x8000,0x0000,0x0000,0x0001,0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF
- End of hist.icon
- echo image.h 1>&2
- cat >image.h <<'End of image.h'
- typedef struct img {
- unsigned char **image;
- short xsize, ysize;
- char title[252];
- } IMAGE;
- IMAGE *readimage(), *newimage();
- extern int winxsize,winysize,
- winxoff, winyoff;
- extern int helpflag;
- extern char *newtitle;
- End of image.h
- echo imagelw.c 1>&2
- cat >imagelw.c <<'End of imagelw.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "image.h"
- #define MIDX 285 /* center of output page */
- #define MIDY 396
- IMAGE *image;
- main (argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int c,x=0,y=0,r=0;
- register int i,j;
- double sx=1.0,sy=1.0,atof();
- char *hex();
- char title[512],buf[512];
- FILE *fp,*p1;
- int sflag=0,mflag=0,oflag=0,cflag=0;
- char *imagefile=NULL;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- windopts(&argc,argv);
- for (argv++;*argv;*argv++)
- if (**argv=='-')
- switch ((*argv)[1]) {
- case 't':
- sflag=1;
- break;
- case 'm':
- mflag=1;
- break;
- case 'c':
- cflag=1;
- break;
- case '\0':
- oflag=1;
- break;
- }
- else
- imagefile = *argv;
- if (imagefile==NULL)
- fp=stdin;
- else if (!(fp=fopen(imagefile,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image=readimage(fp);
- if (oflag || sflag)
- p1=stdout;
- else if((p1=popen(strcat("lpr -Plw -v",((mflag)?" -m":"")),"w"))==NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open pipe to lpr\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- fprintf(p1,"/picstr %d string def\n",image->xsize);
- if (image->title[0]) {
- fprintf(p1,"/Helvetica-Bold findfont\n");
- fprintf(p1,"12 scalefont setfont\n");
- fprintf(p1,"285 (%s) stringwidth pop 2 div sub 720 moveto\n",image->title);
- fprintf(p1,"(%s) show\n",image->title);
- }
- if (cflag) {
- sx=7.91*300/image->xsize;
- sy=8.5*300/image->ysize; /* avoid title area */
- sx=sy=(sx>sy) ? sy:sx;
- x= -sx*image->xsize*72/300/2;
- y= -sy*image->ysize*72/300/2;
- }
- if (sflag)
- fprintf(p1," 0 0 translate\n");
- else fprintf(p1,"%d %d translate\n",MIDX+x,MIDY-36+y);
- fprintf(p1,"%d %d scale\n",(int)(image->xsize/300.0*72.0*sx),(int)(image->ysize/300.0*72.0*sy));
- fprintf(p1,"%d %d 8\n",image->xsize,image->ysize);
- fprintf(p1,"[ %d 0 0 -%d 0 %d ]\n",image->xsize,image->ysize,image->ysize);
- fprintf(p1,"{currentfile\npicstr readhexstring pop}\nimage\n");
- for(j=0;j<image->ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<image->xsize;i++)
- fputs(hex(image->image[j][i]),p1);
- if (!sflag)
- fprintf(p1,"showpage\n");
- if (!(oflag || sflag))
- pclose(p1);
- }
- char *hex(d)
- {
- static char a[10];
- sprintf(a,"%02x",d);
- return(a);
- }
- End of imagelw.c
- echo invert.c 1>&2
- cat >invert.c <<'End of invert.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- int c;
- register int i,j;
- char *imagefile=NULL;
- IMAGE *image;
- FILE *fp;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- if (argc-1>=1)
- imagefile= *++argv;
- if (imagefile==NULL)
- fp=stdin;
- else if (!(fp=fopen(imagefile,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image=readimage(fp);
- if (!newtitle)
- strcat(image->title," | invert");
- else
- strcpy(image->title,newtitle);
- for(j=0;j<image->ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<image->xsize;i++)
- image->image[j][i]=abs(255 - image->image[j][i]);
- writeimage(stdout,image);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- End of invert.c
- echo lap1 1>&2
- cat >lap1 <<'End of lap1'
- 3 3
- 0 -1 0
- -1 4 -1
- 0 -1 0
- End of lap1
- echo normalise.c 1>&2
- cat >normalise.c <<'End of normalise.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- #define GREYLEVELS 256
- IMAGE *image;
- main(argc, argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- int c, low= -1, high= -1;
- char buff[BUFSIZ];
- register int i,j;
- char *imagefile = NULL;
- FILE *fp;
- stdopts(&argc, argv);
- imagefile = (*argv++)?*argv:NULL;
- if (imagefile == NULL)
- fp = stdin;
- else if (!(fp = fopen(imagefile, "r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image = readimage(fp);
- if (!newtitle)
- strcat(image->title," | normalise");
- else
- strcpy(image->title,newtitle);
- norm(image);
- writeimage(stdout,image);
- }
- norm(image)
- IMAGE *image;
- {
- register int i,j;
- int x;
- int totpix=image->xsize * image->ysize;
- int hist[GREYLEVELS][2];
- int sum;
- for (i = 0; i < GREYLEVELS; i++)
- hist[i][0] = hist[i][1] = 0;
- for (j=0;j<image->ysize;j++)
- for (i=0;i<image->xsize;i++)
- hist[image->image[j][i]][0]++;
- sum = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < GREYLEVELS; i++) {
- sum += hist[i][0];
- x = sum * GREYLEVELS/ totpix;
- x = (x > 255) ? 255 : x;
- hist[i][1] = x;
- }
- for(j=0;j<image->ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<image->xsize;i++)
- image->image[j][i]=hist[image->image[j][i]][1];
- }
- End of normalise.c
- echo pattern3.h 1>&2
- cat >pattern3.h <<'End of pattern3.h'
- /* file pattern.h */
- int pat[] =
- { 0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,
- 0,1,0,
- 0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,
- 1,0,1,
- 0,0,0,
- 0,0,1,
- 0,1,0,
- 1,0,0,
- 0,1,0,
- 1,0,1,
- 0,1,0,
- 1,0,1,
- 0,1,0,
- 1,0,1,
- 1,1,1,
- 0,1,0,
- 1,0,1,
- 1,1,1,
- 1,1,0,
- 1,0,1,
- 1,1,1,
- 1,0,1,
- 1,1,1,
- 1,1,1,
- 1,1,1,
- 1,1,1};
- End of pattern3.h
- echo pixval.c 1>&2
- cat >pixval.c <<'End of pixval.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "image.h"
- IMAGE *image,
- *image1;
- main (argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- register int i,j;
- char *imagefile=NULL;
- FILE *fp;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- windopts(&argc,argv);
- if (argc>1)
- imagefile = argv[1];
- if (imagefile==NULL)
- fp=stdin;
- else if (!(fp=fopen(imagefile,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image=readimage(fp);
- image1=newimage(winxsize,winysize,"");
- subarea(image,image1,winxoff,winyoff);
- for (j=0;j<image1->ysize;j++) {
- for(i=0;i<image1->xsize;i++)
- printf("%4d",image1->image[j][i]);
- putchar('\n');
- }
- }
- End of pixval.c
- echo range.c 1>&2
- cat >range.c <<'End of range.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- IMAGE *image;
- main(argc, argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- int c, low= 0, high= 255;
- char buff[BUFSIZ];
- register int i,j;
- char *imagefile = NULL;
- FILE *fp;
- stdopts(&argc, argv);
- for (argv++; *argv; *argv++)
- if (**argv == '-')
- switch ((*argv)[1]) {
- case 'l':
- low = atoi(argv[0] + 2);
- break;
- case 'h':
- high = atoi(argv[0] + 2);
- break;
- }
- else
- imagefile = *argv;
- if (imagefile == NULL)
- fp = stdin;
- else if (!(fp = fopen(imagefile, "r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s\n", imagefile);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image = readimage(fp);
- if (!newtitle)
- {
- strcat(image->title," | range");
- sprintf(buff," -l%d",low);
- strcat(image->title,buff);
- sprintf(buff," -h%d",high);
- strcat(image->title,buff);
- }
- else
- strcpy(image->title,newtitle);
- for(j=0;j<image->ysize;j++)
- for(i=0;i<image->xsize;i++) {
- c = (image->image[j][i] - low) * 255 / (high - low);
- c = (c < 0) ? 0 : c;
- image->image[j][i]= (c > 255) ? 255 : c;
- }
- writeimage(stdout,image);
- }
- End of range.c
- echo retitle.c 1>&2
- cat >retitle.c <<'End of retitle.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- IMAGE *image1,*image2;
- FILE *fp;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- if (helpflag)
- {
- help(*argv);
- exit(0);
- }
- if (argc>1)
- {
- if (!(fp=fopen(argv[1],"r")))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot open %s\n",argv[0],argv[1]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- image1=readimage(fp);
- }
- else
- image1=readimage(stdin);
- if (newtitle)
- {
- image2=newimage(image1->xsize,image1->ysize,newtitle);
- image2->image=image1->image;
- writeimage(stdout,image2);
- }
- else
- writeimage(stdout,image1);
- }
- help(name)
- char *name;
- {
- printf("Retitling Filter\n");
- printf("----------------\n");
- printf("\nUsage: %s [file]\n",name);
- printf("\nOptions:\n");
- printf(" -h help\n");
- printf(" -ttitle new title\n");
- }
- End of retitle.c
- echo sobel1 1>&2
- cat >sobel1 <<'End of sobel1'
- 5 5
- 1 2 0 -2 -1
- 2 4 0 -4 -2
- 2 6 0 -6 -2
- 2 4 0 -4 -2
- 1 2 0 -2 -1
- End of sobel1
- echo striphead.c 1>&2
- cat >striphead.c <<'End of striphead.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- IMAGE *image;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int i,j;
- int xsize,ysize;
- unsigned char **pic;
- char *file, *title;
- FILE *fp;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- file = (*argv++)?*argv:NULL;
- if (file==NULL) {
- if (!(fp=fopen(file,"r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s\n",file);
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- else fp=stdin;
- image=readimage(fp);
- for (j=0;j<image->ysize;j++)
- for (i=0;i<image->xsize;i++)
- putchar(image->image[j][i]);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- End of striphead.c
- echo subarea.c 1>&2
- cat >subarea.c <<'End of subarea.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- FILE *fp;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- windopts(&argc,argv);
- if (helpflag)
- {
- help(*argv);
- exit(0);
- }
- if (argc<1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [filename]\n",argv[0]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (winxoff<0 || winyoff<0 || winxsize<0 || winysize<0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Negative Values not permitted !!\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (argc==1)
- subar(stdin);
- else
- if (!(fp=fopen(argv[1],"r")))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot open %s\n",argv[0],argv[1]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- else
- {
- subar(fp);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- subar(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- IMAGE *image1,*image2;
- image1=readimage(fp);
- if (newtitle)
- image2=newimage(winxsize,winysize,newtitle);
- else
- {
- image2=newimage(winxsize,winysize,image1->title);
- strcat(image2->title," | subarea");
- }
- subarea(image1,image2,winxoff,winyoff);
- writeimage(stdout,image2);
- }
- help(name)
- char *name;
- {
- printf("Subsample Filter\n");
- printf("----------------\n");
- printf("\nUsage: %s -xn -yn -Xn -Yn [file]\n",name);
- printf("\nOptions:\n");
- printf(" -h help\n");
- printf(" -ttitle new title\n");
- }
- End of subarea.c
- echo subsample.c 1>&2
- cat >subsample.c <<'End of subsample.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- int newx,newy;
- FILE *fp;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- if (helpflag)
- {
- help(*argv);
- exit(0);
- }
- if (argc<3)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s newx newy [filename]\n",argv[0]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- newx=atoi(argv[1]);
- newy=atoi(argv[2]);
- if (newx<=0 || newy<=0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Negative Values not permitted !!\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (argc==3)
- subsamp(stdin,newx,newy);
- else
- if (!(fp=fopen(argv[3],"r")))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot open %s\n",argv[0],argv[3]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- else
- {
- subsamp(fp,newx,newy);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- subsamp(fp,x,y)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- IMAGE *image1,*image2;
- image1=readimage(fp);
- if (newtitle)
- image2=newimage(x,y,newtitle);
- else
- {
- image2=newimage(x,y,image1->title);
- strcat(image2->title," | subsample");
- }
- subsample(image1,image2);
- writeimage(stdout,image2);
- }
- help(name)
- char *name;
- {
- printf("Subsample Filter\n");
- printf("----------------\n");
- printf("\nUsage: %s xsize ysize [file]\n",name);
- printf("\nOptions:\n");
- printf(" -h help\n");
- printf(" -ttitle new title\n");
- }
- End of subsample.c
- echo thresh.c 1>&2
- cat >thresh.c <<'End of thresh.c'
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "image.h"
- #define MAX 255
- #define MIN 0
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- register int i,j;
- char buff[BUFSIZ];
- int thresh;
- FILE *fp;
- IMAGE *image, *image2;
- stdopts(&argc,argv);
- if (argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='-' && argv[1][1]=='t')
- thresh = atoi(argv[1]+2);
- else
- thresh = -1;
- for (*argv++;*argv;argv++)
- if (**argv!='-')
- break;
- if (*argv)
- {
- if (!(fp=fopen(*argv,"r")))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Cannot Open %s\n",*argv);
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- else
- fp=stdin;
- image=readimage(fp);
- fclose(fp);
- image2=newimage(image->xsize,image->ysize,(newtitle)?newtitle:image->title);
- if (!newtitle)
- {
- strcat(image2->title," | thresh");
- if (thresh >= 0) {
- sprintf(buff," -t%d",thresh);
- strcat(image2->title,buff);
- }
- }
- else strcpy(image2->title,newtitle);
- if (thresh == -1)
- thresh=autothresh(image);
- for (j=0;j<image->ysize;j++)
- for (i=0;i<image->xsize;i++)
- image2->image[j][i]=image->image[j][i]<thresh?MIN:MAX;
- writeimage(stdout,image2);
- }
- autothresh(image)
- IMAGE *image;
- {
- register int x, y;
- int mean, sumx = 0, sumxsqrd = 0;
- double sd, nsd = 1.5;
- for (y = 0; y < image->ysize; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < image->xsize; x++) {
- sumx += image->image[y][x];
- sumxsqrd += image->image[y][x] * image->image[y][x];
- }
- mean = sumx / (image->xsize * image->ysize);
- sd = sqrt((double) sumxsqrd / (image->xsize * image->ysize) - (mean * mean));
- x=nsd*sd;
- fprintf(stderr,"Threshold = %d\n",(int)(mean + x /* (nsd * sd)*/));
- return (int)(mean + x /*(nsd * sd)*/);
- }
- End of thresh.c
- echo xdiff1 1>&2
- cat >xdiff1 <<'End of xdiff1'
- 7 7
- 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1
- 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1
- 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1
- 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1
- 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1
- 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1
- 1 1 1 0 -1 -1 -1
- End of xdiff1