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- /*********************************************
- * GIFtoPS Converter *
- * *
- * May 16, 1988 by Scott Hemphill *
- * *
- * I wrote this program, and hereby place it *
- * in the public domain, i.e. there are no *
- * copying restrictions of any kind. *
- *********************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- char *malloc();
- int strncmp();
- #define min(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
- #define FALSE 0
- #define TRUE 1
- typedef int bool;
- typedef struct codestruct {
- struct codestruct *prefix;
- unsigned char first,suffix;
- } codetype;
- FILE *infile;
- unsigned int screenwidth; /* The dimensions of the screen */
- unsigned int screenheight; /* (not those of the image) */
- bool global; /* Is there a global color map? */
- int globalbits; /* Number of bits of global colors */
- unsigned char globalmap[256][3]; /* RGB values for global color map */
- char colortable[256][3]; /* Hex intensity strings for an image */
- unsigned char *raster; /* Decoded image data */
- codetype *codetable; /* LZW compression code data */
- int datasize,codesize,codemask; /* Decoder working variables */
- int clear,eoi; /* Special code values */
- void usage()
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"usage: giftops input-file > output-file\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- void fatal(s)
- char *s;
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"giftops: %s\n",s);
- exit(-1);
- }
- void checksignature()
- {
- char buf[6];
- fread(buf,1,6,infile);
- if (strncmp(buf,"GIF",3)) fatal("file is not a GIF file");
- if (strncmp(&buf[3],"87a",3)) fatal("unknown GIF version number");
- }
- /* Get information which is global to all the images stored in the file */
- void readscreen()
- {
- unsigned char buf[7];
- fread(buf,1,7,infile);
- screenwidth = buf[0] + (buf[1] << 8);
- screenheight = buf[2] + (buf[3] << 8);
- global = buf[4] & 0x80;
- if (global) {
- globalbits = (buf[4] & 0x07) + 1;
- fread(globalmap,3,1<<globalbits,infile);
- }
- }
- /* Convert a color map (local or global) to an array of two character
- hexadecimal strings, stored in colortable. RGB is converted to
- 8-bit grayscale using integer arithmetic. */
- void initcolors(colortable,colormap,ncolors)
- char colortable[256][3];
- unsigned char colormap[256][3];
- int ncolors;
- {
- static char hextab[] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7',
- '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'};
- register unsigned color;
- register i;
- for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i++) {
- color = 77*colormap[i][0] + 150*colormap[i][1] + 29*colormap[i][2];
- color >>= 8;
- colortable[i][0] = hextab[color >> 4];
- colortable[i][1] = hextab[color & 15];
- colortable[i][2] = '\0';
- }
- }
- /* Write a postscript header to the standard output. Standard paper size
- (8.5 by 11) is hard-coded, as is the whole initialization sequence. */
- void writeheader(left,top,width,height)
- unsigned left,top,width,height;
- {
- double scale;
- int scaledwidth,scaledheight;
- scale = min(648.0/screenwidth, 468.0/screenheight);
- scaledwidth = (int)(scale*screenwidth+0.5);
- scaledheight = (int)(scale*screenheight+0.5);
- printf("currentscreen /proc exch def /angle exch def /frequency exch def\n");
- printf("/angle 90 def /frequency 60 def\n");
- printf("frequency angle /proc load setscreen\n");
- printf("/picstr %d string def\n",width);
- printf("/screen {%d %d 8 [%d 0 0 -%d 0 %d]\n",width,height,width,height,height);
- printf(" {currentfile picstr readhexstring pop} image} def\n");
- printf("%d %d translate 90 rotate %d %d scale screen\n",
- 306+(scaledheight>>1),396-(scaledwidth>>1),
- scaledwidth, scaledheight);
- }
- /* Output the bytes associated with a code to the raster array */
- void outcode(p,fill)
- register codetype *p;
- register unsigned char **fill;
- {
- if (p->prefix) outcode(p->prefix,fill);
- *(*fill)++ = p->suffix;
- }
- /* Process a compression code. "clear" resets the code table. Otherwise
- make a new code table entry, and output the bytes associated with the
- code. */
- void process(code,fill)
- register code;
- unsigned char **fill;
- {
- static avail,oldcode;
- register codetype *p;
- if (code == clear) {
- codesize = datasize + 1;
- codemask = (1 << codesize) - 1;
- avail = clear + 2;
- oldcode = -1;
- } else if (code < avail) {
- outcode(&codetable[code],fill);
- if (oldcode != -1) {
- p = &codetable[avail++];
- p->prefix = &codetable[oldcode];
- p->first = p->prefix->first;
- p->suffix = codetable[code].first;
- if ((avail & codemask) == 0 && avail < 4096) {
- codesize++;
- codemask += avail;
- }
- }
- oldcode = code;
- } else if (code == avail && oldcode != -1) {
- p = &codetable[avail++];
- p->prefix = &codetable[oldcode];
- p->first = p->prefix->first;
- p->suffix = p->first;
- outcode(p,fill);
- if ((avail & codemask) == 0 && avail < 4096) {
- codesize++;
- codemask += avail;
- }
- oldcode = code;
- } else {
- fatal("illegal code in raster data");
- }
- }
- /* Decode a raster image */
- void readraster(width,height)
- unsigned width,height;
- {
- unsigned char *fill = raster;
- unsigned char buf[255];
- register bits=0;
- register unsigned count,datum=0;
- register unsigned char *ch;
- register int code;
- datasize = getc(infile);
- clear = 1 << datasize;
- eoi = clear+1;
- codesize = datasize + 1;
- codemask = (1 << codesize) - 1;
- codetable = (codetype*)malloc(4096*sizeof(codetype));
- if (!codetable) fatal("not enough memory for code table");
- for (code = 0; code < clear; code++) {
- codetable[code].prefix = (codetype*)0;
- codetable[code].first = code;
- codetable[code].suffix = code;
- }
- for (count = getc(infile); count > 0; count = getc(infile)) {
- fread(buf,1,count,infile);
- for (ch=buf; count-- > 0; ch++) {
- datum += *ch << bits;
- bits += 8;
- while (bits >= codesize) {
- code = datum & codemask;
- datum >>= codesize;
- bits -= codesize;
- if (code == eoi) goto exitloop; /* This kludge put in
- because some GIF files
- aren't standard */
- process(code,&fill);
- }
- }
- }
- exitloop:
- if (fill != raster + width*height) fatal("raster has the wrong size");
- free(codetable);
- }
- /* Read a row out of the raster image and write it to the output file */
- void rasterize(row,width)
- int row,width;
- {
- register unsigned char *scanline;
- register i;
- scanline = raster + row*width;
- for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
- if (i % 40 == 0) printf("\n"); /* break line every 80 chars */
- fputs(colortable[*scanline++],stdout);
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- /* write image trailer to standard output */
- void writetrailer()
- {
- printf("showpage\n");
- }
- /* Read image information (position, size, local color map, etc.) and convert
- to postscript. */
- void readimage()
- {
- unsigned char buf[9];
- unsigned left,top,width,height;
- bool local,interleaved;
- char localmap[256][3];
- int localbits;
- int *interleavetable;
- register row;
- register i;
- fread(buf,1,9,infile);
- left = buf[0] + (buf[1] << 8);
- top = buf[2] + (buf[3] << 8);
- width = buf[4] + (buf[5] << 8);
- height = buf[6] + (buf[7] << 8);
- local = buf[8] & 0x80;
- interleaved = buf[8] & 0x40;
- if (local) {
- localbits = (buf[8] & 0x7) + 1;
- fread(localmap,3,1<<localbits,infile);
- initcolors(colortable,localmap,1<<localbits);
- } else if (global) {
- initcolors(colortable,globalmap,1<<globalbits);
- } else {
- fatal("no colormap present for image");
- }
- writeheader(left,top,width,height);
- raster = (unsigned char*)malloc(width*height);
- if (!raster) fatal("not enough memory for image");
- readraster(width,height);
- if (interleaved) {
- interleavetable = (int*)malloc(height*sizeof(int));
- if (!interleavetable) fatal("not enough memory for interleave table");
- row = 0;
- for (i = top; i < top+height; i += 8) interleavetable[i] = row++;
- for (i = top+4; i < top+height; i += 8) interleavetable[i] = row++;
- for (i = top+2; i < top+height; i += 4) interleavetable[i] = row++;
- for (i = top+1; i < top+height; i += 2) interleavetable[i] = row++;
- for (row = top; row < top+height; row++) rasterize(interleavetable[row],width);
- free(interleavetable);
- } else {
- for (row = top; row < top+height; row++) rasterize(row,width);
- }
- free(raster);
- writetrailer();
- }
- /* Read a GIF extension block (and do nothing with it). */
- void readextension()
- {
- unsigned char code,count;
- char buf[255];
- code = getc(infile);
- while (count = getc(infile)) fread(buf,1,count,infile);
- }
- main(argc,argv)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- int quit = FALSE;
- char ch;
- if (argc != 2) usage();
- infile = fopen(argv[1],"r");
- if (!infile) {
- perror("giftops");
- exit(-1);
- }
- checksignature();
- readscreen();
- do {
- ch = getc(infile);
- switch (ch) {
- case '\0': break; /* this kludge for non-standard files */
- case ',': readimage();
- break;
- case ';': quit = TRUE;
- break;
- case '!': readextension();
- break;
- default: fatal("illegal GIF block type");
- break;
- }
- } while (!quit);
- }