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- /*++
- /* NAME
- /* tok_class 3
- /* token classification
- /* unproto
- /* #include "token.h"
- /*
- /* struct token *tok_class(skip)
- /* int skip;
- /* tok_class() collects a single and composite tokens, and
- /* recognizes keywords.
- /* At present, the only composite tokens are ()-delimited,
- /* comma-separated lists.
- /*
- /* The skip argument has the same meaning as with the tok_get()
- /* function.
- /* The code complains if input terminates in the middle of a list.
- /* BUGS
- /* Does not preserve white space at the beginning of a list element
- /* or after the end of a list.
- /* AUTHOR(S)
- /* Wietse Venema
- /* Eindhoven University of Technology
- /* Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
- /* Den Dolech 2, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
- /* 91/11/30 21:10:28
- /* 1.3
- /*--*/
- static char class_sccsid[] = "@(#) tok_class.c 1.3 91/11/30 21:10:28";
- /* C library */
- #include <stdio.h>
- extern char *strcpy();
- /* Application-specific stuff */
- #include "error.h"
- #include "vstring.h"
- #include "token.h"
- #include "symbol.h"
- static struct token *tok_list();
- static void tok_list_struct();
- static void tok_list_append();
- /* tok_space_append - append trailing space except after list */
- #define tok_space_append(list,t) { \
- if (list == 0 /* leading space*/ \
- || list->tokno == TOK_LIST) \
- tok_free(t); \
- else \
- tok_list_append(list, t); \
- }
- /* tok_class - discriminate single tokens, keywords, and composite tokens */
- struct token *tok_class(skip)
- int skip;
- {
- register struct token *t;
- register struct symbol *s;
- if (t = tok_get(skip)) {
- switch (t->tokno) {
- case '(': /* beginning of list */
- t = tok_list(t);
- break;
- case TOK_WORD: /* look up keyword */
- if (s = sym_find(t->vstr->str))
- t->tokno = s->type;
- break;
- }
- }
- return (t);
- }
- /* tok_list - collect ()-delimited, comma-separated list of tokens */
- static struct token *tok_list(t)
- struct token *t;
- {
- register struct token *list = tok_alloc();
- char filename[BUFSIZ];
- int lineno;
- /* Save context of '(' for diagnostics. */
- strcpy(filename, curr_path);
- lineno = curr_line;
- list->tokno = TOK_LIST;
- list->head = list->tail = t;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- strcpy(list->vstr->str, "LIST");
- #endif
- for (;;) {
- if ((t = tok_get(DO_WSPACE)) == 0) { /* skip blanks */
- error_where(0, filename, lineno, "unmatched '('");
- return (list); /* do not waste any data */
- }
- switch (t->tokno) {
- case ')': /* end of list */
- tok_free(t);
- return (list);
- case '{': /* struct/union type */
- tok_list_struct(list->tail, t);
- break;
- case TOK_WSPACE: /* preserve trailing blanks */
- tok_space_append(list->tail->tail, t); /* except after list */
- break;
- case '\n': /* preserve line count */
- tok_flush(t);
- break;
- case ',': /* list separator */
- tok_list_append(list, t);
- break;
- case '(': /* beginning of list */
- tok_list_append(list->tail, tok_list(t));
- break;
- default: /* ordinary token */
- tok_list_append(list->tail, t);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* tok_list_struct - collect structured type info within list */
- static void tok_list_struct(list, t)
- register struct token *list;
- register struct token *t;
- {
- tok_list_append(list, t);
- while (t = tok_class(DO_WSPACE)) {
- switch (t->tokno) {
- case '\n': /* preserve line count */
- tok_flush(t);
- break;
- case TOK_WSPACE: /* preserve trailing blanks */
- tok_space_append(list->tail, t); /* except after list */
- break;
- case '{': /* recurse */
- tok_list_struct(list, t);
- break;
- case '}': /* done */
- tok_list_append(list, t);
- return;
- default: /* other */
- tok_list_append(list, t);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* tok_list_append - append data to list */
- static void tok_list_append(h, t)
- struct token *h;
- struct token *t;
- {
- if (h->head == 0) {
- h->head = h->tail = t;
- } else {
- h->tail->next = t;
- h->tail = t;
- }
- }