home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1992-05-23 | 43.4 KB | 1,840 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sources.misc
- From: prslnk!buhrt@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Jeff Buhrt)
- Subject: v30i021: sc - The SC Spreadsheet, Patch04b/2
- Message-ID: <1992May24.043856.23893@sparky.imd.sterling.com>
- X-Md4-Signature: cb39943d64c124c3cee8d440da2893b1
- Date: Sun, 24 May 1992 04:38:56 GMT
- Approved: kent@sparky.imd.sterling.com
- Submitted-by: prslnk!buhrt@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (Jeff Buhrt)
- Posting-number: Volume 30, Issue 21
- Archive-name: sc/patch04b
- Environment: UNIX, VMS, MS-DOS
- Patch-To: sc: Volume 20, Issue 35-41
- *** ../619/interp.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:40 1992
- --- interp.c Fri May 8 12:31:27 1992
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.19 $
- */
- #define DEBUGDTS 1 /* REMOVE ME */
- --- 7,13 ----
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #define DEBUGDTS 1 /* REMOVE ME */
- ***************
- *** 53,66 ****
- #endif
- #ifdef SIGVOID
- ! void quit();
- #else
- ! int quit();
- #endif
- - /* Suffixes for engineering notation THA 9/19/88 */
- - extern char engmult[];
- -
- /* Use this structure to save the the last 'g' command */
- struct go_save {
- int g_type;
- --- 53,63 ----
- #endif
- #ifdef SIGVOID
- ! void doquit();
- #else
- ! int doquit();
- #endif
- /* Use this structure to save the the last 'g' command */
- struct go_save {
- int g_type;
- ***************
- *** 113,119 ****
- --- 110,118 ----
- double rint();
- int cellerror = CELLOK; /* is there an error in this cell */
- + #ifndef PI
- #define PI (double)3.14159265358979323846
- + #endif
- #define dtr(x) ((x)*(PI/(double)180.0))
- #define rtd(x) ((x)*(180.0/(double)PI))
- ***************
- *** 189,195 ****
- }
- if (p && p->label) {
- ! pr = xmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(p->label)+1));
- (void) strcpy(pr, p->label);
- if (p->cellerror)
- cellerror = CELLINVALID;
- --- 188,194 ----
- }
- if (p && p->label) {
- ! pr = scxmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(p->label)+1));
- (void) strcpy(pr, p->label);
- if (p->cellerror)
- cellerror = CELLINVALID;
- ***************
- *** 293,299 ****
- }
- if ( p && p->flags&is_valid)
- ret = p->v;
- ! xfree(s);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- --- 292,298 ----
- }
- if ( p && p->flags&is_valid)
- ret = p->v;
- ! scxfree(s);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- ***************
- *** 598,604 ****
- return((double)0);
- (void)strtof(s, &v);
- ! xfree(s);
- return(v);
- }
- --- 597,603 ----
- return((double)0);
- (void)strtof(s, &v);
- ! scxfree(s);
- return(v);
- }
- ***************
- *** 619,628 ****
- v = 0.0;
- if (s1)
- ! xfree(s1);
- if (s2)
- ! xfree(s2);
- return(v);
- }
- --- 618,627 ----
- v = 0.0;
- if (s1)
- ! scxfree(s1);
- if (s2)
- ! scxfree(s2);
- return(v);
- }
- ***************
- *** 630,637 ****
- /*
- * Given a string representing a column name and a value which is a column
- ! * number, return a pointer to the selected cell's entry, if any, else 0. Use
- ! * only the integer part of the column number. Always free the string.
- */
- struct ent *
- --- 629,636 ----
- /*
- * Given a string representing a column name and a value which is a column
- ! * number, return a pointer to the selected cell's entry, if any, else NULL.
- ! * Use only the integer part of the column number. Always free the string.
- */
- struct ent *
- ***************
- *** 655,664 ****
- && (col < maxcols)) /* in range */
- {
- p = *ATBL(tbl, row, col);
- ! if (p->cellerror)
- cellerror = CELLINVALID;
- }
- ! xfree (colstr);
- return (p);
- }
- --- 654,663 ----
- && (col < maxcols)) /* in range */
- {
- p = *ATBL(tbl, row, col);
- ! if ((p != NULL) && p->cellerror)
- cellerror = CELLINVALID;
- }
- ! scxfree (colstr);
- return (p);
- }
- ***************
- *** 897,902 ****
- --- 896,902 ----
- case NVAL: return (donval(seval(e->e.o.left),eval(e->e.o.right)));
- case MYROW: return ((double) gmyrow);
- case MYCOL: return ((double) gmycol);
- + case NUMITER: return ((double) repct);
- default: error ("Illegal numeric expression");
- exprerr = 1;
- }
- ***************
- *** 955,961 ****
- /*
- * Rules for string functions:
- ! * Take string arguments which they xfree.
- * All returned strings are assumed to be xalloced.
- */
- --- 955,961 ----
- /*
- * Rules for string functions:
- ! * Take string arguments which they scxfree.
- * All returned strings are assumed to be xalloced.
- */
- ***************
- *** 970,982 ****
- return((char *)0);
- arg1 = s1 ? s1 : "";
- arg2 = s2 ? s2 : "";
- ! p = xmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(arg1)+strlen(arg2)+1));
- (void) strcpy(p, arg1);
- (void) strcat(p, arg2);
- if (s1)
- ! xfree(s1);
- if (s2)
- ! xfree(s2);
- return(p);
- }
- --- 970,982 ----
- return((char *)0);
- arg1 = s1 ? s1 : "";
- arg2 = s2 ? s2 : "";
- ! p = scxmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(arg1)+strlen(arg2)+1));
- (void) strcpy(p, arg1);
- (void) strcat(p, arg2);
- if (s1)
- ! scxfree(s1);
- if (s2)
- ! scxfree(s2);
- return(p);
- }
- ***************
- *** 989,995 ****
- tp = ctime(&tloc);
- tp[24] = '\0';
- ! p = xmalloc((unsigned)25);
- (void) strcpy(p, tp);
- return(p);
- }
- --- 989,995 ----
- tp = ctime(&tloc);
- tp[24] = '\0';
- ! p = scxmalloc((unsigned)25);
- (void) strcpy(p, tp);
- return(p);
- }
- ***************
- *** 1006,1014 ****
- if (!fmtstr)
- return((char *)0);
- (void) sprintf(buff, fmtstr, v);
- ! p = xmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(buff)+1));
- (void) strcpy(p, buff);
- ! xfree(fmtstr);
- return(p);
- }
- --- 1006,1014 ----
- if (!fmtstr)
- return((char *)0);
- (void) sprintf(buff, fmtstr, v);
- ! p = scxmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(buff)+1));
- (void) strcpy(p, buff);
- ! scxfree(fmtstr);
- return(p);
- }
- ***************
- *** 1032,1039 ****
- error("Warning: External functions unavailable on VMS");
- cellerror = CELLERROR; /* not sure if this should be a cellerror */
- if (command)
- ! xfree(command);
- ! return (strcpy (xmalloc((unsigned) 1), "\0"));
- }
- #else /* VMS */
- --- 1032,1039 ----
- error("Warning: External functions unavailable on VMS");
- cellerror = CELLERROR; /* not sure if this should be a cellerror */
- if (command)
- ! scxfree(command);
- ! return (strcpy (scxmalloc((unsigned) 1), "\0"));
- }
- #else /* VMS */
- ***************
- *** 1053,1069 ****
- ((prevstr == NULL) || (*prevstr == '\0')) ?
- "null" : "previous");
- ! if (command) xfree (command);
- } else {
- if ((! command) || (! *command)) {
- error ("Warning: external function given null command name");
- cellerror = CELLERROR;
- ! if (command) xfree (command);
- } else {
- FILE *pp;
- (void) sprintf (buff, "%s %g", command, value); /* build cmd line */
- ! xfree (command);
- error ("Running external function...");
- (void) refresh();
- --- 1053,1069 ----
- ((prevstr == NULL) || (*prevstr == '\0')) ?
- "null" : "previous");
- ! if (command) scxfree (command);
- } else {
- if ((! command) || (! *command)) {
- error ("Warning: external function given null command name");
- cellerror = CELLERROR;
- ! if (command) scxfree (command);
- } else {
- FILE *pp;
- (void) sprintf (buff, "%s %g", command, value); /* build cmd line */
- ! scxfree (command);
- error ("Running external function...");
- (void) refresh();
- ***************
- *** 1086,1092 ****
- if (strlen(buff) + 1 > prevlen)
- { prevlen = strlen(buff) + 40;
- ! prevstr = xrealloc(prevstr, prevlen);
- }
- (void) strcpy (prevstr, buff);
- /* save alloc'd copy */
- --- 1086,1092 ----
- if (strlen(buff) + 1 > prevlen)
- { prevlen = strlen(buff) + 40;
- ! prevstr = scxrealloc(prevstr, prevlen);
- }
- (void) strcpy (prevstr, buff);
- /* save alloc'd copy */
- ***************
- *** 1097,1105 ****
- } /* else */
- } /* else */
- if (prevstr)
- ! return (strcpy (xmalloc ((unsigned) (strlen (prevstr) + 1)), prevstr));
- else
- ! return (strcpy(xmalloc((unsigned)1), ""));
- }
- #endif /* VMS */
- --- 1097,1105 ----
- } /* else */
- } /* else */
- if (prevstr)
- ! return (strcpy (scxmalloc ((unsigned) (strlen (prevstr) + 1)), prevstr));
- else
- ! return (strcpy(scxmalloc((unsigned)1), ""));
- }
- #endif /* VMS */
- ***************
- *** 1121,1127 ****
- char *llabel;
- llabel = (ep = getent (colstr, rowdoub)) ? (ep -> label) : "";
- ! return (strcpy (xmalloc ((unsigned) (strlen (llabel) + 1)), llabel));
- }
- --- 1121,1127 ----
- char *llabel;
- llabel = (ep = getent (colstr, rowdoub)) ? (ep -> label) : "";
- ! return (strcpy (scxmalloc ((unsigned) (strlen (llabel) + 1)), llabel));
- }
- ***************
- *** 1145,1161 ****
- v2 = strlen (s) - 1; /* to end */
- if (v1 < 0 || v1 > v2) { /* out of range, return null string */
- ! xfree(s);
- ! p = xmalloc((unsigned)1);
- p[0] = '\0';
- return(p);
- }
- ! s2 = p = xmalloc((unsigned)(v2-v1+2));
- s1 = &s[v1];
- for(; v1 <= v2; s1++, s2++, v1++)
- *s2 = *s1;
- *s2 = '\0';
- ! xfree(s);
- return(p);
- }
- --- 1145,1161 ----
- v2 = strlen (s) - 1; /* to end */
- if (v1 < 0 || v1 > v2) { /* out of range, return null string */
- ! scxfree(s);
- ! p = scxmalloc((unsigned)1);
- p[0] = '\0';
- return(p);
- }
- ! s2 = p = scxmalloc((unsigned)(v2-v1+2));
- s1 = &s[v1];
- for(; v1 <= v2; s1++, s2++, v1++)
- *s2 = *s1;
- *s2 = '\0';
- ! scxfree(s);
- return(p);
- }
- ***************
- *** 1233,1239 ****
- if (se == (struct enode *)0) return (char *)0;
- switch (se->op) {
- ! case O_SCONST: p = xmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(se->e.s)+1));
- (void) strcpy(p, se->e.s);
- return(p);
- case O_VAR: {
- --- 1233,1239 ----
- if (se == (struct enode *)0) return (char *)0;
- switch (se->op) {
- ! case O_SCONST: p = scxmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(se->e.s)+1));
- (void) strcpy(p, se->e.s);
- return(p);
- case O_VAR: {
- ***************
- *** 1242,1248 ****
- if (!ep->label)
- return((char *)0);
- ! p = xmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(ep->label)+1));
- (void) strcpy(p, ep->label);
- return(p);
- }
- --- 1242,1248 ----
- if (!ep->label)
- return((char *)0);
- ! p = scxmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(ep->label)+1));
- (void) strcpy(p, ep->label);
- return(p);
- }
- ***************
- *** 1273,1280 ****
- case SUBSTR: return(dosubstr(seval(se->e.o.left),
- (int)eval(se->e.o.right->e.o.left) - 1,
- (int)eval(se->e.o.right->e.o.right) - 1));
- ! case COLTOA: return(strcpy(xmalloc((unsigned)10),
- ! coltoa(eval(se->e.o.right)+1)));
- default:
- error ("Illegal string expression");
- exprerr = 1;
- --- 1273,1280 ----
- case SUBSTR: return(dosubstr(seval(se->e.o.left),
- (int)eval(se->e.o.right->e.o.left) - 1,
- (int)eval(se->e.o.right->e.o.right) - 1));
- ! case COLTOA: return(strcpy(scxmalloc((unsigned)10),
- ! coltoa((int)eval(se->e.o.right)+1)));
- default:
- error ("Illegal string expression");
- exprerr = 1;
- ***************
- *** 1293,1298 ****
- --- 1293,1300 ----
- */
- int propagation = 10; /* max number of times to try calculation */
- + int repct = 1; /* Make repct a global variable so that the
- + function @numiter can access it */
- void
- setiterations(i)
- ***************
- *** 1307,1314 ****
- void
- EvalAll () {
- ! int lastcnt, repct = 1;
- (void) signal(SIGFPE, eval_fpe);
- while ((lastcnt = RealEvalAll()) && (++repct <= propagation));
- --- 1309,1317 ----
- void
- EvalAll () {
- ! int lastcnt;
- + repct = 1;
- (void) signal(SIGFPE, eval_fpe);
- while ((lastcnt = RealEvalAll()) && (++repct <= propagation));
- ***************
- *** 1315,1321 ****
- if((propagation>1)&& (lastcnt >0 ))
- error("Still changing after %d iterations",propagation-1);
- ! (void) signal(SIGFPE, quit);
- }
- /*
- --- 1318,1324 ----
- if((propagation>1)&& (lastcnt >0 ))
- error("Still changing after %d iterations",propagation-1);
- ! (void) signal(SIGFPE, doquit);
- }
- /*
- ***************
- *** 1369,1375 ****
- changed++;
- }
- if(p->label)
- ! xfree(p->label);
- p->label = v;
- } else {
- double v;
- --- 1372,1378 ----
- changed++;
- }
- if(p->label)
- ! scxfree(p->label);
- p->label = v;
- } else {
- double v;
- ***************
- *** 1403,1409 ****
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) xmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof (struct enode));
- p->op = op;
- p->e.o.left = a1;
- p->e.o.right = a2;
- --- 1406,1412 ----
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) scxmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof (struct enode));
- p->op = op;
- p->e.o.left = a1;
- p->e.o.right = a2;
- ***************
- *** 1421,1427 ****
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) xmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof (struct enode));
- p->op = op;
- p->e.v = a1;
- return p;
- --- 1424,1430 ----
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) scxmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof (struct enode));
- p->op = op;
- p->e.v = a1;
- return p;
- ***************
- *** 1438,1444 ****
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) xmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof (struct enode));
- p->op = op;
- p->e.r = a1;
- return p;
- --- 1441,1447 ----
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) scxmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof (struct enode));
- p->op = op;
- p->e.r = a1;
- return p;
- ***************
- *** 1455,1461 ****
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) xmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof (struct enode));
- p->op = op;
- p->e.k = a1;
- return p;
- --- 1458,1464 ----
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) scxmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof (struct enode));
- p->op = op;
- p->e.k = a1;
- return p;
- ***************
- *** 1472,1478 ****
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) xmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof(struct enode));
- p->op = O_SCONST;
- p->e.s = s;
- return(p);
- --- 1475,1481 ----
- freeenodes = p->e.o.left;
- }
- else
- ! p = (struct enode *) scxmalloc ((unsigned)sizeof(struct enode));
- p->op = O_SCONST;
- p->e.s = s;
- return(p);
- ***************
- *** 1564,1570 ****
- g_free()
- {
- switch (gs.g_type) {
- ! case G_STR: xfree(gs.g_s); break;
- default: break;
- }
- gs.g_type = G_NONE;
- --- 1567,1573 ----
- g_free()
- {
- switch (gs.g_type) {
- ! case G_STR: scxfree(gs.g_s); break;
- default: break;
- }
- gs.g_type = G_NONE;
- ***************
- *** 1675,1681 ****
- #if defined(RE_COMP)
- if ((tmp = re_comp(s)) != (char *)0) {
- ! xfree(s);
- error(tmp);
- return;
- }
- --- 1678,1684 ----
- #if defined(RE_COMP)
- if ((tmp = re_comp(s)) != (char *)0) {
- ! scxfree(s);
- error(tmp);
- return;
- }
- ***************
- *** 1682,1688 ****
- #endif
- #if defined(REGCMP)
- if ((tmp = regcmp(s, (char *)0)) == (char *)0) {
- ! xfree(s);
- cellerror = CELLERROR;
- error("Invalid search string");
- return;
- --- 1685,1691 ----
- #endif
- #if defined(REGCMP)
- if ((tmp = regcmp(s, (char *)0)) == (char *)0) {
- ! scxfree(s);
- cellerror = CELLERROR;
- error("Invalid search string");
- return;
- ***************
- *** 1870,1876 ****
- FullUpdate++;
- v->cellerror = cellerror;
- }
- ! (void) signal(SIGFPE, quit);
- if (exprerr) {
- efree(e);
- return;
- --- 1873,1879 ----
- FullUpdate++;
- v->cellerror = cellerror;
- }
- ! (void) signal(SIGFPE, doquit);
- if (exprerr) {
- efree(e);
- return;
- ***************
- *** 1931,1937 ****
- FullUpdate++;
- v->cellerror = cellerror;
- }
- ! (void) signal(SIGFPE, quit);
- if (exprerr) {
- efree(se);
- return;
- --- 1934,1940 ----
- FullUpdate++;
- v->cellerror = cellerror;
- }
- ! (void) signal(SIGFPE, doquit);
- if (exprerr) {
- efree(se);
- return;
- ***************
- *** 1939,1945 ****
- if (constant(se)) {
- label(v, p, flushdir);
- if (p)
- ! xfree(p);
- efree(se);
- if (v->flags & is_strexpr) {
- efree(v->expr);
- --- 1942,1948 ----
- if (constant(se)) {
- label(v, p, flushdir);
- if (p)
- ! scxfree(p);
- efree(se);
- if (v->flags & is_strexpr) {
- efree(v->expr);
- ***************
- *** 1992,2001 ****
- continue;
- }
- if (n->format)
- ! xfree(n->format);
- n->format = 0;
- if (s && *s != '\0')
- ! n->format = strcpy(xmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(s)+1)), s);
- n->flags |= is_changed;
- }
- }
- --- 1995,2004 ----
- continue;
- }
- if (n->format)
- ! scxfree(n->format);
- n->format = 0;
- if (s && *s != '\0')
- ! n->format = strcpy(scxmalloc((unsigned)(strlen(s)+1)), s);
- n->flags |= is_changed;
- }
- }
- ***************
- *** 2034,2040 ****
- }
- }
- FullUpdate++;
- ! col_hidden[arg] = 1;
- }
- void
- --- 2037,2043 ----
- }
- }
- FullUpdate++;
- ! col_hidden[arg] = TRUE;
- }
- void
- ***************
- *** 2049,2055 ****
- efree(v->expr);
- v->expr = (struct enode *)0;
- if (v->format)
- ! xfree(v->format);
- v->format = (char *)0;
- v->flags |= (is_changed);
- v->flags &= (is_valid);
- --- 2052,2058 ----
- efree(v->expr);
- v->expr = (struct enode *)0;
- if (v->format)
- ! scxfree(v->format);
- v->format = (char *)0;
- v->flags |= (is_changed);
- v->flags &= (is_valid);
- ***************
- *** 2079,2084 ****
- --- 2082,2088 ----
- && e -> op != NOW
- && e -> op != MYROW
- && e -> op != MYCOL
- + && e -> op != NUMITER
- )
- );
- }
- ***************
- *** 2094,2100 ****
- efree(e->e.o.right);
- }
- if (e->op == O_SCONST && e->e.s)
- ! xfree(e->e.s);
- e->e.o.left = freeenodes;
- freeenodes = e;
- }
- --- 2098,2104 ----
- efree(e->e.o.right);
- }
- if (e->op == O_SCONST && e->e.s)
- ! scxfree(e->e.s);
- e->e.o.left = freeenodes;
- freeenodes = e;
- }
- ***************
- *** 2115,2123 ****
- v = tv, flushdir = -1;
- else flushdir = -1;
- }
- ! if (v->label) xfree((char *)(v->label));
- if (s && s[0]) {
- ! v->label = xmalloc ((unsigned)(strlen(s)+1));
- (void) strcpy (v->label, s);
- } else
- v->label = (char *)0;
- --- 2119,2127 ----
- v = tv, flushdir = -1;
- else flushdir = -1;
- }
- ! if (v->label) scxfree((char *)(v->label));
- if (s && s[0]) {
- ! v->label = scxmalloc ((unsigned)(strlen(s)+1));
- (void) strcpy (v->label, s);
- } else
- v->label = (char *)0;
- ***************
- *** 2288,2293 ****
- --- 2292,2300 ----
- linelim--;
- break;
- case COLTOA: one_arg( "@coltoa(", e); break;
- + case NUMITER: for ( s = "@numiter"; line[linelim++] = *s++;);
- + linelim--;
- + break;
- default: decompile (e->e.o.left, mypriority);
- line[linelim++] = e->op;
- decompile (e->e.o.right, mypriority+1);
- *** ../619/lex.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:42 1992
- --- lex.c Fri May 8 12:31:28 1992
- ***************
- *** 7,13 ****
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.19 $
- *
- */
- --- 7,13 ----
- *
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- ***************
- *** 216,222 ****
- ptr = p+1; /* "string" or "string\"quoted\"" */
- while(*ptr && ((*ptr != '"') || (*(ptr-1) == '\\')))
- ptr++;
- ! ptr = xmalloc((unsigned)(ptr-p));
- yylval.sval = ptr;
- p += 1;
- while (*p && ((*p != '"') || (*(p-1) == '\\')))
- --- 216,222 ----
- ptr = p+1; /* "string" or "string\"quoted\"" */
- while(*ptr && ((*ptr != '"') || (*(ptr-1) == '\\')))
- ptr++;
- ! ptr = scxmalloc((unsigned)(ptr-p));
- yylval.sval = ptr;
- p += 1;
- while (*p && ((*p != '"') || (*(p-1) == '\\')))
- ***************
- *** 411,416 ****
- --- 411,417 ----
- km[1].k_str = tgetstr("kr", &p); km[1].k_val = ctl('f');
- km[2].k_str = tgetstr("ku", &p); km[2].k_val = ctl('p');
- km[3].k_str = tgetstr("kd", &p); km[3].k_val = ctl('n');
- +
- ktmp = tgetstr("ks",&p);
- if (ktmp) {
- (void) strcpy(ks_buf, ktmp);
- ***************
- *** 597,602 ****
- --- 598,615 ----
- #ifdef KEY_HOME
- case KEY_HOME: break;
- #endif
- + #ifdef KEY_DC
- + case KEY_DC: c = 'x'; break;
- + #endif
- + #ifdef KEY_FIND
- + case KEY_FIND: c = 'g'; break;
- + #endif
- + #ifdef KEY_HELP
- + case KEY_HELP: c = '?'; break;
- + #endif
- + #ifdef KEY_SELECT
- + case KEY_SELECT:c = 'm'; break;
- + #endif
- #ifdef KEY_C1
- /* This stuff works for a wyse wy75 in ANSI mode under 5.3. Good luck. */
- /* It is supposed to map the curses keypad back to the numeric equiv. */
- ***************
- *** 613,619 ****
- case KEY_C3: c = '.'; break;
- case KEY_ENTER: c = ctl('m'); break;
- #endif
- ! default: c = toascii(c);
- break;
- }
- return (c);
- --- 626,632 ----
- case KEY_C3: c = '.'; break;
- case KEY_ENTER: c = ctl('m'); break;
- #endif
- ! default: c = toascii(c);
- break;
- }
- return (c);
- *** ../619/psc.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:42 1992
- --- psc.c Fri May 8 12:31:29 1992
- ***************
- *** 17,23 ****
- * Author: Robert Bond
- * Adjustments: Jeff Buhrt and Eric Putz
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.19 $";
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- --- 17,23 ----
- * Author: Robert Bond
- * Adjustments: Jeff Buhrt and Eric Putz
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.21 $";
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- *** ../619/range.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:43 1992
- --- range.c Fri May 8 12:31:29 1992
- ***************
- *** 4,10 ****
- *
- * Robert Bond, 4/87
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.19 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- --- 4,10 ----
- *
- * Robert Bond, 4/87
- *
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- ***************
- *** 59,71 ****
- if (find_range(name, strlen(name), (struct ent *)0, (struct ent *)0)) {
- error("Error: range name already defined");
- ! xfree(name);
- return;
- }
- if (strlen(name) <= 2) {
- error("Invalid range name - too short");
- ! xfree(name);
- return;
- }
- --- 59,71 ----
- if (find_range(name, strlen(name), (struct ent *)0, (struct ent *)0)) {
- error("Error: range name already defined");
- ! scxfree(name);
- return;
- }
- if (strlen(name) <= 2) {
- error("Invalid range name - too short");
- ! scxfree(name);
- return;
- }
- ***************
- *** 73,79 ****
- if (!((isalpha(*p) && (len<=2)) ||
- ((isdigit(*p) || isalpha(*p) || (*p == '_')) && (len>2)))) {
- error("Invalid range name - illegal combination");
- ! xfree(name);
- return;
- }
- --- 73,79 ----
- if (!((isalpha(*p) && (len<=2)) ||
- ((isdigit(*p) || isalpha(*p) || (*p == '_')) && (len>2)))) {
- error("Invalid range name - illegal combination");
- ! scxfree(name);
- return;
- }
- ***************
- *** 83,89 ****
- label(rcp, name, 0);
- }
- ! r = (struct range *)xmalloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct range));
- r->r_name = name;
- r->r_left = left;
- r->r_right = right;
- --- 83,89 ----
- label(rcp, name, 0);
- }
- ! r = (struct range *)scxmalloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct range));
- r->r_name = name;
- r->r_left = left;
- r->r_right = right;
- ***************
- *** 119,126 ****
- r->r_prev->r_next = r->r_next;
- else
- rng_base = r->r_next;
- ! xfree((char *)(r->r_name));
- ! xfree((char *)r);
- }
- void
- --- 119,126 ----
- r->r_prev->r_next = r->r_next;
- else
- rng_base = r->r_next;
- ! scxfree((char *)(r->r_name));
- ! scxfree((char *)r);
- }
- void
- ***************
- *** 134,141 ****
- while (r) {
- nextr = r->r_next;
- ! xfree((char *)(r->r_name));
- ! xfree((char *)r);
- r = nextr;
- }
- }
- --- 134,141 ----
- while (r) {
- nextr = r->r_next;
- ! scxfree((char *)(r->r_name));
- ! scxfree((char *)r);
- r = nextr;
- }
- }
- *** ../619/sc.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:44 1992
- --- sc.c Fri May 8 12:31:31 1992
- ***************
- *** 8,14 ****
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.19 $
- *
- */
- --- 8,14 ----
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- ***************
- *** 126,132 ****
- freeents = freeents->next;
- }
- else
- ! *pp = (struct ent *) xmalloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct ent));
- if (row>maxrow) maxrow = row;
- if (col>maxcol) maxcol = col;
- (*pp)->label = (char *)0;
- --- 126,132 ----
- freeents = freeents->next;
- }
- else
- ! *pp = (struct ent *) scxmalloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct ent));
- if (row>maxrow) maxrow = row;
- if (col>maxcol) maxcol = col;
- (*pp)->label = (char *)0;
- ***************
- *** 224,231 ****
- argc--;
- switch (argv[0][1]) {
- case 'x':
- ! #if defined(VMS) || defined(MSDOS)
- ! (void) fprintf(stderr, "Crypt not available for VMS or MS-DOS\n");
- exit(1);
- #else
- Crypt = 1;
- --- 224,231 ----
- argc--;
- switch (argv[0][1]) {
- case 'x':
- ! #if defined(VMS) || defined(MSDOS) || !defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- ! (void) fprintf(stderr, "Crypt not available\n");
- exit(1);
- #else
- Crypt = 1;
- ***************
- *** 343,349 ****
- #if pyr
- if ( iscntrl(c) || (c >= 011 && c <= 015) ) /* iscntrl broken in OSx4.1 */
- #else
- ! if ( iscntrl(c) || (c == 020 ) ) /* iscntrl broken in OSx4.1 */
- #endif
- switch (c) {
- #ifdef SIGTSTP
- --- 343,349 ----
- #if pyr
- if ( iscntrl(c) || (c >= 011 && c <= 015) ) /* iscntrl broken in OSx4.1 */
- #else
- ! if (isascii(c) && (iscntrl(c) || (c == 020)) ) /* iscntrl broken in OSx4.1 */
- #endif
- switch (c) {
- #ifdef SIGTSTP
- ***************
- *** 509,516 ****
- --- 509,521 ----
- break; /* ignore flow control */
- case ctl('t'):
- + #if !defined(VMS) && !defined(MSDOS) && defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- error(
- "Toggle: a:auto,c:cell,e:ext funcs,n:numeric,t:top,x:encrypt,$:pre-scale,<MORE>");
- + #else /* no encryption available */
- + error(
- + "Toggle: a:auto,c:cell,e:ext funcs,n:numeric,t:top,$:pre-scale,<MORE>");
- + #endif
- (void) refresh();
- switch (nmgetch()) {
- ***************
- *** 536,543 ****
- --- 541,552 ----
- showcell ? "en" : "dis");
- break;
- case 'x': case 'X':
- + #if defined(VMS) || defined(MSDOS) || !defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- + error ("Encryption not available.");
- + #else
- Crypt = (! Crypt);
- error ("Encryption %sabled.", Crypt? "en" : "dis");
- + #endif
- break;
- case 'l': case 'L':
- autolabel = (! autolabel);
- ***************
- *** 609,620 ****
- static unsigned templen = 0;
- int templim;
- ! /* xrealloc will xmalloc if needed */
- if (strlen(line)+1 > templen)
- { templen = strlen(line)+40;
- ! temp = xrealloc(temp, templen);
- ! temp1= xrealloc(temp1, templen);
- }
- strcpy(temp, line);
- templim = linelim;
- --- 618,629 ----
- static unsigned templen = 0;
- int templim;
- ! /* scxrealloc will scxmalloc if needed */
- if (strlen(line)+1 > templen)
- { templen = strlen(line)+40;
- ! temp = scxrealloc(temp, templen);
- ! temp1= scxrealloc(temp1, templen);
- }
- strcpy(temp, line);
- templim = linelim;
- ***************
- *** 641,647 ****
- break;
- } /* End of the control char switch stmt */
- ! else if (isdigit(c) && ((numeric && edistate >= 0) ||
- (!numeric && (linelim < 0 || edistate >= 0)))) {
- /* we got a leading number */
- if (edistate != 0) {
- --- 650,656 ----
- break;
- } /* End of the control char switch stmt */
- ! else if (isascii(c) && isdigit(c) && ((numeric && edistate >= 0) ||
- (!numeric && (linelim < 0 || edistate >= 0)))) {
- /* we got a leading number */
- if (edistate != 0) {
- ***************
- *** 1121,1137 ****
- break;
- case 'W':
- (void) sprintf (line, "write [\"dest\" range] \"");
- linelim = strlen (line);
- insert_mode();
- break;
- case 'S': /* set options */
- (void) sprintf (line, "set ");
- ! error("Options:byrows,bycols,iterations=n,tblstyle=(0|tbl|latex|slatex|tex),<MORE>");
- linelim = strlen (line);
- insert_mode();
- break;
- case 'T': /* tbl output */
- (void) sprintf (line, "tbl [\"dest\" range] \"");
- linelim = strlen (line);
- insert_mode();
- break;
- --- 1130,1158 ----
- break;
- case 'W':
- (void) sprintf (line, "write [\"dest\" range] \"");
- + if (*curfile)
- + error ("Default file is \"%s.asc\"",curfile);
- linelim = strlen (line);
- insert_mode();
- break;
- case 'S': /* set options */
- (void) sprintf (line, "set ");
- ! error("Options:byrows,bycols,iterations=n,tblstyle=(0|tbl|latex|slatex|tex|frame),<MORE>");
- linelim = strlen (line);
- insert_mode();
- break;
- case 'T': /* tbl output */
- (void) sprintf (line, "tbl [\"dest\" range] \"");
- + if (*curfile && tbl_style == 0)
- + error ("Default file is \"%s.cln\"",curfile);
- + else if (*curfile && tbl_style == TBL)
- + error ("Default file is \"%s.tbl\"",curfile);
- + else if (*curfile && tbl_style == LATEX)
- + error ("Default file is \"%s.lat\"",curfile);
- + else if (*curfile && tbl_style == SLATEX)
- + error ("Default file is \"%s.stx\"",curfile);
- + else if (*curfile && tbl_style == TEX)
- + error ("Default file is \"%s.tex\"",curfile);
- linelim = strlen (line);
- insert_mode();
- break;
- ***************
- *** 1293,1299 ****
- signals()
- {
- #ifdef SIGVOID
- ! void quit();
- void time_out();
- void dump_me();
- #ifdef SIGWINCH
- --- 1314,1320 ----
- signals()
- {
- #ifdef SIGVOID
- ! void doquit();
- void time_out();
- void dump_me();
- #ifdef SIGWINCH
- ***************
- *** 1300,1306 ****
- void winchg();
- #endif
- #else
- ! int quit();
- int time_out();
- int dump_me();
- #ifdef SIGWINCH
- --- 1321,1327 ----
- void winchg();
- #endif
- #else
- ! int doquit();
- int time_out();
- int dump_me();
- #ifdef SIGWINCH
- ***************
- *** 1311,1322 ****
- (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- #if !defined(MSDOS)
- (void) signal(SIGQUIT, dump_me);
- ! (void) signal(SIGPIPE, quit);
- (void) signal(SIGALRM, time_out);
- ! (void) signal(SIGBUS, quit);
- #endif
- ! (void) signal(SIGTERM, quit);
- ! (void) signal(SIGFPE, quit);
- #ifdef SIGWINCH
- (void) signal(SIGWINCH, winchg);
- #endif
- --- 1332,1343 ----
- (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
- #if !defined(MSDOS)
- (void) signal(SIGQUIT, dump_me);
- ! (void) signal(SIGPIPE, doquit);
- (void) signal(SIGALRM, time_out);
- ! (void) signal(SIGBUS, doquit);
- #endif
- ! (void) signal(SIGTERM, doquit);
- ! (void) signal(SIGFPE, doquit);
- #ifdef SIGWINCH
- (void) signal(SIGWINCH, winchg);
- #endif
- ***************
- *** 1339,1345 ****
- #else
- int
- #endif
- ! quit()
- {
- diesave();
- stopdisp();
- --- 1360,1366 ----
- #else
- int
- #endif
- ! doquit()
- {
- diesave();
- stopdisp();
- *** ../619/sc.h Mon Mar 16 10:09:44 1992
- --- sc.h Fri May 8 12:31:32 1992
- ***************
- *** 6,12 ****
- * University of Maryland
- * R. Bond 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.19 $
- *
- */
- --- 6,12 ----
- * University of Maryland
- * R. Bond 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- ***************
- *** 129,134 ****
- --- 129,135 ----
- struct enode {
- int op;
- union {
- + int gram_match; /* some compilers (hp9000ipc) need this */
- double k; /* constant # */
- struct ent_ptr v; /* ref. another cell */
- struct range_s r; /* op is on a range */
- ***************
- *** 205,210 ****
- --- 206,212 ----
- #define UPPER OP_BASE + 55
- #define LOWER OP_BASE + 56
- #define CAPITAL OP_BASE + 57
- + #define NUMITER OP_BASE + 58
- /* flag values */
- #define is_valid 0001
- ***************
- *** 233,238 ****
- --- 235,241 ----
- #define LATEX 2 /* 'LaTeX' */
- #define TEX 3 /* 'TeX' */
- #define SLATEX 4 /* 'SLaTeX' (Scandinavian LaTeX) */
- + #define FRAME 5 /* tblprint style output for FrameMaker */
- /* Types for etype() */
- #define NUM 1
- ***************
- *** 269,278 ****
- extern char *coltoa();
- extern char *findhome();
- extern char *r_name();
- extern char *strrchr();
- extern char *v_name();
- - extern char *xmalloc();
- - extern char *xrealloc();
- extern int any_locked_cells();
- extern int are_ranges();
- extern int atocol();
- --- 272,281 ----
- extern char *coltoa();
- extern char *findhome();
- extern char *r_name();
- + extern char *scxmalloc();
- + extern char *scxrealloc();
- extern char *strrchr();
- extern char *v_name();
- extern int any_locked_cells();
- extern int are_ranges();
- extern int atocol();
- ***************
- *** 357,362 ****
- --- 360,366 ----
- extern void readfile();
- extern void resetkbd();
- extern void rowshow_op();
- + extern void scxfree();
- extern void setauto();
- extern void setiterations();
- extern void setorder();
- ***************
- *** 376,382 ****
- extern void write_fd();
- extern void write_line();
- extern void write_range();
- - extern void xfree();
- extern void yyerror();
- #ifdef DOBACKUPS
- extern int backup_file();
- --- 380,385 ----
- ***************
- *** 383,393 ****
- --- 386,399 ----
- #endif
- extern int modflg;
- + #if !defined(VMS) && !defined(MSDOS) && defined(CRYPT_PATH)
- extern int Crypt;
- + #endif
- extern char *mdir;
- extern double prescale;
- extern int extfunc;
- extern int propagation;
- + extern int repct;
- extern int calc_order;
- extern int autocalc;
- extern int autolabel;
- ***************
- *** 415,418 ****
- --- 421,426 ----
- #if defined(BSD42) || defined(BSD43) && !defined(ultrix)
- #define memcpy(dest, source, len) bcopy(source, dest, (unsigned int)len);
- #define memset(dest, zero, len) bzero((dest), (unsigned int)(len));
- + #else
- + #include <memory.h>
- #endif
- *** ../619/screen.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:45 1992
- --- screen.c Fri May 8 12:31:33 1992
- ***************
- *** 8,14 ****
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.19 $
- *
- */
- --- 8,14 ----
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- ***************
- *** 543,550 ****
- initkbd();
- scrollok(stdscr, 1);
- ! #ifndef IDLOKBAD
- ! # ifdef SYSV3
- /*
- * turn hardware insert/delete on, if possible.
- * turn on scrolling for systems with SYSVr3.{1,2} (SYSVr3.0 has this set
- --- 543,550 ----
- initkbd();
- scrollok(stdscr, 1);
- ! #if defined(SYSV3) && !defined(NOIDLOK)
- ! # ifndef IDLOKBAD
- /*
- * turn hardware insert/delete on, if possible.
- * turn on scrolling for systems with SYSVr3.{1,2} (SYSVr3.0 has this set
- ***************
- *** 551,558 ****
- * as the default)
- */
- idlok(stdscr,TRUE);
- ! # endif
- ! #else /*
- * This seems to fix (with an empty spreadsheet):
- * a) Redrawing the bottom half of the screen when you
- * move between row 9 <-> 10
- --- 551,557 ----
- * as the default)
- */
- idlok(stdscr,TRUE);
- ! # else /*
- * This seems to fix (with an empty spreadsheet):
- * a) Redrawing the bottom half of the screen when you
- * move between row 9 <-> 10
- ***************
- *** 566,571 ****
- --- 565,571 ----
- * noticing the rows become 2, 3, 40, 41, 42... (etc).
- */
- idlok(stdscr,FALSE);
- + # endif
- #endif
- FullUpdate++;
- *** ../619/version.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:45 1992
- --- version.c Fri May 8 12:31:33 1992
- ***************
- *** 4,7 ****
- * The part after the first colon, except the last char, appears on the screen.
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.19 $";
- --- 4,7 ----
- * The part after the first colon, except the last char, appears on the screen.
- */
- ! char *rev = "$Revision: 6.21 $";
- *** ../619/vi.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:46 1992
- --- vi.c Fri May 8 12:31:34 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,7 ****
- /* SC A Spreadsheet Calculator
- *
- * One line vi emulation
- ! * $Revision: 6.19 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- --- 1,7 ----
- /* SC A Spreadsheet Calculator
- *
- * One line vi emulation
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- ***************
- *** 104,109 ****
- --- 104,110 ----
- case 'R': replace_mode(); break;
- case 'X': u_save(c); back_space(); break;
- case 'a': u_save(c); append_line(); break;
- + case 'A': u_save(c);last_col();append_line(); break;
- case 'b': linelim = back_word(); break;
- case 'c': u_save(c); change_cmd(); break;
- case 'd': u_save(c); delete_cmd(); break;
- ***************
- *** 251,257 ****
- if (strlen(line)+1 > undolen)
- { undolen = strlen(line)+40;
- ! undo_line = xrealloc(undo_line, undolen);
- }
- (void) strcpy(undo_line, line);
- --- 252,258 ----
- if (strlen(line)+1 > undolen)
- { undolen = strlen(line)+40;
- ! undo_line = scxrealloc(undo_line, undolen);
- }
- (void) strcpy(undo_line, line);
- ***************
- *** 278,284 ****
- if (strlen(line)+1 > templen)
- { templen = strlen(line)+40;
- ! tempc = xrealloc(tempc, templen);
- }
- strcpy(tempc, line);
- --- 279,285 ----
- if (strlen(line)+1 > templen)
- { templen = strlen(line)+40;
- ! tempc = scxrealloc(tempc, templen);
- }
- strcpy(tempc, line);
- ***************
- *** 595,601 ****
- if (history[lasthist].len < strlen(line)+1)
- { history[lasthist].len = strlen(line)+40;
- ! history[lasthist].histline = xrealloc(history[lasthist].histline,
- history[lasthist].len);
- }
- (void) strcpy(history[lasthist].histline, line);
- --- 596,602 ----
- if (history[lasthist].len < strlen(line)+1)
- { history[lasthist].len = strlen(line)+40;
- ! history[lasthist].histline = scxrealloc(history[lasthist].histline,
- history[lasthist].len);
- }
- (void) strcpy(history[lasthist].histline, line);
- ***************
- *** 636,642 ****
- if (strlen(line)+1 > lastsrchlen)
- { lastsrchlen = strlen(line)+40;
- ! last_search = xrealloc(last_search, lastsrchlen);
- }
- (void)strcpy(last_search, line+1);
- search_again();
- --- 637,643 ----
- if (strlen(line)+1 > lastsrchlen)
- { lastsrchlen = strlen(line)+40;
- ! last_search = scxrealloc(last_search, lastsrchlen);
- }
- (void)strcpy(last_search, line+1);
- search_again();
- *** ../619/vmtbl.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:47 1992
- --- vmtbl.c Fri May 8 12:31:35 1992
- ***************
- *** 8,14 ****
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.19 $
- *
- */
- #ifdef PSC
- --- 8,14 ----
- * More mods Robert Bond, 12/86
- * More mods by Alan Silverstein, 3-4/88, see list of changes.
- * Currently supported by sequent!sawmill!buhrt (Jeff Buhrt)
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- *
- */
- #ifdef PSC
- ***************
- *** 54,62 ****
- }
- #endif /* !PSC */
- ! /* xrealloc will just xmalloc if oldptr is == NULL */
- #define GROWALLOC(newptr, oldptr, nelem, type, msg) \
- ! newptr = (type *)xrealloc((char *)oldptr, \
- (unsigned)(nelem*sizeof(type))); \
- if (newptr == (type *)NULL) \
- { error(msg); \
- --- 54,62 ----
- }
- #endif /* !PSC */
- ! /* scxrealloc will just scxmalloc if oldptr is == NULL */
- #define GROWALLOC(newptr, oldptr, nelem, type, msg) \
- ! newptr = (type *)scxrealloc((char *)oldptr, \
- (unsigned)(nelem*sizeof(type))); \
- if (newptr == (type *)NULL) \
- { error(msg); \
- ***************
- *** 177,183 ****
- /* [re]alloc the space for each row */
- for (i = 0; i < maxrows; i++)
- {
- ! if ((tbl[i] = (struct ent **)xrealloc((char *)tbl[i],
- (unsigned)(newcols * sizeof(struct ent **)))) == (struct ent **)0)
- { error(nowider);
- return(FALSE);
- --- 177,183 ----
- /* [re]alloc the space for each row */
- for (i = 0; i < maxrows; i++)
- {
- ! if ((tbl[i] = (struct ent **)scxrealloc((char *)tbl[i],
- (unsigned)(newcols * sizeof(struct ent **)))) == (struct ent **)0)
- { error(nowider);
- return(FALSE);
- ***************
- *** 195,201 ****
- /* fill in the bottom of the table */
- for (; i < newrows; i++)
- ! { if ((tbl[i] = (struct ent **)xmalloc((unsigned)(newcols *
- sizeof(struct ent **)))) == (struct ent **)0)
- { error(nowider);
- return(FALSE);
- --- 195,201 ----
- /* fill in the bottom of the table */
- for (; i < newrows; i++)
- ! { if ((tbl[i] = (struct ent **)scxmalloc((unsigned)(newcols *
- sizeof(struct ent **)))) == (struct ent **)0)
- { error(nowider);
- return(FALSE);
- *** ../619/xmalloc.c Mon Mar 16 10:09:47 1992
- --- xmalloc.c Fri May 8 12:31:35 1992
- ***************
- *** 1,6 ****
- /*
- * A safer saner malloc, for careless programmers
- ! * $Revision: 6.19 $
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- --- 1,6 ----
- /*
- * A safer saner malloc, for careless programmers
- ! * $Revision: 6.21 $
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- ***************
- *** 17,32 ****
- extern void exit();
- #endif
- ! #define MAGIC (double)1234567890.1234456789
- char *
- ! xmalloc(n)
- unsigned n;
- {
- register char *ptr;
- if ((ptr = malloc(n + sizeof(double))) == NULL)
- ! fatal("xmalloc: no memory");
- *((double *) ptr) = MAGIC; /* magic number */
- return(ptr + sizeof(double));
- }
- --- 17,32 ----
- extern void exit();
- #endif
- ! #define MAGIC (double)1234567890.12344
- char *
- ! scxmalloc(n)
- unsigned n;
- {
- register char *ptr;
- if ((ptr = malloc(n + sizeof(double))) == NULL)
- ! fatal("scxmalloc: no memory");
- *((double *) ptr) = MAGIC; /* magic number */
- return(ptr + sizeof(double));
- }
- ***************
- *** 33,64 ****
- /* we make sure realloc will do a malloc if needed */
- char *
- ! xrealloc(ptr, n)
- char *ptr;
- unsigned n;
- {
- if (ptr == NULL)
- ! return(xmalloc(n));
- ptr -= sizeof(double);
- if (*((double *) ptr) != MAGIC)
- ! fatal("xrealloc: storage not xmalloc'ed");
- if ((ptr = realloc(ptr, n + sizeof(double))) == NULL)
- ! fatal("xmalloc: no memory");
- *((double *) ptr) = MAGIC; /* magic number */
- return(ptr + sizeof(double));
- }
- void
- ! xfree(p)
- char *p;
- {
- if (p == NULL)
- ! fatal("xfree: NULL");
- p -= sizeof(double);
- if (*((double *) p) != MAGIC)
- ! fatal("xfree: storage not malloc'ed");
- free(p);
- }
- --- 33,64 ----
- /* we make sure realloc will do a malloc if needed */
- char *
- ! scxrealloc(ptr, n)
- char *ptr;
- unsigned n;
- {
- if (ptr == NULL)
- ! return(scxmalloc(n));
- ptr -= sizeof(double);
- if (*((double *) ptr) != MAGIC)
- ! fatal("scxrealloc: storage not scxmalloc'ed");
- if ((ptr = realloc(ptr, n + sizeof(double))) == NULL)
- ! fatal("scxmalloc: no memory");
- *((double *) ptr) = MAGIC; /* magic number */
- return(ptr + sizeof(double));
- }
- void
- ! scxfree(p)
- char *p;
- {
- if (p == NULL)
- ! fatal("scxfree: NULL");
- p -= sizeof(double);
- if (*((double *) p) != MAGIC)
- ! fatal("scxfree: storage not malloc'ed");
- free(p);
- }
- exit 0 # Just in case...