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- /*
- * Copyright 1989 Object Design, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 1985 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California.
- * Copyright (c) 1976 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Illinois,
- * Urbana, and Sun Microsystems, Inc. The name of either University
- * or Sun Microsystems may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
- #ifndef lint
- # ifndef OS2
- static char sccsid[] = "@(#)io.c 6.0 (Berkeley) 92/06/15";
- # endif
- #endif /* not lint */
- #include "globals.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifdef OS2 /* or MSDOS */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <process.h>
- #define bzero(achBuf, cbLength) memset(achBuf, 0, cbLength)
- #endif
- int comment_open;
- static paren_target;
- #ifdef ANSIC
- #include <stdarg.h>
- static int pad_output(int, int);
- #endif
- #ifdef ANSIC
- void dump_line(void)
- #else
- void dump_line()
- #endif
- { /* dump_line is the routine that actually
- effects the printing of the new source. It
- prints the label section, followed by the
- code section with the appropriate nesting
- level, followed by any comments */
- register int cur_col, target_col;
- static not_first_line;
- if (ps.procname[0])
- {
- if (troff)
- {
- if (comment_open)
- {
- comment_open = 0;
- fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
- }
- fprintf(output, ".Pr \"%s\"\n", ps.procname);
- }
- ps.ind_level = 0;
- ps.procname[0] = 0;
- }
- if (s_code == e_code && s_lab == e_lab && s_com == e_com)
- {
- if (suppress_blanklines > 0)
- suppress_blanklines--;
- else
- {
- ps.bl_line = true;
- n_real_blanklines++;
- }
- }
- else if (!inhibit_formatting)
- {
- suppress_blanklines = 0;
- ps.bl_line = false;
- if (prefix_blankline_requested && not_first_line)
- if (swallow_optional_blanklines)
- {
- if (n_real_blanklines == 1)
- n_real_blanklines = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (n_real_blanklines == 0)
- n_real_blanklines = 1;
- }
- while (--n_real_blanklines >= 0)
- putc('\n', output);
- n_real_blanklines = 0;
- if (ps.ind_level == 0)
- {
- if (!btype_3)
- ps.ind_stmt = 0;/* this is a class A kludge. dont do additional
- statement indentation if we are at bracket
- level 0 */
- else if (*s_code != '{')
- ps.ind_stmt = 0;/* this one is a class AA kludge: defeat the
- class A kludge if the statement is '{' */
- }
- if (e_lab != s_lab || e_code != s_code)
- ++code_lines; /* keep count of lines with code */
- if (e_lab != s_lab)
- { /* print lab, if any */
- if (comment_open)
- {
- comment_open = 0;
- fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
- }
- while (e_lab > s_lab && (e_lab[-1] == ' ' || e_lab[-1] == '\t'))
- e_lab--;
- cur_col = pad_output(1, compute_label_target());
- fprintf(output, "%.*s", e_lab - s_lab, s_lab);
- cur_col = count_spaces(cur_col, s_lab);
- }
- else
- cur_col = 1; /* there is no label section */
- ps.pcase = false;
- if (s_code != e_code)
- { /* print code section, if any */
- register char *p;
- if (comment_open)
- {
- comment_open = 0;
- fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
- }
- target_col = compute_code_target();
- {
- register i;
- for (i = 0; i < ps.p_l_follow; i++)
- if (ps.paren_indents[i] >= 0)
- ps.paren_indents[i] = -(short) (ps.paren_indents[i] + target_col);
- }
- cur_col = pad_output(cur_col, target_col);
- for (p = s_code; p < e_code; p++)
- if (*p == (char) 0200)
- fprintf(output, "%d", target_col * 7);
- else
- putc(*p, output);
- cur_col = count_spaces(cur_col, s_code);
- }
- if (s_com != e_com)
- if (troff)
- {
- int all_here = 0;
- register char *p;
- if (ps.cc_comment)
- all_here++;
- else if (e_com[-1] == '/' && e_com[-2] == '*')
- e_com -= 2, all_here++;
- while (e_com > s_com && e_com[-1] == ' ')
- e_com--;
- *e_com = 0;
- p = s_com;
- while (*p == ' ')
- p++;
- if (p[0] == '/' && (p[1] == '*' || p[1] == '/'))
- p += 2, all_here++;
- else if (p[0] == '*')
- p += p[1] == '/' ? 2 : 1;
- while (*p == ' ')
- p++;
- if (*p == 0)
- goto inhibit_newline;
- if (comment_open < 2 && ps.box_com)
- {
- comment_open = 0;
- fprintf(output, ".*/\n");
- }
- if (comment_open == 0)
- {
- if ('a' <= *p && *p <= 'z')
- *p += 'A' - 'a';
- if (e_com - p < 50 && all_here == 2)
- {
- register char *follow = p;
- fprintf(output, "\n.nr C! \\w\1");
- while (follow < e_com)
- {
- switch (*follow)
- {
- case '\n':
- putc(' ', output);
- case 1:
- break;
- case '\\':
- putc('\\', output);
- default:
- putc(*follow, output);
- }
- follow++;
- }
- putc(1, output);
- }
- fprintf(output, "\n./* %dp %d %dp\n",
- ps.com_col * 7,
- (s_code != e_code || s_lab != e_lab) - ps.box_com,
- target_col * 7);
- }
- comment_open = 1 + ps.box_com;
- while (*p)
- {
- if (*p == BACKSLASH)
- putc(BACKSLASH, output);
- putc(*p++, output);
- }
- }
- else
- { /* print comment, if any */
- register target = ps.com_col;
- register char *com_st = s_com;
- target += ps.comment_delta;
- while (*com_st == '\t')
- com_st++, target += tabsize; /* JHT 22oct89 */
- while (target <= 0)
- if (*com_st == ' ')
- target++, com_st++;
- else if (*com_st == '\t')
- {
- target += (tabsize - ((target - 1) % tabsize)); /* JHT 22oct89 */
- com_st++;
- }
- else
- target = 1;
- if (cur_col > target)
- { /* if comment won't fit on this line, put it on
- the next one */
- putc('\n', output);
- cur_col = 1;
- ++ps.out_lines;
- }
- while (e_com > com_st && isspace(e_com[-1]))
- e_com--;
- cur_col = pad_output(cur_col, target);
- if (!ps.box_com && !ps.cc_comment)
- {
- if (star_comment_cont && (com_st[1] != '*' || e_com <= com_st + 1))
- if (com_st[1] == ' ' && com_st[0] == ' ' && e_com > com_st + 1)
- com_st[1] = '*';
- else
- fwrite(" * ", com_st[0] == '\t' ? 2 : com_st[0] == '*' ? 1 : 3, 1, output);
- }
- fwrite(com_st, e_com - com_st, 1, output);
- ps.comment_delta = ps.n_comment_delta;
- cur_col = count_spaces(cur_col, com_st);
- ++ps.com_lines; /* count lines with comments */
- }
- if (ps.use_ff)
- putc('\014', output);
- else
- putc('\n', output);
- inhibit_newline:
- ++ps.out_lines;
- if (ps.just_saw_decl == 1 && blanklines_after_declarations)
- {
- prefix_blankline_requested = 1;
- ps.just_saw_decl = 0;
- }
- else
- prefix_blankline_requested = postfix_blankline_requested;
- postfix_blankline_requested = 0;
- }
- ps.decl_on_line = ps.in_decl; /* if we are in the middle of a declaration,
- remember that fact for proper comment
- indentation */
- ps.ind_stmt = ps.in_stmt & ~ps.in_decl; /* next line should be indented if
- we have not completed this stmt
- and if we are not in the middle
- of a declaration */
- ps.use_ff = false;
- ps.dumped_decl_indent = 0;
- *(e_lab = s_lab) = '\0'; /* reset buffers */
- *(e_code = s_code) = '\0';
- *(e_com = s_com) = '\0';
- ps.ind_level = ps.i_l_follow;
- ps.paren_level = ps.p_l_follow;
- paren_target = -ps.paren_indents[ps.paren_level - 1];
- not_first_line = 1;
- return;
- };
- #ifdef ANSIC
- int compute_code_target(void)
- #else
- compute_code_target()
- #endif
- {
- register target_col = ps.ind_size * ps.ind_level + 1;
- if (ps.paren_level)
- if (!lineup_to_parens)
- target_col += continuation_indent * ps.paren_level;
- else
- {
- register w;
- register t = paren_target;
- if ((w = count_spaces(t, s_code) - max_col) > 0
- && count_spaces(target_col, s_code) <= max_col)
- {
- t -= w + 1;
- if (t > target_col)
- target_col = t;
- }
- else
- target_col = t;
- }
- else if (ps.ind_stmt)
- target_col += continuation_indent;
- return target_col;
- }
- #ifdef ANSIC
- int compute_label_target(void)
- #else
- compute_label_target()
- #endif
- {
- return
- ps.pcase ?
- (cplus && ps.in_decl) ? cplus_ppp_indent
- : (int) (case_ind * ps.ind_size) + 1
- : *s_lab == '#' ? 1
- : ps.ind_size * (ps.ind_level - label_offset) + 1;
- }
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
- *
- * All rights reserved
- *
- *
- * NAME: fill_buffer
- *
- * FUNCTION: Reads one block of input into input_buffer
- *
- * HISTORY: initial coding November 1976 D A Willcox of CAC 1/7/77 A
- * Willcox of CAC Added check for switch back to partly full input
- * buffer from temporary buffer
- *
- */
- #ifdef ANSIC
- void fill_buffer(void)
- #else
- fill_buffer()
- #endif
- { /* this routine reads stuff from the input */
- register char *p;
- register int i;
- register FILE *f = input;
- if (bp_save != 0)
- { /* there is a partly filled input buffer left */
- buf_ptr = bp_save; /* dont read anything, just switch buffers */
- buf_end = be_save;
- bp_save = be_save = 0;
- if (buf_ptr < buf_end)
- return; /* only return if there is really something in
- this buffer */
- }
- for (p = buf_ptr = in_buffer; p < &in_buffer[inp_bufs];)
- {
- if ((i = getc(f)) == EOF)
- {
- *p++ = ' ';
- *p++ = '\n';
- if (p >= &in_buffer[inp_bufs])
- {
- diag(1, "Internal buffer overflow - Line is too long.");
- fflush(output);
- exit(1);
- }
- had_eof = true;
- break;
- }
- *p++ = (char) i;
- if (i == '\n')
- break;
- }
- buf_end = p;
- if (p[-2] == '/' && p[-3] == '*')
- {
- if (in_buffer[3] == 'I' && strncmp(in_buffer, "/**INDENT**", 11) == 0)
- fill_buffer(); /* flush indent error message */
- else
- {
- int com = 0;
- p = in_buffer;
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
- p++;
- if (*p == '/' && p[1] == '*')
- {
- p += 2;
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
- p++;
- if (p[0] == 'I' && p[1] == 'N' && p[2] == 'D' && p[3] == 'E'
- && p[4] == 'N' && p[5] == 'T')
- {
- p += 6;
- if (*p == ':')
- {
- #define MAX_SOURCE_ARG 100
- char argbuf[MAX_SOURCE_ARG]; /* how big can they get
- ... */
- char *a;
- p++; /* skip the : */
- /*
- since set_option changes flags, process pending
- stuff now
- */
- if (s_com != e_com || s_lab != e_lab || s_code != e_code)
- dump_line();
- while (1)
- {
- a = argbuf; /* accumulate an option */
- while (*p <= ' ') /* skip whitespace */
- p++;
- if (*p == '*')
- break;
- while (*p > ' ')
- *a++ = *p++;
- *a++ = '\0';
- set_option(argbuf);
- }
- goto End_Magic_Comment;
- }
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
- p++;
- if (*p == '*')
- com = 1;
- else if (*p == 'O')
- if (*++p == 'N')
- p++, com = 1;
- else if (*p == 'F' && *++p == 'F')
- p++, com = 2;
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')
- p++;
- if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '/' && p[2] == '\n' && com)
- {
- if (s_com != e_com || s_lab != e_lab || s_code != e_code)
- dump_line();
- if (!(inhibit_formatting = com - 1))
- {
- n_real_blanklines = 0;
- postfix_blankline_requested = 0;
- prefix_blankline_requested = 0;
- suppress_blanklines = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- End_Magic_Comment:
- if (inhibit_formatting)
- {
- p = in_buffer;
- do
- putc(*p, output);
- while (*p++ != '\n');
- }
- return;
- };
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
- *
- * All rights reserved
- *
- *
- * NAME: pad_output
- *
- * FUNCTION: Writes tabs and spaces to move the current column up to the desired
- * position.
- *
- * ALGORITHM: Put tabs and/or blanks into pobuf, then write pobuf.
- *
- * PARAMETERS: current integer The current column target
- * nteger The desired column
- *
- * RETURNS: Integer value of the new column. (If current >= target, no action is
- * taken, and current is returned.
- *
- * GLOBALS: None
- *
- * CALLS: write (sys)
- *
- * CALLED BY: dump_line
- *
- * HISTORY: initial coding November 1976 D A Willcox of CAC
- *
- */
- #ifdef ANSIC
- int pad_output(int current, int target)
- #else
- pad_output(current, target)
- int current; /* the current column value */
- int target; /* position we want it at */
- #endif
- /*
- writes tabs and blanks (if necessary) to get the current output position up
- to the target column
- */
- {
- register int tstop; /* Current tab stop being visited */
- if (troff)
- fprintf(output, "\\h'|%dp'", (target - 1) * 7);
- else
- {
- if (current >= target)
- return (current); /* line is already long enough */
- if (tabsize > 2)
- {
- /* Compute where next tab stop lies: */
- tstop = current + tabsize - ((current - 1) % tabsize);
- for (; tstop <= target; tstop += tabsize)
- putc('\t', output); /* Tab to each tabstop */
- tstop -= tabsize; /* Account for overshoot */
- }
- else
- tstop = current;
- while (tstop++ < target)
- putc(' ', output); /* Space over to where we want to be */
- }
- return (target);
- };
- /*
- * Copyright (C) 1976 by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
- *
- * All rights reserved
- *
- *
- * NAME: count_spaces
- *
- * FUNCTION: Find out where printing of a given string will leave the current
- * character position on output.
- *
- * ALGORITHM: Run thru input string and add appropriate values to current
- * position.
- *
- * RETURNS: Integer value of position after printing "buffer" starting in column
- * "current".
- *
- * HISTORY: initial coding November 1976 D A Willcox of CAC
- *
- */
- #ifdef ANSIC
- int count_spaces(int current, char *buffer)
- #else
- int count_spaces(current, buffer)
- int current;
- char *buffer;
- #endif
- /*
- * this routine figures out where the character position will be after
- * printing the text in buffer starting at column "current"
- */
- {
- register char *buf; /* used to look thru buffer */
- register int cur; /* current character counter */
- cur = current;
- for (buf = buffer; *buf != '\0'; ++buf)
- {
- switch (*buf)
- {
- case '\n':
- case 014: /* form feed */
- cur = 1;
- break;
- case '\t':
- cur = cur + (tabsize - ((cur - 1) % tabsize));
- break;
- case '\b': /* this is a backspace */
- --cur;
- break;
- default:
- ++cur;
- break;
- } /* end of switch */
- } /* end of for loop */
- return (cur);
- };
- int found_err;
- #ifdef ANSIC
- void diag(int level, char *msg,...)
- {
- va_list
- a;
- va_start(a, msg);
- if (level)
- found_err = 1;
- if (output == stdout)
- {
- fprintf(stdout, "/**INDENT** %s@%d: ", level == 0 ? "Warning" : "Error", line_no);
- vfprintf(stdout, msg, a);
- fprintf(stdout, " */\n");
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s@%d: ", level == 0 ? "Warning" : "Error", line_no);
- vfprintf(stderr, msg, a);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- }
- #else
- diag(level, msg, a, b)
- {
- if (level)
- found_err = 1;
- if (output == stdout)
- {
- fprintf(stdout, "/**INDENT** %s@%d: ", level == 0 ? "Warning" : "Error", line_no);
- fprintf(stdout, msg, a, b);
- fprintf(stdout, " */\n");
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s@%d: ", level == 0 ? "Warning" : "Error", line_no);
- fprintf(stderr, msg, a, b);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- }
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef ANSIC
- void writefdef(struct fstate * f, int nm)
- #else
- writefdef(f, nm)
- register struct fstate *f;
- #endif
- {
- fprintf(output, ".ds f%c %s\n.nr s%c %d\n",
- nm, f->font, nm, f->size);
- }
- #ifdef ANSIC
- char *chfont(struct fstate * of, struct fstate * nf, char *s)
- #else
- char *
- chfont(of, nf, s)
- register struct fstate *of, *nf;
- char *s;
- #endif
- {
- if (of->font[0] != nf->font[0]
- || of->font[1] != nf->font[1])
- {
- *s++ = '\\';
- *s++ = 'f';
- if (nf->font[1])
- {
- *s++ = '(';
- *s++ = nf->font[0];
- *s++ = nf->font[1];
- }
- else
- *s++ = nf->font[0];
- }
- if (nf->size != of->size)
- {
- *s++ = '\\';
- *s++ = 's';
- if (nf->size < of->size)
- {
- *s++ = '-';
- *s++ = (char) ('0' + of->size - nf->size);
- }
- else
- {
- *s++ = '+';
- *s++ = (char) ('0' + nf->size - of->size);
- }
- }
- return s;
- }
- #ifdef ANSIC
- void parsefont(register struct fstate * f, char *s0)
- #else
- parsefont(f, s0)
- register struct fstate *f;
- char *s0;
- #endif
- {
- register char *s = s0;
- int sizedelta = 0;
- bzero(f, sizeof *f);
- while (*s)
- {
- if (isdigit(*s))
- f->size = (char) (f->size * 10 + *s - '0');
- else if (isupper(*s))
- if (f->font[0])
- f->font[1] = *s;
- else
- f->font[0] = *s;
- else if (*s == 'c')
- f->allcaps = 1;
- else if (*s == '+')
- sizedelta++;
- else if (*s == '-')
- sizedelta--;
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "indent: bad font specification: %s\n", s0);
- exit(1);
- }
- s++;
- }
- if (f->font[0] == 0)
- f->font[0] = 'R';
- if (bodyf.size == 0)
- bodyf.size = 11;
- if (f->size == 0)
- f->size = (char) (bodyf.size + sizedelta);
- else if (sizedelta > 0)
- f->size += bodyf.size;
- else
- f->size = bodyf.size - f->size;
- }