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- /* $Id: hdbstat.h,v 3.3 1991/09/01 14:02:08 piggy Rel $
- * Constants and structs definition, functions prototype.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991 Lele Gaifax (piggy@idea.sublink.org)
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- */
- #include "config.h"
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #define OK 0
- #define ERROR 1
- #if !defined (TRUE)
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- #endif
- #define TIMESLICES ((60 / 3) * 24) /* A sample every 20 mins */
- typedef float HourlyAct_t[TIMESLICES];
- typedef struct portact /* Port's activity */
- {
- char *Port; /* Port's name */
- short Killed;
- HourlyAct_t Activity;
- } portact_t;
- struct xferentry /* xferstats entry */
- {
- char System[15]; /* System's name */
- char User[15]; /* User's name */
- short Month;
- short Day;
- short Hour;
- short Min;
- short Sec;
- short DayOfWeek;
- char PortName[15];
- char Direction; /* S: sent, R: received */
- float Bytes; /* Bytes moved */
- float Time; /* Time it takes */
- /* (corrected) */
- };
- typedef struct syshist /* System's history info */
- {
- short FilesOut;
- short FilesIn;
- float BytesOut;
- float BytesIn;
- float TimeOut;
- float TimeIn;
- float MonthlyActivity[12]; /* Last 12 months activity */
- short LastMonthProcessed;
- } syshist_t;
- typedef struct commrep /* Command's tree node */
- {
- char *Command; /* Command's name */
- short Number; /* # of invocation */
- } commrep_t;
- typedef struct commreptree
- {
- commrep_t Node;
- struct commreptree *L;
- struct commreptree *R;
- } *Tcommrep_t, commreptree_t;
- typedef struct dailyrep /* Daily table */
- {
- short Used; /* TRUE if used */
- short Month;
- short Day;
- short FilesOut;
- short FilesIn;
- float BytesOut;
- float BytesIn;
- float TimeOut;
- float TimeIn;
- Tcommrep_t Commands; /* This day commands */
- } dailyrep_t;
- typedef struct sysrep
- {
- char *System; /* System's name */
- short Killed; /* TRUE: do not print this system */
- short FilesOut;
- short FilesIn;
- float BytesOut;
- float BytesIn;
- float TimeOut;
- float TimeIn;
- float TimeConnect;
- float PhoneCost[PHONE_PRICING_TB];
- short Calls; /* # of calls */
- short CallsIn; /* # of inbound calls */
- short CallsOut; /* # of outboud calls */
- short CallsOK; /* Correctly finished ones */
- short CallsFAIL; /*
- * # of calls that did not reached the
- * login phase.
- */
- short CallsSTOPPED; /* Uncorrectly finished ones */
- time_t LastConnection;
- syshist_t History; /* System's historical datas */
- Tcommrep_t Commands;
- } sysrep_t;
- typedef struct userrep
- {
- char *User; /* User's name */
- short Killed; /* TRUE: do not print this */
- /* user */
- short FilesOut;
- float BytesOut;
- float TimeOut;
- Tcommrep_t Commands;
- } userrep_t;
- #if defined(HDB_ERR_FACT)
- extern float ERRFACT; /* Correction factor for */
- /* buggy HDB */
- #endif
- extern int DoCommandReport;
- extern int SeparatedCommLog; /* Build a separated */
- /* commands report */
- extern int JustSomeSystem; /* Show just some system in
- * the reports */
- extern char *PrefixPath; /* Prefix dir for the logs */
- extern char SystemName[]; /* Name of the system */
- /* where tua is running */
- extern char *CurrentTime;
- extern char TheEpoc[];
- extern char *Since;
- extern int CurrentMonth;
- extern int ChartSize;
- extern int VerboseOutput;
- extern time_t StatStartingTime; /* When really the log began */
- extern int DaysSinceLastClean;
- extern char *PhoneCategoryNames[PHONE_PRICING_TB];
- #if defined (__STDC__) && !defined (NO_PROTOTYPE)
- #define PROTO(proto) proto
- #else
- #define PROTO(proto) ()
- #endif
- extern void KillSys PROTO((char *));
- extern void KillUser PROTO((char *));
- extern void KillPort PROTO((char *));
- extern commrep_t *InsertComm PROTO((Tcommrep_t *, char *));
- extern userrep_t *InsertUser PROTO((char *));
- extern sysrep_t *InsertSys PROTO((char *));
- extern dailyrep_t *InsertDay PROTO((int, int));
- extern portact_t *InsertPort PROTO((char *));
- extern void EnquirySys PROTO((void(*)(sysrep_t)));
- extern void EnquiryUser PROTO((void(*)(userrep_t)));
- extern void EnquiryComm PROTO((Tcommrep_t, void(*)(commrep_t)));
- extern void EnquiryDay PROTO((void(*)(dailyrep_t)));
- extern void EnquiryPort PROTO((void(*)(portact_t)));
- extern int GetXferEntry PROTO((struct xferentry *));
- extern int ProcXferstats PROTO((void));
- extern int ProcUucico PROTO((void));
- extern int ProcUuxqt PROTO((void));
- extern int ProcUucp PROTO((void));
- extern int ProcUux PROTO((void));
- extern void SystemsReport PROTO((void));
- extern void UsersReport PROTO((void));
- extern void DailyReport PROTO((void));
- extern void SystemsCommandReport PROTO((void));
- extern void UsersCommandReport PROTO((void));
- extern void DailyCommandReport PROTO((void));
- extern void SystemSummary PROTO((void));
- extern void SystemSummaryTable PROTO((void));
- extern void SystemHistoryTable PROTO((void));
- extern void HourlyActivityCharts PROTO((void));
- extern void GlobalHourlyActivityChart PROTO((void));
- extern int ReadHistory PROTO((void));
- extern int WriteHistory PROTO((int));
- extern time_t get_date PROTO((char *));
- extern void MonthlyHistoryTable PROTO((void));
- extern int GetPhonePrice PROTO((int, int, int));
- extern sysrep_t * CheckSystemEsist PROTO( (char *) );
- #ifdef USG
- extern int gethostname PROTO((char *, int));
- #endif
- extern char * strdup PROTO((char *));
- #endif