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Text File | 1991-10-21 | 53.9 KB | 1,599 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: kirsch@usasoc.soc.mil (David Kirschbaum)
- Subject: v23i088: zip - Portable zip v1.0, Part01/09
- Message-ID: <csm-v23i088=zip.231424@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM>
- X-Md4-Signature: 61134dcb2a8c2cb49e9e129416f582d3
- Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1991 04:20:22 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: kirsch@usasoc.soc.mil (David Kirschbaum)
- Posting-number: Volume 23, Issue 88
- Archive-name: zip/part01
- Environment: UNIX, Minix, MSDOS, OS/2, VMS
- Here's the product of the Info-ZIP Workgroup: a portable, generic
- compatible zip file compressor. This is a companion to the unzip utility
- also distributed by this group.
- I extracted the original zip10ex.zip distribution files, changed them all
- to Unix end_of_line, lower-cased a bunch of the file names (just to give
- the Unix systems something familiar), and used cshar (comp.sources.unix
- volume15) to create the Partnn shar files. Other than those minor changes
- (for transmission only), all honor and glory to the original authors.
- (Be sure to contact *them* (or Info-ZIP@valeria.cs.ucla.edu) if there
- are any bugs or problems.)
- Oh, yes, this is the *export* version (no encryption). The domestic
- version (with encryption) is not available for general distribution
- (because of various Federal regulations). No, you don't want to know.
- Following is the README file from the original zip10ex.zip distribution.
- David Kirschbaum
- Info-ZIP Coordinator
- kirsch@usasoc.soc.mil
- ===
- Copyright (C) 1990,1991 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, and Jean-loup Gailly.
- Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
- redistribute this software so long as all of the original files are included
- unmodified, that it is not sold for profit, and that this copyright notice
- is retained.
- Please read the file zip.doc for information on how to compile, install, and
- use zip, zipcloak (if this is not an export version), zipsplit, zipnote, and
- ship. The file "contents" is a complete list of the files you should have in
- this distribution. Also, if you are using MSDOS, you should read the note on
- file formats at the end of the contents file.
- ----------
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then feed it
- # into a shell via "sh file" or similar. To overwrite existing files,
- # type "sh file -c".
- # The tool that generated this appeared in the comp.sources.unix newsgroup;
- # send mail to comp-sources-unix@uunet.uu.net if you want that tool.
- # Contents: README im_ctree.c makevms.com
- # Wrapped by kent@sparky on Sun Oct 20 22:58:51 1991
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- echo If this archive is complete, you will see the following message:
- echo ' "shar: End of archive 1 (of 9)."'
- if test -f 'README' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'README'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'README'\" \(929 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'README' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- XCopyright (C) 1990,1991 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, and Jean-loup Gailly.
- XPermission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
- Xredistribute this software so long as all of the original files are included
- Xunmodified, that it is not sold for profit, and that this copyright notice
- Xis retained.
- X
- X
- XPlease read the file zip.doc for information on how to compile, install, and
- Xuse zip, zipcloak (if this is not an export version), zipsplit, zipnote, and
- Xship. The file "contents" is a complete list of the files you should have in
- Xthis distribution. Also, if you are using MSDOS, you should read the note on
- Xfile formats at the end of the contents file.
- if test 929 -ne `wc -c <'README'`; then
- echo shar: \"'README'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'README'
- fi
- if test -f 'im_ctree.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'im_ctree.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'im_ctree.c'\" \(45523 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'im_ctree.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X
- X Copyright (C) 1990,1991 Mark Adler, Richard B. Wales, and Jean-loup Gailly.
- X Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
- X redistribute this software so long as all of the original files are included
- X unmodified, that it is not sold for profit, and that this copyright notice
- X is retained.
- X
- X*/
- X
- X/*
- X * im_ctree.c by Richard B. Wales.
- X *
- X * Includes modifications by Jean-Loup Gailly.
- X *
- X *
- X * Encode various sets of source values using variable-length
- X * binary code trees.
- X *
- X *
- X * The PKZIP "implosion" process uses several variable-depth binary
- X * code trees, similar to Huffman trees. The more common source
- X * values are represented by shorter bit sequences.
- X *
- X * Each code tree is stored in the ZIP file in a compressed form
- X * that is essentially a run-length-encoded list of the lengths of
- X * all the code strings (in ascending order by source values).
- X * The actual code strings are reconstructed from the lengths in
- X * the UNZIP process, as described in the "application note"
- X * (APPNOTE.TXT) distributed as part of PKWARE's PKZIP program.
- X *
- X * Because of the way a code tree is stored in the ZIP file, the
- X * codes must conform to the following restrictions:
- X *
- X * (1) No code string may ever exceed 16 bits in length.
- X *
- X * (2) If all code strings are extended to 16 bits by padding on
- X * the right (low-order end) with zeros, and then treated as
- X * unsigned 16-bit integers, then:
- X *
- X * (a) The arithmetically higher 16-bit values must correspond
- X * to the shorter code strings.
- X *
- X * (b) If two source values map into code strings of the same
- X * length, the higher code string must correspond to the
- X * lower source value (where source values are treated as
- X * unsigned).
- X *
- X * Further, shortcuts taken by PKUNZIP 1.10 in the way it decodes
- X * the compressed data via the trees impose the following extra
- X * limitations:
- X *
- X * (3) No code string in the "distance" tree can be longer than 8
- X * bits.
- X *
- X * (4) The maximum length of any code string is limited by the
- X * number of initial zero bits, as follows:
- X *
- X * (a) 0-3 leading zeros: maximum length is 8.
- X *
- X * (b) 4-5 leading zeros: maximum length is 12.
- X *
- X * (c) 6-7 leading zeros: maximum length is 14.
- X *
- X * (5) In the "literal" tree, the code string corresponding to the
- X * source value 255 must be at least 10 bits in length, regard-
- X * less of the frequency of the value 255 in the file.
- X *
- X * PKWARE calls the code trees "Shannon-Fano trees". (Shannon-Fano
- X * coding was a predecessor to the better-known Huffman coding
- X * technique; see the references below.) Although it appears that
- X * the Shannon-Fano (top-down partitioning) algorithm is in fact
- X * used by PKZIP in the process of creating the code trees, the
- X * resulting trees are not in fact "pure" Shannon-Fano, because of
- X * the extra processing required in order to meet the restrictions
- X * described above.
- X *
- X *
- X * Lynch, Thomas J.
- X * Data Compression: Techniques and Applications, pp. 53-55.
- X * Lifetime Learning Publications, 1985. ISBN 0-534-03418-7.
- X *
- X * Storer, James A.
- X * Data Compression: Methods and Theory, pp. 49-50.
- X * Computer Science Press, 1988. ISBN 0-7167-8156-5.
- X *
- X *
- X * ImpErr ct_init (void)
- X * Initialize the code tree routines. This routine must be
- X * called before any other code tree routines may be called.
- X *
- X * ImpErr ct_tally (MATCH *ma)
- X * Tally a "string match" data set. The tally results will be
- X * used to determine how large the imploded result will be.
- X *
- X * ImpErr ct_mktrees (FDATA *fd)
- X * Construct all code trees, and then determine how big the
- X * imploded file will be under both "literal tree" and "no
- X * literal tree" conditions. Choose the best option.
- X *
- X * ImpErr ct_wrtrees (FILE *outfp)
- X * Output the code trees to the ZIP file.
- X *
- X * ImpErr ct_wrdata (FILE *outfp)
- X * Output the file data to the ZIP file.
- X *
- X * ImpErr ct_windup (void)
- X * Deallocate all code trees.
- X */
- X
- X
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X# define VALIDATE
- X#endif /* DEBUG */
- X
- X#include "implode.h"
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Local data used by the "code tree" routines.
- X */
- X
- X
- X/* Data structure describing a single value and its code string. */
- Xtypedef
- Xstruct ct_data
- X { UL_INT ct_freq; /* frequency count */
- X US_INT ct_code; /* bit string */
- X U_CHAR ct_len; /* length of bit string */
- X U_CHAR ct_val; /* source value */
- X }
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Data structure for re-sorting source values by bit string length;
- X * used during tree generation.
- X */
- Xtypedef
- Xstruct ct_resort
- X { U_CHAR ct_rlen; /* length of bit string */
- X U_CHAR ct_rval; /* source value */
- X#ifdef VMS
- X US_INT dummy; /* because of bug in qsort() */
- X#endif /* VMS */
- X }
- X
- X
- X/* Header for a code tree. */
- Xtypedef
- Xstruct ct_desc
- X { TRDATA *ct_array; /* array of TRDATA */
- X int ct_size; /* # of entries in tree */
- X }
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Currently active code trees.
- X * We allow for five trees (one literal tree, two length trees, and
- X * two distance trees) so that we can evaluate the total compression
- X * with or without the use of the literal tree. Remember that the
- X * minimum matching distance depends on whether or not a literal tree
- X * is used; hence, the "length" and "distance" trees will differ.
- X */
- X#define MAXTREES 5 /* max # of trees at once */
- Xlocal TRDESC ct_table[MAXTREES];
- X
- X
- X/* Macro to validate a code tree handle. */
- X#define VALID_HANDLE(x) \
- X ((x) >= 0 && (x) < MAXTREES && ct_table[x].ct_array != NULL)
- X
- X
- X/*
- X * Assorted frequency counts.
- X * The "Minimum Match Length" (MML) is 2 if a "literal character" code
- X * tree is not used, or 3 if a "literal character" tree is used. Thus,
- X * we need to keep two sets of "length" and "distance" frequency counts.
- X * Also, 2-character matches need to be counted separately; depending
- X * on whether a "literal character" tree is used or not, these will be
- X * processed either as literal characters or as distance/length pairs.
- X */
- X
- X/* Total number of source values from Pass One. */
- Xlocal long ct_litc_num; /* total # literal chars */
- Xlocal long ct_lit2_num; /* total # of 2-char matches */
- Xlocal long ct_strg_num; /* total # of string matches */
- X
- X/* Source value frequencies for the five trees. */
- Xlocal long ct_litc_freq[256]; /* literal character freqs */
- Xlocal long ct_len2_freq[64]; /* length freqs (MML=2) */
- Xlocal long ct_len3_freq[64]; /* length freqs (MML=3) */
- Xlocal long ct_dst2_freq[64]; /* distance freqs (MML=2) */
- Xlocal long ct_dst3_freq[64]; /* distance freqs (MML=3) */
- X
- X/* Number of bits saved by using each of the trees. */
- Xlocal long ct_litc_saved; /* literal tree */
- Xlocal long ct_len2_saved; /* length tree (MML=2) */
- Xlocal long ct_len3_saved; /* length tree (MML=3) */
- Xlocal long ct_dst2_saved; /* distance tree (MML=2) */
- Xlocal long ct_dst3_saved; /* distance tree (MML=3) */
- X
- X/* Handles for the code trees to be used. */
- Xlocal int ct_litc_tree; /* temp literal tree */
- Xlocal int ct_len2_tree; /* temp length tree (MML=2) */
- Xlocal int ct_len3_tree; /* temp length tree (MML=3) */
- Xlocal int ct_dst2_tree; /* temp distance tree (MML=2) */
- Xlocal int ct_dst3_tree; /* temp distance tree (MML=3) */
- Xlocal int lit_tree; /* literal tree (-1 if none) */
- Xlocal int len_tree; /* length tree */
- Xlocal int dst_tree; /* distance tree */
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Local (static) routines in this file.
- X */
- X
- Xlocal ImpErr ct_alloc
- X OF ((int size, int *handle));
- X
- Xlocal ImpErr ct_free
- X OF ((int handle));
- X
- Xlocal ImpErr ct_loadf
- X OF ((int handle, long *freq));
- X
- Xlocal ImpErr ct_ziprep
- X OF ((int handle, U_CHAR **result));
- X
- Xlocal ImpErr ct_gencodes
- X OF ((int handle, int minbits, int maxbits, long *saved));
- X
- Xlocal ImpErr ct_split
- X OF ((TRDATA *part, int size, long freq,
- X int prefix, int preflen, int minbits, int maxbits));
- X
- Xlocal int ct_fsort
- X OF ((TRDATA *tr1, TRDATA *tr2));
- X
- Xlocal int ct_rsort
- X OF ((RESORT *cr1, RESORT *cr2));
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Allocate a code tree.
- X */
- X
- Xlocal
- XImpErr
- Xct_alloc (size, handle)
- X int size;
- X int *handle;
- X{ register TRDATA *ct;
- X int n;
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- X /* Validate the arguments. */
- X if (size < 2 || size > 256) goto badarg;
- X if (handle == NULL) goto badarg;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X
- X /* Allocate an available code tree handle. */
- X for (n = 0;
- X n < MAXTREES && ct_table[n].ct_array != NULL;
- X n++) ;
- X if (n >= MAXTREES) return IM_NOCTBLS;
- X *handle = n;
- X ct_table[n].ct_size = size;
- X
- X /* Allocate space for the code tree. */
- X ct = (TRDATA *) malloc ((unsigned) (size * sizeof (TRDATA)));
- X if (ct == NULL) return IM_NOMEM;
- X ct_table[n].ct_array = ct;
- X
- X /* Initialize the code tree. */
- X for (n = 0; n < size; n++, ct++)
- X { ct->ct_freq = 0;
- X ct->ct_code = 0;
- X ct->ct_val = (U_CHAR)n;
- X ct->ct_len = 0;
- X }
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X return IM_OK;
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- Xbadarg:
- X fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_alloc: bad argument(s)");
- X return IM_BADARG;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Free a code tree.
- X */
- X
- Xlocal
- XImpErr
- Xct_free (handle)
- X int handle;
- X{
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- X /* Validate the argument. */
- X if (!VALID_HANDLE (handle)) goto badarg;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X
- X /* Free the code tree. */
- X free ((char *) ct_table[handle].ct_array);
- X ct_table[handle].ct_array = NULL;
- X ct_table[handle].ct_size = 0;
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X return IM_OK;
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- Xbadarg:
- X fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_free: bad argument(s)");
- X return IM_BADARG;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Update a code tree with frequency data.
- X *
- X * In order to allow for the later addition of "adaptive" coding,
- X * the new frequencies are added to the existing data.
- X */
- X
- Xlocal
- XImpErr
- Xct_loadf (handle, freq)
- X int handle;
- X long *freq;
- X{ register long *f;
- X register TRDATA *ct;
- X int n;
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- X /* Validate the arguments. */
- X if (!VALID_HANDLE (handle)) goto badarg;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X
- X /* Add in the frequencies. */
- X for (f = freq,
- X ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array,
- X n = ct_table[handle].ct_size;
- X n > 0;
- X f++, ct++, n--)
- X ct->ct_freq += *f;
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X return IM_OK;
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- Xbadarg:
- X fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_loadf: bad argument(s)");
- X return IM_BADARG;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Generate the ZIP-file representation for a code tree.
- X *
- X * The returned "result" value points to static data which will be
- X * overwritten on the next call to "ct_ziprep".
- X *
- X * The length of the result string is implicit in the first byte of
- X * the value, as specified in the PKZIP applications note.
- X */
- X
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- Xchar *treename;
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X
- Xlocal
- XImpErr
- Xct_ziprep (handle, result)
- X int handle;
- X U_CHAR **result;
- X{ static U_CHAR buffer[257]; /* result info */
- X register U_CHAR *c;
- X register TRDATA *ct;
- X int s, n, l;
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- X /* Validate the arguments. */
- X if (!VALID_HANDLE (handle)) goto badarg;
- X if (result == NULL) goto badarg;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X if (treename != NULL && treename[0] != 0)
- X { /* Print the code tree info. */
- X fprintf (stderr, "\n%s tree:\n value len string\n",
- X treename);
- X for (ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array,
- X s = ct_table[handle].ct_size,
- X n = 0;
- X s > 0;
- X ct++, n++, s--)
- X fprintf (stderr, " %3d (%02x) %2d %04x (rev %04x)\n",
- X n, n, ct->ct_len,
- X bi_reverse(ct->ct_code << (16 - ct->ct_len),
- X ct->ct_len) << (16 - ct->ct_len),
- X ct->ct_code);
- X }
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X
- X /* Generate the returned value. */
- X for (c = buffer+1,
- X ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array,
- X s = ct_table[handle].ct_size,
- X n = 0,
- X l = ct->ct_len;
- X s > 0;
- X ct++, s--)
- X { if (l < 1 || l > 16)
- X { fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_ziprep: bad code length");
- X return IM_LOGICERR;
- X }
- X if (n >= 16 || (int)ct->ct_len != l)
- X { *c++ = (U_CHAR)((((n-1) << 4) & 0xf0) | ((l-1) & 0x0f));
- X n = 1; l = ct->ct_len;
- X }
- X else n++;
- X }
- X if (n > 0)
- X *c++ = (U_CHAR)((((n-1) << 4) & 0xf0) | ((l-1) & 0x0f));
- X buffer[0] = (U_CHAR)((c - buffer) - 2);
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X *result = buffer;
- X return IM_OK;
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- Xbadarg:
- X fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_ziprep: bad argument(s)");
- X return IM_BADARG;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Look up the code string for a given value.
- X */
- X
- X#define ct_lookup(handle, value, string, length) \
- X{ register TRDATA *ct; \
- X ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array + (value); \
- X string = ct->ct_code; \
- X length = ct->ct_len; \
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Generate the codes for a code tree. If old codes already exist for
- X * the tree, they are discarded, and a new set of codes is generated
- X * from scratch.
- X * IN assertion: ma_buf is already allocated and can be overwritten.
- X */
- X
- Xlocal
- XImpErr
- Xct_gencodes (handle, minbits, maxbits, saved)
- X int handle; /* which tree */
- X int minbits; /* min code string bit length */
- X int maxbits; /* max code string bit length */
- X long *saved; /* how many bits saved */
- X{ register TRDATA *ct;
- X TRDATA *ct2;
- X register int n;
- X UL_INT f;
- X register RESORT *cr;
- X int code, srclen;
- X long totalfreq, totalbits;
- X ImpErr retcode;
- X RESORT rbuf[256];
- X int size; /* alias for ct_table[handle].ct_size */
- X int z; /* index of zero frequency element */
- X int nz; /* index of non zero frequency element */
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- X /* Validate the arguments. */
- X if (!VALID_HANDLE (handle)) goto badarg;
- X if (minbits < 1) goto badarg;
- X if (maxbits > 16) goto badarg;
- X if (maxbits < minbits) goto badarg;
- X if (saved == NULL) goto badarg;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X size = ct_table[handle].ct_size;
- X
- X /*
- X * Start by sorting the data by frequency. The source values with
- X * higher frequency need to get the shorter Shannon-Fano codes.
- X * First exclude the elements with zero frequency, to speed up the sort.
- X * This optimization is very important for small files, otherwise the sort
- X * takes most of the implode time.
- X * Also determine the total of all frequencies. This will be needed in
- X * order to partition the source values in the Shannon-Fano bit
- X * string computation. Finally clear the "code" (bit string) and "len"
- X * (bit string length) fields in the code tree array.
- X */
- X totalfreq = 0;
- X ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array;
- X /* Copy ct into a tempo */
- X ct2 = (TRDATA*) ma_buf;
- X memcpy((char*)ct2, (char*)ct, size * sizeof(TRDATA));
- X for (nz = 0, z = n = size-1; n >= 0; n--) {
- X int m;
- X if (ct2[n].ct_freq != 0L) {
- X m = nz++;
- X totalfreq += (ct[m].ct_freq = ct2[n].ct_freq);
- X } else {
- X m = z--;
- X ct[m].ct_freq = 0L;
- X }
- X ct[m].ct_code = 0;
- X ct[m].ct_len = 0;
- X ct[m].ct_val = (U_CHAR)n; /* ct2[n].ct_val */
- X }
- X qsort ((char *) (ct_table[handle].ct_array), nz,
- X sizeof (TRDATA), (int (*)())ct_fsort);
- X
- X /*
- X * Generate the bit strings via a Shannon-Fano (top-down) algorithm.
- X */
- X retcode =
- X ct_split (ct_table[handle].ct_array, /* partition start */
- X size, /* partition size */
- X totalfreq, /* total frequency */
- X 0, /* code string prefix */
- X 0, /* # bits in prefix */
- X minbits, /* minimum tree depth */
- X maxbits); /* maximum tree depth */
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X
- X /*
- X * The source value 255 needs to be assigned a bit string with a
- X * length of at least 10, in order to accommodate shortcuts in
- X * PKUNZIP's decoding algorithm. If no bit string in the tree is
- X * of length 10, we assign 255 to the longest string and hope for
- X * the best.
- X */
- X n = size;
- X if (n == 256)
- X { for (ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array;
- X n > 0 && ct->ct_val != 255;
- X n--, ct++) ;
- X if (n == 0)
- X { fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_gencodes: no value 255");
- X return IM_LOGICERR;
- X }
- X if (ct->ct_len < 10)
- X { ct2 = ct;
- X while (n > 0 && ct->ct_len < 10) n--, ct++;
- X if (n == 0) ct--; /* no len>=10 in tree; use longest */
- X n = ct->ct_val;
- X ct->ct_val = ct2->ct_val;
- X ct2->ct_val = (U_CHAR)n;
- X f = ct->ct_freq;
- X ct->ct_freq = ct2->ct_freq;
- X ct2->ct_freq = f;
- X } }
- X
- X /*
- X * The source values need to be re-sorted so that all source values
- X * with code strings of the same length will be in ascending order.
- X * This is because of the compression scheme used to represent the
- X * tree in the ZIP file.
- X */
- X for (n = size,
- X ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array,
- X cr = rbuf;
- X n > 0;
- X n--, ct++, cr++)
- X { cr->ct_rlen = ct->ct_len;
- X cr->ct_rval = ct->ct_val;
- X }
- X n = size;
- X qsort ((char *) rbuf, n, sizeof (RESORT), (int (*)())ct_rsort);
- X for (ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array,
- X cr = rbuf;
- X n > 0;
- X n--, ct++, cr++)
- X ct->ct_val = cr->ct_rval;
- X
- X#ifdef DUMP_TREE
- X printf ("Finished tree:\n");
- X for (n = size,
- X ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array;
- X n > 0;
- X n--, ct++)
- X printf (" %3d (0x%02x) l %2d c 0x%04x f %ld\n",
- X ct->ct_val, ct->ct_val, ct->ct_len, ct->ct_code, ct->ct_freq);
- X putchar ('\n');
- X#endif /* DUMP_TREE */
- X
- X /*
- X * Finally, sort the tree back in ascending order by source value
- X * -- which is the order expected by other portions of the program.
- X */
- X ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array;
- X /* Copy ct into a tempo */
- X ct2 = (TRDATA*)ma_buf;
- X memcpy((char*)ct2, (char*)ct, size * sizeof(TRDATA));
- X for (n = size-1; n >= 0; n--) {
- X U_CHAR v = ct2[n].ct_val;
- X ct[v].ct_freq = ct2[n].ct_freq;
- X ct[v].ct_code = ct2[n].ct_code;
- X ct[v].ct_len = ct2[n].ct_len;
- X ct[v].ct_val = v;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * Determine how many bits will be saved if all the source data is
- X * encoded using this new set of code strings, as opposed to being
- X * represented directly in unencoded form.
- X */
- X /* # of bits needed for unencoded source values */
- X n = ct_table[handle].ct_size;
- X for (code = 1, srclen = 0; code < n; code <<= 1, srclen++) ;
- X /* # of bits used if all source values encoded via this tree */
- X for (ct = ct_table[handle].ct_array,
- X totalbits = 0;
- X n > 0;
- X n--, ct++)
- X totalbits += ct->ct_freq * ct->ct_len;
- X /* # bits saved by using the tree */
- X *saved = (totalfreq * srclen) - totalbits;
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X return IM_OK;
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- Xbadarg:
- X fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_gencodes: bad argument(s)");
- X return IM_BADARG;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Split a portion of a code tree into two pieces of approximately equal
- X * total frequency. This routine calls itself recursively in order to
- X * generate the bit strings for the entire code tree.
- X */
- X
- Xlocal
- XImpErr
- Xct_split (part, size, freq, prefix, preflen, minbits, maxbits)
- X TRDATA *part; /* start of partition */
- X int size; /* # elements in partition */
- X long freq; /* sum of frequencies in partition */
- X int prefix; /* initial code bits for partition */
- X int preflen; /* # bits in prefix */
- X int minbits; /* minimum permissible bit length */
- X int maxbits; /* maximum permissible bit length */
- X{ register TRDATA *ct;
- X int topmaxbits, botmaxbits, localminbits;
- X U_INT topmaxvals, botmaxvals;
- X int topsize, botsize;
- X long topfreq, botfreq, halffreq, onefreq;
- X int n, m, leadzeros;
- X int maxshort, minlong;
- X ImpErr retcode;
- X static maxarray[17] =
- X { 8,8,8,8,12,12,14,14,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 };
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- X if (part == NULL) goto badarg;
- X if (size < 1) goto badarg;
- X if (freq < 0) goto badarg;
- X if (preflen < 0) goto badarg;
- X if (preflen > maxbits) goto badarg;
- X if (minbits < preflen) goto badarg;
- X if (maxbits > 16) goto badarg;
- X if (maxbits < minbits) goto badarg;
- X /*
- X putc ('\n', stderr);
- X for (n = preflen; n > 0; n--) fprintf (stderr, " ");
- X fprintf (stderr, "ct_split (sz=%d, pr=%04x[%d], min=%d, max=%d)",
- X size, prefix, preflen, minbits, maxbits);
- X */
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X
- X /*
- X * If there's only one element in this partition, we simply take
- X * the "prefix" value as the code string for the single element.
- X * We reverse the bits of the prefix for more efficient output.
- X */
- X if (size == 1)
- X { part->ct_code = bi_reverse(prefix, preflen);
- X part->ct_len = (U_CHAR)preflen;
- X return IM_OK;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * This partition will be divided into two parts. The "top" part
- X * will have a "1" bit appended to its "prefix" bit string; the
- X * "bottom" part will have a "0" bit appended to its "prefix".
- X *
- X * We need to determine the maximum number of source values which
- X * may be assigned to the two partitions. The first issue to con-
- X * sider is that PKUNZIP 1.10's tree-decoding shortcuts require a
- X * certain number of leading "0" bits in each code string, depending
- X * on its length. Code strings of 9-12 bits must have at least 4
- X * leading zeros; strings of 13 or 14 bits, at least 6 leading
- X * zeros; and strings of 15 or 16 bits, at least 8 leading zeros.
- X *
- X * If the "prefix" is zero, the above limitation is used to restrict
- X * the maximum size of the top half of the partition. The bottom
- X * half does not need to be restricted in this way, since it can be
- X * extended as far as needed along the path where the "prefix" grows
- X * in length but remains all zero.
- X */
- X botmaxbits = maxbits;
- X if (prefix != 0) topmaxbits = maxbits;
- X else
- X { for (n = 0, leadzeros = 0x8000;
- X n < preflen && (prefix & leadzeros) == 0;
- X n++, leadzeros >>= 1) ;
- X topmaxbits = maxarray[n];
- X if (topmaxbits > maxbits) topmaxbits = maxbits;
- X }
- X if (topmaxbits < minbits)
- X { fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_split: ");
- X fprintf (stderr, "topmaxbits(%d) < minbits(%d)",
- X topmaxbits, minbits);
- X goto oops;
- X }
- X if (botmaxbits < minbits)
- X { fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_split: ");
- X fprintf (stderr, "botmaxbits(%d) < minbits(%d)",
- X botmaxbits, minbits);
- X goto oops;
- X }
- X topmaxvals = 1 << (topmaxbits - preflen - 1);
- X n = size >> 1; if (topmaxvals > n) topmaxvals = n;
- X botmaxvals = 1 << (botmaxbits - preflen - 1);
- X n = size - 1; if (botmaxvals > n) botmaxvals = n;
- X if (topmaxvals + botmaxvals < size)
- X { fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_split: ");
- X fprintf (stderr, "topmaxvals(%d) + botmaxvals(%d) ",
- X topmaxvals, botmaxvals);
- X fprintf (stderr, "< size(%d)", size);
- X goto oops;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * We now split the current partition into two halves of as close
- X * to equal frequency as possible. If the total of all frequencies
- X * in the partition is zero, split into two halves of equal size.
- X */
- X if (freq == 0)
- X { topsize = size >> 1;
- X ct = part + topsize;
- X topfreq = 0;
- X }
- X else
- X { halffreq = freq >> 1; /* half the total frequency */
- X m = size >> 1; /* half the total elements, */
- X /* rounded down */
- X for (topsize = 0, topfreq = 0, ct = part;
- X topsize < m && topfreq <= halffreq
- X && (onefreq = ct->ct_freq) > 0;
- X topsize++, ct++)
- X topfreq += onefreq;
- X if (topsize >= 2)
- X { /*
- X * If moving one element from the top to the bottom parti-
- X * tion would make the two more closely equal in frequency,
- X * do it.
- X */
- X onefreq = (ct-1)->ct_freq;
- X if ((topfreq - halffreq) > (halffreq - (topfreq - onefreq)))
- X ct--, topsize--, topfreq -= onefreq;
- X } }
- X botsize = size - topsize;
- X botfreq = freq - topfreq;
- X /* "ct" points to first element in bottom half */
- X
- X /*
- X * The above first-cut attempt to split the partition may not work
- X * for one of two reasons. First, one or the other half may contain
- X * too many values (more than "topmaxvals" or "botmaxvals").
- X */
- X while (topsize > topmaxvals)
- X { onefreq = (--ct)->ct_freq;
- X topsize--; topfreq -= onefreq;
- X botsize++; botfreq += onefreq;
- X }
- X while (botsize > botmaxvals)
- X { onefreq = (ct++)->ct_freq;
- X topsize++; topfreq += onefreq;
- X botsize--; botfreq -= onefreq;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * Second, the number of bits required to represent the values in
- X * each half may violate PKZIP's requirement (implicit in the way
- X * trees are compressed in an imploded file) that no code string in
- X * the top half may be longer than any code string in the bottom
- X * half.
- X */
- X localminbits = preflen + 1;
- X if (localminbits < minbits) localminbits = minbits;
- X for (;;)
- X { for (maxshort = preflen + 1, n = 1;
- X n < botsize;
- X maxshort++, n <<= 1) ;
- X if (n > botsize) maxshort--;
- X if (maxshort < localminbits) maxshort = localminbits;
- X if (maxshort > topmaxbits) maxshort = topmaxbits;
- X for (minlong = preflen + 1, n = 1;
- X n < topsize;
- X minlong++, n <<= 1) ;
- X if (minlong <= maxshort) break;
- X onefreq = (--ct)->ct_freq;
- X topsize--; topfreq -= onefreq;
- X botsize++; botfreq += onefreq;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * Third, the number of elements in the top half must be enough to
- X * result in each string having at least "minbits" bits in all.
- X */
- X n = 1 << (minbits - preflen - 1);
- X while (topsize < n)
- X { onefreq = (ct++)->ct_freq;
- X topsize++; topfreq += onefreq;
- X botsize--; botfreq -= onefreq;
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * Now that the sizes of the two halves of the partition have been
- X * finalized, process the top and bottom halves via recursion.
- X */
- X retcode = ct_split (part, topsize, topfreq,
- X prefix | (1 << (15-preflen)),
- X preflen + 1, localminbits, maxshort);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X ct = part + topsize;
- X retcode = ct_split (ct, botsize, botfreq,
- X prefix, preflen + 1, (int)ct[-1].ct_len, maxbits);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X return IM_OK;
- X
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- Xbadarg:
- X fprintf (stderr, "\nError in ct_split: bad argument(s)");
- X putchar ('\n'); fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr);
- X /* abort (); */
- X return IM_BADARG;
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X
- Xoops:
- X#ifdef VALIDATE
- X putchar ('\n'); fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr);
- X /* abort (); */
- X#endif /* VALIDATE */
- X return IM_LOGICERR;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Sorting function -- descending order by source value frequency.
- X *
- X * This sorting function is used at the start of the code tree con-
- X * struction process, before the bit string values are assigned.
- X * To ensure consistent behaviour on all machines, we use the source
- X * values as secondary sort key, but this is not mandatory.
- X */
- X
- Xlocal
- Xint
- Xct_fsort (tr1, tr2)
- X TRDATA *tr1, *tr2;
- X{ long d;
- X int v;
- X
- X d = (long) tr1->ct_freq - (long) tr2->ct_freq;
- X if (d < 0) return 1;
- X if (d > 0) return -1;
- X v = (int) tr1->ct_val - (int) tr2->ct_val;
- X if (v < 0) return 1;
- X if (v > 0) return -1;
- X return 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Sorting function -- ascending order by bit string length; if lengths
- X * are the same, ascending order by source value.
- X *
- X * This sorting function is used after the bit string values have been
- X * assigned.
- X */
- X
- Xlocal
- Xint
- Xct_rsort (cr1, cr2)
- X RESORT *cr1, *cr2;
- X{ int d;
- X
- X d = (int) cr1->ct_rlen - (int) cr2->ct_rlen;
- X if (d > 0) return 1;
- X if (d < 0) return -1;
- X d = (int) cr1->ct_rval - (int) cr2->ct_rval;
- X if (d > 0) return 1;
- X if (d < 0) return -1;
- X return 0;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Allocate the code trees.
- X */
- X
- XImpErr
- Xct_init ()
- X{ ImpErr retcode;
- X int i;
- X
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X if (256*sizeof(TRDATA) > MA_BUFSIZE*sizeof(MATCH)) return IM_LOGICERR;
- X#endif /* DEBUG */
- X
- X retcode = ct_windup ();
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X
- X ct_litc_num = 0;
- X ct_lit2_num = 0;
- X ct_strg_num = 0;
- X
- X for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--)
- X ct_litc_freq[i] = 0;
- X for (i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
- X ct_len2_freq[i] = 0, ct_len3_freq[i] = 0,
- X ct_dst2_freq[i] = 0, ct_dst3_freq[i] = 0;
- X
- X retcode = ct_alloc (256, &ct_litc_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_alloc (64, &ct_len2_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_alloc (64, &ct_len3_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_alloc (64, &ct_dst2_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_alloc (64, &ct_dst3_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X
- X return IM_OK;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Tally a "string match" data set. The tally results will be used to
- X * determine how large the imploded result will be.
- X */
- X
- XImpErr
- Xct_tally (ma)
- X MATCH *ma; /* match data to write out */
- X{ register int ch;
- X int dist = ma->ma_dist;
- X
- X /* Tally up the latest data. */
- X if (dist == 0) { /* literal character */
- X ct_litc_num++;
- X ch = ma->l.ma_litc[0];
- X ct_litc_freq[ch]++;
- X
- X } else if (dist < 0) { /* 2-character match */
- X ct_lit2_num++;
- X ch = ma->l.ma_litc[0];
- X ct_litc_freq[ch]++;
- X ch = ma->l.ma_litc[1];
- X ct_litc_freq[ch]++;
- X ch = ((-dist-1) >> fd.fd_nbits) & 0x3f;
- X ct_dst2_freq[ch]++;
- X ct_len2_freq[0]++;
- X
- X } else { /* 3-char or longer match */
- X ct_strg_num++;
- X ch = ((dist-1) >> fd.fd_nbits) & 0x3f;
- X ct_dst3_freq[ch]++;
- X /* We defer the update of ct_dst2_freq and ct_len2_freq until
- X * ct_mktrees:
- X * ct_dst2_freq[ch]++;
- X * ch = ma->l.ma_length - 2;
- X * if (ch > 63) ch = 63;
- X * ct_len2_freq[ch]++;
- X */
- X ch = ma->l.ma_length - 3;
- X if (ch > 63) ch = 63;
- X ct_len3_freq[ch]++;
- X }
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X return IM_OK;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Construct all code trees, and then determine how big the imploded
- X * file will be under both "literal tree" and "no literal tree" con-
- X * ditions. Choose the best option.
- X */
- X
- XImpErr
- Xct_mktrees ()
- X{ U_CHAR *c;
- X ImpErr retcode;
- X register long sum;
- X long len2, len3;
- X int n;
- X
- X /* ct_tally did not update ct_dst2_freq and ct_len2_freq for matches of
- X * length > 2, so correct this now.
- X */
- X for (n = 62; n >= 0; n--) {
- X ct_dst2_freq[n] += ct_dst3_freq[n];
- X ct_len2_freq[n+1] += ct_len3_freq[n];
- X }
- X ct_dst2_freq[63] += ct_dst3_freq[63];
- X ct_len2_freq[63] += ct_len3_freq[63];
- X
- X /*
- X * Construct the code trees and see how much space each will save.
- X *
- X * It is conceivable that a tree could result in a negative savings
- X * if its compressed form is sufficiently long.
- X *
- X * We need to construct the ZIP-file compressed representation of
- X * each tree in order to figure out how much space it will take.
- X * However, we don't save these tree representations now; rather,
- X * we'll wait until later and reconstruct the representations for
- X * whichever two (or three) trees we really need for the output.
- X */
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X treename = (char *)NULL;
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X
- X /* literal code tree */
- X retcode = ct_loadf (ct_litc_tree, ct_litc_freq);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_gencodes (ct_litc_tree, 1, 16, &ct_litc_saved);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_ziprep (ct_litc_tree, &c);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X ct_litc_saved -= (int) (c[0]+2) * 8;
- X
- X /* length code tree (2) */
- X retcode = ct_loadf (ct_len2_tree, ct_len2_freq);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_gencodes (ct_len2_tree, 1, 16, &ct_len2_saved);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_ziprep (ct_len2_tree, &c);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X ct_len2_saved -= (int) (c[0]+2) * 8;
- X
- X /* length code tree (3) */
- X retcode = ct_loadf (ct_len3_tree, ct_len3_freq);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_gencodes (ct_len3_tree, 1, 16, &ct_len3_saved);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_ziprep (ct_len3_tree, &c);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X ct_len3_saved -= (int) (c[0]+2) * 8;
- X
- X /* distance code tree (2) */
- X retcode = ct_loadf (ct_dst2_tree, ct_dst2_freq);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_gencodes (ct_dst2_tree, 1, 8, &ct_dst2_saved);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_ziprep (ct_dst2_tree, &c);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X ct_dst2_saved -= (int) (c[0]+2) * 8;
- X
- X /* distance code tree (3) */
- X retcode = ct_loadf (ct_dst3_tree, ct_dst3_freq);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_gencodes (ct_dst3_tree, 1, 8, &ct_dst3_saved);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_ziprep (ct_dst3_tree, &c);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X ct_dst3_saved -= (int) (c[0]+2) * 8;
- X
- X /*
- X * Determine how big the compressed file will be
- X * with, and without, a literal character tree.
- X */
- X
- X /* compressed length (no literal tree) */
- X sum = ct_litc_num + ct_lit2_num + ct_strg_num; /* initial bit */
- X sum += ct_litc_num * 8; /* literal bytes */
- X sum += (ct_lit2_num+ct_strg_num) * 6 - ct_len2_saved; /* lengths */
- X sum += 8 * ct_len2_freq[63]; /* oversize lengths */
- X sum += (ct_lit2_num+ct_strg_num) * (fd.fd_nbits+6)
- X - ct_dst2_saved; /* distances */
- X len2 = (sum+7) / 8; /* convert to bytes */
- X
- X /* compressed length (with literal tree) */
- X sum = ct_litc_num + 2*ct_lit2_num + ct_strg_num; /* initial bit */
- X sum += (ct_litc_num+2*ct_lit2_num)*8 - ct_litc_saved;/* lit bytes */
- X sum += ct_strg_num * 6 - ct_len3_saved; /* lengths */
- X sum += 8 * ct_len3_freq[63]; /* oversize lengths */
- X sum += ct_strg_num * (fd.fd_nbits+6) - ct_dst3_saved; /* dist's */
- X len3 = (sum+7) / 8; /* convert to bytes */
- X
- X /*
- X * PKUNZIP 1.10 requires that the source value 255 in a "literal"
- X * tree must be represented by a bit string of length >= 10. The
- X * literal tree was already adjusted to ensure that the value 255
- X * was given a bit string of length 10 or greater if possible. If
- X * this did not succeed -- which would only happen if the longest
- X * bit string in the literal tree were of length 8 or 9 -- then the
- X * literal tree cannot be used. In such a case, not much would be
- X * gained by using it anyway, so there's little reason to be upset.
- X */
- X if (ct_table[ct_litc_tree].ct_array[255].ct_len < 10)
- X len3 = len2;
- X
- X /*
- X * Choose the method of compression which will use the least space
- X * for this particular file. The possibilities are: use a literal
- X * character tree; or, don't use a literal character tree.
- X */
- X if (len2 <= len3)
- X { fd.fd_method = NO_LITERAL_TREE;
- X fd.fd_clen = len2;
- X lit_tree = -1;
- X len_tree = ct_len2_tree;
- X dst_tree = ct_dst2_tree;
- X retcode = ct_free (ct_litc_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_free (ct_dst3_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_free (ct_len3_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X }
- X else
- X { fd.fd_method = LITERAL_TREE;
- X fd.fd_clen = len3;
- X lit_tree = ct_litc_tree;
- X len_tree = ct_len3_tree;
- X dst_tree = ct_dst3_tree;
- X retcode = ct_free (ct_dst2_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X retcode = ct_free (ct_len2_tree);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X }
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X return IM_OK;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Output the code trees.
- X */
- X
- XImpErr
- Xct_wrtrees (outfp)
- X FILE *outfp; /* output file */
- X{ ImpErr retcode;
- X U_CHAR *c;
- X
- X /* Output the literal tree, if any. */
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X treename = "Literal";
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X if (lit_tree >= 0)
- X { retcode = ct_ziprep (lit_tree, &c);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X if (zfwrite ((char *) c, (int) (c[0]+2), 1, outfp) != 1)
- X return IM_IOERR;
- X }
- X
- X /* Output the length tree. */
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X treename = "Length";
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X retcode = ct_ziprep (len_tree, &c);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X if (zfwrite ((char *) c, (int) (c[0]+2), 1, outfp) != 1)
- X return IM_IOERR;
- X
- X /* Output the distance tree. */
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X treename = "Distance";
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X retcode = ct_ziprep (dst_tree, &c);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X if (zfwrite ((char *) c, (int) (c[0]+2), 1, outfp) != 1)
- X return IM_IOERR;
- X
- X return IM_OK;
- X}
- X
- X/* Macros for outputting bit string. */
- X
- X#define OUTBITS(value,length) \
- X { retcode = bi_rlout ((int) (value), (int) (length)); \
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode; \
- X }
- X#define OUTCODE(value,tree) \
- X { ct_lookup (tree, value, bitstring, bitlength); \
- X retcode = bi_rlout (bitstring, bitlength); \
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode; \
- X }
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Output the body of the file in imploded form.
- X */
- XImpErr
- Xct_wrdata (outfp)
- X FILE *outfp; /* output (ZIP) file */
- X{ MATCH *ma;
- X ImpErr retcode;
- X register int minmatch;
- X int bitstring, bitlength;
- X int bitmask = (1 << (fd.fd_nbits+1))-1;
- X /* Used to select the bottom 6 or 7 bits of a distance, which are
- X * output literally, plus 1 bit marking a distance
- X */
- X int matches;
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X long srcpos;
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X
- X /* Determine the minimum match length. */
- X minmatch = (lit_tree >= 0) ? 3 : 2;
- X
- X /* Prepare the I/O. */
- X if (tflush (fd.fd_temp) != 0) return IM_IOERR;
- X trewind (fd.fd_temp);
- X retcode = bi_init (outfp);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X srcpos = 0;
- X fprintf (stderr, "\nImploded output:\n");
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X
- X /* Read and process data from the temporary file. */
- X while ((matches =
- X tread ((char *) ma_buf, sizeof(MATCH), MA_BUFSIZE, fd.fd_temp)) > 0)
- X for (ma = ma_buf; matches > 0; ma++, matches--)
- X {
- X int dist = ma->ma_dist;
- X int len = 0;
- X
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X fprintf (stderr, "%8ld: ", srcpos);
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X
- X if (dist < 0) {
- X dist = -dist, len = 2;
- X } else if (dist > 0) {
- X len = ma->l.ma_length;
- X }
- X
- X /* Output distance and length if enough characters match. */
- X if (len >= minmatch)
- X { /* "matched string" header bit (0) */
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X fprintf (stderr, "str (dst=%d,len=%d) ",
- X dist, len);
- X srcpos += len;
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X
- X /* ouput one zero bit then the distance */
- X dist--;
- X OUTBITS ((dist << 1) & bitmask, fd.fd_nbits + 1);
- X OUTCODE (dist >> fd.fd_nbits, dst_tree);
- X
- X /* length -- depends on how it compares to maximum */
- X len -= minmatch;
- X if (len >= 63)
- X { /* big length -- output code for 63, then surplus */
- X OUTCODE (63, len_tree);
- X OUTBITS ((len - 63), 8);
- X }
- X else
- X { /* small length -- output code */
- X OUTCODE (len, len_tree);
- X } }
- X else if (lit_tree >= 0)
- X { /* first or single literal -- header bit (1) plus char */
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X fprintf (stderr, "lit (val=%02x) ",
- X ma->l.ma_litc[0] & 0xff);
- X srcpos++;
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X OUTBITS (1, 1);
- X OUTCODE (ma->l.ma_litc[0], lit_tree);
- X if (len == 2)
- X { /* second literal -- header bit (1) plus char */
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X fprintf (stderr, "\n%8ld: lit (val=%02x) ",
- X srcpos, ma->l.ma_litc[1] & 0xff);
- X srcpos++;
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X OUTBITS (1, 1);
- X OUTCODE (ma->l.ma_litc[1], lit_tree);
- X } }
- X else
- X { /* single literal -- header bit (1) plus char */
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X fprintf (stderr, "lit (val=%02x) ",
- X ma->l.ma_litc[0] & 0xff);
- X srcpos++;
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X OUTBITS ((ma->l.ma_litc[0] << 1) + 1, 9);
- X }
- X#ifdef IMPDEBUG
- X putc ('\n', stderr);
- X#endif /* IMPDEBUG */
- X }
- X
- X /* Make sure we hit EOF on input without an error. */
- X if (terror (fd.fd_temp)
- X#ifndef MINIX
- X#ifndef __TURBOC__ /* TurboC 2.0 does not set the EOF flag (?) */
- X || !teof (fd.fd_temp)
- X#endif /* !__TURBOC__ */
- X#endif /* !MINIX */
- X )
- X return IM_IOERR;
- X retcode = bi_windup ();
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X return IM_OK;
- X}
- X
- X#undef OUTBITS
- X#undef OUTCODE
- X
- X
- X/***********************************************************************
- X *
- X * Deallocate all code trees.
- X */
- X
- XImpErr
- Xct_windup ()
- X{ int n;
- X static windup_already_called = 0;
- X ImpErr retcode;
- X
- X if (windup_already_called)
- X { /* Discard any old code trees. */
- X for (n = 0; n < MAXTREES; n++)
- X { if (ct_table[n].ct_array != NULL)
- X { retcode = ct_free (n);
- X if (retcode != IM_OK) return retcode;
- X } } }
- X else
- X { /* Initialize the list of active code trees. */
- X for (n = 0; n < MAXTREES; n++)
- X { ct_table[n].ct_array = NULL;
- X ct_table[n].ct_size = 0;
- X }
- X windup_already_called = 1;
- X }
- X
- X /* That's all. */
- X return IM_OK;
- X}
- X
- X
- X/**********************************************************************/
- if test 45523 -ne `wc -c <'im_ctree.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'im_ctree.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'im_ctree.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'makevms.com' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'makevms.com'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'makevms.com'\" \(2470 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'makevms.com' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X$ !
- X$ ! "Makefile" for VMS versions of Zip, ZipNote,
- X$ ! ZipSplit, Ship and UnShip (stolen from Unzip)
- X$ !
- X$ set verify ! like "echo on", eh?
- X$ !
- X$ !------------------------------- Zip section --------------------------------
- X$ !
- X$ cc /def=EXPORT zip,zipfile,zipup,fileio,util,tempf,shrink,globals,implode,im_lmat,im_ctree,im_bits
- X$ link zip,zipfile,zipup,fileio,util,tempf,shrink,globals,implode,im_lmat,im_ctree,im_bits,sys$input:/opt
- Xsys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/shareable
- X$ !
- X$ ! If you have problems with implode, compile with /define=noimplode
- X$ ! and remove all the im* files from the above lines.
- X$ !
- X$ !-------------------------- Zip utilities section ---------------------------
- X$ !
- X$ ren zipfile.c zipfile_.c;*
- X$ ren zipup.c zipup_.c;*
- X$ ren fileio.c fileio_.c;*
- X$ ren util.c util_.c;*
- X$ cc /def=EXPORT zipnote, zipsplit
- X$ cc /def=EXPORT /def=UTIL zipfile_, zipup_, fileio_, util_
- X$ ren zipfile_.c zipfile.c;*
- X$ ren zipup_.c zipup.c;*
- X$ ren fileio_.c fileio.c;*
- X$ ren util_.c util.c;*
- X$ link zipnote, zipfile_, zipup_, fileio_, globals, sys$input:/opt
- Xsys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/shareable
- X$ link zipsplit, zipfile_, zipup_, fileio_, globals, sys$input:/opt
- Xsys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/shareable
- X$ !
- X$ !--------------------------- Ship/UnShip section ----------------------------
- X$ !
- X$ cc ship
- X$ link ship,sys$input:/opt
- Xsys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/shareable
- X$ !
- X$ ! Create a hard link. (To remove both files, delete the copy FIRST, then
- X$ ! the original. Otherwise, if original deleted first [copy says "no such
- X$ ! file"], must use "set file/remove unship.exe;#" to get rid of the copy.
- X$ ! Unlike in Unix, deleting the original ALWAYS destroys the data--but not
- X$ ! the directory entry of the copy.) Using a hard link saves disk space, by
- X$ ! the way. Note, however, that copying a hard link copies the data, not
- X$ ! just the link. Therefore, set up the link in the directory in which the
- X$ ! executable is to reside, or else rename (move) the executables into the
- X$ ! directory.
- X$ !
- X$ set file/enter=unship.exe ship.exe
- X$ !
- X$ !----------------------------- Symbols section ------------------------------
- X$ !
- X$ ! Set up symbols for the various executables. Edit the example below,
- X$ ! changing "pc" to "disk:[directory]" as appropriate, and uncomment
- X$ ! (remove the exclamation marks).
- X$ !
- X$ ! zip == "$pc:zip.exe"
- X$ ! zipnote == "$pc:zipnote.exe"
- X$ ! zipsplit == "$pc:zipsplit.exe"
- X$ ! ship == "$pc:ship.exe"
- X$ ! unship == "$pc:unship.exe"
- X$ !
- X$ set noverify
- if test 2470 -ne `wc -c <'makevms.com'`; then
- echo shar: \"'makevms.com'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'makevms.com'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 1 \(of 9\).
- cp /dev/null ark1isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 9 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still must unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- exit 0
- exit 0 # Just in case...
- --
- Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
- Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
- Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
- Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent@uunet.uu.net.