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/ Usenet 1994 January / usenetsourcesnewsgroupsinfomagicjanuary1994.iso / sources / misc / volume23 / patchlog23 < prev    next >
Text File  |  1991-09-20  |  22.1 KB  |  323 lines

  1. Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
  2. From: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com (Kent Landfield)
  3. Subject:  v23INF6:  Index of Patches posted to comp.sources.misc
  4. Message-ID: <1991Sep20.214250.9186@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
  5. X-Md4-Signature: 0ae73fe37dc49eede63a0d7f005b4ad4
  6. Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1991 21:42:50 GMT
  7. Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
  9. Submitted-by: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com (Kent Landfield)
  10. Posting-number: Volume 23, Info 6
  11. Archive-name: patchlog23
  13. This is the sixth introductory message about comp.sources.misc.  This
  14. posting is a listing of patches that have been posted in c.s.misc. 
  16. The patchfile column is the posted Archive-name: of the patch. The Patch 
  17. volume and issue columns indicate the Volume/Issue of the posted patch. 
  18. The Initial volume and issue columns indicate the Volume/Issue(s) of the 
  19. articles the patch applies to. If the Initial columns contain Not Posted, 
  20. the original sources for which the patch applies were not posted to this 
  21. newsgroup.
  23. #
  24. #       Patch log for comp.sources.misc (alphabetical by name)
  25. #
  26. #                            Patch       Package               Initial
  27. # Patchfile             Volume  Issue     Name              Volume  Issue
  28. #
  29. 68kdisasm/patch01         6     38        68kdisasm           4  125-126
  30. aixmon/patch01           20     95        aixmon             20       94
  31. b+tree/Patch-for-unix    10     32        b+tree             10    27-31
  32. banner/patch01            7     64        banner              7    17-20
  33. bibleref/patch01         22     26        bibleref           20   99-105
  34. bpe/unPatch1              4      2        bpe                 3       64
  35. calc-1.05/part01         15     28        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  36. calc-1.05/part02         15     29        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  37. calc-1.05/part03         15     30        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  38. calc-1.05/part04         15     31        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  39. calc-1.05/part05         15     32        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  40. calc-1.05/part06         15     33        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  41. calc-1.05/part07         15     34        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  42. calc-1.05/part08         15     35        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  43. calc-1.05/part09         15     36        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  44. calc-1.05/part10         15     37        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  45. calc-1.05/part11         15     38        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  46. calc-1.05/part12         15     39        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  47. calc-1.05/part13         15     40        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  48. calc-1.05/part14         15     41        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  49. calc-1.05/part15         15     42        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  50. calc-1.05/part16         15     43        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  51. calc-1.05/part17         15     44        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  52. calc-1.05/part18         15     45        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  53. calc-1.05/part19         15     46        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  54. calc-1.05/part20         15     47        calc-1.05           Not Posted
  55. calentool/patch01        19     81        calentool          17   82-104
  56. cardfile/patch01         15    105        cardfile           15    49-51
  57. cardfile/patch02         15    106        cardfile           15    49-51
  58. chemtab/patch01          13     63        chemtab            13    57,58
  59. cif2ps.p1                 9      1        cif2ps              8      100
  60. com_err/patch04          17     38        com_err            17    27-29
  61. compress-patch            6     66        compress            Not Posted
  62. compress/patch01         20     74        compress           20    64-65
  63. cproto/patch01           17     78        cproto             17    70-71
  64. cproto/patch02           18      6        cproto             17    70-71
  65. crisp1.9/patch01a        19      5        crisp1.9            7    21-53
  66. crisp1.9/patch01b        19      6        crisp1.9            7    21-53
  67. crisp1.9/patch01c        19      7        crisp1.9            7    21-53
  68. crisp1.9/patch01d        19      8        crisp1.9            7    21-53
  69. crisp1.9/patch01e        19      9        crisp1.9            7    21-53
  70. crisp1.9/patch01f        19     10        crisp1.9            7    21-53
  71. crisp1.9/patch01g        19     11        crisp1.9            7    21-53
  72. delete/patch13           17     37        delete             17    23-26
  73. delete/patch14           20     42        delete             17   23-26,37
  74. df2/patch01              19      3        df2                18       81
  75. dmake-3.6/patch04        15     93        dmake-3.6          15    52-77
  76. dmake-3.6/patch05        15     94        dmake-3.6          15    52-77
  77. dmake/patch01            14     46        dmake              14    11-31
  78. dmake/patch01a           19     59        dmake              19    22-58
  79. dmake/patch01b           19     60        dmake              19    22-58
  80. dmake/patch01c           19     61        dmake              19    22-58
  81. dmake/patch01pt2         14     47        dmake              14    11-31
  82. dmake/patch01pt3         14     48        dmake              14    11-31
  83. dmake/patch01pt4         14     49        dmake              14    11-31
  84. dmake/patch02a           20     76        dmake              19    22-58
  85. dmake/patch02b           20     77        dmake              19    22-58
  86. dmake/patch02c           20     78        dmake              19    22-58
  87. dmake/patch02d           20     79        dmake              19    22-58
  88. dmake/patch02e           20     80        dmake              19    22-58
  89. dmake/patch02f           20     81        dmake              19    22-58
  90. dmake/patch02g           20     82        dmake              19    22-58
  91. dmake/patch02h           20     83        dmake              19    22-58
  92. dmake/patch02i           20     84        dmake              19    22-58
  93. dmake/patch02j           20     85        dmake              19    22-58
  94. dmake/patch02k           20     86        dmake              19    22-58
  95. dmake/patch02l           20     87        dmake              19    22-58
  96. dvi/patch01              20     18        dvi                19    64-66
  97. dvi2tty.Rpatch1           6     17        dvi2tty             5       96
  98. dvi2tty.patch1            6      2        dvi2tty             5       96
  99. dvi2tty.patch2            6     55        dvi2tty-2           6       26
  100. dvi2tty2/patch01         12      9        dvi2tty2           12      7,8
  101. echo.patch1               4    132        echo                4       88
  102. ecu/patch01a             22     19        ecu                21    53-89
  103. ecu/patch01b             22     20        ecu                21    53-89
  104. ecu/patch01c             22     21        ecu                21    53-89
  105. ecu/patch02              22     22        ecu                21    53-89
  106. ecu/patch03a             22     70        ecu                21    53-89
  107. ecu/patch03b             22     71        ecu                21    53-89
  108. ecu/patch03c             22     72        ecu                21    53-89
  109. ecu/patch04a             22     77        ecu                21    53-89
  110. ecu/patch04b             22     78        ecu                21    53-89
  111. ecu/patch05a             22     90        ecu                21    53-89
  112. ecu/patch05b             22     91        ecu                21    53-89
  113. ecu/patch05c             22     92        ecu                21    53-89
  114. ecu/patch05d             22     93        ecu                21    53-89
  115. ecu/patch05e             22     94        ecu                21    53-89
  116. ecu/patch06              22    101        ecu                21    53-89
  117. ecu2.80/patch01          12    101        ecu2.80            12    53-82
  118. ecu2.80/patch01contd     12    102        ecu2.80            12    53-82
  119. ecu2.80/patch02          13      2        ecu2.80            12    53-82
  120. ecu2.80/patch03          13      3        ecu2.80            12    53-82
  121. ecu2.80/patch04          13     85        ecu2.80            12    53-82
  122. ecu3/patch01             16     60        ecu3               16    25-59
  123. ecu3/patch02a            16     70        ecu3               16    25-59
  124. ecu3/patch2b             16     71        ecu3               16    25-59
  125. ecu3/patch03             16     87        ecu3               16    25-59
  126. ecu3/patch04             16     88        ecu3               16    25-59
  127. ecu3/patch05a            16     97        ecu3               16    25-59
  128. ecu3/patch05b            16     98        ecu3               16    25-59
  129. ecu3/patch06             17     11        ecu3               16    25-59
  130. ephem4.13/patch01        12     15        ephem4.13          11      100
  131. ephem4.13/patch02        14     45        ephem4.13          11      100
  132. faces-1.4.5/patch01      13    108        faces-1.4.5        13    70-76
  133. faces-1.4.5/patch02      14     52        faces-1.4.5        13    70-76
  134. faces-1.4.5/patch03      14     53        faces-1.4.5        13    70-76
  135. faces-1.4.5/patch04      14     93        faces-1.4.5        13    70-76
  136. final-xenix-smail         2     32        smail               Not Posted
  137. finddup/patch01          17     36        finddup            17       13
  138. fm/patch01               12    110        fm                 12       52
  139. freeze/patch01           17     74        freeze             17    67-68
  140. freeze/patch02           19     87        freeze             17    67-68
  141. freeze/patch03           20     70        freeze             17    67-68
  142. gdiff-tc/part01          13     24        gdiff               Not Posted (GNU)
  143. gmcalc/patch01           13     53        gmcalc             13    27-45
  144. gmcalc/patch01-fixed     13     81        gmcalc             13    27-45
  145. gmcalc/patch02           13     82        gmcalc             13    27-45
  146. gmcalc/patch03           14     50        gmcalc             13    27-45
  147. gmcalc/patch04           14     51        gmcalc             13    27-45
  148. gnuchess/patch01         20     20        gnuchess           19    73-79
  149. gnuchess/patch02         21     48        gnuchess           19    73-79
  150. gnuchess/patch03         22     2         gnuchess           19    73-79
  151. gnuplot2.02/patch1       16     11        gnuplot2.0         11    65-79
  152. gnuplot2.02/patch2       16     12        gnuplot2.0         11    65-79
  153. gnuplot2.02/patch3       16     13        gnuplot2.0         11    65-79
  154. gnuplot2.02/patch4       16     14        gnuplot2.0         11    65-79
  155. gnuplot2.02/patch5       16     15        gnuplot2.0         11    65-79
  156. gnuplot2.02/patch6       16     16        gnuplot2.0         11    65-79
  157. gnuplot2.02/patch7       16     17        gnuplot2.0         11    65-79
  158. gnuplot2/patch01         15     16        gnuplot2           11    65-79
  159. gnuplot2/patch01-desc    15     15        gnuplot2           11    65-79
  160. gnuplot2/patch02         15     17        gnuplot2           11    65-79
  161. gnuplot2/patch03         15     18        gnuplot2           11    65-79
  162. gnuplot2/patch04         15     19        gnuplot2           11    65-79
  163. hd1.6/patch01            13     25        hd1.6              13       20
  164. ichk/patch1              16     92        ichk               16       75
  165. jetroff/Patch01           5      4        jetroff             4    43-76
  166. jetroff/patch02           8     31        jetroff             4    43-76
  167. jetroff/patch03           8     32        jetroff             4    43-76
  168. jetroff/patch04           8     33        jetroff             4    43-76
  169. jgraph/patch03           18     16        jgraph             16       20
  170. jgraph/patch04           19      2        jgraph             16       20
  171. jgraph/patch05           19     16        jgraph             16       20
  172. jgraph/patch1            16     77        jgraph             16       20
  173. jgraph/patch2            16     91        jgraph             16       20
  174. kermit.hdb                5     55        kermit              Not Posted
  175. lc/patch1                16     61        lc                 14    82-83
  176. lc/patch2                16     93        lc                 14    82-83
  177. lharc/patch_sb           11     90        lharc              11    17-18
  178. libhoward/patch01a       18      7        libhoward           8   80-87,96
  179. libhoward/patch01b       18      8        libhoward           8   80-87,96
  180. libhoward/patch01c       18      9        libhoward           8   80-87,96
  181. log_archie/patch01       20      7        log_archie         19       63
  182. menu_mh/patch01          13     83        menu_mh            11       24
  183. menubar/patch01          20      9        menubar            18       80
  184. mfold/patch01            16    102        mfold              15       82
  185. mfold/patch02            17     14        mfold              15       82
  186. minit.p1                  7    118        minit               7      107
  187. mkptypes/patch01         17      8        mkptypes           16       90
  188. mn/patch01               14     89        mn                 14       37
  189. mp-2.4.5/patch01         14     90        mp-2.4.5           14    67,68
  190. mp-2.4.5/patch02         14     91        mp-2.4.5           14    67,68
  191. mp-2.4.5/patch03         14     92        mp-2.4.5           14    67,68
  192. mp-2.4.5/patch04         14     99        mp-2.4.5           14    67,68
  193. mp-2.4.5/patch05         14    100        mp-2.4.5           14    67,68
  194. ms_sh-1.6/patch01        13     79        ms_sh-1.6          12    19-26
  195. ms_sh-1.6/patch01        16     78        ms_sh-1.6          12    19-26
  196. ms_sh-1.6/patch01-pt2    13     80        ms_sh-1.6          12    19-26
  197. ms_sh-1.6/patch02        14     65        ms_sh-1.6          12    19-26
  198. ms_sh-1.6/patch02        16     79        ms_sh-1.6          12    19-26
  199. ms_sh-1.6/patch03        14     66        ms_sh-1.6          12    19-26
  200. mush/patch01             14      5        mush               12    28-47
  201. mush/patch03             20     16        mush               18    58-79
  202. n3emo-orbit/patch01      14     95        n3emo-orbit        11       20
  203. n3emo-orbit/patch02      22    105        n3emo-orbit        11       20
  204. news_split1.6/patch01    17     10        news_split1.6      17        1
  205. nlmdl/patch1             16     74        nlmdl              16    63-68
  206. notation/patch01         20     71        notation           20    52-55
  207. oraperl/patch01          20     97        oraperl            18       10
  208. oraperl/patch02          22     58        oraperl            18       10
  209. parseargs.p1             10     75        parseargs          10       71
  210. parseargs.p2             10     83        parseargs          10       71
  211. parseargs/patch01        17     58        parseargs          17    45-57
  212. parseargs/patch02        17     73        parseargs          17    45-57
  213. parseargs/patch03        17     75        parseargs          17    45-57
  214. parseargs/patch04a       18    101        parseargs          17    45-57
  215. parseargs/patch04b       18    102        parseargs          17    45-57
  216. parseargs/patch04c       18    103        parseargs          17    45-57
  217. parseargs/patch04d       18    104        parseargs          17    45-57
  218. parseargs/patch05a       19     82        parseargs          17    45-57
  219. parseargs/patch05b       19     83        parseargs          17    45-57
  220. parseargs/patch05c       19     84        parseargs          17    45-57
  221. parseargs/patch05d       19     85        parseargs          17    45-57
  222. parseargs/patch05e       19     86        parseargs          17    45-57
  223. parseargs/patch06        20     46        parseargs          17    46-57
  224. parseargs/patch07        20     98        parseargs          17    46-57
  225. parseargs/patch08        22     24        parseargs          17    46-57
  226. patch-tc/part01          13     23        patch               Not Posted 
  227. pc-curses/Patch02         4    109        pc-curses      8708/pc-curses   1-4
  228. pc-curses/Patch1          4     77        pc-curses      8708/pc-curses   1-4
  229. pc2unix/patch01          14      8        pc2unix            14        7
  230. pcmail/Patch1             3     10        pcmail              3      2-9
  231. pcmail2/patch01          10     51        pcmail2            10    33-44
  232. pcmail2/patch02          10     52        pcmail2            10    33-44
  233. pcmail2/patch03          15     98        pcmail2            10    33-44
  234. pd-cdiff-patch            2     59        pd-cdiff            2        1
  235. pd-diff-pat-2             2     61        pd-cdiff            2        1
  236. perl/patch04             20     56        perl               18    19-54
  237. perl/patch05             20     57        perl               18    19-54
  238. perl/patch06             20     58        perl               18    19-54
  239. perl/patch07             20     59        perl               18    19-54
  240. perl/patch08             20     60        perl               18    19-54
  241. perl/patch09             20     61        perl               18    19-54
  242. perl/patch10             20     62        perl               18    19-54
  243. pl/patch01               17     81        pl                 17       72
  244. ppmtoxpm.p1              13     17        ppmtoxpm           10       79
  245. procmail/patch01         20     68        procmail           20    49-51
  246. procmail2.10/patch01     21      1        procmail2.10       20    89-91
  247. psinter-patch1            4      6        psinter             Not Posted (c.s.u)
  248. psinter-patch2            4      7        psinter             Not Posted (c.s.u)
  249. psnup/patch01            17     35        psnup              16      104
  250. pstrings/Patch1           2     76        pstrings            2       75
  251. redir.unpat1              6     40        redir               6       31
  252. remind/patch01           17     33        remind             17      3-6
  253. remind/patch02           21      2        remind             17      3-6
  254. remind/patch03           22    102        remind             17      3-6
  255. rkive/patch01a           19     19        rkive              17    17-22
  256. rkive/patch01b           19     20        rkive              17    17-22
  257. rkive/patch01c           19     21        rkive              17    17-22
  258. rn-comments/part01       14     94        rn-comments         Not Posted
  259. rndweather.p1             6     89        rndweather          6       80
  260. rotate_log/patch01       19     15        rotate_log         17       77
  261. rotate_log/patch02       21     95        rotate_log         17       77
  262. rwhoparse.p1              9     69        rwhoparse           9       60
  263. sc/patch01a              22     95        sc                 20    35-41
  264. sc/patch01b              22     96        sc                 20    35-41
  265. sc/patch02               22    104        sc                 20    35-41
  266. scan/patch01             20      4        scan               20      1-3
  267. secure.patch1             5     95        secure              5       63
  268. showhook.mh               6     57        showhook.mh         Not Posted
  269. siotools.p7              11     28        siotools            9       44
  270. siotools/patch01          9     56        siotools            9       44
  271. siotools/patch02          9     58        siotools            9       44
  272. siotools/patch03          9     86        siotools            9       44
  273. siotools/patch04         10     49        siotools            9       44
  274. siotools/patch05         10     70        siotools            9       44
  275. siotools/patch06         10     76        siotools            9       44
  276. sipp2.0/patch01          19      1        sipp2.0            16     5-10
  277. sipp2.0/patch02          20     21        sipp2.0            16     5-10
  278. sparc-mtools/patch01     12     51        sparc-mtools       11    81-83
  279. split-1.1/Patch1          2     67        split-1.1           2       64
  280. strstr/patch01           14     96        strstr             14       74
  281. sun2ps/Patch1             2     89        sun2ps              2       79
  282. tek.p1                   12    100        tek                10       81
  283. thack.p1                  7    110        thack               7        7
  284. thack.p2                  7    111        thack               7        7
  285. thack.p3                  7    119        thack               7        7
  286. thack.p4                  8     22        thack               7        7
  287. thack.p5                  8     28        thack               7        7
  288. thack.p6                 10      4        thack               7        7
  289. thought/patch01          22     67        thought            21    23-24
  290. thought/patch02          22     82        thought            21    23-24
  291. tipx/patch01             13     22        tipx               13    13-16
  292. troff2lj-v2/Patch1        4     19        troff2lj-v2         4      4,5
  293. u16.patch1                6     13        u16.pc              5    74,75
  294. u16.patch2                6     35        u16pc               5    74,75
  295. u386mon-2.20/patch01     14     60        u386mon-2.20       14    54-59
  296. u386mon/patch01          22     23        u386mon            22      3-9
  297. unpackmaps3.0/patch01    12    103        unpackmaps3.0      12       99
  298. upsd/patch01             18     11        upsd               18        5
  299. upsd/patch02             18     15        upsd               18        5
  300. upsd/patch03             18     55        upsd               18        5
  301. vis.Patch1                5      5        vis                 4      120
  302. wacco/patch01            20     17        wacco              19    88-93
  303. wacco/patch02            21     44        wacco              19    88-93
  304. weekday.p1/part01        11     26        weekday            10       84
  305. wrap.p1                   8     26        wrap                8       14
  306. zsh2.00/patch01a         18     99        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  307. zsh2.00/patch01b         18    100        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  308. zsh2.00/patch02a         19     67        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  309. zsh2.00/patch02b         19     68        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  310. zsh2.00/patch02c         19     69        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  311. zsh2.00/patch02d         19     70        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  312. zsh2.00/patch02e         19     71        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  313. zsh2.00/patch02f         19     72        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  314. zsh2.00/patch03a         20     22        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  315. zsh2.00/patch03b         20     23        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  316. zsh2.00/patch03c         20     24        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  317. zsh2.00/patch03d         20     25        zsh2.00            18    84-98
  318. -- 
  319. Kent Landfield                   INTERNET: kent@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
  320. Sterling Software, IMD           UUCP:     uunet!sparky!kent
  321. Phone:    (402) 291-8300         FAX:      (402) 291-4362
  322. Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent@uunet.uu.net.