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- Path: xanth!mcnc!gatech!bloom-beacon!mit-eddie!ll-xn!ames!necntc!ncoast!allbery
- From: srcs@frito.UUCP
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v03i053: hc -- side-by-side file catenator
- Message-ID: <8806060300.AA05293@ccicpg>
- Date: 4 Jun 88 23:25:32 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Reply-To: srcs@frito.UUCP
- Lines: 540
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- comp.sources.misc: Volume 3, Issue 53
- Submitted-By: "A. Nonymous" <srcs@frito.UUCP>
- Archive-Name: hc
- ["pr -m -t" with better control over the columns. ++bsa]
- Here's a little utility that I wrote, based on the Knowlogy documentation,
- originally available only under CP/M. The code is original, the design
- is acknowledged in the header comments. I have packed the documentation,
- test files and source into the source file. No makefile is needed, just
- cc -o hc hc.c and run the tests.
- Questions/bugs/flames to Bill Cox, (714)631-4452 (voice)
- or uunet!ccicpg!frito!bill
- Please let me know when you receive this, and if you have any comments or
- suggestions before posting it. THANKS for all the work that you do to
- make stuff like this available to people.
- thanks,
- Bill
- [Cheap shar from inside the editor, why can't/don't people read?! ++bsa]
- sed 's/^X//' << \EOF > hc.c
- X/*
- X * hc [-s] [+tab | -col | -l str | filename] ...
- X *
- X *
- X * hc concatenates files horizontally. It concatenates correspon-
- X * ding lines from files. The effects of hc are best visualized by
- X * imagining the files to be printed on long strips of paper with
- X * Velcro strips on the left and right margins; hc sticks these
- X * files together to make one wide file on the standard output.
- X *
- X * Besides file names, the command line can contain tab positions,
- X * column numbers, and literal strings. A maximum of thirteen files
- X * can be specified.
- X *
- X * a TAB POSITION is denoted by a positive decimal number. It
- X * specifies that the next item should be placed at a particular
- X * column. The first column number is one. For example, a tab
- X * position of five would cause the next item to be placed at column
- X * 5 in the output. If the last argument is a tab position, then
- X * each line of output will contain enough trailing spaces to bring
- X * it to that column.
- X *
- X * a START POSITION is denoted by a negative decimal. It specifies
- X * the left margin of the next file to be concatenated. The first
- X * column is number one, and normally the left margin number is one.
- X * For a start column number greater than one, the first (col-1)
- X * characters of each line of the next file are discarded.
- X *
- X * a LITERAL STRING is preceded by a '-l' flag. It may be surrounded
- X * by double quotes (under DOS, at least). It specifies characters
- X * to be inserted in every output line at its relative position in
- X * the argument list. In an extension to the Knowlogy HC, this
- X * version interprets the standard C backslashed escape codes. The
- X * following command interleaves lines from the two files, separa-
- X * ting them by a '\n' or newline:
- X * hc file1 -l "\n" file2
- X *
- X * Of necessity, all tabs are expanded to spaces upon input, so that
- X * columns can be determined. On output, spaces are compressed back
- X * to tabs, and, unless a TAB POSITION argument follows the last
- X * file name, trailing spaces are removed from each line.
- X *
- X * All files but the longest are conceptually padded at the bottom
- X * with zero-length lines to bring all files to bring to the same
- X * length. That is, concatenation continues until the end of every
- X * file is encountered. However, if there are one or more literal
- X * strings in the argument list, at least one line of output will be
- X * written even if all files are empty or no files are specified.
- X *
- X * The -s flag prevents the output from including any tabs; that is,
- X * the normal tab compression of the output line is suppressed.
- X *
- X *
- X * Assume the files A, B, and C, whose contents are as follows:
- X *
- X * 00000000011111111112
- X * 12345678901234567890
- X * -- this is file A --
- X * Little Miss Muffet
- X * Sat on her tuffet,
- X * Eating her curds
- X * and whey.
- X * Along came a spider
- X * Who sat down
- X * beside her,
- X * And frightened
- X * Miss Muffet away.
- X *
- X * 000000000111111111122222222223
- X * 123456789012345678901234567890
- X * -- this is file B --
- X * Four score and seven years
- X * ago, our fathers brought forth
- X * upon this continent a new
- X * nation, conceived in liberty,
- X * and dedicated to the
- X * proposition that all men are
- X * created equal.
- X *
- X * 0000000001
- X * 1234567890
- X * - file C -
- X * gimme a U
- X * gimme an N
- X * gimme an I
- X * gimme a C
- X * gimme an A
- X * whazzat
- X * spell?
- X * whazzat
- X * spell?
- X * arright!
- X *
- X * Example: hc A B C simply concatenate the files, making
- X * no attempt to justify any margins.
- X *
- X * 000000000111111111120000000001111111111222222222230000000001
- X * 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- X * -- this is file A -- -- this is file B --- file C -
- X * Little Miss MuffetFour score and seven yearsgimme a U
- X * Sat on her tuffet,ago, our fathers brought forthgimme an N
- X * Eating her curdsupon this continent a newgimme an I
- X * and whey.nation, conceived in liberty,gimme a C
- X * Along came a spiderand dedicated to thegimme an A
- X * Who sat downproposition that all men arewhazzat
- X * beside her,created equal. spell?
- X * And frightenedwhazzat
- X * Miss Muffet away. spell?
- X * arright!
- X *
- X * Example: hc A +21 B +51 C This concatenates the three files,
- X * with file A starting at column 1,
- X * file B starting at column 21, and
- X * file C starting at column 51.
- X *
- X * 000000000111111111120000000001111111111222222222230000000001
- X * 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- X * -- this is file A -- -- this is file B -- - file C -
- X * Little Miss Muffet Four score and seven years gimme a U
- X * Sat on her tuffet, ago, our fathers brought forthgimme an N
- X * Eating her curds upon this continent a new gimme an I
- X * and whey. nation, conceived in liberty, gimme a C
- X * Along came a spider and dedicated to the gimme an A
- X * Who sat down proposition that all men are whazzat
- X * beside her, created equal. spell?
- X * And frightened whazzat
- X * Miss Muffet away. spell?
- X * arright!
- X *
- X * Example: hc B +40 A Concatenate files B, starting at column 1,
- X * and A, starting at column 40. The two files
- X * are displayed side by side for comparison
- X * viewing.
- X *
- X * 000000000111111111122222222223 00000000011111111112
- X * 123456789012345678901234567890 12345678901234567890
- X * -- this is file B -- -- this is file A --
- X * Four score and seven years Little Miss Muffet
- X * ago, our fathers brought forth Sat on her tuffet,
- X * upon this continent a new Eating her curds
- X * nation, conceived in liberty, and whey.
- X * and dedicated to the Along came a spider
- X * proposition that all men are Who sat down
- X * created equal. beside her,
- X * And frightened
- X * Miss Muffet away.
- X *
- X *
- X * Example: hc -5 B +17 Chop the first 4 and last 5 columns off
- X * of file B.
- X * 0000011111111112
- X * 5678901234567890
- X * -- this is file
- X * score and seven
- X * our fathers bro
- X * this continent
- X * on, conceived in
- X * dedicated to the
- X * osition that all
- X * ted equal.
- X *
- X *
- X * Example: hc -s -5 A +10 +15 -5 C +50 Concatenate file A (starting with
- X * its fifth column), and cut it off
- X * 000001111 000001 when it reaches column 9 (just be-
- X * 567890123 567890 fore column 10); then add file B
- X * his is fi le C - (startint with its fifth column)
- X * le Miss M e a U beginning at column 15; then pad
- X * on her tu e an N out with spaces through column 49
- X * ng her cu e an I (just before column 50). Don't
- X * d whey. e a C compress spaces to tabs.
- X * g came a e an A
- X * sat down zat
- X * side her, ell?
- X * frightene zat
- X * ss Muffet ell?
- X * ght!
- X *
- X *
- X * Example: hc A "-----" B Concatenate files A and B, with
- X * five dashes between them.
- X *
- X * 00000000011111111112-----000000000111111111122222222223
- X * 12345678901234567890-----123456789012345678901234567890
- X * -- this is file A ------- -- this is file B --
- X * Little Miss Muffet-----Four score and seven years
- X * Sat on her tuffet,-----ago, our fathers brought forth
- X * Eating her curds-----upon this continent a new
- X * and whey.-----nation, conceived in liberty,
- X * Along came a spider-----and dedicated to the
- X * Who sat down-----proposition that all men are
- X * beside her,-----created equal.
- X * And frightened-----
- X * Miss Muffet away.-----
- X *
- X *
- X * Example: hc "| " A +24 "|| " C +38 "|"
- X * Concatenate files A and C,
- X * with vertical walls sur-
- X * rounding them.
- X *
- X * | 00000000011111111112 || 0000000001 |
- X * | 12345678901234567890 || 1234567890 |
- X * | -- this is file A -- || - file C - |
- X * | Little Miss Muffet || gimme a U |
- X * | Sat on her tuffet, || gimme an N |
- X * | Eating her curds || gimme an I |
- X * | and whey. || gimme a C |
- X * | Along came a spider || gimme an A |
- X * | Who sat down || whazzat |
- X * | beside her, || spell? |
- X * | And frightened || whazzat |
- X * | Miss Muffet away. || spell? |
- X * | || arright! |
- X *
- X *
- X * Example: ls ? | hc -s "sp " - " | pr" > tmp
- X *
- X * sp A | pr This example builds a shell
- X * sp B | pr script to be run. The script
- X * sp C | pr will run the spelling checker
- X * sp D | pr on each file and print its
- X * output.
- X *
- X * Example: hc -s input > tmp Expand tabs to spaces while
- X * copying input to tmp.
- X *
- X * Example: ... | hc - > tmp Compact spaces to tabs while
- X * copying stdin to tmp.
- X *
- X * From the Unica hc utility published by Knowlogy, Inc. in 1982, for
- X * use under CP/M. As far as I know, Knowlogy no longer exists. The
- X * above documentation is quoted nearly verbatim from the Unica manual.
- X * My thanks to Knowlogy's people for a most useful design.
- X *
- X * Comments and bugs to:
- X * Bill Cox (714)631-4452 (voice)
- X */
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include <ctype.h>
- X#include <string.h>
- X/* #include <stdlib.h> /* for atoi */
- X
- X#define TRUE 1
- X#define FALSE 0
- X
- X#define LINELEN 256
- X#define LITLEN 80
- X#define NARGS 13
- X#define TABINT 8 /* tab interval, in columns */
- X
- X#define FIL 0 /* remember what type arg */
- X#define LIT 1 /* stored in parmtype */
- X#define TAB 2
- X#define STR 3
- X
- Xint ch,
- X sflag = 0, /* TRUE when "-s" flag specified */
- X filesact = 0, /* count of active files */
- X filecnt = 0, /* count of specified file names */
- X actarg = 0, /* actual argument-table index */
- X saweof[NARGS], /* TRUE when this file reaches EOF */
- X parmtype[NARGS], /* type of current argument */
- X tabposn[NARGS], /* TAB POSITION arguments here */
- X startcol[NARGS]; /* START COLUMN arguments here */
- Xchar literals[NARGS][LITLEN]; /* LITERAL arguments here */
- XFILE *infiles[NARGS]; /* FILE argument handles here */
- X
- Xextern void exit();
- Xvoid usage(); /* forward declaration */
- X
- Xmain(argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X {
- X int argno, i, j, k;
- X
- X if (argc == 1) /* informational prompt */
- X usage();
- X/*
- X * collect input line arguments, initialize
- X */
- X tabposn[0] = startcol[0] = 0;
- X for (argno = 1; argno < argc; argno++) {
- X saweof[argno] = TRUE;
- X startcol[argno] = 0;
- X tabposn[argno] = 0;
- X switch (argv[argno][0]) {
- X /*
- X * tab position - the next literal or input line will
- X * be placed at this column in the output line.
- X */
- X case '+':
- X tabposn[actarg] = atoi(&argv[argno][1])-1;
- X parmtype[actarg++] = TAB;
- X break;
- X
- X case '-':
- X switch (argv[argno][1]) {
- X case 's': case 'S':
- X sflag = TRUE;
- X break;
- X
- X case 'l': case 'L':
- X argno++; /* NEXT arg is literal */
- X if (argno >= argc) {
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "hc: missing literal argument\n");
- X exit(4);
- X }
- X if (strlen(argv[argno]) > LITLEN-1) {
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "hc: literal %d too long\n", argno-1);
- X exit(3);
- X }
- X /*
- X * copy string literal, interpreting backslash notation
- X */
- X for (i = j = 0; (ch = argv[argno][j++]) != '\0';)
- X if (ch != '\\')
- X literals[actarg][i++] = ch;
- X else
- X switch (argv[argno][j++]) {
- X case 'n': /* newline */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\n'; break;
- X case 't': /* horizontal tab */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\t'; break;
- X case 'v': /* vertical tab */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\v'; break;
- X case 'b': /* backspace */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\b'; break;
- X case 'r': /* carriage return */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\r'; break;
- X case 'f': /* form feed */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\f'; break;
- X case '\\': /* actual backslash */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\\'; break;
- X case '\'': /* single quote */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\''; break;
- X case '\"': /* double quote */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\"'; break;
- X case '\0': /* '\' at end */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\\';
- X --j; /* let FOR see null */
- X break;
- X default: /* not recognized */
- X literals[actarg][i++] = '\\';
- X literals[actarg][i++] = ch;
- X break;
- X } /* switch */
- X literals[actarg][i] = '\0';
- X parmtype[actarg++] = LIT;
- X break;
- X
- X case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- X case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- X case '8': case '9': /* col number */
- X startcol[actarg] = atoi(&argv[argno][1])-1;
- X parmtype[actarg++] = STR;
- X break;
- X
- X case '\0': /* lone '-' is ref to stdin */
- X filesact++;
- X filecnt++;
- X infiles[actarg] = stdin;
- X saweof[actarg] = FALSE;
- X parmtype[actarg++] = FIL;
- X break;
- X
- X default:
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "hc: unrecognized option=%s\n",
- X argv[argno]);
- X usage();
- X } /* inner switch */
- X break;
- X
- X default: /* open the file */
- X if (argno > NARGS) {
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "hc: too many file names\n");
- X continue;
- X }
- X if ((infiles[actarg] = fopen(argv[argno], "r")) != NULL) {
- X saweof[actarg] = FALSE;
- X filesact++;
- X filecnt++;
- X }
- X else {
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "hc: can't access %s\n", argv[actarg]);
- X exit(2);
- X }
- X actarg++;
- X break;
- X } /* outer switch */
- X } /* for */
- X/*
- X * process input lines, generate output
- X */
- X
- X do {
- X char bufin[NARGS][LINELEN], /* input file line buffers here */
- X intmp[LINELEN], /* buffer for tab expansion */
- X bufout[LINELEN]; /* output buffer */
- X
- X bufout[0] = '\0'; /* ready for output */
- X for (argno = 0; argno < actarg; argno++) {
- X switch (parmtype[argno]) {
- X case TAB: /* pad/truncate bufout */
- X if ((j = tabposn[argno]-strlen(bufout)) < 0)
- X bufout[tabposn[argno]] = '\0';
- X else
- X for (; j > 0; j--)
- X strcat(bufout, " ");
- X break;
- X
- X case LIT: /* output the literal */
- X for (j = strlen(bufout), k = startcol[argno-1];
- X (bufout[j++] = literals[argno][k++]) != 0;);
- X bufout[j] = '\0';
- X break;
- X
- X case FIL: /* get next line into intmp */
- X if (saweof[argno] == TRUE)
- X intmp[0] = '\0';
- X else if (fgets(intmp, LINELEN, infiles[argno]) != NULL)
- X if (intmp[strlen(intmp)-1] == '\n')
- X intmp[strlen(intmp)-1] = '\0';
- X else {
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "hc: input line length > ");
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "%d chars, truncated.\n",
- X exit(2);
- X }
- X else {
- X intmp[0] = '\0';
- X filesact--;
- X saweof[argno] = TRUE;
- X }
- X /*
- X * expand TABs from intmp into spaces in bufin
- X */
- X for (i = 0, j = 0; (ch = intmp[j++]) != '\0';)
- X if (ch == '\t')
- X for (k = TABINT - (i % TABINT); k-- > 0;)
- X bufin[argno][i++] = ' ';
- X else
- X bufin[argno][i++] = ch;
- X bufin[argno][i] = '\0';
- X /*
- X * move bufin into bufout, if it's not null string
- X */
- X if (bufin[argno][0] != '\0') {
- X for (j = strlen(bufout), k = startcol[argno-1];
- X (bufout[j++] = bufin[argno][k++]) != 0;);
- X bufout[j] = '\0';
- X }
- X break;
- X } /* switch */
- X } /* for */
- X
- X /*
- X * compress tabs in bufout
- X */
- X if (!sflag) {
- X int sp;
- X
- X strcpy(intmp, bufout);
- X for (i = 0, j = 0, sp = 0; (ch = intmp[j++]) != '\0';) {
- X if (ch == ' ') {
- X sp++;
- X if ((sp > 1) && ((j % TABINT) == 0)) {
- X bufout[i++] = '\t';
- X sp = 0;
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X while (sp > 0) {
- X bufout[i++] = ' ';
- X sp--;
- X }
- X bufout[i++] = ch;
- X }
- X }
- X bufout[i] = '\0';
- X }
- X
- X /*
- X * remove trailing blanks
- X */
- X if (tabposn[actarg-1] == 0) {
- X j = strlen(bufout);
- X while (bufout[--j] == ' ')
- X ;
- X bufout[j+1] = '\0';
- X }
- X/*
- X * if there were input files specified, and all files have reached EOF,
- X * don't bother to output this line.
- X */
- X if ((filecnt != 0) && (filesact != 0)) {
- X fputs(bufout, stdout);
- X fputc('\n', stdout);
- X }
- X } while (filesact > 0);
- X exit(0); /* successful return */
- X } /* hc routine */
- X
- X
- Xvoid usage() {
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, "usage:");
- X (void)fprintf(stderr, " hc [-s] [+tab | -col | -l \"str\" | filename] ...\n");
- X exit(2);
- X }
- exit 0