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- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1985 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Copyright (c) 1980 The Regents of the University of California.
- * Copyright (c) 1976 Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
- * provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
- * duplicated in all such forms and that any documentation,
- * advertising materials, and other materials related to such
- * distribution and use acknowledge that the software was developed
- * by the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Illinois,
- * Urbana, and Sun Microsystems, Inc. The name of either University
- * or Sun Microsystems may not be used to endorse or promote products
- * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
- */
- #ifndef lint
- # ifndef OS2
- static char sccsid[] = "@(#)comment.c 6.0 (Berkeley) 92/06/15";
- # endif
- #endif /* not lint */
- /*
- * NAME:
- * pr_comment
- *
- * This routine takes care of scanning and printing comments.
- *
- * 1) Decide where the comment should be aligned, and if lines should
- * be broken.
- * 2) If lines should not be broken and filled, just copy up to end of
- * comment.
- * 3) If lines should be filled, then scan thru input_buffer copying
- * characters to com_buf. Remember where the last blank, tab, or
- * newline was. When line is filled, print up to last blank and
- * continue copying.
- *
- * November 1976 D A Willcox of CAC Initial coding
- * 12/6/76 D A Willcox of CAC Modification to handle
- * UNIX-style comments
- *
- */
- /*
- * this routine processes comments. It makes an attempt to keep comments from
- * going over the max line length. If a line is too long, it moves everything
- * from the last blank to the next comment line. Blanks and tabs from the
- * beginning of the input line are removed
- */
- #include "globals.h"
- #ifdef OS2
- #include <malloc.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef ANSIC
- void pr_comment(void)
- #else
- pr_comment()
- #endif
- {
- int now_col; /* column we are in now */
- int adj_max_col; /* Adjusted max_col for when we decide to spill
- comments over the right margin */
- char *last_bl; /* points to the last blank in the output
- buffer */
- char *t_ptr; /* used for moving string */
- int unix_comment; /* tri-state variable used to decide if it is a
- unix-style comment. 0 means only blanks
- since /*, 1 means regular style comment, 2
- means unix style comment */
- int break_delim = comment_delimiter_on_blankline;
- int l_just_saw_decl = ps.just_saw_decl;
- /*
- int ps.last_nl = 0; /* true iff the last significant thing weve
- seen is a newline
- */
- int one_liner = 1; /* true iff this comment is a one-liner */
- adj_max_col = max_col;
- ps.just_saw_decl = 0;
- last_bl = 0; /* no blanks found so far */
- ps.box_com = false; /* at first, assume that we are not in a boxed
- comment or some other comment that should
- not be touched */
- ++ps.out_coms; /* keep track of number of comments */
- unix_comment = 1; /* set flag to let us figure out if there is a
- unix-style comment ** DISABLED: use 0 to
- reenable this hack! */
- /* Figure where to align and how to treat the comment */
- if (ps.col_1 && !format_col1_comments)
- { /* if comment starts in column 1 it should not
- be touched */
- ps.box_com = true;
- ps.com_col = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (*buf_ptr == '-' || *buf_ptr == '*')
- {
- ps.box_com = true; /* a comment with a '-' or '*' immediately
- after the /* is assumed to be a boxed
- comment */
- break_delim = 0;
- }
- if ( /* ps.bl_line && */ (s_lab == e_lab) && (s_code == e_code))
- {
- /* klg: check only if this line is blank */
- /*
- If this (*and previous lines are*) blank, dont put comment way
- out at left
- */
- ps.com_col = (ps.ind_level - ps.unindent_displace) * ps.ind_size + 1;
- adj_max_col = block_comment_max_col;
- if (ps.com_col <= 1)
- ps.com_col = 1 + !format_col1_comments;
- }
- else
- {
- register target_col;
- break_delim = 0;
- if (s_code != e_code)
- target_col = count_spaces(compute_code_target(), s_code);
- else
- {
- target_col = 1;
- if (s_lab != e_lab)
- target_col = count_spaces(compute_label_target(), s_lab);
- }
- ps.com_col = ps.decl_on_line || ps.ind_level == 0 ? ps.decl_com_ind : ps.com_ind;
- if (ps.com_col < target_col)
- ps.com_col = target_col +
- (tabsize - ((target_col - 1) % tabsize)); /* JHT 22oct89 */
- if (ps.com_col + 24 > adj_max_col)
- adj_max_col = ps.com_col + 24;
- }
- }
- if (ps.box_com)
- {
- buf_ptr[-2] = 0;
- ps.n_comment_delta = 1 - count_spaces(1, in_buffer);
- buf_ptr[-2] = '/';
- }
- else
- {
- ps.n_comment_delta = 0;
- while (*buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t')
- buf_ptr++;
- }
- ps.comment_delta = 0;
- *e_com++ = '/'; /* put '/*' into buffer */
- if (ps.cc_comment) /* (or '//') */
- *e_com++ = '/';
- else
- *e_com++ = '*';
- if (*buf_ptr != ' ' && !ps.box_com)
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- *e_com = '\0';
- if (troff)
- {
- now_col = 1;
- adj_max_col = 80;
- }
- else
- now_col = count_spaces(ps.com_col, s_com); /* figure what column we
- would be in if we
- printed the comment now */
- /* Start to copy the comment */
- while (1)
- { /* this loop will go until the comment is
- copied */
- if (*buf_ptr >= 040 && *buf_ptr != '*')
- ps.last_nl = 0;
- check_size(com);
- switch (*buf_ptr)
- { /* this checks for various spcl cases */
- case 014: /* check for a form feed */
- if (!ps.box_com)
- { /* in a text comment, break the line here */
- ps.use_ff = true;
- /* fix so dump_line uses a form feed */
- dump_line();
- last_bl = 0;
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- *e_com++ = '*';
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- while (*++buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t');
- }
- else
- {
- if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
- fill_buffer();
- *e_com++ = 014;
- }
- break;
- case '\n':
- if (ps.cc_comment)
- {
- *e_com = '\0';
- dump_line();
- ps.cc_comment = 0;
- ps.just_saw_decl = l_just_saw_decl; /* ?? */
- if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end) /* eat '\n' */
- fill_buffer();
- ps.last_nl = 1; /* jrs 12 Mar 92 */
- return;
- }
- if (had_eof)
- { /* check for unexpected eof */
- printf("Unterminated comment\n");
- *e_com = '\0';
- dump_line();
- return;
- }
- one_liner = 0;
- if (ps.box_com || ps.last_nl)
- { /* if this is a boxed comment, we dont ignore
- the newline */
- if (s_com == e_com)
- {
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- }
- *e_com = '\0';
- if (!ps.box_com && e_com - s_com > 3)
- {
- if (break_delim == 1 && s_com[0] == '/'
- && s_com[1] == '*' && s_com[2] == ' ')
- {
- char *t = e_com;
- break_delim = 2;
- e_com = s_com + 2;
- *e_com = 0;
- if (blanklines_before_blockcomments)
- prefix_blankline_requested = 1;
- dump_line();
- e_com = t;
- s_com[0] = s_com[1] = s_com[2] = ' ';
- }
- dump_line();
- check_size(com);
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- }
- dump_line();
- now_col = ps.com_col;
- }
- else
- {
- ps.last_nl = 1;
- if (unix_comment != 1)
- { /* we are not in unix_style comment */
- if (unix_comment == 0 && s_code == e_code)
- {
- /*
- if it is a UNIX-style comment, ignore the
- requirement that previous line be blank for
- unindention
- */
- ps.com_col = (ps.ind_level - ps.unindent_displace) * ps.ind_size + 1;
- if (ps.com_col <= 1)
- ps.com_col = 2;
- }
- unix_comment = 2; /* permanently remember that we are in
- this type of comment */
- dump_line();
- ++line_no;
- now_col = ps.com_col;
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- /*
- fix so that the star at the start of the line will line
- up
- */
- do /* flush leading white space */
- if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
- fill_buffer();
- while (*buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t');
- break;
- }
- if (*(e_com - 1) == ' ' || *(e_com - 1) == '\t')
- last_bl = e_com - 1;
- /*
- if there was a space at the end of the last line, remember
- where it was
- */
- else
- { /* otherwise, insert one */
- last_bl = e_com;
- check_size(com);
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- ++now_col;
- }
- }
- ++line_no; /* keep track of input line number */
- if (!ps.box_com)
- {
- int nstar = 1;
- do
- { /* flush any blanks and/or tabs at start of
- next line */
- if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
- fill_buffer();
- if (*buf_ptr == '*' && --nstar >= 0)
- {
- if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
- fill_buffer();
- if (*buf_ptr == '/')
- goto end_of_comment;
- }
- } while (*buf_ptr == ' ' || *buf_ptr == '\t');
- }
- else if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
- fill_buffer();
- break; /* end of case for newline */
- case '*': /* must check for possibility of being at end
- of comment */
- if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end) /* get to next char after * */
- fill_buffer();
- if (unix_comment == 0) /* set flag to show we are not in
- unix-style comment */
- unix_comment = 1;
- if (*buf_ptr == '/')
- { /* it is the end!!! */
- end_of_comment:
- if (++buf_ptr >= buf_end)
- fill_buffer();
- if (*(e_com - 1) != ' ' && !ps.box_com)
- { /* ensure blank before end */
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- ++now_col;
- }
- if (break_delim == 1 && !one_liner && s_com[0] == '/'
- && s_com[1] == '*' && s_com[2] == ' ')
- {
- char *t = e_com;
- break_delim = 2;
- e_com = s_com + 2;
- *e_com = 0;
- if (blanklines_before_blockcomments)
- prefix_blankline_requested = 1;
- dump_line();
- e_com = t;
- s_com[0] = s_com[1] = s_com[2] = ' ';
- }
- if (break_delim == 2 && e_com > s_com + 3
- /* now_col > adj_max_col - 2 && !ps.box_com */ )
- {
- *e_com = '\0';
- dump_line();
- now_col = ps.com_col;
- }
- check_size(com);
- *e_com++ = '*';
- *e_com++ = '/';
- *e_com = '\0';
- ps.just_saw_decl = l_just_saw_decl;
- return;
- }
- else
- { /* handle isolated '*' */
- *e_com++ = '*';
- ++now_col;
- }
- break;
- default: /* we have a random char */
- if (unix_comment == 0 && *buf_ptr != ' ' && *buf_ptr != '\t')
- unix_comment = 1; /* we are not in unix-style comment */
- *e_com = *buf_ptr++;
- if (buf_ptr >= buf_end)
- fill_buffer();
- if (*e_com == '\t') /* keep track of column */
- now_col = now_col + (tabsize - ((now_col - 1) % tabsize));
- else if (*e_com == '\b') /* this is a backspace */
- --now_col;
- else
- ++now_col;
- if (*e_com == ' ' || *e_com == '\t')
- last_bl = e_com;
- /* remember we saw a blank */
- ++e_com;
- if (now_col > adj_max_col && !ps.box_com && unix_comment == 1 && e_com[-1] > ' ')
- {
- /*
- the comment is too long, it must be broken up
- */
- if (break_delim == 1 && s_com[0] == '/'
- && s_com[1] == '*' && s_com[2] == ' ')
- {
- char *t = e_com;
- break_delim = 2;
- e_com = s_com + 2;
- *e_com = 0;
- if (blanklines_before_blockcomments)
- prefix_blankline_requested = 1;
- dump_line();
- e_com = t;
- s_com[0] = s_com[1] = s_com[2] = ' ';
- }
- if (last_bl == 0)
- { /* we have seen no blanks */
- last_bl = e_com; /* fake it */
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- }
- *e_com = '\0'; /* print what we have */
- *last_bl = '\0';
- while (last_bl > s_com && last_bl[-1] < 040)
- *--last_bl = 0;
- e_com = last_bl;
- dump_line();
- *e_com++ = ps.cc_comment ? '/' : ' '; /* blanks or slashes */
- *e_com++ = ps.cc_comment ? '/' : ' '; /* for continuation */
- *e_com++ = ' ';
- t_ptr = last_bl + 1;
- last_bl = 0;
- if (t_ptr >= e_com)
- {
- while (*t_ptr == ' ' || *t_ptr == '\t')
- t_ptr++;
- while (*t_ptr != '\0')
- { /* move unprinted part of comment down in
- buffer */
- if (*t_ptr == ' ' || *t_ptr == '\t')
- last_bl = e_com;
- *e_com++ = *t_ptr++;
- }
- }
- *e_com = '\0';
- now_col = count_spaces(ps.com_col, s_com); /* recompute current
- position */
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }