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- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: iain@estevax.uucp (Iain J. Lea)
- Subject: v26i080: tin - threaded full screen newsreader, Patch06e/5
- Message-ID: <1991Nov30.024053.14691@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: 4ddae03f06a36c300d66c19d158a2198
- Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1991 02:40:53 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: iain@estevax.uucp (Iain J. Lea)
- Posting-number: Volume 26, Issue 80
- Archive-name: tin/patch06e
- Patch-To: tin: Volume 23, Issue 15-23
- #!/bin/sh
- # this is patch06.shar.05 (part 5 of tin)
- # do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
- # file tin.patch06 continued
- #
- if touch 2>&1 | fgrep '[-amc]' > /dev/null
- then TOUCH=touch
- else TOUCH=true
- fi
- if test ! -r shar3_seq_.tmp; then
- echo "Please unpack part 1 first!"
- exit 1
- fi
- (read Scheck
- if test "$Scheck" != 5; then
- echo "Please unpack part $Scheck next!"
- exit 1
- else
- exit 0
- fi
- ) < shar3_seq_.tmp || exit 1
- echo "x - Continuing file tin.patch06"
- sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> tin.patch06 &&
- X cron:
- X 20 6 * * * /usr/local/bin/tin -u -f /usr/lib/news/tin_groups
- X--- 133,146 ----
- X
- X
- X
- X! Version 1.0 PL6 TIN(1)
- X
- X
- X+ group will cause Tin to incrementally update the index file,
- X+ adding or removing entries as new articles come in or as news
- X+ expires. If reading news remotely indexing will be somewhat
- X+ slower because the articles must be retrieved via the NNTP.
- X+
- X A good way to keep Tin index files current is to run tin -u from
- X cron:
- X 20 6 * * * /usr/local/bin/tin -u -f /usr/lib/news/tin_groups
- X***************
- X*** 166,172 ****
- X formats as shown below:
- X 288<Selection Num> <Unread> <Responses> <Subject> <Author>
- X i.e.,
- X! 1 +3Bnews sources?iain@estevax
- X 2 1This question hasether@net
- X or
- X <Selection Num> <Unread> <Responses> <Subject (longer)>
- X--- 171,177 ----
- X formats as shown below:
- X 288<Selection Num> <Unread> <Responses> <Subject> <Author>
- X i.e.,
- X! 1 +3Bnews sources?iain@estevax.uucp
- X 2 1This question hasether@net
- X or
- X <Selection Num> <Unread> <Responses> <Subject (longer)>
- X***************
- X*** 183,197 ****
- X i.e.,
- X 24 Jul 15:20:03 GMT alt.sources Thread 1 of 2
- X Article 452 Bnews sources? 3 responses
- X! iain@estevax Siemens AG, Germany
- X
- X- <Article boby>
- X
- X
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X 3
- X
- X
- X--- 188,197 ----
- X i.e.,
- X 24 Jul 15:20:03 GMT alt.sources Thread 1 of 2
- X Article 452 Bnews sources? 3 responses
- X! iain@estevax.uucp Organization name
- X
- X
- X
- X 3
- X
- X
- X***************
- X*** 199,207 ****
- X
- X
- X
- X! TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL5
- X
- X
- X This table shows the common keys/commands for moving at all three
- X levels within Tin.
- X--- 199,209 ----
- X
- X
- X
- X! TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL6
- X
- X
- X+ <Article boby>
- X+
- X This table shows the common keys/commands for moving at all three
- X levels within Tin.
- X***************
- X*** 254,261 ****
- X m Move the current group within the group selection list.
- X By entering '1' the group will become the first
- X displayed group in the list, by entering '8' the eighth
- X- group in the list etc. By entering '$' the group will
- X- be the last group displayed.
- X
- X
- X 4
- X--- 256,261 ----
- X***************
- X*** 265,273 ****
- X
- X
- X
- X! Version 1.0 PL5 TIN(1)
- X
- X
- X M User configurable options menu (for more information
- X see section Options Menu).
- X
- X--- 265,276 ----
- X
- X
- X
- X! Version 1.0 PL6 TIN(1)
- X
- X
- X+ group in the list etc. By entering '$' the group will
- X+ be the last group displayed.
- X+
- X M User configurable options menu (for more information
- X see section Options Menu).
- X
- X***************
- X*** 319,329 ****
- X
- X <TAB> View next unread article or group.
- X
- X- a Author forward search.
- X
- X- A Author backward search.
- X
- X-
- X 5
- X
- X
- X--- 322,329 ----
- X***************
- X*** 331,339 ****
- X
- X
- X
- X! TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL5
- X
- X
- X B Mail a bug/gripe/comment to the author of tin. This is
- X the best way of getting bugs fixed and features
- X added/changed.
- X--- 331,343 ----
- X
- X
- X
- X! TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL6
- X
- X
- X+ a Author forward search.
- X+
- X+ A Author backward search.
- X+
- X B Mail a bug/gripe/comment to the author of tin. This is
- X the best way of getting bugs fixed and features
- X added/changed.
- X***************
- X*** 384,404 ****
- X T Tag current article for mailing ('m') / piping ('|') /
- X printing ('o') / saving ('s').
- X
- X- t Return to group selection index.
- X
- X- U Untag all articles that were tagged for saving.
- X
- X
- X
- X- 6
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X! Version 1.0 PL5 TIN(1)
- X
- X
- X v Print tin version number.
- X
- X--- 388,408 ----
- X T Tag current article for mailing ('m') / piping ('|') /
- X printing ('o') / saving ('s').
- X
- X
- X
- X+ 6
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X+ Version 1.0 PL6 TIN(1)
- X
- X
- X! t Return to group selection index.
- X
- X+ U Untag all articles that were tagged for saving.
- X
- X v Print tin version number.
- X
- X***************
- X*** 451,461 ****
- X
- X f Post a followup to current article.
- X
- X- F Post a followup with a copy of the current article
- X- included.
- X
- X-
- X-
- X 7
- X
- X
- X--- 455,461 ----
- X***************
- X*** 463,471 ****
- X
- X
- X
- X! TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL5
- X
- X
- X h Help screen of article page commands.
- X
- X H Help screen of context sensitive help about article
- X--- 463,474 ----
- X
- X
- X
- X! TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL6
- X
- X
- X+ F Post a followup with a copy of the current article
- X+ included.
- X+
- X h Help screen of article page commands.
- X
- X H Help screen of context sensitive help about article
- X***************
- X*** 518,527 ****
- X
- X w Post an article to current group.
- X
- X- W List articles posted by user. The date posted, the
- X- newsgroup and the subject are listed.
- X
- X-
- X 8
- X
- X
- X--- 521,527 ----
- X***************
- X*** 529,537 ****
- X
- X
- X
- X! Version 1.0 PL5 TIN(1)
- X
- X
- X z Mark article as unread.
- X
- X / Article forward search.
- X--- 529,540 ----
- X
- X
- X
- X! Version 1.0 PL6 TIN(1)
- X
- X
- X+ W List articles posted by user. The date posted, the
- X+ newsgroup and the subject are listed.
- X+
- X z Mark article as unread.
- X
- X / Article forward search.
- X***************
- X*** 571,581 ****
- X the kill file $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_k_i_l_l. Use <SPACE> to toggle ON/OFF
- X and <CR> to set.
- X
- X- Show Author
- X- If set ON the Subject: & From: (author) lines from the arti-
- X- cles header are displayed. If set OFF longer Subject: lines
- X- are displayed. Use <SPACE> to toggle ON/OFF and <CR> to set.
- X-
- X Draw arrow
- X Allows groups/articles to be selected by an arrow '->' if set
- X ON or by an highlighted bar if set OFF. Use <SPACE> to toggle
- X--- 574,579 ----
- X***************
- X*** 586,591 ****
- X--- 584,591 ----
- X and From: fields to be output when printing articles. Use
- X <SPACE> to toggle ON/OFF and <CR> to set.
- X
- X+ Goto 1st unread
- X+ This allows the cursor to be placed at the first / last
- X
- X
- X 9
- X***************
- X*** 595,608 ****
- X
- X
- X
- X! TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL5
- X
- X
- X- Goto 1st unread
- X- This allows the cursor to be placed at the first / last
- X unread article upon entering a newsgroup with unread news.
- X Use <SPACE> to toggle ON/OFF and <CR> to set.
- X
- X Process type
- X This specifies the default type of post processing to perform
- X on saved articles. The following types of processing are
- X--- 595,635 ----
- X
- X
- X
- X! TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL6
- X
- X
- X unread article upon entering a newsgroup with unread news.
- X Use <SPACE> to toggle ON/OFF and <CR> to set.
- X
- X+ Scroll full page
- X+ If set ON scrolling of groups/articles will be a full page at
- X+ a time, otherwise half a page at a time. Use <SPACE> to tog-
- X+ gle ON/OFF and <CR> to set.
- X+
- X+ Catchup on quit
- X+ If set ON the user is asked when quitting if all groups read
- X+ during the current session should be marked read. Use <SPACE>
- X+ to toggle ON/OFF and <CR> to set.
- X+
- X+ Thread articles
- X+ If set ON articles will be threaded in all groups (default),
- X+ otherwise articles will be shown unthreaded. If set ON but
- X+ certain user specified groups are in $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_u_n_t_h_r_e_a_d, the
- X+ specified groups will be unthreaded and the rest will be
- X+ threaded. Use <SPACE> to toggle ON/OFF and <CR> to set.
- X+
- X+ Show only unread
- X+ If set ON show only new/unread articles, otherwise show all
- X+ articles. Use <SPACE> to toggle ON/OFF and <CR> to set.
- X+
- X+ Show Author
- X+ If set 'None' only the Subject: line will be displayed. If
- X+ set 'Addr' Subject: line & the address part of the From: line
- X+ are displayed. If set 'Name' Subject: line & the authors full
- X+ name part of the From: line are displayed. If set 'Both' Sub-
- X+ ject: line & all of the From: line are displayed. Use <SPACE>
- X+ to toggle the required type and <CR> to set.
- X+
- X Process type
- X This specifies the default type of post processing to perform
- X on saved articles. The following types of processing are
- X***************
- X*** 614,621 ****
- X *.zoo archive whose contents is listed.
- X -unpacking of multi-part uuencoded files that produce a
- X *.zoo archive whose contents is extracted.
- X- -unpacking of multi-part patches for use by _p_a_t_c_h and
- X- applying them to specified source files.
- X Use <SPACE> to toggle the required type and <CR> to set.
- X
- X Sort articles by
- X--- 641,646 ----
- X***************
- X*** 628,633 ****
- X--- 653,669 ----
- X -sort articles by Date: field (ascending & descending).
- X Use <SPACE> to set the required type.
- X
- X+
- X+ 10
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+ Version 1.0 PL6 TIN(1)
- X+
- X+
- X Save directory
- X The directory where articles/threads are to be saved. Default
- X is $_H_O_M_E/_N_e_w_s.
- X***************
- X*** 653,669 ****
- X entered the user can abort the command and not save the kill
- X description, edit the kill file or save the kill description.
- X
- X-
- X- 10
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X- Version 1.0 PL5 TIN(1)
- X-
- X-
- X On starting tin the users killfile $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_k_i_l_l is read and on
- X entering a newsgroup any kill descriptions are applied. Articles
- X that match a kill description are marked killed and are not
- X--- 689,694 ----
- X***************
- X*** 692,697 ****
- X--- 717,735 ----
- X article was posted to and the articles subject line are
- X displayed.
- X
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+ 11
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+ TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL6
- X+
- X+
- X Use the 'f' / 'F' command to post a follow-up article to an
- X already posted article. The 'F' command will copy the text of the
- X original article into the editor. The editing procedure is the
- X***************
- X*** 717,735 ****
- X mand. All tagged articles can be untagged by the 'U' untag com-
- X mand.
- X
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X- 11
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X- TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL5
- X-
- X-
- X If regex pattern matching is selected you are asked to enter a
- X regular expression (ie. to match all articles subject lines con-
- X taining 'net News' you must enter '*net News*'). Any articles
- X--- 755,760 ----
- X***************
- X*** 758,767 ****
- X A signature in $_H_O_M_E/._S_i_g will be pulled into the editor for both
- X posting and mailing commands.
- X
- X The following is an example of a $_H_O_M_E/._S_i_g file:
- X NAME Iain Lea
- X EMAIL iain@estevax.uucp ...!unido!estevax!iain
- X! SNAIL Siemens AG, ANL 433SZ, 8510 Fuerth-Bislohe, Germany
- X PHONE +49-911-331963 (home) +49-911-3089-407 (work)
- X
- X--- 783,805 ----
- X A signature in $_H_O_M_E/._S_i_g will be pulled into the editor for both
- X posting and mailing commands.
- X
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+ 12
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+ Version 1.0 PL6 TIN(1)
- X+
- X+
- X The following is an example of a $_H_O_M_E/._S_i_g file:
- X NAME Iain Lea
- X EMAIL iain@estevax.uucp ...!unido!estevax!iain
- X! SNAIL Bruecken Strasse 12, 8500 Nuernberg, Germany
- X PHONE +49-911-331963 (home) +49-911-3089-407 (work)
- X
- X***************
- X*** 784,801 ****
- X
- X Set the mail header field Reply-To: to the return address
- X-
- X-
- X- 12
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X- Version 1.0 PL5 TIN(1)
- X-
- X-
- X specified by the variable. This is useful if the machine is
- X not registered in the UUCP mail maps or if you wish to
- X recieve replies at a different machine. This variable has
- X--- 822,827 ----
- X***************
- X*** 824,829 ****
- X--- 850,867 ----
- X
- X This variable has precedence over the default editor (ie.
- X+
- X+
- X+ 13
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+ TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL6
- X+
- X+
- X vi) that is used in all editing operations within tin (ie.
- X posting 'w', replying 'rR', follow-ups 'fF' and bug reports
- X 'B').
- X***************
- X*** 845,867 ****
- X time the xterm is resized.
- X
- X! $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c newgroups subscribed to.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_t_i_n_r_c options.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/._i_n_d_e_x newsgroup index files directory.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_a_d_d__a_d_d_r_e_s_s address to add to when replying through mail.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_a_c_t_i_v_e used by -n option for notifying user of new groups.
- X-
- X-
- X- 13
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X-
- X- TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL5
- X-
- X-
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_b_u_g__a_d_d_r_e_s_s address to send bug reports to.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_k_i_l_l kill file.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_o_r_g_a_n_i_z_a_t_i_o_n string to replace default organization.
- X--- 883,893 ----
- X time the xterm is resized.
- X
- X! $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c subscribed to newgroups.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_t_i_n_r_c options.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/._i_n_d_e_x newsgroup index files directory.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_a_d_d__a_d_d_r_e_s_s address to add to when replying through mail.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_a_c_t_i_v_e used by -n option for notifying user of new groups.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_b_u_g__a_d_d_r_e_s_s address to send bug reports to.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_k_i_l_l kill file.
- X $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_o_r_g_a_n_i_z_a_t_i_o_n string to replace default organization.
- X***************
- X*** 890,901 ****
- X
- X Does not handle Xref: headers for cross-posted articles.
- X
- X Based on the tass newsreader that was developed by Rich Skrenta
- X and posted to alt.sources in March 1991. Tass was itself heavily
- X infleuenced by NOTES which was developed at the University of
- X! Illinois in the 1970's.
- X
- X
- X Rich Skrenta
- X--- 916,960 ----
- X
- X Does not handle Xref: headers for cross-posted articles.
- X
- X+
- X+
- X+ 14
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+
- X+ Version 1.0 PL6 TIN(1)
- X+
- X+
- X Based on the tass newsreader that was developed by Rich Skrenta
- X and posted to alt.sources in March 1991. Tass was itself heavily
- X infleuenced by NOTES which was developed at the University of
- X! Illinois in the late 1970's.
- X
- X+ Tin v1.00 (full distribution) was posted in 8 parts to
- X+ alt.sources on 23 Aug 1991.
- X+
- X+ Tin v1.0 PL1 (full distribution) was posted in 8 parts to
- X+ alt.sources on 03 Sep 1991.
- X+
- X+ Tin v1.0 PL2 (full distribution) was posted in 9 parts to
- X+ alt.sources on 24 Sep 1991.
- X+
- X+ Tin v1.0 PL3 (patch) was posted in 4 parts to alt.sources on 30
- X+ Sep 1991.
- X+
- X+ Tin v1.0 PL4 (patch) was posted in 2 parts to alt.sources on 02
- X+ Oct 1991.
- X+
- X+ Tin v1.0 PL5 (patch) was posted in 4 parts to alt.sources on 17
- X+ Oct 1991.
- X+
- X+ Tin v1.0 PL6 (patch) was posted in 5 parts to alt.sources on 04
- X+ Nov 1991.
- X+
- X
- X Rich Skrenta
- X***************
- X*** 902,908 ****
- X author of tass v3.2 which this newsreader used as its base.
- X
- X Syd Weinstein
- X! curses.c is taken from the elm mailreader
- X
- X Rich Salz
- X author of wildmat.c pattern matching routines.
- X--- 961,967 ----
- X author of tass v3.2 which this newsreader used as its base.
- X
- X Syd Weinstein
- X! curses.c is taken from the elm mailreader.
- X
- X Rich Salz
- X author of wildmat.c pattern matching routines.
- X***************
- X*** 912,944 ****
- X
- X I wish to thank the following people for supplying patchs:
- X
- X! Anton Aylward, Carl Hage, Ed Hanway, Karl-Koenig Koenigsson, Kris
- X! Kugel, Hakan Lennestal, Clifford Luke, Bill Poitras, Nickolay
- X! Saukh, Rich Salz, Bart Sears, Karl-Olav Serrander, Doug Sewell,
- X! Cliff Stanford, Adri Verhoef, Cary Whitney
- X
- X
- X! 14
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X- Version 1.0 PL5 TIN(1)
- X
- X
- X! I wish to thank the following people for bug reports/comments:
- X
- X- Klaus Arzig, Reiner Balling, Volker Beyer, Roger Binns, Georg
- X- Biehler, Ian Brown, Andreas Brosig, David Donovan, Peter
- X- Dressler, Gerhard Ermer, Hugh Fader, Joachim Feld, Paul Fox,
- X- Bernhard Gmelch, Viet Hoang, Torsten Homeyer, Andy Jackson, Joe
- X- Johnson, Cyrill Jung, Hans-Juergen Knopp, Bob Lukas, Phillip Mol-
- X- loy, Toni Metz, Greg Miller, Klaus Neuberger, Otto Niesser,
- X- Reiner Oelhaf, Wolf Paul, Fredy Schwatz, Bernd Schwerin, Klamer
- X- Schutte, Chris Smith, Steve Spearman
- X
- X
- X Iain Lea
- X--- 971,1007 ----
- X
- X I wish to thank the following people for supplying patchs:
- X
- X! Anton Aylward, Ned Danieley, Brent Ermlick, Carl Hage, Ed Hanway,
- X! Karl-Koenig Koenigsson, Kris Kugel, Hakan Lennestal, Clifford
- X! Luke, Bill Poitras, Nickolay Saukh, Rich Salz, Bart Sears, Karl-
- X! Olav Serrander, Doug Sewell, Cliff Stanford, Adri Verhoef, Cary
- X! Whitney
- X
- X+ I wish to thank the following people for bug reports/comments:
- X
- X! Klaus Arzig, Scott Babb, Reiner Balling, Volker Beyer, Roger
- X! Binns, Georg Biehler, Ian Brown, Andreas Brosig, Steven Cogswell,
- X! Tom Czarnik, David Donovan, Peter Dressler, Gerhard Ermer, Hugh
- X
- X
- X+ 15
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X
- X! TIN(1) Version 1.0 PL6
- X
- X
- X+ Fader, Joachim Feld, Paul Fox, Bernhard Gmelch, Viet Hoang,
- X+ Torsten Homeyer, Andy Jackson, Joe Johnson, Cyrill Jung, Hans-
- X+ Juergen Knopp, Bob Lukas, Phillip Molloy, Toni Metz, Greg Miller,
- X+ Klaus Neuberger, Otto Niesser, Reiner Oelhaf, Wolf Paul, Andrew
- X+ Phillips, Ted Richards, Fredy Schwatz, Bernd Schwerin, Klamer
- X+ Schutte, Chris Smith, Steve Spearman, Hironobu Takahashi, Sven
- X+ Werner
- X+
- X
- X Iain Lea
- X***************
- X*** 984,989 ****
- X
- X
- X
- X! 15
- X
- X
- X--- 1047,1055 ----
- X
- X
- X
- X!
- X!
- X!
- X! 16
- X
- X
- XFiles ../105/wildmat.3 and ./wildmat.3 are identical
- XFiles ../105/wildmat.c and ./wildmat.c are identical
- echo "File tin.patch06 is complete" &&
- $TOUCH -am 1104191391 tin.patch06 &&
- chmod 0600 tin.patch06 ||
- echo "restore of tin.patch06 failed"
- set `wc -c tin.patch06`;Wc_c=$1
- if test "$Wc_c" != "228422"; then
- echo original size 228422, current size $Wc_c
- fi
- rm -f shar3_seq_.tmp
- echo "You have unpacked the last part"
- exit 0
- --
- Dr. med. dipl.-math Dieter Becker Tel.: (0 / +49) 6841 - 16 3046
- Medizinische Universitaets- und Poliklinik Fax.: (0 / +49) 6841 - 16 3369
- Innere Medizin III
- D - 6650 Homburg / Saar Email: becker@med-in.uni-sb.de
- exit 0 # Just in case...
- --
- Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
- Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
- Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
- Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent@uunet.uu.net.