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Text File | 1991-10-19 | 49.7 KB | 1,501 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: iain@norisc.siemens.de (Iain J. Lea)
- Subject: v23i084: tin - threaded full screen newsreader, Patch05a/4
- Message-ID: <csm-v23i084=tin.222457@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM>
- X-Md4-Signature: 3357c314ab8e502e40ad85f17221e0df
- Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1991 03:25:21 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: iain@norisc.siemens.de (Iain J. Lea)
- Posting-number: Volume 23, Issue 84
- Archive-name: tin/patch05a
- Patch-To: tin: Volume 23, Issue 15-23
- This patch updates tin 1.0 PL4 to PL5 (patchlevel 5).
- To apply unpack all 4 parts of this patch and then enter:
- patch < tin.patch05
- NOTE: Due to a number of things (i.e., department change, lose of
- main net connection) this patch has not been as heavily tested
- on different machines and OS's as usual. Your mileage may vary.
- Therefore please make a copy of your PL4 code before applying
- the following patch.
- Major changes over tin 1.0 PL4 are the following:
- o Added support for IBM RS/6000, NCR Tower, AT&T UNIXPC & SNI Sinix.
- o Fixed -U option when reading news via NNTP.
- o Fixed highlighted bar operation on some terminals.
- o Fixed cursor movement & inverse video in cmdtool window on SunOS.
- o Fixed setuid() & setgid() problems.
- o Fixed handling of 8 bit problems.
- For more bugs fixes, other changes & additions read the CHANGES & TODO files.
- #!/bin/sh
- # This is tin, a shell archive (shar 3.24)
- # made 10/17/1991 18:23 UTC by iain@estevax.uucp
- # Source directory /piez/iain/tin/105
- #
- # existing files WILL be overwritten
- #
- # This is part 1 of a multipart archive
- # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
- #
- # This shar contains:
- # length mode name
- # ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------
- # 143190 -rw------- tin.patch05
- #
- if touch 2>&1 | fgrep '[-amc]' > /dev/null
- then TOUCH=touch
- else TOUCH=true
- fi
- if test -r shar3_seq_.tmp; then
- echo "Must unpack archives in sequence!"
- next=`cat shar3_seq_.tmp`; echo "Please unpack part $next next"
- exit 1
- fi
- # ============= tin.patch05 ==============
- echo "x - extracting tin.patch05 (Text)"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' > tin.patch05 &&
- Xdiff -rcs ../104/CHANGES ./CHANGES
- X*** ../104/CHANGES Wed Oct 2 19:35:59 1991
- X--- ./CHANGES Wed Oct 16 20:01:50 1991
- X***************
- X*** 1,3 ****
- X--- 1,97 ----
- X+ CHANGES tin v1.0 PL4 -> tin 1.0 PL5
- X+ -----------------------------------
- X+
- X+ 1) unido!asd.tds.philips.se!kko (Karl-Koenig Koenigsson)
- X+ BUG. error in comments surrounding sysvr4 entry.
- X+ FIX. removed \ at end of line.
- X+
- X+ 2) bill@polygen.com (Bill Poitras)
- X+ BUG. no support for IBM RS/6000 in Makefile. Thanx for patch.
- X+ FIX. Makefile - added supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 3) bill@polygen.com (Bill Poitras)
- X+ BUG. When reading a command on IBM RS/6000 it takes 3 more chars
- X+ typed in to get the first to be executed. The next keystroke
- X+ you type causes tin to execute the second key you typed before.
- X+ FIX. curses.c main.c - added supplied patch and put the #define
- X+ READ_CHAR_HACK and defined it as default for 'make aix'
- X+
- X+ 4) sears@cello.hpl.hp.com (Bart Sears)
- X+ BUG. Some terminals (including HP terminals) have a different "model"
- X+ of how highlighting works. Once you have turned on a section
- X+ of the screen you need to turn it off (if you write new chars
- X+ in that area, they will usually stay highlighted).
- X+ When moving the selected line down, the old selected line
- X+ would stay highlighted because of this. Thanx for the patch.
- X+ FIX. screen.c - added supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 5) unido!ncrcol.columbiasc.NCR.COM!donovan (David Donovan)
- X+ BUG. when -U option used and news is read via NNTP all groups seem
- X+ to be empty.
- X+ FIX. main.c - -U option now opens 2nd NNTP connection to update index
- X+ files in background so as not to interfere with foreground NNTP
- X+ connection.
- X+
- X+ 6) unido!asd.tds.philips.se!kko (Karl-Koenig Koenigsson)
- X+ BUG. When in article selection mode N and P goes to next and previous
- X+ unread article, but according to the help screen and manual these
- X+ are mapped to "goto next/previous unread group".
- X+ FIX. help.c tin.1 - changed text to be correct.
- X+
- X+ 7) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X+ ADD. Makefile open.c curses.c - added support for SNI mx300 & Sinix 5.22
- X+
- X+ 8) doug@ysu.edu (Doug Sewell)
- X+ ADD. added support for NCR Tower.
- X+ FIX. Makefile tin.h - applied supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 9) doug@ysu.edu (Doug Sewell)
- X+ BUG. If you have multiple users with the same uid but different home
- X+ directories, you want to use the one associated with their username.
- X+ FIX. misc.c - applied supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 10) cliff@demon.co.uk (Cliff Stanford)
- X+ BUG. .signature does not need to be appended to a cancelled article.
- X+ FIX. post.c - changed cancel_article() so that .sig is not appended.
- X+
- X+ 11) hakanl@lulea.telesoft.se (Hakan Lennestal)
- X+ BUG. group.c feed.c save.c page.c - cleanup of setuid() calls.
- X+ FIX. applied the supplied patch. Thanx for the patch.
- X+
- X+ 12) kak@hico2.westmark.com (Kris Kugel)
- X+ ADD. added support for 3b1 UNIXPC.
- X+ FIX. applied the supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 13) nms@jvd.msk.su (Nickolay Saukh)
- X+ BUG. Cleaned up all eight bit problems. Thanx for supplied patch.
- X+ FIX. applied supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 14) nms@jvd.msk.su (Nickolay Saukh)
- X+ BUG. It is strange having visual reader look for EDITOR in env.
- X+ FIX. Changed to look for VISUAL at first. Applied supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 15) nms@jvd.msk.su (Nickolay Saukh)
- X+ BUG. Cnews puts inews in public available directory.
- X+ FIX. Changed posting to look there, if no exact place defined.
- X+ Applied supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 16) nms@jvd.msk.su (Nickolay Saukh )
- X+ BUG. Wrong date in From_ line written. It should be ctime() format.
- X+ FIX. Applied supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 17) imb@oasis.icl.co.uk (Ian Brown)
- X+ BUG. fgets in find_new_to() reads too much into small buffer.
- X+ FIX. find_new_to() - changed fgets() to use sizeof (buf).
- X+
- X+ 18) hage@netcom.com (Carl Hage)
- X+ BUG. Cursor movement & inverse video are not enabled in a cmdtool
- X+ window under SunOS. Thanx for the supplied patch.
- X+ FIX. curses.c misc.c signal.c - applied the supplied patch.
- X+
- X+ 19) bill@polygen.com (Bill Poitras)
- X+ ADD. After tagging an article the cursor should be moved down 1.
- X+ FIX. group.c - move cursor down 1 after tagging article.
- X+
- X CHANGES tin v1.0 PL3 -> tin 1.0 PL4
- X -----------------------------------
- X
- X***************
- X*** 9,17 ****
- X
- X 3) oelhaf@norisc.uucp (Reiner Oelhaf)
- X BUG. man page said to put add address in file ~/.tin/add_address but
- X! this does not work.
- X FIX. misc.c - changed ~/.tin/add_addr to ~/.tin/add_address
- X!
- X 4) pgf@cayman.com (Paul Fox)
- X ADD. add code to tin to recognize if progname was tin / rtin. If
- X rtin read news via NNTP (ie. like tin -r).
- X--- 103,111 ----
- X
- X 3) oelhaf@norisc.uucp (Reiner Oelhaf)
- X BUG. man page said to put add address in file ~/.tin/add_address but
- X! this does not work.
- X FIX. misc.c - changed ~/.tin/add_addr to ~/.tin/add_address
- X!
- X 4) pgf@cayman.com (Paul Fox)
- X ADD. add code to tin to recognize if progname was tin / rtin. If
- X rtin read news via NNTP (ie. like tin -r).
- X***************
- X*** 36,42 ****
- X ADD. art.c - added #ifdef SLOW_SCREEN_UPDATE to indexing routine.
- X
- X 3) otto@norisc.uucp (Otto Niesser)
- X! BUG. Beim Befehl 'y' wird bei nicht mehr vorhandenen Gruppen die
- X Meldung 'Group not in active file' ausgegeben. Die einzelnen
- X Meldungen sind zwar durch <lf>, nicht aber durch <cr>
- X voneinander getrennt, d.h. stehen durcheinander auf dem screen.
- X--- 130,136 ----
- X ADD. art.c - added #ifdef SLOW_SCREEN_UPDATE to indexing routine.
- X
- X 3) otto@norisc.uucp (Otto Niesser)
- X! BUG. Beim Befehl 'y' wird bei nicht mehr vorhandenen Gruppen die
- X Meldung 'Group not in active file' ausgegeben. Die einzelnen
- X Meldungen sind zwar durch <lf>, nicht aber durch <cr>
- X voneinander getrennt, d.h. stehen durcheinander auf dem screen.
- X***************
- X*** 44,54 ****
- X
- X 4) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. While modifying feed.c I broke the auto-save articles routine.
- X! FIX. feed.c - fixed it (things happen when one meddles!)
- X
- X 5) hugh@slee01.sr1.ford.com (Hugh Fader)
- X BUG. It world help in installation to make the location of the file
- X! containing the nntp server name configurable with a define.
- X FIX. Makefile - added define NNTP_SERVER_FILE.
- X
- X 6) spear@druco.att.com (Steve Spearman)
- X--- 138,148 ----
- X
- X 4) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. While modifying feed.c I broke the auto-save articles routine.
- X! FIX. feed.c - fixed it (things happen when one meddles!)
- X
- X 5) hugh@slee01.sr1.ford.com (Hugh Fader)
- X BUG. It world help in installation to make the location of the file
- X! containing the nntp server name configurable with a define.
- X FIX. Makefile - added define NNTP_SERVER_FILE.
- X
- X 6) spear@druco.att.com (Steve Spearman)
- X***************
- X*** 80,89 ****
- X
- X 12) arj@cam-orl.co.uk (Andy Jackson)
- X BUG. When started with -U update option and tin is suspended with
- X! ^Z and then restarted, the terminal I/O state gets changed and
- X! characters are echoed to the screen and missed by tin.
- X FIX. main.c - set update=FALSE in parent process after child is
- X! forked to update indexes in the background.
- X
- X 13) unido!asd.tds.philips.se!kko (Karl-Koenig Koenigsson)
- X BUG. If the last line of an article is the last displayed line
- X--- 174,183 ----
- X
- X 12) arj@cam-orl.co.uk (Andy Jackson)
- X BUG. When started with -U update option and tin is suspended with
- X! ^Z and then restarted, the terminal I/O state gets changed and
- X! characters are echoed to the screen and missed by tin.
- X FIX. main.c - set update=FALSE in parent process after child is
- X! forked to update indexes in the background.
- X
- X 13) unido!asd.tds.philips.se!kko (Karl-Koenig Koenigsson)
- X BUG. If the last line of an article is the last displayed line
- X***************
- X*** 108,120 ****
- X
- X 17) cc_paul@rcvie.co.at (Wolf N. Paul)
- X ADD. Could tin have a command line option which will cause it to
- X! simply terminate with 0 exit status if there is no new news.
- X FIX. art.c main.c - added -Z option to return exit 0 no news 2 news.
- X
- X 18) hakanl@lulea.telesoft.se (Hakan Lennestal)
- X BUG. Rn makes .oldnewsrc as a hard link to .newsrc. Tin copies
- X! .newsrc to .oldnewsrc, the file gets copied to itself, and
- X! the result is an empty file.
- X FIX. newsrc.c - added unlink() .oldnewsrc before backing up copy.
- X
- X CHANGES tin v1.0 PL1 -> tin 1.0 PL2
- X--- 202,214 ----
- X
- X 17) cc_paul@rcvie.co.at (Wolf N. Paul)
- X ADD. Could tin have a command line option which will cause it to
- X! simply terminate with 0 exit status if there is no new news.
- X FIX. art.c main.c - added -Z option to return exit 0 no news 2 news.
- X
- X 18) hakanl@lulea.telesoft.se (Hakan Lennestal)
- X BUG. Rn makes .oldnewsrc as a hard link to .newsrc. Tin copies
- X! .newsrc to .oldnewsrc, the file gets copied to itself, and
- X! the result is an empty file.
- X FIX. newsrc.c - added unlink() .oldnewsrc before backing up copy.
- X
- X CHANGES tin v1.0 PL1 -> tin 1.0 PL2
- X***************
- X*** 121,127 ****
- X -----------------------------------
- X
- X 1) rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz)
- X! Modified man page to format correctly.
- X
- X 2) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. if compiled on xenix DEFAULT_MAILBOX define is redefined later.
- X--- 215,221 ----
- X -----------------------------------
- X
- X 1) rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz)
- X! ADD. Modified man page to format correctly. Thanx for supplied patch.
- X
- X 2) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. if compiled on xenix DEFAULT_MAILBOX define is redefined later.
- X***************
- X*** 129,137 ****
- X
- X 3) uunet!sisd!jeh (Ed Hanway)
- X BUG. If chars are signed, hash_str() will calculate a bad hash
- X! value if it hits a char with the high bit set.
- X FIX. hashstr.c - changed hash routine to use unsigned char.
- X!
- X 4) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. Always put cursor on last unread article in newsgroup.
- X FIX. select.c - set changed space_mode = FALSE to TRUE, so
- X--- 223,231 ----
- X
- X 3) uunet!sisd!jeh (Ed Hanway)
- X BUG. If chars are signed, hash_str() will calculate a bad hash
- X! value if it hits a char with the high bit set.
- X FIX. hashstr.c - changed hash routine to use unsigned char.
- X!
- X 4) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. Always put cursor on last unread article in newsgroup.
- X FIX. select.c - set changed space_mode = FALSE to TRUE, so
- X***************
- X*** 146,163 ****
- X at Saber C.
- X
- X 6) rdb@oasis.icl.co.uk (Roger Binns)
- X! BUG. I would prefer to press save, and then be presented with
- X! choices of post processing. If you can't figure out which
- X! it is, offer the choice from the 'M' menu as default.
- X FIX. feed.c - asks for processing type when saving article.
- X
- X 7) rdb@oasis.icl.co.uk (Roger Binns)
- X! BUG. free_all_arrays() called inside signal_handler() causes errors.
- X! FIX. signal.c - deleted free_all_arrays() from signal_handler().
- X!
- X 8) rdb@oasis.icl.co.uk (Roger Binns)
- X! BUG. If the active file is empty, abort (I just learnt the hard
- X! way) - core dumps and other silly things happen.
- X FIX. misc.c - changed read_active() to exit if no newsgroups.
- X
- X 9) cliff@norisc.uucp (Clifford Luke)
- X--- 240,257 ----
- X at Saber C.
- X
- X 6) rdb@oasis.icl.co.uk (Roger Binns)
- X! BUG. I would prefer to press save, and then be presented with
- X! choices of post processing. If you can't figure out which
- X! it is, offer the choice from the 'M' menu as default.
- X FIX. feed.c - asks for processing type when saving article.
- X
- X 7) rdb@oasis.icl.co.uk (Roger Binns)
- X! BUG. free_all_arrays() called inside signal_handler() causes errors.
- X! FIX. signal.c - deleted free_all_arrays() from signal_handler().
- X!
- X 8) rdb@oasis.icl.co.uk (Roger Binns)
- X! BUG. If the active file is empty, abort (I just learnt the hard
- X! way) - core dumps and other silly things happen.
- X FIX. misc.c - changed read_active() to exit if no newsgroups.
- X
- X 9) cliff@norisc.uucp (Clifford Luke)
- X***************
- X*** 165,175 ****
- X FIX. memory.c signal.c - modified to resize screen[] array.
- X
- X 10) rdb@oasis.icl.co.uk (Roger Binns)
- X! ADD. backup_newsrc() copies .newsrc to .oldnewsrc for safety.
- X
- X 11) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. follow-ups rejected by inews when to many '>' are in text.
- X! FIX. tin.h - added DEFAULT_COMMENT to let user specify comment
- X string (default is ": ").
- X
- X 12) nms@jvd.msk.su (Nickolay Saukh)
- X--- 259,269 ----
- X FIX. memory.c signal.c - modified to resize screen[] array.
- X
- X 10) rdb@oasis.icl.co.uk (Roger Binns)
- X! ADD. backup_newsrc() copies .newsrc to .oldnewsrc for safety.
- X
- X 11) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. follow-ups rejected by inews when to many '>' are in text.
- X! FIX. tin.h - added DEFAULT_COMMENT to let user specify comment
- X string (default is ": ").
- X
- X 12) nms@jvd.msk.su (Nickolay Saukh)
- X***************
- X*** 177,183 ****
- X FIX. post.c - no reason at all. Fixed it - must have been asleep?!
- X
- X 13) nms@jvd.msk.su (Nickolay Saukh)
- X! BUG. There should be a way to inform user about created newsgroups
- X since last session.
- X FIX. misc.c - added notify_groups() to check for new newsgroups. Use
- X -n option to check for groups on starting tin. A tad sloooooww.
- X--- 271,277 ----
- X FIX. post.c - no reason at all. Fixed it - must have been asleep?!
- X
- X 13) nms@jvd.msk.su (Nickolay Saukh)
- X! BUG. There should be a way to inform user about created newsgroups
- X since last session.
- X FIX. misc.c - added notify_groups() to check for new newsgroups. Use
- X -n option to check for groups on starting tin. A tad sloooooww.
- X***************
- X*** 228,235 ****
- X 22) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. Hangs when running under a xterm window that is resized.
- X FIX. signal.c - set_win_size() changed so that tin will resize
- X! to the new xterm window size. Allows big displays of info
- X! when run on a window system.
- X
- X 23) molloy@icd.teradyne.com (Philip E. Molloy)
- X BUG. If there is no file called ~/.tin/posted, then the first
- X--- 322,329 ----
- X 22) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. Hangs when running under a xterm window that is resized.
- X FIX. signal.c - set_win_size() changed so that tin will resize
- X! to the new xterm window size. Allows big displays of info
- X! when run on a window system.
- X
- X 23) molloy@icd.teradyne.com (Philip E. Molloy)
- X BUG. If there is no file called ~/.tin/posted, then the first
- X***************
- X*** 262,269 ****
- X
- X 29) cliff@demon.co.uk (Cliff Stanford)
- X BUG. Default mailer rmail does not work on SCO 3.2.2 & small fixes to
- X! Makefile. Thanx for the patches.
- X! FIX. Changed rmail to sendmail -t for default mailer. Only works
- X if you have got tcp-ip package installed.
- X
- X 30) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X--- 356,363 ----
- X
- X 29) cliff@demon.co.uk (Cliff Stanford)
- X BUG. Default mailer rmail does not work on SCO 3.2.2 & small fixes to
- X! Makefile. Thanx for the patches.
- X! FIX. Changed rmail to sendmail -t for default mailer. Only works
- X if you have got tcp-ip package installed.
- X
- X 30) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X***************
- X*** 280,286 ****
- X
- X 33) kos@nd.se (Karl-Olov Serrander)
- X BUG. SIGSEGV happens when debug routines are used.
- X! FIX. debug.c - applied supplied patch.
- X
- X 34) cliff@demon.co.uk (Cliff Stanford)
- X ADD. main.c - added -U option to fork a 'tin -u' and update index
- X--- 374,380 ----
- X
- X 33) kos@nd.se (Karl-Olov Serrander)
- X BUG. SIGSEGV happens when debug routines are used.
- X! FIX. debug.c - applied supplied patch.
- X
- X 34) cliff@demon.co.uk (Cliff Stanford)
- X ADD. main.c - added -U option to fork a 'tin -u' and update index
- X***************
- X*** 313,337 ****
- X FIX. tin.h - Added #ifdef M_XENIX #define DEFAULT_EDITOR /bin/vi #endif
- X
- X 5) rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz)
- X! Contributed newer version (June 91) of wildmat.c & wildmat.3 routines
- X
- X 6) v.hoang@att.com (Viet Hoang)
- X BUG. <sys/types.h> defined in tin.h and open.c
- X! FIX. open.c - deleted <sys/types.h>
- X
- X 7) v.hoang@att.com (Viet Hoang)
- X! BUG. The entry for sysv in Makefile uses double backslash when it
- X! should only be single backslash.
- X FIX. Makefile - changed \\ to \ in sysv entry.
- X
- X 8) kos@nd.se (Karl-Olov Serrander)
- X BUG. If tin is suid news, it is not possible to create .tin and
- X! .tin/.tinrc when you use command M.
- X FIX. rcfile.c - write_rcfile() now uses setuid() & setgid() routines.
- X
- X 9) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. If tin is suid news, it has problems creating files in users home
- X! dir.
- X FIX. kill.c misc.c post.c - added setuid() & setgid() routines.
- X
- X 10) unido!asd.tds.philips.se!kko (Karl-Koenig Koenigsson)
- X--- 407,431 ----
- X FIX. tin.h - Added #ifdef M_XENIX #define DEFAULT_EDITOR /bin/vi #endif
- X
- X 5) rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz)
- X! Contributed newer version (June 91) of wildmat.c & wildmat.3 routines
- X
- X 6) v.hoang@att.com (Viet Hoang)
- X BUG. <sys/types.h> defined in tin.h and open.c
- X! FIX. open.c - deleted <sys/types.h>
- X
- X 7) v.hoang@att.com (Viet Hoang)
- X! BUG. The entry for sysv in Makefile uses double backslash when it
- X! should only be single backslash.
- X FIX. Makefile - changed \\ to \ in sysv entry.
- X
- X 8) kos@nd.se (Karl-Olov Serrander)
- X BUG. If tin is suid news, it is not possible to create .tin and
- X! .tin/.tinrc when you use command M.
- X FIX. rcfile.c - write_rcfile() now uses setuid() & setgid() routines.
- X
- X 9) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. If tin is suid news, it has problems creating files in users home
- X! dir.
- X FIX. kill.c misc.c post.c - added setuid() & setgid() routines.
- X
- X 10) unido!asd.tds.philips.se!kko (Karl-Koenig Koenigsson)
- X***************
- X*** 403,409 ****
- X
- X 23) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. mail_setup () will not work if MAIL env varaible not set.
- X! FIX. mail.c - mail_setup() now checks mailbox path as well.
- X
- X 24) crs@siesoft.co.uk (Chris Smith)
- X BUG. help screens are hard coded for 25 line terminals so if
- X--- 497,503 ----
- X
- X 23) iain@estevax.uucp (Iain Lea)
- X BUG. mail_setup () will not work if MAIL env varaible not set.
- X! FIX. mail.c - mail_setup() now checks mailbox path as well.
- X
- X 24) crs@siesoft.co.uk (Chris Smith)
- X BUG. help screens are hard coded for 25 line terminals so if
- X***************
- X*** 411,420 ****
- X FIX. help.c - show_help_screen() rewrote to use maximum lines.
- X
- X 25) bernd@norisc.uucp (Bernd Schwerin)
- X! BUG. Save operation doesnt ask for a base filename when saving
- X tagged articles. After saving the tagged articles the
- X pathnames are .01, .02 etc.
- X! FIX. feed.c - feed_articles () removed if () to allow tagged files
- X sequence to ask for filename to save to.
- X
- X CHANGES tass v3.2 -> tin v1.00
- X--- 505,514 ----
- X FIX. help.c - show_help_screen() rewrote to use maximum lines.
- X
- X 25) bernd@norisc.uucp (Bernd Schwerin)
- X! BUG. Save operation doesnt ask for a base filename when saving
- X tagged articles. After saving the tagged articles the
- X pathnames are .01, .02 etc.
- X! FIX. feed.c - feed_articles () removed if () to allow tagged files
- X sequence to ask for filename to save to.
- X
- X CHANGES tass v3.2 -> tin v1.00
- Xdiff -rcs ../104/MANIFEST ./MANIFEST
- X*** ../104/MANIFEST Wed Oct 2 19:49:03 1991
- X--- ./MANIFEST Wed Oct 16 20:10:41 1991
- X***************
- X*** 1,40 ****
- X! MANIFEST for tin newsreader (Wed Oct 2 19:49:00 MET 1991)
- X ----------------------------------------------------------
- X! 4609 README
- X! 19208 CHANGES
- X! 2347 TODO
- X! 9247 Makefile
- X! 27771 tin.1
- X 2247 wildmat.3
- X! 36873 tin.nrf
- X! 9785 tin.h
- X! 9432 lang.h
- X 3720 nntp.h
- X! 17299 proto.h
- X 21 patchlevel.h
- X! 28457 art.c
- X! 6043 curses.c
- X 2631 debug.c
- X! 11964 feed.c
- X! 19344 group.c
- X! 2829 hashstr.c
- X! 5149 help.c
- X! 10484 kill.c
- X! 17723 lang.c
- X! 8373 main.c
- X 6239 memory.c
- X! 21726 misc.c
- X 19741 newsrc.c
- X! 6825 open.c
- X! 24865 page.c
- X! 17675 post.c
- X! 4469 prompt.c
- X! 17871 rcfile.c
- X! 19595 save.c
- X! 2168 screen.c
- X! 7808 search.c
- X! 18951 select.c
- X! 7531 signal.c
- X 4749 wildmat.c
- X! 436299 total
- X--- 1,40 ----
- X! MANIFEST for tin newsreader (Wed Oct 16 20:10:39 MET 1991)
- X ----------------------------------------------------------
- X! 5316 README
- X! 23382 CHANGES
- X! 2481 TODO
- X! 10557 Makefile
- X! 27922 tin.1
- X 2247 wildmat.3
- X! 37038 tin.nrf
- X! 10177 tin.h
- X! 9798 lang.h
- X 3720 nntp.h
- X! 17521 proto.h
- X 21 patchlevel.h
- X! 28321 art.c
- X! 6759 curses.c
- X 2631 debug.c
- X! 11855 feed.c
- X! 19765 group.c
- X! 2620 hashstr.c
- X! 5227 help.c
- X! 10479 kill.c
- X! 18262 lang.c
- X! 8503 main.c
- X 6239 memory.c
- X! 22027 misc.c
- X 19741 newsrc.c
- X! 7000 open.c
- X! 25404 page.c
- X! 17638 post.c
- X! 4687 prompt.c
- X! 17897 rcfile.c
- X! 19687 save.c
- X! 2185 screen.c
- X! 7811 search.c
- X! 19137 select.c
- X! 7795 signal.c
- X 4749 wildmat.c
- X! 447129 total
- Xdiff -rcs ../104/Makefile ./Makefile
- X*** ../104/Makefile Wed Oct 2 19:48:41 1991
- X--- ./Makefile Thu Oct 17 19:22:45 1991
- X***************
- X*** 70,80 ****
- X--- 70,85 ----
- X EXE=tin
- X
- X BINDIR = /usr/local/bin
- X+ MANDIR = /usr/man/man1
- X #BINDIR = /piez/iain/bin
- X+ #BINDIR = /usr0g/iain/bin
- X+ #MANDIR = .
- X
- X STRIP = strip
- X ROFF = + drf -F Helvetica -man3
- X PRINT= -Pps0
- X+ BASE_VER = ../104
- X+ PATCH_VER = 05
- X
- X HFILES = tin.h lang.h nntp.h proto.h patchlevel.h
- X
- X***************
- X*** 99,107 ****
- X--- 104,117 ----
- X @echo " make sysv (SysV)"
- X @echo " make sysvr4 (SysV R4)"
- X @echo " make sco (SCO Unix)"
- X+ @echo " make aix (IBM AIX)"
- X @echo " make xenix (Xenix 386)"
- X+ @echo " make sinix (SNI SysV)"
- X+ @echo " make tower (NCR Tower)"
- X
- X # For Berkeley systems:
- X+ # NNTPLIB=clientlib.o \
- X+ #
- X bsd:
- X @echo "Compiling for BSD/Ultrix..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -DBSD -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"' \
- X***************
- X*** 109,125 ****
- X EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X # For System V:
- X sysv:
- X @echo "Compiling for System V..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -DAUTO_RESIZE -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"' \
- X- NNTPLIB="clientlib.o" \
- X- NETLIBS="-lnet -lnsl_s" \
- X LIBS="-lcurses -ltermcap" \
- X EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X # For System V Release 4:
- X! # NNTPLIB="./nntp/clientlib.o" \
- X # NETLIBS="-lnsl -lsocket" \
- X sysvr4:
- X @echo "Compiling for System V Release 4..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -DPOSIX_JOB_CONTROL -DUSE_INVERSE_HACK -DAUTO_RESIZE -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"' \
- X--- 119,146 ----
- X EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X # For System V:
- X+ # NNTPLIB=clientlib.o \
- X+ # NETLIBS="-lnet -lnsl_s" \
- X+ #
- X sysv:
- X @echo "Compiling for System V..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -DAUTO_RESIZE -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"' \
- X LIBS="-lcurses -ltermcap" \
- X EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X+ # For IBM AIX:
- X+ # NNTPLIB=clientlib.o \
- X+ #
- X+ aix:
- X+ @echo "Compiling for AIX..."
- X+ @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -DSYSV -DRS6000 -DUSE_LONG_FILENAMES -DAUTO_RESIZE -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"' \
- X+ LIBS="-lcurses -ltermcap" \
- X+ EXE=tin linkit
- X+
- X # For System V Release 4:
- X! # NNTPLIB=clientlib.o \
- X # NETLIBS="-lnsl -lsocket" \
- X+ #
- X sysvr4:
- X @echo "Compiling for System V Release 4..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -DPOSIX_JOB_CONTROL -DUSE_INVERSE_HACK -DAUTO_RESIZE -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"' \
- X***************
- X*** 127,132 ****
- X--- 148,156 ----
- X EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X # For SCO Unix:
- X+ # NNTPLIB=clientlib.o \
- X+ # NETLIBS="-lnsl_s -lsocket" \
- X+ #
- X sco:
- X @echo "Compiling for SCO Unix..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -UM_XENIX -DUSE_INVERSE_HACK -DAUTO_RESIZE -DLIBDIR="\"/usr/lib/news\"" -DSPOOLDIR="\"/usr/spool/news\""' \
- X***************
- X*** 134,141 ****
- X EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X # For Xenix 386:
- X! # NNTPLIB=clientlib.o
- X! # NETLIBS="-lsocket"
- X xenix:
- X @echo "Compiling for Xenix 386..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -Zi -DSYSV -DLIBDIR="\\"/usr/lib/news\\"" -DSPOOLDIR="\\"/usr/spool/news\\""' \
- X--- 158,166 ----
- X EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X # For Xenix 386:
- X! # NNTPLIB=clientlib.o \
- X! # NETLIBS="-lsocket" \
- X! #
- X xenix:
- X @echo "Compiling for Xenix 386..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -Zi -DSYSV -DLIBDIR="\\"/usr/lib/news\\"" -DSPOOLDIR="\\"/usr/spool/news\\""' \
- X***************
- X*** 142,164 ****
- X LIBS="-lcurses -ltinfo -lx" \
- X LFLAGS=-Zi EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X norisc:
- X @echo "Compiling for NORISC with NNTP..."
- X! @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -g -DBSD -DUSE_NNTP -DAUTO_RESIZE -DLIBDIR=\"/news/lib\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/news/spool\"' \
- X NNTPLIB=/news/nntp/clientlib.o \
- X LIBS="-lcurses -ltermcap" \
- X EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X- estevax:
- X- @echo "Compiling for ESTEVAX with NNTP..."
- X- @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -DBSD -DUSE_NNTP -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"' \
- X- NNTPLIB=/others/mtz/bnews2/NNTP/common/clientlib.o \
- X- LIBS="-lcurses -ltermcap" \
- X- EXE=tin linkit
- X-
- X kommu:
- X @echo "Compiling for KOMMU with NNTP..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -UM_XENIX -DUSE_INVERSE_HACK -DAUTO_RESIZE -DUSE_NNTP -DLIBDIR="\\"/usr/lib/news\\"" -DSPOOLDIR="\\"/usr/spool/news\\""' \
- X--- 167,201 ----
- X LIBS="-lcurses -ltinfo -lx" \
- X LFLAGS=-Zi EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X+ # For SNI Sinix:
- X+ # NNTPLIB=clientlib.o \
- X+ # NETLIBS="-lsocket" \
- X+ #
- X+ sinix:
- X+ @echo "Compiling for SNI Sinix..."
- X+ @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -DBSD -DSINIX -DUSE_MKDIR -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"' \
- X+ LIBS="-lcurses" \
- X+ EXE=tin linkit
- X+
- X+ # For NCR Tower:
- X+ # NNTPLIB=clientlib.o \
- X+ # NETLIBS="-lnet -lnsl_s" \
- X+ #
- X+ tower:
- X+ @echo "Compiling for NCR Tower..."
- X+ @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -DSYSV -DNCR -DISTRING -DLIBDIR=\"/usr/lib/news\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/usr/spool/news\"' \
- X+ LIBS="-lcurses -ltermcap" \
- X+ EXE=tin linkit
- X+
- X norisc:
- X @echo "Compiling for NORISC with NNTP..."
- X! @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -g -DREAD_CHAR_HACK -DBSD -DUSE_NNTP -DAUTO_RESIZE -DLIBDIR=\"/news/lib\" -DSPOOLDIR=\"/news/spool\"' \
- X NNTPLIB=/news/nntp/clientlib.o \
- X LIBS="-lcurses -ltermcap" \
- X EXE=tin linkit
- X
- X kommu:
- X @echo "Compiling for KOMMU with NNTP..."
- X @$(MAKE) CFLAGS='-c -O -UM_XENIX -DUSE_INVERSE_HACK -DAUTO_RESIZE -DUSE_NNTP -DLIBDIR="\\"/usr/lib/news\\"" -DSPOOLDIR="\\"/usr/spool/news\\""' \
- X***************
- X*** 180,190 ****
- X @ln $(BINDIR)/$(EXE) $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X @chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/$(EXE) $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X @ls -l $(BINDIR)/$(EXE) $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X
- X install_setuid:
- X @echo "Installing SETUID $(EXE)..."
- X @$(STRIP) $(EXE)
- X! @mv $(EXE) $(BINDIR)
- X @chown news $(BINDIR)/$(EXE)
- X @-rm $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X @ln $(BINDIR)/$(EXE) $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X--- 217,228 ----
- X @ln $(BINDIR)/$(EXE) $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X @chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/$(EXE) $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X @ls -l $(BINDIR)/$(EXE) $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X+ @cp $(EXE).1 $(MANDIR)
- X
- X install_setuid:
- X @echo "Installing SETUID $(EXE)..."
- X @$(STRIP) $(EXE)
- X! @-mv $(EXE) $(BINDIR)
- X @chown news $(BINDIR)/$(EXE)
- X @-rm $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X @ln $(BINDIR)/$(EXE) $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X***************
- X*** 191,199 ****
- X--- 229,240 ----
- X @su news -c "chmod 4755 $(BINDIR)/$(EXE)"
- X @su news -c "chmod 755 $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)"
- X @ls -l $(BINDIR)/$(EXE) $(BINDIR)/r$(EXE)
- X+ @cp $(EXE).1 $(MANDIR)
- X
- X proto:
- X @echo "Generating function prototypes for proto.h..."
- X+ # @-mv PROTO.H proto.h
- X @echo "#ifdef __STDC__" > PROTO.H
- X @echo " " >> PROTO.H
- X @cproto $(CFILES) >> PROTO.H
- X***************
- X*** 205,233 ****
- X @echo "#endif" >> PROTO.H
- X @-mv PROTO.H proto.h
- X
- X! shar:
- X! @echo "Generating shell archive..."
- X @echo "Creating nroff man page..."
- X @nroff -man $(EXE).1 > $(EXE).nrf
- X @echo "Creating MANIFEST..."
- X @echo "MANIFEST for tin newsreader (`date`)" > MANIFEST
- X @echo "----------------------------------------------------------" >> MANIFEST
- X @shar -a -n $(EXE)1.02 -s iain@estevax.uucp -L50 -o ../$(EXE).shar $(SUPPORT) $(CFILES) $(HFILES)
- X
- X uuencode:
- X! make tar
- X @echo "Uuencoding $(EXE).tar.Z..."
- X @uuencode $(EXE).tar.Z $(EXE).tar.Z > $(EXE).tar.Z.uue
- X @ls -l $(EXE).tar.Z.uue
- X
- X diff:
- X! @echo "Generating diffs against 102 (results in $(EXE).diff)..."
- X @-mv -f $(EXE).diff $(EXE).diff-
- X! @diff -rcs 102 103 > $(EXE).diff
- X
- X tar:
- X! @echo "Archiving files to $(EXE).tar..."
- X @-rm $(EXE).tar $(EXE).tar.Z > /dev/null 2>&1
- X @tar cvf $(EXE).tar $(SUPPORT) $(CFILES) $(HFILES)
- X @echo "Compressing $(EXE).tar..."
- X--- 246,288 ----
- X @echo "#endif" >> PROTO.H
- X @-mv PROTO.H proto.h
- X
- X! nroff:
- X @echo "Creating nroff man page..."
- X @nroff -man $(EXE).1 > $(EXE).nrf
- X+
- X+ manifest:
- X @echo "Creating MANIFEST..."
- X @echo "MANIFEST for tin newsreader (`date`)" > MANIFEST
- X @echo "----------------------------------------------------------" >> MANIFEST
- X+
- X+ shar:
- X+ @echo "Generating shell archive..."
- X+ @make nroff
- X+ @make manifest
- X @shar -a -n $(EXE)1.02 -s iain@estevax.uucp -L50 -o ../$(EXE).shar $(SUPPORT) $(CFILES) $(HFILES)
- X
- X uuencode:
- X! @make tar
- X @echo "Uuencoding $(EXE).tar.Z..."
- X @uuencode $(EXE).tar.Z $(EXE).tar.Z > $(EXE).tar.Z.uue
- X @ls -l $(EXE).tar.Z.uue
- X
- X diff:
- X! @echo "Generating diffs against $(BASE_VER)..."
- X @-mv -f $(EXE).diff $(EXE).diff-
- X! @-diff -rcs $(BASE_VER) . > $(EXE).diff
- X! @ls -l $(EXE).diff
- X
- X+ patch:
- X+ @make diff
- X+ @echo "Generating patch against $(BASE_VER)..."
- X+ @-mv $(EXE).diff $(EXE).patch$(PATCH_VER)
- X+ @shar -a -n $(EXE) -s iain@estevax.uucp -L50 -o patch$(PATCH_VER).shar $(EXE).patch$(PATCH_VER)
- X+ @ls -l patch$(PATCH_VER).shar*
- X+
- X tar:
- X! @echo "Generating compressed tar file..."
- X @-rm $(EXE).tar $(EXE).tar.Z > /dev/null 2>&1
- X @tar cvf $(EXE).tar $(SUPPORT) $(CFILES) $(HFILES)
- X @echo "Compressing $(EXE).tar..."
- X***************
- X*** 235,241 ****
- X @ls -l $(EXE).tar.Z
- X
- X zoo:
- X! @echo "Archiving files to $(EXE).zoo..."
- X @-rm $(EXE).zoo > /dev/null 2>&1
- X @zoo ah $(EXE).zoo $(SUPPORT) $(CFILES) $(HFILES)
- X @ls -l $(EXE).zoo
- X--- 290,296 ----
- X @ls -l $(EXE).tar.Z
- X
- X zoo:
- X! @echo "Generating zoo archive file..."
- X @-rm $(EXE).zoo > /dev/null 2>&1
- X @zoo ah $(EXE).zoo $(SUPPORT) $(CFILES) $(HFILES)
- X @ls -l $(EXE).zoo
- X***************
- X*** 251,261 ****
- X
- X clean:
- X @echo "Cleaning..."
- X! @-'rm' -rf *.o #* $(EXE).diff*
- X
- X clobber:
- X @echo "Clobbering..."
- X! @-'rm' -rf *.o #* tags $(EXE) $(EXE).diff*
- X
- X cflow:
- X @echo "Creating cflow for $(EXE)..."
- X--- 306,316 ----
- X
- X clean:
- X @echo "Cleaning..."
- X! @-'rm' -rf $(OBJECTS) #* $(EXE).diff*
- X
- X clobber:
- X @echo "Clobbering..."
- X! @-'rm' -rf $(OBJECTS) '#*' tags $(EXE) $(EXE).diff* patch.shar*
- X
- X cflow:
- X @echo "Creating cflow for $(EXE)..."
- X***************
- X*** 266,272 ****
- X @$(ROFF) $(PRINT) $(EXE).1
- X
- X print:
- X! @for FILE in $(HFILES) $(CFILES); do \
- X echo "Printing $$FILE to $(PRINT)..."; \
- X expand -4 $$FILE | enscript -2r -h -G $(PRINT) -b $$FILE; \
- X done
- X--- 321,327 ----
- X @$(ROFF) $(PRINT) $(EXE).1
- X
- X print:
- X! @for FILE in $(HFILES) $(CFILES) $(SUPPORT); do \
- X echo "Printing $$FILE to $(PRINT)..."; \
- X expand -4 $$FILE | enscript -2r -h -G $(PRINT) -b $$FILE; \
- X done
- Xdiff -rcs ../104/README ./README
- X*** ../104/README Wed Oct 2 19:44:00 1991
- X--- ./README Wed Oct 16 19:57:54 1991
- X***************
- X*** 1,13 ****
- X! This is version 1.0 PL4 (patchlevel 4) of the tin newsreader.
- X
- X! Major improvements over tin 1.0 PL3 are the following:
- X
- X! o ESC key now aborts most operations
- X
- X! o added rtin link to tin. rtin aliases to tin -r to read news via NNTP
- X
- X! o added speedup to screen display for slow baud rate terminals.
- X
- X For more bugs fixes, other changes & additions read the CHANGES & TODO files.
- X
- X I am still looking for people to send me ideas/comments & bug reports.
- X--- 1,26 ----
- X! This is version 1.0 PL5 (patchlevel 5) of the tin newsreader.
- X
- X! NOTE: Due to a number of things (i.e., department change, lose of
- X! main net connection) this patch has not been as heavily tested
- X! on different machines and OS's. On my main development machine
- X! everything in this patch works OK. Your mileage may vary.
- X! Therefore please make a copy of your PL4 code before applying
- X! the following patch.
- X
- X! Major improvements over tin 1.0 PL4 are the following:
- X
- X! o Added support for IBM RS/6000, NCR Tower, AT&T UNIXPC & SNI Sinix.
- X
- X! o Fixed -U option when reading news via NNTP.
- X
- X+ o Fixed highlighted bar operation on some terminals.
- X+
- X+ o Fixed cursor movement & inverse video in cmdtool window on SunOS.
- X+
- X+ o Fixed setuid() & setgid() problems.
- X+
- X+ o Fixed handling of 8 bit problems.
- X+
- X For more bugs fixes, other changes & additions read the CHANGES & TODO files.
- X
- X I am still looking for people to send me ideas/comments & bug reports.
- X***************
- X*** 53,60 ****
- X 8500 Nuernberg 90
- X Germany.
- X Phone. +49-911-331963 (home)
- X! Phone. +49-911-895-3853 (work until Sep 30)
- X! Phone. +49-911-3089-407 (work from Oct 1)
- X Email. iain@estevax.uucp (will only be reading mailbox weekly)
- X
- X Built & used on the following machines
- X--- 66,72 ----
- X 8500 Nuernberg 90
- X Germany.
- X Phone. +49-911-331963 (home)
- X! Phone. +49-911-3089-407 (work)
- X Email. iain@estevax.uucp (will only be reading mailbox weekly)
- X
- X Built & used on the following machines
- X***************
- X*** 67,73 ****
- X 6) 386 PC & ISC SysVR3.2
- X 7) ICL DRS6000 (sparc) & SysVR4.0
- X 8) Sun 3/4/IPC/SS1/SS2 & SunOS 4.0.3/4.1/4.1.1
- X! 9) Intel303 & SysVR4
- X 10) DEC 5000 & Ultrix 4.1
- X 11) Sony News & SysVR4 / BSD 4.3
- X 12) Atari STe & Minix
- X--- 79,85 ----
- X 6) 386 PC & ISC SysVR3.2
- X 7) ICL DRS6000 (sparc) & SysVR4.0
- X 8) Sun 3/4/IPC/SS1/SS2 & SunOS 4.0.3/4.1/4.1.1
- X! 9) Intel303 & SysVR4
- X 10) DEC 5000 & Ultrix 4.1
- X 11) Sony News & SysVR4 / BSD 4.3
- X 12) Atari STe & Minix
- X***************
- X*** 74,79 ****
- X--- 86,95 ----
- X 13) Apricot VX/FT & SCO 3.2.2
- X 14) DIAB DS90 & D-NIX 5.3
- X 15) Amdahl & SysVR3
- X+ 16) HP 9000/845 & HP-UX 7.0
- X+ 17) IBM RS/6000 & AIX 3.1.5
- X+ 18) SNI MX300 & Sinix 5.22
- X+ 19) NCR Tower & SysV
- X
- X Building Tin
- X ------------
- X***************
- X*** 99,112 ****
- X Rich Salz - wildmat regex pattern matching routine
- X Chris Smith - multi-part uudecode routine
- X
- X! I wish to thank the following people for bug reports/patchs/comments:
- X
- X! Klaus Arzig, Anton Aylward, Reiner Balling, Volker Beyer, Roger Binns,
- X! Georg Biehler, Andreas Brosig, Peter Dressler, Gerhard Ermer, Hugh Fader,
- X! Joachim Feld, Paul Fox, Bernhard Gmelch, Viet Hoang, Torsten Homeyer,
- X! Andy Jackson, Joe Johnson, Cyrill Jung, Karl-Koenig Koenigsson,
- X! Hans-Juergen Knopp, Hakan Lennestal, Bob Lukas, Clifford Luke,
- X! Phillip Molloy, Toni Metz, Greg Miller, Klaus Neuberger, Otto Niesser,
- X! Reiner Oelhaf, Wolf Paul, Nickolay Saukh, Rich Salz, Fredy Schwatz,
- X! Bernd Schwerin, Klamer Schutte, Karl-Olav Serrander, Chris Smith,
- X! Steve Spearman, Cliff Stanford, Adri Verhoef, Cary Whitney
- X--- 115,133 ----
- X Rich Salz - wildmat regex pattern matching routine
- X Chris Smith - multi-part uudecode routine
- X
- X! I wish to thank the following people for supplying patchs:
- X
- X! Anton Aylward, Carl Hage, Ed Hanway, Karl-Koenig Koenigsson, Kris Kugel,
- X! Hakan Lennestal, Clifford Luke, Bill Poitras, Nickolay Saukh, Rich Salz,
- X! Bart Sears, Karl-Olav Serrander, Doug Sewell, Cliff Stanford, Adri Verhoef,
- X! Cary Whitney
- X!
- X! I wish to thank the following people for bug reports/comments:
- X!
- X! Klaus Arzig, Reiner Balling, Volker Beyer, Roger Binns, Georg Biehler,
- X! Ian Brown, Andreas Brosig, David Donovan, Peter Dressler, Gerhard Ermer,
- X! Hugh Fader, Joachim Feld, Paul Fox, Bernhard Gmelch, Viet Hoang,
- X! Torsten Homeyer, Andy Jackson, Joe Johnson, Cyrill Jung, Hans-Juergen
- X! Knopp, Bob Lukas, Phillip Molloy, Toni Metz, Greg Miller, Klaus Neuberger,
- X! Otto Niesser, Reiner Oelhaf, Wolf Paul, Fredy Schwatz, Bernd Schwerin,
- X! Klamer Schutte, Chris Smith, Steve Spearman
- Xdiff -rcs ../104/TODO ./TODO
- X*** ../104/TODO Wed Oct 2 19:40:10 1991
- X--- ./TODO Wed Oct 16 19:58:46 1991
- X***************
- X*** 23,28 ****
- X--- 23,34 ----
- X
- X ------------
- X+ o Add longer line to parse_menu() because default takes up a lot of
- X+ the line.
- X+
- X+ o Add code to reread Subject: & To: line before posting. Make
- X+ Find_new_to() more flexible (ie. func("Subject:", string) ).
- X+
- X o Add 2nd page to 'M' Options menu and put on the options:
- X 1) ask user if to update read groups on exits (al a vn)
- X 2) thread/unthread groups (read from ~/.tin/unthread)
- X***************
- X*** 39,46 ****
- X
- X o Add 'C' command at group level to catchup present group and
- X enter next group with unread news in it.
- X-
- X- o Add code to 'N' at group level so it goes to next group with unread news.
- X
- X o Add 'H' context senstive level help screens
- X
- X--- 45,50 ----
- XFiles ../104/UPDATE_INDEX and ./UPDATE_INDEX are identical
- Xdiff -rcs ../104/art.c ./art.c
- X*** ../104/art.c Wed Oct 2 19:29:27 1991
- X--- ./art.c Thu Oct 10 20:10:50 1991
- X***************
- X*** 435,441 ****
- X
- X while (1) {
- X for (ptrline = ptr; *ptr && *ptr != '\n'; ptr++) {
- X! if (((*ptr) & 0x7F) < 32) {
- X *ptr = ' ';
- X }
- X }
- X--- 435,441 ----
- X
- X while (1) {
- X for (ptrline = ptr; *ptr && *ptr != '\n'; ptr++) {
- X! if (((*ptr) & 0xFF) < ' ') {
- X *ptr = ' ';
- X }
- X }
- X***************
- X*** 443,464 ****
- X *ptr++ = '\0';
- X lineno++;
- X
- X! if (! got_from && strncmp(ptrline, "From: ", 6) == 0) {
- X! my_strncpy(buf2, ptrline+6, HEADER_LEN);
- X h->from = hash_str (buf2);
- X got_from = TRUE;
- X! } else if (! got_subject && strncmp(ptrline, "Subject: ", 9) == 0) {
- X! my_strncpy (buf2, ptrline+9, HEADER_LEN);
- X s = eat_re (buf2);
- X h->subject = hash_str (eat_re (s));
- X got_subject = TRUE;
- X! } else if (! got_date && strncmp(ptrline, "Date: ", 6) == 0) {
- X! my_strncpy (buf2, ptrline+6, HEADER_LEN);
- X! parse_date (buf2 ,h->date);
- X got_date = TRUE;
- X! } else if (strncmp(ptrline, "Archive-name: ", 14) == 0) {
- X! if ((s = (char *) strchr (ptrline+14, '/')) != NULL) {
- X! my_strncpy(buf2, ptrline+14, HEADER_LEN);
- X if (strncmp (s+1,"part",4) == 0 ||
- X strncmp (s+1,"Part",4) == 0) {
- X h->part = str_dup (s+5);
- X--- 443,460 ----
- X *ptr++ = '\0';
- X lineno++;
- X
- X! if (! got_from && match_header(ptrline, "From", buf2, HEADER_LEN)) {
- X h->from = hash_str (buf2);
- X got_from = TRUE;
- X! } else if (! got_subject && match_header(ptrline, "Subject", buf2, HEADER_LEN)) {
- X s = eat_re (buf2);
- X h->subject = hash_str (eat_re (s));
- X got_subject = TRUE;
- X! } else if (! got_date && match_header(ptrline, "Date", buf2, HEADER_LEN)) {
- X! parse_date (buf2, h->date);
- X got_date = TRUE;
- X! } else if (match_header(ptrline, "Archive-name", buf2, HEADER_LEN)) {
- X! if ((s = (char *) strchr (buf2, '/')) != NULL) {
- X if (strncmp (s+1,"part",4) == 0 ||
- X strncmp (s+1,"Part",4) == 0) {
- X h->part = str_dup (s+5);
- X***************
- X*** 995,1005 ****
- X switch (check_start_save) {
- X if (verbose) {
- X! wait_message ("Checking for news...");
- X }
- X break;
- X! wait_message ("Checking for news...");
- X break;
- X sprintf (log, "%s/log", rcdir);
- X--- 991,1001 ----
- X switch (check_start_save) {
- X if (verbose) {
- X! wait_message (txt_checking_for_news);
- X }
- X break;
- X! wait_message (txt_checking_for_news);
- X break;
- X sprintf (log, "%s/log", rcdir);
- X***************
- X*** 1067,1076 ****
- X continue;
- X }
- X
- X! open_note (arts[j].artnum, group_path);
- X fseek (note_fp, 0L, 0);
- X copy_fp (note_fp, fp, (char *) 0);
- X! note_cleanup ();
- X fclose (fp);
- X break;
- X }
- X--- 1063,1072 ----
- X continue;
- X }
- X
- X! art_open (arts[j].artnum, group_path);
- X fseek (note_fp, 0L, 0);
- X copy_fp (note_fp, fp, (char *) 0);
- X! art_close ();
- X fclose (fp);
- X break;
- X }
- X***************
- X*** 1101,1113 ****
- X return 2;
- X } else {
- X if (verbose) {
- X! wait_message ("\nThere is no news\n");
- X }
- X return 0;
- X }
- X! wait_message ("\nThere is no news\n");
- X return -1;
- X--- 1097,1109 ----
- X return 2;
- X } else {
- X if (verbose) {
- X! wait_message (txt_there_is_no_news);
- X }
- X return 0;
- X }
- X! wait_message (txt_there_is_no_news);
- X return -1;
- X***************
- X*** 1154,1160 ****
- X
- X if (killed) {
- X if (! update) {
- X! wait_message ("Killing...");
- X }
- X index_file_killed = TRUE;
- X setup_base (group, group_path);
- X--- 1150,1156 ----
- X
- X if (killed) {
- X if (! update) {
- X! wait_message (txt_killing_arts);
- X }
- X index_file_killed = TRUE;
- X setup_base (group, group_path);
- X***************
- X*** 1162,1168 ****
- X load_index ();
- X } else {
- X if (! update) {
- X! wait_message ("Unkilling...");
- X }
- X if (local_index) {
- X find_local_index (group);
- X--- 1158,1164 ----
- X load_index ();
- X } else {
- X if (! update) {
- X! wait_message (txt_unkilling_arts);
- X }
- X if (local_index) {
- X find_local_index (group);
- Xdiff -rcs ../104/curses.c ./curses.c
- X*** ../104/curses.c Mon Sep 30 19:24:23 1991
- X--- ./curses.c Tue Oct 15 09:39:34 1991
- X***************
- X*** 1,22 ****
- X /*
- X! * curses.c
- X */
- X-
- X- /*
- X- * This is a screen management library borrowed with permission from the
- X- * Elm mail system (a great mailer--I highly recommend it!).
- X- *
- X- * I've hacked this library to only provide what Tass needs.
- X- *
- X- * Original copyright follows:
- X- */
- X
- X- /*******************************************************************************
- X- * The Elm Mail System - $Revision: 2.1 $ $State: Exp $
- X- *
- X- * Copyright (c) 1986 Dave Taylor
- X- ******************************************************************************/
- X-
- X #include <stdio.h>
- X #include <curses.h>
- X #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- X--- 1,17 ----
- X /*
- X! * Project : tin - a visual threaded usenet newsreader
- X! * Module : curses.c
- X! * Author : Dave Taylor
- X! * Created : ??-??-86
- X! * Updated : 14-10-91
- X! * Release : 2.1
- X! * Notes : This is a screen management library borrowed with permission
- X! * from the Elm mail system (a great mailer--I highly recommend
- X! * it!).This library was hacked to provide what tin needs.
- X! * Copyright : Copyright (c) 1986 Dave Taylor
- X! * The Elm Mail System - $Revision: 2.1 $ $State: Exp $
- X */
- X
- X #include <stdio.h>
- X #include <curses.h>
- X #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- X***************
- X*** 51,64 ****
- X # endif
- X #endif
- X
- X-
- X #include <ctype.h>
- X
- X! /*
- X! #ifdef BSD
- X! #undef tolower
- X! #endif
- X! */
- X
- X #define TTYIN 0
- X
- X--- 46,54 ----
- X # endif
- X #endif
- X
- X #include <ctype.h>
- X
- X! #include "tin.h"
- X
- X #define TTYIN 0
- X
- X***************
- X*** 68,82 ****
- X # define _cleartoeos _clr2eos
- X #endif
- X
- X! #ifndef BSD
- X! struct termio _raw_tty,
- X! _original_tty;
- X! #else
- X
- X struct sgttyb _raw_tty,
- X _original_tty;
- X #endif
- X
- X static int _inraw = 0; /* are we IN rawmode? */
- X--- 58,72 ----
- X # define _cleartoeos _clr2eos
- X #endif
- X
- X! #ifdef BSD
- X
- X struct sgttyb _raw_tty,
- X _original_tty;
- X+ #else
- X+ struct termio _raw_tty,
- X+ _original_tty;
- X #endif
- X
- X static int _inraw = 0; /* are we IN rawmode? */
- X***************
- X*** 84,92 ****
- X
- X! static
- X! char *_clearscreen, *_moveto, *_cleartoeoln, *_cleartoeos,
- X! *_setinverse, *_clearinverse, *_setunderline, *_clearunderline;
- X
- X static
- X int _lines,_columns;
- X--- 74,82 ----
- X
- X! static char *_clearscreen, *_moveto, *_cleartoeoln, *_cleartoeos,
- X! *_setinverse, *_clearinverse, *_setunderline, *_clearunderline,
- X! *_terminalinit, *_terminalend;
- X
- X static
- X int _lines,_columns;
- X***************
- X*** 106,162 ****
- X char termname[40], *p;
- X char *strcpy(), *getenv();
- X
- X! if ((p = getenv("TERM")) == NULL) {
- X! fprintf(stderr,
- X! "TERM variable not set; Tass requires screen capabilities\n");
- X! return(FALSE);
- X }
- X! if (strcpy(termname, p) == NULL) {
- X! fprintf(stderr,"Can't get TERM variable\n");
- X! return(FALSE);
- X }
- X! if (tgetent(_terminal, termname) != 1) {
- X! fprintf(stderr,"Can't get entry for TERM\n");
- X! return(FALSE);
- X }
- X
- X /* load in all those pesky values */
- X! _clearscreen = tgetstr("cl", &ptr);
- X! _moveto = tgetstr("cm", &ptr);
- X! _cleartoeoln = tgetstr("ce", &ptr);
- X! _cleartoeos = tgetstr("cd", &ptr);
- X! _lines = tgetnum("li");
- X! _columns = tgetnum("co");
- X! _setinverse = tgetstr("so", &ptr);
- X! _clearinverse = tgetstr("se", &ptr);
- X! _setunderline = tgetstr("us", &ptr);
- X! _clearunderline = tgetstr("ue", &ptr);
- X
- X if (!_clearscreen) {
- X! fprintf(stderr,
- X! "Terminal must have clearscreen (cl) capability\n");
- echo "End of tin part 1"
- echo "File tin.patch05 is continued in part 2"
- echo "2" > shar3_seq_.tmp
- exit 0
- --
- NAME Iain Lea
- EMAIL iain@estevax.uucp ...!unido!estevax!iain
- SNAIL Bruecken Str. 12, 8500 Nuernberg, Germany
- PHONE +49-911-3089-407 (work) +49-911-331963 (home)
- exit 0 # Just in case...
- --
- Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
- Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
- Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
- Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent@uunet.uu.net.