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- #######################CONFIGURE THESE CONSTANTS
- #
- # Pathname of working directory (all files relative to here)
- $cfv_dir="/home/dave/news/cfv/ads";
- #
- # Groups you are running a vote for
- @groups = ("soc.personals.ads.male.seeking-male",
- "soc.personals.ads.male.seeking-female",
- "soc.personals.ads.female.seeking-male",
- "soc.personals.ads.female.seeking-female");
- #
- # Pathnames of some files (probably won't need to change these)
- $mass_ack = "$cfv_dir/mass_acknowledge"; # Where the currently voted people go
- $votes = "$cfv_dir/votes"; # Where the votes go
- $single_ack = "$cfv_dir/acknowledge"; # Canned vote acknowledgement
- $refused = "$cfv_dir/refused"; # Canned vote refusal
- #
- # Other parameters
- $start_date = "4/16/92 06:00"; # Votes start at this time
- $end_date = "5/18/92 18:00"; # Votes end at this time.
- $moderator = "dave@elxr"; # Who to send errors to
- $backup_err = "$cfv_dir/errors"; # Where to send errors to if above fails
- #
- # Regexp definitions.
- # The software looks for a match such that one of the below regexps
- preceeds one of the
- # above newsgroups. Note the "\\" used to denote a "\", thus a PERL token of "\n"
- # should be written as "\\n" below.
- #
- # Valid YES vote substring regexps.
- @yesvotes = (
- "\\sy\\s",
- "yes",
- "in.*favo[ur].*"
- );
- #
- # Valid NO vote substring regexps
- @novotes = (
- "\\sn\\s",
- "no",
- "against.*"
- );
- #
- # Why'd Larry make us do this junk?
- 1;