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Text File | 1991-11-19 | 47.6 KB | 1,202 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: karl@sugar.neosoft.com (Karl Lehenbauer)
- Subject: v26i020: tclx - extensions and on-line help for tcl 6.1, Part20/23
- Message-ID: <1991Nov19.135733.1540@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: 050056e14f4a568272054b0962de5ab0
- Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1991 13:57:33 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: karl@sugar.neosoft.com (Karl Lehenbauer)
- Posting-number: Volume 26, Issue 20
- Archive-name: tclx/part20
- Environment: UNIX
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
- # it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
- # files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
- # unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
- # will see the following message at the end:
- # "End of archive 20 (of 23)."
- # Contents: extended/README.EXTD extended/man/TclShell.man
- # Wrapped by karl@one on Wed Nov 13 21:50:32 1991
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- if test -f 'extended/README.EXTD' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'extended/README.EXTD'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'extended/README.EXTD'\" \(24101 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'extended/README.EXTD' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X
- X
- X *** README.EXTD - README file for Extended Tcl ***
- X
- X
- X============
- X
- XExtended Tcl, also known as NeoSoft Tcl, defines a set of extensions
- Xto Tcl 6.1, the Tool Command Language invented by Dr. John Ousterhout
- Xof the University of California at Berkeley. Extended Tcl is upwardly
- Xcompatible from Tcl 6.1. You take the Extended Tcl package, add it to
- XTcl 6.1, and from that you get Extended Tcl. Extended Tcl was designed
- Xand implemented by Karl Lehenbauer (karl@NeoSoft.com) and Mark Diekhans
- X(markd@Grizzly.com), with help in the early stages from Peter da Silva
- X(peter@NeoSoft.com).
- X
- XExtended Tcl (TclX for short) was first publicly released as version
- X4.0, to the Usenet alt.sources newsgroup in December of 1990. The
- Xextensions built upon the embeddable Tcl interpreter to create a
- Xpowerful string and file processing language for Unix, adding support
- Xfor extended string and list operations, stdio-style I/O to files and
- Xpipelines, scanning files for lines matching regular expressions,
- Xsorting, sorted file searching, arrays, Unix multitasking operations
- X(fork, wait, kill, exec, etc), extensions for interactive use as a
- Xshell and awk-like command-line operation. It also included
- Xdemand-loading of procedures from files and Tcl source libraries, a
- Xcommand trace capability, on-line help, and more. We also supported
- XExtended Tcl on a number of versions of Unix, most significantly
- Xadding support for Unix System V, unlike the original Tcl, which was
- XBerkeley BSD-only.
- X
- XAt that time, Extended Tcl introduced some incompatibilities with
- XOusterhout's Tcl 3.3, upon which it was based. We made Extended Tcl
- Xincompatible, with regrets, based on our experience using the
- Xlanguage. Adding arrays, for example, introduced an incompatibility,
- Xas did changes we made in the way the exec command worked, among a few
- Xother small differences.
- X
- XHappily, John Ousterhout worked closely with Mark and Karl over the
- Xlast few months, and with his release of Tcl 6.1, most of the
- Xcapabilities of Extended Tcl 4.0 have been included in his Tcl 6.1
- Xbaseline. Also, we've ironed out the incompatibilities so that
- XExtended Tcl 6.1a adds new capabilities to Tcl 6.1 without introducing
- Xany backward incompatibilities. Finally, John's Tcl 6.1 now supports
- Xthe most popular Unix variants.
- X
- XAs with the original Tcl, all of Extended Tcl is freely
- Xredistributable, including commercial use and resale.
- X
- X
- X==============================
- X
- X o A shell, which provides an environment for developmenting and executing
- X Tcl programs. A Tcl code library facility is provided.
- X
- X o General Commands
- X
- X commandloop - create and enter an interactive command environment
- X
- X cmdtrace - debugging tool for tracing Tcl command execution
- X
- X
- X infox - find out additional information about extended Tcl,
- X such as the version, patchlevel, name, version and
- X long name of any embedded application.
- X
- X loop - a higher-performance for-style loop
- X
- X o Unix Access Commands
- X
- X chgrp, chmod, chown, execvp, fork, kill, sleep, system, umask,
- X unlink, wait
- X
- X fmtclock - format a long integer time value into human-readable form
- X
- X getclock - return current date and time as a long integer
- X
- X id - get and set user, group, process and process group id's
- X
- X signal - specify action to be taken when a signal occurs
- X
- X times - get process and child execution times
- X
- X
- X o File I/O Commands
- X
- X bsearch - binary search a sorted file
- X
- X copyfile - copy remainder of one open file into another
- X
- X dup - duplicate an open filehandle
- X
- X fcntl - get or set open file access options
- X
- X fstat - obtain status information about an open file
- X
- X pipe - create a pipe
- X
- X select - synchronous I/O multiplexing (on systems that support it)
- X
- X o File Scanning Commands
- X
- X scancontext - manage file scan contexts
- X
- X scanfile - scan specified file against selected scan context
- X
- X scanmatch - specify Tcl code to execute when scan pattern matches
- X
- X o Math Commands
- X
- X acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, fabs, floor, mod, max,
- X min, log, log10, pow, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tah
- X
- X random - return a pseudorandom integer or seed the random number
- X generator
- X
- X
- X o List Manipulation Commands
- X
- X lempty - determine if a list is empty
- X
- X lvarpop - pop or replace the specified element from a list
- X
- X o Keyed Lists - support for struct-like lists
- X
- X keyldel - delete a field of a keyed list
- X
- X keylget - get the value of a field in a keyed list
- X
- X keylset - set the value of a field of a keyed list
- X
- X o String and Character Manipulation Commands
- X
- X cindex - return the indexed character from the specified string
- X
- X clength - return the length of the specified string
- X
- X crange - return a range of characters from the specified string
- X
- X csubstr - return a range of character from a string a different way
- X
- X ctype - determine if string has various characteristics
- X
- X replicate - replicate string a number of times
- X
- X translit - translate characters in a string like the "tr" command
- X
- X o Procedures in the Tcl Library
- X
- X assign_fields - assign successive elements in lists to variables
- X
- X edprocs - call editor on named, or all, procedures
- X
- X for_array_keys - do a foreach-style loop on each key in an array
- X
- X for_file - do a foreach-style loop on each line in a file
- X
- X for_recursive_glob - perform a foreach-style loop on each file
- X and directory that matches one or more patterns
- X
- X intersect - return the logical intersection of two lists
- X
- X intersect3 - return the intersection of two lists, with remainders
- X
- X pushd/popd/dirs - Cshell-style directory stack routines
- X
- X read_file - read in a file to a string
- X
- X recursive_glob - do filename globbing, recursively descending
- X all matched directories
- X
- X lrmdups - sort a list and remove duplicate elements
- X
- X saveprocs - save the definitions of named, or all, procedures
- X
- X showproc - lists the definition of the named procedure
- X
- X showprocs - list the definition of the named procedures, or all
- X
- X union - return the logical union of two lists
- X
- X write_file - write the specified string to the specified file
- X
- X
- X============
- X
- XThere is a help system included with Extended Tcl. It contains some
- Xdocumentation on every command in Berkeley Tcl, and Extended Tcl. You
- Xcan invoke it interactively from within Extended Tcl by typing "help".
- X
- XOnce you bring Tcl up and have gotten it to pass all the tests, try
- Xtyping "help help" to learn how to use help.
- X
- X
- X============
- X
- XMan pages in nroff/troff format are provided for all of Tcl and the
- Xextensions. These are in the "tcl6.1/doc" and "extended/man"
- Xdirectories. Of greatest importance are Berkeley Tcl's
- Xtcl6.1/doc/Tcl.man, and Extended Tcl's TclX.man and TclShell.man,
- Xlocated in the extended/man directory.
- X
- XAn ASCII version of a paper that John Ousterhout presented at the
- XWinter '90 Usenix conference is also included. It contains an
- Xoverview of Tcl, the rationale for creating a new embeddable
- Xprogramming language rather than using an existing one, speculations
- Xon future uses and so forth. This file is usenix.text in the
- Xtcl6.1/doc directory.
- X
- X
- X===========================
- X
- XExtended Tcl takes its version number from the corresponding version
- Xof Berkeley (Ousterhout) Tcl upon which it is based, with the addition
- Xof a trailing letter in case there are multiple releases of Extended
- XTcl within a single release of baseline Tcl.
- X
- XFor example, the first release of Extended Tcl for Tcl 6.1 is called
- XExtended Tcl 6.1a.
- X
- X
- X============================================================================
- X
- XAs an embeddable interpreter, Tcl offers a powerful, plug-in-and-go
- Xprogramming language that saves the programmer who needs to provide
- Xprogrammability in an application from having to design and implement
- Xhis or her own. Tcl provides a better and more complete language than
- Xmost programmers have the time or inclination to write, and could
- Xreduce the all-too-common proliferation of similar-but-incompatible
- Xembedded programming languages.
- X
- XIn addition to the Tcl programming environment for Unix, this release
- Xalso provides C and C++ programmers with everything they need to embed
- Xthe Tcl programming language into an existing application or to build
- Xa new application and include Tcl within it. C and C++ programmers
- X(and people programming in languages from which they can make
- XC-compatible calls for that matter) can link against the tcl.a
- Xlibrary, which this package should produce when you get it built
- Xsuccessfully, to include all of the baseline capabilities, plus any of
- Xour extensions that they like, plus any application-specific
- Xextensions they add themselves to produce a package with a significant
- Xruntime programmability.
- X
- XWe have found that including Tcl into large programs provides a good
- Xway to decouple the bulk of the application from the user interface,
- Xallows sophisticated users to write programs to control the application,
- Xshortens turnaround time during development, makes many debugging tasks
- Xeasier, and allows you to code tricky data processing tasks in just a
- Xfew lines of Tcl.
- X
- X
- X=======================
- X
- XC++ programmers can include the file "tcl++.h" to define C++ classes
- Xthat can be used to access a Tcl interpreter. This is based on Tcl
- XC++ classes originally developed by Parag Patel.
- X
- X
- X=======================
- X
- XHere is an overview of the directory hierarchy:
- X
- X top_level_directory
- X
- X tcl6.1 extended
- X
- X compat doc library test man ossupport src tcllib tclsrc tests ucbsrc
- X
- X help
- X
- XThe subdirectories of the tcl6.1 directory contain Berkeley Tcl,
- Xunmodified. Note that tcl6.1 is just a suggested name; you can
- Xcall the directory anything you want, by changing one line in
- Xextended/Makefile, as long as the directory is parallel to the
- X"extended" directory.
- X
- XWithin the tcl6.1 directory is the README file, the config program,
- Xmakefile and all of the C source files and include files. The
- X"compat" directory contains implementations for routines that may
- Xnot be present on all unix systems.
- X
- XThe "doc" directory contains all of the manual pages for baseline Tcl
- Xin nroff/troff format, plus the text of the Usenix paper.
- X
- X"library" includes various Tcl procedures defined in baseline Tcl.
- X
- XFinally, "test" contains all of the tests for baseline Tcl.
- X
- XWithin the "extended" directory, the "man" directory contains all of
- Xthe manpages for Extended Tcl, "ossupport" contains routines that
- XExtended Tcl needs that may not be present on all systems, and "src"
- Xcontains all of the C source and include files comprising the
- XTcl extensions.
- X
- XThe "tcllib" directory contains several demo programs for Extended
- XTcl, and the Tcl procedure library and index are built here. Also
- Xthe "help" subdirectory contains all of the help files.
- X
- XThe "tclsrc" directory contains the Tcl source files that are
- Xconcatenated to create the Tcl procedure library, and the "tests"
- Xdirectory contains the tests for Extended Tcl.
- X
- XFinally, the "ucbsrc" directory contains a replacement for the
- Xbaseline version of tclBasic.c. This was necessary because a
- Xcouple of small changes needed to be made to tclBasic.c to support
- Xthe signal processing of Extended Tcl.
- X
- X
- X===============
- X
- XPlease read TclX.man and TclShell.man in the extended/man directory
- Xbefore starting the engine or working under the hood.
- X
- XCreate a directory that you want to create Tcl and Extended Tcl in,
- Xcd to that directory and unpack tcl6.1.tar.Z by doing a
- X"compress -dc tcl6.1.tar.Z | tar xvf -" or equivalent.
- X
- XIf you got tcl6.1 from the comp.sources.misc newsgroup, create the
- Xbuild directory and unshar all of the parts of Tcl 6.1 there.
- X
- XTo configure Tcl 6.1 for your machine, do a "csh config" to run the
- Xconfigure script. This script determines things about the version
- Xof Unix you're using, looks for routines that aren't present in all
- Xversions, and configures the Makefile to use public domain equivalents
- Xthat are included with the release. (Eventually we would like to
- Xreplace this with a configure script generated by Larry Wall's
- X"metaconfig" program. Anyone, please feel free to help out on this.)
- X
- XNext do a "make". If all goes well, this will create a library,
- Xtcl.a, which contains the core functions of the Tcl 6.1 interpreter.
- X
- XIn the next step, we will build and install Extended Tcl.
- X
- XFirst, "cd" back to the top-level directory you've created to build
- XTcl and Extended Tcl in, and unpack tclX6.1.tar.Z by doing a
- X"compress -dc tclx6.1.tar.Z | tar xvf -" or equivalent.
- X
- XAgain, if you got Extended Tcl from the comp.sources.misc newsgroup,
- Xunshar all of the parts of Tcl 6.1 while your current directory is
- Xset to the build directory you created earlier.
- X
- XNext, "cd" to the "extended" directory which was created by untaring
- Xor unsharing extended Tcl, and edit the Makefile, commenting in
- Xthe configuration lines for your version of Unix, be it System V/3.2.0,
- XSystem V/3.2.2 or SCO Unix, Berkeley BSD, Sun OS, Xenix, or HPUX.
- X
- XThen do a "make". If all goes well, this will augment the tcl.a
- Xlibrary will all of the functions defined by Extended Tcl, and
- Xcreate an executable version of tcl in the "extended" directory called,
- Xsimply enough, "tcl".
- X
- XNext fire up "tcl" and, if everything worked, you should be greated
- Xby a tcl prompt:
- X
- Xtcl>
- X
- XCongratulations, you have successfully built Tcl.
- X
- X
- X================================================
- X
- XTcl comes with over 1400 tests that you can run to insure that it
- Xis working properly. These tests have greatly helped us while
- Xworking on Tcl by detecting bugs that get introduced accidentally
- Xas side-effects of changes. Consequently, we have found Tcl
- Xto be very reliable, and have had very few cases where a new
- Xrelease has regressed by introducing new bugs in old functions,
- Xor reintroducing old bugs in old fucntions.
- X
- XThere are two sets of tests: tests for the Tcl baseline,
- Xand tests for extended Tcl, which test both the new commands
- Xadded by Extended Tcl and the procedures defined in the Tcl
- Xprocedure library.
- X
- XFirst, run the tests for baseline Tcl. After firing up Tcl,
- Xcd to the baseline tests directory, "cd ../tcl6.1/tests" and
- Xdo a "source all". Tcl will print the names of the test
- Xfiles as it executes them, and it will report the test number
- Xof any test that fails, along with what the test expected and
- Xwhat it actually got.
- X
- XIf a test fails, please dig into the test and the C source for
- Xthe function being tested, fix the bug and mail us the change.
- XIf you're not inclined to do this, please report the problem,
- Xincluding the output of the test, to tcl-project@neosoft.com
- Xor ouster@sprite.berkeley.edu.
- X
- XAfter your build of Tcl has successfully passed the baseline
- Xtests, you are ready to run the tests of the functions in
- XExtended Tcl. Exit tcl by entering a control-D at the command
- Xprompt, or issue the "exit" command. Then restart Tcl and cd
- Xto the "tests" directory (extended/tests). Now do another
- X"source all" command.
- X
- XOnce all of the tests have been passed, your build of Tcl has
- Xbeen validated as much as possible, and you are ready to beging
- Xwriting and using Tcl programs.
- X
- XIf you're having trouble with the baseline tests, and you suspect
- Xthat the extensions might be involved, you can build a special
- Xminimal version of baseline Tcl by cd'ing to the tcl6.1
- Xdirectory and doing a "make tclTest". You can then invoke
- X"tclTest", where you should be greeted by a "%" prompt. Next,
- Xcd to the tests directory and do a "source all".
- X
- XNote that the baseline tests turn off tcl's ability to autoload
- Xprocedures from the Tcl source library, so after running the
- Xtests, you should usually exit Tcl and restart it.
- X
- X
- X=======================
- X
- XTo install Extended Tcl, edit the extended/Makefile installation configuration
- Xsection to match your preferences. Read the information in the Makefile
- Xcarefully before configuring it. Cd to the extended directory and do a
- X"make install".
- X
- X
- X=============================
- X
- XIt is common to want to write Tcl scripts, put them in a directory
- Xalong your search path, and execute them just like you do with
- Xshell scripts.
- X
- XOn systems that support the "#!" convention, you can put a
- X
- X#!/usr/local/bin/tcl
- X
- Xas the first line of your script, and executing the script will
- Xautomatically invoke tcl to process it. Of course if you install
- XTcl somewhere else, you'll use a different path.
- X
- XFor systems that don't support this convention (most System V
- Xsystems, for example), it is probably best to create a shell
- Xscript that does something like:
- X
- Xexec tcl commandfile.tcl
- X
- X
- X=================
- X
- XPackage Libraries are a Tcl source code management tool included in
- Xthis release. Package libraries allow you to group Tcl procedures
- Xinto logical bundles and create single files, libraries, that contain
- Xmultiple packages. The package code provides a low-overhead means of
- Xautomatically demand-loading a package on the first attempt to execute
- Xone of the procedures defined within it. As such, package libraries
- Xprovide a mechanism to accomodate the creation of Tcl applications and
- Xlibraries of a substantial size.
- X
- XPackage iibraries are documented in detail in extended/man/TclShell.man.
- X
- X
- X========================
- X
- XWe are committed to providing continuing support for Extended Tcl.
- XPlease send questions, bug reports, and bug fixes to
- Xtcl-project@NeoSoft.com (uupsi!sugar!tcl-project).
- X
- XIf you are unable to send electronic mail, please send surface
- Xmail to:
- X
- X NeoSoft
- X Attention: TCL Project
- X 3918 Panorama
- X Missouri City, TX 77459
- X
- XOr leave a note on our BBS at (713) 684-5900
- X
- X
- X=============================
- X
- XIf you write a useful Tcl procedure and would like to share it with
- Xeveryone, send us a copy and we'll include it in the Tcl library!
- X
- X
- X=======
- X
- XAlthough Tcl compiles and executes the tests properly on Intel/Bell
- XTech System V/3.2.0, SCO Unix System V/3.2.2, Xenix System V/386
- Xand SunOS, it has not had much use under Xenix System V/386 or SunOS.
- X
- XPrevious versions of Extended Tcl have also run under Berkeley BSD,
- XHP-UX and Xenix/286. This release, however, has not been tested
- Xon these machines, although there is configuration information in
- Xthe makefile for BSD and HP-UX, and Extended Tcl should come up
- Xfairly easily on these machines.
- X
- XInstallation, performed by doing a "make install" in the "extended"
- Xdirectory, has not be heavily tested, either.
- X
- XDo not create any set-user-id versions of Tcl yet. There are holes in
- Xthe startup sequence involving shell variables and default files that need
- Xto be plugged first.
- X
- X
- X====================================
- X
- XThere are two mailing lists dedicated to Tcl. To subscribe to a
- Xmailing list about Tcl and the Tk toolkit, send mail to
- Xtcl-request@sprite.berkeley.edu. To subscribe to a mailing list about
- XExtended Tcl, send mail to tcl-users-request@NeoSoft.com.
- X
- XAs of the time of this writing (Nov 8th, '91), the discussion period
- Xhas nearly completed and a call for votes is about to be issued for a
- Xnew Usenet newsgroup, comp.lang.tcl. Unless serious opposition occurs
- X(and this isn't anticipated), the newsgroup should be created around
- Xthe middle of December. It is expected that, should the newsgroup be
- Xcreated, discussion will shift from the mailing lists to the
- Xnewsgroup. The newsgroup will be gatewayed to a mailing list for
- Xthose unable to receive the newsgroup.
- X
- X
- X================
- X
- XWe'd like to thank John Ousterhout for challenging and thrilling us
- Xwith the creation and release of Tcl, and his close support and
- Xinteraction the last seven months as we all worked toward this major
- Xnew release.
- X
- XThanks also to everyone who acquired Tcl and Extended Tcl from the net
- Xand gave us feedback in terms of bug fixes, suggested enhancements and
- Xaccolades. It's very energizing to know that something you've worked
- Xon is being used.
- X
- XMark and Karl would like to thank all their friends for being their
- Xfriends. The check is in the mail.
- X
- X
- X===============
- X
- XTcl 6.1 and Extended Tcl 6.1a were posted to the comp.sources.misc
- Xnewsgroup. Any site that archives comp.sources.misc should have it.
- X
- XTcl 6.1 and Extended Tcl 6.1a can be downloaded by anonymous UUCP
- Xfrom Sugar Land Unix and Grizzly's Osprey. Add one of these lines
- Xto your Systems file:
- X
- X sugar Any ACU 2400 1-713-684-5900 in:--in: nuucp word: ""
- X sugar Any ACU 19200 1-713-684-5928 in:--in: nuucp word: ""
- X
- X osprey Any ACU 2400 1-408-427-1398 in:--in: nuucp word: ""
- X osprey Any ACU 19200 1-408-427-1398 in:--in: nuucp word: ""
- X
- X(The second lines are for people with V.32/V.42bis or Telebit PEP-capable
- X modems)
- X
- XYou may also have to add one of the following lines to your Permissions
- Xfile:
- X
- X LOGNAME=sugar MACHINE=osprey REQUEST=yes
- X LOGNAME=osprey MACHINE=osprey REQUEST=yes
- X
- XThen enter a uucp command:
- X
- X uucp sugar!/usr/spool/anon-uucp/tcl6.1.tar.Z your_machine!~
- X
- X...to download Tcl 6.1, and...
- X
- X uucp sugar!/usr/spool/anon-uucp/tcl6.1Xa.tar.Z your_machine!~
- X
- X...to download Extended Tcl 6.1a.
- X
- XFor downloading from osprey:
- X uucp osprey!/usr/spool/anon-uucp/tcl6.1.tar.Z your_machine!~
- X uucp osprey!/usr/spool/anon-uucp/tcl6.1Xa.tar.Z your_machine!~
- X
- X
- X=====================================================
- X
- XHere are the things to look out for, and change:
- X
- XMost list-oriented commands now begin with "l". Consequently, "index"
- Xbecomes "lindex", "range" becomes "lrange", "empty" becomes "lempty",
- X"length" becomes "llength", and "sortlist" becomes "lsort".
- X
- XThe "replace" command is now "lvarpop"; a new command, "lreplace" has
- Xmuch of the functionality of "replace", but works on the contents of a
- Xlist, returning a new list, rather than working on a variable name
- Xcontaining a list, as lvarpop now does.
- X
- XCommand parameter ordering has been changed for "file", "split", and
- X"join".
- X
- XThe "chars" options to "index", "range", and so forth, have been
- Xremoved. The "string" command has several new suboptions, "index",
- X"length" and "range" to name a few.
- X
- XThe "uppercase" and "lowercase" commands have been replaced by "string
- Xtoupper" and "string tolower".
- X
- XThe "trim_string", "trim_left" and "trim_right" commands have been
- Xreplaced by "string trim", "string trimleft" and "string trimright".
- X
- XIn Extended Tcl 4.0 the "gets" command returned "1" if the read
- Xsucceeded, and "0" on end of file. Dr. Ousterhout decided, in his
- Ximplementation, to have "gets" return the number of bytes read, or
- X"-1" on end of file. This can lead to subtle bugs in porting
- XExtended Tcl 4.0 programs to 6.1a, causing while...gets loops
- Xto return early or to not return at all. The change requires that
- Xstatements along the line of "while {[gets $fp line]} {..." be
- Xmodified to read "while {[gets $fp line] >= 0} {...".
- X
- XFor developers of Tcl extensions in C, the routines "Tcl_RetError" and
- X"Tcl_RetUnixError" have been removed. They were unsafe, anyway,
- Xbecause they rendered into a static buffer, which could result in
- Xoverflows which, although usually detected in software, could
- Xnonetheless crash Tcl in unanticipated ways. Developers should now
- Xuse the "Tcl_AppendResult" call, and return TCL_ERROR explicitly.
- X
- XFor more details on changes in Tcl 6.1, examine the file "changes" in
- Xthe tcl6.1 subdirectory.
- X
- X
- if test 24101 -ne `wc -c <'extended/README.EXTD'`; then
- echo shar: \"'extended/README.EXTD'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'extended/README.EXTD'
- fi
- if test -f 'extended/man/TclShell.man' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'extended/man/TclShell.man'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'extended/man/TclShell.man'\" \(20766 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'extended/man/TclShell.man' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X.ad b
- X'@index: tclshell
- XTcl - Tcl interactive shell.
- X.br
- X.B tcl [-q] [[-f] \fIscript\fB]|[-c \fIcommand\fB] [\fIargs\fR]
- X
- X.PP
- X'@help: tclshell/intro
- X'@brief: Introduction to the tcl shell.
- X.B tcl [-q] [[-f] \fIscript\fB]|[-c \fIcommand\fB] [\fIargs\fR]
- X.PP
- X\fBTcl\fR starts the interactive Tcl command interpreter. The Tcl shell
- Xprovides an environment for writing, debugging and executing Tcl scripts. The
- Xfunctionality of the Tcl shell can also be obtained in any Tcl-based
- Xapplication.
- X.PP
- XThe \fBtcl\fR command, issued without any arguments,
- Xinvokes an interactive Tcl shell.
- XIf \fIscript\fR is specified, then the script is executed noninteractively
- Xwith \fIargs\fR being supplied in the Tcl variable `\fBargv\fR'. If
- X\fIcommand\fR is supplied, then this command (or series of commands,
- Xseparated by `;') is executed, with `\fBargv\fR' containing \fIargs\fR.
- X.P
- XThe Tcl shell is intended as an environment for Tcl program development and
- Xexecution. While it is not a full-featured interactive shell, it provides a
- Xcomfortable environment for the interactive development of Tcl code. Note
- Xthat the package library code described here overrides the \fBunknown\fR
- Xcommand provided as part of the standard Berkeley Tcl library facility,
- Xalthough Tcl source libraries coded to that standard can be loaded and used by
- XExtended Tcl.
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X'@help: tclshell/initialize
- X'@brief: Tcl shell initialization sequence.
- X.PP
- XThe standard Tcl shell initialization consists of the following steps:
- X.IP
- XSearch for a default file. The default file is a Tcl script that is executed
- Xto set important Tcl variables that govern startup, such as \fBTCLPATH\fR.
- XThe Tcl default file is searched for using the following
- Xalgorithm: The current Extended Tcl version, represented by $ver, is included
- Xin the default file naming to allow multiple Tcl versions to exists on a
- Xsystem. Note that the Extended Tcl version is the standard Tcl version number
- Xwith an alphabetic character added to indicated the version of Extended Tcl.
- XThe \fBinfox version\fR command will return this version number.
- X.sp
- X.RS 10
- X- An environment variable, \fBTCLDEFAULT\fR, is checked for. If present,
- Xit is used as the name of the
- Xdefault file.
- X.sp
- X- A file, \fBTCLDEFAULT\fR, is looked for in the current directory.
- X.sp
- X- A global default file with is usually either \fB/etc/default/tcl$ver\fR or
- X\fB/usr/local/lib/tcldefault$ver\fR. (Tcl may be compiled to use a different
- Xdirectory on some systems).
- X.RE
- X.IP
- XFirst, \fBTcl\fR executes the default file. This file normally sets at
- Xleast two Tcl variables:
- X\fBTCLPATH\fR, which contains a list of directories that contain tcl source
- Xfiles, and \fBTCLINIT\fR, the
- Xfull pathname of the Tcl source file that performs Tcl initialization.
- XOther site-specific variables may also be set in
- Xthis file.
- X.IP
- XNext, \fBtcl\fR executes the initialization file specified by the Tcl
- Xvariable \fBTCLINIT\fR.
- XThis is normally the \fBTclInit.Tcl\fR file distributed with Tcl. This
- Xfile defines the Tcl environment, including standard Tcl procs and variables.
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X'@help: tclshell/flags
- X'@brief: Tcl shell command line flags.
- X.TP
- X.B \-q
- XQuick initialization flag. If this flag is set the only initialization step
- Xperformed is to locate the Tcl default file and save its name in the Tcl
- Xvariable TCLDEFAULT. The file is not evaluated nor is the TclInit.tcl file.
- XThis provides for a faster start up, but does not make any of the standard
- XTcl procedures and facilities available.
- X.TP
- X.B \-f
- XTake the next argument as a Tcl script to source rather than enter interactive
- Xmode. The \fB-f\fR flag is optional. Normally the first argument that does
- Xnot start with a `-' is taken as the script to execute unless the `-c' option
- Xis specified. All following arguments are passed to the script in \fBargv\fR,
- Xthus any other Tcl shell flags must precede this option.
- X.TP
- X.B \-c
- XTake the next argument as a Tcl command to execute. It may be series of
- Xcommands to execute, separated by `;'. All following arguments are passed in
- X\fBargv\fR, thus any other Tcl shell flags must precede this option.
- X.TP
- X.B \-\-
- XMark the end of the arguments to the Tcl shell. All arguments following this
- Xare passed in the Tcl variable \fBargv\fR. This is useful to pass arguments
- Xwithout attempting to execute a Tcl script.
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X'@help: tclshell/tclinit
- X'@brief: Tcl shell initialization file.
- X.PP
- XThe Tcl initialization file, normally \fITclInit.tcl\fR in the main Tcl script
- Xdirectory, initializes the Tcl shell. It defines various Tcl procedures
- Xthat are required to implement loading of Tcl source from libraries via the
- Xpackage libraries and autoload facilities.
- X.PP
- XIf the Tcl is invoked interactively, it will source a \fI.tclrc\fR in the
- Xuser's home directory, if it exists. Tcl is viewed primarly as a programming
- Xlanguage, not an interactive shell, so the \fI.tclrc\fR is intended for use for
- Xloading development utilities, not to support programs, which should not rely
- Xon the user's environment.
- X'
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X'@help: tclshell/variables
- X'@brief: Tcl shell variables.
- X.PP
- XThe following variables are set and/or used by the Tcl shell.
- X.TP
- X.B argv
- XA list containing the arguments passed in from the command line, excluding
- Xarguments used by the Tcl shell. The first element is the first passed
- Xargument, not the program name.
- X.TP
- X.B interactiveSession
- XSet to \fB1\fR if Tcl shell is invoked interactively, or \fB0\fR if the
- XTcl shell is directly
- Xexecuting a script.
- X.TP
- X.B noAutoExec
- XIf this variable exists and has a value of \fB1\fR, then the Tcl shell will not
- Xattempt to exec an non-existent command as a shell command.
- X.TP
- X.B programName
- XThe name that the Tcl shell is executing as. All directory
- Xcomponents are removed from the program name.
- X.TP
- X.B scriptName
- XThe name of the script that the Tcl shell is executing if the script was
- Xinvoked on the command line.
- X.TP
- XName of the default file that was used to locate all other files used by the
- XTcl shell.
- X.TP
- XArray that contains information used internally by various Tcl procedures that
- Xare part of the Tcl shell.
- X.TP
- X.B TCLENV(topLevelPromptHook)
- XContains code to run to generate the prompt used when interactively prompting
- Xfor commands. The code in this hook will be evaluated and the result will be
- Xused for the prompt.
- X.TP
- X.B TCLENV(downLevelPromptHook)
- XContains code to run to generate the prompt used when interactively prompting
- Xfor continuation of an incomplete command. The code in this hook
- Xwill be evaluated and the result will be used for the prompt
- X.TP
- XThe name of the file that initializes, and does startup processing of,
- XTcl.
- X.TP
- XPath to search to locate Tcl scripts. Used by the \fBload\fR and
- X\fBdemand_load\fR procedures.
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X'@help: help
- X'@brief: Tcl shell help facility.
- X.PP
- XThe help facility allows for display of help files extracted from
- Xthe standard Tcl manual pages and Tcl scripts. Help files are structured in a
- Xmultilevel directory tree of subjects and help files. The
- Xfollowing commands and options are provided with the help package:
- X.TP
- X.B help
- X.br
- XHelp, without arguments, lists of all the top-level help subject
- Xdirectories and files.
- X.TP
- X.B help \fIsubjectdir\fR
- XDisplays all of help files and lower level subject files (if any exist) under
- Xthe directory \fIsubjectdir\fR.
- X.TP
- X.B help \fIsubjectdir/helpfile\fR
- XDisplay the specified help file. The help output is passed through a simple
- Xpager if output exceeds 23 lines, pausing waiting for a return to be entered.
- XIf any other character is entered, the output is terminated.
- X.TP
- X.B helpcd [\fIsubjectdir\fR]
- XChange the current subject directory, which is much like the Unix current
- Xdirectory. This directory can be changed with the \fBhelpcd\fR command. If
- X\fIsubjectdir\fR is not specified, return to the top-level of the help tree.
- XHelp path names may also include ``..'' elements.
- X.TP
- X.B helppwd
- XDisplays the current help subject directory.
- X.TP
- X.B help help | ?
- XDisplays help on the help facility at any directory level.
- X.TP
- X.B apropos \fIpattern\fR
- XThis command locates subjects by searching their one-line descriptions for a
- Xpattern. \fRApropos\fR is useful when you can remember part of the name or
- Xdescription of a command, and want to search through the one-line summaries
- Xfor matching lines. Full regular expressions may be specified (see
- Xthe \fBregexp\fR command).
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X'@help: tclshell/results
- X'@brief: Tcl shell command result processsing.
- X.PP
- XThe string result of a command typed at the Tcl shell command prompt is
- Xnormally echoed back to the user. If an error occurs, then the string result
- Xis displayed, along with the error message. The error message will be
- Xpreceded by the string ``Error:''.
- X.PP
- XThe \fBset\fR command is a special case. If the command is called to set
- Xa variable (i.e. with two arguments), then the result will not be echoed.
- XIf only one argument, the name of a variable, is supplied to \fBset\fR, then
- Xthe result will be echoed.
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X'@help: tclshell/unixcommands
- X'@brief: Tcl shell Unix command execution.
- X.PP
- XIf an unknown Tcl command is entered from the command line, then the Unix
- Xcommand path, specified in the environment variable \fBPATH\fR,
- Xwill be searched for a command of the same name.
- XIf found, the command will be executed.
- XThis feature is provided to enhance the interactive environment for developing
- XTcl scripts. This is only supported from the command line, not in script files
- Xor in procedures, to eliminate confusion. The \fBexec\fR or \fBsystem\fR
- Xcommand should be used to run Unix commands inside scripts.
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X.PP
- XThe follow additional procedures are defined by the Tcl shell and may be
- Xgenerally useful:
- X.TP
- X'@help: tclshell/load
- X'@brief: Search the TCLPATH for a file to source.
- X.B load \fIfile\fR
- XSource a file, as with the source command, except search the TCLPATH for
- Xthe file.
- X'@endhelp
- X.TP
- X'@help: tclshell/utilprocs
- X'@brief: Search a path list for a file.
- X.B searchpath \fIpath file\fR
- XSearch all directories in the specified path, which is a Tcl list, for the
- Xspecified file. Returns the full path name of the file, or an empty string
- Xif the file is not found.
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X'@help: tclshell/autoload
- X'@brief: Autoloading of commands.
- X.PP
- X.B autoload \fIfile proc1\fR [..\fIprocN\fR]
- X.sp
- XThe \fIautoload\fR procedure, defined in \fBTclInit.tcl\fR, allows the Tcl
- Xprogrammer to name one or more procedures and the file they are defined in.
- XAfter \fIautoload\fR has been executed to inform Tcl of the presence of them,
- Xa subsequent attempt to execute one of the procedures will cause the
- Xcorresponding file to be loaded transparently prior to executing the function.
- XFor example, executing:
- X.IP
- Xautoload showproc.tcl showproc showprocs
- X.PP
- Xtells Tcl to automatically load the file \fBshowproc.tcl\fR the first time
- Xin the current session that either \fIshowproc\fR or \fIshowprocs\fR is
- Xexecuted.
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X'@help: tclshell/packagelib
- X'@brief: Tcl shell package libraries.
- X.PP
- XPackage libraries work like \fIautoload\fR, except that a package library file
- Xcan contain multiple independent Tcl packages. A package is a collection
- Xof related Tcl procedures.
- X.PP
- XThe package library file is just a regular Unix text file, editable with your
- Xfavorite text editor, containing packages of Tcl source code. The package
- Xlibrary must end in \fB.tlib\fR, an index file with the suffix \fB.tndx\fR
- Xwill be built corresponding to the package library. The start of a package
- Xis delimited by:
- X.IP
- X.B #@package: \fIpackage_name proc1\fR [\fI..procN\fR]
- X.PP
- XThese lines must start in column one.
- XEverything between the \fBpackage\fR keyword and
- Xthe next \fBpackage\fR keyword, or the end of the file,
- Xbecomes part of the named
- Xpackage. The specified procedures, \fIproc1..procN\fR, are the entry points
- Xof the package. When a command named in a package command is executed and
- Xdetected as an unknown command, all code in the specified package will be
- Xsourced. This
- Xpackage should define all of the procedures named on the package line, define
- Xany support procedures required by the package and do any package-specific
- Xinitialization.
- X.PP
- XFor example, in a package source file, the presence of the following line:
- X.IP
- X\fB#@package: directory_stack pushd popd dirs\fR
- X.PP
- Xsays that the text lines following that line in the package file up
- Xto the next \fIpackage\fR line or the end of the file is a package named
- X\fBdirectory_stack\fR and that an attempt to execute either \fIpushd\fR,
- X\fIpopd\fR or \fIdirs\fR when the routine is not already defined will cause
- Xthe \fBdirectory_stack\fR portion of the package file to be loaded.
- X'
- X.PP
- XA package library file has associated with it an index file
- Xcalled a \fB.tndx\fR file. The \fB.tndx\fR file contains the names
- Xof the packages in the \fB.tlib\fR file, their addresses and lengths
- Xwithin the \fB.tlib\fR file and the functions that are to cause the
- Xdifferent packages to be autoloaded when an attempt is made to execute
- Xthem.
- X.PP
- XThe first time Tcl tries to execute a procedure where the procedure doesn't
- Xexist and isn't an autoload, Tcl will search along \fBTCLPATH\fR looking
- Xfor any files ending in \fB.tlib\fR. For each one it finds, it checks
- Xto see if there is a corresponding file in the same directory ending
- Xin \fB.tndx\fR. If the \fB.tndx\fR file doesn't exist, or if its date
- Xof last modification is older than that of the \fB.tlib\fR file,
- Xthe \fB.tndx\fR is automatically (re)generated if possible. If Tcl can't
- Xregenerate the file (most likely due to file or directory permission
- Xproblems), an error occurs.
- X.PP
- XDemand loading is also supported from indexes build by the \fBmkindex.tcl\fR
- Xprogram, supplied with standard Tcl. However, \fBinit.tcl\fR
- Xis not loaded. Note that the \fBinfo library\fR command is not used to locate
- Xlibraries by this shell; the \fBTCLPATH\fR variable is set by the default file
- Xand is used to locate the libraries.
- X'@endhelp
- X'
- X.PP
- XSeveral commands are available for building and managing package libraries.
- XIf you are not building package libraries and are using the standard Tcl
- Xinitialization file, they are all transparent. These commands are either
- Xdefined or autoloaded by \fBTclInit.tcl\fR.
- X.TP
- X'@help: tclshell/autoprocs
- X'@brief: List names of autload and package library procs.
- X.B autoprocs
- XLists the names of all known autoload and package library procedures.
- X'@endhelp
- X.TP
- X'@help: tclshell/buildpackageindex
- X'@brief: Build an index to a package library.
- X.B buildpackageindex \fIlibfile\fR
- XBuild an index for a package library. The the \fIlibfile\fR name must end with
- Xthe suffix \fB.tlib\fR.
- X'@endhelp
- X.TP
- X'@help: tclshell/demand_load
- X'@brief: Force an autoload proc or a package to be loaded.
- X.B demand_load \fIprocname\fR
- XAttempt to load the specified procedure, either as an autoload function or by
- Xloading the package containing the procedure. If the package indexes have not
- Xbeen loaded for all package libraries in \fBTCLPATH\fR, they will be loaded.
- XOut-of-date library indexes will be rebuilt if they are writable. The
- Xprocedure returns \fB1\fR if the procedure was sucessfully
- Xloaded, or \fB0\fR if it was
- Xnot.
- X'@endhelp
- X.TP
- X'@help: tclshell/loadlibindex
- X'@brief: Load the index of a package library
- X.B loadlibindex \fIlibfile\fR
- XLoad the package library index of the library file \fBlibfile\fR (which must
- Xhave the suffix \fI.tlib\fR). Package library indexes along the \fBTCLPATH\fR
- Xare loaded automatically on the first demand_load; this command is provided to
- Xexplicitly load libraries that are not in the path. If the index file (with
- Xa \fI.tndx\fR suffix)
- Xdoes not exists or is out of date, it will be rebuilt if the user has
- Xdirectory permissions to create it.
- X'@endhelp
- X.TP
- X'@help: tclshell/packages
- X'@brief: List all known packages.
- X.B packages
- XReturns a list of the names of all known packages.
- X'@endhelp
- X.TP
- X'
- X.PP
- XThis section discusses the internal structure of the standard Tcl
- Xinitialization file and the facilities it implements. This is intended
- Xprimarily for developers who want to customize these facilities for their
- Xapplications.
- X'
- X.SS "Autoload and Package Library Structures"
- X.PP
- XThe package library index consists of an entry for each package in the library,
- Xwhere each entry
- Xis a call to the \fBTCLSH:defpkg\fR procedure. Loading of the package
- Xindex is done with the \fBsource\fR command.
- XThe \fIdefpackage\fR routine initializes elements of
- Xthe \fBTCLENV\fR array which are used by \fBdemand_load\fR to locate and load
- Xa package. The \fBbuildpackageindex\fR procedure is contained in
- X\fBpackages.tcl\fR.
- X'
- X.PP
- XThe following elements of the \fBTCLENV\fR are used to implement the autoload
- Xand package library facility.
- X.TP
- X\fBTCLENV(PROC:\fIprocName\fB)\fR
- XEach procedure that is to be loaded by the \fBdemand_load\fR command has an
- Xentry in this
- Xarray, indexed by the concatenation of `PROC:' with the procedure name.
- XIf the entry is for a package, it is a list consisting `P' followed by the
- Xname of the package. The package name must be looked up in the TCLENV array
- Xto find the actual library file. If the entry is for an autoload procedure,
- Xit is a list consisting of 'F' followed by the name of the file to load.
- X.TP
- X\fBTCLENV(PKG:\fIpackageName\fB)\fR
- XEach package has an entry in the array indexed by the concatenation of
- X`PKG:' and the name of the package. The entry is a list containing the
- Xfull path to the library file, the byte offset in the file of the start of the
- Xpackage, and the length of the package.
- X.TP
- X\fBTCLENV(packageIndexesLoaded)\fR
- XA boolean that indicates if the package indexes have been loaded. They will
- Xnot be loaded until the first call to \fBdemand_load\fR.
- X.TP
- X\fBTCLENV(inUnknown)\fR
- XIndicates if the \fBunknown\fR command is currently being executed.
- XIt is used
- Xto detect recursion in situations where an unknown command is found
- Xduring unknown command processing.
- X'
- X.PP
- XThe following procedures are used to implement the internals of the autoload
- Xand package library facility, and are defined by \fBTclInit.tcl\fR:
- X.TP
- X\fBTCLSH:defpkg\fR \fIpkgname libfile offset len proc1\fR [..\fIprocN\fR]
- XDefine a package for the current interpreter. \fIPkgname\fR is the name
- Xof the package to define, \fIlibfile\fR is the full path to the library file.
- X\fIoffset\fR is the byte offset into the of the start of the package code;
- X\fIlen\fR is the length of the package code, in bytes, and
- X\fIproc1..procN\fR are the entry point procedures defined by the package.
- XThis procedure is normally not called directly by the user or the
- Xuser's script. The library index files
- Xconsists of calls to this procedure to define every package in a library.
- X.TP
- X\fBTCLSH:LoadOusterIndex dir\fR
- XLoad an index file, \fIdir\fR/\fBtclIndex\fR, of the type built by John
- XOusterhout's \fBmkindex.tcl\fR program (included with the standard Tcl
- Xdistribution). This style of index defines procedure names and the files that
- Xcontain them. It is a one-index-to-many-source-files structure. All of the
- Xfiles pointed to by this must reside in \fIdir\fR. The procedures in these
- Xlibraries will be defined as if the autoload command had been used.
- X.TP
- X\fBTCLSH:LoadPackageIndexes\fR
- XThis procedure searches the path defined by Tcl variable \fBTCLPATH\fR and
- Xloads all of the indexes for all of the \fI.tlib\fR package libraries in the
- Xpath. If any of the indexes are older that their corresponding library file
- Xor do not exist, then they will be rebuilt if the user has write access to the
- Xdirectory. Also all Ousterhout-style indexes found along the path will be
- Xloaded.
- X.TP
- X\fBunknown\fR
- XThis is the actual unknown command trap handler. It will first do a
- X\fBdemand_load\fR, loading the \fBunknown\fR command if it has been defined by
- X\fBautoload\fR, or by a package library index. The library indexes will be be
- Xloaded if this is the first call to \fBunknown\fR. If the command is not
- Xfound by \fBdemand_load\fR, the Unix path (in the environment
- Xvariable \fBPATH\fR,
- Xwill be searched for the command. If it is found, it will be executed via the
- X\fBsystem\fR command, providing full shell (\fBsh\fR) command line expansion,
- Xwith output going to standard out rather than being returned as the result of
- Xthe command. This binary path search will only occur if this is an
- Xinteractive session running at the top level (i.e., not in a procedure or a
- Xscript). This behavior can be disabled with the \fBnoAutoExec\fR variable.
- X
- if test 20766 -ne `wc -c <'extended/man/TclShell.man'`; then
- echo shar: \"'extended/man/TclShell.man'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'extended/man/TclShell.man'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 20 \(of 23\).
- cp /dev/null ark20isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 23 archives.
- echo "Now cd to "extended", edit the makefile, then do a "make""
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- ## End of shell archive.
- exit 0
- exit 0 # Just in case...
- --
- Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
- Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
- Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
- Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent@uunet.uu.net.