home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* builtins.c: the collection of rc's builtin commands */
- /*
- NOTE: rc's builtins do not call "rc_error" because they are
- commands, and rc errors usually arise from syntax errors. e.g.,
- you probably don't want interpretation of a shell script to stop
- because of a bad umask.
- */
- #include "jbwrap.h"
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "rc.h"
- #ifndef NOLIMITS
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/resource.h>
- #endif
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "walk.h"
- #include "input.h"
- #include "builtins.h"
- #include "hash.h"
- #include "nalloc.h"
- #include "status.h"
- #include "footobar.h"
- #include "lex.h"
- #include "open.h"
- #include "except.h"
- #include "redir.h"
- #include "glom.h"
- #include "tree.h"
- #include "sigmsgs.h"
- #include "getopt.h"
- #include "wait.h"
- #include "addon.h"
- extern int umask(int);
- static void b_break(char **), b_cd(char **),
- b_echo(char **), b_eval(char **), b_exit(char **), b_limit(char **),
- b_return(char **), b_shift(char **), b_umask(char **), b_wait(char **),
- b_whatis(char **);
- static builtin_t *const builtins[] = {
- b_break, b_builtin, b_cd, b_echo, b_eval, b_exec, b_exit,
- b_limit, b_return, b_shift, b_umask, b_wait, b_whatis, b_dot,
- };
- static char *const builtins_str[] = {
- "break", "builtin", "cd", "echo", "eval", "exec", "exit",
- "limit", "return", "shift", "umask", "wait", "whatis", ".",
- };
- builtin_t *isbuiltin(char *s) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < arraysize(builtins_str); i++)
- if (streq(builtins_str[i], s))
- return builtins[i];
- return NULL;
- }
- /* funcall() is the wrapper used to invoke shell functions. pushes $*, and "return" returns here. */
- void funcall(char **av) {
- jbwrap j;
- Estack e1, e2;
- if (setjmp(j.j))
- return;
- starassign(*av, av+1, TRUE);
- except(RETURN, &j, &e1);
- except(VARSTACK, "*", &e2);
- walk(treecpy(fnlookup(*av),nalloc), TRUE);
- varrm("*", TRUE);
- unexcept(); /* VARSTACK */
- unexcept(); /* RETURN */
- }
- static void arg_count(char *name) {
- fprint(2, "too many arguments to %s\n", name);
- set(FALSE);
- }
- static void badnum(char *num) {
- fprint(2, "%s is a bad number", num);
- set(FALSE);
- }
- /* a dummy command. (exec() performs "exec" simply by not forking) */
- void b_exec(char **av) {
- }
- /* echo -n omits a newline. echo -- -n echos '-n' */
- static void b_echo(char **av) {
- SIZE_T i;
- char *format = "%a\n";
- if (*++av != NULL) {
- if (streq(*av, "-n")) {
- format = "%a";
- av++;
- } else if (streq(*av, "--")) {
- av++;
- }
- }
- i = strarraylen(av) + 1; /* one for the null terminator */
- if (i < FPRINT_SIZE)
- fprint(1, format, av);
- else
- writeall(1, sprint(nalloc(i), format, av), i-1);
- set(TRUE);
- }
- /* cd. traverse $cdpath if the directory given is not an absolute pathname */
- static void b_cd(char **av) {
- List *s, nil;
- char *path = NULL;
- SIZE_T t, pathlen = 0;
- if (*++av == NULL) {
- s = varlookup("home");
- *av = (s == NULL) ? "/" : s->w;
- } else if (av[1] != NULL) {
- arg_count("cd");
- return;
- }
- if (isabsolute(*av)) { /* absolute pathname? */
- if (chdir(*av) < 0) {
- set(FALSE);
- uerror(*av);
- } else
- set(TRUE);
- } else {
- s = varlookup("cdpath");
- if (s == NULL) {
- s = &nil;
- nil.w = "";
- nil.n = NULL;
- }
- do {
- if (s != &nil && *s->w != '\0') {
- t = strlen(*av) + strlen(s->w) + 2;
- if (t > pathlen)
- path = nalloc(pathlen = t);
- strcpy(path, s->w);
- strcat(path, "/");
- strcat(path, *av);
- } else {
- pathlen = 0;
- path = *av;
- }
- if (chdir(path) >= 0) {
- set(TRUE);
- if (interactive && *s->w != '\0' && !streq(s->w,"."))
- fprint(1,"%s\n",path);
- return;
- }
- s = s->n;
- } while (s != NULL);
- fprint(2,"couldn't cd to %s\n", *av);
- set(FALSE);
- }
- }
- static void b_umask(char **av) {
- int i;
- if (*++av == NULL) {
- set(TRUE);
- i = umask(0);
- umask(i);
- fprint(1, "0%o\n", i);
- } else if (av[1] == NULL) {
- i = o2u(*av);
- if ((unsigned int) i > 0777) {
- fprint(2,"bad umask\n");
- set(FALSE);
- } else {
- umask(i);
- set(TRUE);
- }
- } else {
- arg_count("umask");
- return;
- }
- }
- static void b_exit(char **av) {
- int s;
- if (av[1] == NULL)
- rc_exit(getstatus());
- if (av[2] != NULL) {
- fprint(2, "exit: too many arguments\n");
- rc_exit(1);
- }
- if ((s = a2u(av[1])) >= 0)
- rc_exit(s);
- badnum(av[1]);
- rc_exit(1);
- }
- /* raise a "return" exception, i.e., return from a function. if an integer argument is present, set $status to it */
- static void b_return(char **av) {
- if (av[1] != NULL)
- ssetstatus(av + 1);
- rc_raise(RETURN);
- }
- /* raise a "break" exception for breaking out of for and while loops */
- static void b_break(char **av) {
- if (av[1] != NULL) {
- arg_count("break");
- return;
- }
- rc_raise(BREAK);
- }
- /* shift $* n places (default 1) */
- static void b_shift(char **av) {
- int shift;
- List *s, *dollarzero;
- shift = (av[1] == NULL ? 1 : a2u(av[1]));
- if (av[1] != NULL && av[2] != NULL) {
- arg_count("shift");
- return;
- }
- if (shift < 0) {
- badnum(av[1]);
- return;
- }
- s = varlookup("*")->n;
- dollarzero = varlookup("0");
- while (s != NULL && shift != 0) {
- s = s->n;
- --shift;
- }
- if (s == NULL && shift != 0) {
- fprint(2,"cannot shift\n");
- set(FALSE);
- } else {
- varassign("*", append(dollarzero, s), FALSE);
- set(TRUE);
- }
- }
- /* dud function */
- void b_builtin(char **av) {
- }
- /* wait for a given process, or all outstanding processes */
- static void b_wait(char **av) {
- int stat, pid;
- if (av[1] == NULL) {
- waitforall(&stat);
- setstatus(stat);
- return;
- }
- if (av[2] != NULL) {
- arg_count("wait");
- return;
- }
- if ((pid = a2u(av[1])) < 0) {
- badnum(av[1]);
- return;
- }
- if (rc_wait4(pid, &stat) > 0)
- setstatus(stat);
- else
- set(FALSE);
- }
- /*
- whatis without arguments prints all variables and functions. Otherwise, check to see if a name
- is defined as a variable, function or pathname.
- */
- static void b_whatis(char **av) {
- enum bool f,found;
- int i,j,ac,c;
- List *s;
- Node *n;
- char *e;
- boolean ess = FALSE;
- optind = 0;
- for (ac = 0; av[ac] != NULL; ac++)
- ; /* count the arguments for getopt */
- while ((c = getopt(ac, av, "s")) != -1)
- switch (c) {
- case 's':
- ess = TRUE;
- break;
- case '?':
- set(FALSE);
- return;
- }
- av += optind;
- if (*av == NULL && !ess) {
- whatare_all_vars();
- set(TRUE);
- return;
- }
- if (ess)
- whatare_all_signals();
- found = TRUE;
- for (i = 0; av[i] != NULL; i++) {
- f = FALSE;
- errno = ENOENT;
- if ((s = varlookup(av[i])) != NULL) {
- f = TRUE;
- prettyprint_var(1, av[i], s);
- }
- if ((n = fnlookup(av[i])) != NULL) {
- f = TRUE;
- prettyprint_fn(1, av[i], n);
- } else if (isbuiltin(av[i]) != NULL) {
- f = TRUE;
- for (j = 0; j < arraysize(builtins_str); j++)
- if (streq(av[i], builtins_str[j]))
- break;
- fprint(1, "builtin %s\n", builtins_str[j]);
- } else if ((e = which(av[i], FALSE)) != NULL) {
- f = TRUE;
- fprint(1, "%s\n", e);
- }
- if (!f) {
- found = FALSE;
- if (errno != ENOENT)
- uerror(av[i]);
- else
- fprint(2, "%s not found\n", av[i]);
- }
- }
- set(found);
- }
- /* push a string to be eval'ed onto the input stack. evaluate it */
- static void b_eval(char **av) {
- boolean i = interactive;
- if (av[1] == NULL)
- return;
- interactive = FALSE;
- pushinput(STRING, av + 1, i); /* don't reset line numbers on noninteractive eval */
- doit(TRUE);
- interactive = i;
- }
- /*
- push a file to be interpreted onto the input stack. with "-i" treat this as an interactive
- input source.
- */
- void b_dot(char **av) {
- int fd;
- boolean old_i = interactive, i = FALSE;
- Estack e;
- av++;
- if (*av == NULL)
- return;
- if (streq(*av,"-i")) {
- av++;
- i = TRUE;
- }
- if (dasheye) { /* rc -i file has to do the right thing. reset the dasheye state to FALSE, though. */
- dasheye = FALSE;
- i = TRUE;
- }
- if (*av == NULL)
- return;
- fd = rc_open(*av, FROM);
- if (fd < 0) {
- if (rcrc) /* on rc -l, don't flag nonexistence of .rcrc */
- rcrc = FALSE;
- else
- uerror(*av);
- set(FALSE);
- return;
- }
- rcrc = FALSE;
- starassign(*av, av+1, TRUE);
- pushinput(FD, fd);
- interactive = i;
- except(VARSTACK, "*", &e);
- doit(TRUE);
- varrm("*", TRUE);
- unexcept(); /* VARSTACK */
- interactive = old_i;
- }
- /* Berkeley limit support was cleaned up by Paul Haahr. */
- #ifdef NOLIMITS
- static void b_limit(char **av) {
- rc_error("rc was compiled without berkeley limits");
- }
- #else
- typedef struct Suffix Suffix;
- struct Suffix {
- const Suffix *next;
- long amount;
- char *name;
- };
- static const Suffix
- kbsuf = { NULL, 1024, "k" },
- mbsuf = { &kbsuf, 1024*1024, "m" },
- gbsuf = { &mbsuf, 1024*1024*1024, "g" },
- stsuf = { NULL, 1, "s" },
- mtsuf = { &stsuf, 60, "m" },
- htsuf = { &mtsuf, 60*60, "h" };
- #define SIZESUF &gbsuf
- #define TIMESUF &htsuf
- #define NOSUF ((Suffix *) NULL) /* for RLIMIT_NOFILE on SunOS 4.1 */
- typedef struct {
- char *name;
- int flag;
- const Suffix *suffix;
- } Limit;
- static const Limit limits[] = {
- { "cputime", RLIMIT_CPU, TIMESUF },
- { "filesize", RLIMIT_FSIZE, SIZESUF },
- { "datasize", RLIMIT_DATA, SIZESUF },
- { "stacksize", RLIMIT_STACK, SIZESUF },
- { "coredumpsize", RLIMIT_CORE, SIZESUF },
- #ifdef RLIMIT_RSS /* SysVr4 does not have this */
- { "memoryuse", RLIMIT_RSS, SIZESUF },
- #endif
- #ifdef RLIMIT_VMEM /* instead, they have this! */
- { "vmemory", RLIMIT_VMEM, SIZESUF },
- #endif
- #ifdef RLIMIT_NOFILE /* SunOS 4.1 adds a limit on file descriptors */
- { "descriptors", RLIMIT_NOFILE, NOSUF },
- #endif
- { NULL, 0, NULL }
- };
- extern int getrlimit(int, struct rlimit *);
- extern int setrlimit(int, struct rlimit *);
- static void printlimit(const Limit *limit, boolean hard) {
- struct rlimit rlim;
- long lim;
- getrlimit(limit->flag, &rlim);
- if (hard)
- lim = rlim.rlim_max;
- else
- lim = rlim.rlim_cur;
- if (lim == RLIM_INFINITY)
- fprint(1, "%s \tunlimited\n", limit->name);
- else {
- const Suffix *suf;
- for (suf = limit->suffix; suf != NULL; suf = suf->next)
- if (lim % suf->amount == 0) {
- lim /= suf->amount;
- break;
- }
- fprint(1, "%s \t%d%s\n", limit->name, lim, suf == NULL ? "" : suf->name);
- }
- }
- static long parselimit(const Limit *limit, char *s) {
- int len = strlen(s);
- long lim = 1;
- const Suffix *suf = limit->suffix;
- if (streq(s, "unlimited"))
- if (suf == TIMESUF && strchr(s, ':') != NULL) {
- char *t = strchr(s, ':');
- *t++ = '\0';
- lim = 60 * a2u(s) + a2u(t);
- } else {
- for (; suf != NULL; suf = suf->next)
- if (streq(suf->name, s + len - strlen(suf->name))) {
- s[len - strlen(suf->name)] = '\0';
- lim *= suf->amount;
- break;
- }
- lim *= a2u(s);
- }
- return lim;
- }
- static void b_limit(char **av) {
- const Limit *lp = limits;
- boolean hard = FALSE;
- if (*++av != NULL && streq(*av, "-h")) {
- av++;
- hard = TRUE;
- }
- if (*av == NULL) {
- for (; lp->name != NULL; lp++)
- printlimit(lp, hard);
- return;
- }
- for (;; lp++) {
- if (lp->name == NULL) {
- fprint(2,"no such limit\n");
- set(FALSE);
- return;
- }
- if (streq(*av, lp->name))
- break;
- }
- if (*++av == NULL)
- printlimit(lp, hard);
- else {
- struct rlimit rlim;
- long pl;
- getrlimit(lp->flag, &rlim);
- if ((pl = parselimit(lp, *av)) < 0) {
- fprint(2,"bad limit\n");
- set(FALSE);
- return;
- }
- if (hard)
- rlim.rlim_max = pl;
- else
- rlim.rlim_cur = pl;
- if (setrlimit(lp->flag, &rlim) == -1) {
- uerror("setrlimit");
- set(FALSE);
- } else
- set(TRUE);
- }
- }
- #endif