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- From: robertd@ncoast.UUCP (Rob DeMarco)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v02i048: SBBS "edit" update
- Message-ID: <7196@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 6 Feb 88 01:31:50 GMT
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Comp.sources.misc: Volume 2, Issue 48
- Submitted-By: "Rob DeMarco" <robertd@ncoast.UUCP>
- Archive-Name: sbbs-editor
- [Now I know why he's been ragging me about *my* editor.... ++bsa]
- Ok, this is a MUCH needed upgrade to the SBBS editor. Some bugs were fixed.
- Make sure that the resulting file help.editor is moved in the sbbs "misc"
- directory. This is used with the "?" command. Also make sure you read
- README.MOD1 and of course move "edit" to sbbs's "programs" directory.
- All future modifications will be released to this news group. Do to some errors
- and problems, an SBBS SYSII will be posted to comp.sources.unix at the end
- of this year. But after then, any fixes and changes go to comp.source.misc.
- The latest version will always be available by my bbs at (216)-781-6201 (login
- "sbbs")
- #--------------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------------
- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # This is a shell archive. Save this into a file, edit it
- # and delete all lines above this comment. Then give this
- # file to sh by executing the command "sh file". The files
- # will be extracted into the current directory owned by
- # you with default permissions.
- #
- # The files contained herein are:
- #
- # -rw-r--r-- 1 robertd sbbs 231 Feb 4 21:28 README.MOD1
- # -rw-rw-rw- 1 robertd sbbs 1019 Feb 4 21:24 help.editor
- # -rwxrwxrwx 1 robertd sbbs 3376 Feb 4 21:23 edit
- #
- echo 'x - README.MOD1'
- if test -f README.MOD1; then echo 'mkshar: not overwriting README.MOD1'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > README.MOD1
- XThis shell archive create a new
- Xeditor. This new editor is totally
- Xcompatable with the old. Some
- Xbugs have been fix and arguments to
- Xthe L, E, I, and D have been allowed.
- X
- XA new editor help file help.editor
- Xreplaces the old ecom.
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -l < README.MOD1` -ne 8; then
- echo 'mkshar: README.MOD1 was damaged during transit (should have been 8 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- echo 'x - help.editor'
- if test -f help.editor; then echo 'mkshar: not overwriting help.editor'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > help.editor
- X (A)bort message (D)elete line
- X (E)dit a line (I)nsert at line
- X (C)ontinue entering message (S)ave message
- X (P)roof read message(spell check) (L)ist message
- X (R)ot 13 / DeRot 13 a message.
- X
- XValid Ranges:
- X
- X With the E)dit and I)nsert commands, you may include a number AFTER the
- Xletter command to stand for a line to apply that command. For instance,
- Xto edit line 4 of the message, type
- X e4
- X To insert before line 6, type
- X i6
- X
- X For the L)ist and D)elete commands, SBBS accepts a range. A range can be
- Xa simple number or a range of lines. It can be used directly after the command
- Xor in responce to a question.
- X Valid ranges are:
- X
- X n1,n2 (Line n1 through line n2)
- X n1,$ (Line n1 through the end)
- X 1,n1 (Line 1 through line n1)
- X 1,$ (The entire message)
- X /s1/s2/
- X (The first line containing s1 through the first line containing s2)
- X
- X You may also use - and + operators:
- X
- X 4-1,6+2 (3 though 8)
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -l < help.editor` -ne 30; then
- echo 'mkshar: help.editor was damaged during transit (should have been 30 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- echo 'x - edit'
- if test -f edit; then echo 'mkshar: not overwriting edit'; else
- sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > edit
- X#! /bin/sh
- X# Editor
- X
- Xwhile : ; do
- Xarg=
- Xecho "SBBS Editor) \c"
- Xcmd=`line | tr -d "!" -d " "`
- Xarg="`echo \"$cmd\" | cut -c2-`"
- Xcmd="`echo \"$cmd\" | cut -c1`"
- X
- Xif [ "$cmd" = "" ];then
- X continue
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ "$cmd" = "?" ] ; then
- X cat $dir/misc/help.editor
- X continue
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ $cmd = C -o $cmd = c ];then
- X echo "(continue)"
- X exit 1
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ $cmd = P -o $cmd = p ];then
- X echo "UNIX spell checker. Is not 100% accurate."
- X echo "---------------{spelling errors}------"
- X echo `sed -n '6,$p' $1|spell`
- X continue
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ $cmd = A -o $cmd = a ];then
- X echo "---------ABORT---------"
- X echo "Do you realy want to do this?"
- X echo "<N>: \c"
- X read yn
- X yn=`echo $yn | cut -c1`
- X if [ "$yn" = Y -o "$yn" = y ];then
- X echo "-<ABORT>-"
- X rm $1
- X exit 2
- X fi
- X echo "ABORT was aborted."
- X continue
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ $cmd = S -o $cmd = s ];then
- X echo "Saving message..."
- X if [ "$2" != "" ];then
- X $dir/programs/lock /tmp/sbbs.pst.lock
- X ml=`ls $dir/bbs/$basen|wc -l`
- X ml=`expr $ml + 1`
- X cat $1 > $dir/bbs/$basen/$ml
- X rm $1
- X rm /tmp/sbbs.pst.lock
- X else
- X exit 3
- X fi
- X echo "Message saved..."
- X exit
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ $cmd = L -o $cmd = l ];then
- X l=`cat $1|wc -l`
- X l=`expr $l - 5`
- X if [ $l -eq 0 ];then
- X continue
- X fi
- X if [ -z "$arg" ] ; then
- X arg='1,$'
- X fi
- X
- X file=/tmp/sbbs.tmp.$$
- Xed - $1 << 'EOS' >$file
- X6,$p
- Xed - $file << EOS
- X$arg n
- X if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- X echo "Can't understand range. Type \"?\" for help."
- X fi
- X rm $file
- X continue
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ $cmd = E -o $cmd = e ];then
- X if [ -z "$arg" ]; then
- X echo "Edit what line? \c"
- X read l
- X l=`echo $l`
- X if [ "$l" = "" ];then
- X continue
- X fi
- X else
- X l=$arg
- X fi
- X l=`expr $l + 5 2> /dev/null`
- X if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
- X echo "Can't understand range. Type \"?\" for help."
- X continue
- X fi
- X wc=`cat $1|wc -l`
- X if [ $l -gt $wc ];then
- X echo "A number 1 through `expr $wc - 5`, please."
- X continue
- X elif [ $l -lt 6 ];then
- X echo "A number 1 through `expr $wc - 5`, please."
- X continue
- X fi
- X echo "Old line reads"
- X sed -n "${l}p" $1
- X echo "Enter new line"
- X qr=`line`
- X ed - $1 <<- EOS
- X${l}a
- X$qr
- X.
- X${l}d
- Xw
- X continue
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ $cmd = D -o $cmd = d ];then
- X if [ -z "$arg" ] ; then
- X echo "Delete what line(s)? \c"
- X read l
- X else
- X l=$arg
- X fi
- X sed -n '6,$p' $1 > /tmp/sbbs.tmp.$$
- Xed - $1 << \EOS
- X6,$d
- Xw
- X sed "${l}d" /tmp/sbbs.tmp.$$ >> $1
- X rm /tmp/sbbs.tmp.$$
- X continue
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ $cmd = I -o $cmd = i ] ; then
- X if [ -z "$arg" ] ; then
- X echo "Insert at what line? \c"
- X read insert
- X else
- X insert=$arg
- X fi
- X insert=`expr $insert + 0 2> /dev/null`
- X if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
- X echo "A number 1 through `expr \`cat $1|wc -l\` - 5`, please."
- X continue
- X fi
- X insert_limit=`cat $1 | wc -l`
- X insert_limit=`expr $insert_limit - 5`
- X
- X if [ $insert -gt $insert_limit -o $insert -lt 1 ];then
- X echo "A number 1 through $insert_limit, please."
- X continue
- X fi
- X echo "Start inserting now. Type CTRL-D on a\nblank line to get to editor."
- X file=/tmp/sbbs.tpi.$$
- X cat > $file
- X {
- X ed - $1 << EOS
- X $insert+5,\$p
- X $insert+5,\$d
- X w
- X } >> $file
- X cat $file >> $1
- X rm $file
- X continue
- Xfi
- X
- Xif [ $cmd = R -o $cmd = r ] ; then
- X file=/tmp/sbbs.rot.$$
- X sed -n '1,5p' $1 > $file
- X sed -n '6,$p' $1 | tr "[a-m][n-z][A-M][N-Z]" "[n-z][a-m][N-Z][A-M]" >> $file
- X mv $file $1
- X continue
- Xfi
- Xecho "Illegal command."
- Xdone
- ________This_Is_The_END________
- if test `wc -l < edit` -ne 184; then
- echo 'mkshar: edit was damaged during transit (should have been 184 bytes)'
- fi
- fi ; : end of overwriting check
- exit 0
- --
- North Coast Computer Resources(ncoast) - 216-781-6201 (or 781-6202)
- UUCP: ...uunet!amdahl!sun!mandrill!ncoast!robertd
- Ever notice when you say "Pittsburgh",
- you can't help to add that silly
- ",P.A." at the end of it?