home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- Path: xanth!mcnc!rutgers!ucsd!ames!necntc!ncoast!allbery
- From: pozar@hoptoad.UUCP (Tim Pozar)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v03i078: chmod for MS-DOS
- Message-ID: <4854@hoptoad.uucp>
- Date: 11 Jul 88 20:56:49 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Reply-To: pozar@hoptoad.UUCP (Tim Pozar)
- Organization: Syncstream/Widget Systems (San Francisco)
- Lines: 307
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Posting-number: Volume 3, Issue 78
- Submitted-by: "Tim Pozar" <pozar@hoptoad.UUCP>
- Archive-name: dos-chmod
- [Not shar'ed; I assume that unshar'ers for MS-DOS are not in common use. ++bsa]
- /*
- For MS-DOS.
- 11.July.1988
- This program is Freeware. You can use it to your hearts content without
- the feeling you are ripping me off. If you redistribute this source or
- binary, the copywrite statement must be included. Please see the help
- display for more info.
- I ripped off some of the "interface" from the UN*X CHMOD. I am also
- waiting for AT&T to sue me for "look-and-feel".
- I am giving out the source so you can compile it your-self, or as an
- education on how to do certain hacks.
- Some things you may want to check out are how to do file searches without
- going through Microsoft C 5.x's brain damaged _dos_findfirst() and
- _dos_findnext() functions. Also you may want to rip off the code to get
- the time and date out of MS-DOS's packed time and date ints.
- Tim
- If you want to send me fan mail:
- Tim Pozar
- 77 Maiden Lane
- San Francisco CA 94131
- (415) 788-2022
- FidoNet 1:125/406
- Internet Tim_Pozar@fidogate.fidonet.org
- Usenet {lll-winken, hoptoad}!fidogate!pozar
- */
- /*
- Makefile:
- --- cut here ---
- chmod.exe: chmod.c
- cl /Zp chmod.c
- --- cut here ---
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- /* Attribute bits */
- #define RO 0x01 /* Read only attribute. */
- #define HI 0x02 /* Hidden attribute, */
- #define SY 0x04 /* System attribute, */
- #define VO 0x08 /* Volume ID */
- #define DI 0x10 /* Subdirectory */
- #define AR 0x20 /* Archive, */
- #define U1 0x40 /* Unused */
- #define U2 0x80 /* Unused */
- #define SS 80 /* A string length */
- /* Structure for find first/next (find()).
- NOTE: the DPB pointer is a double word
- character pointer; here it is declared as a
- long, to avoid problems with the various
- size of char *'s.
- */
- struct _xfbuf {
- char s_attrib; /* Search attribute */
- /* These do not need to be initialized */
- char drive; /* 0 == current, 1 == A: ... */
- char fcbname[11]; /* FCB name, */
- unsigned ent;
- long dpb_ptr;
- unsigned dirstart;
- /* These are returned by DOS */
- char f_attrib; /* found attribute, */
- unsigned time; /* Packed time, */
- unsigned date; /* Packed date */
- long fsize; /* file size, */
- char name[13]; /* found name */
- };
- int ver = 1; /* version number */
- int rev = 0; /* revision number */
- int findflag = 0;
- int year,month,day,hour,minute,second;
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- char findname[SS]; /* Search name, may contain wild cards */
- char filename[SS]; /* Specific file name, no wild cards */
- int att;
- int i;
- int result;
- struct _xfbuf xfbuf;
- i = 0;
- printf("CHMOD %d.%d Copyright 1988 Tim Pozar FidoNet 1:125/406\n\n",ver,rev);
- if (argc <2){
- printf(" Syntax:\n");
- printf("%s [+-][ahsw] filename\n",argv[0]);
- printf(" Where\n");
- printf(" + = set bit or \"turn-on\"\n");
- printf(" - = reset bit or \"turn-off\"\n");
- printf(" a = Archive - Indicates file has NOT been backed up.\n");
- printf(" h = Hidden - Hides file from directory listings.\n");
- printf(" s = System - A hold over from CP/M. Will hide files too.\n");
- printf(" w = Write - Turns off or on Write permission.\n");
- printf(" All files have Read permission.\n");
- printf(" Only one bit can be toggled at once, but \"filename\" can \n");
- printf(" contain wildcards for global settings.\n");
- printf("\n");
- printf(" If you only specify the file name, you will get\n");
- printf(" a listing of the files with their attributes.\n");
- printf("\n");
- printf(" If you feel like you have to give money to some one for this\n");
- printf(" program, please send money to your local AIDS support group.\n");
- exit(1); /* Thanks to Wynn Wagner for the idea. */
- }else
- if (argc <3){
- strcpy(findname,argv[1]);
- } else {
- strcpy(findname,argv[2]);
- }
- printf("A = Archive, H = Hidden, S = System, R = Read Only\n");
- printf(" Filename Atrb Size Date Time\n");
- printf(" ------------ ---- ------ -------- ----------\n");
- while (find(findname,&xfbuf)) {
- strcpy(filename,xfbuf.name); /* get the found file name */
- printf(" %s",filename);
- for(i=0;i <= 13-strlen(filename);i++){
- printf(" "); /* make the table nice and pretty */
- }
- att = getatt(filename); /* get the attribute byte */
- if (argc == 3){
- switch (argv[1][0]){
- case '+':
- if (argv[1][1] == 'a'){
- putatt(filename, att | AR);
- }
- if (argv[1][1] == 'h'){
- putatt(filename, att | HI);
- }
- if (argv[1][1] == 's'){
- putatt(filename, att | SY);
- }
- if (argv[1][1] == 'w'){
- putatt(filename, att & (~RO));
- }
- break;
- case '-':
- if (argv[1][1] == 'a'){
- putatt(filename, att & (~AR));
- }
- if (argv[1][1] == 'h'){
- putatt(filename, att & (~HI));
- }
- if (argv[1][1] == 's'){
- putatt(filename, att & (~SY));
- }
- if (argv[1][1] == 'w'){
- putatt(filename, att | RO);
- }
- break;
- default:
- printf("I don't reconize %s as a valid change switch.",argv[1]);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- att = getatt(filename);
- if (att & AR) printf("A"); else printf(".");
- if (att & HI) printf("H"); else printf(".");
- if (att & SY) printf("S"); else printf(".");
- if (att & RO) printf("R"); else printf(".");
- printf(" %7lu ",xfbuf.fsize);
- /* This is the unpacker for Messy-DOS packed time and date ints. */
- year = xfbuf.date >> 9;
- month = (xfbuf.date >> 5) & 15;
- day = xfbuf.date & 31;
- printf(" %2u-%02u-%02u ",month,day,year+80);
- hour = xfbuf.time >> 11;
- minute = (xfbuf.time >> 5) & 63;
- second = (xfbuf.time & 31) << 1;
- if (hour > 12){
- printf(" %2u:%02u:%02upm ",hour-12,minute,second);
- }else{
- printf(" %2u:%02u:%02uam ",hour,minute,second);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- exit(0);
- } /* end main */
- find(pathname,pxfbuf)
- char *pathname;
- struct _xfbuf *pxfbuf;
- {
- union REGS inregs, outregs;
- unsigned int seg_val;
- unsigned int off_val;
- int found;
- seg_val = FP_SEG(pxfbuf);
- off_val = FP_OFF(pxfbuf); /* get the address of the structure */
- inregs.x.dx = off_val;
- inregs.h.ah = 26;
- intdos(&inregs,&outregs); /* set up DTA */
- inregs.x.dx = FP_OFF(pathname);
- inregs.x.cx = RO+HI+SY+AR; /* the search atributes */
- if (findflag == 0) {
- inregs.h.ah = 78; /* if this is the first time FIND FIRST */
- findflag = 1;
- } else {
- inregs.h.ah = 79; /* if this is not the first time FIND NEXT */
- }
- intdos(&inregs,&outregs);
- found = outregs.x.ax;
- if (found)
- return (0);
- return(1);
- }
- /*
- Get attribute byte from filename.
- */
- getatt(name)
- char *name;
- {
- union REGS inregs, outregs;
- inregs.x.dx = FP_OFF(name);
- inregs.h.ah = 67;
- inregs.h.al = 0;
- intdos(&inregs,&outregs);
- return(outregs.x.cx);
- }
- /*
- Put attibute bye with filename.
- */
- putatt(name,attribute)
- char *name;
- int attribute;
- {
- union REGS inregs, outregs;
- inregs.x.dx = FP_OFF(name);
- inregs.x.cx = attribute;
- inregs.h.ah = 67;
- inregs.h.al = 1;
- intdos(&inregs,&outregs);
- return(outregs.x.ax);
- }
- --
- ...sun!hoptoad!\ Tim Pozar
- >fidogate!pozar Fido: 1:125/406
- ...lll-winken!/ PaBell: (415) 788-3904
- USNail: KKSF / 77 Maiden Lane / San Francisco CA 94108