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- #include <stdio.h>
- /*
- * This is a short program for demonstrating the capabilities of egetopt().
- * Run it with various combinations of options and arguments on the command
- * line to see how egetopt() works.
- *
- * Experiment around with this by changing some of my settings and
- * recompiling.
- */
- #define OPT_STRING "abc~d~e?f?"
- /* Meaning:
- *
- * -a and -b take no arguments.
- * -c and -d take mandatory arguments (I set 'optneed' to '~', below).
- * -e and -f take optional arguments (I set 'optmaybe' to '?', below).
- */
- #define OPT_CHARS "-+="
- /* Meaning:
- *
- * Options can begin with '-', '+', or '='.
- */
- /*
- * New global variables used in egetopt() only:
- */
- extern int optneed; /* character used for mandatory arguments */
- extern int optmaybe; /* character used for optional arguments */
- extern int optchar; /* character which begins a given argument */
- extern int optbad; /* what egetopt() returns for a bad option */
- extern int opterrfd; /* where egetopt() error messages go */
- extern char *optstart; /* string which contains valid option start chars */
- /*
- * Global variables which exist in getopt() and egetopt():
- */
- extern int optind; /* index of current argv[] */
- extern int optopt; /* the actual option pointed to */
- extern int opterr; /* set to 0 to suppress egetopt's error messages */
- extern char *optarg; /* the argument of the option */
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int ch;
- opterrfd = fileno(stdout); /* errors to stdout */
- opterr = 0; /* set this to 1 to get egetopt's error msgs */
- optbad = '!'; /* return '!' instead of '?' on error */
- optneed = '~'; /* mandatory arg identifier (in OPT_STRING) */
- optmaybe = '?'; /* optional arg identifier (in OPT_STRING) */
- optstart = OPT_CHARS; /* characters that can start options */
- while ((ch = egetopt(argc, argv, OPT_STRING)) != EOF) {
- printf("\n\toption index (optind) after egetopt(): %5d\n",
- optind);
- printf("\t\tegetopt() return value: %c (%d)\n",
- ch, ch);
- printf("\t\tchar that begins option (optchar): %c\n",
- optchar);
- printf("\t\tactual char looked at (optopt): %c\n",
- optopt);
- printf("\t\toption argument: \"%s\"\n",
- optarg == NULL ? "(null)" : optarg);
- }
- for (; optind < argc; ++optind) {
- printf("\n\targument index %5d\n",
- optind);
- printf("\t\targument: \"%s\"\n",
- argv[optind] == NULL ? "(null)" : argv[optind]);
- }
- exit(0);
- }