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Text File | 1992-05-30 | 59.9 KB | 2,403 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: anita@bouw.tno.nl (Anita Eijs)
- Subject: v30i022: linkedlist - Generic Linked List Tool, Part01/01
- Message-ID: <1992May29.203013.129@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: 4ae1a71b6b6fd8ab870145ebe504b8b9
- Date: Fri, 29 May 1992 20:30:13 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: anita@bouw.tno.nl (Anita Eijs)
- Posting-number: Volume 30, Issue 22
- Archive-name: linkedlist/part01
- Environment: UNIX, MS-DOS, VAX/VMS, Macintosh
- The subject of 'Generic Linked Lists' has raised several times now, so I
- decided to announce my Linked List Tool to the net.
- The Linked List Tool is a package to define, create, update, query and
- delete one or more (nodes of) linked lists. The user doesn't have to take
- care of allocating a number of bytes for a node, inserting on the right
- place, deleting and freeing a node and so on.
- Different kind of linked lists can be defined. In a singly linked list
- each node points to the next node, in a doubly linked list each node
- points also to the previous node. A chain is a list in which the last
- node has a NULL-pointer and in a circular linked list the last node
- points back to the first node.
- The package consists of a set of C-functions :
- lDef define linked list
- lInsNode insert node
- lGetNode get node
- lFndNode find node
- lUpdNode update current node
- lDelNode delete node
- lIndxNode get node by index
- lFlagNode get node by flag
- lInfo get information about linked list
- lInfoNode get information about node
- lDel delete linked list
- lDelAll delete all linked lists
- lDump dump a linked list to a file
- lUndump undump a linked list from a file
- Linked List Tool is ported to UNIX, MS-DOS, VAX/VMS and Macintosh.
- Please look at README and the manual pages for more detailed information !
- Anita
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- | TNO - BOUW, PO-box 49, 2600 AA Delft, the Netherlands |
- | FAX : +31 15 843990 |
- | E-MAIL : anita@bouw.tno.nl, Anita.Eijs@bouw.tno.nl |
- +--------------------------------------------------------+
- ---------- cut here ------------------------------------------------------------
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then feed it
- # into a shell via "sh file" or similar. To overwrite existing files,
- # type "sh file -c".
- # The tool that generated this appeared in the comp.sources.unix newsgroup;
- # send mail to comp-sources-unix@uunet.uu.net if you want that tool.
- # Contents: README Doc Doc/Intro.1 Doc/lDef.1 Doc/lDel.1 Doc/lDelAll.1
- # Doc/lDelNode.1 Doc/lDump.1 Doc/lFlagNode.1 Doc/lFndNode.1
- # Doc/lGetNode.1 Doc/lIndxNode.1 Doc/lInfo.1 Doc/lInfoNode.1
- # Doc/lInsNode.1 Doc/lUndump.1 Doc/lUpdNode.1 Makefile
- # Tools_makerule example.c list.c list.h
- # Wrapped by kent@sparky on Fri May 29 15:25:17 1992
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- echo If this archive is complete, you will see the following message:
- echo ' "shar: End of archive 1 (of 1)."'
- if test -f 'README' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'README'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'README'\" \(1541 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'README' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X Linked List Tool
- X ================
- X
- X
- XThe distribution of the Linked List Tool (Version 0.7, March 1992) includes
- Xthe following files:
- X
- X Doc/Intro.1 - [nt]roff manual pages
- X Doc/lDef.1
- X Doc/lDel.1
- X Doc/lDelAll.1
- X Doc/lDelNode.1
- X Doc/lDump.1
- X Doc/lFlagNode.1
- X Doc/lFndNode.1
- X Doc/lGetNode.1
- X Doc/lIndxNode.1
- X Doc/lInfo.1
- X Doc/lInfoNode.1
- X Doc/lInsNode.1
- X Doc/lUndump.1
- X Doc/lUpdNode.1
- X Makefile - Berkeley or System V Makefile
- X README - this file !
- X Tools_makerule - make rules for Makefile
- X example.c - example of use of Linked List routines
- X list.c - Linked List sources
- X list.h - Linked List defines and prototypes
- X
- X
- XThe installation of the Linked List Tool library is pretty simple :
- X
- X1) Check the environment settings (TOOLS_HOME, DIR, LIB and RULE) in
- X the Makefile.
- X
- X2) Check the environment settings (RANLIB) in the Tools_makerule.
- X
- X3) Enter 'make newlib' at the UNIX prompt.
- X
- X4) Enter 'make test' or 'make example' to create the executable of
- X the program 'example' at the UNIX prompt.
- X
- X
- XI also ported the Linked List Tool to MSDOS, to VAX-VMS and to Macintosh.
- XI didn't create a library on those machines, but I treated list.c and list.h
- Xthe same as all the other source-files (*.[ch]) of the program.
- X
- X
- XThe Linked List Tool is in the public domain. If you have any comments,
- Xsuggestions, or find any bugs, or make any changes you'd like to share,
- Xplease let me know.
- X
- X
- XAnita Eijs (anita@bouw.tno.nl, Anita.Eijs@bouw.tno.nl)
- XTNO - BOUW - BouwInformatica
- XP.O. Box 49
- X2600 AA Delft
- XThe Netherlands
- XFAX : +31 15 843990
- if test 1541 -ne `wc -c <'README'`; then
- echo shar: \"'README'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'README'
- fi
- if test ! -d 'Doc' ; then
- echo shar: Creating directory \"'Doc'\"
- mkdir 'Doc'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/Intro.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/Intro.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/Intro.1'\" \(6595 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/Intro.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "Intro"
- X.IX Intro
- XIntro - Introduction to Linked List Tool.
- XThe Linked List Tool is a package to define, create, update, query and
- Xdelete one or more (nodes of) linked lists. The user doesn't have to take
- Xcare of allocating a number of bytes
- Xfor a node, inserting on the right place, deleting and freeing a
- Xnode and so on.
- X.br
- XDifferent kind of linked lists can be defined.
- XIn a \fIsingly\fP linked list each node
- Xpoints to the next node, in a \fIdoubly\fP linked list each node points also to
- Xthe previous node. A \fIchain\fP is a list in which the last
- Xnode has a NULL-pointer and in a \fIcircular\fP linked list the last node
- Xpoints back to the first node.
- X.br
- XThe package consists of the following routines :
- X.nf
- X.if t .ta 0.2i 1.3i
- X lDef define linked list
- X lInsNode insert node
- X lGetNode get node
- X lFndNode find node
- X lUpdNode update current node
- X lDelNode delete node
- X lIndxNode get node by index
- X lFlagNode get node by flag
- X lInfo get information about linked list
- X lInfoNode get information about node
- X lDel delete linked list
- X lDelAll delete all linked lists
- X lDump dump a linked list to a file
- X lUndump undump a linked list from a file
- X.fi
- X.if t .ta 0.2i 0.6i
- XHere follows an enumeration of the possible error codes, for each
- Xfunction-call is specified which error codes could be expected. The marked
- Xerrors (*) will also be written to the error-file \fI=listError=\fP.
- X.nf
- X -1 parameter \fIsd\fP has wrong value (*)
- X -2 parameter \fIcc\fP has wrong value (*)
- X -3 parameter \fIwhere\fP has wrong value (*)
- X -4 parameter \fIwhich\fP has wrong value (*)
- X -5 list identifier is unknown (*)
- X -6 function name is unknown (*)
- X -7 there are no linked lists defined (*)
- X -8 linked list doesn't contain any nodes
- X -9 end of list reached
- X -10 node not found
- X -11 backward searching / retrieving not possible for singly linked list (*)
- X -12 size of expected data and size of node are not equal (*)
- X -13 index out of range (*)
- X -14 can't open linked list dump file for writing or reading (*)
- X.fi
- X~anita/Tools/Lib/list.a
- X~anita/Tools/List/list.h
- XThe Linked List Tool is a very portable tool. The tool is developed on UNIX
- Xand ported to MSDOS, to VAX-VMS and to Macintosh. On those 'ported' machines
- Xthe library isn't created, but list.c and list.h were treated the same as
- Xall the other source-files (*.[ch]) of the program, which used the Linked
- XList Tool.
- X.if t .ta 0.3i 0.6i 0.9i 1.2i 3.2i 4.2i 4.5i 4.8i
- X.nf
- X#include "list.h"
- X
- Xint search();
- X
- Xtypedef struct rapport {
- X char nummer[9];
- X char title[30];
- X char author[15];
- X int date;
- X} rapport;
- X
- Xmain()
- X{
- X int id, code, dat, size = sizeof(rapport);
- X rapport rap;
- X
- X id = lDef(SINGLY, CHAIN);
- X
- X strcpy(rap.nummer, "B-89-100");
- X strcpy(rap.title, "Book 1");
- X strcpy(rap.author, "People");
- X rap.date = 890129;
- X lInsNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size, 1);
- X
- X strcpy(rap.nummer, "B-89-101");
- X strcpy(rap.title, "Book 2");
- X strcpy(rap.author, "More People");
- X rap.date = 890130;
- X lInsNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size, 2);
- X
- X strcpy(rap.nummer, "B-89-102");
- X strcpy(rap.title, "Book 3");
- X strcpy(rap.author, "Lots of People");
- X rap.date = 890131;
- X lInsNode(id, LAST, &rap, size, 3);
- X
- X printf("lGetNode\\n");
- X code = lGetNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X printf("lIndxNode\\n");
- X code = lIndxNode(id, 4, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lIndxNode(id, 2, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lIndxNode(id, -1, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lIndxNode(id, 3, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X printf("lFndNode\\n");
- X dat = 890129;
- X code = lFndNode(id, FIRST, search, &dat, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFndNode(id, NEXT, search, &dat, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFndNode(id, NEXT, search, &dat, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X code = lDump(id, "/tmp/.dump");
- X printf("lDump : %d\\n", code);
- X
- X lDel(id);
- X
- X id = lUndump("/tmp/.dump");
- X printf("lUndump : %d\\n", id);
- X
- X strcpy(rap.nummer, "B-89-001");
- X strcpy(rap.title, "Book 4");
- X strcpy(rap.author, "The Author");
- X rap.date = 891127;
- X lInsNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size, 4);
- X
- X printf("lGetNode\n");
- X code = lGetNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X printf("lFlagNode\n");
- X code = lFlagNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFlagNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFlagNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFlagNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X lDelAll();
- X}
- X
- Xint
- Xsearch(date, rpprt)
- Xint *date;
- Xrapport *rpprt;
- X{
- X if (rpprt->date > *date)
- X return(FOUND);
- X else
- X return(NOT_FOUND);
- X}
- X
- XprRap(code, rpprt)
- Xint code;
- Xrapport *rpprt;
- X{
- X if (code >= 0)
- X printf("rapport :'%s' '%s' '%s' '%d'\\n", rpprt->nummer, rpprt->title,
- X rpprt->author, rpprt->date);
- X else
- X printf("Return code = %d\\n", code);
- X}
- X.fi
- X.sp 2
- XThis example program produces the following output :
- X.nf
- X lGetNode
- X rapport :'B-89-101' 'Book 2' 'More People' '890130'
- X rapport :'B-89-100' 'Book 1' 'People' '890129'
- X rapport :'B-89-102' 'Book 3' 'Lots of People' '890131'
- X Return code = -9
- X lIndxNode
- X Return code = -13
- X rapport :'B-89-100' 'Book 1' 'People' '890129'
- X Return code = -13
- X rapport :'B-89-102' 'Book 3' 'Lots of People' '890131'
- X lFndNode
- X rapport :'B-89-101' 'Book 2' 'More People' '890130'
- X rapport :'B-89-102' 'Book 3' 'Lots of People' '890131'
- X Return code = -10
- X lDump : 0
- X lUndump : 1
- X lGetNode
- X rapport :'B-89-001' 'Book 4' 'The Author' '891127'
- X rapport :'B-89-101' 'Book 2' 'More People' '890130'
- X rapport :'B-89-100' 'Book 1' 'People' '890129'
- X rapport :'B-89-102' 'Book 3' 'Lots of People' '890131'
- X lFlagNode
- X rapport :'B-89-100' 'Book 1' 'People' '890129'
- X rapport :'B-89-102' 'Book 3' 'Lots of People' '890131'
- X rapport :'B-89-101' 'Book 2' 'More People' '890130'
- X Return code = -10
- X.fi
- XLinked List Tool 0.7, March 1992.
- XThe Linked List Tool is in the public domain. If you have any comments,
- Xsuggestions, or find any bugs, or make any changes you'd like to share,
- Xplease let me know.
- XCopyright (c) 1992 by Anita Eijs (anita@bouw.tno.nl, Anita.Eijs@bouw.tno.nl).
- X.sp 1
- X.nf
- XTNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica
- XP.O. Box 49
- X2600 AA Delft
- XThe Netherlands
- X.fi
- if test 6595 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/Intro.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/Intro.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/Intro.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lDef.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lDef.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lDef.1'\" \(927 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lDef.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lDef"
- X.IX lDef
- XlDef - Define linked list.
- Xint
- X.BR "lDef" "(sd, cc)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int sd singly or doubly linked list
- X.RP
- XIn int cc chain or circular linked list
- X.DT
- XTo define a linked list use \fBlDef\fP. It is possible to define a
- Xsingly or doubly linked list and a chain or circular linked list.
- XThe routine returns the identifier of the defined linked list (\(>= 1),
- Xwhich must be used in the other routines of the linked list tool.
- X.if t .ta 0.2i 1.5i
- X\fIsd\fP :
- X.nf
- X SINGLY singly linked list, each node points to the next node
- X DOUBLY doubly linked list, each node points to the previous and
- X the next node
- X.fi
- X\fIcc\fP :
- X.nf
- X CHAIN chain linked list, last node has a NULL-pointer
- X CIRCULAR circular linked list, last node points back to the first node
- X.fi
- X-1, -2
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 927 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lDef.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lDef.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lDef.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lDel.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lDel.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lDel.1'\" \(322 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lDel.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lDel"
- X.IX lDel
- XlDel - Delete linked list.
- Xint
- X.BR "lDel" "(id)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.DT
- X\fBlDel\fP deletes a linked list. The routine returns 0 (zero) on success.
- X-5
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 322 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lDel.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lDel.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lDel.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lDelAll.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lDelAll.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lDelAll.1'\" \(299 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lDelAll.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lDelAll"
- X.IX lDelAll
- XlDelAll - Delete all linked lists.
- Xint
- X.BR "lDelAll" "()"
- X.br
- X.DT
- X\fBlDelAll\fP deletes all linked lists. The routine returns 0 (zero)
- Xon success.
- X-7
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 299 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lDelAll.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lDelAll.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lDelAll.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lDelNode.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lDelNode.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lDelNode.1'\" \(664 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lDelNode.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lDelNode"
- X.IX lDelNode
- XlDelNode - Delete node.
- Xint
- X.BR "lDelNode" "(id, which)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XIn int which which node must be deleted
- X.DT
- X\fBlDelNode\fP deletes a node from a linked list. Which node must be
- Xdeleted can be specified by \fIwhich\fP. The first, the current
- Xand the last node of a linked list can be deleted. The routine returns
- X0 (zero) on success.
- X.if t .ta 0.2i 1.5i
- X\fIwhich\fP :
- X.nf
- X FIRST first node
- X CURRENT current node
- X LAST last node
- X.fi
- X-4, -5, -8
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 664 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lDelNode.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lDelNode.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lDelNode.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lDump.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lDump.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lDump.1'\" \(755 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lDump.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lDump"
- X.IX lDump
- XlDump - Dump a linked list to a file.
- Xint
- X.BR "lDump" "(id, file)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XIn char *file name of linked list dump file
- X.DT
- X\fBlDump\fP is a linked list dumping utility. It allows the user to store
- Xlinked list data in a specially formatted file, so the linked list data can
- Xbe used within another program session. This file can be read by the linked
- Xlist undumping utility lUndump. The routine returns 0 (zero) on success.
- X.br
- XDon't use pointers within your data structure, because only the pointers
- Xwill be written in the dump file, not the data pointed to.
- X-5, -14
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 755 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lDump.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lDump.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lDump.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lFlagNode.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lFlagNode.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lFlagNode.1'\" \(725 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lFlagNode.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lFlagNode"
- X.IX lFlagNode
- XlFlagNode - Get node by flag.
- Xint
- X.BR "lFlagNode" "(id, flag, data, size)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XIn int flag flag of node which must be retrieved
- X.RP
- XOut Byte *data data of node
- X.RP
- XIn int size size of data
- X.DT
- X\fBlFlagNode\fP gets the data of a 'flagged' node of a linked list. Which
- Xnode must be retrieved can be specified by a \fIflag\fP. The first node with
- Xthe specified flag will be returned.
- X.br
- XWhen the retrieved node is the first or the last node, the return code
- Xwill have the value FIRST or LAST, otherwise zero.
- X-5, -8, -10, -12
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 725 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lFlagNode.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lFlagNode.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lFlagNode.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lFndNode.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lFndNode.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lFndNode.1'\" \(1383 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lFndNode.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lFndNode"
- X.IX lFndNode
- XlFndNode - Find node.
- Xint
- X.BR "lFndNode" "(id, where, func, ptr, data, size)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XIn int where from where must be searched
- X.RP
- XIn int (*func)() function for checking the data on conditions
- X.RP
- XIn Byte *ptr data for comparison in function
- X.RP
- XOut Byte *data data of node
- X.RP
- XIn int size size of data
- X.DT
- X\fBlFndNode\fP searches a node from the linked list, using the user
- Xdefined function \fIfunc\fP, which checks the data of a node on conditions.
- XThis function must have two parameters, a pointer to the data to compare with
- Xand a pointer to the data of a node. The possible return values are FOUND or
- XNOT_FOUND. From where the node must be
- Xsearched can be specified by \fIwhere\fP. A node can be searched forward
- Xfrom the
- Xbeginning of the list or from the current node and backward from the current
- Xnode or from the end of the list.
- X.br
- XWhen a singly linked list is defined only forward searching is possible.
- X.br
- XWhen the found node is the first or the last node, the return code will
- Xhave the value FIRST or LAST.
- X.if t .ta 0.2i 1.5i
- X\fIwhere\fP :
- X.nf
- X FIRST first node
- X PREVIOUS previous node
- X NEXT next node
- X LAST last node
- X.fi
- X-3, -5, -6, -8, -10, -11
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 1383 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lFndNode.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lFndNode.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lFndNode.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lGetNode.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lGetNode.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lGetNode.1'\" \(1095 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lGetNode.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lGetNode"
- X.IX lGetNode
- XlGetNode - Get node.
- Xint
- X.BR "lGetNode" "(id, which, data, size)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XIn int which which node must be retrieved
- X.RP
- XOut Byte *data data of node
- X.RP
- XIn int size size of data
- X.DT
- X\fBlGetNode\fP gets the data of a node of a linked list. Which node must be
- Xretrieved can be specified by \fIwhich\fP. The first node,
- Xthe current node, the node before or after the current node
- Xand the node at the end of the list can be retrieved.
- X.br
- XWhen a singly linked list is defined only forward retrieving is possible,
- Xthe previous node can't be get.
- X.br
- XWhen the retrieved node is the first or the last node, the return code
- Xwill have the value FIRST or LAST. For the other nodes the routine returns
- X0 (zero) on success.
- X.if t .ta 0.2i 1.5i
- X\fIwhich\fP :
- X.nf
- X FIRST first node
- X PREVIOUS previous node
- X CURRENT current node
- X NEXT next node
- X LAST last node
- X.fi
- X-4, -5, -8, -9, -11, -12
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 1095 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lGetNode.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lGetNode.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lGetNode.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lIndxNode.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lIndxNode.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lIndxNode.1'\" \(719 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lIndxNode.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lIndxNode"
- X.IX lIndxNode
- XlIndxNode - Get node by index.
- Xint
- X.BR "lIndxNode" "(id, index, data, size)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XIn int index index of node which must be retrieved
- X.RP
- XOut Byte *data data of node
- X.RP
- XIn int size size of data
- X.DT
- X\fBlIndxNode\fP gets the data of an indexed node of a linked list. Which
- Xnode must be retrieved can be specified by \fIindex\fP (\(>= 1).
- X.br
- XWhen the retrieved node is the first or the last node, the return code
- Xwill have the value FIRST or LAST. For the other nodes the routine returns
- X0 (zero) on success.
- X-5, -8, -13
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 719 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lIndxNode.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lIndxNode.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lIndxNode.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lInfo.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lInfo.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lInfo.1'\" \(646 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lInfo.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lInfo"
- X.IX lInfo
- XlInfo - Get information about linked list.
- Xint
- X.BR "lInfo" "(id, sd, cc, n)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XOut int *sd singly or doubly linked list
- X.RP
- XOut int *cc chain or circular linked list
- X.RP
- XOut int *n number of nodes
- X.DT
- X\fBlInfo\fP returns some information about a linked list. The type of
- Xthe linked list (\fIsd\fP and \fIcc\fP, defined by the user)
- Xand the number of nodes added
- Xto the linked list (\fIn\fP). The routine returns 0 (zero) on success.
- X.if t .ta 0.5i
- X-5
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 646 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lInfo.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lInfo.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lInfo.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lInfoNode.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lInfoNode.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lInfoNode.1'\" \(1135 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lInfoNode.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lInfoNode"
- X.IX lInfoNode
- XlInfoNode - Get information about node.
- Xint
- X.BR "lInfoNode" "(id, which, size, flag)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XIn int which which node must be inspected
- X.RP
- XOut int *size size of data of node
- X.RP
- XOut int *flag user information flag
- X.DT
- X\fBlInfoNode\fP returns some information about a node.
- XThe size of the data of the node (\fIsize\fP)
- Xand the user information flag (\fIflag\fP).
- XOf which node the information must be given can be specified by \fIwhich\fP.
- XThe first node, the current node, the node before or
- Xafter the current node and the node at the end of the list can be inspected.
- XThe routine returns 0 (zero) on success.
- X.br
- XWhen a singly linked list is defined only forward information retrieving
- Xis possible, the previous node can't be inspected.
- X.if t .ta 0.2i 1.5i
- X\fIwhich\fP :
- X.nf
- X FIRST first node
- X PREVIOUS previous node
- X CURRENT current node
- X NEXT next node
- X LAST last node
- X.fi
- X.if t .ta 0.5i
- X-4, -5, -8 -9, -11
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 1135 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lInfoNode.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lInfoNode.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lInfoNode.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lInsNode.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lInsNode.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lInsNode.1'\" \(1031 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lInsNode.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lInsNode"
- X.IX lInsNode
- XlInsNode - Insert node.
- Xint
- X.BR "lInsNode" "(id, where, data, size, flag)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XIn int where place where node must be inserted
- X.RP
- XIn Byte *data data of node
- X.RP
- XIn int size size of data
- X.RP
- XIn int flag user information flag
- X.DT
- X\fBlInsNode\fP inserts a node in a linked list. Where the node must be
- Xinserted can be specified by \fIwhere\fP. A node can be added at the
- Xfront of the list, before or after the current node
- Xand at the end of the list.
- XFor each node a flag can be set by the user, e.g. to identify the node or
- Xthe type of node. When the flag identifies the node you can retrieve the
- Xnodes by flag (lFlagNode). The routine returns 0 (zero) on success.
- X.if t .ta 0.2i 1.5i
- X\fIwhere\fP :
- X.nf
- X FIRST as first node
- X BEFORE before current node
- X AFTER after current node
- X LAST as last node
- X.fi
- X-3, -5
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 1031 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lInsNode.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lInsNode.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lInsNode.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lUndump.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lUndump.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lUndump.1'\" \(719 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lUndump.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lUndump"
- X.IX lUndump
- XlUndump - Undump a linked list from a file.
- Xint
- X.BR "lUndump" "(file)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn char *file name of linked list dump file
- X.DT
- X\fBlUndump\fP is a linked list undumping utility. The user will be able to
- Xuse linked list data that was saved by lDump in the same or an earlier
- Xprogram session. The linked list data was saved in a specially formatted
- Xfile by lDump. The routine returns the identifier of the undumped linked
- Xlist (\(>= 1), which must be used in the other routines of the linked list
- Xtool. This identifier doesn't have to be the same as used by lDump.
- X-14
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 719 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lUndump.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lUndump.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lUndump.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Doc/lUpdNode.1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Doc/lUpdNode.1'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Doc/lUpdNode.1'\" \(634 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Doc/lUpdNode.1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X'.so tmac.clman
- X.TH "lUpdNode"
- X.IX lUpdNode
- XlUpdNode - Update current node.
- Xint
- X.BR "lUpdNode" "(id, data, size, flag)"
- X.br
- X.RT
- X.RP
- XIn int id identifier of linked list
- X.RP
- XIn Byte *data updated data of node
- X.RP
- XIn int size size of data
- X.RP
- XIn int flag user information flag
- X.DT
- X\fBlUpdNode\fP updates the current node in a linked list, in fact
- Xthis routine replaces the data of the current node by the data of the
- Xupdated node.
- XThe flag for user information can also be updated. The routine returns
- X0 (zero) on success.
- X-5, -8
- XAnita Eijs (TNO - Bouw - BouwInformatica)
- if test 634 -ne `wc -c <'Doc/lUpdNode.1'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Doc/lUpdNode.1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Doc/lUpdNode.1'
- fi
- if test -f 'Makefile' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Makefile'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Makefile'\" \(1730 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Makefile' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X# Linked List Tool
- X#
- X# Anita Eijs, TNO-BOUW, BouwInformatica, September 1989
- X
- XTOOLS_HOME = /usr1/user/anita/Tools
- X
- X# Name of current directory
- XDIR = List
- X
- X# Name of library
- XLIB = $(TOOLS_HOME)/Lib/list.a
- X
- X# Include rules for package
- XMAKERULE= Tools_makerule
- Xinclude $(RULE)
- X
- X# Contents of current directory
- XLIST = Makefile README example.c list.c list.h
- X
- X# Documentation
- XDOC = \
- X Doc/Intro.1 Doc/lDef.1 Doc/lDel.1 \
- X Doc/lDelAll.1 Doc/lDelNode.1 Doc/lDump.1 \
- X Doc/lFlagNode.1 Doc/lFndNode.1 Doc/lGetNode.1 \
- X Doc/lIndxNode.1 Doc/lInfo.1 Doc/lInfoNode.1 \
- X Doc/lInsNode.1 Doc/lUndump.1 Doc/lUpdNode.1
- X
- XDOC_ALL = \
- X Doc/list_doc.ps Doc/*.man
- X
- X# Object dependencies
- XOBJ = list.o
- X
- XLIB_OBJ = $(LIB)(list.o)
- X
- X# The targets
- Xusge:
- X $(ECHO)
- X $(ECHO)
- X
- Xlib: $(LIB_OBJ)
- X $(RANLIB) $(LIB)
- X
- Xnewlib: $(OBJ)
- X $(AR) r $(LIB) *.o
- X rm -f *.o
- X $(RANLIB) $(LIB)
- X
- Xofiles: $(OBJ)
- X
- Xtest: example
- X
- Xexample: $(LIB) example.o
- X cc -o example example.o $(LIB)
- X
- Xtar:
- X $(ECHO) "Making tar-file in $(TARFILE)"
- X tar cvf $(TARFILE) $(MAKERULE) $(LIST) $(DOC)
- X rm $(MAKERULE)
- X
- Xshar:
- X $(ECHO) "Making shar-file in $(SHARFILE)"
- X shar $(MAKERULE) $(LIST) Doc $(DOC) $(DOC_ALL) > $(SHARFILE)
- X rm $(MAKERULE)
- X
- Xshort_shar:
- X $(ECHO) "Making shar-file in $(SHARFILE)"
- X shar $(MAKERULE) $(LIST) Doc $(DOC) > $(SHARFILE)
- X rm $(MAKERULE)
- if test 1730 -ne `wc -c <'Makefile'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Makefile'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Makefile'
- fi
- if test -f 'Tools_makerule' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Tools_makerule'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'Tools_makerule'\" \(826 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'Tools_makerule' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- XTARFILE = /tmp/Tools$(DIR).tar
- XSHARFILE = /tmp/Tools$(DIR).shar
- XAR = ar
- X# RANLIB should be :
- X# echo : IRIX System V Release 3.3.1, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- X# ranlib : Sun Sparc2 SunOS, Berkeley UNIX
- X# (AE, Dec 91)
- X#RANLIB = echo "Ready with"
- XRANLIB = ranlib
- X
- X# Set defaults for macro's
- XECHO = echo $(INDNTTN)
- X
- X# Help macro
- XUSAGE_ID = "Makefile of directory $(DIR)"
- XUSAGE_TARGETS = "Targets are:"
- XUSAGE_USAGE = "usge = Prints this"
- XUSAGE_LIB = "lib = Make objects for LIB"
- XUSAGE_NEWLIB = "newlib = Make objects and place them in LIB"
- XUSAGE_OFILES = "ofiles = Make objects"
- XUSAGE_TEST = "test/example = Make test program"
- XUSAGE_TAR = "tar = Make TARFILE"
- XUSAGE_DEFLTS1 = "defaults:"
- if test 826 -ne `wc -c <'Tools_makerule'`; then
- echo shar: \"'Tools_makerule'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'Tools_makerule'
- fi
- if test -f 'example.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'example.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'example.c'\" \(2666 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'example.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#include "list.h"
- X
- Xint search();
- X
- Xtypedef struct rapport {
- X char nummer[9];
- X char title[30];
- X char author[15];
- X int date;
- X} rapport;
- X
- Xmain()
- X{
- X int id, code, dat, size = sizeof(rapport);
- X rapport rap;
- X
- X id = lDef(SINGLY, CHAIN);
- X
- X strcpy(rap.nummer, "B-89-100");
- X strcpy(rap.title, "Book 1");
- X strcpy(rap.author, "People");
- X rap.date = 890129;
- X lInsNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size, 1);
- X
- X strcpy(rap.nummer, "B-89-101");
- X strcpy(rap.title, "Book 2");
- X strcpy(rap.author, "More People");
- X rap.date = 890130;
- X lInsNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size, 2);
- X
- X strcpy(rap.nummer, "B-89-102");
- X strcpy(rap.title, "Book 3");
- X strcpy(rap.author, "Lots of People");
- X rap.date = 890131;
- X lInsNode(id, LAST, &rap, size, 3);
- X
- X printf("lGetNode\n");
- X code = lGetNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X printf("lIndxNode\n");
- X code = lIndxNode(id, 4, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lIndxNode(id, 2, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lIndxNode(id, -1, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lIndxNode(id, 3, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X printf("lFndNode\n");
- X dat = 890129;
- X code = lFndNode(id, FIRST, search, &dat, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFndNode(id, NEXT, search, &dat, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFndNode(id, NEXT, search, &dat, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X code = lDump(id, "/tmp/.dump");
- X printf("lDump : %d\n", code);
- X
- X lDel(id);
- X
- X id = lUndump("/tmp/.dump");
- X printf("lUndump : %d\n", id);
- X
- X strcpy(rap.nummer, "B-89-001");
- X strcpy(rap.title, "Book 4");
- X strcpy(rap.author, "The Author");
- X rap.date = 891127;
- X lInsNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size, 4);
- X
- X printf("lGetNode\n");
- X code = lGetNode(id, FIRST, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lGetNode(id, NEXT, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X printf("lFlagNode\n");
- X code = lFlagNode(id, 1, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFlagNode(id, 3, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFlagNode(id, 2, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X code = lFlagNode(id, 7, &rap, size);
- X prRap(code, &rap);
- X
- X lDelAll();
- X}
- X
- Xint
- Xsearch(date, rpprt)
- Xint *date;
- Xrapport *rpprt;
- X{
- X if (rpprt->date > *date)
- X return(FOUND);
- X else
- X return(NOT_FOUND);
- X}
- X
- XprRap(code, rpprt)
- Xint code;
- Xrapport *rpprt;
- X{
- X if (code >= 0)
- X printf("rapport :'%s' '%s' '%s' '%d'\n", rpprt->nummer, rpprt->title,
- X rpprt->author, rpprt->date);
- X else
- X printf("Return code = %d\n", code);
- X}
- if test 2666 -ne `wc -c <'example.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'example.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'example.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'list.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'list.c'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'list.c'\" \(21105 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'list.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X/*
- X * Anita Eijs TNO-BOUW, BouwInformatica May 1989
- X *
- X * Linked List Tool
- X *
- X * Updates:
- X * 900402 new routine 'lIndxNode' : 'get node by index'
- X *
- X * 900925 new routine 'lError' : 'print error message in ERROR_FILE'
- X *
- X * 901129 new routines 'lDump' : 'dump a linked list to a file'
- X * and 'lUndump' : 'undump a linked list from a file'
- X *
- X * 910301 'Mac'ed by Vinnie : ListPtr=ListyPtr, Byte = byte, includes and
- X * typecasts
- X *
- X * 910316 new routine 'lFlagNode' : 'get node by flag'
- X */
- X
- X#ifdef MAC
- X#define MAC_OR_VAXC
- X#endif
- X#ifdef VAXC
- X#define MAC_OR_VAXC
- X#endif
- X
- X#ifdef MAC
- X#include <unix.h> /* open, creat, write, read, close */
- X#include <stddef.h> /* sizeof */
- X#endif
- X
- X#ifdef MAC_OR_VAXC
- X#include <stdlib.h>
- X#else
- X#include <malloc.h>
- X#endif
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- X#include "list.h"
- X
- X#undef FREE
- X#define FREE(VAR) if (VAR != NULL) free((char *)VAR);
- X#undef MALLOC
- X#define MALLOC(VAR, TYPE) \
- X if ((VAR = (TYPE *)malloc(sizeof(TYPE))) == NULL) { \
- X fprintf(stderr, "No more memory for malloc().\n"); \
- X }
- X#undef CALLOC
- X#define CALLOC(VAR, TYPE, NR) \
- X if ((VAR = (TYPE *)calloc(NR, sizeof(TYPE))) == NULL) {\
- X fprintf(stderr, "No more memory for calloc().\n"); \
- X }
- X
- X#undef BYTE_COPY
- X#define BYTE_COPY(FROM, TO, SIZE) \
- X { \
- X register Byte *frm = FROM, \
- X *to = TO; \
- X int i = SIZE; \
- X while (i--) *to++ = *frm++; \
- X }
- X
- X#ifndef ANSI
- Xtypedef int (*Func)();
- Xtypedef unsigned char Byte;
- X#endif
- X
- Xtypedef struct lnode {
- X Byte *data; /* data of user */
- X int size; /* size (number of bytes) of data */
- X int flag; /* user information flag */
- X struct lnode *prv; /* previous node */
- X struct lnode *nxt; /* next node */
- X} ListNode, *NodePtr;
- X
- Xtypedef struct listhdr {
- X int id; /* identifier of linked list */
- X int sd; /* singly or doubly linked */
- X int cc; /* chain or circular list */
- X int n; /* number of nodes */
- X NodePtr first; /* address of first node */
- X NodePtr current; /* address of current node */
- X NodePtr last; /* address of last node */
- X struct listhdr *nxt; /* next linked list */
- X} ListHdr, *ListPtr;
- X
- Xtypedef struct header { /* general info of linked list for dump file */
- X int sd;
- X int cc;
- X int n;
- X} Header;
- X
- Xtypedef struct info { /* general info of node for dump file */
- X int size;
- X int flag;
- X} Info;
- X
- X#define BIN_WRITE 1 /* necessary for binary file access */
- X#define BIN_READ 0
- X#define PMODE 0666
- X
- Xstatic ListHdr firstlist = { 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
- X
- Xstatic ListPtr ld = &firstlist;
- Xstatic int idMax = 2;
- X
- Xstatic ListPtr getAddress();
- Xstatic void lError();
- X
- X/* define a new linked list and create info about it */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlDef(int sd, int cc)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlDef(sd, cc)
- Xint sd, cc;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr list, new;
- X
- X if (sd != SINGLY && sd != DOUBLY) {
- X lError("lDef", WRONG_SD, sd, 0, NULL);
- X return(WRONG_SD);
- X }
- X if (cc != CHAIN && cc != CIRCULAR) {
- X lError("lDef", WRONG_CC, cc, 0, NULL);
- X return(WRONG_CC);
- X }
- X
- X list = ld;
- X while (list->nxt != NULL && list->sd != 0)
- X list = list->nxt;
- X if (list->sd != 0) { /* new list */
- X MALLOC(new, ListHdr);
- X new->id = idMax++;
- X new->sd = sd;
- X new->cc = cc;
- X new->n = 0;
- X new->first = new->current = new->last = NULL;
- X new->nxt = NULL;
- X list->nxt = new;
- X return(new->id);
- X } else { /* new list on existing place */
- X list->sd = sd;
- X list->cc = cc;
- X return(list->id);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* insert a node in linked list */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlInsNode(int id, int where, Byte *data, int size, int flag)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlInsNode(id, where, data, size, flag)
- Xint id, where, size, flag;
- XByte *data;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr list;
- X NodePtr node, new;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lInsNode", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X if (where != FIRST && where != BEFORE && where != AFTER
- X && where != LAST) {
- X lError("lInsNode", WRONG_WHERE, where, 0, NULL);
- X return(WRONG_WHERE);
- X }
- X
- X /* create new node */
- X MALLOC(new, ListNode);
- X CALLOC(new->data, Byte, size);
- X BYTE_COPY(data, new->data, size);
- X new->size = size;
- X new->flag = flag;
- X
- X /* specific insert cases */
- X if (list->first == NULL)
- X where = ONE_NODE; /* first node in list */
- X else if (list->current == list->first && where == BEFORE)
- X where = FIRST; /* before first is like insert first */
- X else if (list->current == list->last && where == AFTER)
- X where = LAST; /* after last is like insert last */
- X
- X switch (where) {
- X case ONE_NODE :
- X if (list->cc == CHAIN)
- X new->prv = new->nxt = NULL;
- X else {
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY)
- X new->prv = new;
- X else
- X new->prv = NULL;
- X new->nxt = new;
- X }
- X list->first = list->last = new;
- X break;
- X case FIRST :
- X new->prv = (list->first)->prv;
- X new->nxt = list->first;
- X if (list->cc == CIRCULAR)
- X (list->last)->nxt = new;
- X else
- X (list->last)->nxt = NULL;
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY)
- X (list->first)->prv = new;
- X list->first = new;
- X break;
- X case BEFORE :
- X new->prv = (list->current)->prv; /* == NULL if SINGLY */
- X new->nxt = list->current;
- X
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY) {
- X ((list->current)->prv)->nxt = new;
- X (list->current)->prv = new;
- X } else {
- X node = list->first;
- X /* search for last before current */
- X while (node->nxt != list->current && node != list->last)
- X node = node->nxt;
- X node->nxt = new;
- X }
- X if (list->current == list->first)
- X list->first = new;
- X break;
- X case AFTER :
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY)
- X new->prv = list->current;
- X else
- X new->prv = NULL;
- X new->nxt = (list->current)->nxt;
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY) {
- X ((list->current)->nxt)->prv = new;
- X (list->current)->prv = new;
- X }
- X (list->current)->nxt = new;
- X if (list->current == list->last)
- X list->last = new;
- X break;
- X case LAST :
- X node = list->last;
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY)
- X new->prv = node;
- X else
- X new->prv = NULL;
- X if (list->cc == CIRCULAR)
- X new->nxt = list->first;
- X else
- X new->nxt = NULL;
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY && list->cc == CIRCULAR)
- X (list->first)->prv = new;
- X node->nxt = new;
- X list->last = new;
- X break;
- X }
- X list->n++;
- X list->current = new;
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* update current node in linked list */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlUpdNode(int id, Byte *data, int size, int flag)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlUpdNode(id, data, size, flag)
- Xint id, size, flag;
- XByte *data;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr list;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lUpdNode", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X if (list->current == NULL) {
- X lError("lUpdNode", EMPTY_LIST, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EMPTY_LIST);
- X }
- X
- X /* if same size, replace node by updated node */
- X /* if not same size, insert updated node on current place */
- X if ((list->current)->size != size) {
- X FREE((list->current)->data);
- X CALLOC((list->current)->data, Byte, size);
- X (list->current)->size = size;
- X }
- X (list->current)->flag = flag;
- X BYTE_COPY(data, (list->current)->data, size);
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* get data of node */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlGetNode(int id, int which, Byte *data, int size)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlGetNode(id, which, data, size)
- Xint id, which, size;
- XByte *data;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr list;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lGetNode", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X if (list->first == NULL) {
- X lError("lGetNode", EMPTY_LIST, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EMPTY_LIST);
- X }
- X
- X switch (which) {
- X case FIRST :
- X list->current = list->first;
- X break;
- X case NEXT :
- X if ((list->current)->nxt == NULL) {
- X lError("lGetNode", EOL, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EOL);
- X }
- X list->current = (list->current)->nxt;
- X break;
- X case CURRENT :
- X break;
- X case PREVIOUS :
- X if (list->sd != DOUBLY) {
- X lError("lGetNode", NOT_DOUBLY, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(NOT_DOUBLY);
- X }
- X if ((list->current)->prv == NULL) {
- X lError("lGetNode", EOL, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EOL);
- X }
- X list->current = (list->current)->prv;
- X break;
- X case LAST :
- X list->current = list->last;
- X break;
- X default :
- X lError("lGetNode", WRONG_WHICH, which, 0, NULL);
- X return(WRONG_WHICH);
- X }
- X /* expected data and node must have same size */
- X if ((list->current)->size != size) {
- X lError("lGetNode", SIZE_NE, size, (list->current)->size, NULL);
- X return(SIZE_NE);
- X } else {
- X BYTE_COPY((list->current)->data, data, size);
- X if (list->current == list->last)
- X return(LAST);
- X else if (list->current == list->first)
- X return(FIRST);
- X else
- X return(0);
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* get data of node 'index' */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlIndxNode(int id, int index, Byte *data, int size)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlIndxNode(id, index, data, size)
- Xint id, index, size;
- XByte *data;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr list;
- X int i;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lIndxNode", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X if (list->first == NULL) {
- X lError("lIndxNode", EMPTY_LIST, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EMPTY_LIST);
- X }
- X if (0 >= index || list->n < index) {
- X lError("lIndxNode", WRONG_INDEX, index, list->n, NULL);
- X return(WRONG_INDEX);
- X }
- X
- X if (index == 1)
- X list->current = list->first;
- X else if (index == list->n)
- X list->current = list->last;
- X else {
- X list->current = list->first;
- X for (i=1; i<index; i++)
- X list->current = (list->current)->nxt;
- X }
- X
- X BYTE_COPY((list->current)->data, data, size);
- X if (list->current == list->last)
- X return(LAST);
- X else if (list->current == list->first)
- X return(FIRST);
- X else
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* find data of node for which the function returns FOUND */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlFndNode(int id, int where, Func func, Byte *ptr, Byte *data, int size)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlFndNode(id, where, func, ptr, data, size)
- Xint id, where, size;
- XFunc func;
- XByte *ptr, *data;
- X#endif
- X{
- X NodePtr node;
- X ListPtr list;
- X int code = NOT_FOUND;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lFndNode", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X if (list->first == NULL) {
- X lError("lFndNode", EMPTY_LIST, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EMPTY_LIST);
- X }
- X if (func == NULL) {
- X lError("lFndNode", UNKNOWN_FUNC, func, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_FUNC);
- X }
- X
- X switch (where) {
- X case FIRST :
- X node = list->first;
- X break;
- X case NEXT :
- X case PREVIOUS :
- X node = list->current;
- X break;
- X case LAST :
- X node = list->last;
- X break;
- X default :
- X lError("lFndNode", WRONG_WHERE, where, 0, NULL);
- X return(WRONG_WHERE);
- X }
- X
- X /* expected data and node must have same size */
- X if ((where == FIRST || where == LAST) && node->size == size) {
- X BYTE_COPY(node->data, data, size);
- X code = (*func)(ptr, data);
- X }
- X
- X switch (where) {
- X case FIRST :
- X case NEXT :
- X while (code != FOUND && node->nxt != NULL
- X && node != list->last) {
- X node = node->nxt;
- X /* expected data and node must have same size */
- X if (node->size == size) {
- X BYTE_COPY(node->data, data, size);
- X code = (*func)(ptr, data);
- X }
- X }
- X if (code == FOUND) {
- X list->current = node;
- X if (list->current == list->last)
- X return(LAST);
- X }
- X break;
- X case PREVIOUS :
- X case LAST :
- X if (list->sd != DOUBLY && code == NOT_FOUND) {
- X lError("lFndNode", NOT_DOUBLY, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(NOT_DOUBLY);
- X }
- X while (code != FOUND && node->prv != NULL
- X && node->prv != list->first) {
- X node = node->prv;
- X /* expected data and node must have same size */
- X if (node->size == size) {
- X BYTE_COPY(node->data, data, size);
- X code = (*func)(ptr, data);
- X }
- X }
- X if (code == FOUND) {
- X list->current = node;
- X if (list->current == list->first)
- X return(FIRST);
- X }
- X break;
- X }
- X return(code);
- X}
- X
- X/* delete node from linked list */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlDelNode(int id, int which)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlDelNode(id, which)
- Xint id, which;
- X#endif
- X{
- X NodePtr node, prv, nxt;
- X ListPtr list;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lDelNode", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X if (list->first == NULL) {
- X lError("lDelNode", EMPTY_LIST, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EMPTY_LIST);
- X }
- X
- X /* specific delete cases */
- X if (list->n == 1)
- X which = ONE_NODE; /* one node in linked list */
- X else if (which == CURRENT && list->first == list->current)
- X which = FIRST; /* current is also first node */
- X else if (which == CURRENT && list->last == list->current)
- X which = LAST; /* current is also last node */
- X
- X switch (which) {
- X case ONE_NODE :
- X node = list->first;
- X list->first = list->current = list->last = NULL;
- X break;
- X case FIRST :
- X node = list->first;
- X nxt = node->nxt;
- X if (list->cc == CIRCULAR) {
- X prv = list->last;
- X prv->nxt = nxt;
- X } else
- X prv = node->prv; /* == NULL if SINGLY */
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY)
- X nxt->prv = prv;
- X list->first = list->current = nxt;
- X break;
- X case CURRENT :
- X node = list->current;
- X nxt = node->nxt;
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY) {
- X prv = node->prv;
- X nxt->prv = prv;
- X } else {
- X prv = node = list->first;
- X while (node != list->current) {
- X prv = node;
- X node = node->nxt;
- X }
- X if (prv == node)
- X prv = list->last;
- X }
- X prv->nxt = nxt;
- X list->current = nxt;
- X break;
- X case LAST :
- X node = list->last;
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY)
- X prv = node->prv;
- X else {
- X if (list->current != list->last)
- X prv = node = list->current;
- X else
- X prv = node = list->first;
- X while (node != list->last) {
- X prv = node;
- X node = node->nxt;
- X }
- X }
- X nxt = node->nxt;
- X if (list->sd == DOUBLY && list->cc == CIRCULAR)
- X nxt->prv = prv;
- X prv->nxt = nxt;
- X list->last = list->current = prv;
- X break;
- X default :
- X lError("lDelNode", WRONG_WHICH, which, 0, NULL);
- X return(WRONG_WHICH);
- X }
- X FREE(node->data);
- X FREE(node);
- X list->n--;
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* get info of linked list */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlInfo(int id, int *sd, int *cc, int *n)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlInfo(id, sd, cc, n)
- Xint id, *sd, *cc, *n;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr list;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lInfo", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X
- X *sd = list->sd;
- X *cc = list->cc;
- X *n = list->n;
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* get info of node of linked list */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlInfoNode(int id, int which, int *size, int *flag)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlInfoNode(id, which, size, flag)
- Xint id, which, *size, *flag;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr list;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lInfoNode", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X if (list->n == 0) {
- X lError("lInfoNode", EMPTY_LIST, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EMPTY_LIST);
- X }
- X
- X switch (which) {
- X case FIRST :
- X list->current = list->first;
- X break;
- X case NEXT :
- X if ((list->current)->nxt == NULL) {
- X lError("lInfoNode", EOL, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EOL);
- X }
- X list->current = (list->current)->nxt;
- X break;
- X case CURRENT :
- X break;
- X case PREVIOUS :
- X if (list->sd != DOUBLY) {
- X lError("lInfoNode", NOT_DOUBLY, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(NOT_DOUBLY);
- X }
- X if ((list->current)->prv == NULL) {
- X lError("lInfoNode", EOL, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EOL);
- X }
- X list->current = (list->current)->prv;
- X break;
- X case LAST :
- X list->current = list->last;
- X break;
- X default :
- X lError("lInfoNode", WRONG_WHICH, which, 0, NULL);
- X return(WRONG_WHICH);
- X }
- X *size = (list->current)->size;
- X *flag = (list->current)->flag;
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* delete a linked list and clear info about it */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlDel(int id)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlDel(id)
- Xint id;
- X#endif
- X{
- X static void delNodes();
- X
- X ListPtr list;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lDel", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X
- X delNodes(list->first, list->n);
- X list->sd = list->cc = list->n = 0;
- X list->first = list->current = list->last = NULL;
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* delete all linked list and all info about those lists */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlDelAll(void)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlDelAll()
- X#endif
- X{
- X static void delListInfo();
- X
- X ListPtr list, nxt;
- X
- X if (ld == NULL) {
- X lError("lDelAll", NO_LIST, 0, 0, NULL);
- X return(NO_LIST);
- X }
- X
- X list = ld;
- X while (list != NULL) {
- X nxt = list->nxt;
- X lDel(list->id);
- X list = nxt;
- X }
- X delListInfo(ld->nxt);
- X /* save info of initial list */
- X firstlist.id = 1;
- X firstlist.sd = firstlist.cc = firstlist.n = 0;
- X firstlist.first = firstlist.current = firstlist.last = NULL;
- X firstlist.nxt = NULL;
- X ld = &firstlist;
- X idMax = 2;
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* get address of list data */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xstatic ListPtr
- XgetAddress(int id)
- X#else
- Xstatic ListPtr
- XgetAddress(id)
- Xint id;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr list;
- X
- X list = ld;
- X while (list != NULL && list->id != id)
- X list = list->nxt;
- X return(list);
- X}
- X
- X/* delete nodes of a linked list */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xstatic void
- XdelNodes(NodePtr node, int n)
- X#else
- Xstatic void
- XdelNodes(node, n)
- XNodePtr node;
- Xint n;
- X#endif
- X{
- X NodePtr nxt;
- X int i;
- X
- X for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- X nxt = node->nxt;
- X FREE(node->data);
- X FREE(node);
- X node = nxt;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* delete info about linked list */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xstatic void
- XdelListInfo(ListPtr list)
- X#else
- Xstatic void
- XdelListInfo(list)
- XListPtr list;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr nxt;
- X
- X while (list != NULL) {
- X nxt = list->nxt;
- X FREE(list);
- X list = nxt;
- X }
- X}
- X
- X/* print error message in ERROR_FILE */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xstatic void
- XlError(char *str, int code, int int1, int int2, char *str1)
- X#else
- Xstatic void
- XlError(str, code, int1, int2, str1)
- Xchar *str, *str1;
- Xint code, int1, int2;
- X#endif
- X{
- X#ifndef MSDOS
- X char mess[60];
- X FILE *fpError, *fopen();
- X
- X switch (code) {
- X case WRONG_SD :
- X sprintf(mess, "Parameter 'sd' has wrong value : %d", int1);
- X break;
- X case WRONG_CC :
- X sprintf(mess, "Parameter 'cc' has wrong value : %d", int1);
- X break;
- X case WRONG_WHERE :
- X sprintf(mess, "Parameter 'where' has wrong value : %d", int1);
- X break;
- X case WRONG_WHICH :
- X sprintf(mess, "Parameter 'which' has wrong value : %d", int1);
- X break;
- X case UNKNOWN_ID :
- X sprintf(mess, "List id '%d' is unknown", int1);
- X break;
- X sprintf(mess, "Function '%d' is unknown", int1);
- X break;
- X case NO_LIST :
- X sprintf(mess, "There are no lists defined");
- X break;
- X case EMPTY_LIST :
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X sprintf(mess, "List '%d' is empty", int1);
- X break;
- X#else
- X return;
- X#endif
- X case EOL :
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X sprintf(mess, "End of list '%d' reached", int1);
- X break;
- X#else
- X return;
- X#endif
- X case NOT_FOUND :
- X#ifdef DEBUG
- X sprintf(mess, "Node not found in list '%d'", int1);
- X break;
- X#else
- X return;
- X#endif
- X case NOT_DOUBLY :
- X sprintf(mess, "List '%d' is not doubly linked", int1);
- X break;
- X case SIZE_NE :
- X sprintf(mess,
- X "Size of expected data '%d' and node '%d' not equal",
- X int1, int2);
- X break;
- X case WRONG_INDEX :
- X sprintf(mess, "Index '%d' out of range [1:%d]", int1, int2);
- X break;
- X case OPEN_ERROR :
- X sprintf(mess, "Can't open dump-file '%s'\n", str1);
- X break;
- X }
- X
- X fpError = fopen(ERROR_FILE, "a");
- X if (fpError == NULL) {
- X fprintf(stderr, "Can't open error-file '%s'\n", ERROR_FILE);
- X fprintf(stderr, "Error, '%s': %s\n", str, mess);
- X } else {
- X fprintf(fpError, "Error, '%s': %s\n", str, mess);
- X fclose(fpError);
- X }
- X#endif
- X}
- X
- X/* dump a linked list to a file */
- X/* file structure :
- X * <header> { <info> <data> }
- X * header.n number of <info>-<data>-combinations (nodes)
- X * info.size size of <data>
- X */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlDump(int id, char *file)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlDump(id, file)
- Xint id;
- Xchar *file;
- X#endif
- X{
- X int open(), creat(), write(), close();
- X
- X int fdDump, i;
- X ListPtr list;
- X NodePtr node;
- X Info info;
- X Header header;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lDump", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X
- X fdDump = open(file, BIN_WRITE);
- X if (fdDump == -1) {
- X fdDump = creat(file, PMODE);
- X if (fdDump == -1) {
- X lError("lDump", OPEN_ERROR, 0, 0, file);
- X return(OPEN_ERROR);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X header.sd = list->sd;
- X header.cc = list->cc;
- X header.n = list->n;
- X write(fdDump, (char *) &header, sizeof(Header));
- X
- X node = list->first;
- X for (i=0; i<header.n; i++) {
- X info.size = node->size;
- X info.flag = node->flag;
- X write(fdDump, (char *) &info, sizeof(Info));
- X write(fdDump, (char *) node->data, node->size);
- X node = node->nxt;
- X }
- X
- X close(fdDump);
- X return(0);
- X}
- X
- X/* undump a linked list from a file */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlUndump(char *file)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlUndump(file)
- Xchar *file;
- X#endif
- X{
- X int open(), read(), close();
- X
- X int fdDump, i, id;
- X Info info;
- X Header header;
- X Byte *data;
- X
- X fdDump = open(file, BIN_READ);
- X if (fdDump == -1) {
- X lError("lDump", OPEN_ERROR, 0, 0, file);
- X return(OPEN_ERROR);
- X }
- X
- X read(fdDump, (char *) &header, sizeof(Header));
- X id = lDef(header.sd, header.cc);
- X
- X for (i=0; i<header.n; i++) {
- X read(fdDump, (char *) &info, sizeof(Info));
- X CALLOC(data, Byte, info.size);
- X read(fdDump, (char *) data, info.size);
- X lInsNode(id, LAST, data, info.size, info.flag);
- X FREE(data);
- X }
- X
- X close(fdDump);
- X return(id);
- X}
- X
- X/* get data of node */
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xint
- XlFlagNode(int id, int flag, Byte *data, int size)
- X#else
- Xint
- XlFlagNode(id, flag, data, size)
- Xint id, flag, size;
- XByte *data;
- X#endif
- X{
- X ListPtr list;
- X
- X if ((list = getAddress(id)) == NULL) {
- X lError("lFlagNode", UNKNOWN_ID, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(UNKNOWN_ID);
- X }
- X if (list->first == NULL) {
- X lError("lFlagNode", EMPTY_LIST, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(EMPTY_LIST);
- X }
- X
- X /* search till end of list */
- X list->current = list->first;
- X while ((list->current)->flag != flag && list->current != list->last) {
- X list->current = (list->current)->nxt;
- X }
- X
- X /* extra flag-check for last node of list */
- X if ((list->current)->flag != flag) {
- X lError("lFlagNode", NOT_FOUND, id, 0, NULL);
- X return(NOT_FOUND);
- X }
- X
- X /* expected data and node must have same size */
- X if ((list->current)->size != size) {
- X lError("lFlagNode", SIZE_NE, size, (list->current)->size, NULL);
- X return(SIZE_NE);
- X } else {
- X BYTE_COPY((list->current)->data, data, size);
- X if (list->current == list->last)
- X return(LAST);
- X else if (list->current == list->first)
- X return(FIRST);
- X else
- X return(0);
- X }
- X}
- if test 21105 -ne `wc -c <'list.c'`; then
- echo shar: \"'list.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'list.c'
- fi
- if test -f 'list.h' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'list.h'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'list.h'\" \(2301 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'list.h' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#define SINGLY 1 /* singly linked list */
- X#define DOUBLY 2 /* doubly linked list */
- X#define CHAIN 3 /* chain linked list */
- X#define CIRCULAR 4 /* circular linked list */
- X
- X#define FIRST 1 /* add at front of list */
- X /* get/find/delete first node */
- X#define PREVIOUS 2 /* get/find previous node */
- X#define BEFORE 3 /* add before current node */
- X#define CURRENT 4 /* get/delete current node */
- X#define AFTER 5 /* add after current node */
- X#define NEXT 6 /* get/find next node */
- X#define LAST 7 /* add at end of list */
- X /* get/find/delete last node */
- X
- X#define ONE_NODE 10 /* add first node to list / delete last node */
- X
- X#ifndef NULL
- X#define NULL 0
- X#endif
- X
- X#define WRONG_SD -1 /* parameter 'sd' has wrong value */
- X#define WRONG_CC -2 /* parameter 'cc' has wrong value */
- X#define WRONG_WHERE -3 /* parameter 'where' has wrong value */
- X#define WRONG_WHICH -4 /* parameter 'which' has wrong value */
- X#define UNKNOWN_ID -5 /* list id is unknown */
- X#define UNKNOWN_FUNC -6 /* function name is unknown */
- X#define NO_LIST -7 /* there are no lists defined */
- X#define EMPTY_LIST -8 /* list is empty */
- X#define EOL -9 /* end of list reached */
- X#define NOT_FOUND -10 /* node not found */
- X#define NOT_DOUBLY -11 /* list is not doubly linked */
- X#define SIZE_NE -12 /* size of expected data and node not equal */
- X#define WRONG_INDEX -13 /* 'index' out of range */
- X#define OPEN_ERROR -14 /* can't open dump-file */
- X
- X#define FOUND 0 /* node found */
- X
- X#define ERROR_FILE "=listError="
- X
- X#ifdef ANSI
- Xtypedef int (*Func)();
- Xtypedef unsigned char Byte;
- Xint lDef(int sd, int cc),
- X lInsNode(int id, int where, Byte *data, int size, int flag),
- X lUpdNode(int id, Byte *data, int size, int flag),
- X lGetNode(int id, int which, Byte *data, int size),
- X lIndxNode(int id, int index, Byte *data, int size),
- X lFndNode(int id, int where, Func func, Byte *ptr, Byte *data, int size),
- X lDelNode(int id, int which),
- X lInfo(int id, int *sd, int *cc, int *n),
- X lInfoNode(int id, int which, int *size, int *flag),
- X lDel(int id),
- X lDelAll(void),
- X lDump(int id, char *file),
- X lUndump(char *file),
- X lFlagNode(int id, int flag, Byte *data, int size);
- X#else
- Xint lDef(), lInsNode(), lUpdNode(), lGetNode(), lIndxNode(), lFndNode(),
- X lDelNode(), lInfo(), lInfoNode(), lDel(), lDelAll(), lDump(), lUndump(),
- X lFlagNode();
- X#endif
- if test 2301 -ne `wc -c <'list.h'`; then
- echo shar: \"'list.h'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'list.h'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 1 \(of 1\).
- cp /dev/null ark1isdone
- for I in 1 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have the archive.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still must unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- exit 0
- exit 0 # Just in case...