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- //$$ newmat4.cxx Constructors, ReDimension, basic utilities
- // Copyright (C) 1991: R B Davies and DSIR
- #include "include.hxx"
- #include "newmat.hxx"
- #include "newmatrc.hxx"
- //#define REPORT { static ExeCounter ExeCount(__LINE__,4); ExeCount++; }
- #define REPORT {}
- //#define REPORT1 { static ExeCounter ExeCount(__LINE__,4); ExeCount++; }
- // REPORT1 constructors only - doesn't work in turbo and Borland C++
- #define REPORT1 {}
- //#define MONITOR(what,storage,store) \
- // { cout << what << " " << storage << " at " << (long)store << "\n"; }
- #define MONITOR(what,store,storage) {}
- /*************************** general utilities *************************/
- static int tristore(int n) // els in triangular matrix
- { return (n*(n+1))/2; }
- /****************************** constructors ***************************/
- GeneralMatrix::GeneralMatrix()
- { store=0; storage=0; nrows=0; ncols=0; tag=-1; }
- GeneralMatrix::GeneralMatrix(int s)
- {
- storage=s; tag=-1;
- store = new real [storage]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(store);
- MONITOR("Make (GenMatrix)",storage,store)
- }
- Matrix::Matrix(int m, int n) : GeneralMatrix(m*n)
- { REPORT1 nrows=m; ncols=n; }
- SymmetricMatrix::SymmetricMatrix(int n) : GeneralMatrix(tristore(n))
- { REPORT1 nrows=n; ncols=n; }
- UpperTriangularMatrix::UpperTriangularMatrix(int n)
- : GeneralMatrix(tristore(n))
- { REPORT1 nrows=n; ncols=n; }
- LowerTriangularMatrix::LowerTriangularMatrix(int n)
- : GeneralMatrix(tristore(n))
- { REPORT1 nrows=n; ncols=n; }
- DiagonalMatrix::DiagonalMatrix(int m) : GeneralMatrix(m)
- { REPORT1 nrows=m; ncols=m; }
- Matrix::Matrix(BaseMatrix& M)
- {
- REPORT1 CheckConversion(M);
- GeneralMatrix* gmx=M.Evaluate(MatrixType::Rect); GetMatrix(gmx);
- }
- RowVector::RowVector(BaseMatrix& M) : Matrix(M)
- {
- if (nrows!=1) MatrixError("Illegal conversion to row vector"); }
- ColumnVector::ColumnVector(BaseMatrix& M) : Matrix(M)
- {
- if (ncols!=1) MatrixError("Illegal conversion to column vector"); }
- SymmetricMatrix::SymmetricMatrix(BaseMatrix& M)
- {
- REPORT1 CheckConversion(M);
- GeneralMatrix* gmx=M.Evaluate(MatrixType::Sym); GetMatrix(gmx);
- }
- UpperTriangularMatrix::UpperTriangularMatrix(BaseMatrix& M)
- {
- REPORT1 CheckConversion(M);
- GeneralMatrix* gmx=M.Evaluate(MatrixType::UT); GetMatrix(gmx);
- }
- LowerTriangularMatrix::LowerTriangularMatrix(BaseMatrix& M)
- {
- REPORT1 CheckConversion(M);
- GeneralMatrix* gmx=M.Evaluate(MatrixType::LT); GetMatrix(gmx);
- }
- DiagonalMatrix::DiagonalMatrix(BaseMatrix& M)
- {
- REPORT1 CheckConversion(M);
- GeneralMatrix* gmx=M.Evaluate(MatrixType::Diag); GetMatrix(gmx);
- }
- GeneralMatrix::~GeneralMatrix()
- {
- if (store)
- {
- MONITOR("Free (GenMatrix)",storage,store)
- delete [storage] store;
- }
- }
- CroutMatrix::CroutMatrix(BaseMatrix& m)
- {
- GeneralMatrix* gm = m.Evaluate(MatrixType::Rect); GetMatrix(gm);
- if (nrows!=ncols) MatrixError("Matrix not square");
- d=TRUE; indx=new int [nrows]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(indx);
- ludcmp();
- }
- ReturnMatrix::ReturnMatrix(GeneralMatrix& gmx)
- {
- gm = gmx.Type().New(); MatrixErrorNoSpace(gm);
- gm->GetMatrix(&gmx); gm->ReleaseAndDelete();
- }
- /**************************** ReDimension matrices ***************************/
- void GeneralMatrix::ReDimension(int nr, int nc, int s)
- {
- if (store)
- {
- MONITOR("Free (ReDimensi)",storage,store)
- delete [storage] store;
- }
- storage=s; nrows=nr; ncols=nc; tag=-1;
- store = new real [storage]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(store);
- MONITOR("Make (ReDimensi)",storage,store)
- }
- void Matrix::ReDimension(int nr, int nc)
- { REPORT GeneralMatrix::ReDimension(nr,nc,nr*nc); }
- void SymmetricMatrix::ReDimension(int nr)
- { REPORT GeneralMatrix::ReDimension(nr,nr,tristore(nr)); }
- void UpperTriangularMatrix::ReDimension(int nr)
- { REPORT GeneralMatrix::ReDimension(nr,nr,tristore(nr)); }
- void LowerTriangularMatrix::ReDimension(int nr)
- { REPORT GeneralMatrix::ReDimension(nr,nr,tristore(nr)); }
- void DiagonalMatrix::ReDimension(int nr)
- { REPORT GeneralMatrix::ReDimension(nr,nr,nr); }
- void RowVector::ReDimension(int nc)
- { REPORT GeneralMatrix::ReDimension(1,nc,nc); }
- void ColumnVector::ReDimension(int nr)
- { REPORT GeneralMatrix::ReDimension(nr,1,nr); }
- /********************* manipulate types, storage **************************/
- int GeneralMatrix::search(const GeneralMatrix* s) const
- { REPORT return (s==this) ? 1 : 0; }
- int AddedMatrix::search(const GeneralMatrix* s) const
- { REPORT return bm1->search(s) + bm2->search(s); }
- int ShiftedMatrix::search(const GeneralMatrix* s) const
- { REPORT return bm->search(s); }
- int NegatedMatrix::search(const GeneralMatrix* s) const
- { REPORT return bm->search(s); }
- int ConstMatrix::search(const GeneralMatrix* s) const
- { REPORT return (s==cgm) ? 1 : 0; }
- int ReturnMatrix::search(const GeneralMatrix* s) const
- { REPORT return (s==gm) ? 1 : 0; }
- MatrixType Matrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::Rect; }
- MatrixType SymmetricMatrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::Sym; }
- MatrixType UpperTriangularMatrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::UT; }
- MatrixType LowerTriangularMatrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::LT; }
- MatrixType DiagonalMatrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::Diag; }
- MatrixType RowVector::Type() const { return MatrixType::RowV; }
- MatrixType ColumnVector::Type() const { return MatrixType::ColV; }
- MatrixType CroutMatrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::Crout; }
- MatrixType RowedMatrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::RowV; }
- MatrixType ColedMatrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::ColV; }
- MatrixType DiagedMatrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::Diag; }
- MatrixType MatedMatrix::Type() const { return MatrixType::Rect; }
- MatrixType GetSubMatrix::Type() const { return mt; }
- MatrixType AddedMatrix::Type() const
- { REPORT return bm1->Type() + bm2->Type(); }
- MatrixType MultipliedMatrix::Type() const
- { REPORT return bm1->Type() * bm2->Type(); }
- MatrixType SolvedMatrix::Type() const
- { REPORT return bm1->Type().i() * bm2->Type(); }
- MatrixType SubtractedMatrix::Type() const
- { REPORT return bm1->Type() - bm2->Type(); }
- MatrixType ShiftedMatrix::Type() const
- { REPORT MatrixType mteqel(MatrixType::EqEl); return bm->Type() + mteqel; }
- MatrixType ScaledMatrix::Type() const { REPORT return bm->Type(); }
- MatrixType TransposedMatrix::Type() const { REPORT return bm->Type().t(); }
- MatrixType NegatedMatrix::Type() const { REPORT return bm->Type(); }
- MatrixType InvertedMatrix::Type() const { REPORT return bm->Type().i(); }
- MatrixType ConstMatrix::Type() const { REPORT return cgm->Type(); }
- MatrixType ReturnMatrix::Type() const { REPORT return gm->Type(); }
- int GeneralMatrix::NrowsV() const { return nrows; }
- int RowedMatrix::NrowsV() const { return 1; }
- int MatedMatrix::NrowsV() const { return nr; }
- int GetSubMatrix::NrowsV() const { return row_number; }
- int AddedMatrix::NrowsV() const { return bm1->NrowsV(); }
- int ShiftedMatrix::NrowsV() const { return bm->NrowsV(); }
- int TransposedMatrix::NrowsV() const { return bm->NcolsV(); }
- int NegatedMatrix::NrowsV() const { return bm->NrowsV(); }
- int ColedMatrix::NrowsV() const { return bm->NrowsV() * bm->NcolsV(); }
- int DiagedMatrix::NrowsV() const { return bm->NrowsV() * bm->NcolsV(); }
- int ConstMatrix::NrowsV() const { return cgm->Nrows(); }
- int ReturnMatrix::NrowsV() const { return gm->Nrows(); }
- int GeneralMatrix::NcolsV() const { return ncols; }
- int ColedMatrix::NcolsV() const { return 1; }
- int MatedMatrix::NcolsV() const { return nc; }
- int GetSubMatrix::NcolsV() const { return col_number; }
- int AddedMatrix::NcolsV() const { return bm2->NcolsV(); }
- int ShiftedMatrix::NcolsV() const { return bm->NcolsV(); }
- int TransposedMatrix::NcolsV() const { return bm->NrowsV(); }
- int NegatedMatrix::NcolsV() const { return bm->NcolsV(); }
- int RowedMatrix::NcolsV() const { return bm->NrowsV() * bm->NcolsV(); }
- int DiagedMatrix::NcolsV() const { return bm->NrowsV() * bm->NcolsV(); }
- int ConstMatrix::NcolsV() const { return cgm->Ncols(); }
- int ReturnMatrix::NcolsV() const { return gm->Ncols(); }
- // Rules regarding tDelete, reuse, GetStore
- // All matrices processed during expression evaluation must be subject
- // to exactly one of reuse(), tDelete(), GetStore() or BorrowStore().
- // If reuse returns TRUE the matrix must be reused.
- // GetMatrix(gm) always calls gm->GetStore()
- // gm->Evaluate obeys rules
- // bm->Evaluate obeys rules for matrices in bm structure
- void GeneralMatrix::tDelete()
- {
- if (tag<0)
- {
- if (tag<-1) { REPORT store=0; delete this; return; } // borrowed
- else { REPORT return; }
- }
- if (tag==1)
- {
- REPORT MONITOR("Free (tDelete)",storage,store)
- if (store) delete [storage] store; store=0; tag=-1; return;
- }
- if (tag==0) { REPORT delete this; return; }
- REPORT tag--; return;
- }
- BOOL GeneralMatrix::reuse()
- {
- if (tag<-1)
- {
- real* s = new real [storage]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(s);
- MONITOR("Make (reuse)",storage,s)
- real* s1=store; real* s2=s; int i=storage;
- while(i--) *s2++ = *s1++;
- store=s; tag=0; return TRUE;
- }
- if (tag<0) { REPORT return FALSE; }
- if (tag<=1) { REPORT return TRUE; }
- REPORT tag--; return FALSE;
- }
- real* GeneralMatrix::GetStore()
- {
- if (tag<0 || tag>1)
- {
- real* s = new real [storage]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(s);
- MONITOR("Make (GetStore)",storage,s)
- real* s1=store; real* s2=s; int i=storage;
- while(i--) *s2++ = *s1++;
- if (tag>1) { REPORT tag--; }
- else if (tag < -1) { REPORT store=0; delete this; } // borrowed store
- else { REPORT }
- return s;
- }
- real* s=store; store=0;
- if (tag==0) { REPORT delete this; }
- else { REPORT tag=-1; }
- return s;
- }
- #ifndef __ZTC__
- void GeneralMatrix::GetMatrixC(const GeneralMatrix* gmx)
- {
- REPORT tag=-1;
- nrows=gmx->nrows; ncols=gmx->ncols; storage=gmx->storage;
- store = new real [storage]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(store);
- MONITOR("Make (GetMatrix)",storage,store)
- real* s1=gmx->store; real* s2=store; int i=storage;
- while(i--) *s2++ = *s1++;
- }
- #endif
- void GeneralMatrix::GetMatrix(GeneralMatrix* gmx)
- {
- REPORT tag=-1; nrows=gmx->Nrows(); ncols=gmx->Ncols();
- storage=gmx->storage; store=gmx->GetStore();
- }
- GeneralMatrix* GeneralMatrix::BorrowStore(GeneralMatrix* gmx, MatrixType mt)
- // Copy storage of *this to storage of *gmx. Then convert to type mt.
- // If mt == 0 just let *gm point to storage of *this if tag<0.
- {
- if ((int)mt==0)
- {
- if (tag == -1) { REPORT gmx->tag = -2; gmx->store = store; }
- else { REPORT gmx->tag = 0; gmx->store = GetStore(); }
- }
- else if (mt!=gmx->Type())
- {
- REPORT gmx->tag = -2; gmx->store = store;
- gmx = gmx->Evaluate(mt); gmx->tag = 0; tDelete();
- }
- else { REPORT gmx->tag = 0; gmx->store = GetStore(); }
- return gmx;
- }
- void GeneralMatrix::Eq(BaseMatrix& X, MatrixType mt)
- // Count number of references to this in X.
- // If zero delete storage in X;
- // otherwise tag X to show when storage can be deleted
- // evaluate X and copy to current object
- {
- int counter=X.search(this);
- if (counter==0)
- {
- REPORT MONITOR("Free (operator=)",storage,store)
- if (store) { REPORT delete [storage] store; storage=0; }
- }
- else { REPORT Release(counter); }
- GeneralMatrix* gmx = X.Evaluate(mt);
- if (gmx!=this) { REPORT GetMatrix(gmx); }
- else { REPORT }
- Protect();
- }
- void GeneralMatrix::Inject(const GeneralMatrix& X)
- // copy stored values of X; otherwise leave els of *this unchanged
- {
- CheckConversion(X);
- if (nrows != X.nrows || ncols != X.ncols)
- MatrixError("Inject: dimensions don't match");
- MatrixRow mr((GeneralMatrix*)&X, LoadOnEntry);
- MatrixRow mrx(this, LoadOnEntry+StoreOnExit+DirectPart);
- int i=nrows;
- while (i--) { mrx.Inject(mr); mrx.Next(); mr.Next(); }
- }
- void GeneralMatrix::CheckConversion(const BaseMatrix& M)
- { if (!(this->Type() >= M.Type())) MatrixError("Illegal Conversion"); }
- /************************* nricMatrix routines *****************************/
- void nricMatrix::MakeRowPointer()
- {
- row_pointer = new real* [nrows]; MatrixErrorNoSpace(row_pointer);
- real* s = Store() - 1; int i = nrows; real** rp = row_pointer;
- while (i--) { *rp++ = s; s+=ncols; }
- }
- void nricMatrix::DeleteRowPointer()
- { if (nrows) delete [nrows] row_pointer; }
- void GeneralMatrix::CheckStore() const
- { if (!store) MatrixError("NRIC accessing matrix with dimensions not set"); }