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- /*
- *
- * SpaceOut for X11.
- * Version 1.1
- *
- * By John Pochmara (jpochma@polyslo)
- * at Cal Poly
- * 1988
- *
- * Random number generator writen by Pual Shupak.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1988, John H. Pochmara
- *
- * You may copy Spaceout in whole or in part as long as you don't
- * try to make money off it, or pretend that you wrote it.
- *
- *
- * Original SpaceOut writen in Mesa for Xerox workstations by
- * Jef Poskanzer at Versatec, a Xerox Company.
- *
- *
- * Options:
- * R - run in root window.
- * r - reverse screen.
- * f - full screen.
- * c - all stars go right down the center of the screen.
- * C - Color Space.
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #define STIPPLE_DRAW
- #define NUM_STARS (70) /* Number of Stars */
- #define STAR_MAXSIZE (400) /* Max size of Stars */
- #define SPEEDZ (270) /* Speed at which Stars move forward */
- #define MIN_VISIBLEZ (400) /* Closets you can get to a star */
- #define MAX_VISIBLEZ (65000) /* Farthest away star you can see */
- #define MINX (-20000) /* Min value of X cordanit */
- #define MAXX (20000) /* Max value of X cordanit */
- #define MINY (-20000) /* Min value of Y cordanit */
- #define MAXY (20000) /* Max value of Y cordanit */
- #define MINZ (30000) /* Min value of Z cordanit */
- #define MAXZ (65535) /* Max value of Z cordanit */
- #define SCREENZ (1500) /* Distance of projected image */
- #define RADIUS (40) /* Size of a Star at SCREENZ */
- #define MAG_RAD (1) /* Magnification factor of Star Radius */
- #define TRUE (1)
- #define FALSE (0)
- #define RNDRANGE( min, max ) \
- ( ( ( (max) - (min) ) ? ( randomLong() % ( (max) - (min) ) ) : 0 ) + (min) )
- #define OBSCURED (1)
- #define UNOBSCURED (0)
- /*
- * Star Types.
- */
- #define ROUND (0)
- #define RINGED (1)
- #define PLANETX (2)
- /*
- * Init. Window Postion & Dimension.
- */
- #define INT_WIDTH (400)
- #define INT_HEIGHT (250)
- #define INT_X (50)
- #define INT_Y (50)
- #define WHITE (0)
- #define COLOR1 (1)
- #define COLOR2 (2)
- #define COLOR3 (3)
- #define COLOR4 (4)
- #define COLOR5 (5)
- #define COLOR6 (6)
- char *color1[] = {
- "pink",
- "plum",
- "red",
- "IndianRed",
- "MediumVioletRed",
- "OrangeRed",
- "VioletRed",
- ""
- };
- char *color2[] = {
- "Green",
- "DarkGreen",
- "DarkOliveGreen",
- "ForestGreen",
- "LimeGreen",
- "MediumForestGreen",
- "MediumSeaGreen",
- "MediumSpringGreen",
- "PaleGreen",
- "SeaGreen",
- "SpringGreen",
- "YellowGreen",
- ""
- };
- char *color3[] = {
- "Blue",
- "CadetBlue",
- "CornflowerBlue",
- "DarkSlateBlue",
- "LightBlue",
- "LightSteelBlue",
- "MediumBlue",
- "MediumSlateBlue",
- "MidnightBlue",
- "NavyBlue",
- "Navy",
- "SkyBlue",
- "SlateBlue",
- "SteelBlue",
- ""
- };
- char *color4[] = {
- "Yellow",
- "GreenYellow",
- "Wheat",
- "Turquoise",
- "Sienna",
- ""
- };
- char *color5[] = {
- "orange",
- "Khaki",
- "Maroon",
- "Orchid",
- ""
- };
- char *color6[] = {
- "violet",
- "BlueViolet",
- "Salmon",
- "Gold",
- "Goldenrod",
- "Coral",
- ""
- };
- #define MAX_USED_COLORS ( 7 )
- XColor starColors[MAX_USED_COLORS];
- typedef struct starrec {
- int sx,sy;
- int x,y,z;
- int radius;
- int displayed;
- int type;
- int color;
- } StarRec;
- StarRec Stars[NUM_STARS];
- Pixmap Starpix[STAR_MAXSIZE];
- Pixmap Ringpix[STAR_MAXSIZE];
- Pixmap Xpix[STAR_MAXSIZE];
- Display *dpy;
- Window SpaceWin;
- Window root;
- Window parent;
- Colormap cmap;
- int screen;
- int depth;
- int SpaceVis;
- /*
- * Option Var.
- *
- */
- int rootwin = FALSE;
- int fullscreen = FALSE;
- int reverse = FALSE;
- int color = FALSE;
- int center = FALSE;
- char *host = NULL;
- int winwidth;
- int winheight;
- int winx;
- int winy;
- static void init(), initwin(), initpos(), initpix(), initstar();
- static void initcolors(), setcolor();
- static void MoveStars(), DisplayStar(), NewStar(), ShowStar();
- static void DrawStar(), Newpixmap(), ProcEvent(), ReDrawStars();
- static void ReStart(), ClearStars(), usage(), prev();
- static unsigned long int randomLong();
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- while(--argc > 0) {
- if(index(argv[argc],':') != 0) {
- if(host != NULL)
- usage();
- else
- host = argv[argc];
- } else if(argv[argc][0] == '-') {
- int i = 1;
- while(argv[argc][i] != NULL) {
- switch(argv[argc][i]) {
- case 'f': fullscreen = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'r': reverse = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'c': center = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'C': color = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'R': rootwin = TRUE;
- break;
- default: usage();
- }
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(host == NULL) {
- if((host = (char *) getenv("DISPLAY")) == NULL) {
- usage();
- }
- }
- init(host);
- MoveStars(Stars);
- }
- static void init(host)
- char *host;
- {
- initwin(host);
- srandom((int) time(0));
- initstar();
- initpix();
- SpaceVis = UNOBSCURED;
- }
- static void MoveStars(stars)
- StarRec stars[];
- {
- int i;
- while(TRUE) {
- ProcEvent();
- for(i=0;i<NUM_STARS;i++) {
- if(stars[i].z > SPEEDZ) {
- stars[i].z = stars[i].z - SPEEDZ;
- } else {
- stars[i].z = MIN_VISIBLEZ/2;
- }
- DisplayStar(&stars[i]);
- }
- XFlush(dpy);
- }
- }
- static void DisplayStar(star)
- StarRec *star;
- {
- int scrx;
- int scry;
- int scrradius;
- if(star->z <= 0 ) star->z = 1;
- scrx = (star->x * SCREENZ) / star->z;
- scry = (star->y * SCREENZ) / star->z;
- scrradius = (RADIUS * SCREENZ) / star->z;
- scrx = (winwidth/2 + scrx);
- scry = (winheight/2 + scry);
- if((scrx == star->sx)
- && (scry == star->sy)
- && ( scrradius == star->radius ))
- return;
- if(star->z < MIN_VISIBLEZ) {
- if(star->displayed == TRUE) {
- ShowStar(star);
- star->displayed = FALSE;
- }
- NewStar(star);
- return;
- }
- if(star->z > MAX_VISIBLEZ) {
- if(star->displayed == TRUE) {
- ShowStar(star);
- star->displayed = FALSE;
- }
- return;
- }
- if(star->displayed == TRUE) {
- ShowStar(star);
- star->displayed = FALSE;
- }
- if((scrx > winwidth) || (scrx < -(2 * star->radius)) ||
- (scry > winheight) || (scry < -(2 * star->radius))) {
- NewStar(star);
- return;
- }
- star->sx = scrx;
- star->sy = scry;
- star->radius = scrradius;
- ShowStar(star);
- star->displayed = TRUE;
- }
- static void NewStar(star)
- StarRec *star;
- {
- int rnd = RNDRANGE(0,100);
- int x_range, y_range;
- star->z = RNDRANGE(MINZ,MAXZ);
- if(center != TRUE) {
- x_range = (star->z * winwidth) / ( 2 * SCREENZ);
- y_range = (star->z * winheight) / (2 * SCREENZ);
- star->x = RNDRANGE(-(x_range),x_range);
- star->y = RNDRANGE(-(y_range),y_range);
- } else {
- star->x = 0;
- star->y = 0;
- }
- star->sx = (star->x * SCREENZ) / star->z;
- star->sy = (star->y * SCREENZ) / star->z;
- star->radius = (RADIUS * SCREENZ) / star->z;
- star->displayed = FALSE;
- star->color = WHITE;
- if(rnd < 3)
- star->type = PLANETX;
- else if(rnd < 10)
- star->type = RINGED;
- else {
- star->type = ROUND;
- star->color = RNDRANGE(0, MAX_USED_COLORS - 1);
- }
- }
- static void ShowStar(star)
- StarRec *star;
- {
- if(star->radius <= 0)
- star->radius = 1;
- if(star->radius > STAR_MAXSIZE)
- star->radius = STAR_MAXSIZE;
- switch(star->type) {
- case RINGED:
- if(Ringpix[star->radius] == 0) Newpixmap(star);
- break;
- case ROUND:
- if(Starpix[star->radius] == 0) Newpixmap(star);
- break;
- case PLANETX:
- if(Xpix[star->radius] == 0) Newpixmap(star);
- break;
- }
- DrawStar(star);
- }
- static void DrawStar(star)
- StarRec *star;
- {
- static GC gc[MAX_USED_COLORS] = { 0 };
- int p_width = 2 * ((star->radius) * MAG_RAD);
- int p_height = 2 * ((star->radius) * MAG_RAD);
- Pixmap drawpix;
- GC stargc;
- int sx,sy;
- int i;
- if(gc[0] == 0) {
- for(i = 0; i < MAX_USED_COLORS; i++) {
- gc[i] = XCreateGC(dpy,SpaceWin,0,NULL);
- XSetFunction(dpy,gc[i],GXxor);
- XSetBackground(dpy,gc[i],BlackPixel(dpy,screen));
- if( color == TRUE )
- XSetForeground(dpy,gc[i],starColors[i].pixel);
- else
- XSetForeground(dpy,gc[i],WhitePixel(dpy,screen));
- XSetFillStyle(dpy,gc[i],FillStippled);
- #else
- XSetGraphicsExposures(dpy,gc[i],FALSE);
- }
- }
- stargc = gc[star->color];
- switch(star->type) {
- case ROUND:
- drawpix = Starpix[star->radius];
- break;
- case RINGED:
- drawpix = Ringpix[star->radius];
- p_width *= 2;
- break;
- case PLANETX:
- drawpix = Xpix[star->radius];
- break;
- default:
- drawpix = Starpix[star->radius];
- break;
- }
- sx = star->sx - p_width/2;
- sy = star->sy - p_height/2;
- XSetStipple(dpy,stargc,drawpix);
- XSetTSOrigin(dpy,stargc,sx,sy);
- XFillRectangle(dpy,SpaceWin,stargc,sx,sy,p_width,p_height);
- #else
- XCopyArea(dpy,drawpix,SpaceWin,stargc,0,0,p_width,p_height,sx,sy);
- }
- static void Newpixmap(star)
- StarRec *star;
- {
- static GC gc = 0;
- Pixmap pixtmp;
- int i;
- int p_width = 2 * ((star->radius) * MAG_RAD);
- int p_height = 2 * ((star->radius) * MAG_RAD);
- int r = star->radius;
- if(star->type == RINGED) {
- p_width = 2 * p_width;
- }
- pixtmp = XCreatePixmap(dpy,SpaceWin,p_width,p_height,1);
- #else
- pixtmp = XCreatePixmap(dpy,SpaceWin,p_width,p_height,depth);
- if(gc == 0) {
- gc = XCreateGC(dpy,pixtmp,0,NULL);
- XSetBackground(dpy,gc,BlackPixel(dpy,screen));
- XSetForeground(dpy,gc,WhitePixel(dpy,screen));
- XSetFillStyle(dpy,gc,FillSolid);
- }
- switch(star->type) {
- case ROUND:
- XSetFunction(dpy,gc,GXxor);
- XFillArc(dpy,pixtmp,gc,0,0,p_width,p_height,0,360*64);
- Starpix[star->radius] = pixtmp;
- break;
- case RINGED:
- XSetFunction(dpy,gc,GXxor);
- XSetLineAttributes(dpy,gc,1,LineSolid,CapRound,JoinBevel);
- XFillArc(dpy,pixtmp,gc,r,0,p_height,p_height,0,360*64);
- XDrawArc(dpy,pixtmp,gc,0,r/2,p_width,p_height/2,
- 0,360*64);
- Ringpix[star->radius] = pixtmp;
- break;
- case PLANETX:
- XSetFunction(dpy,gc,GXxor);
- XFillArc(dpy,pixtmp,gc,0,0,p_width,p_height,0,360*64);
- i = r/4;
- if(i < 1) i = 1;
- XSetLineAttributes(dpy,gc,i,LineSolid,CapRound,JoinBevel);
- XSetFunction(dpy,gc,GXclear);
- XDrawLine(dpy,pixtmp,gc,r/2,r/2,r+r/2,r+r/2);
- XDrawLine(dpy,pixtmp,gc,r+r/2,r/2,r/2,r+r/2);
- Xpix[star->radius] = pixtmp;
- break;
- }
- }
- static void initstar()
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<NUM_STARS;i++) {
- NewStar(&Stars[i]);
- }
- }
- static void initpix()
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<STAR_MAXSIZE;i++) {
- Starpix[i] = 0;
- Ringpix[i] = 0;
- Xpix[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- static void initpos()
- {
- if(fullscreen == TRUE) {
- winwidth = XDisplayWidth(dpy,screen);
- winheight = XDisplayHeight(dpy,screen);
- winx = 0;
- winy = 0;
- } else {
- winwidth = INT_WIDTH;
- winheight = INT_HEIGHT;
- winx = INT_X;
- winy = INT_Y;
- }
- }
- extern int XCheckTypedEvent();
- static void ProcEvent()
- {
- XEvent ev;
- int block = FALSE;
- while((XPending(dpy) > 0) || (block == TRUE)) {
- XNextEvent(dpy,&ev);
- switch(ev.type) {
- case ReparentNotify:
- if(ev.xreparent.window != SpaceWin ) break;
- XSelectInput(dpy,ev.xreparent.parent,
- StructureNotifyMask);
- XSelectInput(dpy,parent,0);
- parent = ev.xreparent.parent;
- break;
- case UnmapNotify:
- if((ev.xunmap.window != SpaceWin) &&
- (ev.xunmap.window != parent)) break;
- block = TRUE;
- break;
- case VisibilityNotify:
- if(ev.xvisibility.window != SpaceWin) break;
- if(ev.xvisibility.state ==
- VisibilityFullyObscured) {
- block = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- if((ev.xvisibility.state ==
- VisibilityUnobscured) &&
- (SpaceVis == OBSCURED)) {
- ReStart();
- SpaceVis = UNOBSCURED;
- block = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- if(ev.xvisibility.state ==
- VisibilityPartiallyObscured) {
- SpaceVis = OBSCURED;
- block = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case Expose:
- ReStart();
- block = FALSE;
- break;
- case MapNotify:
- if((ev.xmap.window != SpaceWin) &&
- (ev.xmap.window != parent)) break;
- ReStart();
- block = FALSE;
- break;
- case ConfigureNotify:
- if(ev.xconfigure.window != SpaceWin) break;
- ReStart();
- if((winwidth == ev.xconfigure.width) &&
- (winheight == ev.xconfigure.height))
- break;
- winwidth = ev.xconfigure.width;
- winheight = ev.xconfigure.height;
- ReDrawStars();
- block = FALSE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static void ReDrawStars()
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<NUM_STARS;i++) {
- DisplayStar(&Stars[i]);
- }
- }
- static void ReStart()
- {
- XClearWindow(dpy,SpaceWin);
- XSync(dpy, 0);
- ClearStars();
- }
- static void ClearStars()
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<NUM_STARS;i++) {
- Stars[i].displayed = FALSE;
- }
- }
- static void initcolors()
- {
- unsigned long backgrd;
- if( reverse == TRUE )
- backgrd = WhitePixel(dpy,screen);
- else
- backgrd = BlackPixel(dpy,screen);
- starColors[WHITE].pixel = WhitePixel(dpy,screen);
- setcolor(color1,&starColors[COLOR1]);
- starColors[COLOR1].pixel ^= backgrd;
- setcolor(color2,&starColors[COLOR2]);
- starColors[COLOR2].pixel ^= backgrd;
- setcolor(color3,&starColors[COLOR3]);
- starColors[COLOR3].pixel ^= backgrd;
- setcolor(color4,&starColors[COLOR4]);
- starColors[COLOR4].pixel ^= backgrd;
- setcolor(color5,&starColors[COLOR5]);
- starColors[COLOR5].pixel ^= backgrd;
- setcolor(color6,&starColors[COLOR6]);
- starColors[COLOR6].pixel ^= backgrd;
- }
- static void setcolor(cnames,xcolor)
- char *cnames[];
- XColor *xcolor;
- {
- int i = 0;
- int count = 0;
- XColor ecolor;
- while( *cnames[count] != NULL ) {
- count++;
- }
- i = RNDRANGE(0,count-1);
- if( XAllocNamedColor(dpy,cmap,cnames[i],xcolor,&ecolor) > 0)
- return;
- else {
- i = 0;
- while( *cnames[i] != NULL ) {
- if( XAllocNamedColor(dpy,cmap,cnames[i],
- xcolor,&ecolor) > 0)
- return;
- else
- continue;
- }
- }
- xcolor->pixel = starColors[WHITE].pixel;
- }
- static void initwin(hostmon)
- char *hostmon;
- {
- XSetWindowAttributes attr;
- char *name;
- if((dpy = XOpenDisplay(hostmon)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Connection not made.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
- cmap = DefaultColormap(dpy,screen);
- parent = root = RootWindow(dpy,screen);
- depth = DefaultDepth(dpy,screen);
- if( color == TRUE )
- initcolors();
- initpos();
- XSelectInput(dpy,root,SubstructureNotifyMask);
- attr.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask
- | SubstructureNotifyMask
- | VisibilityChangeMask
- | ExposureMask;
- if(reverse == TRUE)
- attr.background_pixel = WhitePixel(dpy,screen);
- else
- attr.background_pixel = BlackPixel(dpy,screen);
- if(rootwin == TRUE) {
- SpaceWin = root;
- XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy,SpaceWin,
- CWEventMask|CWBackPixel,&attr);
- } else {
- SpaceWin = XCreateWindow(dpy,root,winx,winy,winwidth,winheight,
- 0,depth,InputOutput,
- DefaultVisual(dpy,screen),
- CWEventMask|CWBackPixel,&attr);
- if( color == TRUE )
- name = "Color SpaceOut";
- else
- name = "SpaceOut";
- XChangeProperty(dpy,SpaceWin,XA_WM_NAME,XA_STRING,8,
- PropModeReplace,name,strlen(name));
- XMapWindow(dpy,SpaceWin);
- }
- XClearWindow(dpy,SpaceWin);
- XSync(dpy, 0);
- }
- static void usage()
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"usage: space [host:screen] [-frCc]\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- static int randomBit()
- {
- register unsigned long int tmp ;
- static unsigned long int state = 0x10 ;
- /* Linear Feedback Shift Register
- * Length = 31 Bits
- * Taps at 3 & 31
- * Period = ( 2 ** 31 ) - 1
- */
- tmp = state ;
- /* Next State */
- state = ( ( ( tmp << 2 ) ^ ( tmp << 30 ) ) & 0x80000000 ) | ( tmp >> 1 ) ;
- return tmp >> 31 ;
- }
- /* Random Number Generator State Variables */
- static unsigned long int lastRandom = 1 ;
- static unsigned long int oldRandom ;
- static unsigned long int randomLong()
- {
- register unsigned long int tmpA ;
- register unsigned long int tmpB ;
- register unsigned long int tmpH ;
- register unsigned long int tmpM1 ;
- register unsigned long int tmpM2 ;
- register unsigned long int tmpL ;
- register long int SumOldL ;
- register long int SumOldH ;
- register long int SumLastL ;
- register long int SumLastH ;
- /*
- * Modular Congruence Method
- * Period >= ( 2 ** 31 ) - 1
- * X(n) =
- * ( 271,828,183 * X(n-1) - 314,159,269 * X(n-2) ) mod ( ( 2 ** 31 ) - 1 )
- * = ( 0x1033C4D7 * X(n-1) - 0x12B9B0A5 * X(n-2) ) mod ( ( 2 ** 31 ) - 1 )
- * To Avoid OverFlow USE:
- * ( ( x1 * ( 2 ** 16 ) ) + x2 ) * ( ( y1 * ( 2 ** 15 ) ) + y2 ) =
- * ( x1 * y1 * ( 2 ** 31 ) )
- * + ( x2 * y1 * ( 2 ** 15 ) )
- * + ( x1 * y2 * ( 2 ** 16 ) )
- * + ( x2 * y2 )
- * NOTE:
- * 0x1033C4D7 == ( 0x2067 * 0x08000 ) + 0x44D7
- * == ( 0x1033 * 0x10000 ) + 0xC4D7
- * 0x12B9B0A5 == ( 0x2573 * 0x08000 ) + 0x30A5
- * == ( 0x12B9 * 0x10000 ) + 0xB0A5
- */
- tmpA = oldRandom ;
- tmpB = tmpA & 0xFFFF ; /* Low Order 16 Bits of X(n-2) */
- tmpM1 = tmpB * 0x2573 ; /* Offset 16 Bits */
- tmpL = tmpB * 0x30A5 ; /* Offset 0 Bits */
- tmpA >>= 16 ; /* High Order 15 Bits of X(n-2)
- tmpH = tmpA * 0x2573 ; /* Offset 31 Bits */
- tmpM2 = tmpA * 0x30A5 ; /* Offset 15 Bits */
- /* Now Sum Them */
- SumOldL = tmpL & 0x7FFF ;
- tmpA = ( tmpL >> 15 ) + tmpM2 + ( tmpM1 << 1 ) ;
- SumOldL |= ( ( tmpA << 15 ) & 0x7FFF8000 ) ; /* Bottom 31 Bits */
- SumOldH = ( ( tmpA >> 16 ) + tmpH ) ; /* Top 31 Bits */
- oldRandom = tmpA = lastRandom ;
- tmpB = tmpA & 0xFFFF ; /* Low Order 16 Bits of X(n-1) */
- tmpM1 = tmpB * 0x2067 ; /* Offset 15 bits */
- tmpL = tmpB * 0x44D7 ; /* Offset 0 bits */
- tmpA >>= 16 ; /* High Order 15 Bits of X(n-1)*/
- tmpH = tmpA * 0x2067 ; /* Offset 31 bits */
- tmpM2 = tmpA * 0x44D7 ; /* Offset 16 bits */
- /* Now Sum Them */
- SumLastL = tmpL & 0x7FFF ;
- tmpA = ( tmpL >> 15 ) + tmpM2 + ( tmpM1 << 1 ) ;
- SumLastL |= ( ( tmpA << 15 ) & 0x7FFF8000 ) ; /* Bottom 31 Bits */
- SumLastH = ( ( tmpA >> 16 ) + tmpH ) ; /* Top 31 Bits */
- tmpA = SumLastH - SumOldH ;
- tmpB = SumLastL - SumOldL ;
- if ( SumLastL < SumOldL ) {
- tmpB &= 0x7FFFFFFF ;
- tmpA-- ;
- }
- return lastRandom = ( ( tmpA + tmpB ) & 0x7FFFFFFF ) ;
- }
- static void prev(ev)
- XEvent *ev;
- {
- printf("event->type: %d\n",ev->type);
- }