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Makefile | 1991-09-27 | 1.4 KB | 52 lines |
- #
- # Makefile for lyapunov
- #
- # Copyright 1991, Garrett A. Wollman. This program may be
- # modified and distributed for any purpose and without fee,
- # provided that this notice is included verbatim on all such
- # copies. Binary distributions without this source file are
- # prohibited. All modified versions must be labeled prominently
- # with the name of the modifier and the date of modification.
- #
- PROGRAM = lyapunov
- CFILES = lyapunov.c
- #
- # for SGI, use cc -O3 -mp
- # for most others, probably use gcc -O2
- #
- CC = cc
- # for Sun-4/4.1 with gcc
- #CC = gcc
- #CDEBUGFLAGS= -O -fstrength-reduce -finline-functions -fcombine-regs
- LFLAGS = -lm
- # change these as appropriate when doing a 'make benchmark'
- BENCHOUT= /dev/null
- SENDMAIL= /usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t
- benchmark: $(PROGRAM)
- time $(PROGRAM) -r 1280 -c 1024 $(PROCESSORS) -o $(BENCHOUT) \
- -5 3 4 3 4 bbbbbbaaaaaa 2>bench.timing
- @echo "To: wollman@emily.uvm.edu, `logname`" >bench.hdr
- @echo "Subject: lyapunov benchmark results" >>bench.hdr
- @echo "" >>bench.hdr
- @echo "On" $(PROCESSORS) "of `hostname` (a" $(MACHINE) "):" >>bench.hdr
- cat bench.hdr bench.timing | $(SENDMAIL)
- rm -f bench.hdr bench.timing
- clean:
- rm -f $(PROGRAM) bench.hdr bench.timing core *~ #*# *.BAK
- rm -f *.CKP