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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: goer@midway.uchicago.edu (Richard L. Goerwitz)
- Subject: v23i074: quranref - Holy Qur'an word and passage based retrievals, Part08/08
- Message-ID: <1991Oct19.022406.13196@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: 5bad0c869b381ab6b4b5f8e598b14f45
- Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1991 02:24:06 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: goer@midway.uchicago.edu (Richard L. Goerwitz)
- Posting-number: Volume 23, Issue 74
- Archive-name: quranref/part08
- Environment: Icon
- ---- Cut Here and feed the following to sh ----
- #!/bin/sh
- # this is quranref.08 (part 8 of a multipart archive)
- # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
- # file README continued
- #
- if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
- echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
- exit 1
- fi
- (read Scheck
- if test "$Scheck" != 8; then
- echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
- exit 1
- else
- exit 0
- fi
- ) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
- if test ! -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
- echo 'x - still skipping README'
- else
- echo 'x - continuing file README'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'README' &&
- X"and"). This tells Quranref that you want to perform an intersection
- Xwith respect to another set of passages. After typing "a" and hitting
- Xreturn, Quranref asks you for a unit (c = chapter, v = verse).
- XNormally you would press "v." You are then asked for a range
- X(normally 0). After entering a unit and range, you would enter a new
- Xword or pattern to look for, and then press "f" to tell Quranref you
- Xare finished. What Quranref would retrieve in this instance is a list
- Xof all Biblical verses which contain both of the words, or
- Xword-patterns, that you specified. Note that if you had entered 1 as
- Xyour range, you would have gotten a list of all passages containing
- Xword(s) matching the first pattern and which either contain, *or are
- Xadjacent to another passage containing*, a word matching the next
- Xpattern you specified.
- X In addition to "a" ("and"), Quranref also accepts "o" ("or")
- Xand "n" (and-not) directives. Also, words and patterns preceded by an
- Xexclamation point and a space ("! ") are inverted (a la egrep -v). I
- Xwould not recommend using the "! " much, though. It is slow, and
- Xusually brings about massive hit lists. If you want, say, all
- Xoccurrences of the word "woman" that don't contain the word "child,"
- Xthen formalize your search as "woman" and-not "child," rather than as
- X"woman" and "! child." The only thing slower than a search for
- X"woman" and "! child" would be to look for "woman" together with the
- Xwords "the" and "child." There are about 4100 passages containing
- X"the," and although I've used a cute trick to reduce the number that
- Xhave to be stored, retrieving them all is still a mess (takes almost
- X30 seconds on my machine).
- X
- X
- X--------
- X
- X
- XAdditional Notes:
- X
- X As mentioned above, this package is really just a wrapper
- Xaround a more general set of indexing and retrieval utilities I'm
- Xusing for personal research. Despite the way they are used here,
- Xthese utilities are *not* geared solely for the Quran. In fact, they
- Xare set up so that they can be used with just about any text broken up
- Xinto hierarchically arranged divisions. As noted above, this
- Xdistribution is actually built on top of a similar package geared for
- XChristian and Jewish Bible research. If you need help integrating a
- Xnew text into the retrieve package, drop me a line (i.e. new Quran
- Xtranslations, 'ahadith, biblical texts, etc.). If I'm not busy, and
- Xthe job looks to be one I can help you out with, I'll be glad to do
- Xso. If nothing else, I can at least get you started, and offer
- Xpointers on how to proceed. Please, though, if you don't have M. H.
- XShakir's Quran translation, and can't ftp from the location specified
- Xearlier on in this document (i.e. princeton.edu), please *DON'T* write
- Xto me asking me to e-mail you the files, or to package them up on
- Xdisks. I've been flooded with requests for biblical texts already,
- Xand can't reasonably oblige them all.
- X It is with some reservation that I mention here several
- Xfeatures Quranref possesses that I haven't fully documented. Most are
- Xones 1) that I'm not likely to continue supporting, 2) that haven't
- Xbeen tested, 3) that are too slow to be practical, or 4) that are
- Xlikely to change. First of all, the "d" command can take a number
- Xargument, which causes it to display the list whose position in the
- Xglobal list of lists corresponds to that number). On the top level
- X(and in some other places), the "!" command can also pass arguments to
- Xa shell (/bin/sh, or the value of your SHELL environment variable).
- XAlso, if you type "f lord god" at the main prompt, and press return,
- Xyou'll get a list of verses containing the words "lord" and "god"
- X(i.e. Quranref will, in other words, perform a verse-based, range 0
- X"and" on the respective hit lists for these two words). Finally, when
- Xbrowsing search lists, you can look at the first line of each verse by
- Xtyping "l" and return (typing l+return again turns this feature off).
- X While I don't want to hide the existence of these marginal
- Xfeatures, I don't want to encourage anyone to expect their presence in
- Xlater versions, or to suggest that they will work properly in the
- Xcurrent one. I'm particularly worried about the "l" and "f lord god"
- Xexamples above. The "l" listing option is very slow. Also, telling
- Xpeople that "f lord god" is okay also might lead them to think that
- XQuranref has a concept of word order within verses. In fact, this is
- Xjust an alternate way of performing a set intersection on the hit
- Xlists for "lord" and "god." If you use "undocumented" features such
- Xas these, be aware that there may be difficulties inherent in their
- Xuse, and that, in general, I've avoided mentioning them until now
- Xprecisely because I'm not quite sure they are worthy of mention in the
- Xfirst place.
- X
- X
- X--------
- X
- X
- XProblems:
- X
- X Doubtless you will find problems, more options not discussed
- Xin the documentation, and just general indications that this program
- Xwas written late at night after I was done all my serious work for the
- Xday :-). If - no, when - this happens, I encourage you to drop me a
- Xline. I'd like to know about any flaws you run into, especially
- Xmajor, systemic ones.
- X Generally, I really hope that the bugs will not prove too
- Xannoying, and that the package will prove generally useful to you the
- Xuser, and, if you place it in a public directory, to anyone else who
- Xmight happen to try it out.
- X
- X
- X -Richard L. Goerwitz goer%sophist@uchicago.bitnet
- X goer@sophist.uchicago.edu rutgers!oddjob!gide!sophist!goer
- echo 'File README is complete' &&
- true || echo 'restore of README failed'
- rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
- fi
- # ============= README.rtv ==============
- if test -f 'README.rtv' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
- echo 'x - skipping README.rtv (File already exists)'
- rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
- else
- > _shar_wnt_.tmp
- echo 'x - extracting README.rtv (Text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'README.rtv' &&
- X--------
- X
- X
- XName: retrieve
- XLanguage: Icon
- XContents: tools for word-based, indexed access to text files
- XRequires: up-to-date Icon Program Library, up-to-date iconc/icont, UNIX
- XFiles: binsrch.icn bmp2text.icn gettokens.icn indexutl.icn initfile.icn
- X makeind.icn retrieve.icn retrops.icn searchb.icn whatnext.icn
- X huffcode.icn huffadj.icn
- X
- X
- X--------
- X
- X
- XOverview:
- X
- X Scholars have traditionally split so-called "Classics" - the
- XQuran, the Bible, and generally any closely studied literary or
- Xreligious text - into hierarchically arranged divisions (in the case
- Xof the Bible, these are books, chapters, and verses). Such divisions
- Xdrastically simplify the process of citation and reference.
- XFortunately for those of us who need electronic access to these files,
- Xthis hierarchical system of divisions permits easy representation
- Xusing bit-fields, i.e. fixed-width series' of binary digits. Such
- Xrepresentations are compact, and allow the programmer to implement
- Xhigh-level boolean operations and range-based searches using simple
- Xshifts, additions, and subtractions.
- X The package with which this README file is packed - "retrieve"
- X- offers a naive, but generalized and fairly high-level, tool for
- Xindexing texts which are divided up in the manner just described, and
- Xfor performing word-based searches on them. These word-based searches
- Xoffer wildcard-based access to word patterns (e.g. "give me every
- Xpassage containing a word with the letters 'NIX'"). The search
- Xfacilities also permit boolean and range-based specifications (e.g.
- X"give me every instance of word X occurring within eleven sections of
- Xthe word Y"). One can also access passages by both absolute (e.g.
- X"give me book 1, chapter 3, verse 4"), and relative, location (e.g.
- X"give me the passage occurring before/after the one I just looked
- Xat").
- X Retrieve performs only superficial compression, and is written
- Xentirely in Icon. As a result it is something of a disk hog, and
- Xtakes a long time to index files. Surprisingly, though, once set up,
- Xfiles incorporated into the retrieve package can be accessed quite
- Xrapidly. After a brief initialization process (takes 2-4 seconds on a
- XSun4), absolute locations can be retrieved with no perceptible delay.
- XThe same is true of relative locations (again, after a lag on first
- Xinvocation). Regular expression based searches appear instantaneous
- Xon a fast machine (there is a just perceptible delay on a Sun4 for a
- Xfour megabyte indexed file, five to ten seconds on a Xenix/386 box
- Xwith a relatively slow disk). Boolean and range-based searches take
- Xthe longest, varying widely according to their complexity and the
- Xnumber of "hits."
- X
- X
- X--------
- X
- X
- XInstallation:
- X
- X Retrieve is really not a program as such. It is a set of
- Xtools for indexing, and accessing indexed, files. Installation
- Xconsists of four basic steps:
- X
- X 1) creating an indexable file
- X 2) indexing that file
- X 3) writing a program using the retrieve interface
- X 4) compiling and running what you wrote in (3)
- X
- XThese steps are discussed in detail in the following sections.
- X
- X
- X--------
- X
- X
- XStep 1: Creating an Indexable File
- X
- X The format for indexable files must conform to a simple, but
- Xstrict, set of guidelines. Basically, they must interleave series' of
- Xlocation designators (internally represented by so-called "bitmaps")
- Xwith actual text:
- X
- X ::001:001:001
- X This is text.
- X ::001:001:002
- X This is more text.
- X
- XThe initial :: (double colon) delimits lines containing the location
- Xdesignators. These designators translate into integers divisible
- Xinternally into (in this case) three bit-fields of length 10 (enough
- Xto handle 999:999:999), which serve as a location markers for the text
- Xthat goes with them. Note that the translation process is invisible.
- XAll you need to do is make sure,
- X
- X a) that the location designators are correctly paired with
- X blocks of text, and
- X b) that the fields are numbered consistently, beginning with
- X the same low value (usually 1 or 0), and continuing in
- X ascending order until they roll over again to their low
- X value
- X
- X Rather than speak merely in the abstract about the format, let
- Xme offer a simple illustration taken from the King James Bible. The
- Xfirst verse in the Bible is Genesis chapter 1 verse 1. This passage
- Xmight be designated 1:1:1. Verses in Genesis chapter 1 would continue
- Xin ascending order to verse 31 (1:1:31), after which chapter 2 would
- Xbegin (i.e. 1:2:1). The resulting text would look like:
- X
- X ::1:1:1
- X In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
- X ::1:1:2
- X And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was
- X upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon
- X the face of the waters.
- X ::1:1:3
- X And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
- X ::1:1:4
- X And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the
- X light from the darkness.
- X ::1:1:5
- X And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called
- X Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
- X
- X ...
- X
- X ::1:2:1
- X Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host
- X of them.
- X
- XAlthough you can use any number of fields you want or need, and can
- Xuse any nonnumeric separator (e.g. 01-01-01-05-03), lines containing
- Xlocation designators *must* begin with "::," and must be ordered
- Xsequentially throughout the input file, paired with the correct text
- Xblock in each instance.
- X
- X
- X--------
- X
- X
- XStep 2: Indexing the File
- X
- X Indexing the file created in step (1) entails compiling and
- Xinvoking a program called "makeind." The compilation end of this
- Xprocess would typically be achieved by typing:
- X
- X icont -o makeind makeind.icn gettokens.icn indexutl.icn
- X
- XOne of the files listed just above, gettokens.icn, is of particular
- Xinterest. It contains the tokenizing routine to be used in creating
- Xthe main word index. Should this routine prove unsatisfactory for one
- Xreason or another you are free to replace it with something more to
- Xyour liking. Just comment out the old gettokens() routine, and insert
- Xthe new one in its place. Then recompile.
- X Once you have compiled makeind, you must invoke it for the
- Xtext file you created in step (1). Invoking makeind involves
- Xspecifying a file to be indexed, the number of fields in location
- Xmarkers for that file, and the maximum value for fields. If you plan
- Xon invoking passages by relative location, you must also use the -l
- Xoption, which tells makeind to build a .LIM file, which records the
- Xhigh values for a specific field throughout the file being indexed.
- XLet us say you have examined Genesis 1:31 in the Bible, and want to
- Xlook at the next verse. The only easy way the procedure that handles
- Xthis particular chore can know the maximum verse value for Genesis
- Xchapter 1 (31) is to store this maximum value in a file. By supplying
- Xmakeind with an -l argument, you are telling it to create a file to
- Xstore such values.
- X Just for illustration's sake, let us suppose you want to index
- Xthe King James Version (KJV). How might you invoke makeind to
- Xaccomplish this? First you would need to determine the maximum field
- Xvalue for your text. In the case of the Christian English Bible, this
- Xis 176. The English Bible (including Apocrypha) contains 84 books (at
- Xleast in the RSV). The Protestant KJV contains 66. The maximum
- Xnumber of chapters in any book is 150 (Psalms; 151 for Catholics).
- XThe maximum number of verses in any one chapter in any one book is 176
- X(Psalm 119). 176 would therefore be the maximum value any field would
- Xhave to contain. You would pass this information to makeind via the
- X-m option. The total number of fields is three, naturally (book,
- Xchapter, and verse). This value would be passed using the -n option.
- XAs noted above, in order to use relative locations you would need to
- Xtell makeind what field to record max values for. In our hypothesized
- Xscenario, you would want makeind to store the max value for the verse
- Xfield for every chapter of every book in the Bible. The verse field
- X(field #3), in other words, is your "rollover" field, and would be
- Xpassed to makeind using the -l option. Assuming "kjv" to be the name
- Xof your indexable biblical text, this set of circumstances would imply
- Xthe following invocation for makeind:
- X
- X makeind -f kjv -m 176 -n 3 -l 3
- X
- XIf you were to want a case-sensitive index (not a good idea), you
- Xwould add "-s" to the argument list above (the only disadvantage a
- Xcase-insensitive index would bring is that it would obscure the
- XLord/lord, and other similar, distinctions).
- X Actual English Bible texts usually take up 4-5 megabytes.
- XIndexing one would require over three times that much core memory, and
- Xwould take at least several hours on a fast CPU. The end result would
- Xbe a set of data files occupying about 2 megabytes plus the original
- Xfile (which Bibleref compresses down to about 3/4 its original size).
- XThe Bible is hardly a small book. Once these data files were created,
- Xthey could be moved, along with the compressed original source file,
- Xto any platform you desired. The old input file is saved with a .BAK
- Xextension in case you would like to save it.
- X Having indexed, and having moved the files to wherever you
- Xwanted them, you would then be ready for step 3.
- X
- X
- X--------
- X
- X
- XStep 3: Writing a Program to Access Indexed Files
- X
- X When accessing text files such as the Bible, the most useful
- Xunit for searches is normally the word. Let us suppose you are a
- Xzealous lay-speaker preparing a talk on fire imagery and divine wrath
- Xin the Bible. You would probably want to look for every passage in
- Xthe text that contained words like
- X
- X fire, fiery
- X burn
- X furnace
- X etc.
- X
- XTo refine the search, let us say that you want every instance of one
- Xof these fire words that occurs within one verse of a biblical title
- Xfor God:
- X
- X God
- X etc.
- X
- XThe searches for fire, fiery, burn, etc. would be accomplished by
- Xcalling a routine called retrieve(). Retrieve takes three arguments:
- X
- X retrieve(pattern, filename, invert_search)
- X
- XThe first argument should be a string containing a regular expression
- Xbased pattern, such as
- X
- X fir(y|e|iness)|flam(e|ing)|burn.*?
- X
- XNote that the pattern must match words IN THEIR ENTIRETY. So, for
- Xinstance, "fir[ie]" would not catch "fieriness," but rather only
- X"fire." Likewise, if you want every string beginning with the
- Xsequence "burn," the string "burn" will not work. Use "burn.*"
- Xinstead. The filename argument supplies retrieve() with the name of
- Xthe original text file. The last argument, if nonnull, inverts the
- Xsense of the search (a la egrep -v). In the case of the fire words
- Xmentioned above, one would invoke retrieve() as follows:
- X
- X hits1 := retrieve("fir(y|e|iness)|flam(e|ing)|burn.*?", "kjv")
- X
- XFor the divine names, one would do something along these lines:
- X
- X hits2 := retrieve("god|lord", "kjv")
- X
- X Having finished the basic word searches, one would then
- Xperform a set intersection on them. If we are looking for fire words
- Xwhich occur at most one verse away from a divine name, then we would
- Xspecify 1 as our range (as opposed to, say, zero), and the verse as
- Xour unit. The utility you would use to carry out the search is
- Xr_and(). R_and() would be invoked as follows:
- X
- X hits3 := r_and(hits1, hits2, "kjv", 3, 1)
- X
- XThe last two arguments, 3 and 1, specify field three (the "verse"
- Xfield) and field 1 (the range).
- X To display the text for your "hit list" (hits3 above), you
- Xwould call bitmap_2_text():
- X
- X every write(!bitmap_2_text(hits3, "kjv"))
- X
- XBitmap_2_text converts the location designators contained in hits3
- Xinto actual text.
- X The three basic functions mentioned above - retrieve(),
- Xr_and(), and bitmap_2_text() - are contained in the three distinct
- Xfiles (retrieve.icn, retrops.icn, and bmp2text.icn, respectively).
- XOther useful routines are included in these files, and also in
- Xwhatnext.icn. If you are planning on writing a retrieval engine for
- Xserious work of some kind, you would probably want to construct a mini
- Xinterpreter, which would convert strings typed in by the user at
- Xrun-time into internal search and retrieval operations.
- X Note that I have included no routine to parse or expand
- Xhuman-readable input (the nature of which will naturally vary from
- Xtext to text). Again, using the Bible as our hypothetical case, it
- Xwould be very useful to be able to ask for every passage in, say,
- XGenesis chapters 2 through 4, and to be able to print these to the
- Xscreen. Doing this would require a parsing routine to break down the
- Xreferences, and map them to retrieve-internal format. The routine
- Xwould then have to generate all valid locations from the minimum value
- Xin chapter 2 above to the max in chapter 4. See the file whatnext.icn
- Xfor some aids in accomplishing this sort of task.
- X
- X
- X--------
- X
- X
- XStep 4: Compiling and Running Your Program
- X
- X Assuming you have written a search/retrieval program using the
- Xroutines contained in retrieve.icn, retrops.icn, bmp2text.icn, and
- Xwhatnext.icn, you would now be ready to compile it. In order to
- Xfunction properly, these routines would need to be linked with
- Xinitfile.icn and indexutl.icn. Specific dependencies are noted in the
- Xindividual files in case there is any confusion.
- X If you have made significant use of this package, you probably
- Xshould not worry about the exact dependencies, though. Just link
- Xeverything in together, and worry about what isn't needed after you
- Xhave fully tested your program:
- X
- X icont -o yourprog yourprog.icn initfile.icn indexutl.icn \
- X retrieve.icn retrops.icn bmp2text.icn binsrch.icn
- X
- X
- X--------
- X
- X
- XProblems, bugs:
- X
- X This is really an early test release of the retrieve package.
- XI use it for various things. For instance, I recently retrieved a
- Xtext file containing informal reviews of a number of science fiction
- Xworks. My father likes SciFi, and it was close to Fathers' Day, so I
- Xindexed the file, and performed cross-referenced searches for words
- Xlike "very good," "brilliant," and "excellent," omitting authors my
- Xfather has certainly read (e.g. Herbert, Azimov, etc.). I also had
- Xoccasion to write a retrieval engine for the King James Bible (hence
- Xthe many examples from this text), and to construct a retrieval
- Xpackage for the Hebrew Bible, which I am now using to gather data for
- Xvarious chapters of my dissertation. I'm happy, incidentally, to hand
- Xout copies of my KJV retrieval program. It's a clean little program
- Xthat doubtless many would find useful. The Hebrew Bible retrieval
- Xpackage I'll hand out as well, but only to fully competent Icon
- Xprogrammers who feel comfortable with Hebrew and Aramaic. This latter
- Xretrieval package a much less finished product, and would almost
- Xcertainly need to be hacked to work on platforms other than what I
- Xhave here at home (a Xenix/386 setup with a VGA).
- X In general, I hope that someone out there will find these
- Xroutines useful, if for no other reason than that it will mean that I
- Xget some offsite testing. Obviously, the whole package could have
- Xbeen written/maintained in C or something that might offer much better
- Xperformance. Doing so would, however, have entailed a considerable
- Xloss of flexibility, and would have required a lot more time on my
- Xpart. Right now, the retrieve package occupies about 70k of basic
- Xsource files, probably half of which consists of comments. When
- Xcompiled together with a moderate-size user interface, the total
- Xpackage typically comes to about 150k. In-core size typically runs
- Xabout 300k on my home machine here (a Xenix/386 box), with the basic
- Xrun-time interpreter taking up a good chunk of that space all on its
- Xown. It's not a small package, but I've found it a nice base for
- Xrapid prototyping and development of small to medium-size search and
- Xretrieval engines.
- X
- X -Richard L. Goerwitz goer%sophist@uchicago.bitnet
- X goer@sophist.uchicago.edu rutgers!oddjob!gide!sophist!goer
- true || echo 'restore of README.rtv failed'
- rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
- fi
- # ============= outbits.icn ==============
- if test -f 'outbits.icn' -a X"$1" != X"-c"; then
- echo 'x - skipping outbits.icn (File already exists)'
- rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
- else
- > _shar_wnt_.tmp
- echo 'x - extracting outbits.icn (Text)'
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > 'outbits.icn' &&
- X############################################################################
- X#
- X# Name: outbits.icn
- X#
- X# Title: output variable-length characters in byte-size chunks
- X#
- X# Author: Richard L. Goerwitz
- X#
- X# Version: 1.5
- X#
- X############################################################################
- X#
- X# In any number of instances (e.g. when outputting variable-length
- X# characters or fixed-length encoded strings), the programmer must
- X# fit variable and/or non-byte-sized blocks into standard 8-bit
- X# bytes. Outbits() performs this task.
- X#
- X# Pass to outbits(i, len) an integer i, and a length parameter (len),
- X# and outbits will suspend byte-sized chunks of i converted to
- X# characters (most significant bits first) until there is not enough
- X# left of i to fill up an 8-bit character. The remaining portion is
- X# stored in a buffer until outbits() is called again, at which point
- X# the buffer is combined with the new i and then output in the same
- X# manner as before. The buffer is flushed by calling outbits() with
- X# a null i argument. Note that len gives the number of bits there
- X# are in i (or at least the number of bits you want preserved; those
- X# that are discarded are the most significant ones).
- X#
- X# A trivial example of how outbits() might be used:
- X#
- X# outtext := open("some.file.name","w")
- X# l := [1,2,3,4]
- X# every writes(outtext, outbits(!l,3))
- X# writes(outtext, outbits(&null,3)) # flush buffer
- X#
- X# List l may be reconstructed with inbits() (see inbits.icn):
- X#
- X# intext := open("some.file.name")
- X# l := []
- X# while put(l, inbits(intext, 3))
- X#
- X# Note that outbits() is a generator, while inbits() is not.
- X#
- X############################################################################
- X#
- X# Links: none
- X# See also: inbits.icn
- X#
- X############################################################################
- X
- X
- Xprocedure outbits(i, len)
- X
- X local old_part, new_part, window, old_byte_mask
- X static old_i, old_len, byte_length, byte_mask
- X initial {
- X old_i := old_len := 0
- X byte_length := 8
- X byte_mask := (2^byte_length)-1
- X }
- X
- X old_byte_mask := (0 < 2^old_len - 1) | 0
- X window := byte_length - old_len
- X old_part := ishift(iand(old_i, old_byte_mask), window)
- X
- X # If we have a no-arg invocation, then flush buffer (old_i).
- X if /i then {
- X if old_len > 0 then {
- X old_i := old_len := 0
- X return char(old_part)
- X } else {
- X old_i := old_len := 0
- X fail
- X }
- X } else {
- X new_part := ishift(i, window-len)
- X len -:= (len >= window) | {
- X old_len +:= len
- X old_i := ior(ishift(old_part, len-window), i)
- X fail
- X }
- X# For debugging purposes.
- X# write("old_byte_mask = ", old_byte_mask)
- X# write("window = ", image(window))
- X# write("old_part = ", image(old_part))
- X# write("new_part = ", image(new_part))
- X# write("outputting ", image(ior(old_part, new_part)))
- X suspend char(ior(old_part, new_part))
- X }
- X
- X until len < byte_length do {
- X suspend char(iand(ishift(i, byte_length-len), byte_mask))
- X len -:= byte_length
- X }
- X
- X old_len := len
- X old_i := i
- X fail
- X
- Xend
- true || echo 'restore of outbits.icn failed'
- rm -f _shar_wnt_.tmp
- fi
- rm -f _shar_seq_.tmp
- echo You have unpacked the last part
- exit 0
- exit 0 # Just in case...
- --
- Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
- Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
- Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
- Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent@uunet.uu.net.