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Text File | 1992-06-19 | 55.9 KB | 1,996 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: jv@mh.nl (Johan Vromans)
- Subject: v30i046: mserv-3.0 - Squirrel Mail Server Software, Part01/04
- Message-ID: <csm-v30i046=mserv-3.0.195346@sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM>
- X-Md4-Signature: f77c278186bdd737dbd360d5cccc0bd0
- Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1992 00:58:29 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: jv@mh.nl (Johan Vromans)
- Posting-number: Volume 30, Issue 46
- Archive-name: mserv-3.0/part01
- Environment: Perl
- The Squirrel Mail Server is a mail response program. You can send
- email to it, and it will try to react sensible to your message.
- Main purpose of the mail server is to obtain files from an archive,
- but other functions can be added easily.
- Version 3 is a complete rework of Version 1 (a.k.a. Multihouse-1),
- that has been in production on a number of sites ever since its
- release in 1988. Both the popular csdserv (by Dave Shaver) and the
- UTRECHT mail server (by Piet van Oostrum) have been dereived from
- Multihouse-1.
- The Squirrel Mail Server software is distributed under the terms of
- the GNU Public Licence.
- A brief survey of old and new features:
- - All written in perl, hence portable and easily maintainable.
- - Easy to install.
- - Archives can be split over a number of directories or file systems.
- - Requests are queued and processed by a separate daemon process
- (e.g. from cron). This cuts down on the system load. Moreover, you
- can control when the queue is being run.
- - Requests can be honoured `as is' (name the file and you'll get
- it), but the server can also perform directory searches and index
- file lookup.
- You need GNU find and locate for the index lookup feature.
- - While looking for files, the server knows about commonly handled
- filenames (e.g. ".tar.Z" in "foo.tar.Z") and pseudo-standard
- version numbering (e.g. "gcc-2.1.tar.Z"). It is quite well
- possible that a simple request for "emacs" will actually transmit the
- file "gnu/emacs-18.58/dist/emacs-18.58.tar.Z".
- - Requests can be encoded using a number of encoding schemes, e.g.
- uuencode, xxencode, Dumas' uue and btoa.
- - Requests that are too large to send in one piece are automatically
- split and transferred in parts. The server provides a smart
- unpacking program on request,
- - Parts of requests can be re-transmitted in case of failure.
- - Requests can designate a directory. In this case the whole
- directory tree is packed using some popular packing programs
- (compressed tar, zoo or zip).
- - Requests can be sent by email, or via uucp.
- - The server can be asked to return a list of archive entries that
- match a given request, thus obsoleting the need to transfer huge
- "ls-lR" type index files to find out whatsitcalled.
- - All transfers can be logged. Maintenance procedures include a
- reporting tool.
- Probable future directions:
- - Anonymous FTP interface.
- - Automatic (and transparent) downloading of unknown archive entries
- from other archive servers.
- - Notifier services (you'll be notified if archive entries are
- added).
- - Remote maintenance.
- Requirements:
- - Perl 4.0 patchlevel 19 or later.
- - GNU find 3.5 or later (only if you want to exploit the index
- features).
- - A decent mail system that can deliver mail to a process (sendmail,
- smail3, or smail2.5 w/ mods).
- For more information:
- <jv@mh.nl>
- Johan Vromans
- Multihouse Research
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- #! /bin/sh
- # This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then feed it
- # into a shell via "sh file" or similar. To overwrite existing files,
- # type "sh file -c".
- # The tool that generated this appeared in the comp.sources.unix newsgroup;
- # send mail to comp-sources-unix@uunet.uu.net if you want that tool.
- # Contents: README ChangeLog HELP mlistener.pl process.pl
- # Wrapped by kent@sparky on Sat Jun 13 19:46:21 1992
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
- echo If this archive is complete, you will see the following message:
- echo ' "shar: End of archive 1 (of 4)."'
- if test -f 'README' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'README'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'README'\" \(4368 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'README' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X@(#)@ README 3.4 - README
- X
- XSquirrel Mail Server
- X====================
- X
- XThe Squirrel Mail Server is a mail response program. You can send
- Xemail to it, and it will try to react sensible to your message.
- X
- XMain purpose of the mail server is to obtain files from an archive,
- Xbut other functions can be added easily.
- X
- XThe Squirrel Mail Server software is
- X
- X Copyright 1988,1992 Johan Vromans
- X
- Xand distributed under the terms of the GNU Public Licence. It is
- Xwritten in Perl.
- X
- XDistribution
- X============
- X
- XThis package contains the following files.
- X
- X README This document.
- X ChangeLog A log of changes.
- X INSTALL The documentation on how to install the package.
- X mserv_common.pl Common information for the mail server constituents.
- X mserv_config.pl Configuration file.
- X process.pl Perl script to parse mail messages, and to
- X enqueue the requests.
- X pr_*.pl Demand loadable modules for process.pl
- X rfc822.pl A package to process rfc822 based messages.
- X dorequest.pl Perl script to encode and split the files, and sent
- X them to the requester.
- X dr_*.pl Demand loadable modules for dorequest.pl
- X ms_lock.pl Portable file locking package
- X unpack.pl Perl script to unpack a concatenated series of parts.
- X HELP The HELP file.
- X mlistener.pl Generator for a simple wrapper around "process.pl"
- X to enable setuid processing.
- X makeindex.pl A simple script to aid in maintaining an index
- X of archive entries.
- X chkconfig.pl A tool to feed back on the configuration file.
- X testlock.pl A tool to test the locking package.
- X report.pl A tool to generate usage and error reports.
- X do_report.pl A script to use report.pl
- X do_runq.sh A shell script to run the mail server queue from cron.
- X CRONTAB.sample A sample cron tab for the mail server.
- X mserv.notes
- X mserv.hints Sample files.
- X ixlookup.patch Patch to GNU find 3.5 'locate.c' for create
- X the index lookup program.
- X Makefile To install the package.
- X
- X
- XPrinciple of operation
- X======================
- X
- XWhen a mail is sent to the appropriate designation, generally a mail
- Xalias, it is piped into program "listener". This program effectivily
- Xchanges user to the mail server user, and passes control to the perl
- Xscript "process". This program reads the input, extracts the return
- Xaddress to be used from the mail headers, and parses the commands in
- Xthe message body. See "HELP.txt" for a detailed description of the
- Xcommands. "process" tries to locate the requested files in the
- Xarchive libraries, using default extensions to filenames as described
- Xbelow. Requests are then put in the mail server queue.
- X
- XA separate daemon process ("dorequest", usually invoked by cron) can
- Xbe used to process the queue. This program encodes the file, splits it
- Xinto parts, and passes each part to the mail program for delivery.
- X
- XWhen all parts of a specific delivery are concatenated in the correct
- Xorder (e.g. using a mail program), the original file can be unpacked
- Xusing the perl program "unpack".
- X
- XStructure of the archives
- X=========================
- X
- XThe mail server can handle a list of directories, each of which
- Xcontains zero or more archive entries. By default the following
- Xconventions in the naming of archive entries are used:
- X
- X XXXX Plain file (ascii text)
- X XXXX.shar Shell Archive
- X XXXX.shar.Z Compressed Shell Archive
- X XXXX.Z Compressed file
- X XXXX.tar Unix tar format
- X XXXX.tar.Z Compressed tar
- X XXXX.TZ Compressed tar
- X XXXX.zoo Zoo archive format
- X XXXX.zip Zip archive format
- X
- XWhen someone requests for item XXXX, all of these possibilities are
- Xtried in locating the desired archive item.
- X
- XIt is also possible to configure the server to locate entries using a
- Xnormalized version encoding scheme. In this case, it will also find
- Xfiles of the form XXXX-YYYZZZ (with ZZZ one of the above extensions).
- XAlso, if a suitable file appears to be a directory, the search is
- Xcontinued in this directory.
- X
- XFinally, it is possible to have the server lookup entries in an index
- Xfile.
- X
- XAbout the software
- X==================
- X
- XVersion 3 is a complete rework of Version 1 (a.k.a. Multihouse-1),
- Xthat has been in production on a number of sites ever since its
- Xrelease in 1988. Both the popular csdserv (by Dave Shaver) and the
- XUTRECHT mail server (by Piet van Oostrum) have been dereived from
- XMultihouse-1.
- X
- if test 4368 -ne `wc -c <'README'`; then
- echo shar: \"'README'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'README'
- fi
- if test -f 'ChangeLog' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'ChangeLog'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'ChangeLog'\" \(109 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'ChangeLog' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- XWed Jun 10 11:57:44 1992 Johan Vromans (jv at largo)
- X
- X * ================ Released V3.00 ================
- X
- if test 109 -ne `wc -c <'ChangeLog'`; then
- echo shar: \"'ChangeLog'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'ChangeLog'
- fi
- if test -f 'HELP' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'HELP'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'HELP'\" \(15640 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'HELP' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- XThe Mail Server
- X===============
- X
- XThe mail server is a mail response program. This means that you can
- Xsend it an email message, and the program will read this message,
- Xextracts commands from it, and execute these commands if no errors
- Xwere encountered.
- X
- XThe main purpose of the mail server is to handle requests for files in
- Xarchives. By sending a request for a file, the mail server will look
- Xit up and send the requested file to the originator of the request,
- Xeither via email or via UUCP.
- X
- XWhen files are transferred via email, binary files (e.g. compressed
- Xarchives) are encoded using one of several popular encoding schemes.
- XBig files are split into pieces to avoid mailer limits.
- X
- XBasic Use
- X=========
- X
- XTo request a file from the server send an email message with the
- Xfollowing command:
- X
- X SEND filename
- X
- XThis will have the requested file send via email to the originator of
- Xthe mail message. Encoding, if needed, will be performed with the
- X'btoa' program. BEGIN and END can be used to protect the request
- Xfrom anything else in the mail message, e.g. a signature:
- X
- X SEND filename
- X .signature follows.....
- X
- XTo receive a file via UUCP, use the following commands:
- X
- X UUCP host!path user
- X SEND filename
- X
- XThis will have all requested files transferred via UUCP to the
- Xdesignated host!path. It is equivalent to the Unix command:
- X
- X uucp -drnuser host!path/filename
- X
- XIt is your own responsibility that the supplied path is accessible to
- Xyour UUCP system!
- X
- XThe Server's Archives
- X=====================
- X
- XFiles are stored in the archives in one of the following formats:
- X
- XPlain: normal ASCII text.
- X
- XShell Archive: ASCII files which can be unloaded using the
- X Unix sh(1) program.
- X Shell Archives have names ending in ".shar".
- X
- XCompressed: 16-bit compression using the compress(1) utility.
- X Compressed files have names ending in ".Z".
- X
- XTar: standard UNIX tar(1) format.
- X Tar archives have names ending in ".tar".
- X
- XCompressed Tar: compressed tar archive.
- X Compressed tar archives have names ending in ".tar.Z" or ".TZ".
- X
- XZoo: standard "zoo" format.
- X These files have names ending in ".zoo".
- X
- XWhen requesting a file you do not have to specify the format-specific
- Xextension. A request for a file "foo" will automatically be changed to
- X"foo", "foo.tar", "foo.shar", "foo.Z", "foo.TZ" or "foo.zoo" whichever is
- Xavailable.
- X
- XAdditional formats may be added.
- X
- XCommand Syntax
- X==============
- X
- XA command consists of a keyword (verb), followed by zero or more
- Xarguments, depending on the command. Command verbs may be specified in
- Xall uppercase letters, lowercase or whatever mixed case. In other
- Xwords: case is not significant in command verbs. Case *IS* significant
- Xin command arguments.
- XEmpty lines are ignored.
- X
- XThe following commands are understood by the server. The order of
- Xcommand classes is important.
- X
- X 1. Destination selection. One or more of the following commands must
- X be issued before any request command.
- X
- X REPLY <address>
- X ---------------
- X The return address used by the server is set to the indicated
- X <address>. This must be a valid address by which you can be
- X reached. It should contain a domain-based address.
- X Use this command if you are not sure that the return addresses
- X generated by your mail system are reliable.
- X The address specified with this command will be used by the
- X server to confirm receipt.
- X
- X UUCP <host>!<path> <user>
- X -------------------------
- X The mail server will transfer requests to the indicated host
- X using UUCP. The host must be known to the server system.
- X Requests will be transferred to the indicated <path>. UUCP
- X notification messages will be send to <user>.
- X
- X MAIL <address>
- X --------------
- X The mail server will transfer requests to the indicated address
- X using e-mail. This is the default transfer method for the
- X server. You must specify a valid (preferable domain-based)
- X address by which you can be reached.
- X If no UUCP nor MAIL commands have been issued, requests will be
- X send to the recipient as specified by a REPLY command, or
- X dereived from the mail headers.
- X
- X 2. Transfer parameters. These parameters may be set as often as
- X needed. Setting transfers parameters affects only requests that
- X follow these commands.
- X
- X LIMIT <number>
- X --------------
- X Specify the maximum number of Kbytes which may be sent in a single
- X transfer. Requests that exceed this amount will be split
- X before sending.
- X The amount may be specified with a trailing K, e.g. "30K".
- X The default value is 64K.
- X NOTE: due to overhead, it is possible that the size of the
- X mail which reaches you will (slightly) exceed this limit.
- X
- X --------
- X --------
- X ---
- X ----
- X The requested files will be encoded using the indicated encoding
- X method.
- X Not all methods need to be available in the server installation.
- X
- X CWD [<path>]
- X ------------
- X Sets (or cancels) the current working directory for subsequent
- X commands. CWD commands do not nest, e.g. after "CWD foo; CWD bar"
- X the current directory will be "bar", not "foo/bar".
- X
- X 3. Request commands.
- X
- X INDEX [<item>]
- X --------------
- X The specified <item> is looked up in the server archives. If
- X found, a list of all items that match the request is returned.
- X For example, "INDEX gcc" will return a list of every item in the
- X server archives that has "gcc" in its name or path.
- X "INDEX" without arguments will request for a file INDEX in the
- X archives, if present.
- X Since index requests can return a huge amount of information,
- X the number of lines returned is limited to (usually) a few
- X houndred lines.
- X
- X SEARCH <item>
- X -------------
- X The specified <item> is looked up in the server archives. If
- X found, a list of all items that match the request is returned.
- X SEARCH is more limited that INDEX. It returns only archive
- X entries that are eligible to be found by a SEND command.
- X This can be used to find out which versions of a specific package
- X can be found on the server, and where.
- X For example, "SEARCH gcc" will return a list of every item in the
- X server archives that has a name that starts with "gcc", followed
- X by something that looks like a version number, and ends with
- X ".tar.Z" or some other predefined extension.
- X
- X SEND <item> [<item>...]
- X -----------------------
- X The specified <item>s are looked up in the server archives. If
- X found, they will be sent to you. Multiple items may be
- X specified with one SEND command.
- X If a SEARCH request for the named item returns multiple
- X possibilities, the SEND request will be treated as a SEARCH,
- X i.e. a list of possibilities is returned.
- X NOTE: the names of the <item>s are case sentive!
- X
- X RESEND <item> <part> [<part>...]
- X --------------------------------
- X Re-send the indicated <part>s of this item. This is useful if not
- X all parts of a multi-parts transmission did arrive correctly.
- X When re-transmitting, the encoding and limit used must be
- X identical to those of the original transmission.
- X
- X PACK <method>
- X -----------
- X Subsequent SEND requests must select directies. This directory
- X will be packed into a file using the indicated method, and
- X transferred. <method> may be "tar", "zoo" or "zip". If
- X <method> is "off", subsequent request are treated normally.
- X NOTE: <method> "tar" means "compressed tar". A limit (usually
- X 2Mb) is imposed on the total size of the files in the
- X directories.
- X
- X 4. Misc. commands
- X
- X ----
- X This command gives a brief list of server commands.
- X Note that this is NOT the same as the "SEND HELP" command.
- X The latter command will send this document.
- X
- X ----
- X This command is for testing. No files will be sent if you use
- X this, but a confirmation message will be sent to the return path as
- X determined from the mail headers or the REPLY command. You may
- X use this to find out if your address is valid, and to check the
- X status of your request.
- X
- X -----
- X Ignore anything above this line, and start looking for commands.
- X This command can be used to discard incorrect responses, errors
- X etc. that may result from input that was not directed to the mail
- X server itself.
- X
- X -----------
- X The remainder of the message is ignored. This can be useful if a
- X .signature is appended to the message.
- X
- X
- XSample Mail Server Report (email transfer)
- X==========================================
- X
- XSending:
- X
- X mail jv@mh.nl
- X btoa
- X index bio
- X search bio
- X send bio
- X resend zoo 2 3 4
- X send foo
- X end
- X
- Xwill generate the following report:
- X
- X From: Mail Server <mserv@mh.nl>
- X[1] To: jv@mhres.mh.nl
- X Subject: Request by jv
- X Date: Sun, 1 Oct 92 18:25:39 MET (+0100)
- X
- X Processing mail headers ...
- X[2] Default return address: "jv@mhres.mh.nl"
- X
- X Processing message contents...
- X
- X Command: mail jv@mh.nl
- X[3] => Transfer via email to "jv@mh.nl"
- X
- X Command: btoa
- X => Encoding = btoa
- X
- X Command: index bio
- X => Index: bio
- X
- X Command: search bio
- X => Search: bio
- X
- X Command: send bio HELP
- X => Return address: "jv"
- X => Send: bio
- X => Send: HELP
- X
- X Command: resend zoo 2 3 4
- X => Resend: zoo, parts 2,3,4
- X
- X Command: send foo
- X => Send: foo
- X
- X Command: end
- X => Okay
- X
- X Your message has been processed.
- X
- X[4] Index results:
- X
- X Date Size Index: bio
- X -------- ----- ---------------------------------
- X 91/07/10 2K bio-2.4/Makefile
- X 91/07/06 3K bio-2.4/README
- X 91/07/09 14K bio-2.4/bio.diffs
- X 91/07/09 36K bio-2.4/bio.tar.Z
- X 91/07/09 36K bio-2.4/bio-2.4.tar.Z
- X 89/12/16 4K fastio/stubio.c
- X
- X[5] Search results:
- X
- X Date Size Search: bio
- X -------- ----- ---------------------------------
- X 91/07/09 36K bio-2.4/bio.tar.Z
- X 91/07/09 36K bio-2.4/bio-2.4.tar.Z
- X
- X[6] Request "bio" is ambiguous:
- X
- X Date Size Search: bio
- X -------- ----- ---------------------------------
- X 91/07/09 36K bio-2.4/bio.tar.Z
- X 91/07/09 36K bio-2.4/bio-2.4.tar.Z
- X
- X[7] Requests:
- X
- X Request Size Enc Limit Status
- X ---------------------------- ----- --- ----- -------
- X bio Ambiguous
- X HELP 11K B 64K Queued
- X zoo-2.1/zoo.TZ 171K B 64K Queued (parts 2 3 4 only)
- X foo Unknown
- X
- X The requests with status "Queued" will be sent as soon as the load of
- X the server system permits, usually within 24 hours.
- X
- X Mail Server finished.
- X
- XAs you can see, the return mail is sent to the address [1] extracted
- Xfrom the mail headers [2]. A REPLY command could have been used to
- Xsupply a different address.
- X
- XThe MAIL command [3] instructs the server to send the requests via
- Xemail to the given address. If the MAIL command had not been issued,
- Xthe address from the message header [2] would have been used.
- X
- XThe result from the INDEX command [4] returns info for every file in
- Xthe archives that have "bio" in its name or path.
- X
- XThe result from the SEARCH command [5] returns info for every file in
- Xthe archives that that is likely to be a selectable archive item.
- X
- XSince more than one file matches the request for "bio", it is turned
- Xinto a SEARCH command [6].
- X
- XIn the list of requests [7] the size and encoding of the files are
- Xshown. Note that the size is the size *before* encoding!
- XRequest "foo" could not be found and is skipped.
- X
- XSome time later the following mails will arrive:
- X
- X From Size Subject
- X -------------- --------- ----------------------------------
- X Mail Server 298/10175 "HELP (complete) ascii"
- X Mail Server 829/65453 "zoo.TZ (part 2 of 4) btoa encoded"
- X Mail Server 829/65453 "zoo.TZ (part 3 of 4) btoa encoded"
- X Mail Server 325/25578 "zoo.TZ (part 4 of 4) btoa encoded"
- X
- XFiles which are sent in parts have all pieces clearly marked as such:
- X
- X ------ begin of zoo.TZ -- btoa encoded -- part 2 of 4 ------
- X #(_0M#C)R-&3BEIu9#I[oEFn;50r5kb6%CJq%=NMgE3in`tMpnX0rOEYPWNM...
- X =69S\PiSodA"*lArTZ.-(g6DL2A6_5>DMuFV/&S7H/]XEgLe(l@e;-Rqr:iZ...
- X ...
- X ...
- X $`eP&iGea"a#e[F!oeo1r@U/FP;::i"V)j_EW+.(U*&IrTJ+u'9=$MY7s*CC...
- X uI=a5*Wj^#1LD,&>MZKY@H1_a9QE$$4[+?[ePhh"h2Ub"/a,(ES*ZH"nK"6d...
- X ------ end of zoo.TZ -- btoa encoded -- part 2 of 4 ------
- X
- XSample Mail Server Report (uucp transfer)
- X=========================================
- X
- XSending:
- X
- X uucp mhres!/usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/jv jv
- X btoa
- X limit 64K
- X send bio-2.4
- X resend zoo 2 3 4
- X send foo
- X end
- X
- Xwill generate the following report:
- X
- X From: Mail Server <mserv@mh.nl>
- X[1] To: jv@mhres.mh.nl
- X Subject: Request by jv
- X Date: Sun, 1 Oct 92 18:41:39 MET (+0100)
- X
- X Mail Server V3.0 [process 3.21]
- X
- X Processing mail headers ...
- X[2] Default return address: "jv@mhres.mh.nl"
- X
- X Processing message contents...
- X
- X Command: uucp mhres!/usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/jv/server jv
- X[3] => Transfer via UUCP to "mhres!/usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/jv/server"
- X => (UUCP notification to: "jv")
- X
- X Command: btoa
- X => Encoding = btoa
- X
- X Command: limit 64K
- X => Limit = 64K
- X
- X Command: send bio HELP
- X => Return address: "jv"
- X => Send: bio
- X => Send: HELP
- X
- X Command: resend zoo 2 3 4
- X => Resend: zoo, parts 2,3,4
- X
- X Command: send foo
- X => Send: foo
- X
- X Command: end
- X => Okay
- X
- X Your message has been processed.
- X
- X[4] Requests:
- X
- X Request Size Limit Remarks
- X ---------------------------- ----- ----- -------
- X bio-2.4/bio-2.4.tar.Z 36K 64K Queued
- X HELP 11K 64K Queued
- X zoo-2.1/zoo.TZ 171K 64K Queued (parts 2 3 4 only)
- X foo Unknown
- X
- X The requests with status "Queued" will be sent as soon as the load of
- X the server system permits, usually within 24 hours.
- X
- X Mail Server finished.
- X
- XAs you can see, the return mail is sent to the address [1] extracted
- Xfrom the mail headers [2]. A REPLY command could have been used to
- Xsupply a different address.
- X
- XThe UUCP command [3] instructs the server to send the requests via
- Xuucp to the given system.
- X
- XIn the list of requests [4] the size of the files is
- Xshown.
- XRequest "foo" could not be found and is skipped.
- X
- XSome time later the following files will arrive:
- X
- X /usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/jv/server/bio.tar.Z
- X /usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/jv/server/HELP
- X /usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/jv/server/zoo.TZ/part02of04
- X /usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/jv/server/zoo.TZ/part03of04
- X /usr/spool/uucppublic/receive/jv/server/zoo.TZ/part04of04
- X
- XHistory
- X=======
- X
- XThis mail server has been developed by Johan Vromans at Multihouse
- XResearch. It is all written in Perl, except for one small C-wrapper
- Xprogram.
- XThis software is Copyright 1988, 1992 by Johan Vromans, and may be
- Xdistributed according to the GNU Public Licence.
- X
- XVersion 1 was released in 1988 and has helped to develop Perl-2.
- XIt has been in full production at a number of sites ever since.
- XVersion 2 has never been released.
- XThis is version 3, completely reworked, and requires Perl 4.019 or
- Xlater.
- X
- XFor questions, information and remarks:
- X
- X Johan Vromans
- X--
- XJohan Vromans jv@mh.nl via internet backbones
- XMultihouse Automatisering bv uucp: ..!{uunet,hp4nl}!mh.nl!jv
- XDoesburgweg 7, 2803 PL Gouda, The Netherlands phone/fax: +31 1820 62944/62500
- X------------------------ "Arms are made for hugging" -------------------------
- X
- XSCCS Info: @(#)@ HELP 3.9 - HELP
- if test 15640 -ne `wc -c <'HELP'`; then
- echo shar: \"'HELP'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'HELP'
- fi
- if test -f 'mlistener.pl' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'mlistener.pl'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'mlistener.pl'\" \(4502 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'mlistener.pl' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#!/usr/local/bin/perl
- X# mlistener.pl -- make listener.c
- X# SCCS Status : @(#)@ mlistener.pl 1.3
- X# Author : Johan Vromans
- X# Created On : Sun May 31 14:22:56 1992
- X# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
- X# Last Modified On: Tue Jun 2 12:55:46 1992
- X# Update Count : 18
- X# Status : Unknown, Use with caution!
- X
- X$my_name = "mlistener.pl";
- X$my_version = "1.3";
- X#
- X################ Common stuff ################
- X
- X$libdir = $ENV{"MSERVLIB"} || "/usr/local/lib/mserv";
- Xrequire "./mserv_common.pl"; # USE CURRENT DIR, NOT LIBDIR!
- X
- X################ Options handling ################
- X
- X$opt_verbose = $opt_ident = $opt_help = 0;
- X$opt_setruid = $opt_setenv = $opt_uid = 0;
- X$opt_nosetruid = $opt_nosetenv = $opt_nouid = 0;
- X&options if @ARGV > 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-+[^-]+/;
- Xprint STDERR ($my_package, " [", $my_name, " ", $my_version, "]\n")
- X if $opt_ident || $opt_verbose;
- X
- X################ Main ################
- X
- X$mserv_uid = (getpwnam ($mserv_owner))[2];
- Xdie ("Cannot get UID for user $mserv_owner\n") unless defined $mserv_uid;
- X
- Xif ( $opt_verbose ) {
- X print STDERR ("Using ", $have_setruid ? "setruid system call" :
- X "'su' program", ".\n");
- X print STDERR ("Using setenv library call.\n")
- X if $have_setruid && $have_setenv;
- X print STDERR ("Change to UID $mserv_uid.\n")
- X if $have_setruid && $use_uid;
- X}
- X
- X$have_setruid |= $opt_setruid;
- X$have_setruid = 0 if $opt_nosetruid;
- X$have_setenv |= $opt_setenv;
- X$have_setenv = 0 if $opt_nosetenv || !$have_setruid;
- X$use_uid |= $opt_uid;
- X$use_uid = 0 if $opt_nouid || !$have_setruid;
- X
- Xrequire "ctime.pl";
- Xchop ($ctime = &ctime(time));
- X$uid = $use_uid ? ", uid = $mserv_uid" : "";
- X$opt = "";
- X$opt .= " setruid" if $have_setruid;
- X$opt .= " setenv" if $have_setenv;
- X$opt .= " useuid" if $use_uid;
- X
- Xprint <<EOD;
- X/* listener - receives mails and passes them to the mail server */
- X
- Xstatic char *SCCS_id[] =
- X {"@(#)@ Generated by mlistener.pl 1.3 on $ctime",
- X "@(#)@ Configuration:",
- X "@(#)@ Server = $mserv_owner$uid",
- X "@(#)@ Process = $libdir/process",
- X "@(#)@ Options =$opt"};
- X
- X#include <stdio.h>
- Xprint <<EOD if $have_setruid && !$use_uid;
- X#include <pwd.h>
- Xprint <<EOD if $have_setruid;
- Xint setruid();
- Xprint <<EOD if $have_setruid && !$use_uid;
- Xint setrgid();
- Xprint <<EOD if $have_setenv;
- Xint setenv();
- Xprint <<EOD;
- X
- X/* In an attempt to leave some useful tracks upon failure,
- X * we're gonna exit with special values.
- X */
- X#define abend(i) exit(88+(i))
- X
- Xint chdir();
- X
- Xmain (argc, argv)
- Xint argc;
- Xchar *argv[];
- X{
- X
- Xif ( $have_setruid && $use_uid ) {
- X print <<EOD;
- X /* Change identity. */
- X if (setruid ($mserv_uid) < 0) abend (1);
- X print <<EOD if $have_setenv;
- X setenv ("USER", "$mserv_owner", 1);
- X setenv ("LOGNAME", "$mserv_owner", 1);
- X setenv ("HOME", "/tmp", 1);
- X print <<EOD;
- X if (chdir ("/tmp") < 0) abend (3);
- X
- X /* Execute the real listener */
- X return execl ("$libdir/process", "process", (char*)0);
- X abend (4);
- X}
- Xelsif ( $have_setruid ) {
- X print <<EOD;
- X struct passwd *pw;
- X
- X /* Get info from system */
- X pw = getpwnam ("$mserv_owner");
- X if ( pw == NULL ) {
- X perror ("getpwnam");
- X exit (70); /* Internal software error */
- X }
- X
- X /* Change identity. */
- X if (setruid (pw->pw_uid) < 0) abend (1);
- X if (setrgid (pw->pw_gid) < 0) abend (2);
- X print <<EOD if $have_setenv;
- X setenv ("USER", pw->pw_name, 1);
- X setenv ("LOGNAME", pw->pw_name, 1);
- X setenv ("HOME", pw->pw_dir, 1);
- X print <<EOD;
- X if (chdir (pw->pw_dir) < 0) abend (3);
- X
- X /* Execute the real listener */
- X return execl ("$libdir/process", "process", (char*)0);
- X abend (4);
- X}
- Xelse {
- X print <<EOD;
- X /* Become root so we can so "su" w/o asking */
- X if (setuid (0) < 0) abend (10);
- X chdir ("/tmp");
- X
- X /* Execute the real listener via "su" */
- X return execl ("/bin/su", "su", "$mserv_owner", "-c",
- X "$libdir/process", (char*)0);
- X abend (11);
- X}
- Xprint "}\n";
- X
- X################ Subroutines ################
- X
- Xsub options {
- X require "newgetopt.pl";
- X if ( !&NGetOpt ("setenv", "setruid", "nosetenv", "nosetruid",
- X "uid", "nouid",
- X "verbose", "ident", "help")
- X || $opt_help
- X || (@ARGV > 0)) {
- X &usage;
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xsub usage {
- X print STDERR <<EndOfUsage;
- X$my_package [$my_name $my_version]
- X
- XUsage: $my_name [-help] [-ident]
- X
- XOptions:
- X -[no]setruid use (do not use) setruid system call
- X -[no]setenv use (do not use) setenv library call
- X -help this message
- X -ident print identification
- X -verbose supply verbose information
- XEndOfUsage
- X exit (1);
- X}
- if test 4502 -ne `wc -c <'mlistener.pl'`; then
- echo shar: \"'mlistener.pl'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'mlistener.pl'
- fi
- if test -f 'process.pl' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
- echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'process.pl'\"
- else
- echo shar: Extracting \"'process.pl'\" \(24561 characters\)
- sed "s/^X//" >'process.pl' <<'END_OF_FILE'
- X#!/usr/local/bin/perl
- X# process.pl --
- X# SCCS Status : @(#)@ process 3.32
- X# Author : Johan Vromans
- X# Created On : ***
- X# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
- X# Last Modified On: Tue Jun 9 11:45:48 1992
- X# Update Count : 358
- X# Status : Going steady.
- X
- X# This program processes mail messages, and enqueues requests for
- X# the mail server.
- X#
- X# For options and calling, see subroutine 'usage'.
- X#
- X$my_name = "process";
- X$my_version = "3.32";
- X#
- X################ Common stuff ################
- X
- X$libdir = $ENV{"MSERVLIB"} || "/usr/local/lib/mserv";
- Xunshift (@INC, $libdir);
- Xrequire "mserv_common.pl";
- X
- X################ Options handling ################
- X
- X&options if @ARGV > 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-+[^-]+/;
- X@ARGV = ("-") unless @ARGV > 0;
- X
- X################ Setting up ################
- X
- X# All output goes to STDOUT, and will be mailed to the requestor.
- X# Create a temp file to catch all.
- X$tmpfile = "/usr/tmp/mserv$$";
- Xopen (STDOUT, ">" . $tmpfile) unless $opt_debug;
- X
- X# Motd.
- X&include ($notesfile);
- X
- X$errflag = 0;
- X$didhelp = 0;
- X$needhelp = 0;
- X
- X# Turn extensions into pattern.
- X($extpat = "(" . join("|", @exts) . ")") =~ s/\./\\./g;
- X
- X# Search strategy.
- X$dofilesearch = 1 unless $dodirsearch || $doindexsearch;
- X
- Xrequire "$libdir/rfc822.pl";
- X
- X&start_read (shift(@ARGV)) ||
- X &die ("Cannot read input [$!]\n");
- X
- X# Flush "From_" line...
- Xif ( defined $rfc822'line_in_cache && $rfc822'line_in_cache =~ /^From / ) {
- X undef $rfc822'line_in_cache;
- X}
- X
- Xprint STDOUT ("Processing mail headers...\n");
- X
- X$h_from = "";
- X$h_reply = "";
- X
- Xwhile ( $res = &read_header ) {
- X last if $res == $rfc822'EMPTY_LINE;
- X next unless $res == $rfc822'VALID_HEADER;
- X $rfc822'header =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
- X $h_from = $rfc822'contents if $rfc822'header eq "from";
- X $h_reply = $rfc822'contents if $rfc822'header eq "reply-to";
- X}
- X
- X# Preset sender info.
- X$h_from = $h_reply if $h_reply;
- X$v_sender = $h_from;
- X&parse_addresses ($h_from);
- Xif ( @rfc822'addresses == 1 ) { #'){
- X $h_from = $rfc822'addresses[0]; #';
- X $v_sender = $rfc822'addr_comments{$h_from} || $h_from; #';
- X}
- X
- X# Setup defaults.
- X&reset;
- Xprint STDOUT ("Default return address: \"$sender\"\n");
- X
- X# Since comments in programs need to be useful, it is not allowed to
- X# place the comment "Command loop" here.
- Xprint STDOUT ("\nProcessing message contents...\n\n");
- X&command_loop;
- Xprint STDOUT ("Your message has been processed.\n");
- Xclose (STDIN);
- X
- Xif ( $commands == 0 ) {
- X print STDOUT ("No commands were found.\n");
- X &help;
- X}
- Xelsif ( $errflag ) {
- X print STDOUT ("Number of errors detected = $errflag.\n",
- X &help unless $didhelp;
- X}
- Xelse {
- X print STDOUT ("\n");
- X require "$libdir/pr_doindex.pl", &index_loop if @indexq > 0;
- X &search_loop if @searchq > 0;
- X require "$libdir/pr_dowork.pl", &work_loop if @workq > 0;
- X &help if $needhelp && !$didhelp;
- X}
- X
- X&include ($hintsfile)
- X unless $didhelp || $opt_debug || $opt_nomail;
- X
- Xprint STDOUT ("\nMail Server finished.\n");
- X
- X# Send confirmation message to recipient.
- X&confirm;
- X
- X# Startup the queue run in the background.
- X&background_run ("$libdir/dorequest" . ($opt_trace ? " -trace": ""))
- X if $auto_runrequest && !$opt_debug;
- X
- Xexit (0);
- X
- X################ Subroutines ################
- X
- Xsub search {
- X local ($request, $wantall) = @_;
- X
- X # This function returns an array of strings, each describing one
- X # possibility. Each description is a NUL-joined string with fields:
- X # - the basename (used for sorting)
- X # - the size
- X # - the last modification date
- X # - the name of the library (LIB)
- X # - the part between library and basename
- X #
- X # If $wantall == TRUE, all possibilities are returned.
- X # If $wantall == FALSE, one possibility is returned if the filesearch
- X # (failing that, the directory search) locates exactly one file.
- X # Otherwise, all possibilities are returned.
- X
- X local (@ret) = ();
- X
- X if ( $dofilesearch ) {
- X foreach $lib ( @libdirs ) {
- X push (@ret, &filesearch ($lib, $request));
- X }
- X }
- X
- X if ( $dodirsearch && ($wantall || @ret != 1)) {
- X require "$libdir/pr_dsearch.pl";
- X foreach $lib ( @libdirs ) {
- X push (@ret, &dirsearch ($lib, $request));
- X }
- X }
- X
- X if ( $doindexsearch && ($wantall || @ret != 1)) {
- X require "$libdir/pr_isearch.pl";
- X if ( $indexfile =~ m|^/| ) {
- X local ($lib) = defined $indexlib ? $indexlib
- X : (&fnsplit($indexfile))[0];
- X push (@ret, &indexsearch ($indexfile, $lib, $request));
- X }
- X else {
- X foreach $lib ( @libdirs ) {
- X push (@ret, &indexsearch ("$lib/$indexfile", $lib, $request));
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X
- X if ( $opt_debug || $opt_trace ) {
- X @ret = reverse ( sort (@ret));
- X print STDOUT ("=> Search queue:\n");
- X local ($i) = 1;
- X foreach $entry ( @ret ) {
- X local (@a) = &zu ($entry);
- X printf STDOUT (" %3d: %s %s %s %s:%s:%s\n", $i,
- X $a[0], $a[1], $a[2], $a[3], $a[4], $a[0]);
- X $i++;
- X }
- X @ret;
- X }
- X else {
- X reverse ( sort (@ret));
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xsub filesearch {
- X
- X local ($libdir, $request) = @_;
- X
- X # Locate an archive item $request in library $libdir.
- X # Eligible items are in the format XXX or
- X # XXX.EXT, where EXT is one of the known extensions.
- X #
- X # See "sub search" for a description of the return values.
- X
- X local (@retval); # return value
- X local (@a); # to hold stat() result
- X
- X # Normalize the request.
- X # $tryfile will be the basename of the request.
- X # $subdir holds the part between $libdir and $tryfile.
- X local ($subdir, $tryfile) = &fnsplit ($request);
- X $subdir .= "/" if $subdir && $subdir !~ m|/$|;
- X $libdir .= "/" if $libdir && $libdir !~ m|/$|;
- X
- X print STDOUT ("Try file $libdir$subdir$tryfile...\n") if $opt_debug;
- X
- X # First attempt: see if the given file exists 'as is', with possible
- X # extensions
- X
- X foreach $ext ( "", @exts) {
- X if ( -f $libdir.$subdir.$tryfile.$ext && -r _ ) {
- X @a = stat (_);
- X print STDOUT ("File $libdir$subdir$tryfile$ext (found)\n")
- X if $opt_debug;
- X push (@retval,
- X &zp ($tryfile.$ext, $a[7], $a[9], $libdir, $subdir));
- X }
- X }
- X
- X return @retval;
- X}
- X
- Xsub confirm {
- X
- X # Send the contents of the temp file to the requestor.
- X
- X # Close it, and reopen.
- X close (STDOUT);
- X open (MESSAGE, $tmpfile);
- X
- X if ( $opt_debug || $opt_nomail ) {
- X open (MAILER, ">&STDERR");
- X }
- X else {
- X open (MAILER, "|$sendmail '$recipient' $mserv_bcc");
- X }
- X
- X print MAILER ("To: $recipient\n",
- X "Subject: Request by $v_sender\n");
- X
- X if ( defined @x_headers ) {
- X foreach $hdr ( @x_headers ) {
- X print MAILER ($hdr, "\n");
- X }
- X }
- X print MAILER ("\n");
- X
- X while ( <MESSAGE> ) {
- X # Suppress unrecognized stuff.
- X if ( $reset > 1 ) {
- X $reset-- if /^=> Resetting/;
- X if ( $reset > 1 ) {
- X print MAILER $' if /^Command: /;
- X }
- X else {
- X print MAILER $_;
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X print MAILER $_;
- X }
- X }
- X close (MAILER);
- X close (MESSAGE);
- X
- X # This aids in debugging...
- X rename ($tmpfile, "/usr/tmp/mserv.last");
- X unlink ($tmpfile);
- X}
- X
- Xsub enqueue {
- X
- X # Add a request to the queue.
- X
- X local (@work) = @_;
- X
- X if ( grep (/\s/, @work) ) {
- X return "Refused";
- X }
- X
- X if (open (BATCH, ">>$queue")) {
- X if ( &locking (*BATCH, 1) == 1 ) {
- X seek (BATCH, 0, 2);
- X print BATCH (join (" ", @work), "\n");
- X close (BATCH);
- X $entries++;
- X if ( defined $plist && $plist =~ /\S/ ) {
- X local ($remarks) = "Queued (part";
- X $remarks .= "s" if $plist =~ /,/;
- X $remarks .= " ${plist} only)";
- X return $remarks;
- X }
- X else {
- X "Queued";
- X }
- X
- X }
- X else {
- X "Queue error";
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X "Cannot queue";
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xsub dolist {
- X local ($list_type, $query, *found) = (@_);
- X local ($entries) = 0;
- X local ($name, $size, $date, $lib, $subdir); # elements of @found
- X local ($prev); # to suppress duplicates
- X local (@tm); # for time conversions
- X
- X $~ = "list_header";
- X write;
- X $~ = "list_format";
- X $: = " /"; # break filenames at logical places
- X $= = 99999;
- X
- X # have we found something?
- X unless ( @found > 0 ) {
- X $size = $date = "";
- X $name = "***not found***";
- X write;
- X next;
- X }
- X
- X $prev = "";
- X foreach $found ( @found ) {
- X
- X ($name, $size, $date, $lib, $subdir) = &zu ($found);
- X
- X # Avoid duplicates.
- X next if $lib.$subdir.$name eq $prev;
- X $prev = $lib.$subdir.$name;
- X
- X # Normalize size and date, if needed.
- X $size = int(($size+1023)/1024) . "K" unless $size =~ /K$/;
- X if ( $date =~ /^T/ ) {
- X $date = $';
- X }
- X else {
- X @tm = localtime ($date);
- X $date = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d",
- X 1900+$tm[5], $tm[4]+1, $tm[3]);
- X }
- X
- X $name = $subdir.$name;
- X write;
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xsub search_loop {
- X
- X print STDOUT ("Search results:\n");
- X
- X foreach $query ( @searchq ) {
- X
- X local (@found); # return from search
- X
- X # Locate them.
- X @found = &search ($query, 1);
- X
- X # Print report.
- X &dolist ("Search", $query, *found);
- X
- X }
- X
- X print STDOUT ("\n");
- X}
- X
- Xsub reset {
- X # Set defaults.
- X @workq = ();
- X @searchq = ();
- X @indexq = ();
- X $commands = 0;
- X $errflag = 0;
- X $method = "";
- X @limits = @email_limits; # assume mail
- X
- X # Who sent this mail?
- X $sender = $h_from ? $h_from : "?";
- X
- X # Who gets the replies?
- X $recipient = $sender;
- X
- X # Destination for email transfers.
- X $destination = "";
- X
- X # Destination for UUCP transfers.
- X $uupath = $uunote = "";
- X
- X # Tally.
- X $reset++;
- X}
- X
- Xsub errmsg {
- X local ($msg) = shift (@_);
- X print STDOUT ">>>>>>>> $msg\n";
- X $errflag++;
- X}
- X
- Xsub include {
- X local ($file) = @_;
- X if ( open (NOTES, $file) ) {
- X while ( <NOTES> ) {
- X print STDOUT;
- X }
- X close (NOTES);
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xsub fnsplit {
- X local ($file) = @_;
- X # Normalize $file -> ($dir, $basename)
- X local (@path) = split (m|/+|, $file);
- X (join ("/", @path[0..$#path-1]), $path[$#path]);
- X}
- X
- X# Pseudo-record pack/unpack
- Xsub zp { join ("\0", @_); }
- Xsub zu { split (/\0/, $_[0]); }
- X
- Xsub command_loop {
- X
- X local ($res, $cmd, @cmd);
- X local ($curdir) = "";
- X
- X while ( $res = &read_body ) {
- X
- X next if $res != $rfc822'DATA_LINE; #';
- X
- X if ( $rfc822'line =~ /\s*;\s*/ ) { #'){
- X $rfc822'line_in_cache = "$'\n";
- X $rfc822'line = $`;
- X }
- X
- X $commands++;
- X print STDOUT "Command: $rfc822'line\n";
- X @cmd = split (/[\t ,:=]+/, $rfc822'line); #');
- X @cmd = grep ( $_ ne "", @cmd);
- X
- X # get command verb, shifting leading "set" verb
- X do {
- X $cmd = shift (@cmd);
- X last unless $cmd;
- X $cmd =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
- X } while ( $cmd eq "SET" );
- X
- X ################ exit | end ################
- X
- X if (( $cmd eq "EXIT" ) | ( $cmd eq "END" )) {
- X print STDOUT "=> Okay\n";
- X last;
- X }
- X
- X ################ begin ################
- X
- X if (( $cmd eq "BEGIN" )) {
- X print STDOUT "=> Resetting\n";
- X &reset;
- X }
- X
- X ################ reply <address> ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "PATH" || $cmd eq "REPLY" ) {
- X if ( @workq + @searchq + @indexq ) {
- X &errmsg ("$cmd command must precede all other commands");
- X next;
- X }
- X
- X shift (@cmd) if $cmd[0] =~ /to/i;
- X
- X if ( @cmd == 1 ) {
- X &parse_addresses ($cmd[0]);
- X if ( @rfc822'addresses != 1 ) { #'){
- X &errmsg ("Invalid return address: \"$cmd[0]\"");
- X next;
- X }
- X $recipient = shift (@rfc822'addresses); #');
- X push (@workq, &zp ("M", $recipient));
- X print STDOUT "=> Return address: \"$recipient\"\n";
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Usage: $cmd email-address");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ mail <address> ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "MAIL" ) {
- X
- X if ( $method ne "" ) {
- X &errmsg ("$cmd command must precede other commands");
- X next;
- X }
- X
- X shift (@cmd) if $cmd[0] =~ /to/i;
- X
- X if ( @cmd == 1 ) {
- X &parse_addresses ($cmd[0]);
- X if ( @rfc822'addresses != 1 ) { #'){
- X &errmsg ("Invalid return address: \"$sender\"");
- X next;
- X }
- X $method = "M";
- X $destination = $rfc822'addresses[0]; #';
- X push (@workq, &zp ("M", $destination));
- X print STDOUT ("=> Transfer via email to \"$destination\"\n");
- X @limits = @email_limits;
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Usage: $cmd email-address");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ uucp <path> ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "UUCP" && defined $uucp ) {
- X
- X if ( $method ne "" ) {
- X &errmsg ("$cmd command must precede other commands");
- X next;
- X }
- X
- X local ($msg) = "Usage: $cmd host!path user";
- X
- X shift (@cmd) if $cmd[0] =~ /to/i;
- X
- X if ( @cmd == 2 ) {
- X ($uupath, $uunote) = @cmd;
- X
- X if ( $uupath =~ /!/ ) {
- X local ($host, $path) = ($`, $');
- X local ($ok);
- X ($ok = &check_uucp_name ($host)) ||
- X &errmsg ("Unknown UUCP system name: \"$host\"");
- X ($ok += &check_uucp_path ($path)) ||
- X &errmsg ("Invalid UUCP path name: \"$path\"");
- X if ( $ok == 2 ) {
- X $method = "U";
- X push (@workq, &zp ("U", $uupath, $uunote));
- X print STDOUT ("=> Transfer via UUCP to \"$uupath\"\n");
- X print STDOUT ("=> (UUCP notification to \"$uunote\")\n");
- X @limits = @uucp_limits;
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ($msg);
- X next;
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ($msg);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ limit [ <number>[K] ] ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "LIMIT" ) {
- X
- X if ( @cmd == 0 ) {
- X push (@workq, &zp ("L", $limits[1]));
- X print STDOUT "=> Limit = $limits[1]K (default)\n";
- X }
- X elsif ( $cmd[0] =~ /^(\d+)K?$/i ) {
- X local ($new) = $1;
- X local ($msg) = "Warning: LIMIT must be between ".
- X "$limits[0]K and $limits[2]K";
- X
- X if ( $new < $limits[0] ) {
- X $new = $limits[0];
- X &errmsg ($msg);
- X $errflag--;
- X }
- X elsif ( $new > $limits[2] ) {
- X $new = $limits[2];
- X &errmsg ($msg);
- X $errflag--;
- X }
- X push (@workq, &zp ("L", $new));
- X print STDOUT "=> Limit = ${new}K\n";
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Usage: $cmd [ number[K] ]");
- X
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ various encoders ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "UUENCODE" || $cmd eq "UUDECODE" || $cmd eq "UU" ) {
- X &setencoding ("uuencoding", $uuencode, "U");
- X }
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "XXENCODE" || $cmd eq "XXDECODE" || $cmd eq "XX" ) {
- X &setencoding ("xxencoding", $xxencode, "X");
- X }
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "UUD" || $cmd eq "UUE" ) {
- X &setencoding ("uue", $uue, "D");
- X }
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "BTOA" || $cmd eq "ATOB") {
- X &setencoding ("btoa", $btoa, "B");
- X }
- X
- X ################ send <item> [ <item>...] ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "SEND" || $cmd eq "TOPIC" || $cmd eq "GET" ) {
- X
- X if ( @cmd > 0 ) {
- X foreach $item ( @cmd ) {
- X if ( $item =~ m:(^\.|/\.): ) {
- X &errmsg ("Illegal request");
- X }
- X else {
- X &setdefaults;
- X push (@workq, &zp ("S", $curdir.$item));
- X print STDOUT "=> Send: $curdir$item\n";
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Usage: $cmd item [ item ... ]");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ resend <item> <number> [ <number>...] ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "RESEND" ) {
- X
- X local ($msg) = "Usage: $cmd item part# [ part# ... ]";
- X
- X if ( @cmd > 1 ) {
- X local ($item) = shift (@cmd);
- X local ($plist) = "";
- X if ( $item =~ m:(^\.|/\.): ) {
- X &errmsg ("Illegal request");
- X next;
- X }
- X foreach $num (@cmd) {
- X if ( $num =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
- X $plist .= 0+$num . ",";
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ($msg);
- X last;
- X }
- X }
- X &setdefaults;
- X chop ($plist);
- X push (@workq, &zp ("S", $curdir.$item, $plist));
- X print STDOUT ("=> Resend: $curdir$item, part",
- X (@plist > 0) ? "s " : " ",
- X $plist, "\n");
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ($msg);
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ pack ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "PACK" && defined $packing_limit && $packing_limit ) {
- X
- X if ( @cmd == 1 ) {
- X local ($packing);
- X
- X ($packing = $cmd[0]) =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
- X if ( ($packing eq "tar" && (-x $tar || -x $pdtar)) ||
- X ($packing eq "zip" && -x $zip) ||
- X ($packing eq "zoo" && -x $zoo) ) {
- X push (@workq, &zp ("P", $packing));
- X print STDOUT ("=> Subsequent directories will be ",
- X "packed using $packing\n");
- X }
- X elsif ( $packing eq "off" ) {
- X push (@workq, &zp ("P"));
- X print STDOUT "=> No more packing\n";
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Wrong argument for PACK");
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Usage: $cmd { ".
- X (-x $tar ? "tar | " : "").
- X (-x $zip ? "zip | " : "").
- X (-x $zoo ? "zoo | " : "").
- X "off }");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ search <item> [ <item>...] ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "SEARCH" ) {
- X
- X if ( @cmd > 0 ) {
- X foreach $item ( @cmd ) {
- X if ( $item =~ m:(^\.|/\.): ) {
- X &errmsg ("Illegal request");
- X }
- X else {
- X push (@searchq, $curdir.$item);
- X print STDOUT "=> Search: $curdir$item\n";
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Usage: $cmd item [ item ... ]");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ index ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "INDEX" && ( @cmd == 0 || defined $indexfile ) ) {
- X
- X if ( @cmd == 0 ) {
- X &setdefaults;
- X push (@workq, &zp ("S", $curdir."INDEX"));
- X print STDOUT "=> Send: ${curdir}INDEX\n";
- X }
- X elsif ( @cmd > 0 ) {
- X foreach $item ( @cmd ) {
- X if ( $item =~ m:(^\.|/\.): ) {
- X &errmsg ("Illegal request");
- X }
- X else {
- X push (@indexq, $curdir.$item);
- X print STDOUT "=> Index: $curdir$item\n";
- X }
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Usage: $cmd item [ item ... ]");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ help ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "HELP" ) {
- X
- X if ( @cmd == 0 ) {
- X print STDOUT ("=> Okay, I'll append some help ".
- X "at the end of this message\n");
- X $needhelp = 1;
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("HELP does not take any arguments ".
- X "(but you'll get help anyway)");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ test ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "TEST" ) {
- X
- X if ( @cmd == 0 ) {
- X $opt_noqueue = 1;
- X print STDOUT "=> Okay\n";
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Command $cmd unknown");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ cwd ################
- X
- X elsif ( $cmd eq "CWD" || $cmd eq "REQUEST" ) {
- X
- X if ( @cmd == 0 ) {
- X print STDOUT ("=> No current directory\n");
- X $curdir = "";
- X }
- X elsif ( @cmd == 1 ) {
- X if ( $cmd[0] =~ m:(^\.|/\.): ) {
- X &errmsg ("Illegal directory");
- X }
- X else {
- X $curdir = $cmd[0];
- X print STDOUT ("=> Current directory = $curdir\n");
- X $curdir .= "/" unless $curdir =~ m|/$|;
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Usage: $cmd [ path ]");
- X }
- X }
- X
- X ################ UNKNOWN ################
- X
- X else {
- X &errmsg ("Command $cmd unknown");
- X }
- X
- X ################ End of Commands ################
- X
- X print STDOUT "\n";
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xsub setdefaults {
- X
- X unless ( $recipient ) {
- X $recipient = $sender;
- X print STDOUT ("=> Return address: \"$recipient\"\n");
- X }
- X
- X unless ( $method ) {
- X $method = "M";
- X $destination = $recipient unless $destination ne "";
- X push (@workq, &zp ("M", $destination));
- X print STDOUT ("=> Transfer via email to \"$destination\"\n");
- X @limits = @email_limits;
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xsub setencoding {
- X local ($tag, $encoder, $encoding) = @_;
- X if ( @cmd == 0 ) {
- X if ( -x $encoder ) {
- X push (@workq, &zp ("E", $encoding));
- X print STDOUT "=> Encoding = $encoding ($tag)\n";
- X }
- X else {
- X print STDOUT "=> Encoding '$tag' not available\n";
- X }
- X }
- X else {
- X $tag =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- X &errmsg ("$tag does not take any arguments");
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xsub die {
- X local ($msg) = "@_";
- X print STDOUT ($msg, "\n");
- X $sender = $sender || $mserv_owner || $mserv_bcc || "postmaster";
- X $mserv_bcc = $mserv_owner;
- X &confirm;
- X exit (1);
- X}
- X
- Xsub background_run {
- X local ($cmd) = @_;
- X
- X # Run $cmd in the background.
- X
- X local ($pid);
- X
- X if ( ($pid = fork) == 0 ) {
- X
- X # Child process. Disable signals.
- X foreach $sig ( "HUP", "INT", "QUIT" ) {
- X $SIG{$sig} = "IGNORE";
- X }
- X
- X # Fork another child to do the job.
- X if ( fork == 0 ) {
- X # Execute command. No way to signal failure.
- X exec $cmd;
- X exit (0);
- X }
- X
- X }
- X
- X # Wait for first child to complete.
- X # This assures that the signals are armed before the parent can do
- X # harmful things.
- X waitpid ($pid, 0);
- X}
- X
- Xsub check_uucp_name {
- X return 1 unless $uuname ne "";
- X local ($host) = @_;
- X open ( UUNAME, $uuname . "|" );
- X local (@hosts) = <UUNAME>;
- X close (UUNAME);
- X @found = grep ( /^$host$/, @hosts );
- X return @found == 1;
- X}
- X
- Xsub check_uucp_path {
- X local ($path) = @_;
- X # $path should start with slash or tilde.
- X $path =~ /^[\/~]/;
- X}
- X
- Xsub options {
- X require "newgetopt.pl";
- X $opt_debug = $opt_trace = $opt_nomail = $opt_noqueue = $opt_help = 0;
- X if ( !&NGetOpt ("debug", "trace", "noqueue", "nomail", "help")
- X || $opt_help
- X || (@ARGV > 0 && !($opt_debug || $opt_trace || $opt_nomail))) {
- X &usage;
- X }
- X}
- X
- Xsub usage {
- X print STDERR <<EndOfUsage;
- X$my_package [$my_name $my_version]
- X
- XUsage: $my_name [-help] [-noqueue] [-debug] < mail-message
- X
- XOptions:
- X -help this message
- X -noqueue process message, but do not enter request
- X -nomail do not reply by email (testing only)
- X -debug for debugging
- X -trace for debugging
- X
- X'mail-message' should be RFC-822 conformant.
- XEndOfUsage
- X exit (1);
- X}
- X
- Xformat M_header =
- X
- X Request Size Enc Limit Status
- X -------------------------------------------- ----- --- ----- ------
- X.
- Xformat M_list =
- X ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<@>>>>>> @|| @>>>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- X$name, $size, $coding, $limit, $remarks
- X~~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- X$name
- X.
- Xformat U_header =
- X
- X Request Size Limit Status
- X -------------------------------------------- ----- ----- ------
- X.
- Xformat U_list =
- X ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<@>>>>>> @>>>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- X$name, $size, $limit, $remarks
- X~~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- X$name
- X.
- Xformat list_header =
- X
- X Date Size @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- X$list_type . ": " . $query
- X ---------- ------ ----------------------------
- X.
- Xformat list_format =
- X @<<<<<<<<< @>>>>>> ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- X$date, $size, $name
- X~~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- X$name
- X.
- X
- X# WARNING: ugly layout ahead!
- X
- Xsub help {
- X# Auto-configuring help message.
- Xprint STDOUT <<SquirrelTail;
- XValid server commands are:
- X
- X Discard anything above this line, and start processing commands.
- XREPLY <address>
- X Specify return address for replies. Use this if you are not sure that
- X your mail system generates correct return addresses.
- XMAIL <address>
- X Requests will be sent via email to <address>. This is the default.
- XSquirrelTail
- X
- Xprint STDOUT <<SquirrelTail if defined $uucp;
- XUUCP <host>!<path> <user>
- X Requests will be sent via uucp to <host>!<path>. The <user> on
- X <host> will be notified. <path> must be writable by the UUCP
- X system on <host>.
- XSquirrelTail
- X
- Xlocal ($l) = "";
- X$l = " and $uucp_limits[1]K bytes for UUCP" if defined $uucp;
- Xprint STDOUT <<SquirrelTail;
- XLIMIT <number>
- X Maximum number of Kbytes to be sent per transfer.
- X Default is $email_limits[1]K bytes for email$l.
- X The limit applies to subsequent "send" commands.
- XSquirrelTail
- X
- Xprint ("BTOA\n") if -x $btoa;
- Xprint ("UUE\n") if -x $uue;
- Xprint ("XXENCODE\n") if -x $xxencode;
- Xprint STDOUT <<SquirrelTail;
- X Specify encoding to be used. Default is UUENCODE.
- X The encoding applies to subsequent "send" commands.
- XSquirrelTail
- X
- Xprint STDOUT <<SquirrelTail;
- XCWD [<path>]
- X Sets or cancels the current working directory for subsequent commands.
- XSquirrelTail
- X
- Xprint STDOUT <<SquirrelTail if defined $indexfile;
- XINDEX [<item>...]
- X Look up everything in the archives that matches the <item>s.
- X If no <item>s are specified, requests for a file named "INDEX".
- XSquirrelTail
- X
- Xprint STDOUT <<SquirrelTail;
- XSEARCH <item> [<item>...]
- X Look up the indicated archive entries, and return a list of
- X files found.
- XSEND <item> [<item>...]
- X Specify the items to be sent.
- XRESEND <item> <part> [<part>...]
- X Re-sends the indicated <parts> from the specified <item>.
- X The encoding and limit must be identical to those used in the
- X original request.
- XSquirrelTail
- X
- Xif ( defined $packing_limit ) {
- X print STDOUT "PACK {";
- X print STDOUT " TAR |" if -x $tar || -x $pdtar;
- X print STDOUT " ZOO |" if -x $zoo;
- X print STDOUT " ZIP |" if -x $zip;
- Xprint STDOUT <<SquirrelTail;
- X OFF }
- X Subsequent requests must specify directories, which will be
- X packed using the indicated method and transferred.
- X "PACK OFF" cancels packing.
- XSquirrelTail
- X}
- X
- Xprint STDOUT <<SquirrelTail;
- X This message.
- X Use "send HELP" for a more detailed description on how to use
- X the archive server.
- X Terminate command processing. The remainder of
- X the input will be ignored.
- X
- XCase is insignificant in the command verbs, but it is
- Xsignificant in the <path> and <item> specifications.
- X
- XSquirrelTail
- X$didhelp = 1;
- X}
- if test 24561 -ne `wc -c <'process.pl'`; then
- echo shar: \"'process.pl'\" unpacked with wrong size!
- fi
- # end of 'process.pl'
- fi
- echo shar: End of archive 1 \(of 4\).
- cp /dev/null ark1isdone
- for I in 1 2 3 4 ; do
- if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
- fi
- done
- if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
- echo You have unpacked all 4 archives.
- rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
- else
- echo You still must unpack the following archives:
- echo " " ${MISSING}
- fi
- exit 0
- exit 0 # Just in case...