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- From: good@pixar.UUCP (Craig)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v02i007: New, really improved "ncode" random text construction kit
- Message-ID: <7081@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 15 Jan 88 00:45:01 GMT
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Comp.Sources.Misc: Volume 2, Issue 7
- Submitted-By: Craig <good@pixar.UUCP>
- Archive-Name: ncode
- Here it is: the new, improved ncode.c along with new, improved sample
- files which help you appreciate all the wonderful features of the program.
- Some highlights:
- * Arbitrary file sizes
- * #include
- * comments now allowed in files
- * "variables": special groups which are expanded exactly once
- * bigger .c file to impress your friends
- To unwrap your kit, save it in a file called "ncode.shar".
- To assemble your kit, delete everything in the file above (and including)
- this "cut here" line, and delete everything below (and including) the
- other "cut here" line near the bottom of the file. Then give the command
- sh ncode.shar
- and start by reading the README file. Cheers.
- ----------------------------- cut here --------------------------------
- echo x - README
- sed 's/^X//' >README <<'*-*-END-of-README-*-*'
- XYou should now have README, ncode.c, ncode.1, poetry.n and foxes.n.
- X
- XThe program will handle arbitrarily large files (you can even #include
- X/usr/dict/words) if you have the memory for it. New for this release are
- Xcomments and "variables". Gory details in the man page, ncode.1
- X
- XThis source is known to compile and run on 4.3 BSD and on Sun 3.4. I
- Xunderstand that it compiles fine on sysV if you replace the calls to random()
- Xand srandom() with calls to rand() and srand(). Non 4.3 users will probably
- Xalso have to replace the innards of a_random_number() with something that
- Xworks on your system. You basically want some number to seed the random
- Xnumber generator. A getpid() doesn't change very quickly but will work;
- Xcalls to the real-time clock work better. This version of a_random_number()
- Xwas written by pixar!brighton who insists that all the baroque bit twiddling
- Xhelps. I just know that it works.
- X
- XCompile it "cc ncode.c -O -o ncode" and then try
- X
- X ncode ncode.sample.1
- X
- XFor more fun, try
- X
- X ncode -n 5 ncode.sample.1
- X
- XAnd for a good education say
- X
- X ncode -g "I had a date with FOX\" ncode.sample.1
- X
- XThen you might want to read the man page, ncode.1, to learn about how it
- Xworks. You can make it pretty with "nroff -man ncode.1". If all of this
- Xleaves you hopelessly confused, send me some mail and I'll send you more
- Xconfusing sample files. Maybe. If I feel like it.
- X
- X
- X --Craig
- X ...{ucbvax,pyramid,sun}!pixar!good
- X
- *-*-END-of-README-*-*
- echo x - ncode.c
- sed 's/^X//' >ncode.c <<'*-*-END-of-ncode.c-*-*'
- X/*
- X * ncode.c -- a random text constructor
- X * pixar!good
- X * vaguely based on a program by pixar!mark
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <sys/file.h>
- X#include <sys/time.h>
- X#include <sys/types.h>
- X#include <sys/stat.h>
- X
- X#define DATALUMP 8192 /* increment size of data[] by this as needed */
- X#define BIGBUF 4096 /* nice, roomy buffer for group name checks */
- X/*
- X * These are for the status element of gstruct.
- X */
- X#define OBUF -1 /* the output buffer lives here */
- X#define NVAR 0 /* this is not a "variable" */
- X#define AVAR 1 /* this is a "variable" and needs to be "set" */
- X#define DVAR 2 /* this "variable" has been set */
- X
- Xchar **data; /* array of pointers to elements in bucket */
- Xint dindex; /* number of elements in data */
- Xint datasize; /* how many elements would fit in data[] right now */
- X
- X/*
- X * Size of our output buffer, and the initial size of "variable" buffers
- X */
- X
- Xchar *malloc();
- Xchar *realloc();
- Xchar *rindex();
- Xlong random();
- X
- Xstruct gstruct {
- X char *name; /* points to name of a group in data[] */
- X char *buf; /* points to a buffer for set "variable" data */
- X char *bptr; /* points to current position in buf */
- X char *lim; /* points to last element of buf[] */
- X int bufsiz; /* current size of buf element */
- X int count; /* how many elements of data belong to this group */
- X int index; /* index of element of data where group starts */
- X int status; /* are we a "variable" and, if so, what's our status? */
- X};
- Xstruct gstruct *groups; /* where the group structs live, or is that obvious? */
- Xint ngroups; /* number of elements in groups */
- Xstruct gstruct bbuf; /* output buffer lives in here */
- X
- Xmain (ac,av)
- Xint ac;
- Xchar *av[];
- X{
- X char *prog; /* name of this program */
- X char *fname = 0;
- X int loopcnt = 1; /* times through main loop */
- X char *groupname = "CODE";
- X
- X prog = rindex(*av,'/');
- X prog = ( prog == NULL ) ? *av : ++prog ;
- X ac--;av++;
- X while(ac && **av == '-'){
- X if (strcmp(*av,"-n") == 0){
- X ac--;av++;
- X loopcnt = atoi(*av);
- X if (loopcnt <= 0){
- X fprintf(stderr,
- X "%s: -n: need positive integer\n",prog);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X ac--;av++;
- X } else if (strcmp(*av,"-g") == 0){
- X ac--;av++;
- X groupname = *av; /* use instead of "CODE" */
- X if (! groupname ){
- X fprintf(stderr,
- X "%s: -g: need group name\n",prog);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X ac--;av++;
- X } else {
- X printf(
- X "Usage %s [-n n ] [-g groupname] codefile\n",prog);
- X exit(0);
- X }
- X }
- X if (!ac){
- X fprintf(stderr,
- X "Usage %s [-n n ] [-g groupname] codefile\n",prog);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X fname = *av;
- X
- X /*
- X * Set up the special-case struct where the output buffer lives.
- X */
- X if ((bbuf.buf = (char *) malloc(MYBUFSIZ * sizeof(char))) == NULL ){
- X perror("main: could not malloc for bbuf.buf");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X /*
- X * This stuff only has to happen once
- X */
- X bbuf.bufsiz = MYBUFSIZ;
- X bbuf.lim = bbuf.buf+MYBUFSIZ-1;
- X bbuf.status = OBUF;
- X bbuf.name = NULL;
- X bbuf.count = 0; /* this shouldn't mean a thing */
- X bbuf.index = 0;
- X
- X /*
- X * Make some room to start, and increment by DATALUMP as needed
- X */
- X datasize = DATALUMP;
- X if ((data = (char **) malloc(datasize * sizeof(char *))) == NULL ){
- X perror("main: could not malloc for data[]");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X dindex = 0;
- X if( init(fname) != 0 ){
- X fprintf(stderr,"%s: init error\n",prog);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X /*
- X * This should be more than enough room for worst-case, since even
- X * if the file were full of empty group declarations there would only
- X * be dindex/2 possible groups.
- X */
- X groups = (struct gstruct *) malloc(dindex * sizeof(struct gstruct));
- X if (groups == NULL){
- X perror("main: could not malloc for groups[]");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X if ( scan() != 0 ){
- X fprintf(stderr,"%s: scan error\n",prog);
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X srandom(a_random_number()); /* seed the number generator */
- X /*
- X * And away we go...
- X */
- X while ( loopcnt ){
- X bbuf.bptr = bbuf.buf;
- X expand(groupname,strlen(groupname),&bbuf);
- X *bbuf.bptr = '\0'; /* terminate before flushing */
- X flushbuf(bbuf.buf);
- X loopcnt--;
- X }
- X exit(0);
- X}
- X
- Xinit(fname)
- Xchar *fname;
- X{
- X char *bucket; /* big array where data lives */
- X char *bptr; /* points into bucket */
- X int fd;
- X struct stat sbuf;
- X char *s, *t;
- X
- X fd = open(fname,O_RDONLY,0);
- X if ( fd < 0 ) {
- X perror(fname);
- X return 1;
- X }
- X if ( fstat(fd,&sbuf) != 0 ){
- X perror(fname);
- X return 1;
- X }
- X if ((bucket = (char *) malloc( sbuf.st_size + 1)) == NULL ){
- X perror("init(): malloc() trouble");
- X return 1;
- X }
- X /*
- X * Read entire file into bucket[]
- X */
- X if ((read(fd,bucket,sbuf.st_size)) != sbuf.st_size){
- X perror("init: read error");
- X return 1;
- X }
- X close(fd);
- X /*
- X * Make first pass through memory, pointing data[] the right way
- X * and recursing as needed on #include files.
- X */
- X bptr = bucket;
- X while ( *bptr && (bptr <= bucket + sbuf.st_size) ){
- X s = bptr;
- X while ( *s != '\0' ){
- X if(*s == '\n' )
- X *s = '\0'; /* nuke newline */
- X else
- X s++;
- X }
- X if( strncmp(bptr, "#include", 8) == 0 ){
- X for(t = bptr + 8; *t!='\0' && (*t==' '||*t=='\t');t++)
- X ; /* skipping white space */
- X if (init(t) != 0){ /* RECURSES HERE */
- X return 1;
- X }
- X bptr = t + strlen(t) + 1; /* skip the #include line */
- X continue; /* back to the top of the while loop */
- X } else if ( *bptr == '#' ) { /* must be a comment */
- X bptr += strlen(bptr) + 1; /* skip #comment line */
- X continue;
- X }
- X /*
- X * Make sure data[] is still big enough
- X */
- X if ( dindex >= datasize){
- X datasize += DATALUMP;
- X if((data=(char **) realloc(data,
- X datasize*sizeof(char *)))==NULL){
- X perror("init: could not realloc for data[]");
- X return(1);
- X }
- X }
- X data[dindex] = bptr; /* point it at the data */
- X bptr = s + 1; /* move bptr to the next location to fill */
- X dindex++;
- X }
- X return 0;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Scan data[] marking and counting groups
- X */
- Xscan()
- X{
- X register int i, gcnt, gindex;
- X register char *vptr;
- X
- X /*
- X * special case: first line always a group name
- X */
- X groups[0].name = data[0];
- X groups[0].index = 0;
- X ngroups = 1;
- X i = 1;
- X gindex = 0;
- X gcnt = 0;
- X while ( i < dindex ){
- X if ( data[i][0] == '%' ){
- X groups[gindex].count = gcnt;
- X gcnt = 0; /* close out prev group */
- X ngroups++;
- X i++; /* start next group */
- X /*
- X * If a #included file has any blank lines after
- X * the last '%' then the group name would wind
- X * up being '\0'. So the first group name after
- X * the #include won't be marked as a group name
- X * and will thus never be expanded. We could
- X * cluck our tongues at the user and say he has
- X * a bogus file and thus deserves what he gets.
- X * But hopefully this check will just make the
- X * program more robust.
- X */
- X while ((i < dindex) && (data[i][0] == '\0')) {
- X i++;
- X }
- X gindex++;
- X groups[gindex].name = data[i];
- X groups[gindex].index = i;
- X groups[gindex].status = NVAR;
- X vptr = groups[gindex].name;
- X if (vptr) vptr += strlen(groups[gindex].name) -1;
- X if ( vptr && *vptr == '*' ){
- X *vptr = '\0'; /* terminate the name */
- X groups[gindex].status = AVAR;
- X if (
- X(groups[gindex].buf = (char *) malloc(MYBUFSIZ * sizeof(char))) == NULL ){
- X perror("scan(): could not malloc for groups.buf");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X groups[gindex].bptr = groups[gindex].buf;
- X groups[gindex].lim=groups[gindex].buf+MYBUFSIZ-1;
- X groups[gindex].bufsiz=MYBUFSIZ;
- X }
- X }else{
- X gcnt++;
- X }
- X i++;
- X }
- X ngroups--; /* The last % in the file doesn't start a new group */
- X return 0;
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * This is where we finally do the deed. If a string is a group name
- X * then expand will randomly select a member of that group to
- X * replace it. Through the miracle of recursion, a whole sentence
- X * may be passed to expand and each word (anything bounded by what
- X * we call "white space" gets expanded. Anything that cannot be
- X * expanded gets printed out.
- X */
- Xexpand(s,lim,grp)
- Xchar s[]; /* from */
- Xint lim;
- Xstruct gstruct *grp; /* to */
- X{
- X register int i, j, k, done, n, r;
- X
- X i = j = 0;
- X while ( s[i] != 0 && i < lim ){
- X done = 0;
- X while ( ! done && j <= lim ){
- X if ( isawhite(s[j]) ){
- X /* chase down remaining white space */
- X for (k=j; k<=lim && s[k] && isawhite(s[k]);k++){
- X ;
- X }
- X n = isagroup(&s[i], j-i);
- X if ( n >= 0 ){
- X switch ( groups[n].status ){
- X case NVAR: r = (groups[n].index + 1
- X + rnd(groups[n].count));
- X expand(data[r],strlen(data[r]),grp);
- X outstring(&s[j],k-j,grp);
- X break;
- X case AVAR:
- X /* only the first one counts */
- X r = groups[n].index + 1;
- X expand(data[r],strlen(data[r]),&groups[n]);
- X groups[n].status=DVAR;
- X /* fall through */
- X case DVAR:
- X/*
- X * Call outstring for groups[n].buf, then for the white space between j and k
- X */
- X outstring(groups[n].buf,
- X strlen(groups[n].buf),grp);
- X outstring(&s[j], k-j,grp);
- X break;
- X case OBUF:
- X printf("This shouldn't happen.\n");
- X break;
- X }
- X } else {
- X outstring(&s[i], k-i, grp);
- X }
- X done++;
- X i = j = k; /* should be on next word, if any */
- X }
- X j++;
- X }
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Return index into groups[] array if a group name, -1 if just a word.
- X * We have to use gbuf, a seperate place, so that we can null-terminate
- X * the string where we want. Otherwise it wouldn't know santa from
- X * santana.
- X */
- Xisagroup(s,lim)
- Xchar s[];
- Xint lim;
- X{
- X register int i;
- X static char gbuf[BIGBUF];
- X
- X strncpy(gbuf,s,lim);
- X gbuf[lim] = '\0'; /* strncpy might not do this */
- X for(i=0; i<ngroups; i++ ){
- X if (groups[i].name && strcmp(gbuf,groups[i].name) == 0){
- X return i; /* hit */
- X }
- X }
- X return -1; /* fail */
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Output string, handling splices
- X */
- Xoutstring(s,lim,grp)
- Xchar s[]; /* from */
- Xint lim;
- Xstruct gstruct *grp; /* to */
- X{
- X register int i = 0;
- X register char *p;
- X int boff;
- X
- X p = grp->bptr;
- X while ( s[i] != '\0' && i < lim ){
- X if ( p == grp->lim ){
- X *p = '\0'; /* terminate with extreme prejudice */
- X if (grp->status == OBUF){
- X flushbuf(grp->buf); /* time to flush! */
- X p = grp->buf; /* reset pointer */
- X } else {
- X /* make more room for variable */
- X boff = p - grp->buf;
- X grp->bufsiz += MYBUFSIZ;
- X if((grp->buf=(char *) realloc(grp->buf,
- X sizeof(char) * grp->bufsiz))==NULL){
- X perror("outstring: could not realloc");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X p = grp->buf + boff; /* put this back */
- X }
- X }
- X switch (s[i]){
- X case '|':
- X if ( s[i+1] == '\\' ){
- X *p = '\\'; /* special case: */
- X i++; /* |\ outputs a \ */
- X p++;
- X break;
- X }
- X break; /* splice: no output */
- X case '\\':
- X *p = '\n';
- X p++;
- X break;
- X default:
- X *p = s[i];
- X p++;
- X break;
- X }
- X i++;
- X }
- X grp->bptr = p; /* catch up on the current state of things */
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Return random number 0 to limit
- X */
- Xrnd(limit)
- Xint limit;
- X{
- X if (limit > 0){
- X return (random() % limit);
- X }
- X return 0; /* better than a floating exception if lim == 0 */
- X}
- X
- Xa_random_number()
- X{
- X struct timeval tp;
- X struct timezone tzp;
- X
- X gettimeofday (&tp, &tzp);
- X
- X return((getpid() ^ tp.tv_usec) % 123456);
- X}
- X
- X/*
- X * Return 1 if one of our "white" characters. A white character is
- X * any character which can bound a group name, so punctuation marks
- X * are included.
- X */
- Xisawhite(c)
- Xchar c;
- X{
- X if ( c == '\0' || /* traditional white space */
- X c == ' ' ||
- X c == '\t' ||
- X c == '|' || /* "splice" character */
- X c == '\\' || /* becomes a newline */
- X c == '.' || /* common punctuation */
- X c == '-' ||
- X c == ':' ||
- X c == ';' ||
- X c == ',' ||
- X c == '!' ||
- X c == '?' ||
- X c == '[' ||
- X c == ']' ||
- X c == '{' ||
- X c == '}' ||
- X c == '(' ||
- X c == ')' ||
- X c == '\'' ||
- X c == '\"' ||
- X c == '`'
- X )
- X return 1;
- X return 0;
- X}
- X/*
- X * Flush everything in a buffer to stdout
- X * (Really just puts() without the '\n' on the end)
- X */
- Xflushbuf(s)
- Xregister char *s;
- X{
- X register int c;
- X
- X while (c = *s++)
- X putchar(c);
- X}
- *-*-END-of-ncode.c-*-*
- echo x - ncode.1
- sed 's/^X//' >ncode.1 <<'*-*-END-of-ncode.1-*-*'
- X.TH NCODE 1 "Pixar"
- Xncode - stochastic text construction
- X.B ncode [-n number] [-g groupname] codefile
- X.I Ncode
- Xreads in a file of a certain format and randomly constructs text based on
- Xthe organization of the file. Other files may be recursively included by
- Xputting
- X
- X.nf
- X #include pathname
- X.fi
- X
- Xon any line of the file. This is useful when
- Xyou want to use a file of basic definitions, or groups, in different
- Xconfigurations.
- X
- XComments are lines which begin with a "#" but which are not #include lines.
- X
- XThe -n flag is used to run the program through the main loop multiple times.
- X
- XThe -g flag allows you to start the expanding process on a group name other
- Xthan the default, which is "CODE". The argument may be a group name, or an
- Xentire string including group names, just as if it were a line in the file.
- XIt is legal to start on any group in the file, and groups may be referenced
- Xbefore or after the place in the file where they are defined. In the case of
- Xduplicate group definitions, the first one occurring is the only one used.
- X
- XA "group" name is defined as the word on the first line of the file and, more
- Xcommonly, the word on each line following a line starting with "%". The members
- Xof a group are all lines between the group name and the next "%". When a
- Xgroup name is encountered, surrounded by any of a set of characters called
- X"white space" in this context, it is randomly expanded into one of its members.
- XGroup names are not allowed to contain any white space, to prevent terminal
- Xconfusion on the part of the program.
- X
- X
- XFor example, here is a sample group definition:
- X
- X.nf
- X lamp
- X house
- X car
- X %
- X.fi
- X
- XThe line "See the NOUN." could be randomly expanded to say "See the lamp."
- X
- XSpecial "variable" groups are those with a "*" as the last character of the
- Xgroup name. The first (which should be the only) member of the group will
- Xbe recursively expanded only once. All subsequent references to that group
- Xwill produce the same string. For example, a group may be defined as
- X
- X.nf
- X NOUN1*
- X%
- X.fi
- X
- XThe line "She said that his NOUN1 was a very fine NOUN1 indeed." would be
- Xexpanded into something such as "She said that his car was a very fine
- Xcar indeed."
- X
- XThe characters considered "white" for the purpose of bounding a group name,
- Xbesides what is normally considered white space, are currently:
- X
- X | \\ . - : ; , ! ? [ ] { } () ' " `
- X
- XTwo of those characters have special meanings to
- X.I ncode.
- XThe "|" symbol allows you to "splice" things to a group name. When it is
- Xencountered, no character is printed on output. The "\\" causes a newline
- Xto be printed on output. If you want a "\\" to appear on output, use a
- Xsplice, as in "|\\".
- X
- XThe simplest application would be for a "fortune" program, but
- X.I ncode
- Xcould also be used for more complex things such as a rumor generating file.
- XThe group definitions will be left as an exercise for the reader, but the
- Xfollowing example should prove illuminating:
- X
- X.nf
- XIt was rumored today that COMPANY will be bought by COMPANY for PRICE\\.
- XPERSON, POSITION of COMPANY, said that PRODUCT will be announced DATE\\.
- X.fi
- X
- XNote that every string to be expanded must be on only one line of the file.
- XThe program now dynamically allocates memory in a very general (if not
- Xoptimum) way, so you are really limited only by how much memory you can get
- Xand how deep your stack can go. The only hard limit is that
- Xa group name can't be over 4096 characters long. If you can't come up
- Xwith a unique group name in fewer characters than that then you shouldn't
- Xbe allowed to play with computers.
- X
- XNo bugs. Only features that you haven't figured out how to use yet.
- XA recent improvement makes it tolerant of blank lines following the last %
- Xin a #include file.
- XStandard perror() stuff. Pretty self explanatory. A bogus input file might
- Xbenignly yield cryptic results. If you see just the string "CODE" as output
- Xyou probably don't have what you think you have in your input file.
- XCraig Good
- *-*-END-of-ncode.1-*-*
- echo x - poetry.n
- sed 's/^X//' >poetry.n <<'*-*-END-of-poetry.n-*-*'
- X# Here's an example of one of those "variable" groups.
- X# The * means that it will be expanded only once. Note that this group
- X# has only one member. Additional members would be ignored, so just leave
- X# them off. You may have also noticed that ncode now supports comments.
- X%
- X%
- XNorth
- XSouth
- XEast
- XWest
- XTruth
- Xgrass
- Xdesk
- Xwall
- Xwindow
- Xceiling
- Xfloor
- Xcar
- Xsign
- X%
- Xone
- Xtwo
- Xtwo
- X3.1415927
- Xthree
- Xeleven
- Xa googol
- X%
- Xmeet
- Xknock
- Xkiss
- Xhug
- Xtrot
- Xmiss
- Xnod
- Xwink
- Xhit
- Xwalk
- Xfly
- Xzip
- Xsmash
- Xsniff
- X%
- XRoses
- XViolets
- XChrysanthemums
- XDaisies
- XGardenias
- XStinkweeds
- XPetunias
- X%
- Xpuce
- Xinvisible
- Xred
- Xtan
- Xwhite
- Xblue
- Xgreen
- Xmuave
- Xpurple
- Xchartreuse
- Xblack
- Xyellow
- X%
- XI am
- XSugar is
- XRadiation is
- XComputing is
- XNitrous Oxide is
- XYou are
- X%
- Xfearful
- Xliberal
- Xconservative
- Xsexy
- Xschizophrenic
- Xsweet
- Xbitter
- Xstupid
- Xugly
- Xhilarious
- Xslow
- Xmiserable
- X%
- Xare you.
- Xis this.
- Xam I.
- Xis Maple Surple.
- Xis it.
- Xit is.
- Xare they.
- X...who cares?
- X%
- Xmouth
- Xhand
- Xhand
- Xeye
- Xeye
- Xnose
- Xear
- Xtooth
- Xfoot
- X%
- XDavid Johansen
- XCraig Good
- XMichael Jackson
- XWally
- XSpock
- XGidget
- XBambi
- XDracula
- XSuperman
- XKahn
- XBullwinkle
- XBo Derek
- XKoo Stark
- XLady Diana
- XRoy Rogers
- XBugs Bunny
- XJames Bond
- XGodzilla
- XKilroy
- XThe Emperor
- XSweeny Todd
- XKate Bush
- X%
- XAnonymous
- XAndre
- XAlvy Ray Smith
- XEd Catmull
- X%
- X%
- XBird
- XSnail
- XPanda
- XFishy
- XDoggy
- XPuppy
- XTiger
- XKitty
- XWorm
- XKangaroo
- XWart Hog
- XPenguin
- XPolar Bear
- XParakeet
- XCat
- XMountain Goat
- XMoose
- XMouse
- X%
- XEgret
- XAardvark
- XEmu
- XElephant
- X%
- X%
- X%
- XBirds
- XSnails
- XPandas
- XFish
- XDogs
- XPuppies
- XTigers
- XKittens
- XAardvarks
- XWorms
- XKangaroos
- XWart Hogs
- XPenguins
- XPolar Bears
- XParakeets
- XCats
- XMountain Goats
- XMooses
- XMice
- X%
- XPrince
- XKing
- XBoss
- XProgrammer
- XHacker
- XSalesman
- XHead Hunter
- X%
- Xknickers
- Xarm bands
- Xmittens
- Xsunglasses
- Xcowboy boots
- Xgaloshes
- X%
- Xhurt
- Xhurt
- Xkill
- Xslap
- Xdeoderize
- Xbreak
- Xzap
- Xvaporize
- Xirradiate
- Xbother
- X%
- XSticks
- XStones
- XBullets
- XBombs
- XCroissants
- XKeyboards
- X%
- Xball park
- Xforest
- Xswamp land
- Xjungle
- Xghetto
- Xdrug store
- Xoffice
- X%
- Xgarage
- Xoven
- Xbush
- Xbush
- X%
- Xa tree
- XFOX's knee
- XFOX's knee
- XFOX's knee
- XFOX's knee
- X%
- XNOUNE is NOUNE, and NOUNW is NOUNW,\and never the twain shall meet.\
- XNOUNE is NOUNE, and NOUNW is NOUNW,\and never the twain shall VERB.\
- XNOUNE is NOUNE, and NOUNW is NOUNW,\and never the twain shall VERB.\
- XNOUNE is NOUNE, and NOUNW is NOUNW,\and never the ANIMAL_ANY shall VERB.\
- XNOUNE is NOUNE, and NOUNW is NOUNW,\and never the ANIMAL_ANY shall VERB.\
- XNOUNE is NOUNE, and NOUNW is NOUNW,\and never the ANIMAL_ANY shall VERB.\
- XA ANIMAL_A is as good as a FOREST to AUTHOR_ANY.\
- XA ANIMAL_A is as good as a FOREST to AUTHOR_ANY.\
- XAn ANIMAL_AN is as good as a FOREST to AUTHOR_ANY.\
- XA HURT is as good as a VERB to a ANIMAL_A.\
- XA HURT is as good as a VERB to an ANIMAL_AN.\
- XA HURT is as good as a VERB to a ANIMAL_A.\
- XA HURT is as good as a VERB to an ANIMAL_AN.\
- XA VERB is as good as a HURT to AUTHOR_ANY.\
- XA VERB is as good as a HURT to AUTHOR_ANY.\
- XFLOWERS and MITS\May HURT my bones,\But AUTHOR_ANY will never VERB me.\
- XSTICKS and ANIMALS\May HURT my bones,\But FLOWERS will never HURT me.\
- XFLOWERS and STICKS\May HURT my bones,\But MITS will never HURT me.\
- XSTICKS and STICKS\May HURT my bones,\But ANIMALS will never VERB me.\
- XNever VERB today what you can HURT tomorrow.
- XNever VERB today what you can HURT tomorrow.
- XNever HURT today what you can VERB tomorrow.
- XA ANIMAL_A in the HAND is worth NUMBER in the PLACE.
- XAn ANIMAL_AN in the HAND is worth NUMBER in the PLACE.
- XA ANIMAL_A in the HAND is worth NUMBER in the PLACE.
- XAn ANIMAL_AN in the HAND is worth NUMBER in the PLACE.
- XA AUTHOR_A in the HAND is worth NUMBER in the PLACE.
- XAn AUTHOR_AN in the HAND is worth NUMBER in the PLACE.
- XNever look a gift ANIMAL_ANY in the mouth.
- XDead ANIMALS aren't much fun.
- X%
- XANIMAL_TIG, ANIMAL_TIG, burning bright\In the FOREST of the night\What immortal HAND or HAND\Dare frame thy PROPERTY symmetry?\
- XHark! Hark!\The ANIMALS do bark!\The ROYALTY is fond of ANIMALS\He likes to take their insides out\And wear them as his MITS.\
- XI think that I shall never see\A thing as lovely\As TREE.\
- X%
- X "Why AUTHOR_ANY tried to HURT the ANIMAL_ANY"
- X "The day AUTHOR_ANY wanted to HURT the ANIMAL_ANY"
- X "Ode to AUTHOR_ANY"
- X "I'm so COLOR without my ANIMAL_ANY"
- X "Ode to the ANIMAL_ANY"
- X "I'm dreaming of a COLOR Christmas"
- X "I Love The FLOWERS"
- X "Dead ANIMALS"
- X%
- X%
- X#
- X# These #include lines can happen anywhere in the file. Note that you do
- X# not use quotes around the pathname.
- X#
- X#include foxes.n
- *-*-END-of-poetry.n-*-*
- echo x - foxes.n
- sed 's/^X//' >foxes.n <<'*-*-END-of-foxes.n-*-*'
- X# Save this file as "foxes" to be #included in other files
- XAlexandra Paul
- XAmanda Pays
- XAmy Irving
- XAppollonia
- XApril Wayne
- XBarbara Hershey
- XBrooke Adams
- XCat
- XCathleen Collins
- XCindy Crawford
- XCarly Simon
- XCarol Alt
- XCassandra Peterson
- XCatherine Mary Stewart
- XCathy Tyson
- XCheryl Tiegs
- XChristie Brinkley
- XCoco Mitchell
- XCourteney Cox
- XCynthia Rhodes
- XCybill Shepherd
- XDaphne Zuniga
- XDarryl Hannah
- XElizabeth McGovern
- XElle Macpherson
- XErin Grey
- XFarrah Fawcett Majors
- XFawn Hall
- XFrederique
- XHeather Locklear
- XHeather Thomas
- XIman
- XJaclyn Smith
- XJamie Lee Curtis
- XJane Seymour
- XJanet Jones
- XJenna de Rosnay
- XJennifer Beales
- XJenny Seagrove
- XJill Goodacre
- XJody Watley
- XJohann Carlo
- XJulie Wolfe
- XKaren Alexander
- XKate Capshaw
- XKate Jackson
- XKathy Ireland
- XKelly Emberg
- XKelly LeBrock
- XKim Alexis
- XKim Basinger
- XKoo Stark
- XLaura Antonelli
- XLauren Hutton
- XLea Thompson
- XLisa Bonet
- XLisa Hartman
- XMarkie Post
- XMarlee Matlin
- XMaryam d'Abo
- XMeg Ryan
- XMelanie Griffith
- XMichelle Pfieffer
- XMelissa Gilbert
- XMonika Schnarre
- XNastasia Kinski
- XOla Ray
- XOlivia Newton John
- XPamela Sue Martin
- XPatty Owen
- XPaulina Porizkova
- XPhoebe Cates
- XRachel Ward
- XRae Dawn Chong
- XRenee Simonsen
- XRosanna Arquette
- XSade
- XSela Ward
- XSheila E
- XShelly Hack
- XSigney Coleman
- XSuzee Pai
- XStephanie Seymour
- XStevie Nicks
- XTahnee Welch
- XTanya Roberts
- XTheresa Russell
- XTish Campbell
- XTraci Wolfe
- XVictoria Principal
- XVivian Ruiz
- XWhitney Houston
- X%
- *-*-END-of-foxes.n-*-*
- exit
- ----------------------------- cut here --------------------------------
- (delete from here down)
- Have fun!
- --
- --Craig
- ...{ucbvax,pyramid,sun}!pixar!good