home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* walk.c: walks the parse tree. */
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include "rc.h"
- #include "jbwrap.h"
- /*
- global which indicates whether rc is executing a test;
- used by rc -e so that if (false) does not exit.
- */
- bool cond = FALSE;
- static bool isallpre(Node *);
- static bool dofork(bool);
- static void dopipe(Node *);
- /* Tail-recursive version of walk() */
- #define WALK(x, y) { n = x; parent = y; goto top; }
- /* walk the parse-tree. "obvious". */
- extern bool walk(Node *n, bool parent) {
- top: SIGCHK;
- if (n == NULL) {
- if (!parent)
- exit(0);
- set(TRUE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- switch (n->type) {
- case nArgs: case nBackq: case nConcat: case nCount:
- case nFlat: case nLappend: case nRedir: case nVar:
- case nVarsub: case nWord: case nQword:
- exec(glob(glom(n)), parent); /* simple command */
- break;
- case nBody:
- walk(n->u[0].p, TRUE);
- WALK(n->u[1].p, parent);
- /* WALK doesn't fall through */
- case nNowait: {
- int pid;
- if ((pid = rc_fork()) == 0) {
- #if !defined(NOJOB) && defined(SIGTTOU) && defined(SIGTTIN) && defined(SIGTSTP)
- setsigdefaults(FALSE);
- rc_signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); /* Berkeleyized version: put it in a new pgroup. */
- rc_signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN);
- rc_signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
- setpgrp(0, getpid());
- #else
- setsigdefaults(TRUE); /* ignore SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM */
- #endif
- mvfd(rc_open("/dev/null", rFrom), 0);
- walk(n->u[0].p, FALSE);
- exit(getstatus());
- }
- if (interactive)
- fprint(2, "%d\n", pid);
- varassign("apid", word(nprint("%d", pid), NULL), FALSE);
- redirq = NULL; /* kill pre-redir queue */
- break;
- }
- case nAndalso: {
- bool oldcond = cond;
- cond = TRUE;
- if (walk(n->u[0].p, TRUE)) {
- cond = oldcond;
- WALK(n->u[1].p, parent);
- } else
- cond = oldcond;
- break;
- }
- case nOrelse: {
- bool oldcond = cond;
- cond = TRUE;
- if (!walk(n->u[0].p, TRUE)) {
- cond = oldcond;
- WALK(n->u[1].p, parent);
- } else
- cond = oldcond;
- break;
- }
- case nBang:
- set(!walk(n->u[0].p, TRUE));
- break;
- case nIf: {
- bool oldcond = cond;
- Node *true_cmd = n->u[1].p, *false_cmd = NULL;
- if (true_cmd != NULL && true_cmd->type == nElse) {
- false_cmd = true_cmd->u[1].p;
- true_cmd = true_cmd->u[0].p;
- }
- cond = TRUE;
- if (!walk(n->u[0].p, TRUE))
- true_cmd = false_cmd; /* run the else clause */
- cond = oldcond;
- WALK(true_cmd, parent);
- }
- case nWhile: {
- Jbwrap j;
- Edata jbreak;
- Estack e1, e2;
- bool testtrue, oldcond = cond;
- cond = TRUE;
- if (!walk(n->u[0].p, TRUE)) { /* prevent spurious breaks inside test */
- cond = oldcond;
- break;
- }
- if (setjmp(j.j))
- break;
- jbreak.jb = &j;
- except(eBreak, jbreak, &e1);
- do {
- Edata block;
- block.b = newblock();
- cond = oldcond;
- except(eArena, block, &e2);
- walk(n->u[1].p, TRUE);
- testtrue = walk(n->u[0].p, TRUE);
- unexcept(); /* eArena */
- cond = TRUE;
- } while (testtrue);
- cond = oldcond;
- unexcept(); /* eBreak */
- break;
- }
- case nForin: {
- List *l, *var = glom(n->u[0].p);
- Jbwrap j;
- Estack e1, e2;
- Edata jbreak;
- if (setjmp(j.j))
- break;
- jbreak.jb = &j;
- except(eBreak, jbreak, &e1);
- for (l = listcpy(glob(glom(n->u[1].p)), nalloc); l != NULL; l = l->n) {
- Edata block;
- assign(var, word(l->w, NULL), FALSE);
- block.b = newblock();
- except(eArena, block, &e2);
- walk(n->u[2].p, TRUE);
- unexcept(); /* eArena */
- }
- unexcept(); /* eBreak */
- break;
- }
- case nSubshell:
- if (dofork(TRUE)) {
- setsigdefaults(FALSE);
- walk(n->u[0].p, FALSE);
- rc_exit(getstatus());
- }
- break;
- case nAssign:
- if (n->u[0].p == NULL)
- rc_error("null variable name");
- assign(glom(n->u[0].p), glob(glom(n->u[1].p)), FALSE);
- set(TRUE);
- break;
- case nPipe:
- dopipe(n);
- break;
- case nNewfn: {
- List *l = glom(n->u[0].p);
- if (l == NULL)
- rc_error("null function name");
- while (l != NULL) {
- if (dashex)
- prettyprint_fn(2, l->w, n->u[1].p);
- fnassign(l->w, n->u[1].p);
- l = l->n;
- }
- set(TRUE);
- break;
- }
- case nRmfn: {
- List *l = glom(n->u[0].p);
- while (l != NULL) {
- if (dashex)
- fprint(2, "fn %S\n", l->w);
- fnrm(l->w);
- l = l->n;
- }
- set(TRUE);
- break;
- }
- case nDup:
- redirq = NULL;
- break; /* Null command */
- case nMatch: {
- List *a = glob(glom(n->u[0].p)), *b = glom(n->u[1].p);
- if (dashex)
- fprint(2, (a != NULL && a->n != NULL) ? "~ (%L) %L\n" : "~ %L %L\n", a, " ", b, " ");
- set(lmatch(a, b));
- break;
- }
- case nSwitch: {
- List *v = glom(n->u[0].p);
- while (1) {
- do {
- n = n->u[1].p;
- if (n == NULL)
- return istrue();
- } while (n->u[0].p == NULL || n->u[0].p->type != nCase);
- if (lmatch(v, glom(n->u[0].p->u[0].p))) {
- for (n = n->u[1].p; n != NULL && (n->u[0].p == NULL || n->u[0].p->type != nCase); n = n->u[1].p)
- walk(n->u[0].p, TRUE);
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case nPre: {
- List *v;
- if (n->u[0].p->type == nRedir || n->u[0].p->type == nDup) {
- qredir(n->u[0].p);
- walk(n->u[1].p, parent);
- } else if (n->u[0].p->type == nAssign) {
- if (isallpre(n->u[1].p)) {
- walk(n->u[0].p, TRUE);
- WALK(n->u[1].p, parent);
- } else {
- Estack e;
- Edata var;
- v = glom(n->u[0].p->u[0].p);
- assign(v, glob(glom(n->u[0].p->u[1].p)), TRUE);
- var.name = v->w;
- except(eVarstack, var, &e);
- walk(n->u[1].p, parent);
- varrm(v->w, TRUE);
- unexcept(); /* eVarstack */
- }
- } else
- panic("unexpected node in preredir section of walk");
- break;
- }
- case nBrace:
- if (n->u[1].p == NULL) {
- WALK(n->u[0].p, parent);
- } else if (dofork(parent)) {
- setsigdefaults(FALSE);
- walk(n->u[1].p, TRUE); /* Do redirections */
- redirq = NULL; /* Reset redirection queue */
- walk(n->u[0].p, FALSE); /* Do commands */
- rc_exit(getstatus());
- }
- break;
- case nEpilog:
- qredir(n->u[0].p);
- if (n->u[1].p != NULL) {
- WALK(n->u[1].p, parent); /* Do more redirections. */
- } else {
- doredirs(); /* Okay, we hit the bottom. */
- }
- break;
- case nNmpipe:
- rc_error("named pipes cannot be executed as commands");
- default:
- panic("unknown node in walk");
- }
- return istrue();
- }
- /* checks to see whether a subtree is all pre-command directives, i.e., assignments and redirs only */
- static bool isallpre(Node *n) {
- while (n != NULL && n->type == nPre)
- n = n->u[1].p;
- return n == NULL || n->type == nRedir || n->type == nAssign || n->type == nDup;
- }
- /*
- A code-saver. Forks, child returns (for further processing in walk()), and the parent
- waits for the child to finish, setting $status appropriately.
- */
- static bool dofork(bool parent) {
- int pid, sp;
- if (!parent || (pid = rc_fork()) == 0)
- return TRUE;
- redirq = NULL; /* clear out the pre-redirection queue in the parent */
- rc_wait4(pid, &sp, TRUE);
- setstatus(-1, sp);
- return FALSE;
- }
- static void dopipe(Node *n) {
- int i, j, sp, pid, fd_prev, fd_out, pids[512], stats[512], p[2];
- bool intr;
- Node *r;
- fd_prev = fd_out = 1;
- for (r = n, i = 0; r != NULL && r->type == nPipe; r = r->u[2].p, i++) {
- if (i > 500) /* the only hard-wired limit in rc? */
- rc_error("pipe too long");
- if (pipe(p) < 0) {
- uerror("pipe");
- rc_error(NULL);
- }
- if ((pid = rc_fork()) == 0) {
- setsigdefaults(FALSE);
- redirq = NULL; /* clear preredir queue */
- mvfd(p[0], r->u[1].i);
- if (fd_prev != 1)
- mvfd(fd_prev, fd_out);
- close(p[1]);
- walk(r->u[3].p, FALSE);
- exit(getstatus());
- }
- if (fd_prev != 1)
- close(fd_prev); /* parent must close all pipe fd's */
- pids[i] = pid;
- fd_prev = p[1];
- fd_out = r->u[0].i;
- close(p[0]);
- }
- if ((pid = rc_fork()) == 0) {
- setsigdefaults(FALSE);
- mvfd(fd_prev, fd_out);
- walk(r, FALSE);
- exit(getstatus());
- }
- redirq = NULL; /* clear preredir queue */
- close(fd_prev);
- pids[i++] = pid;
- /* collect statuses */
- intr = FALSE;
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
- rc_wait4(pids[j], &sp, TRUE);
- stats[j] = sp;
- intr |= (sp == SIGINT);
- }
- setpipestatus(stats, i);
- }