home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/local/bin/perl
- # chkconfig.pl -- check mserv configuration
- # SCCS Status : @(#)@ chkconfig 1.11
- # Author : Johan Vromans
- # Created On : Mon Apr 27 21:47:41 1992
- # Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
- # Last Modified On: Sat Jun 6 21:27:19 1992
- # Update Count : 94
- # Status : Development
- # DISCLAIMER: This prograim aids in finding configuration values
- # and potential problems. No guarantees, however.
- $my_name = "chkconfig";
- $my_version = "1.11";
- #
- ################ Common stuff ################
- $libdir = $ENV{"MSERVLIB"} || "/usr/local/lib/mserv";
- unshift (@INC, $libdir);
- require "mserv_common.pl";
- ################ Options handling ################
- &options if @ARGV > 0 && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-+[^-]+/;
- @ARGV = ("-") unless @ARGV > 0;
- print ($my_package, " [", $my_name, " ", $my_version, "]\n");
- ################ Main ################
- print ("MSERVLIB = ", $ENV{"MSERVLIB"} || "(not set)", "\n");
- print ("Program library: ", $libdir, " ", &fstat($libdir,1,1), "\n");
- print ("\n");
- if ( defined $mserv_owner && $mserv_owner ) {
- if ( @u = getpwnam ($mserv_owner) ) {
- print ("Server owner: ", $mserv_owner, ", uid = $u[2], gid = $u[3]",
- ", \"", $u[6], "\"\n");
- }
- else {
- print ("Server owner: ", $mserv_owner, " *** Unknown ***\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- die ("\$mserv_owner is not defined!\n");
- }
- if ( defined $mserv_bcc && $mserv_bcc ) {
- if ( @u = getpwnam ($mserv_bcc) ) {
- print ("Bcc user: ", $mserv_bcc, ", uid = $u[2], gid = $u[3]",
- ", \"", $u[6], "\"\n");
- }
- else {
- print ("Bcc user: ", $mserv_bcc, " *** Unknown ***\n");
- }
- }
- print ("\n");
- if ( $have_setruid ) {
- print ("The 'listener' program will use the setruid system call\n");
- print (" It will change identity to compiled-in uid $u[2]\n")
- if $use_uid;
- print (" (setenv will be used to set USER, LOGNAME and HOME)\n")
- if $have_setenv;
- if ( -x "$libdir/listener" ) {
- @st = stat (_);
- unless ( $st[4] == $u[2] && $st[2] & 0004000 == 0004000 ) {
- print ("The 'listener' program is not installed correctly!\n",
- " It should be installed setuid $mserv_owner\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- print ("The 'listener' program is not yet installed.\n",
- " Do not forget to install it setuid $mserv_owner\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- print ("The 'listener' program will use 'su' to change identity\n");
- if ( -x "$libdir/listener" ) {
- @st = stat (_);
- unless ( $st[4] == 0 && $st[2] & 0004000 == 0004000 ) {
- print ("The 'listener' program is not installed correctly!\n",
- " It should be installed setuid root\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- print ("The 'listener' program is not yet installed\n",
- " Do not forget to install it setuid root\n");
- }
- }
- print "\n";
- $f = $sendmail;
- $f = $` if $f =~ / /;
- print ("Replies will be sent using \"$sendmail\" ", &fstat($f,0,1), "\n");
- print ("Preset mail headers:\n");
- print (defined $sender ? " $sender\n" : " *** sender not defined ***\n");
- print (" ", join ("\n ", @x_headers), "\n") if defined @x_headers;
- print ("\n");
- print ("Transfer strategies:\n");
- if ( defined $chunkmail ) {
- $f = $chunkmail;
- $f = $` if $f =~ / /;
- print (" email: \"$chunkmail\" ", &fstat($f,0,1), "\n");
- print (" wait ", $mailer_delay, " seconds between chunks\n")
- if defined $mailer_delay;
- print (" limits: ", $email_limits[1], "K (default), ",
- $email_limits[0], "K (min), ", $email_limits[2], "K (max)\n");
- }
- if ( defined $uucp ) {
- $f = $uucp;
- $f = $` if $f =~ / /;
- print (" uucp : \"$uucp\" ", &fstat($f,0,1), "\n");
- $f = $uuname;
- $f = $` if $f =~ / /;
- print (" check host names using \"$uuname\" ", &fstat($f,0,1), "\n")
- if $uuname ne "";
- print (" limits: ", $uucp_limits[1], "K (default), ",
- $uucp_limits[0], "K (min), ", $uucp_limits[2], "K (max)\n");
- }
- print ("\n");
- print ("Search strategies:");
- print (" File") if $dofilesearch;
- print (" Directory") if $dodirsearch;
- print (" Index") if $doindexsearch;
- print ("\n");
- print ("\n");
- if ( ! ($dofilesearch || $dodirsearch || $doindexsearch) ) {
- print ("*** No search strategy defined ***\n\n");
- }
- print ("Archives:\n");
- foreach $lib ( @libdirs ) {
- print (" ", $lib, " ", &fstat($lib,1,1), "\n");
- }
- if ( defined $indexfile && defined $indexlib ) {
- print ("Archive for Index:\n");
- print (" ", $indexlib, " ", &fstat($indexlib,1,1), "\n");
- }
- print ("\n");
- if ( $doindexsearch && !( defined $indexfile ) ) {
- print ("*** No value for `indexfile' ***\n\n");
- }
- if ( $doindexsearch && defined $indexfile ) {
- print ("Indexfiles:\n");
- if ( $indexfile =~ m|^/| ) {
- print (" ", $indexfile, " ", &fstat($indexfile), "\n");
- print (" Archive for this index: ", $indexlib, "\n")
- if defined $indexlib;
- }
- else {
- foreach $lib ( @libdirs ) {
- local ($indexfile) = $lib . "/" . $indexfile;
- print (" ", $indexfile, " ", &fstat($indexfile), "\n");
- }
- }
- print ("Limit per index request: ", $maxindexlines, " lines.\n")
- if $maxindexlines > 0;
- print ("\n");
- print ("Index tools:\n");
- print (" gfind ", $gfind, " ", &fstat($gfind,0,1), "\n");
- print (" ixlookup ", $ixlookup, " ", &fstat($ixlookup,0,1), "\n");
- print (" locatelib ", $locatelib, " ", &fstat($locatelib,1,1), "\n");
- print ("\n");
- }
- print ("Server files:\n");
- print (" queue ", $queue, " ", &fstat($queue), "\n");
- print (" logfile ", $logfile, " ", &fstat($logfile), "\n");
- print (" lockfile ", $lockfile, " ", &fstat($lockfile), "\n");
- print (" notes ", $notesfile, " ", &fstat($notesfile), "\n");
- print (" hints ", $hintsfile, " ", &fstat($hintsfile), "\n");
- print ("\n");
- # Locking
- if ( defined $lock_fcntl ) {
- print ("Locking with fcntl(2).\n");
- }
- if ( defined $lock_flock ) {
- print ("Locking with flock(2).\n");
- }
- if ( defined $lock_lockf ) {
- print ("Locking with syscall(2)/lockf(2).\n");
- }
- if ( defined $lock_fcntl + defined $lock_flock + defined $lock_lockf > 1 ) {
- print ("*** Select one lock method.\n");
- }
- if ( defined $lock_fcntl + defined $lock_flock + defined $lock_lockf == 0 ) {
- print ("No locking selected. Proceed at your own risk\n");
- }
- else {
- # Just a quick test to see if things fit.
- local ($lf) = "/usr/tmp/fl$$";
- open (LF, ">$lf");
- eval { &locking (*LF, 0); };
- print "$@" if "$@";
- close (LF);
- unlink ($lf);
- print ("Use the 'testlock' program to verify the locking! (See INSTALL)\n");
- }
- print ("\n");
- %enctab = ("B", "btoa", "U", "uuencode", "X", "xxencode", "D", "uue");
- print ("Default encoding is ", $default_encoding,
- " (", $enctab{$default_encoding}, ")\n");
- print ("Encoders:\n");
- foreach $f ( "btoa", "uuencode", "uue", "xxencode" ) {
- $exec = eval("\$$f");
- printf (" %-10s %s %s\n", $f, $exec,
- &fstat($exec,0,
- $f eq "uuencode" || $f eq $enctab{$default_encoding}),
- "\n");
- }
- # print ("Tools:\n");
- print ("\n");
- if ( defined $packing_limit ) {
- print ("Support for packing is included.\n",
- " Packing limit = $packing_limit blocks.\n",
- " Dusk usage obtained using \"$du\" ", &fstat($du,0,1), "\n",
- " File list obtained using \"$find\" ", &fstat($find,0,1), "\n",
- " Methods:");
- if ( defined $pdtar ) {
- print (" tar ", &fstat($pdtar,0,1));
- }
- else {
- print (" tar ", &fstat($tar,0,1));
- }
- print (" zip ", &fstat($zip,0,1));
- print (" zoo ", &fstat($zoo,0,1));
- print ("\n");
- if ( defined $pdtar ) {
- print (" Compress/Tar using \"$pdtar\" ", &fstat($pdtar,0,1), "\n");
- }
- else {
- print (" Compress/Tar using \"$tar\" ", &fstat($tar,0,1), " and ",
- "\"$compress\" ", &fstat($compress,0,1), "\n");
- }
- print ("\n");
- }
- else {
- print ("Packing functionality not selected.\n\n");
- }
- print ("Working storage: $tmpdir ", &fstat($tmpdir,1,1), "\n\n");
- print ("The queue will ", $auto_runrequest ? "automatically" : "not",
- " be run upon completion of process.\n\n");
- ################ Subroutines ################
- sub fstat {
- local ($file, $dir, $mustexist) = @_;
- return "[*** Not found ***]" if ! -e $file && $mustexist;
- return "[Not found, but that's OK]" unless -e _;
- return "[*** Not a directory ***]" if $dir && ! -d _;
- "[OK]";
- }
- sub options {
- require "newgetopt.pl";
- $opt_ident = $opt_help = 0;
- if ( !&NGetOpt ("ident", "help")
- || $opt_help
- || (@ARGV > 0)) {
- &usage;
- }
- }
- sub usage {
- print STDERR <<EndOfUsage;
- $my_package [$my_name $my_version]
- Usage: $my_name [-help] [-ident]
- Options:
- -help this message
- -ident print identification
- EndOfUsage
- exit (1);
- }