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- From: everson@compsci.bristol.ac.uk (Phill Everson)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v02i020: Traveller (FRP) programs
- Message-ID: <7131@ncoast.UUCP>
- Date: 26 Jan 88 04:10:58 GMT
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Comp.sources.misc: Volume 2, Issue 20
- Submitted-By: Phill Everson <everson@compsci.bristol.ac.uk>
- Archive-Name: traveller
- I don't know which newsgroup would be appropriate for the following,
- perhaps it should go in comp.sources.misc with some cross-postings?
- We are unable to post into rec.games.frp at present, so could you
- post it in the most suitable place please? [Here. Most non-source
- groups frown on sources the way source groups frown on binaries. ++bsa]
- # To unbundle, sh this file
- echo README 1>&2
- cat >README<<'End of README'
- Usage of Traveller Programs
- ===========================
- Create Two subdirectories sysgen & sysprint : Then unbundle the files.
- The directories will contain :
- sysgen:
- Makefile const.h glob.c glob.h init.c main.c planets.c print.c rnd.c sats.c st.c
- stuff.h sub.c support.c system.c types.h
- sysprint:
- Makefile mass stars.ps tr22 trconv trmult trmult.c ts
- To generate complete listings of star systems (an allegedly complete
- implementation of Single-Star Systems according to the rules in Book 6)
- it is necessary to compile the files in sysgen (by typing make) and then
- running the program st. Be warned this produces voluminous output.
- To generate a postscript file representing the star system, run st with
- the -m option. This produces a file which lists the major features in the
- system.
- The command trconv file in the sysprint directory will then
- produce a postscript file. Trading routes can be added to the system
- description file by the DM as required.
- Multiple systems can be printed using the trmult command. For example
- trmult 2 2 stars.ps file1 file2 file3 file4
- will place 4 systems on a piece of paper. But be warned: the order is not
- the most obvious imaginable.
- NOTE: the st command takes an argument which is an integer defining the
- system. This allows the st program to be run many times with predictable
- results.
- tr22 & mass are historical examples of using trmult.
- End of README
- echo sysgen/Makefile 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/Makefile <<'End of sysgen/Makefile'
- PRFLAGS=-l60
- OBJS =rnd.o init.o print.o glob.o st.o system.o support.o planets.o sats.o main.o sub.o
- SOURCES=rnd.c init.c print.c glob.c st.c system.c support.c planets.c sats.c main.c sub.c
- HDRS=const.h types.h glob.h
- PRG=st
- LIBS=-lm
- $(PRG): $(OBJS)
- cc $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) -o $(PRG)
- $(OBJS) : stuff.h
- stuff.h: $(HDRS)
- @touch stuff.h
- wc:
- @wc $(SOURCES) $(HDRS)
- lint:
- @lint $(HDRS) $(SOURCES)
- pr:
- objs:
- @echo $(SOURCES)
- @echo $(HDRS)
- End of sysgen/Makefile
- echo sysgen/const.h 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/const.h <<'End of sysgen/const.h'
- #define DIE 6
- End of sysgen/const.h
- echo sysgen/glob.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/glob.c <<'End of sysgen/glob.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- int orbits[]={ 0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.6, 2.8, 5.2, 10.0, 19.6, 38.8,
- 77.2, 154.0, 307.6, 614.8, 1229.2, 2458.0, 4915.6, 9830.6,
- 19661.2, 39322.0 };
- char lt[]="aeioubcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz";
- int freq[]={ 82, 209, 278, 353, 380, 395, 422, 466, 488, 508, 569,
- 572, 580, 620, 644, 712, 731, 734, 792, 855, 947, 957,
- 980, 981, 1000, 1001 };
- int vowel=380;
- SYSDATA syst;
- char nature[]="SSSSSSSSBBBBTT";
- char ptypet[]="BBAMMMMMKGFFFF";
- int psizet[]={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5,
- 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7 };
- char ctypet[]="BBAFFGGKKMMMMM";
- int csizet[]={ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 7,
- 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7 };
- int natDM= -1;
- int typeDM=0;
- int sizeDM=0;
- char zones[][13][16]={ "--------IIIIIHO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "------IIIIIIHOO",
- "------IIIIIHOOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "--------IIIIHOO",
- "--------IIIIHOO",
- "--------IIIIIHO",
- "------IIIIIHOOO",
- "-----IIIIIIHOOO",
- "-----IIIIIHOOOO",
- "-----IIIIIHOOOO",
- "-----IIIIIHOOOO",
- "-----IIIIIHOOOO",
- "------IIIIIHOOO",
- "------IIIIIHOOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "--------IIIIHOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "-----IIIIIIHOOO",
- "------IIIIIHOOO",
- "------IIIIIHOOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "-----IIIIIHOOOO",
- "-----IIIIHOOOOO",
- "-------IIIIIHOO",
- "---------------",
- "---------------",
- "---------------",
- "---------------",
- "------IIIIIIHOO",
- "---------------",
- "---------------",
- "---------------",
- "---------------",
- "---------------",
- int ggno[]={ 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3,
- 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5 };
- int plno[]={ 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
- 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
- int ggDM, plDM;
- int ring[]={ 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 };
- int clos[]={ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 };
- int far[]={ 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,
- 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 };
- int extreme[]={ 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200,
- 225, 250, 275, 300, 325 };
- char starport[]="AAAAABBCCDEEX";
- char spaceport[]="YYYHGGF";
- int tech[][17]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,4,2,0,0,0,-4,
- 2,2,2,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,2,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,
- 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-2,0,0,0 };
- int mwatm,mwpop,mwgov,mwlaw,mwtech,mwind,mwpoor;
- int base;
- SUBDATA *subsect,*css;
- int grtab[]={ 0,0,0,0,5,5,10,10,
- 15,15,40,50,60,15,10,0 };
- int cloud[]={ 0,0,10,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,70 };
- double lumtab[][13]={ 560000,204000,107000,81000,61000,51000,67000,89000,
- 97000,107000,117000,129000,141000,
- 270000,46700,15000,11700,7400,5100,6100,8100,11700,
- 20400,46000,89000,117000,
- 170000,18600,2200,850,600,510,560,740,890,2450,4600,
- 14900,16200,
- 107000,6700,280,90,53,43,50,75,95,320,470,2280,2690,
- 81000,2000,156,37,19,12,6.5,4.9,4.67,0,0,0,0,
- 56000,1400,90,16,8.1,3.5,1.21,.67,.42,.08,.04,.007,.001,
- 0,0,0,0,0,.977,.322,.186,.117,.025,.011,.002,.00006,
- .046,.01,.005,.0009,.0003,.00015,.00006,.00005,.00004,
- .00004,.00003,.00003,.00003 };
- double dtab[]={ .2,.4,.7,1,1.6,2.8,5.2,10,19.6,38.8,77.2,154,307.6,614.8,
- 1229.2,2458,4915.6,9380.8,19661.2,39322 };
- char spa[50][50];
- int mapflag;
- End of sysgen/glob.c
- echo sysgen/glob.h 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/glob.h <<'End of sysgen/glob.h'
- extern int orbits[];
- extern char lt[];
- extern int freq[];
- extern int vowel;
- extern SYSDATA syst;
- extern char nature[], ptypet[], ctypet[];
- extern int psizet[], csizet[], natDM, typeDM, sizeDM;
- extern char zones[][13][16];
- extern int ggno[], plno[];
- extern int ggDM, plDM;
- extern int ring[], clos[], far[], extreme[];
- extern char starport[],spaceport[];
- extern int tech[][17];
- extern int mwatm,mwpop,mwgov,mwlaw,mwtech,mwind,mwpoor;
- extern int base;
- extern SUBDATA *subsect,*css;
- extern int grtab[],cloud[];
- extern double lumtab[][13], dtab[];
- extern char spa[][50];
- extern int mapflag;
- End of sysgen/glob.h
- echo sysgen/init.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/init.c <<'End of sysgen/init.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- init(argc,argv,maxx,maxy)
- char **argv;
- int *maxx,*maxy;
- {
- subsect=(SUBDATA *)malloc(sizeof(SUBDATA));
- subsect->next=NULL;
- css=subsect;
- if (argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='-')
- {
- if (argv[1][1]=='m')
- mapflag=1;
- argv++;
- argc--;
- }
- switch(argc)
- {
- case 1:
- iseed(42);
- *maxx=8;
- *maxy=10;
- break;
- case 2:
- iseed(atoi(argv[1]));
- *maxx=8;
- *maxy=10;
- break;
- case 3:
- iseed(atoi(argv[1]));
- *maxx=8;
- *maxy=atoi(argv[2]);
- break;
- case 4:
- iseed(atoi(argv[1]));
- *maxx=atoi(argv[3]);
- *maxy=atoi(argv[2]);
- break;
- }
- }
- End of sysgen/init.c
- echo sysgen/main.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/main.c <<'End of sysgen/main.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- mworld(s)
- {
- int pop;
- PLANDATA *p,*mp;
- SATDATA *sat,*ms;
- pop=0;
- mp=NULL;
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- {
- if (p->type=='P' || p->type=='W')
- {
- if (p->pop>pop || p->pop==pop && p->zone=='H')
- {
- pop=p->pop;
- mp=p;
- ms=NULL;
- }
- }
- for (sat=p->sats; sat; sat=sat->next)
- if (sat->pop>pop || sat->pop==pop && p->zone=='H')
- {
- pop=sat->pop;
- mp=p;
- ms=sat;
- }
- }
- if (mp==NULL)
- return;
- for (p=s->orb0; p && p!=mp; p=p->next)
- ;
- if (ms==NULL)
- {
- p->main=1;
- p->gov=gov(p->pop);
- p->law=law(p->gov);
- if (p->pop>0) p->sport=starport[die(2)]; else p->sport='X';
- p->tech=die(1)+tech[0][p->sport]+tech[1][p->size+1]+tech[2][p->atm]
- +tech[3][p->hyd]+tech[4][p->pop]+tech[5][p->gov];
- if (p->tech<0) p->tech=0;
- else if (p->tech>15) p->tech=15;
- trade(&p->notes,p->size,p->atm,p->hyd,p->pop,p->gov,p->law,p->tech);
- if (die(2)>7 && (p->sport=='A' || p->sport=='B'))
- addstr(&p->notes,"Naval");
- if (scb(p->sport)) addstr(&p->notes,"Scout");
- mwatm=p->atm;
- mwpop=p->pop;
- mwgov=p->gov;
- mwlaw=p->law;
- mwtech=p->tech;
- return;
- }
- for (sat=p->sats; sat && sat!=ms; sat=sat->next)
- ;
- sat->main=1;
- sat->gov=gov(sat->pop);
- sat->law=law(sat->gov);
- sat->sport=starport[die(2)];
- sat->tech=die(1)+tech[0][sat->size]+tech[1][sat->atm]+tech[2][sat->hyd]
- +tech[3][sat->pop]+tech[4][sat->gov];
- if (sat->tech<0) sat->tech=0;
- else if (sat->tech>15) sat->tech=15;
- trade(&sat->notes,sat->size,sat->atm,sat->hyd,sat->pop,sat->gov,
- sat->law,sat->tech);
- if (die(2)>7 && (sat->sport=='A' || sat->sport=='B'))
- addstr(&sat->notes,"Naval");
- if (scb(sat->sport)) addstr(&sat->notes,"Scout");
- mwgov=sat->gov;
- mwlaw=sat->law;
- mwtech=sat->tech;
- }
- gov(pop)
- {
- int g;
- g=die(2)-7+pop;
- if (g<0) return 0;
- else if (g>15) return 15;
- else return g;
- }
- law(gov)
- {
- int l;
- l=die(2)-7+gov;
- if (l<0) return 0;
- else if (l>9) return 9;
- else return l;
- }
- scb(sp)
- char sp;
- {
- int DM;
- switch(sp)
- {
- case 'C':
- DM= -1;
- break;
- case 'B':
- DM= -2;
- break;
- case 'A':
- DM= -3;
- break;
- }
- if (sp!='E' && sp!='X')
- return (die(2)+DM>6);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- trade(notes,size,atm,hyd,pop,gov,law)
- char **notes;
- {
- mwind=mwpoor=0;
- if (atm>=4 && atm<=9 && hyd>=4 && hyd<=8 && pop>=5 && pop<=7)
- addstr(notes,"Agr");
- if (atm<=3 && hyd<=3 && pop>=6)
- addstr(notes,"Non-Agr");
- if ((atm>=0 && atm<=2 || atm==4 || atm==7 || atm==9) && pop>=9)
- {
- addstr(notes,"Ind");
- mwind=1;
- }
- if (pop<=6)
- addstr(notes,"Non-Ind");
- if ((atm==6 || atm==9) && gov>=4 && gov<=9 && pop>=6 && pop<=8)
- addstr(notes,"Rich");
- if (atm>=2 && atm<=5 && hyd<=3)
- {
- addstr(notes,"Poor");
- mwpoor=1;
- }
- if (hyd==10)
- addstr(notes,"Water");
- if (atm>=2 && hyd==0)
- addstr(notes,"Desert");
- if (atm==0)
- addstr(notes,"Vacuum");
- if (size==0)
- addstr(notes,"Asteroid");
- if (atm>=0 && atm<=1 && hyd>=1)
- addstr(notes,"Ice-Capped");
- }
- End of sysgen/main.c
- echo sysgen/planets.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/planets.c <<'End of sysgen/planets.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- new_planets(p,n,size,type,dec)
- char type;
- {
- PLANDATA *q,*r;
- int z1,z2;
- char *name();
- switch(type)
- {
- case 'B':
- z1=0;
- case 'A':
- z1=2;
- case 'F':
- z1=4;
- case 'G':
- z1=6;
- case 'K':
- z1=8;
- case 'M':
- z1=10;
- }
- if (dec>=5)
- z1++;
- if (type=='M' && dec==9)
- z1++;
- z2=size;
- for (r=NULL,n--;n>=0;n--,r=q)
- {
- q=(PLANDATA *)malloc(sizeof(PLANDATA));
- strcpy(q->name,name());
- q->type=' ';
- q->orbit=n;
- q->zone=zones[z2][z1][(n<15)?n:14];
- q->main=0;
- q->sats=NULL;
- q->notes=NULL;
- q->next=r;
- }
- *p=r;
- }
- empty(s)
- {
- int n;
- if (die(1)>=5)
- {
- n=die(1);
- switch (n)
- {
- case 1:
- case 2:
- n=1;
- break;
- case 3:
- n=2;
- break;
- default:
- n=3;
- break;
- }
- if (n>s->free)
- n=s->free;
- while (n>0)
- for (p=s->orb0; p!=NULL && n>0; p=p->next)
- if (die(1)==6)
- {
- p->type='E';
- n--;
- s->free--;
- }
- }
- }
- capt(s)
- {
- int n;
- if (die(1)>=5)
- {
- n=(die(1)+1)/2;
- if (n>s->orbits)
- n=s->orbits;
- while (n>0)
- for (p=s->orb0; p!=NULL && n>0; p=p->next)
- if (die(1)==6)
- {
- p->capt=die(2)-7;
- n--;
- }
- }
- }
- gasgiants(s)
- {
- int n;
- if (die(2)<10)
- {
- n=ggno[die(2)+ggDM];
- if (n>s->free)
- n=s->free;
- if (n==0)
- {
- n=1;
- s->orbits++;
- s->free++;
- for (p=s->orb0; p->next; p=p->next)
- ;
- p->next=(PLANDATA *)malloc(sizeof(PLANDATA));
- if (p->zone=='I')
- p->next->zone='I';
- else
- p->next->zone='O';
- strcpy(p->next->name,name());
- p->next->type=' ';
- p->next->orbit=p->orbit+1;
- p->next->main=0;
- p->next->sats=NULL;
- p->next->notes=NULL;
- p->next->next=NULL;
- }
- s->gg=n;
- while (n>0)
- for (p=s->orb0; p && n>0;p=p->next)
- if (p->type==' ' && die(1)==6)
- {
- p->type=(die(1)<4)?'L':'S';
- n--;
- s->free--;
- }
- }
- }
- planetoids(s)
- {
- int n;
- if (die(2)-s->gg<=6)
- {
- n=die(2)-s->gg;
- n=plno[(n<0)?0:n];
- if (n>s->free)
- n=s->free;
- if (n!=0)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0;p && n>0;p=p->next)
- if (p->type==' ' && p->next && (p->next->type=='S' || p->next->type=='L'))
- {
- p->type='P';
- n--;
- s->free--;
- }
- while (n>0)
- for (p=s->orb0;p && n>0; p=p->next)
- if (p->type==' ' && die(1)==6)
- {
- p->type='P';
- n--;
- s->free--;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- wsize(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- {
- if (p->type=='P')
- p->size=0;
- if (p->type!=' ')
- continue;
- p->type='W';
- p->size=die(2)-2;
- if (p->orbit==0) p->size-=5;
- if (p->orbit==1) p->size-=4;
- if (p->orbit==2) p->size-=2;
- if (s->ptype=='M') p->size-=2;
- if (p->size<=0) p->size= -1;
- }
- }
- watm(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- {
- if (p->type!='W' && p->type!='P')
- continue;
- p->atm=die(2)-7+p->size;
- if (p->zone=='I') p->atm-=2;
- if (p->zone=='O') p->atm-=4;
- if (p->size==0) p->atm=0;
- if (p->atm<0) p->atm=0;
- if (p->atm>15) p->atm=15;
- }
- }
- whyd(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- {
- if (p->type!='W' && p->type!='P')
- continue;
- p->hyd=die(2)-7+p->size;
- if (p->zone=='I') p->hyd=0;
- if (p->zone=='O') p->hyd-=2;
- if (p->size<2) p->hyd=0;
- if (p->atm<2 || p->atm>9) p->hyd-=4;
- if (p->hyd<0) p->hyd=0;
- if (p->hyd>10) p->hyd=10;
- }
- }
- wpop(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- {
- if (p->type!='W' && p->type!='P')
- continue;
- p->pop=die(2)-2;
- if (p->zone=='I') p->pop-=5;
- if (p->zone=='O') p->pop-=3;
- if (p->atm!=0 && p->atm!=5 && p->atm!=6 && p->atm!=8) p->pop-=2;
- if (p->pop<0) p->pop=0;
- }
- }
- End of sysgen/planets.c
- echo sysgen/print.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/print.c <<'End of sysgen/print.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- print(s)
- {
- SATDATA *sat;
- char *prss();
- if (mapflag) return;
- printf(" %-15s %c%d %-2s\n",s->name,s->ptype,
- s->pdec,prss(s->psize));
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- {
- putchar(' ');
- if (p->zone=='H') putchar('*'); else putchar(' ');
- printf(" %2d ",p->orbit);
- if (p->type=='L')
- printf(" %-15s Large GG\n",p->name);
- else if (p->type=='S')
- printf(" %-15s Small GG\n",p->name);
- else if (p->type!='E')
- prpl(p,s);
- else
- {
- printf(" Orbit Empty \n");
- continue;
- }
- for (sat=p->sats; sat; sat=sat->next)
- {
- printf(" %3d", sat->orbit);
- prsat(sat);
- }
- }
- }
- prpl(p,s)
- {
- char hex(),pshex(),sshex();
- if (mapflag) return;
- printf(" %-15s ",p->name);
- printf(" %c",p->sport);
- if (p->type=='P') putchar('0'); else putchar(pshex(p->size));
- printf("%c%c%c%c%c %c ",hex(p->atm),hex(p->hyd),hex(p->pop),
- hex(p->gov),hex(p->law),hex(p->tech));
- if (s!=0) plfacts(p,s);
- if (p->notes)
- printf(" %s",p->notes);
- putchar('\n');
- }
- prsat(p)
- {
- char hex(),pshex(),sshex();
- if (mapflag) return;
- printf(" %-15s ",p->name);
- printf(" %c",p->sport);
- putchar(sshex(p->size));
- printf("%c%c%c%c%c %c ",hex(p->atm),hex(p->hyd),hex(p->pop),
- hex(p->gov),hex(p->law),hex(p->tech));
- if (p->notes)
- printf(" %s",p->notes);
- putchar('\n');
- }
- char *prss(n)
- {
- switch(n)
- {
- case 0:
- return "Ia";
- break;
- case 1:
- return "Ib";
- break;
- case 2:
- return "II";
- break;
- case 3:
- return "III";
- break;
- case 4:
- return "IV";
- break;
- case 5:
- return "V";
- break;
- case 6:
- return "VI";
- break;
- case 7:
- return "D";
- break;
- }
- }
- char hex(n)
- {
- if (n<0) return '0';
- if (n<10) return '0'+n;
- return n-10+'A';
- }
- char pshex(n)
- {
- if (n<=0) return 'S';
- else return hex(n);
- }
- char sshex(n)
- {
- if (n<0) return 'S';
- else if (n==0) return 'R';
- else return hex(n);
- }
- plfacts(p,s)
- {
- int w,l,i,cl,z1;
- double lum,dist;
- double sqrt();
- f.green=grtab[p->atm];
- f.cloud=cloud[p->hyd];
- if (p->atm>=10) f.cloud+=4;
- if (p->atm<=3) f.cloud-=2;
- if (p->atm==14) f.cloud=(f.cloud-4)/2;
- w=p->hyd*10;
- l=100-p->hyd;
- i=l/10;
- l-=i/2;
- w-=i/2;
- f.land=l;
- f.water=w;
- f.ice=i;
- cl=100-f.cloud;
- l=l*cl/100;
- w=w*cl/100;
- i=i*cl/100;
- f.albedo=l*15+w*2+f.cloud*60+i*55;
- switch(s->ptype)
- {
- case 'B':
- z1=0;
- case 'A':
- z1=2;
- case 'F':
- z1=4;
- case 'G':
- z1=6;
- case 'K':
- z1=8;
- case 'M':
- z1=10;
- }
- if (s->pdec>=5)
- z1++;
- if (s->ptype=='M' && s->pdec==9)
- z1++;
- lum=lumtab[s->psize][z1];
- dist=dtab[p->orbit];
- f.temp=374.025*f.green*(100-f.albedo)*sqrt(sqrt(lum))/sqrt(dist);
- }
- End of sysgen/print.c
- echo sysgen/rnd.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/rnd.c <<'End of sysgen/rnd.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- static s;
- rand(n)
- {
- double rnd();
- return (random()%n+1);
- }
- iseed(q)
- int q;
- {
- srandom(q);
- }
- char *name()
- {
- static char st[20];
- int i,j,l;
- l=rand(7)+3;
- st[l+1]='\0';
- i=rand(1000);
- for (j=0;freq[j]<i;j++)
- ;
- st[l--]=lt[j];
- while (l>=0)
- {
- if (i<vowel)
- i=rand(1000-vowel)+vowel;
- else
- i=rand(vowel);
- for (j=0;freq[j]<i;j++)
- ;
- st[l--]=lt[j];
- }
- st[0]=toupper(st[0]);
- return st;
- }
- die(n)
- {
- int i,j;
- j=0;
- for (i=0;i<n;i++)
- j+=rand(DIE);
- return j;
- }
- End of sysgen/rnd.c
- echo sysgen/sats.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/sats.c <<'End of sysgen/sats.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- sats(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- switch(p->type)
- {
- case 'L':
- new_sats(&p->sats,die(2));
- break;
- case 'S':
- new_sats(&p->sats,die(2)-4);
- break;
- case 'W':
- new_sats(&p->sats,die(1)-3);
- break;
- default:
- p->sats=NULL;
- }
- }
- new_sats(p,n)
- SATDATA **p;
- {
- SATDATA *r, *q;
- char *name();
- if (n<=0)
- *p=NULL;
- else
- {
- for (r=NULL;n;r=q,n--)
- {
- q=(SATDATA *)malloc(sizeof(SATDATA));
- strcpy(q->name,name());
- q->main=0;
- q->notes=NULL;
- q->next=r;
- }
- *p=r;
- }
- }
- satwsize(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- satsize(p);
- }
- satsize(p)
- {
- for (s=p->sats; s; s=s->next)
- {
- switch(p->type)
- {
- case 'L':
- s->size=die(2)-4;
- break;
- case 'S':
- s->size=die(2)-6;
- break;
- case 'W':
- s->size=p->size-die(1);
- break;
- }
- if (s->size<0) s->size= -1; /*SMALL*/
- if (s->size>10) s->size= 10;
- }
- }
- satworbit(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- satorbit(p);
- }
- satorbit(p)
- {
- SATDATA *s,*r;
- int otype,swap;
- int DM;
- DM=0;
- for (s=p->sats; s; s=s->next,DM++)
- {
- otype=die(2)-DM;
- if (s->size==0) s->orbit=ring[die(1)];
- else if (otype<8) s->orbit=clos[die(2)];
- else if (otype==12 && (p->type=='L' || p->type=='S'))
- s->orbit=extreme[die(2)];
- else if (otype>7) s->orbit=far[die(2)];
- }
- swap=1;
- s=p->sats;
- while (s && s->next && swap)
- {
- s=p->sats;
- swap=0;
- if (s->orbit>s->next->orbit)
- {
- p->sats=s->next;
- s->next=p->sats->next;
- p->sats->next=s;
- swap=1;
- }
- for (s=p->sats; s->next->next; s=s->next)
- {
- r=s->next;
- if (r->orbit>r->next->orbit)
- {
- s->next=r->next;
- r->next=r->next->next;
- s->next->next=r;
- swap=1;
- }
- }
- }
- for (s=p->sats; s && s->next;)
- if (s->orbit==s->next->orbit)
- {
- r=s->next;
- s->next=r->next;
- free(r);
- }
- else
- s=s->next;
- }
- satwatm(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- satatm(p);
- }
- satatm(p)
- {
- for (s=p->sats; s; s=s->next)
- {
- s->atm=die(2)-7+s->size;
- if (p->zone=='I') s->atm-=4;
- if (p->zone=='O') s->atm-=4;
- if (s->size<2) s->atm=0;
- if (s->atm<0) s->atm=0;
- if (s->atm>15) s->atm=15;
- }
- }
- satwhyd(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- sathyd(p);
- }
- sathyd(p)
- {
- for (s=p->sats; s; s=s->next)
- {
- s->hyd=die(2)-7+s->size;
- if (p->zone=='I') s->hyd=0;
- if (p->zone=='O') s->hyd-=4;
- if (s->size<=0) s->hyd=0;
- if (s->atm<2 || s->atm>9) s->hyd-=4;
- if (s->hyd<0) s->hyd=0;
- if (s->hyd>10) s->hyd=10;
- }
- }
- satwpop(s)
- {
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- satpop(p);
- }
- satpop(p)
- {
- for (s=p->sats; s; s=s->next)
- {
- s->pop=die(2)-2;
- if (p->zone=='I') s->pop-=5;
- if (p->zone=='O') s->pop-=4;
- if (s->atm!=5 && s->atm!=6 && s->atm!=8) s->pop-=2;
- if (s->size<5) s->pop-=2;
- if (s->size==0) s->pop=0;
- if (s->pop<0) s->pop=0;
- if (s->pop>10) s->pop=10;
- }
- }
- End of sysgen/sats.c
- echo sysgen/st.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/st.c <<'End of sysgen/st.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- int i,j,mxi,mxj;
- char sysnat(), stype();
- init(argc,argv,&mxi,&mxj);
- for (i=1;i<=mxi;i++)
- {
- for (j=1;j<=mxj;j++)
- {
- spa[i][j]=' ';
- if (syspres(0))
- {
- if (!mapflag) printf("\fSystem At (%02d%02d)\n\n",i,j);
- strcpy(syst.name,name());
- syst.nature=sysnat();
- syst.ptype=stype(0);
- syst.psize=ssize(0,syst.ptype);
- syst.pdec=rand(10)-1;
- if (syst.nature!='S')
- {
- syst.ctype=stype(1);
- syst.csize=ssize(1,syst.ctype);
- syst.cdec=rand(10)-1;
- }
- syst.orbits=nbrorbs(syst.psize,syst.ptype);
- syst.free=syst.orbits;
- new_planets(&syst.orb0,syst.orbits,syst.psize,syst.ptype,
- syst.pdec);
- syst.notes=NULL;
- empty(&syst);
- capt(&syst);
- gasgiants(&syst);
- planetoids(&syst);
- wsize(&syst);
- watm(&syst);
- whyd(&syst);
- wpop(&syst);
- sats(&syst);
- satwsize(&syst);
- satworbit(&syst);
- satwatm(&syst);
- satwhyd(&syst);
- satwpop(&syst);
- mworld(&syst);
- sub(&syst);
- print(&syst);
- css->x=i;
- css->y=j;
- spa[i][j]=freeup(&syst);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!mapflag)
- {
- putchar('\f');
- for (css=subsect; css->next; css=css->next)
- {
- printf("%02d%02d ",css->x,css->y);
- if (!css->planet && !css->sat) printf(" %s system UNINHABITED\n",css->name);
- if (css->planet) prpl(css->planet,0);
- if (css->sat) prsat(css->sat,0);
- }
- printf("\f ");
- for (i=1;i<=mxi;i++)
- printf("%02dxx ",i);
- putchar('\n');
- for (j=1;j<=mxj;j++)
- {
- printf(" xx%02d ",j);
- for (i=1;i<=mxi;i+=2)
- printf(" %2c ",spa[i][j]);
- printf("\n ");
- for (i=2;i<=mxi;i+=2)
- printf(" %2c ",spa[i][j]);
- putchar('\n');
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (css=subsect;css->next;css=css->next)
- {
- printf("%d %d ",css->x-1,css->y-1);
- if (!css->planet && !css->sat) printf("%s %c\n",css->name,spa[css->x][css->y]);
- if (css->planet) printf("%s %c\n",css->planet->name,css->planet->sport);
- if (css->sat) printf("%s %c\n",css->sat->name,css->sat->sport);
- }
- printf("99\n");
- }
- }
- End of sysgen/st.c
- echo sysgen/stuff.h 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/stuff.h <<'End of sysgen/stuff.h'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "const.h"
- #include "types.h"
- #include "glob.h"
- End of sysgen/stuff.h
- echo sysgen/sub.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/sub.c <<'End of sysgen/sub.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- sub(s)
- {
- SATDATA *sat;
- int sp;
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- {
- if (!p->main && p->type!='L' && p->type!='S')
- {
- p->gov=die(1);
- if (mwgov==6) p->gov=6;
- if (mwgov>=7) p->gov+=2;
- if (p->pop==0) p->gov=0;
- p->law=die(1)-3+mwlaw;
- if (p->gov==0) p->law=0;
- p->tech=mwtech-1+facility(&p->notes,p->zone,p->size,p->atm,p->hyd,
- p->pop,p->gov,p->law);
- if (p->pop==0) p->tech=0;
- sp=die(1);
- if (p->pop>=6) sp+=2;
- if (p->pop<2) sp-=2;
- if (sp<1) sp=1;
- if (sp>6) sp=6;
- if (p->pop>0) p->sport=spaceport[sp]; else p->sport='Y';
- }
- for (sat=p->sats; sat; sat=sat->next)
- {
- if (!sat->main)
- {
- sat->gov=die(1);
- if (mwgov==6) sat->gov=6;
- if (mwgov>=7) sat->gov+=2;
- if (sat->pop==0) sat->gov=0;
- sat->law=die(1)-3+mwlaw;
- if (sat->gov==0) sat->law=0;
- sat->tech=mwtech-1+facility(&sat->notes,p->zone,sat->size,
- sat->atm,sat->hyd,sat->pop,sat->gov,sat->law);
- if (sat->pop==0) sat->tech=0;
- sp=die(1);
- if (sat->pop>=6) sp+=2;
- if (sat->pop<2) sp-=2;
- if (sp<1) sp=1;
- if (sp>6) sp=6;
- if (sat->pop>0) sat->sport=spaceport[sp]; else sat->sport='Y';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- facility(notes,zone,size,atm,hyd,pop,gov,law)
- char **notes;
- char zone;
- {
- int bonus; /* TL bonus for lab or base */
- bonus=0;
- if (zone=='H' && atm>=4 && atm<=9 && hyd>=4 && hyd<=8 && pop>=2)
- addstr(notes,"Farming");
- if (mwind && pop>=2)
- addstr(notes,"Mining");
- if (gov==6 && pop>=5)
- addstr(notes,"Colony");
- if ((die(2)+((mwtech>=10)?2:0)>=11) && mwtech>8 && pop>0)
- {
- addstr(notes,"Lab.");
- bonus=1;
- }
- if (die(2)+((mwpop>=8)?1:0)+((atm==mwatm)?2:0)+(base?1:0)>=12 && pop>0 &&
- !mwpoor)
- {
- addstr(notes,"Mil. Base");
- bonus=1;
- }
- return bonus;
- }
- End of sysgen/sub.c
- echo sysgen/support.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/support.c <<'End of sysgen/support.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- char *malloc(), *realloc(), *strcpy(), *strcat();
- addstr(p,q)
- char **p,*q;
- {
- if (*p==NULL)
- *p=strcpy(malloc(strlen(q)+1),q);
- else
- *p=strcat(strcat(realloc(*p,strlen(*p)+strlen(q)+2)," "),q);
- }
- freeup(s)
- {
- SATDATA *sat;
- char sp;
- sp='X';
- css->planet=NULL;
- css->sat=NULL;
- css->name=strcpy(malloc(strlen(s->name)+1),s->name);
- for (p=s->orb0; p; p=p->next)
- {
- for (sat=p->sats; sat; sat=sat->next)
- if (sat->main)
- {
- css->sat=sat;
- sp=sat->sport;
- }
- else
- free(sat);
- if (p->main)
- {
- p->sats=NULL;
- css->planet=p;
- sp=p->sport;
- }
- else
- free(p);
- }
- css->next=(SUBDATA *)malloc(sizeof(SUBDATA));
- css=css->next;
- css->planet=NULL;
- css->sat=NULL;
- css->next=NULL;
- return sp;
- }
- End of sysgen/support.c
- echo sysgen/system.c 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/system.c <<'End of sysgen/system.c'
- #include "stuff.h"
- syspres(fudge)
- {
- if (die(1)+fudge>=4)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- char sysnat()
- {
- return nature[die(2)+natDM];
- }
- char stype(f)
- {
- if (f==0)
- return ptypet[die(2)+typeDM];
- else
- return ctypet[die(2)+typeDM];
- }
- ssize(f,t)
- char t;
- {
- int s;
- if (f==0)
- s=psizet[die(2)+sizeDM];
- else
- s=csizet[die(2)+sizeDM];
- if (s==4 && (t=='K' || t=='M'))
- s=5;
- if (s==6 && (t=='B' || t=='A' || t=='F'))
- s=5;
- return s;
- }
- nbrorbs(s,t)
- char t;
- {
- int o;
- o=die(2);
- if (s==3) o+=4;
- if (s<=2) o+=8;
- if (t=='M') o-=4;
- if (t=='K') o-=2;
- if (o<1) o=1;
- return o;
- }
- End of sysgen/system.c
- echo sysgen/types.h 1>&2
- cat >sysgen/types.h <<'End of sysgen/types.h'
- typedef struct factors {
- int cloud;
- int albedo;
- int green;
- int land;
- int water;
- int ice;
- int temp;
- int tilt;
- int ecc;
- typedef struct subsector {
- int x;
- int y;
- struct planet *planet;
- struct sat *sat;
- char *name;
- struct subsector *next;
- typedef struct system {
- char name[20];
- char nature;
- char ptype;
- int pdec;
- int psize;
- char ctype;
- int cdec;
- int csize;
- int orbits;
- int free;
- int gg;
- char *notes;
- struct planet *orb0;
- typedef struct planet {
- char name[20];
- int orbit;
- char zone;
- char type;
- int capt;
- char sport;
- int size;
- int atm;
- int hyd;
- int pop;
- int gov;
- int law;
- int tech;
- int main;
- char *notes;
- struct sat *sats;
- struct planet *next;
- typedef struct sat {
- char name[20];
- int orbit;
- char sport;
- int size;
- int atm;
- int hyd;
- int pop;
- int gov;
- int law;
- int tech;
- int main;
- char *notes;
- struct sat *next;
- End of sysgen/types.h
- echo sysprint/Makefile 1>&2
- cat >sysprint/Makefile <<'End of sysprint/Makefile'
- all: trmult
- trmult: trmult.o
- cc -o trmult trmult.o
- End of sysprint/Makefile
- echo sysprint/mass 1>&2
- cat >sysprint/mass <<'End of sysprint/mass'
- trmult 4 4 stars.ps m1[3456]00 m900 m1[012]00 m[5678]00 m[1234]00
- End of sysprint/mass
- echo sysprint/stars.ps 1>&2
- cat >sysprint/stars.ps <<'End of sysprint/stars.ps'
- /incx { 126 } def
- /incy { 72 } def
- /offset { 15 } def
- /coffset { 35 } def
- /stdfont { /Times-Roman findfont } def
- /add36 { 36 sub } def
- /setgrey { setgray } def
- /grey4 { 0.1 setgrey 6 setlinewidth} def
- /black1 {0 setgrey 1 setlinewidth} def
- /grid { % - GRID -
- -21 36 rmoveto
- -21 -36 rlineto
- 21 -36 rlineto
- 42 0 rlineto
- 21 36 rlineto
- -21 36 rlineto
- 21 -36 rmoveto
- 42 0 rlineto
- } def
- /top { % - TOP -
- -21 36 rmoveto
- 42 0 rlineto
- } def
- /right { % - RIGHT -
- 84 0 rmoveto
- 21 -36 rlineto
- -21 -36 rlineto
- } def
- /bottom { % - BOTTOM -
- 21 -36 rmoveto
- 21 -36 rlineto
- 42 0 rlineto
- 21 36 rlineto
- } def
- /coords { % string COORDS -
- 0 24 rmoveto
- dup % duplicate string
- stringwidth
- pop
- 2 div neg
- 0
- rmoveto
- show % second copy of string
- } def
- /starport { % string STARPORT -
- dup
- stringwidth
- offset add exch
- 2 div neg exch
- rmoveto
- show
- } def
- /name { % string NAME -
- dup
- stringwidth
- pop offset neg exch
- 2 div neg exch
- rmoveto
- show
- } def
- /conv2 { % x (0:7) y (0:9) CONV2 x (minx:maxx) y (miny:maxy)
- 9 exch sub % 9-y
- incy mul % (9-y)*incy
- miny add % (9-y)*incy+miny
- exch % stack: y x
- dup % dup to give us second value for test
- 2 mod 0 ne % test for even column
- exch % stack: y bool x
- incx 2 div mul% x*incx
- minx add % x*incx+minx
- 3 1 roll % stack: x y bool
- {add36} if % make y correction
- } def
- /conv { % x (0:7) y (0:9) CONV -
- conv2
- moveto
- } def
- /pname { % string x y PNAME -
- conv
- name
- } def
- /pport { % string x y PNAME -
- conv
- starport
- } def
- /ccord { % string x y CCORD -
- conv
- coords
- } def
- /route { % x y x y ROUTE -
- 4 setlinewidth
- conv
- conv2
- lineto
- stroke
- } def
- /Nbord { % 0 Nbord -
- pop
- -21 36 rmoveto
- 42 0 rlineto
- grey4
- stroke
- black1
- } def
- /NEbord { % - NEbord -
- 21 36 rmoveto
- 21 -36 rlineto
- grey4
- stroke
- black1
- } def
- /SEbord { % - SEbord -
- 42 0 rmoveto
- -21 -36 rlineto
- grey4
- stroke
- black1
- } def
- /NSEbord { % side NSEBORD -
- 1 eq {NEbord} {SEbord} ifelse
- } def
- /border { % side x y BORDER -
- conv
- dup
- 0 eq {Nbord} {NSEbord} ifelse
- } def
- /planet { % x y PLANET -
- conv2
- 2 copy
- moveto
- -6 -10 rmoveto
- stdfont 30 scalefont setfont
- 1 setgray
- (\267) show
- moveto
- -4 -7 rmoveto
- stdfont 20 scalefont setfont
- 0 setgray
- (\267) show
- stdfont 10 scalefont setfont
- } def
- /grid2 { % horiz vert GRID2 horiz
- 2 copy
- moveto
- grid
- pop
- } def
- /grid1 { % horiz GRID1 -
- maxy incy neg miny {grid2} for
- dup
- maxy moveto top
- miny moveto bottom
- } def
- /dogrid { % - DOGRID -
- minx incx maxx {grid1} for
- } def
- /right1 { % horiz vert RIGHT1 horiz
- 2 copy
- moveto
- right
- pop
- } def
- /doright { % - DORIGHT -
- maxx
- maxy incy neg miny {right1} for
- pop
- } def
- End of sysprint/stars.ps
- echo sysprint/tr22 1>&2
- cat >sysprint/tr22 <<'End of sysprint/tr22'
- trmult 2 2 stars.ps m${1}00 m${2}00 m${3}00 m${4}00
- End of sysprint/tr22
- echo sysprint/trconv 1>&2
- cat >sysprint/trconv <<'End of sysprint/trconv'
- trmult 1 1 stars.ps $*
- End of sysprint/trconv
- echo sysprint/trmult.c 1>&2
- cat >sysprint/trmult.c <<'End of sysprint/trmult.c'
- #include <stdio.h>
- #define MAX 80
- #define MAXC 30
- #define MAXX 396
- #define MINX 18
- #define MAXY 702
- #define MINY 54
- #define INCX 126
- #define INCY 72
- main(argc,argv)
- char **argv;
- {
- char name[MAXC],sport[MAXC];
- FILE *fp;
- int c;
- int x,y,dx,dy,xa[MAX],ya[MAX];
- int i,k;
- int xsiz,ysiz;
- int xl,yl;
- if (argc<5)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s x y psfile starsfile ...\n",argv[0]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- xsiz=atoi(argv[1]);
- ysiz=atoi(argv[2]);
- if (argc!=xsiz*ysiz+4)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"You must specify %d stars files\n",xsiz*ysiz);
- exit(-1);
- }
- printf("36 36 translate\n");
- printf("1 %d div 1 %d div scale\n",xsiz,ysiz);
- printf("/maxx { %d } def\n",MAXX);
- printf("/minx { %d } def\n",MINX);
- printf("/maxy { %d } def\n",MAXY);
- printf("/miny { %d } def\n",MINY);
- if (!(fp=fopen(argv[3],"r")))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Could not open %s\n",argv[3]);
- exit(-1);
- }
- printf("36 36 translate\n");
- while ((c=getc(fp))!=EOF)
- putchar(c);
- fclose(fp);
- for (yl=0,argv+=4;yl<ysiz;yl++)
- {
- if (yl!=0) printf("%d %d translate\n",(1-xsiz)*(MAXX-MINX+INCX),MAXY-MINY+INCY);
- for (xl=0;xl<xsiz;xl++,argv++)
- {
- if (xl!=0) printf("%d 0 translate\n",MAXX-MINX+INCX);
- printf("stdfont 10 scalefont setfont\n");
- printf("dogrid\n");
- printf("doright\n");
- printf("1 setlinewidth\n");
- printf("stroke\n");
- if (!(fp=fopen(*argv,"r")))
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Could not open %s\n",*argv);
- exit(-1);
- }
- for (i=0;;i++)
- {
- if ((c=fscanf(fp,"%d",&x))!=1)
- {
- if (c==EOF)
- break;
- fprintf(stderr,"Data Format Error! File %s Line %d\n",*argv,i);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (x==99)
- break;
- if ((c=fscanf(fp,"%d %s %s",&y,name,sport))!=3)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Data Format Error! File %s Line %d\n",*argv,i);
- exit(-1);
- }
- xa[i]=x;
- ya[i]=y;
- printf("(%s) %d %d pname\n",name,x,y);
- printf("(%s) %d %d pport\n",sport,x,y);
- }
- for (k=i++;;i++)
- {
- if ((c=fscanf(fp,"%d",&x))!=1)
- {
- if (c==EOF)
- break;
- fprintf(stderr,"Border Format Error! Line %d\n",i);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (x==99)
- break;
- if ((c=fscanf(fp,"%d %d",&y,&dx))!=2)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Border Format Error! Line %d\n",i);
- exit (-1);
- }
- printf("%d %d %d border\n",dx,x-1,y-1);
- }
- for (i++;;i++)
- {
- if ((c=fscanf(fp,"%d",&x))!=1)
- {
- if (c==EOF)
- break;
- fprintf(stderr,"Route Format Error! Line %d\n",i);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (x==99)
- break;
- if ((c=fscanf(fp,"%d %d %d",&y,&dx,&dy))!=3)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Route Format Error! File %s Line %d\n",*argv,i);
- exit(-1);
- }
- printf("%d %d %d %d route\n",x-1,y-1,dx-1,dy-1);
- }
- for (i=0;i<k;i++)
- printf("%d %d planet\n",xa[i],ya[i]);
- for (k=0;k<10;k++)
- for (i=0;i<8;i++)
- printf("(%02d%02d) %d %d ccord\n",i+1,k+1,i,k);
- }
- }
- printf("showpage\n");
- }
- End of sysprint/trmult.c
- echo sysprint/ts 1>&2
- cat >sysprint/ts <<'End of sysprint/ts'
- #Csh
- foreach i (`nbrs $1 $2 $3`)
- st -m $i >m$i
- end
- End of sysprint/ts