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- "Crack Version 3.3c"
- A Sensible Password Checker for UNIX-
- Alec D.E. Muffett
- Computer Unit, University College of Wales
- Aberystwyth, Wales, SY23 3DB
- aem@aber.ac.uk
- +44 970 622492
- Crack[1] is a freely available program
- designed to find standard UNIX eight-character DES
- encrypted passwords by standard guessing tech-
- niques outlined below. It is written to be flexi-
- ble, configurable and fast, and to be able to make
- use of several networked hosts via the Berkeley
- rsh program (or similar), where possible.
- 1. Intent of this program
- My intentions, whilst writing this program, were
- 1) To provide the average system manager with a simple,
- flexible and fast tool to find passwords which would be
- easily compromised by a dictionary search.
- 2) To weaken the complacency which has developed amongst
- many (in)?experienced UNIX systems managers about pass-
- word security. Just because the crypt() function cannot
- be reversed does not mean that your passwords are
- secure. If this program helps to raise the overall
- quotient of paranoia just one little bit, then it will
- have served its purpose and is all to the good.
- I am quite certain that some childish morons out there will
- abuse the work that I have put into creating this program.
- It's up to them how they use it, but if it's used for some
- illegal purpose it's not my intention, nor my fault. I hope
- _________________________
- [1]
- - UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.
- [1] Crack is available for anonymous FTP from
- wuarchive.wustl.edu ( in ~/packages
- September 19, 1991
- - 2 -
- they get caught.
- Crack was not designed to do anything nasty, other than to
- attack passwords in sensible order. This is why I feel I
- can post it to the net without fear of recrimination. This
- version of Crack is supplied with a (hopefully) portable
- version of fcrypt(), for speed reasons. Fcrypt() is not yet
- widely available, but several versions have now been posted
- to USENET, and with the growing ability to access anonymous
- FTP databases like Archie, I believe that people who really
- want access to such programs as fcrypt() will be able to get
- them easily. People who need them but don't have the time
- to look, on the other hand, will not get them. This is not
- a good thing if you are a systems manager, because it gives
- the crackers an advantage. My philosophy is: give it to
- everyone, then at least the people who need it can get it.
- 2. Fcrypt() Statistics
- The version of fcrypt() that comes with Crack is several
- times faster than the version that was originally supplied
- to me, and should outperform most others which are publicly
- available. I haven't tried many speed-demon style tricks,
- but rather I have gone for portability, elegance and simpli-
- city, where applicable 8-). On a DECStation 5000/200,
- fcrypt() iterates about 580 times per second, and overall, I
- measure this to be about 15 times faster than standard
- crypt(). There are faster versions available, but at least
- I feel free to redistribute this version without stepping on
- anyones toes.
- A final note about my motives: If you think that I am a
- moron for writing and then distributing this program, and
- you think that the program is in itself dangerous, I suggest
- that you carefully consider the fact that any moron could
- have written this program. Flames to /dev/null, please.
- 3. Implementation
- I have tried to make Crack as portable as possible without
- compromising speed. Needless to say, it is imperfect in the
- this respect, but I have tried. If you have problems get-
- ting Crack up, please let me know what these problems are,
- and what system you were trying to put Crack up on. I
- believe that Crack will work on Xenix and various versions
- of System V, but it may require a little effort if your UNIX
- is not fairly modern.
- To use the Crack -network option, you must have rsh, or a
- similar program. rsh is a BSD-ism which has become fairly
- common on non-BSD systems. If you don't have it or some-
- thing similar, let me know what you do have which might,
- with a little ingenuity, do the job, and I shall see what I
- can do. Have a look in Scripts/RCrack and feel free to play
- September 19, 1991
- - 3 -
- around.
- Note: Xenix users and some others have a rcmd pro-
- gram instead of rsh. Similarly, HP-UX has a remsh
- command. I'm not sure of the correct syntax for
- these programs, but it should not be hard to
- integrate them, if they do not already work. There
- is a note about these commands in Scripts/RCrack
- On System V based systems, users may also be miss-
- ing the BSD function gethostname(). If this is
- so, but you do have the uname() system call,
- define the macro CRACK_UNAME in Sources/conf.h
- instead. This ought to fix the problem, but it may
- need a little user intervention first (it depends
- where your header file for uname() is). Caveat
- Emptor!
- 4. Method of Password Cracking
- Crack does not take the serial approach to password guessing
- that other programs like the COPS password cracker does.
- Rather, Crack makes two passes over the users' password
- entries.
- The first pass bases its guesses on the contents of the
- gecos field (containing the users' real name), and the user-
- name itself. The first pass is fast and usually very fruit-
- ful, and completes quite quickly. You would be surprised at
- the number of spods who still think that their middle name,
- backwards and capitalised, is a good password.
- The second pass is made by encrypting several pre-processed
- dictionaries on the fly, and comparing the results with
- users passwords. Crack optimises the number of calls to the
- encryption function by sorting the user passwords by their
- encryption salt before loading, so that the dictionaries
- only have to be encrypted once for each different salt.
- This generally saves about 30% of the calls you would have
- to make to crypt().
- The preprocessed dictionaries are created by merging the
- source dictionaries found in the directory DictSrc and then
- truncating, sorting and uniq'ing the output from the prepro-
- cessor. The default dictionaries named are /usr/dict/words
- which provides the bulk of the input data, and
- DictSrc/bad_pws.dat which is meant to provide all of those
- non-dictionary passwords, such as 12345678 or qwerty.[2]
- _________________________
- [2] Extra dictionaries (those used in Dan Klein's pa-
- per, below) can be obtained via anonymous FTP from
- uunet.uu.net ( as ~/pub/dictionaries.tar.Z
- September 19, 1991
- - 4 -
- If you wish to add a dictionary of your own, just copy it
- into the DictSrc directory and then delete the contents of
- the Dicts directory (run Scripts/spotless from within
- $CRACK_HOME). Your new dictionary will be merged in on the
- next run. Do not worry about replication of data, as the
- preprocessor's driver script sorts and uniq's the data
- before putting it into the Dicts directory.
- The formats of the output dictionaries are:
- a) Unique words that have been forced lowercase, forwards.
- These are the most common passwords you will find, thus
- they are tried first.
- b) Dictionary words which have been artificially plural-
- ised, because not many dictionaries contain plurals.
- c) Dictionary words forced capitalised (eg: Capitalised).
- d) Dictionary words, forced lowercase, with a trailing 0
- or 1 (this may be extended by hacking Sources/crack-
- pp.c).
- e) Dictionary words forced lowercase and backwards.
- f) Dictionary words, forced lowercase, with a leading 0 or
- 1 (this may be extended by hacking Sources/crack-pp.c).
- g) Dictionary words, forced uppercase, forwards.
- h) Dictionary words, forced uppercase, backwards.
- i) Dictionary words forced capitalised, reversed (eg:
- desilatipaC).
- This choice of attack is entirely empirical, my own, and
- made up on the spot. It is also horrendously successful,
- and because Crack uses each of these dictionaries in turn,
- it tends to get passwords faster than a program like the
- COPS password cracker which tries words every-which-way for
- each user.[3]
- Optimisation Note: Crack has an compile-time
- option, called CRACK_SHORT_PASSWDS, which, if not
- defined, makes the dictionary preprocessor throw
- away words which are less than 5 characters long.
- _________________________
- [3] For more information, see "Foiling the Cracker: A
- Survey of, and Improvements to, Password Security" by
- Daniel Klein, available from ftp.sei.cmu.edu in
- ~/pub/dvk/passwd.*. Also, read the APPENDIX file sup-
- plied with this distribution.
- September 19, 1991
- - 5 -
- The reasoning for this is that many sites, with a
- semi-sensible passwd program, will not have pass-
- words shorter than 5 characters long.
- It is up to you whether you bother testing these
- short passwords, but I would recommend that you do
- so at least once, to be safe. (Setting the option
- also leads to having smaller pre-processed dic-
- tionaries. The option, however, is defined by
- default).
- 5. Installation
- Crack is one of those most unusual of beasties, a self-
- installing program. Once the necessary configuration
- options have been set, the executables are created via make
- by running the Crack shellscript .
- Some people have complained about this apparent weirdness,
- but it has grown up with Crack ever since the earliest net-
- work version, when I could not be bothered to log into
- several different machines with several different architec-
- tures, just in order to build the binaries.
- Down to the nitty-gritty. Crack needs to know where it has
- been installed. You will have to edit the CRACK_HOME vari-
- able in the Crack shellscript to the correct value. This
- variable should be set to an absolute path name (relative to
- ~user should be OK, so long as you have some sort of csh)
- through which the directory containing Crack may be accessed
- on all the machines that Crack will be run on. There is a
- similar variable CRACK_OUT which specifies where Crack
- should put its output files - by default, this is the same
- The next thing you will have to do is to edit the file
- Sources/conf.h and work out which switches to enable. Each
- #define has a small note explaining its purpose. Where I
- have been in doubt about the portability of certain library
- functions, usually I have re-written it, so you should be
- OK. Let me know of your problems, if you have any.
- One of the most important switches in the conf.h file is the
- CRACK_NETWORK symbol. This forces Crack to create all of
- its output files with an embedded hostname (obtained by the
- gethostname() routine) so that you can keep track of output
- from all over the network. If you have no gethostname() but
- have a uname() system call, you can use that by defining
- CRACK_UNAME in Sources/conf.h.
- If you will be using CRACK_NETWORK, you will then have to
- generate a Scripts/network.conf file. This contains a list
- of hostnames to rsh to, what their binary type is (useful
- when running a network Crack on several different
- September 19, 1991
- - 6 -
- architectures), a guesstimate of their relative power (take
- your slowest machine as unary, and measure all others rela-
- tive to it), and a list of per-host flags to add to those
- specified on the Crack command line, when calling that host.
- There is an example of such a file provided in the Scripts
- directory - take a look at it.
- If ever you wish to specify a more precise figure as to the
- relative power of your machines, or you are simply at a
- loss, play with the command make tests in the source code
- directory. This will provide you with the number of
- fcrypt()s that your machine can do per second, which is a
- number that you can plug into your network.conf as a measure
- of your machines' power (after rounding the value to an
- integer).
- 6. Crack Usage
- Crack [options] [bindir] /etc/passwd [...other passwd files]
- Crack -network [options] /etc/passwd [...other passwd files]
- Where bindir is the optional name of the directory where you
- want the binaries installed. This is useful where you want
- to be able to run versions of Crack on several different
- architectures. If bindir does not exist, a warning will be
- issued, and the directory created.
- Note: bindir defaults to the name generic if not
- supplied.
- Notes for Yellow Pages (NIS) Users: I have had
- some queries about how to get Crack running from a
- YP password file. There are several methods, but
- by far the simplest is to generate a passwd format
- file by running:-
- ypcat passwd > passwd.yp
- and then running Crack on this file.
- 7. Options
- -f Runs Crack in foreground mode, ie: the password cracker
- is not backgrounded, and messages appear on stdout and
- stderr as you would expect. This option is only really
- useful for small password files, or when you want to
- put a wrapper script around Crack, or after you have
- been running in feedback mode.
- Foreground mode is disabled if you try running Crack
- -network -f, on the command line, because of the
- September 19, 1991
- - 7 -
- insensibility of rshing to several machines in turn,
- waiting for each one to finish before calling the next.
- However, please read the section about Network Cracking
- without NFS/RFS, below.
- -F Puts Crack into feedback mode, ie: when a run of the
- password cracker terminates normally, the software
- writes a list of the DES encrypted passwords which were
- (or were not) cracked, into a feedback file, named
- Runtime/fbk.<pid>, or similar. When Crack is next
- invoked with the -F option, Crack removes from its
- input all encrypted passwords which can be found in one
- of the feedback files, and reports on them immediately.
- This prevents Crack from wasting time trying to crack
- passwords that it has cracked (or not cracked) before.
- Obviously, use of the -F option is not recommended when
- amendments have been made to the source dictionaries,
- because new words may have been added which would guess
- someones password. After such amendments have been
- made, it is recommended that all the preprocessed dic-
- tionaries are removed and the feedback files tidied by
- running Scripts/spotless, and then a full run should be
- done.
- Use of feedback mode is dependent on defining the sym-
- bol CRACK_PRINTOUT in Sources/conf.h.
- Please note that for feedback mode to work properly
- during network cracks, the -F option must be specified
- on the Crack command line and not in the crack-flags
- field of the Scripts/network.conf file. If you do not
- specify -F on the command line, the program will fail
- to filter unguessable users from the input password
- files, and will therefore waste much time.
- -v Sets verbose mode, whereby Crack will print every guess
- it is trying on a per-user basis. This is a very quick
- way of flooding your filestore. If you undefine the
- CRACK_VERBOSE symbol in Sources/conf.h, verbose mode
- will be permanently disabled.
- -nvalue
- Sets the process to be nice()ed to value, so that the
- switch -n19 sets the Crack process to run at the lowest
- priority.
- -network
- Throws Crack into network mode, in which it reads the
- Scripts/network.conf file, splits its input into chunks
- which are sized according to the power of the target
- machine, and calls rsh to run Crack on that machine.
- Options for Crack running on the target machine may be
- supplied on the command line (eg: verbose or recover
- September 19, 1991
- - 8 -
- mode), or in the network.conf file if they pertain to
- specific hosts (eg: nice() values).
- -r<pointfile>
- This is only for use when running in recover mode.
- When a running Crack starts pass 2, it periodically
- saves its state in a file in the directory Runtime,
- named pnt.<pid> or pnt.<hostname>.<pid> depending on
- your naming convention (see Installation, above). This
- file can be used to recover where you were should a
- host crash. Simply invoke Crack in exactly the same
- manner as the last time, with the addition of the -
- rRuntime/pnt.file.name switch. Crack will startup and
- read the file, and jump to slightly before where it
- left off. If you are cracking a very large password
- file, this can save oodles of time after a crash.
- If you are running a network Crack, then the jobs will
- again be spawned onto all the machines of the original
- Crack. The program will then check that the host it is
- running on is the same as is mentioned in the
- pointfile. If it is not, it will silently die. Thus,
- assuming that you supply the same input data and do not
- change your network.conf file, Crack should pick up
- exactly where it left off. This is a bit inelegant,
- but it's better than nothing at the moment.
- 8. Support Scripts
- The Scripts directory contains a small number of support and
- utility scripts, some of which are designed to help Crack
- users check their progress. Briefly, the most useful ones
- are:-
- Scripts/shadmrg
- This is a small (but hopefully readable) script for
- merging /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow on System V style
- shadow password systems. It produces the merged data
- to stdout, and will need redirecting into a file before
- Crack can work on it. The script is meant to be fairly
- lucid, on the grounds that I worry that there are many
- shadowing schemes out there, and perhaps not all have
- the same data format.
- Scripts/plaster
- which is named after a dumb joke, but is a simple fron-
- tend to the Runtime/die.* script each copy of the pass-
- word cracker generates. Invoking Scripts/plaster will
- kill off all copies of the password cracker you are
- running, over the network or otherwise.
- Scripts/status
- This script rshes to each machine mentioned in the
- Scripts/network.conf file, and provides some
- September 19, 1991
- - 9 -
- information about processes and uptime on that machine.
- This is useful when you want to find out just how well
- your password crackers are getting on during a Crack
- -network.
- Scripts/{clean,spotless}
- These are really just frontends to a makefile. Invoking
- Scripts/clean tidies up the Crack home directory, and
- removes probably unwanted files, but leaves the pre-
- processed dictionaries intact. Scripts/spotless does
- the same as Scripts/clean but obliterates the prepro-
- cessed dictionaries and output files too, and
- compresses the feedback files into one.
- Scripts/guess2fbk
- Only useful if CRACK_PRINT is defined. This script
- takes your out.* files as arguments and reformats the
- 'Guessed' lines into a slightly messy feedback file,
- suitable for storing with the others.
- An occasion where this might be useful is when your
- cracker has guessed many peoples passwords, and then
- died for some reason before writing out the guesses to
- a feedback file. Running
- Scripts/guess2fbk out.* > Runtime/fbk.new
- will save the work that has been done.
- 9. Multiprocessing and parallelism
- The method of error recovery outlined above causes headaches
- for users who want to do multiprocessing on parallel archi-
- tectures. Crack is in no way parallel, and because of the
- way it's structured, readind stdin from shellscript fron-
- tends, it is a pain to divide the work amongst several
- processes via fork()ing.
- The hack solution to get several copies of Crack running on
- one machine with n processors at the moment is to run with
- the CRACK_NETWORK option enabled, and insert n copies of the
- entry for your parallel machine into the
- Scripts/network.conf file. If you use the -r option in these
- circumstances however, you will get n copies of the
- recovered process running, only one of them will have the
- correct input data. I'm working on this. My current solu-
- tion is to save the current username in the point file, and
- test it on startup, but doing this may break your recovery
- if you supply different input data (so that the data is
- sorted even slightly differently). Hohum. If you want to
- use this verify username facility, use -R in place of -r.
- As for not using the network.conf file to provide multipro-
- cessing, I'm still working on it.
- September 19, 1991
- - 10 -
- 10. Network Cracking without NFS/RFS
- For those users who have some form of rsh command, but do
- not have a a networked filestore running between hosts,
- there is now a solution which will allow you to do networked
- cracking, forwarded to me by Brian Tompsett at Hull. Per-
- sonally, I consider the idea to be potty, but it fills in
- missing functionality in a wonderfully tacky manner.
- From the documentation above, you will note that Crack will
- undo the -f (output in foreground) option, if it is invoked
- with the -network switch at the same time (see the Options
- section above). This is true, but it does not apply if you
- specify -f option in the network.conf file.
- The practical upshot of doing this is that remote copies of
- Crack can be made to read from stdin and write to stdout
- over a network link, and thus remote processing is accom-
- plished. I have tweaked Crack in such a way, therefore,
- that if the -f option is specified amongst the crack-flags
- of a host in the network.conf, rather than backgrounding
- itself on the remote host, the rsh command on the server is
- backgrounded, and output is written directly to the files on
- the server's filestore.
- There are restrictions upon this method, mostly involving
- the number of processes that a user may run on the server at
- any one time, and the fact that if you run in feedback mode,
- you will have to collect the feedback output together manu-
- ally (dropping it into the Runtime directory on the server).
- However, it works. Also, if you try to use rsh as another
- user, you will suffer problems if rsh insists on reading
- something from your terminal (eg: a password for the remote
- account). Also, checkpointing goes out the window unless
- you specify the name of the pointfile on the remote machine.
- 11. Notes on fast crypt() implementations
- The stdlib version of the crypt() subroutine is incredibly
- slow. It is a massive bottleneck to the execution of Crack
- and on typical platforms that you get at universities, it is
- rare to find a machine which will achieve more than 50 stan-
- dard crypt()s per second. On low-end diskless workstations,
- you may expect 2 or 3 per second. It was this slowness of
- the crypt() algorithm which originally supplied much of the
- security UNIX needed.[4]
- However, there are now many implementations of faster ver-
- sions of crypt() to be found on the network. The one sup-
- plied with Crack v3.2 and upwards is called fcrypt().
- _________________________
- [4] See: "Password Security, A Case History" by Bob
- Morris & Ken Thomson, in the UNIX Programmer Docs.
- September 19, 1991
- - 11 -
- fcrypt() was originally written in May 1986 by Robert
- Baldwin at MIT, and is a good version of the crypt() subrou-
- tine. I received a copy from Icarus Sparry at Bath Univer-
- sity, who had made a couple of portability enhancements to
- the code.
- I rewrote most of the tables and the KeySchedule generating
- algorithm in the original fdes-init.c to knock 40% off the
- execution overhead of fcrypt() in the form that it was
- shipped to me. I inlined a bunch of stuff, put it into a
- single file, got some advice from Matt Bishop and Bob
- Baldwin [both of whom I am greatly indebted to] about what
- to do to the xform() routine and to the fcrypt function
- itself, and tidied up some algorithms. I have also added
- more lookup tables and reduced several formula for faster
- use. fcrypt() is now barely recognisable as being based on
- its former incarnation.
- On a DecStation 5000/200, it is also about 15 times faster
- than the standard crypt (your mileage may vary with other
- architectures and compilers). This speed puts fcrypt() into
- the "moderately fast" league of crypt implementations. By
- using fcrypt() with Crack, I extracted 135 passwords from my
- standard 1087 user password file in a little over 1 hour
- using 3 networked machines. This is from a moderately good
- password file.
- Why am I saying this sort of thing ? Am I scaremongering ?
- In a word, yes.
- If a fast version of crypt() is wired into a program like
- Crack it can break a poorly passworded site open in minutes.
- There are such programs available, eg: the "Killer Cracker"
- written by the anonymous "Doctor Dissector", with anonymous
- motives. It comes with a modified version of Baldwin's
- fcrypt, as a MS-DOS executable with a GNU copyleft licence.
- The point that needs to be hammered home is that unless
- something is done, and done soon, about the general quality
- of passwords on UNIX systems, then in the near future our
- doors will be wide open to people who have programs like
- Crack and questionable motives.
- 12. Solutions and Conclusions
- What can be done about this form of attack ?
- You must get a drop-in replacement for the passwd and
- yppasswd commands; one which will stop people from choosing
- bad passwords in the first place. There are several pro-
- grams to do this; Matt Bishop's passwd+ and Clyde Hoover's
- npasswd program are good examples which are freely avail-
- able. Consult an Archie database for more details on where
- you can get them from.
- September 19, 1991
- - 12 -
- A little common-sense is all that is required to vet pass-
- words: I enclose a module in the Sources directory
- goodpass.c which I use in a modified version of the yppasswd
- in order to provide some security. It is quite heavily cus-
- tomised for use in the UK, but it should be easily portable.
- The routine is invoked:
- char *retval = GoodPass(char *input);
- where input is the password under test, and retval will be
- set either to NULL (if the password is OK) or to a diagnos-
- tic string which says what is wrong with the password. It
- is far less complex than a system such as passwd+, but still
- effective enough to make a password file (probably) with-
- stand Crack. It would be nice if an organisation (such as
- CERT?) could be persuaded to supply skeletons of sensible
- passwd commands for the public good, as well as an archive
- of security related utilities[5] on top of the excellent
- COPS. However, for UNIX security to improve on a global
- scale, we will also require pressure on the vendors, so that
- programs are written correctly from the beginning.
- _________________________
- [5] COPS is available for anonymous FTP from
- cert.sei.cmu.edu ( in ~/cops
- September 19, 1991