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- UUNET comp.sources.misc Index for Volume 3
- Please note that for netlib access, you need to prefix the filename of the
- issue you are requesting with the volume number. E.g.
- send volume14/lc/part01 from comp.sources.misc
- send volume14/lc/part02 from comp.sources.misc
- send volume16/lc/patch1 from comp.sources.misc
- send volume16/lc/patch2 from comp.sources.misc
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- activ program for keeping timed transcript for activity logs
- anotherprompt. csh prompt generator
- ascii print an ASCII table the way I want it
- bpe Screen oriented binary patch editor
- bt-rio record I/O library for use with btree package
- btree btree library
- calcdate calcdate.c -- date calculator
- can2 "can" a fast "C" version, a great alias for "rm"
- clock clock program
- clockrepost clock program (another attempt at v03i056)
- core_notice Mail users about old files
- dnamail SUN <-> DECNET mailer
- do do.c - a calendar-like utility
- donice donice system call for Nuxi VAX-11
- dos-chmod chmod for MS-DOS
- egetopt egetopt: extended getopt()
- epf Re: v03i081: a csh alias to print out the path with reference numbers
- faces/part01 faces - a visual mail and print monitor for Suns. Part 1 of 2.
- faces/part02 faces - a visual mail and print monitor for Suns. Part 2 of 2.
- finder A Directory Finder
- getline getline -- get a long line
- getpath Getpath.c Submission
- giftops GIF -> PostScript Converter
- hc hc -- side-by-side file catenator
- hexcalc1.1 hexcalc 1.1
- hold hold -- yet another overwrite
- hold2 hold -- terminate a pipe with its input
- index2.1 v03INF1: Index for Volume 2 (1 of 2)
- index2.2 v03INF2: Index for Volume 2 (2 of 2)
- index2.3 v03INF3: Welcome to comp.sources.misc! (Last changed: 4/1/88)
- index2.4 v03INF4: Index for Volume 2 since format change
- index2.5 v03INF5: comp.sources.misc Index to Volume 3 (to date)
- indexmac Creating index listings with [nt]roff
- kiface key mapping library for curses type applications
- mail-s mail xmit with subject and suppression
- mg2a/part01 Mg 2a part 1 of 15
- mg2a/part02 mg 2a part 2 of 15
- mg2a/part03 mg 2a part 3 of 15
- mg2a/part04 mg 2a part 4 of 15
- mg2a/part05 mg 2a part 5 of 15
- mg2a/part06 mg 2a part 6 of 15
- mg2a/part07 mg 2a part 7 of 15
- mg2a/part08 mg 2a part 8 of 15
- mg2a/part09 mg 2a part 9 of 15
- mg2a/part10 mg 2a part 10 of 15
- mg2a/part11 mg 2a part 11 of 15
- mg2a/part12 mg 2a part 12 of 15
- mg2a/part13 mg 2a part 13 of 15
- mg2a/part14 mg 2a part 14 of 15
- mg2a/part15 mg 2a part 15 of 15
- mmake mmake - Make for multiple environments
- more-xmas Re: v03i076: Just for fun (something which once appeared on the net)
- newspaths Perl program for accumulating Usenet traffic statistics
- nobs backspace filter
- nuudecode comp.sources.misc posting request
- p A prompt generator program
- pathindex a csh alias to print out the path with reference numbers
- pcmail/part01 uucp mail for pc's (1 of 8)
- pcmail/part02 uucp mail for pc's (2 of 8)
- pcmail/part03 uucp mail for pc's (3 of 8)
- pcmail/part04 uucp mail for pc's (4 of 8)
- pcmail/part05 uucp mail for pc's (5 of 8)
- pcmail/part06 uucp mail for pc's (6 of 8)
- pcmail/part07 uucp mail for pc's (7 of 8)
- pcmail/part08 uucp mail for pc's (8 of 8)
- pcmail/patch1 uucp mail for pc's: minor patch
- perlshar a perl shar file maker
- ppt My favorite csh prompt generator
- proto ANSI prototypes builder for C.
- psc psc -- format and print the user area of a core file
- quickprompt Re: v03i070: csh prompt generator
- redo "redo"
- rename.sh File renaming utility
- rose A sunview program to draw "roses"
- rrcount Reagan Countdown Program!
- rrcount.pas Reagan countdown program for VAX/VMS Pascal
- runfilter runfilter for Sun textedit
- safe-rm Hello Again
- send send, reply, shout, huh, stom -- For SysV.
- shar2 shar2
- sm-smtp Sendmail replacement for smail sites
- sort-.newsrc .newsrc shrinking/sorting programs
- sys5-phone VAX-like Phone Utility for SysV
- sysvbanner SYSV-like banner program for clock (v03i056) on BSD systems
- totri Trigraph converter
- utc N.B.S. Time Service program
- vms-hangman/part01 Hangman for VMS -- Part 1 of 2
- vms-hangman/part02 Hangman for VMS, part 2 of 2
- vms-unix VMS --> UNIX file name converter, using emacs backup numbers
- welcome Welcome program for Ultrix
- which fast 'which(ucb)' command
- which2 another fast 'which(ucb)' command
- xenix-fuser fuser for 386 xenix (+ repost of Unix PC version)
- xmases Just for fun (something which once appeared on the net)
- yacshppt Another csh prompt generator