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Text File | 1989-02-03 | 24.8 KB | 1,040 lines |
- Path: xanth!mcnc!ncsuvx!lll-winken!lll-tis!ames!necntc!ncoast!allbery
- From: gandalf@csli.stanford.edu (Juergen Wagner)
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- Subject: v03i041: File renaming utility
- Message-ID: <8805281852.AA06643@uunet.UU.NET>
- Date: 28 May 88 18:51:50 GMT
- Sender: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- Reply-To: gandalf@csli.stanford.edu (Juergen Wagner)
- Organization: Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford U.
- Lines: 1026
- Approved: allbery@ncoast.UUCP
- comp.sources.misc: Volume 3, Issue 41
- Submitted-By: "Juergen Wagner" <gandalf@csli.stanford.edu>
- Archive-Name: rename.sh
- Here comes a file renaming utility. I know, there are nifty shell scripts
- and weird sed commands to achieve the same (not to speak of 'tr'). Yet, I
- wrote this program to deal with some file renaming problems I had when I
- moved several files from VMS and MSDOS to Unix. Anyway, use it if you can,
- otherwise...
- To unpack the archive, just strip off everything above the "#! /bin/sh" line,
- and feed it into /bin/sh. The archive will unpack into a directory "rename".
- Just invoking "make" will compile the stuff.
- I have compiled the program under Ultrix, BSD4.2, SunOS3.[2-4]. Oh, I mean,
- "compiled successfully"! Any bug reports please to gandalf@csli.stanford.edu.
- Comments, etc. also to this address. Please consider that I get lotsa e-mail
- every day, so try to keep the messages concise.
- Enjoy,
- Juergen "Gandalf" Wagner, gandalf@csli.stanford.edu
- Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford CA
- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # Archive 'rename.1of1' created by Juergen Wagner at csli
- # Date is Sat May 28 11:10:58 1988
- #
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line
- # then unpack it by saving it in a file and feeding it into sh.
- # (Files unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions).
- #
- # This archive contains the following files: (use them wisely)
- # ./rename/rename.c (4912 bytes)
- # ./rename/Makefile (477 bytes)
- # ./rename/utils.h (1182 bytes)
- # ./rename/gandalf/err.h (443 bytes)
- # ./rename/gandalf/file.h (530 bytes)
- # ./rename/gandalf/getopt.h (106 bytes)
- # ./rename/gandalf/pwd.h (402 bytes)
- # ./rename/gandalf/strings.h (627 bytes)
- # ./rename/err.c (2220 bytes)
- # ./rename/strings.c (2313 bytes)
- # ./rename/confirm.c (771 bytes)
- # ./rename/enter (3345 bytes)
- # ./rename/rename.man (1284 bytes)
- #
- if `test ! -d ./rename`
- then
- mkdir ./rename
- echo "Create directory ./rename"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/rename.c`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/rename.c"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/rename.c << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X * Copyright by Juergen Wagner (gandalf@csli.stanford.edu)
- X *
- X * This file is *NOT* in the public domain. The copyright remains with
- X * the author.
- X *
- X * This file may be copied and redistributed in any form provided that
- X * this copyright notice is not changed or removed. It must, however, not
- X * be used in any licensed software without the author's consent.
- X *
- X * Any software containing this file as a whole, or parts of it, has to be
- X * distributed free of charge (possibly with a reasonable fee for copying and
- X * shipping), and machine-readable sources of this file have to be made
- X * accessible.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * $Compile: cc $CFLAGSD -o rename rename.c ${JWLIB}
- X *
- X * rename reps.. files...
- X *
- X * Rename a group of files by applying a set of textual
- X * replacements.
- X * -v verbose
- X * -i ask before overwriting files
- X * -l lowercase
- X * -t remove trailing dots
- X * -<n> cut first <n> chars
- X * old=new replace `old' by `new'
- X * old= delete `old'
- X * ^prefix prefix
- X * =suffix suffix
- X *
- X * Juergen Wagner, Fraunhofer-Institute IAO, Stuttgart
- X * Thu Mar 5 19:33:18 MET 1987
- X *
- X */
- X# include <utils.h>
- X
- X# define MAXREPS 32
- X
- Xstatic int nreps = 0;
- Xstatic char verbose = FALSE;
- Xstatic char safe = FALSE;
- Xstatic char lower = FALSE;
- Xstatic char nodot = FALSE;
- Xstatic int start = 0;
- Xstatic char *prefix = NULL;
- Xstatic char *suffix = NULL;
- Xstatic char *reps[MAXREPS][2];
- Xstatic int repl[MAXREPS];
- Xstatic char *pos;
- Xstatic char buffer[MAXPATHLEN];
- X
- Xstatic char *new_name();
- X
- Xmain(argc,argv)
- X# else
- Xrename_main(argc,argv)
- X# endif
- Xint argc;
- Xchar **argv;
- X{
- X char *new;
- X
- X /* Check args */
- X progname = *argv;
- X# endif
- X argc--;
- X while (argc > 0) {
- X argc--; argv++;
- X if (strcmp("-v",*argv) == 0) {
- X verbose = TRUE;
- X } else if (strcmp("-i",*argv) == 0) {
- X safe = TRUE;
- X } else if (strcmp("-l",*argv) == 0) {
- X lower = TRUE;
- X } else if (strcmp("-t",*argv) == 0) {
- X nodot = TRUE;
- X } else if ((argv[0][0] == '-') && isdigit(argv[0][1])) {
- X start = atoi(*argv + 1);
- X if ((start < 0) || (start > 32)) start = 0;
- X } else if (argv[0][0] == '^') {
- X /* The prefix string */
- X if (prefix) usage("Two prefixes??");
- X prefix = &argv[0][1];
- X } else if (argv[0][0] == '=') {
- X /* The suffix string */
- X if (suffix) usage("Two suffixes??");
- X suffix = &argv[0][1];
- X } else if ((pos=index(*argv,'=')) != (char *) 0) {
- X if (nreps == MAXREPS) usage("Too many replacements!");
- X reps[nreps][0] = *argv;
- X reps[nreps][1] = pos+1;
- X *pos = '\0';
- X repl[nreps] = strlen(reps[nreps][0]);
- X nreps++;
- X } else {
- X if (strcmp(*argv,"--")) {
- X argc++;
- X } else argv++;
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X
- X if (!prefix) prefix = "";
- X if (!suffix) suffix = "";
- X
- X /* Process files (do renaming) */
- X if (argc <= 0) usage("No files??");
- X if ((nreps == 0) && (*prefix == '\0') && (*suffix == '\0')
- X && !lower && !nodot && (start == 0)) {
- X usage("No modifications specified");
- X }
- X
- X while (argc > 0) {
- X new = new_name(*argv);
- X if (!new) {
- X fprintf(stderr,"rename: can't rename %s\n",*argv);
- X } else if (rename_file(*argv,new)) {
- X PWarn(1,"%s",*argv);
- X } else if (verbose) {
- X printf("Renamed %s to %s\n",*argv,new);
- X }
- X argc--; argv++;
- X }
- X exit(0);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic usage(msg)
- Xchar *msg;
- X{
- X Error(1, "%s\nUsage: %s [-i|-v|-l|-t|-<n>|old=new|^pre|=post] files...\n",
- X msg, progname);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic char *new_name(oldname)
- Xchar *oldname;
- X{
- X int i;
- X char *ptr, *name;
- X
- X oldname = name = Copy(oldname,0);
- X
- X if (start < strlen(name)) {
- X name = name + start;
- X } else {
- X fprintf(stderr,"Too many chars cut off: %d of %s\n", start, name);
- X return("");
- X }
- X
- X if (lower) {
- X if ((ptr = rindex(name,'/')) == NULL) ptr = name;
- X Tolower(ptr);
- X }
- X
- X if (nodot && (name[i = strlen(name)-1] == '.')) name[i] = '\0';
- X
- X strcpy(buffer,prefix);
- X ptr = buffer + strlen(prefix);
- X
- X do {
- X for (i=0; i<nreps; i++) {
- X if (strncmp(name,reps[i][0],repl[i]) == 0) {
- X strcpy(ptr,reps[i][1]);
- X ptr = ptr + strlen(reps[i][1]);
- X name = name + repl[i];
- X break;
- X }
- X }
- X if (i == nreps) {
- X *ptr = *name;
- X ptr++; name++;
- X }
- X } while (*name);
- X
- X free(oldname);
- X strcpy(ptr,suffix);
- X return(buffer);
- X}
- X
- Xstatic rename_file(old,new)
- Xchar *old, *new;
- X{
- X if (!strlen(new)) {
- X fprintf(stderr,"Null name for %s\n",old);
- X return(0);
- X }
- X if (StrEqual(old,".") || StrEqual(old,"..")) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Can't rename '.' or '..'\n");
- X return(0);
- X }
- X if (StrEqual(new,".") || StrEqual(new,"..")) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Can't rename to '.' or '..'\n");
- X return(0);
- X }
- X if (StrEqual(old,new)) {
- X fprintf(stderr,"rename: %s unchanged\n",old);
- X return(0);
- X }
- X if (safe && (access(new, F_OK) == 0)) {
- X printf("Replace %s by %s? ",old,new);
- X if (confirm()) return(0);
- X }
- X
- X return(rename(old,new));
- X}
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/rename.c"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/Makefile`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/Makefile"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/Makefile << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- XPROG = rename.o
- X# Usually, these come from my private C library
- XOBJS = confirm.o err.o strings.o
- X
- X# I have those in my environment, so I don't have to specify them every time.
- XLDFLAGS = -O -z -s
- XBINDIR = /usr/local/bin
- X
- X#---
- X
- Xall: rename
- X
- Xinstall: rename
- X enter -d $(BINDIR) rename
- Xnew:
- X make veryclean
- X make install
- X
- Xclean:
- X rm -f *.o core
- X
- Xveryclean:
- X rm -f *.o core rename
- X
- X#---
- X
- Xrename: $(PROG) $(OBJS)
- X cc $(LDFLAGS) -o rename $(PROG) $(OBJS)
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/Makefile"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/utils.h`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/utils.h"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/utils.h << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X**
- X** Include File for libutils.a
- X** Juergen Wagner, FhG-IAO, March 1987
- X** Juergen Wagner, CSLI Stanford, April 1988
- X**
- X*/
- X
- X# ifndef LIBUTILS_HDR_included
- X# define LIBUTILS_HDR_included
- X
- X# include <stdio.h>
- X# include <signal.h>
- X# include <ctype.h>
- X# ifndef isgraph
- X# define isgraph(c) ((_ctype_+1)[c]&(_P|_U|_L|_N))
- X# endif isgraph
- X# include <sys/param.h>
- X
- X# include <errno.h>
- X# if defined(vax) && !defined(ultrix)
- X/* Also very strange: Ultrix and SunOS define errno extern, BSD does not */
- Xextern int errno;
- X# endif
- Xextern int sys_nerr;
- Xextern char *sys_errlist[];
- X
- X# include <sys/stat.h>
- X# include <sys/ioctl.h>
- X# include <sys/file.h>
- X
- X# undef MAYBE
- X# undef TRUE
- X# undef FALSE
- X
- X# define FALSE 0
- X# define TRUE 1
- X# define MAYBE 2
- X
- X# define NIL(type) ((type) 0)
- X# define ALLOC(size,type) ((type *) Calloc(size,sizeof(type)))
- X
- X# define IDENTITY(x) x
- X# define CAT(x,y) IDENTITY(x)y
- X
- Xtypedef union {
- X char u_char;
- X short u_short;
- X int u_int;
- X float u_float;
- X double u_double;
- X char *u_ptr;
- X} CObject;
- X
- X# include <gandalf/err.h>
- X# include <gandalf/file.h>
- X# include <gandalf/getopt.h>
- X# include <gandalf/pwd.h>
- X# include <gandalf/strings.h>
- X
- X# undef min
- X# undef max
- X
- X# endif
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/utils.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -d ./rename/gandalf`
- then
- mkdir ./rename/gandalf
- echo "Create directory ./rename/gandalf"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/gandalf/err.h`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/gandalf/err.h"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/gandalf/err.h << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X * Errors and warnings
- X */
- X
- Xextern void PrintMsg(); /* PrintMsg(flg, errno, exitcode, msg, args) */
- Xextern void Error(); /* Error(flag, msg, args..) */
- Xextern void Warn(); /* Warn(flag, msg, args..) */
- Xextern void PError(); /* PError(flag, msg, args..) */
- Xextern void PWarn(); /* PWarn(flag, msg, args..) */
- X
- Xextern void PrintMsgHook(/*fn, arg*/);
- Xextern void PrintStrings(/*file, strings*/);
- X
- Xextern char *progname;
- X
- Xextern int confirm();
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/gandalf/err.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/gandalf/file.h`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/gandalf/file.h"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/gandalf/file.h << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X** File Access Functions
- X*/
- X
- Xextern int FCat();
- Xextern int CopyFile();
- X
- Xextern char *ExpandName();
- X
- Xextern int exists(), isdir();
- Xextern char *which(), *which_d(), *which_l();
- X
- Xextern int readlinks();
- Xextern char *rmpath(), *rmname(), *rm_butsuffix();
- Xextern char *getfs();
- X
- Xextern int stat(), lstat(), fstat();
- Xextern int MapDir();
- X
- X#define FTW_F 1 /* A file */
- X#define FTW_D 2 /* A directory */
- X#define FTW_DNR 3 /* A directory that couldn't be read */
- X#define FTW_NS 4 /* A stat() failure */
- X
- Xextern int sftw();
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/gandalf/file.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/gandalf/getopt.h`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/gandalf/getopt.h"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/gandalf/getopt.h << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X** Extract Options from argv
- X*/
- X
- Xextern char *optarg;
- Xextern int optind, opterr;
- X
- Xextern int getopt();
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/gandalf/getopt.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/gandalf/pwd.h`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/gandalf/pwd.h"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/gandalf/pwd.h << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X** Header File Describing the /etc/passwd Structure
- X*/
- X
- Xstruct passwd {
- X char *pw_name;
- X char *pw_passwd;
- X int pw_uid;
- X int pw_gid;
- X int pw_quota;
- X char *pw_comment;
- X char *pw_gecos;
- X char *pw_dir;
- X char *pw_shell;
- X};
- X
- Xextern struct passwd *getpwent(), *getpwuid(), *getpwnam();
- Xextern int setpwent(), endpwent();
- Xextern void setpwfile();
- Xextern char *getfullname();
- Xextern int getuserid(/*name*/);
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/gandalf/pwd.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/gandalf/strings.h`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/gandalf/strings.h"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/gandalf/strings.h << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X** String Manipulations
- X*/
- X
- Xextern char *Copy();
- Xextern char *Toupper(), *Tolower();
- Xextern char *StrCopy();
- Xextern char *Malloc(), *Calloc();
- X
- X# define StrAppend(s1,s2) strcat(Copy((s1),strlen(s2)), s2)
- X# define StrEqual(s1,s2) (!strcmp((s1),(s2)))
- X
- Xextern int match();
- X
- Xextern char
- X *strcpy(), *strncpy(),
- X *strcat(), *strncat(),
- X *strchr(), *strrchr(),
- X *index(), *rindex(),
- X *strpbrk(),
- X *strtok();
- Xextern int
- X strcmp(), strncmp(),
- X strlen(),
- X strspn(), strcspn();
- X
- Xextern char *malloc(), *calloc(), *alloca();
- Xextern char *valloc();
- Xextern char *realloc();
- Xextern void free(), cfree();
- X
- Xextern char *getenv();
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/gandalf/strings.h"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/err.c`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/err.c"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/err.c << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X * Copyright by Juergen Wagner (gandalf@csli.stanford.edu)
- X *
- X * This file is *NOT* in the public domain. The copyright remains with
- X * the author.
- X *
- X * This file may be copied and redistributed in any form provided that
- X * this copyright notice is not changed or removed. It must, however, not
- X * be used in any licensed software without the author's consent.
- X *
- X * Any software containing this file as a whole, or parts of it, has to be
- X * distributed free of charge (possibly with a reasonable fee for copying and
- X * shipping), and machine-readable sources of this file have to be made
- X * accessible.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X/*
- X * Package to signal errors and warnings
- X * File: Libs/unix/err.c
- X *
- X */
- X
- X# include <sys/types.h>
- X# include <stdio.h>
- X# include <varargs.h>
- Xextern int errno;
- X
- X# define DEFUN(fn,errc,exitc) \
- X /*VARARGS*/ \
- X void fn(va_alist) \
- X va_dcl \
- X { \
- X va_list args; \
- X char *msg; \
- X int flag; \
- X\
- X va_start(args); \
- X flag = va_arg(args, int); \
- X msg = va_arg(args, char *); \
- X PrintMsg(flag, errc, exitc, msg, args); \
- X va_end(args); \
- X }
- X
- Xchar *progname = "";
- Xstatic int (*printmsg_hook_fn)() = NULL;
- Xstatic caddr_t printmsg_hook_fn_arg;
- X
- Xstatic char *beep()
- X{
- X return("\007");
- X}
- X
- Xvoid PrintMsg(flag, errcode, exitcode, msg, args)
- Xint flag, errcode, exitcode;
- Xchar *msg;
- Xva_list args;
- X{
- X extern int sys_nerr;
- X extern char *sys_errlist[];
- X char *type;
- X
- X if (flag) {
- X type = (exitcode >= 0) ? "fatal error" : "warning";
- X fprintf(stderr, "%s: (%s)%s ", progname, type, beep());
- X vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);
- X fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- X if ((errcode >= 0) && (sys_nerr > errcode)) {
- X fprintf(stderr, " errcode: %s\n",
- X sys_errlist[errcode]);
- X }
- X if (printmsg_hook_fn)
- X printmsg_hook_fn(errcode, exitcode,
- X printmsg_hook_fn_arg);
- X if (exitcode >= 0)
- X exit(exitcode);
- X }
- X}
- X
- XDEFUN(PError,errno,1)
- XDEFUN(PWarn,errno,-1)
- XDEFUN(Error,-1,1)
- XDEFUN(Warn,-1,-1)
- X
- Xvoid PrintMsgHook(fn, arg)
- Xint (*fn)();
- Xcaddr_t arg;
- X{
- X printmsg_hook_fn = fn;
- X printmsg_hook_fn_arg = arg;
- X}
- X
- Xvoid PrintStrings(f,strings)
- XFILE *f;
- Xchar **strings;
- X{
- X while (*strings) {
- X fputs(*strings, f);
- X putc('\n', f);
- X strings++;
- X }
- X}
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/err.c"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/strings.c`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/strings.c"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/strings.c << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X * Copyright by Juergen Wagner (gandalf@csli.stanford.edu)
- X *
- X * This file is *NOT* in the public domain. The copyright remains with
- X * the author.
- X *
- X * This file may be copied and redistributed in any form provided that
- X * this copyright notice is not changed or removed. It must, however, not
- X * be used in any licensed software without the author's consent.
- X *
- X * Any software containing this file as a whole, or parts of it, has to be
- X * distributed free of charge (possibly with a reasonable fee for copying and
- X * shipping), and machine-readable sources of this file have to be made
- X * accessible.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X# include <sys/param.h>
- X# include <ctype.h>
- X# include <gandalf/strings.h>
- X
- X/*****************************************************************
- X** **
- X** String Operations **
- X** **
- X*****************************************************************/
- X
- Xchar *Copy(string, extra)
- Xchar *string;
- Xint extra;
- X{
- X char *new;
- X
- X new = malloc(strlen(string)+extra+1);
- X if (new == (char *) 0) {
- X perror("Copy(malloc)");
- X exit(1);
- X }
- X return( strcpy(new,string) );
- X}
- X
- Xchar *Toupper(string)
- Xchar *string;
- X{
- X register char *s;
- X
- X for (s = string; *s != '\0'; s++) {
- X if (isalpha(*s) && islower(*s)) *s = toupper(*s);
- X }
- X return(string);
- X}
- X
- Xchar *Tolower(string)
- Xchar *string;
- X{
- X register char *s;
- X
- X for (s = string; *s != '\0'; s++) {
- X if (isalpha(*s) && isupper(*s)) *s = tolower(*s);
- X }
- X return(string);
- X}
- X
- Xchar *StrCopy(string,c)
- Xchar *string, c;
- X{
- X register char *s;
- X register int i;
- X
- X s = index(string,c);
- X if (s == NULL) return(NULL);
- X
- X i = s - string;
- X s = strncpy(Malloc(i + 1), string, i);
- X s[i] = '\0';
- X return(s);
- X}
- X
- Xchar *Mkstring(n,c)
- Xint n;
- Xchar c;
- X{
- X char *string = Malloc(n+1);
- X char *pos = string;
- X
- X for (; n > 0; n--) *(pos++) = c;
- X *pos = '\0';
- X return(string);
- X}
- X
- X/*****************************************************************
- X** **
- X** Memory Management **
- X** **
- X*****************************************************************/
- X
- Xchar *Malloc(n)
- Xint n;
- X{
- X char *new;
- X
- X new = malloc(n);
- X Error(!new, "can't allocate another %d bytes", n);
- X return(new);
- X}
- X
- Xchar *Calloc(n,size)
- Xint n, size;
- X{
- X char *new;
- X
- X new = calloc(n,size);
- X Error(!new, "can't allocate another %d %d-byte segments", n, size);
- X return(new);
- X}
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/strings.c"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/confirm.c`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/confirm.c"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/confirm.c << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X/*
- X * Copyright by Juergen Wagner (gandalf@csli.stanford.edu)
- X *
- X * This file is *NOT* in the public domain. The copyright remains with
- X * the author.
- X *
- X * This file may be copied and redistributed in any form provided that
- X * this copyright notice is not changed or removed. It must, however, not
- X * be used in any licensed software without the author's consent.
- X *
- X * Any software containing this file as a whole, or parts of it, has to be
- X * distributed free of charge (possibly with a reasonable fee for copying and
- X * shipping), and machine-readable sources of this file have to be made
- X * accessible.
- X *
- X */
- X
- X# include <stdio.h>
- X# include <ctype.h>
- X
- Xint confirm()
- X{
- X int c;
- X
- X while (!isprint(c = getchar()));
- X while (!isspace(getchar()));
- X return(c == 'y');
- X}
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/confirm.c"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/enter`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/enter"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/enter << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X#! /bin/csh
- X#
- X# Copyright by Juergen Wagner (gandalf@csli.stanford.edu)
- X#
- X# This file is *NOT* in the public domain. The copyright remains with
- X# the author.
- X#
- X# This file may be copied and redistributed in any form provided that
- X# this copyright notice is not changed or removed. It must, however, not
- X# be used in any licensed software without the author's consent.
- X#
- X# Any software containing this file as a whole, or parts of it, has to be
- X# distributed free of charge (possibly with a reasonable fee for copying and
- X# shipping), and machine-readable sources of this file have to be made
- X# accessible.
- X#
- X#
- X
- X#
- X# Install Files (symlinks or copying)
- X# Juergen Wagner, March 1987
- X#
- X# enter [ -s ] [ -d <dir> ] [ -f <origfile> ] [ -g <group> ]
- X# [ -c ] [ -p <owner> ] [ -h ] <linknames>
- X#
- X
- X#set echo
- Xif ( "x$1" == "x" ) then
- X echo 'usage: enter [ -s ] [ -d <dir> ] [ -f <origfile> ]'
- X echo ' [ -c ] [ -p <owner> ] [ -h ] <linknames>'
- X exit
- Xendif
- X
- Xset strip = ""
- Xset dest = ${BINDIR}
- Xset perm = 755
- Xset group = ""
- Xset cmd = "ln -s"
- Xset prefix = ""
- Xset file = ""
- X
- Xwhile (1)
- X if ( $#argv == 0 ) break
- X switch ( "$argv[1]" )
- X # Strip file?
- X case "-s":
- X set strip = "y"
- X breaksw
- X # Destination directory?
- X case "-d":
- X shift
- X set dest = "$argv[1]"
- X breaksw
- X # Filename specification?
- X case "-f":
- X shift
- X set file = "$argv[1]"
- X if ( "$file" =~ *~ ) then
- X echo "enter: I refuse to install backup files: $file"
- X exit 0
- X endif
- X breaksw
- X # Permission
- X case "-p":
- X shift
- X set perm = "$argv[1]"
- X breaksw
- X # Set group
- X case "-g":
- X shift
- X set group = "$argv[1]"
- X breaksw
- X # Hide file
- X case "-h":
- X set prefix = '.'
- X breaksw
- X # Copy instead of linking
- X case "-c":
- X set cmd = cp
- X breaksw
- X # File names
- X default:
- X break
- X endsw
- X shift
- Xend
- X
- Xif ( "${file}" != "" ) then
- X # If multiple links to a single file, strip it now
- X if ( "${strip}" == "y" ) strip ${file}
- X # Same for protection and group
- X if ( "x$group" != "x" ) chgrp ${group} ${file}
- X if ( "x$perm" != "x-" ) chmod -f ${perm} ${file}
- Xendif
- X
- Xforeach new ( $argv[1-] )
- X # Determine the name of the old file
- X if ( "x$file" == "x" ) then
- X set oldfile = "${new}"
- X else
- X set oldfile = "${file}"
- X endif
- X # Check if the old file exists and is readable
- X if ( ! -r "${oldfile}" ) then
- X echo " File ${oldfile} does not exist."
- X continue
- X endif
- X # Pathname of installed file
- X set newfile = "${dest}/${prefix}${new:t}"
- X rm -f ${newfile}
- X # Do not install backup files
- X if ( "x$new" =~ *~ ) then
- X echo " Ignored: backup file $new"
- X continue
- X endif
- X # Establish link and chmod to executable/readable for world
- X $cmd `pwd`/${oldfile} ${newfile}
- X # Check if link/copy really exists
- X if ( ! -r ${newfile} ) then
- X echo " Install failed: ${oldfile} => ${newfile}"
- X continue
- X endif
- X if ( "${file}" == "" ) then
- X # Change group?
- X if ( "x$group" != "x" ) chgrp ${group} ${newfile}
- X # Change protection bits?
- X if ( "x$perm" != "x-" ) chmod -f ${perm} ${newfile}
- X # Strip file?
- X if ( "${strip}" == "y" ) strip ${newfile}
- X endif
- X if ( "${newfile:t}" == "${oldfile:t}" ) then
- X echo " Installed ${oldfile} in directory ${dest}"
- X else
- X echo " Installed: ${oldfile} => ${newfile}"
- X endif
- Xend
- X
- Xexit 0
- foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/enter"
- fi
- if `test ! -s ./rename/rename.man`
- then
- echo "Extracting ./rename/rename.man"
- sed 's/^X//' > ./rename/rename.man << 'foo_bar_and_baz'
- X.TH RENAME 1J "5th March, 1987"
- Xrename - change the names of a set of files
- X.I rename
- Xspecs... files...
- X.PP
- XRename will change the names of all the given files according to the
- Xreplacement instructions and flags supplied in
- X.I specs.
- XThe following options are available:
- X.IP -i
- X(interactive) will prompt the user if the resulting file already exists.
- X.IP -v
- X(verbose) produces a verbose protocol of what the program does.
- X.IP -l
- X(lowercase) coerces all characters to lowercase characters before any
- Xsubstitutions are performed.
- X.IP -t
- X(trailing dot) remove any trailing dots from the file names before any
- Xsubstitutions are performed.
- X.IP -\fIn\fP
- X(cut chars) cut the first
- X.I n
- Xcharacters off the original filename before any substitutions are performed.
- X.PP
- XThe valid replacement specifications are
- X.IP old=new
- XReplace all occurrences of
- X.I old
- Xin a file name by the string
- X.I new
- X(no recursive substitutions, replacement is done left to right).
- X.IP string=
- XDelete the substring
- X.I string
- Xin all file names.
- X.IP ^prefix
- XUse this prefix for all file names.
- X.IP =suffix
- XAppend this suffix to all file names.
- X
- XJuergen Wagner, CSLI, Stanford University (gandalf@csli.stanford.edu,
- Xformerly at Fraunhofer-Institute IAO, Stuttgart, FRG)foo_bar_and_baz
- else
- echo "will not overwrite ./rename/rename.man"
- fi
- echo "Finished archive 1 of 1"
- # if you want to concatenate archives, remove anything after this line
- cat < /dev/null > rename.1of1_done
- for I in 1 ; do
- if [ ! -f rename.${I}of1_done ]
- then
- fi
- done
- cp $0 /usr/tmp; rm -f $0
- if [ "${MISSING}" = "" ]
- then
- echo "You have unpacked the entire archive (1 pieces)."
- echo 'See file "rename/rename.man" for instructions.'
- rm -f rename.[0-9]*of1_done
- echo Archive files now reside on /usr/tmp.
- if [ -f ./.install ]
- then
- echo -n 'Starting up installation. Ok (y/n) ? '
- read ANSWER
- if [ "$ANSWER" = y ]
- then
- exec sh .install
- fi
- fi
- else
- echo You still need to unpack the following pieces:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- exit 0