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- tin, rtin, tind - A threaded Netnews reader
- ttiinn//rrttiinn//ccddttiinn//ttiinndd [options] [newsgroups]
- _T_i_n is a full-screen threaded Netnews reader. It can read news
- locally (ie. /_u_s_r/_s_p_o_o_l/_n_e_w_s) or remotely (rtin or tin -r option)
- via a NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) server. A special
- version of tin called cdtin can also read locally active news and
- news archived on CD-ROM.
- Tin has four newsreading levels: the newsgroup selection page, the
- group index page, the thread listing page and the article viewer.
- Use the 'h' (help) command to view a list of the commands available
- at a particular level.
- On startup Tin will show a list of the newsgroups found in
- $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c. An arrow '->' or highlighted bar will point to the
- first newsgroup. Move to a group by using the terminal arrow keys
- (ansi/at386/vt100 only) or 'j' and 'k'. Use PgUp/PgDn
- (ansi/at386/vt100 only) or Ctrl-U and Ctrl-D to page up/down. Enter
- a newsgroup by pressing RETURN.
- The TAB key may be used to advance to the next newsgroup with
- unread articles and enter it.
- --cc create/update index files for every group in
- $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c or file specified by -f option and mark all
- articles as read.
- --ff ffiillee use the specified file of subscribed to newsgroups in
- place of $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c.
- --hh help listing all command line options.
- --HH brief introduction to tin that is also shown the first
- time it is started.
- --II ddiirr directory to store newsgroup index files. Default is
- $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/._i_n_d_e_x.
- --mm ddiirr mailbox directory to use. Default is $_H_O_M_E/_M_a_i_l.
- --MM uusseerr mail unread articles to specified user for later reading.
- For more information read section Automatic Mailing and
- Saving New News.
- --nn notify the user of any newly created newsgroups since the
- last session.
- NEWS-OS Release 4.1R 1
- --pp ffiillee print program with options..
- --rr read news remotely from the default NNTP server specified
- in the environment variable NNTPSERVER or contained in
- the file /_e_t_c/_n_n_t_p_s_e_r_v_e_r.
- --RR read news saved by -S option (not yet implemented).
- --ss ddiirr save articles to directory. Default is $_H_O_M_E/_N_e_w_s.
- --SS save unread articles for later reading by -R option. For
- more information read section Automatic Mailing and
- Saving New News.
- --uu create/update index files for every group in
- $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c or file specified by -f option. This option
- does not work if tin retrieves its index files via a NNTP
- server.
- --UU start tin in the background to update index files while
- reading news in the foreground. This option does not work
- if tin retrieves its index files via a NNTP server.
- --vv verbose mode for -c -M -S -u and -Z options.
- --zz only start tin if there is any new/unread news. If there
- is news tin will position cursor at first group with
- unread news. Useful for putting in login file.
- --ZZ check if there is any new/unread news and exit with
- appropiate status. If -v option is specified the number
- of unread articles in each group is printed. An exit code
- 0 indicates no news, 1 that an error occurred and 2 that
- new/unread news exists. Useful for writing scripts.
- Tin can also dynamically change its options by the 'M' menu
- command. Any changes are written to $_H_O_M_E/._t_i_n/_t_i_n_r_c.
- The index daemon version Tind only supports the -f, -h and -v
- options.
- In order to keep track of threads, Tin maintains an index for each
- newsgroup. There are a number of methods in which index files can
- be created and updated.
- The simplest method is that each user creates/updates there own
- index files that are stored in $HOME/.tin/.index. This has the
- advantage that any user can compile and install tin, but the
- disadvantage is that each user is going to be creating duplicate
- files and using precious disk space. A good way to keep index files
- updated is to start tin with the -U option that will update index
- 2 Release 4.1R NEWS-OS
- files in the background while you are reading news in the
- foreground. You can also update index files via the system batcher
- cron with the -u option:
- 30 6 * * * /usr/local/bin/tin -u
- A slightly better method is to set tin setuid news and have all
- index files created and updated in the news spool directory (ie.
- /usr/spool/news/.index). This has the advantage that there will
- only be one copy of the index files on each machine on your
- network, but the disadvantage is that you will have tin running
- setuid news and killing articles will change the central index file
- for a group for all users (Needs fixing!).
- A better method is to install the tind index file updating daemon
- and have it create and update index files for all groups in your
- active file at regular intervals in the news spool directory (ie.
- /usr/spool/news/.index). This has the advantage that there will
- only be one copy of the index files on each machine on your network
- and tin must not be setuid news, but the disadvantage is that you
- will have to have news permissions to install tind and root
- permissions to install an entry in the cron batcher system to have
- tind regularly update index files.
- The best method is to install the tind index file updating daemon
- on your NNTP server and have it create and update index files for
- all groups in your active file at regular intervals in the news
- spool directory (ie. /usr/spool/news/.index). This has the
- advantage that there will only be one copy of the index files on
- the NNTP server for the whole of your network and tin clients must
- not be setuid news, but the disadvantage is that you will have to
- install my NNTP server patches to allow tin to retreive index file
- from your NNTP server and and you must install an entry in the cron
- batcher system to have tind regularly update index files (Note that
- this is the method we use on our network of 40-50 machines and have
- not had any problems).
- Entering a group the first time tends to be slow because the index
- file must be built from scratch unless the tind update daemon is
- being used. Subsequent readings of a group will cause incremental
- updating of the index file.
- If reading news remotely and locally updating index files operation
- will be somewhat slower because the articles must be retrieved from
- the NNTP server.
- Maintaining Netnews on large networks of machines can be a pretty
- time consuming job as I recently discovered when I was given the
- job of maintaining our news system and news users.
- Tin is a News User Agent and so most of the users were always
- asking questions or doing things that could be frowned upon by
- NEWS-OS Release 4.1R 3
- there departments. To relieve news admins (and especially me) of
- this features have been added to Tin to make life easier.
- If my NNTP XUSER patch has been applied to your NNTP server you
- will be able to log the username and machine to your NNTP logfile
- for usage statistics.
- A user starting tin for the first time can be automatically
- subscribed to a list of newsgroups that are deemed appropiate by
- the news administrator. At our site the subscriptions file has 125
- groups (our active file conatains over 400 groups with many only
- being marginally interesting to most people). The subscriptions
- file should be created in your news lib directory (ie.
- /usr/lib/news/subscriptions) and should have file permissions set
- to 0644. If reading news via NNTP my NNTP LIST SUBSCRIPTIONS patch
- will have to have been applied to your NNTP server.
- Tin has five separate levels of operation: Group selection level,
- Spooldir selection level, Group level, Thread level and Article
- level.
- At the Group Selection level the title displays the number of
- subscribed groups. The newsgroups are displayed on the left of the
- screen with the number of unread articles displayed on the same
- line in the middle of the screen.
- <Selection Num> <Newsgroup> <Num of unread articles>
- i.e.,
- 1 alt.sources 10
- 2 comp.sources.misc 3
- 3 news.software.readers 12
- At the Group level the title contains the name of the group, the
- number of conversation threads and total number of articles i.e.,
- alt.sources (7 23). If the group has been setup not to thread
- articles (i.e., alt.sources is in $(_H_O_M_E)/._t_i_n/_u_n_t_h_r_e_a_d) the title
- will be alt.sources (U 23). There are two possible display formats
- as shown below:
- <Selection Num> <Unread> <Responses> <Subject> <Author>
- i.e.,
- 1 + 3 Bnews sources? iain@estevax.uucp
- 2 1 This question has ether@net
- or
- <Selection Num> <Unread> <Responses> <Subject (longer)>
- i.e.,
- 1 + 3 Bnews sources?
- 2 1 This question has a longer subject line
- At the Article level the page header has the following format:
- <Date posted> <Newsgroup> <Thread 1 of n>
- <Article Num> <Subject> <Num of responses in thread>
- <Author> <Organization>
- 4 Release 4.1R NEWS-OS
- <Article body>
- i.e.,
- 24 Jul 15:20:03 GMT alt.sources Thread 1 of 2
- Article 452 Bnews sources? 3 responses
- iain@anl433.uucp Organization name
- <Article boby>
- This table shows the common keys/commands for moving at all three
- levels within Tin.
- ansi/at386/vt100 Other Terminals
- Beginning of list/article HHoommee 11 (^^RR or gg at article level)
- End of list/article EEnndd $$ (also GG at article level)
- Page Up PPggUUpp ^^UU or bb
- Page Down PPggDDnn ^^DD or <<SSPPAACCEE>>
- Line Up UUpp aarrrrooww kk (not at article level)
- Line Down DDoowwnn aarrrrooww jj (not at article level)
- An emacs style editing package allows the easy editing of input
- strings. An history list allows the easy re-use of previously
- entered strings. The following commands are available when editing
- a string:
- ^^AA,,^^EE move to beginnning or end of line, respectively.
- ^^FF,,^^BB nondestructive move forward or back one location,
- respectively.
- ^^DD delete the character currently under the cursor, or send
- EOF if no characters in the buffer.
- ^^HH,,<<DDEELL>> delete character left of the cursor.
- ^^KK delete from cursor to end of line.
- ^^PP,,^^NN move through history, previous and next, respectively.
- ^^LL,,^^RR redraw the current line.
- <<CCRR>> places line on history list if nonblank, appends newline
- and returns to the caller.
- <<EESSCC>> aborts the present editing operation.
- 44 Select group 4.
- ^^KK Delete current group from $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c file.
- NEWS-OS Release 4.1R 5
- ^^LL Redraw page.
- ^^RR Reset $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c file.
- <<CCRR>> Read current group.
- <<TTAABB>> View next unread group.
- BB Mail a bug report or comment to the author. This is the
- best way of getting bugs fixed and features
- added/changed.
- cc Mark current group as all read with confirmation and goto
- next group in group selection list.
- CC Mark current group as all read and goto next unread group
- in group selection list.
- gg Choose a new group by name. The position of the group
- within the group list will also be asked for. By entering
- '1' the new group will be the first group in the
- displayed list, by entering '8' the group will be the
- eighth group in the list etc. By entering '$' the group
- will be the last group displayed.
- hh help screen of newsgroup selection commands.
- II Toggle inverse video.
- ll List and allow selection of the available spool
- directories. This feature requires a special library to
- be linked with tin to create cdtin which can then read
- news from an active news feed and also from multiple CD-
- ROMs.
- mm Move the current group within the group selection list.
- By entering '1' the group will become the first displayed
- group in the list, by entering '8' the eighth group in
- the list etc. By entering '$' the group will be the last
- group displayed.
- MM User configurable options menu (for more information see
- section Options Menu).
- qq Quit tin.
- QQ Quit tin.
- ss Subscribe to current group.
- SS Subscribe to groups matching user specified pattern.
- 6 Release 4.1R NEWS-OS
- uu Unsubscribe to current group.
- UU Unsubscribe to groups matching user specified pattern.
- vv Print tin version information.
- ww Post an article to current group.
- WW List articles posted by user. The date posted, the
- newsgroup and the subject are listed.
- yy The first time this command is called it will yank in all
- groups from $_L_I_B_D_I_R/_a_c_t_i_v_e that are not in $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c.
- After any groups have been subscribed/unsubscribed to,
- this command if pressed again will reread $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c
- and display only the subscribed groups.
- YY Reread the active file to see if any new news has arrived
- since starting tin.
- zz Mark all articles in the current group as unread.
- ZZ Undelete previously deleted group by ^K command from
- $_H_O_M_E/._n_e_w_s_r_c.
- // Group forward search.
- ?? Group backward search.
- 44 Select spool directory 4.
- ^^LL Redraw page.
- <<CCRR>> Read news from selected spool directory.
- BB Mail a bug report or comment to the author. This is the
- best way of getting bugs fixed and features
- added/changed.
- hh help screen of spool directory selection commands.
- II Toggle inverse video. qq Return to previous level.
- QQ Quit tin.
- vv Print tin version information.
- 44 Select article 4.
- ^^KK Kill current article (for more information read section
- NEWS-OS Release 4.1R 7
- Kill Article Menu).
- ^^LL Redraw page.
- <<CCRR>> Read current article.
- <<TTAABB>> View next unread article or group.
- aa Author forward search.
- AA Author backward search.
- BB Mail a bug report or comment to the author. This is the
- best way of getting bugs fixed and features
- added/changed.
- cc Mark all articles as read with confirmation.
- CC Cancel current article. It must have been posted by the
- same user. The cancel message can be seen in the
- newsgroup 'control'.
- dd Toggle display to show just the subject or the subject
- and author.
- gg Choose a new group by name.
- hh help screen of group index commands.
- II Toggle inverse video.
- KK Mark article/thread as read and advance to next unread
- article/thread.
- ll List the author of each response in current thread and
- enter thread selection level.
- mm Mail current article / thread / auto selected (hot)
- articles / articles matching pattern / tagged articles to
- someone.
- MM User configurable options menu (for more information see
- section Options Menu).
- nn Go to next group.
- NN Go to next unread article.
- oo Output current article / thread / auto selected (hot)
- articles / articles matching pattern / tagged articles to
- printer.
- 8 Release 4.1R NEWS-OS
- pp Go to previous group.
- PP Go to previous unread article.
- qq Return to previous level.
- QQ Quit tin.
- ss Save current article / thread / auto selected (hot)
- articles / articles matching pattern / tagged articles to
- file / files / mailbox. To save to a mailbox enter '=' or
- '=mailbox' when asked for filename to save to. To save in
- <newsgroup name>/<filename> format enter '+filename'.
- Environment variables are allowed within a filename (ie.
- $SOURCES/dir/filename).
- TT Tag current article for mailing ('m') / piping ('|') /
- printing ('o') / saving ('s') / crossposting ('x').
- uu Toggle display to show all articles as unthreaded or
- threaded.
- UU Untag all articles that were tagged.
- vv Print tin version information.
- ww Post an article to current group.
- WW List articles posted by user. The date posted, the
- newsgroup and the subject are listed.
- xx Crosspost already posted current article / thread / auto
- selected (hot) articles / articles matching pattern /
- tagged articles to another newsgroup(s). Useful for
- reposting from global to local newsgroups.
- zz Mark current article as unread.
- ZZ Mark current thread as unread.
- // Search forward for specified subject.
- ?? Search backward for specified subject.
- -- Show last message.
- || Pipe current article / thread / auto selected (hot)
- articles / articles matching pattern / tagged articles
- into command.
- 44 Select article 4 within thread.
- NEWS-OS Release 4.1R 9
- ^^LL Redraw page.
- <<CCRR>> Read current article within thread.
- <<TTAABB>> View next unread article within thread.
- BB Mail a bug report or comment to the author. This is the
- best way of getting bugs fixed and features
- added/changed.
- cc Mark thread as read after confirmation and return to
- previous level.
- dd Toggle display to show just the subject or the subject
- and author.
- hh help screen of thread listing commands.
- II Toggle inverse video.
- KK Mark thread as read and return to previous level.
- qq Return to previous level.
- QQ Quit tin.
- rr Toggle display to show all articles or only unread
- articles.
- tt Return to group index level.
- TT Tag current article for mailing ('m') / piping ('|') /
- printing ('o') / saving ('s') / crossposting ('x').
- vv Print tin version information.
- zz Mark current article in thread as unread.
- ZZ Mark all articles in thread as unread.
- 00 Read the base article in this thread.
- 44 Read response 4 in this thread.
- ^^HH Show all of the articles mail header.
- ^^KK Kill current article (for more information read section
- Kill Article Menu).
- ^^LL Redraw page.
- 10 Release 4.1R NEWS-OS
- <<CCRR>> Goto next base article.
- <<TTAABB>> Goto next unread article.
- aa Author forward search.
- AA Author backward search.
- BB Mail a bug report or comment to the author. This is the
- best way of getting bugs fixed and features
- added/changed.
- cc Mark all articles as read with confirmation.
- dd Toggle rot-13 decoding for this article.
- ff Post a followup to current article.
- FF Post a followup with a copy of the current article
- included.
- hh Help screen of article page commands.
- II Toggle inverse video.
- kk Mark article as read and advance to next unread article.
- KK Mark thread as read and advance to next unread thread.
- mm Mail current article / thread / auto selected (hot)
- articles / articles matching pattern / tagged articles to
- someone.
- MM User configurable options menu (for more information see
- section Options Menu).
- nn Go to the next article.
- NN Go to the next unread article.
- oo Output current article / thread / auto selected (hot)
- articles / articles matching pattern / tagged articles to
- printer.
- oo Output article/thread/tagged articles to printer.
- pp Go to the previous article.
- PP Go to the previous unread article.
- qq Return to previous level.
- NEWS-OS Release 4.1R 11
- QQ Quit tin.
- rr Reply through mail to author.
- RR Reply through mail to author with a copy of the current
- article included.
- ss Save current article / thread / auto selected (hot)
- articles / articles matching pattern / tagged articles to
- file / files / mailbox. To save to a mailbox enter '='
- or '=mailbox' when asked for filename to save to. To save
- in <newsgroup name>/<filename> format enter (ie.
- $SOURCES/dir/filename).
- tt Return to group selection level.
- TT Tag current article for mailing ('m') / piping ('|') /
- printing ('o') / saving ('s') / crossposting ('x').
- vv Print tin version information.
- ww Post an article to current group.
- WW List articles posted by user. The date posted, the
- newsgroup and the subject are listed.
- xx Crosspost already posted current article / thread / auto
- selected (hot) articles / articles matching pattern /
- tagged articles to another newsgroup(s). Useful for
- reposting from global to local newsgroups.
- zz Mark article as unread.
- // Article forward search.
- ?? Article backward search
- || Pipe current article / thread / auto selected (hot)
- articles / articles matching pattern / tagged articles
- into command.
- << Goto the first article in the current thread.
- >> Goto the last article in the