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- # usmpg (Miles Per Gallon -- US Version) -- A Fuel Economy Calculator
- #
- # This shell program uses the floating point arithmetic commands
- # "fp*" to calculate fuel economy in terms of liters per 100 km,
- # miles per US gallon, and miles per UK (Imperial) gallon.
- #
- # As distributed, the program assumes that the user will enter
- # the distance travelled in MILES, and the amount of fuel used
- # in US GALLONS, but that is not difficult to change to any other
- # combination of volume and distance measuring units.
- #
- # Author: Wolf N. Paul (ihnp4!killer!dcs!wnp), 1/13/88
- # Released into the Public Domain, Jan 18, 1988
- #
- # set -v # enable debugging
- #
- #
- FILE=$HOME/.mpgdata
- MILE=1.6
- #
- # Variables - all initialized to 0.0
- C_MILES=0.0 # current miles
- C_KMS=0.0 # current kilometers
- C_USGAL=0.0 # current gallons US
- C_UKGAL=0.0 # current gallons UK
- C_LITERS=0.0 # current liters
- T_MILES=0.0 # total miles
- T_KSM=0.0 # total kilometers
- T_USGAL=0.0 # total gallons US
- T_UKGAL=0.0 # total gallons UK
- T_LITERS=0.0 # total liters
- C_USMPG=0.0 # current miles/gallon US
- C_UKMPG=0.0 # current miles/gallon UK
- C_LP100=0.0 # current liters/100 km
- A_USMPG=0.0 # average miles/gallon US
- A_UKMPG=0.0 # average miles/gallon UK
- A_LP100=0.0 # average liters/100 km
- TMP=0.0 # kms/100
- echo "MPG - Fuel Economy Calculator\n"
- echo "US Version - Enter Miles and US Gallons\n"
- echo "Reading old values ... \c"
- T_MILES=`cut -d: -f1 $FILE`
- T_KMS=`cut -d: -f2 $FILE`
- T_USGAL=`cut -d: -f3 $FILE`
- T_UKGAL=`cut -d: -f4 $FILE`
- T_LITERS=`cut -d: -f5 $FILE`
- echo "done!\n"
- echo "Enter miles driven: \c"
- read C_MILES
- echo "Enter gallons used: \c"
- read C_USGAL
- echo "\nOne moment - calculating consumption figures ... \c"
- C_KMS=`fpmultiply $C_MILES $MILE`
- C_LITERS=`fpmultiply $C_USGAL $US_GALLON`
- T_KMS=`fpadd $T_KMS $C_KMS`
- C_USMPG=`fpdivide $C_MILES $C_USGAL`
- A_USMPG=`fpdivide $T_MILES $T_USGAL`
- C_UKMPG=`fpdivide $C_MILES $C_UKGAL`
- A_UKMPG=`fpdivide $T_MILES $T_UKGAL`
- TMP=`fpdivide $C_KMS 100.00`
- C_LP100=`fpdivide $C_LITERS $TMP`
- TMP=`fpdivide $T_KMS 100.00`
- A_LP100=`fpdivide $T_LITERS $TMP`
- echo "done!"
- echo "\nFuel Economy:\n"
- echo "\t$C_USMPG miles per US gallon\t(Average ${A_USMPG})"
- echo "\t$C_UKMPG miles per UK gallon\t(Average ${A_UKMPG})"
- echo "\t$C_LP100 liters per 100 km\t\t(Average ${A_LP100})"
- echo "\nDo you want a printout of these results? \c"
- read REPLY
- if [ "$REPLY" != "y" -a "$REPLY" != "Y" ] ; then
- exit
- fi
- echo "
- MPG (US) -- Fuel Economy Calculator
- Fuel Economy Statement as of `date '+%h %d, 19%y'`
- Miles this Filling: $C_MILES\t($C_KMS km)
- Gallons this Filling: $C_USGAL\t($C_UKGAL UK, $C_LITERS liters)
- Total Miles so far: $T_MILES\t($T_KMS km)
- Total Gallons so far: $T_USGAL\t($T_UKGAL UK, $T_LITERS liters)
- Current Miles per Gallon: $C_USMPG\t($C_UKMPG UK, $C_LP100 l/100 km)
- Average Miles per Gallon: $A_USMPG\t($A_UKMPG UK, $A_LP100 l/100 km)\
- " | lp -s &