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- #!/bin/sh
- # generate rc's internal signal table from signal.h
- exec > sigmsgs.c
- echo '#include "sigmsgs.h"'
- echo
- echo 'Sigmsgs signals[] = {'
- sed ' s/\/\*[ ]*//
- s/[ ]*\*\///
- s/([@*+!]) //
- s/[ ]*([a-zA-Z,->& ]*)[ ]*//
- s/^[ ]*\#[ ]*define/\#define/
- s/[ ]*signal$//' $1 |
- awk '
- # assign to nomesg["SIGNAME"] to suppress a long message
- nomesg["SIGINT"] = 1
- nomesg["SIGPIPE"] = 1
- # assign to mesg["SIGNAME"] to override a message
- mesg["SIGHUP"] = "hangup"
- mesg["SIGKILL"] = "killed"
- mesg["SIGQUIT"] = "quit"
- mesg["SIGTERM"] = "terminated"
- mesg["SIGURG"] = "urgent condition on i/o channel"
- mesg["SIGSTOP"] = "stop signal not from tty"
- mesg["SIGTSTP"] = "stopped"
- mesg["SIGCONT"] = "continue"
- mesg["SIGCHLD"] = "child stop or exit"
- mesg["SIGTTIN"] = "background tty read"
- mesg["SIGTTOU"] = "background tty write"
- # assign to ignore["SIGNAME"] to explicitly ignore a named signal
- ignore["SIGMAX"] = 1
- }
- $1 == "#define" && $2 == "NSIG" && $3 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ { nsig = $3 }
- $1 == "#define" && $2 ~ /^SIG/ && $3 ~ /^[0-9]+$/ && sig[$3] == "" && ignore[$2] == 0 {
- sig[$3] = $2
- if ($3 > max)
- max = $3
- if (mesg[$2] == "" && nomesg[$2] == 0) {
- str = $4
- for (i = 5; i <= NF; i++)
- str = str " " $i
- mesg[$2] = str
- }
- }
- END {
- if (nsig == 0)
- nsig = max + 1
- printf " {!!, !!},\n"
- for (i = 1; i < nsig; i++) {
- if (sig[i] == "")
- printf " {!!, !!},\n"
- else
- printf " {!%s!, !%s!},\n", sig[i], mesg[sig[i]]
- }
- }
- ' |
- tr 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!' 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"'
- echo '};'
- exec > sigmsgs.h
- echo 'typedef struct {'
- echo ' char *name, *msg;'
- echo '} Sigmsgs;'
- echo 'extern Sigmsgs signals[];'
- grep '^ ' sigmsgs.c | # the thing in quotes is ^<tab>
- awk '
- { sum = sum + 1; }
- END { print "#define NUMOFSIGNALS", sum }
- '