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- /* utils.c: functions of general utility */
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include "rc.h"
- #include "jbwrap.h"
- /* print error with line number on noninteractive shells (i.e., scripts) */
- extern void pr_error(char *s) {
- if (s != NULL) {
- if (interactive)
- fprint(2, "%s\n", s);
- else
- fprint(2, "line %d: %s\n", lineno - 1, s);
- }
- }
- /* our perror */
- extern void uerror(char *s) {
- extern int sys_nerr;
- extern char *sys_errlist[];
- if (errno > sys_nerr)
- return;
- if (s != NULL)
- fprint(2, "%s: %s\n", s, sys_errlist[errno]);
- else
- fprint(2, "%s\n", sys_errlist[errno]);
- }
- /* Die horribly. This should never get called. Please let me know if it does. */
- #define PANICMSG "rc panic: "
- extern void panic(char *s) {
- write(2, PANICMSG, conststrlen(PANICMSG));
- write(2, s, strlen(s));
- write(2, "!\n", 2);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* ascii -> unsigned conversion routines. -1 indicates conversion error. */
- extern int n2u(char *s, unsigned int base) {
- unsigned int i;
- for (i = 0; *s != '\0'; s++) {
- unsigned int j = (unsigned int) *s - '0';
- if (j >= base) /* small hack with unsigned ints -- one compare for range test */
- return -1;
- i = i * base + j;
- }
- return (int) i;
- }
- /* The last word in portable ANSI: a strcmp wrapper for qsort */
- extern int starstrcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2) {
- return strcmp(*(char **)s1, *(char **)s2);
- }
- /* tests to see if pathname begins with "/", "./", or "../" */
- extern bool isabsolute(char *path) {
- return path[0] == '/' || (path[0] == '.' && (path[1] == '/' || (path[1] == '.' && path[2] == '/')));
- }
- /* signal-safe read and write (for BSD slow devices). writeall also allows partial writes */
- extern void writeall(int fd, char *buf, SIZE_T remain) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; remain > 0; buf += i, remain -= i) {
- interrupt_happened = FALSE;
- if (!setjmp(slowbuf.j)) {
- slow = TRUE;
- if (interrupt_happened)
- break;
- else if ((i = write(fd, buf, remain)) <= 0)
- break; /* abort silently on errors in write() */
- } else
- break;
- slow = FALSE;
- }
- slow = FALSE;
- }
- extern int rc_read(int fd, char *buf, SIZE_T n) {
- long /*ssize_t*/ r;
- interrupt_happened = FALSE;
- if (!setjmp(slowbuf.j)) {
- slow = TRUE;
- if (!interrupt_happened)
- r = read(fd, buf, n);
- else
- r = -2;
- } else
- r = -2;
- slow = FALSE;
- if (r == -2) {
- errno = EINTR;
- r = -1;
- }
- return r;
- }
- /* clear out z bytes from character string s */
- extern char *clear(char *s, SIZE_T z) {
- while (z != 0)
- s[--z] = 0;
- return s;
- }
- /* duplicate a fd and close the old one only if necessary */
- extern int mvfd(int i, int j) {
- if (i != j) {
- int s = dup2(i, j);
- close(i);
- return s;
- }
- return 0;
- }