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- /*++
- /* NAME
- /* symbol 3
- /* rudimentary symbol table package
- /* #include "symbol.h"
- /*
- /* void sym_init()
- /*
- /* void sym_enter(name, type)
- /* char *name;
- /* int type;
- /*
- /* struct symbol *sym_find(name)
- /* char *name;
- /* This is a rudimentary symbol-table package, just enough to
- /* keep track of a couple of C keywords.
- /*
- /* sym_init() primes the table with C keywords. At present, most of
- /* the keywords that have to do with types are left out.
- /* We need a different strategy to detect type definitions because
- /* we do not keep track of typedef names.
- /*
- /* sym_enter() adds an entry to the symbol table.
- /*
- /* sym_find() locates a symbol table entry (it returns 0 if
- /* it is not found).
- /* AUTHOR(S)
- /* Wietse Venema
- /* Eindhoven University of Technology
- /* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- /* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- /* 91/11/30 21:10:33
- /* 1.2
- /*--*/
- static char symbol_sccsid[] = "@(#) symbol.c 1.2 91/11/30 21:10:33";
- /* C library */
- extern char *strcpy();
- extern char *malloc();
- /* Application-specific stuff */
- #include "error.h"
- #include "token.h"
- #include "symbol.h"
- #define SYM_TABSIZE 20
- static struct symbol *sym_tab[SYM_TABSIZE] = {0,};
- /* More string stuff. Maybe it should go to an #include file. */
- #define STREQ(x,y) (*(x) == *(y) && strcmp((x),(y)) == 0)
- /* hash - hash a string; original author: P. J. Weinberger at Bell Labs. */
- static unsigned hash(s, size)
- register char *s;
- unsigned size;
- {
- register unsigned long h = 0;
- register unsigned long g;
- /*
- * For a performance comparison with the hash function presented in K&R,
- * first edition, see the "Dragon" book by Aho, Sethi and Ullman.
- */
- while (*s) {
- h = (h << 4) + *s++;
- if (g = (h & 0xf0000000)) {
- h ^= (g >> 24);
- h ^= g;
- }
- }
- return (h % size);
- }
- /* sym_enter - enter symbol into table */
- void sym_enter(name, type)
- char *name;
- int type;
- {
- struct symbol *s;
- int where;
- if ((s = (struct symbol *) malloc(sizeof(*s))) == 0
- || (s->name = malloc(strlen(name) + 1)) == 0)
- error(1, "out of memory");
- (void) strcpy(s->name, name);
- s->type = type;
- where = hash(name, SYM_TABSIZE);
- s->next = sym_tab[where];
- sym_tab[where] = s;
- }
- /* sym_find - locate symbol definition */
- struct symbol *sym_find(name)
- register char *name;
- {
- register struct symbol *s;
- /*
- * This function is called for almost every "word" token, so it better be
- * fast.
- */
- for (s = sym_tab[hash(name, SYM_TABSIZE)]; s; s = s->next)
- if (STREQ(name, s->name))
- return (s);
- return (0);
- }
- /*
- * Initialization data for symbol table. We do not enter keywords for types.
- * We use a different strategy to detect type declarations because we do not
- * keep track of typedef names.
- */
- struct sym {
- char *name;
- int tokno;
- };
- static struct sym syms[] = {
- "if", TOK_CONTROL,
- "else", TOK_CONTROL,
- "while", TOK_CONTROL,
- "do", TOK_CONTROL,
- "switch", TOK_CONTROL,
- "case", TOK_CONTROL,
- "default", TOK_CONTROL,
- "return", TOK_CONTROL,
- "continue", TOK_CONTROL,
- "break", TOK_CONTROL,
- "goto", TOK_CONTROL,
- "struct", TOK_COMPOSITE,
- "union", TOK_COMPOSITE,
- 0,
- };
- /* sym_init - enter known keywords into symbol table */
- void sym_init()
- {
- register struct sym *p;
- for (p = syms; p->name; p++)
- sym_enter(p->name, p->tokno);
- }