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- # @(#) $Id: README.GCC,v 1.2 1991/08/22 20:02:56 ronald Exp $
- This README describes the port of GNU CC to SCO XENIX 386 from RoboBar Ltd.
- This port consists of patch kits to GCC 1.40, GAS 1.38.1 and GDB 3.5
- The port was done by Steve Bleazard <steve@robobar.co.uk> with assistance
- from Ronald Khoo <ronald@ibmpcug.co.uk> who wrote this README and packaged
- the kit.
- Disclaimer: RoboBar Ltd has no connection with the Santa Cruz Operation
- whatsoever, other than being an indirect customer of theirs.
- There is no warranty, nor claim of fitness for any purpose of
- any program code you may happen to find in these files.
- Various trademarks of Intel Corp, Microsoft Corp, and the
- Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. are mentioned in these files,
- and are hereby acknowledged.
- (C) Copyright 1991 RoboBar Ltd. Permission is granted to redistribute
- this article without any encumbrance, other than that this copyright
- notice be retained, and that any modifications be clearly marked as such.
- Overview:
- This port works on SCO XENIX 386. It has been tested on:
- OS version: 2.3.4 with Development System version 2.3.1b
- but we believe that it should be useable with some effort on versions
- 2.2 and later.
- The object file format used is the native Microsoft/Intel OMF format,
- so the GNU binutils are not used. Therefore, this port is
- compatible with third party SCO-compatible object libraries.
- The SCO Development System provides the system libraries and include files.
- The standard Microsoft assembler is not used -- instead the GNU assembler
- was ported to produce OMF.
- A linker helper-program (provided by Christoph Badura <bad@flatlin.ka.sub.org>,
- installed as /usr/local/lib/gcc-ld) helps gcc's -L -l options to work.
- However, the standard XENIX /bin/ld does the real linking--it
- is executed by Christoph's program.
- Symbolic debugging is supported for the accompanying port of GDB only.
- SCO's sdb debugging format is not documented, and seems to change
- from release to release, so we can't support it.
- The port of GDB was started from an sdb-based port by rdk386!ron (Ron Kuris)
- Without his lead, this port would probably not exist.
- The GNU compiler system, as modified by these patches, serves as our
- production compiler at RoboBar. We believe it to be of
- production quality, and in any case of much higher quality than
- SCO XENIX's native Microsoft compiler system.
- This README documents how to compile and install this GCC port from
- the patches alone. You can skip some of the steps if you already
- have XENIX GCC binaries from earlier versions of this XENIX GCC port.
- If you are building from scratch, you can use the commands indicated
- by => in this README as a guide. On *our* system, those commands
- were directly executed from this file via a script. If your version
- of XENIX or the Development System is different from ours, you may
- have to hack a bit, though.
- Note that parts of the procedure require you to be root, with a umask no
- more paranoid than 022.
- What you need:
- SCO XENIX 386 Operating System
- SCO XENIX 386 Development System
- Larry Wall's "patch" program, version 2, patchlevel 12.
- (from volume 7 of comp.sources.unix, or the GNU
- enhanced one from prep.ai.mit.edu)
- The standard GNU distributions of the compiler and assembler:
- gcc-1.40.tar.Z and gas-1.38.1.tar.Z
- (from prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu)
- The three patches in this kit:
- gcc-1.40.pch
- gas-1.38.pch
- gdb-3.5b.pch
- A modicum of free disc space. 10 Mb is comfortable. You can
- do it with less, but the instructions here assume 10Mb free.
- Patience. Lots of patience. The patience of a saint.
- What to do:
- First, ensure /usr/local/bin is in your PATH, and that
- the "patch" program can be found in your path.
- => PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin export PATH
- Next, unpack the GNU distributions, and copy alloca.c from
- the GCC directory into the GAS directory:
- => zcat < gas-1.38.1.tar.Z | tar xf -
- => zcat < gcc-1.40.tar.Z | tar xf -
- => zcat < gdb-3.5.tar.Z | tar xf -
- => cp gcc-1.40/alloca.c gas-1.38/alloca.c
- Now, compile the GNU assembler with the standard compiler.
- (Do not switch the optimiser on, as this will cause
- incorrect code to be generated. And "const" breaks it)
- => cd gas-1.38
- => patch < ../gas-1.38.pch
- => cc -c alloca.c
- => make ax386 G0="-Dconst= -DUSG -DWORKING_DOT_WORD" O1= LOADLIBES=alloca.o
- (Throughout this build, you will get plenty of warning messages
- from the compiler. At this stage, it is best to ignore them)
- Now, install the assembler as /usr/local/lib/gcc-as
- => mkdir /usr/local ; mkdir /usr/local/lib ; mkdir /usr/local/bin
- => cp ax386 /usr/local/lib/gcc-as
- Now, you need to make minimal necessary changes to your
- system include files and then build gcc itself.
- You may have to modify fixmin.xenix depending on your version
- of the Operating and Development systems. Sigh.
- => cd ../gcc-1.40
- => patch -p < ../gcc-1.40.pch
- => sh fixmin.xenix # have to be root to do this!
- => sh config.gcc xenix386
- Compile gcc for the first time using the Microsoft compiler:
- => make -f Makefile.msc -f Makefile msc ALLOCA=alloca.o CFLAGS=
- (This build may fail somewhere and core dump near the end when
- it tries to build gnulib2. Ignore it, it doesn't matter)
- Save this version of gcc, then make gcc with this saved version.
- => make stage1
- => make CC=stage1/gcc CFLAGS=-Bstage1/ # cannot optimise yet
- Now we can build an optimised version of gcc.
- => make stage2
- => rm -rf stage1 # regain some disc space if you're short of it.
- => make CC=stage2/gcc CFLAGS="-Bstage2/ -O"
- At this point, we have a correctly compiled version of gcc.
- We now install it, then go and recompile gas with gcc
- => make install INSTALL=cp
- => cd ../gas-1.38
- => rm -f *.o ax386
- => make ax386 G0="-O -DUSG -DWORKING_DOT_WORD" O1= LOADLIBES= CC=gcc
- => cp ax386 /usr/local/lib/gcc-as
- => rm -f /usr/local/bin/gas
- => ln /usr/local/lib/gcc-as /usr/local/bin/gas
- Finally, we compile gcc again, using a correctly built gas.
- => cd ../gcc-1.40
- => make stage3
- => rm -rf stage2 # regain some disc space if you're short of it.
- => make CC=stage3/gcc CFLAGS="-Bstage3/ -O"
- In fact, if we're lucky, this version should be identical to
- the previous version, and if it is, we're happy. So let's check.
- => for i in *.o ; do cmp -s $i stage3/$i || echo $i broke ; done
- (Hopefully none should break, if any do, you will have to iterate
- through more stage builds of both gcc and gas until it no longer
- breaks)
- Now, we install Christopher's ld helper program so that
- gcc's -l and -L options will work:
- => gcc -O -Iconfig xenixld.c -o gcc-ld
- => cp gcc-ld /usr/local/lib/gcc-ld
- Now, it's probably wise to undo the damage we did to /usr/include
- => sh fixmin.xenix undo
- However, the include files are really not in a useable state.
- You will have to hack them a lot, but the fix.h.xenix file contains
- a few useful hints. But *PLEASE* read it before you execute it,
- as it may well need customising for your site. In particular,
- if you've done stuff like adding #ifdef _SIZE_T to your include files,
- the script may not work anymore. But the __M_I386__ hack in there
- must be done, or else you won't be able to use gcc -ansi.
- => sh fix.h.xenix
- I guess a debugger is useful to have so let's build that:
- => cd ../dist-gdb
- => patch -p < ../gdb-3.5b.pch
- => sh config.gdb xenix386
- Depending on the version of your Development System libraries,
- you may have to edit m-xenix386.h at this point to #define
- the symbol PTRACE_ADDR_ARG_STRUCT. This is necessary for version 2.2,
- but not for 2.3 (the default).
- => make CC=gcc GLOBAL_CFLAGS="-O -I. -traditional -DNO_PROTOTYPE"
- => mv gdb /usr/local/bin
- There's a helper module that's useful for use with GDB.
- Read the source file gdbspace.asm for more info.
- (/usr/lib/storel is part of your XENIX link kit).
- => /usr/lib/storel gdbspace.asm && mv gdbspace.o /usr/local/lib/libgdb.a
- Then it's probably time for a long beer. Of course, Murphy's
- Law states that your disc controller will probably die,
- destroying your disc in the process just at this point ....
- If you come across any XENIX-related GCC problems, please send mail to
- Steve Bleazard <steve@robobar.co.uk> or uunet!mcsun!ukc!robobar!steve