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- /* popen/pclose:
- *
- * simple MS-DOS piping scheme to imitate UNIX pipes
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <alloc.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include <process.h>
- #include "popen.h"
- extern char *getenv( char * );
- #ifndef _NFILE
- # define _NFILE OPEN_MAX /* Number of open files */
- #endif _NFILE
- #define READIT 1 /* Read pipe */
- #define WRITEIT 2 /* Write pipe */
- static char *prgname[ _NFILE ]; /* program name if write pipe */
- static int pipetype[ _NFILE ]; /* 1=read 2=write */
- static char *pipename[ _NFILE ]; /* pipe file name */
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * stoupper: Convert string to uppercase (in place)
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static void
- stoupper( s )
- char *s;
- {
- int c;
- for( ; (c = *s) != '\0'; ++s ) {
- if( islower( c ) ) *s = _toupper( c );
- }
- }
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * strsave: Copy string into malloc'ed memory and return address
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static char *
- strsave( s )
- char *s;
- {
- char *sp = malloc( strlen( s ) + 1 );
- if( sp != (char *) NULL ) (void) strcpy( sp, s );
- return( sp );
- }
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * strfree: Returm strsave'd string memory
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static void
- strfree( s )
- char *s;
- {
- if( s != (char *) NULL ) free( s );
- }
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * run: Execute command via SHELL or COMSPEC
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static int
- run( command )
- char *command;
- {
- jmp_buf panic; /* How to recover from errors */
- int lineno; /* Line number where panic happened */
- char *shell; /* Command processor */
- char *s = (char *) NULL; /* Holds the command */
- int s_is_malloced = 0; /* True if need to free 's' */
- static char *command_com = "COMMAND.COM";
- int status; /* Return codes */
- char *shellpath; /* Full command processor path */
- char *bp; /* Generic string pointer */
- static char dash_c[ 3 ] = { '?', 'c', '\0' };
- if( (lineno = setjmp( panic )) != 0 ) {
- int E = errno;
- #ifdef DEMO
- fprintf( stderr, "RUN panic on line %d: %d\n", lineno, E );
- #endif DEMO
- if( s_is_malloced && (s != (char *) NULL) ) strfree( s );
- errno = E;
- return( -1 );
- }
- if( (s = strsave( command )) == (char *) NULL ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- /* Determine the command processor */
- if( ((shell = getenv( "SHELL" )) == (char *) NULL) &&
- ((shell = getenv( "COMSPEC" )) == (char *) NULL) ) shell = command_com;
- stoupper( shell );
- shellpath = shell;
- /* Strip off any leading backslash directories */
- shell = strrchr( shellpath, '\\' );
- if( shell != (char *) NULL ) ++shell;
- else shell = shellpath;
- /* Strip off any leading slash directories */
- bp = strrchr( shell, '/' );
- if( bp != (char *) NULL ) shell = ++bp;
- if( strcmp( shell, command_com ) != 0 ) {
- /* MKS Shell needs quoted argument */
- char *bp;
- if( (bp = s = malloc( strlen( command ) + 3 )) == (char *) NULL )
- longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- *bp++ = '\'';
- while( (*bp++ = *command++) != '\0' );
- *(bp - 1) = '\'';
- *bp = '\0';
- s_is_malloced = 1;
- } else s = command;
- dash_c[ 0 ] = getswitch();
- /* Run the program */
- #ifdef DEMO
- fprintf( stderr, "Running: (%s) %s %s %s\n", shellpath, shell, dash_c, s );
- #endif DEMO
- status = spawnl( P_WAIT, shellpath, shell, dash_c, s, (char *) NULL );
- if( s_is_malloced ) free( s );
- return( status );
- }
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * uniquepipe: returns a unique file name
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static char *
- uniquepipe()
- {
- static char name[ 14 ];
- static short int num = 0;
- (void) sprintf( name, "pipe%05d.tmp", num++ );
- return( name );
- }
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * resetpipe: Private routine to cancel a pipe
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static void
- resetpipe( fd )
- int fd;
- {
- char *bp;
- if( (fd >= 0) && (fd < _NFILE) ) {
- pipetype[ fd ] = 0;
- if( (bp = pipename[ fd ]) != (char *) NULL ) {
- (void) unlink( bp );
- strfree( bp );
- pipename[ fd ] = (char *) NULL;
- }
- if( (bp = prgname[ fd ]) != (char *) NULL ) {
- strfree( bp );
- prgname[ fd ] = (char *) NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * popen: open a pipe
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- FILE *popen( prg, type )
- char *prg; /* The command to be run */
- char *type; /* "w" or "r" */
- {
- FILE *p = (FILE *) NULL; /* Where we open the pipe */
- int ostdin; /* Where our stdin is now */
- int pipefd = -1; /* fileno( p ) -- for convenience */
- char tmpfile[ BUFSIZ ]; /* Holds name of pipe file */
- char *tmpdir; /* Points to directory prefix of pipe */
- jmp_buf panic; /* Where to go if there's an error */
- int lineno; /* Line number where panic happened */
- /* Find out where we should put temporary files */
- if( (tmpdir = getenv( "TMPDIR" )) == (char *) NULL )
- tmpdir = getenv( "TMP" );
- if( tmpdir != (char *) NULL ) {
- /* Use temporary directory if available */
- (void) strcpy( tmpfile, tmpdir );
- (void) strcat( tmpfile, "/" );
- } else *tmpfile = '\0';
- /* Get a unique pipe file name */
- (void) strcat( tmpfile, uniquepipe() );
- if( (lineno = setjmp( panic )) != 0 ) {
- /* An error has occurred, so clean up */
- int E = errno;
- #ifdef DEMO
- fprintf( stderr, "POPEN panic on line %d: %d\n", lineno, E );
- #endif DEMO
- if( p != (FILE *) NULL ) (void) fclose( p );
- resetpipe( pipefd );
- errno = E;
- return( (FILE *) NULL );
- }
- if( strcmp( type, "w" ) == 0 ) {
- /* for write style pipe, pclose handles program execution */
- if( (p = fopen( tmpfile, "w" )) != (FILE *) NULL ) {
- pipefd = fileno( p );
- pipetype[ pipefd ] = WRITEIT;
- pipename[ pipefd ] = strsave( tmpfile );
- prgname[ pipefd ] = strsave( prg );
- if( !pipename[ pipefd ] || !prgname[ pipefd ] ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- }
- } else if( strcmp( type, "r" ) == 0 ) {
- /* read pipe must create tmp file, set up stdout to point to the temp
- * file, and run the program. note that if the pipe file cannot be
- * opened, it'll return a condition indicating pipe failure, which is
- * fine.
- */
- if( (p = fopen( tmpfile, "w" )) != (FILE *) NULL ) {
- int ostdout;
- pipefd = fileno( p );
- pipetype[ pipefd ]= READIT;
- if( (pipename[ pipefd ] = strsave( tmpfile )) == (char *) NULL )
- longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- /* Redirect stdin for the new command */
- ostdout = dup( fileno( stdout ) );
- if( dup2( fileno( stdout ), pipefd ) < 0 ) {
- int E = errno;
- (void) dup2( fileno( stdout ), ostdout );
- errno = E;
- longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- }
- if( run( prg ) != 0 ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- if( dup2( fileno( stdout ), ostdout ) < 0 ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- if( fclose( p ) < 0 ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- if( (p = fopen( tmpfile, "r" )) == (FILE *) NULL ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- }
- } else {
- /* screwy call or unsupported type */
- errno = EINVFNC;
- longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- }
- return( p );
- }
- /* close a pipe */
- int
- pclose( p )
- FILE *p;
- {
- int pipefd = -1; /* Fildes where pipe is opened */
- int ostdout; /* Where our stdout points now */
- int ostdin; /* Where our stdin points now */
- jmp_buf panic; /* Context to return to if error */
- int lineno; /* Line number where panic happened */
- if( (lineno = setjmp( panic )) != 0 ) {
- /* An error has occurred, so clean up and return */
- int E = errno;
- #ifdef DEMO
- fprintf( stderr, "POPEN panic on line %d: %d\n", lineno, E );
- #endif DEMO
- if( p != (FILE *) NULL ) (void) fclose( p );
- resetpipe( pipefd );
- errno = E;
- return( -1 );
- }
- pipefd = fileno( p );
- if( fclose( p ) < 0 ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- switch( pipetype[ pipefd ] ) {
- case WRITEIT:
- /* open the temp file again as read, redirect stdin from that
- * file, run the program, then clean up.
- */
- if( (p = fopen( pipename[ pipefd ],"r" )) == (FILE *) NULL )
- longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- ostdin = dup( fileno( stdin ));
- if( dup2( fileno( stdin ), fileno( p ) ) < 0 ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- if( run( prgname[ pipefd ] ) != 0 ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- if( dup2( fileno( stdin ), ostdin ) < 0 ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- if( fclose( p ) < 0 ) longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- resetpipe( pipefd );
- break;
- case READIT:
- /* close the temp file and remove it */
- resetpipe( pipefd );
- break;
- default:
- errno = EINVFNC;
- longjmp( panic, __LINE__ );
- }
- return( 0 );
- }
- #ifdef DEMO
- int
- main( argc, argv )
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- FILE *pipe;
- char buf[ BUFSIZ ];
- int n;
- *buf = '\0';
- for( n = 1; n < argc; ++n ) {
- (void) strcat( buf, argv[ n ] );
- (void) strcat( buf, " " );
- }
- if( (pipe = popen( buf, "r" )) != (FILE *) NULL ) {
- while( fgets( buf, sizeof( buf ), pipe ) != (char *) NULL )
- (void) fputs( buf, stdout );
- if( pclose( pipe ) != 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "error closing pipe!\n" );
- } else fprintf( stderr, "it didn't work!\n" );
- exit( 0 );
- }
- #endif DEMO